Muleskinner Vol. 113, Issue 6, 10-25-2018

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Warrensburg, Mo.



Jennies golfers make program history

UCM alumna becomes regional SPJ coordinator

page 4


A look back at College and University High Schools page 10


Photo by Molly Burnam / photo editor

From left freshman Rosie Klausner took first at the Central Region Preview Oct. 17 and junior Olivia Sobaski won the Mustang Invitational Sept. 23 to win the third and fourth individual tournament championships in Jennies golf history. career win at the Mustang Invitational Sobaski began the round in 16th place, Jason Brown Sept. 23, where the Jennies also won their but used a round-best score of 71 to climb Sports Editor third team title in program history. 14 places to be Klausner’s closest competFor just the fourth time in program Klausner entered the final day in second itor finishing in second place and just one history and the second time this season, place, trailing the lead by one stroke. She stroke behind. a Jennies golfer has won an individual demonstrated a stellar performance over “After the first day I didn’t play great tournament title. her final four holes, punctuated by a birdie so I didn’t have any intention of moving Freshman Rosie Klausner won the Cen- on the 18th hole to clinch her first career up that far individually,” Sobaski said. “I tral Region Preview Oct. 17 at Muskogee tournament win. knew our team needed to shoot a good Country Club in Muskogee, Oklahoma, to “Going down the stretch, I had no idea score that day and I knew if I did my best conclude the Jennies fall season. Klausner I was that close,” Klausner said. “I knew to help, then our team would have a good joins junior Olivia Sobaski as the only it could be coming down to the wire, but I chance to move up.” other Jennie to win an individual tourhad no clue I had to make the last putt to GOLF, continued on Page 21 nament title. Sobaski claimed her third win it.”

Mules look to snap threegame skid on homecoming page 18

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Oct. 25 - Nov. 7

2018-19 MSudoku uleskinner Staff Managing Editor

Kaitlin Brothers Erin Wides

Features Editor

Jacob Peck

Multimedia Editor

Kyer Lasswell Garrett Fuller

6 3 9

The Muleskinner is a biweekly laboratory news10-25-2018 paper in the Department of Communication at the News Editor

Chris Holmberg

University of Central Missouri and operates in association with the digital media production program. All text, photography and other content are property of the Muleskinner and may not be reproduced without permission. The Muleskinner reserves the right to edit any submitted material and/or refuse to print such material. Letters to the editor must be signed and include class rank for students or title for faculty/staff, as well as hometown for community members. The advertisement of goods, products or services in the Muleskinner does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the Muleskinner, UCM or the Student Publications Board of the advertiser, the goods, the products or the services offered. The Muleskinner is a member of the Missouri College Media Association and the National Newspaper Association.

Difficulty Level: Assistant Design Editor Design Editor

Jason Brown

Sports Editor

Puzzle by Hang Chen and Curtis Cooper Photo Editor

Molly Burnam Erica Oliver

Assistant Photo Editor




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Sudoku is Illustrator a number-placement puzzle that Anaiyeh Smith Social Media consists of 9x9 squares. The objective is to fill Coordinator 9 Chriseach Moore blank square Business so that each row, each Manager BY HANG CHEN AND CURTIS COOPER and Advertising each of the nine 3x3 blocks contain the numbers from 1 to 9 one Codycolumn, Clemmons Sudoku answers online at Manager time each. Faculty Adviser Matt Bird-Meyer Britain Bray

Crime Map Scan with your phone or view online at


The Muleskinner reaches out to catch up with alumni In honor of the week of homecoming and the theme “Once a Mule, Always a Mule,” the Muleskinner staff reached out to alumni to see where they are now and what they’re up to. To find alumni, we reached out to the

deans of the colleges as well as people from various offices around campus. Through the combined efforts of many campus faculty and staff, we were able to contact several people and are featuring them throughout the issue.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get in touch with everyone suggested to us. Even so, the people we were able to contact provided a varied look at what life after college can – and does – look like for graduates of this university.

The Muleskinner recreates the 1972 homecoming front page Sudoku solution:

Forty-six years after its debut, the Muleskinner is celebrating its history by temporarily redesigning the front page to feature the flag and typefaces inspired by the original. The new temporary flag was designed by EJ Henderson. Time traveling back to 1972 would reveal a drastically different campus. The Charles F. Martin Building was the newest building and the present-day walkway to the east of the Elliott Student Union and Wilson C. Morris Science Building was actually a street. Students used the Ward Ed-

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wards Library to study while crews were busy changing signs reflecting the university’s status switching from a college to a university nearly a century after it was founded. As Central Missouri State College became Central Missouri State University in 1972, campus institutions reflected that change. College High became University High, campus signs changed, and the name of the student newspaper changed from The Student to the Muleskinner. The name was selected by a panel after a

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contest was held for students to find a new name for the paper. The submission was created by Pat McGinnis, a mass communications major from Knob Noster, Missouri. The first Muleskinner logo reflected the definition of the word by being designed like a whip. A muleskinner is someone who drives a mule train typically by striking a mule with a whip. The first edition of the newly named Muleskinner was published Friday, Oct. 13, 1972, while featuring the details of the

1972 homecoming. The theme was “Great Beginnings,” and the Mules fell 38-12 to the Northwest Missouri Bearcats during the gridiron match. Throughout the years, the Muleskinner has changed in many ways. New technologies, new advisors, new staff and new outlooks have all impacted the Muleskinner. Nevertheless, the Muleskinner has won many awards since its inception as The Normal Student in 1917 by informing students and the community about what is happening on our campus.


The Muleskinner

Remembering Carmen Techau Molly Burnam Photo Editor

Art, painting, photography, graphic design, band and Domino’s pizza – these were some of Carmen Techau’s favorite things. Techau, a freshman graphic design major, died in her room at the University Conference Center Oct. 5. Clark Holdren, Johnson County coroner, said Techau died of natural causes, though he said the specific cause of death is still being determined by a medical examiner. Kayla Reese, a friend of Techau’s from high school, said her death is hard on her but she could only imagine how hard it is on UCM. “We called and talked and became really good friends to where we were checking in on each other every day,” Reese said. Techau’s personality stood out to many people. “The color of her hair was the exact color of her personality,” Reese said. “She was feisty. She was strong. She was so determined and I am so grateful for getting the opportunity to know her.” When Techau moved to McDonald County High School her senior year, she started playing the trumpet in the band. “One of the bass drummers quit after the first show and we desperately needed someone to fill their spot,” Reese said. Reese said Techau immediately switched from trumpet to bass drum to help the band succeed. “One of my favorite memories with Carmen was when the four bass drummers crumbled up a piece of music and played baseball. We were laughing so much and having so much fun,” she said. Reese and Techau traveled to the United Kingdom together over the summer. “I don’t think back to the huge memories; I think back to the tiny moments that you tend to forget,” Reese said. “I want people to remember that she was strong. Even if something was pulling her

down and she would stand right back up and go the extra mile,” Reese said. Techau was not only in the band. She was on the tech team and library club in high school. Brenda Yazmin, a friend of Techau’s from high school, said she was so passionate about her friends and about the things she loved. Techau also enjoyed space and all different types of music. “Carmen was really smart at school and everything she did,” Yazmin said. “Her makeup was always perfect. She was very pretty.” Techau’s personality stuck out to Yazmin. “She would always help you. She would always send you memes to help you feel better,” she said. Yazmin said Techau offered to shoot students senior photos and also make sure to give everyone all the copies. “I want people to remember Carmen as kind. She was so passionate about the band and other things and was an overall kind person,” Yazmin said. Titus Lee, a freshman art studio major, lived with Techau in the University Conference Center and communicated with her through Snapchat and Facebook. “Mostly on Snapchat we talked about Domino’s Pizza,” Lee said. “I got Domino’s one time and she was telling me over Snapchat how much she wanted Domino’s. I told her to go get some Domino’s. It was like a week later and she got some Domino’s with her boyfriend.” Lee said Techau and her boyfriend had a feast with Domino’s Pizza that night. Lee made a Facebook page for all the freshmen UCM art majors. “I got to see some of her photography and her artwork and she was amazing,” Lee said. Lee said her photography consisted of mostly nature photographs. “Carmen was a kind person. She seemed like she would do anything for anyone to make their day better,” Lee said.

Photo by Brenda Yasmin / For the Muleskinner

Carmen Techau (left) and high school friend, Brenda Yazmin (right), pose for a selfie while getting their nails done and making memories.


Oct. 25 - Nov. 7

UCM alumna becomes regional SPJ coordinator Kaitlin Brothers New Editor

A UCM alumna and former managing editor of the Muleskinner was recently elected Region 7 coordinator of the Society of Professional Journalists. Leah Wankum graduated from UCM with a Bachelor of Science in public relations in December 2014 and got her Master of Arts in mass communication in May 2016. She is also a board member of the Kansas City Press Club, which is a chapter of SPJ. Wankum said the Society of Professional Journalists is an important organization because it provides networking, resources, awards and much more for journalists at the professional and collegiate level. “I care very much about Society of Professional Journalists,” she said. “SPJ has done quite a bit for me in my own career, and I’d like to pay it forward and help other journalists in our region as much as I can.” Wankum said SPJ is important for student journalists to stay connected. “I’d like to make sure that SPJ stays relevant and resourceful for its members because that encourages members to stay active and it encourages nonmembers to consider joining or at least getting plugged in through events,” she said. Assistant Region 7 Coordinator Katelyn Skaggs said she has yet to meet any SPJ member who regretted joining because of the great opportunities. “SPJ means a great deal to me because of the work of protecting the First Amendment,” Skaggs said. “I also really enjoy the networking opportunities I have gained with SPJ.” When Wankum was working at the Muleskinner, she won the SPJ national Mark of Excellence Award in the breaking news division in 2015. She was also the Region 7 winner in the breaking news and general news reporting categories for large schools that same year. “Winning awards looks really great on your resume and it helps you land jobs,”

Wankum said. “Obviously, as a college student, my top priority graduating was to find a job in the field that I’m studying...I’m also a little competitive.” Wankum said when she ran for Region 7 coordinator, her friend Skaggs also ran for that position but neither knew they were running against each other. Wankum said if she had known Skaggs was running, she would have let the job go to her. “Both of us didn’t want to leave that position empty,” Wankum said. “She’s an outstanding candidate, and she thought I was an outstanding candidate.” Skaggs said she knew the position would be in great hands no matter who won the election. “I believe Region 7 will be in great hands with Leah. She has great ideas and vision for programs and getting more members involved,” Skaggs said. “We agreed whoever won the election, we would work together. So it was a very friendly election.” Wankum said she took over the position in September at the SPJ conference in Baltimore. Wankum said her new position involves creating programs and networking opportunities, creating events, promoting news and running the SPJ Region 7 conference. Wankum is also a reporter for the Shawnee Mission Post, an online news outlet covering Northeast Johnson County, Kansas. She said she’s the first full-time reporter they have hired. “I’ve worked very, very hard to get where I am, first and foremost,” Wankum said. “And I’m extremely proud of what I’ve accomplished, not because I think any of it is grand but because I worked so hard to get here. I don’t feel like I’m doing tremendous amounts of work, but the effort I’ve put in has really made me feel like I’ve earned it.” At the Shawnee Mission Post, she reports on multiple cities in the county.

“There are so many growth opportunities in my role to expand my photography and videography and design skills and conceptualizing stories,” Wankum said. “We really focus on engagement at the social media level but also just physically being out in the community, which cannot be forgotten in this increasingly internet-savvy age. It’s really important that we show our faces in the community and get to know the people that were actually writing about.” Wankum said she is proud to be working at the Post and she likes that they report local news. “My favorite part about the Shawnee Mission Post is how hyperlocal we are,” Wankum said. “Nobody else in the entire world I would say is writing about the stuff we’re writing about. We’re not competing with the Kansas City Star...sometimes we do. But overall, what we focus on and care about is our very specific niche in Northeast Johnson County.” She said the Post serves about 15 different cities in the area. “It’s really cool to be able to see the value in our work when we get feedback on SPJ, continued on Page 5

Photo submitted by Leah Wankum / for the Muleskinner

Assistant Region 7 Coordinator Katelyn Skaggs, left, and Region 7 Coordinator Leah Wankum pose for a photo at the Excellence in Journalism Convention in Baltimore on Friday, Sept. 28.

Adrian Singletary – Class of 2009 Education

Singletary is the Assistant Principal and Athletic Director in the Park Hill School District in Kansas City, Missouri In addition to his career in the Park Hill School District, Singletary said he is married and is raising his two children and he is active in his church and in the community. He said he is currently working toward a doctoral degree in educational leadership and policy studies. While a student at UCM, he was a member of the Mules football team. “Warrensburg holds a special place in my heart,” he said. “It was where I learned many valuable life lessons and met more lifelong friends. I was able to achieve the goals I set out to accomplish and set me on a trajectory for success in my career. I appreciate the opportunity that was afforded to me and the memories I will have for a lifetime.”


The Muleskinner

Matthew Dunehoo: Kansas City filmmaker Ryan Sheehan

For the Mulesekinner Matthew Dunehoo is a filmmaker living and working in Kansas City, Missouri. From May 7-28, Dunehoo wrote and directed his first feature film “Wretch.” Dunehoo previously wrote and directed the short films “No Margettes” and “The Vetting” in 2015 and 2017 and collaborated on another short, “Drifters,” in 2017. “Wretch” is a horror film, but it’s difficult to place into a genre. Dunehoo said he doesn’t know if the movie is horror or not. “I think some people will call it a horror film and some people will not,” Dunehoo said. “I would be happy if the consensus was ‘psychological horror.’” Dunehoo said he has been working on the idea for “Wretch” for around 2½ years. He said the other short films he made out of a “stream of consciousness,” but he took his time working on “Wretch.” “I didn’t want to get too emotionally attached to a story that wasn’t going to hold up,” Dunehoo said. “I’ve vetted the story with people several times before I even tried to write the script,” Dunehoo said. “I had little work-

shop sessions where I invited people up to the restaurant… (to) read my story outline.” Dunehoo is a private dining manager and server at Grunauer, a restaurant in Kansas City, Missouri. Dunehoo laughed about how much people had to read for his outlines, which he said was a lot. “It was really generous,” Dunehoo said. “Then I shared my script as far and wide as possible when I finally started writing drafts.” The final version of the script was made March 21. Dunehoo funded the movie himself. He said he opened and maxed out eight credit cards and used his life savings. “I went all-in on the film,” Dunehoo said. “It’s a gamble and I understand the implications, but at the same time I’m sure I don’t accurately understand the implications.” Dunehoo said directing his feature film felt scary. “For me, personally, I have a lot of emotional issues and it was hard to balance feelings,” Dunehoo said. “It was a real manic rollercoaster of high, good feelings and really low, self-deprecating, dooming

feelings.” “I’d like to think that if I had the chance to do it again it would be a little less (of) that,” Dunehoo said, “It probably be similar in a lot of ways,” Dunehoo said he advises aspiring filmmakers to be organized. “Be thorough and comprehensible in your planning,” Dunehoo said. “See what you can do with the resources that you do have. See what’s possible and then do it.” Dunehoo said filmmakers should be willing to have their script read by strangers who are familiar with a screenplay writing. “Just subject your script to strangers reading it,” Dunehoo said. “Then when they do read it, thank them for their time and effort because it does take a lot of effort to read a script and offer feedback. It’ll be positive if it comes to you at all,” Dunehoo said. “It doesn’t have to be glowing.” Dunehoo said it can be difficult to separate the artistic vision from some of the practical realities. “Because when you hold something as close and as tight and it’s as personal, meaningful and heavy as executing a story you’ve been working on for 2 1/2 years, it’s tricky to unwrap your own psychosis from what’s actually happening when the film is

being made and all the parts are moving,” Dunehoo said. “It’s tough, and after completing the shooting on this, I think I learned a little bit finally in the end about letting go on some things.” This past weekend, Dunehoo hosted a screening of a rough cut of “Wretch” and wanted to hear feedback from the audience. Dunehoo said he hopes to fully complete the film by the end of October in time to be entered into film festivals but is willing to hold back if the film requires any drastic edits. He said his dream is for “Wretch” to premiere in either South By Southwest Film Festival in March 2019, or as part of the Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness program in September 2019. “I will be entering the film as far and wide as I can afford to,” Dunehoo said. “I plan to work the film heavily on the festival circuit and attend its screenings wherever, whenever, however I can.” Editor’s Note: Ryan Sheehan worked for Dunehoo on the film over the summer as an unpaid production assistant.

SPJ, continued from Page 4 social media and on the street,” Wankum said. Wankum said as a student journalist, it’s important to use resources and not procrastinate on doing what’s important: reporting news. “It’s so tempting and easy to just procrastinate,” she said. “(To) put the article off...or whatever you’re doing for the Muleskinner...It’s harder to actually sit down and get something done because you’re new to it. Just take advantage of the resources that are in front of you because now is the time to make mistakes. Now is the time to dabble in everything.” Wankum said networking is important to be more successful in a journalism career. She said successful networking helped her land two concurrent internships during college at the Sedalia Democrat and KC Magazine. “My second piece of advice is based

on what actually worked for me,” she said. “In this respect, I think I have been somewhat of a success story...and that’s networking. It comes a little bit more easily to me than someone who’s introverted because I talk a lot...It’s very easy to show that in networking opportunities (and) to show those qualities they are looking for in a young professional.” She said networking helped land her a job in journalism. “Each step in my career has not been because of good work,” she said. “I don’t believe it’s been that my work speaks for itself. I think that’s part of it. It’s been just putting myself out there and showing that I’m willing to learn on the job and learn on the go and just jump right in and get involved. I think that same energy has contributed to me getting a board position at the KC Press Club and getting the Region 7 coordinator position.”

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Oct. 25 - Nov. 7


Iliana Miller, a freshman speech education major, curls her hair before performing in the musical “Gypsy.�

The UCM sororities and fraternities play big pink volleyball Oct. 7 to raise money to find a cure for breast cancer.

Lambda Chi Alpha and Sigma Kappa, homecoming partners, paint a window in the Elliott Student Union for homecoming week.

Deepika Polampally, a graduate student, dances at the Garba festival held in Lovinger 2600.


The Muleskinner

Alexis Christian, a UCM cheerleader, flies into the air doing a basket toss with her student partners down below to catch her.

Members of the Association of Black Collegians paint a window in the Elliott Student Union for homecoming week.

UCM students stand in front of the Elliott Student Union with a giant wooden mule to get students to vote for Angie Marie Meyers and Calaway Scholes.

Sydney Baynham, a sophomore digital media production major, dances with the Mulekickers to prepare for homecoming.


Oct. 25 - Nov. 7

Cafe Thyme offers fresh dining experience Erin Wides Features Editor

With a warm smile and enthusiastic tone, Eddie Osborne greets customers at Cafe Thyme. “Hi folks, have you eaten with us before?” he says. Every single customer is greeted this way when they enter the cafe at Powell Gardens, a restaurant that does not fry or microwave their food. Osborne, owner of Darn Good Food LLC, operates Cafe Thyme as an independent contractor. He said there’s a quote in the food service business that says, “A great service can save a bad meal, but a great meal cannot save bad service.” Osborne said this is exactly how Cafe Thyme operates – on great service from the initial greeting to interacting with customers while their orders are being customized and checking in on them once they have been seated. Osborne said another part of this service is making food to order. “Instead of people getting what I want to give them on a salad or a wrap, they get to choose from approximately 20 toppings,” Osborne said. Guests can enjoy a range of fresh options from soups, salads, wraps and more. They can also watch the employees put every ingredient into their meal. “Most, but not all, of the produce that we use comes from the garden, the Farmers’ Market or my brother’s garden,” Osborne said. “Powell Gardens has the United States’ largest edible landscape.” Customers enjoy the variety and taste. “I love it,” said Carla Ligon, Cafe Thyme patron. “Everything is fresh and it’s delicious. They have a great varied menu.” Osborne said the menu is vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free friendly, and there is no added salt to dishes. Cliff Fuller, Cafe Thyme employee, said his job is all about making food people want to eat and maybe introducing them to

something a little different. He said Cafe Thyme is unique because of the people who work there. “Eddie’s personality comes through the whole restaurant,” Fuller said. “He’s interested in people – all kinds. He just wants to give people good, interesting food.” Fuller said they have a small menu but they have varied specials. Tomatoes are one of the main ingredients, which is why they have a different flavor of tomato soup each week. The fresh produce comes in a Community Supported Agriculture box from Powell Gardens. “We get the CSA box from the garden every week. Cooler season crops are coming in,” Fuller said. “We get lettuce, other greens – chards, kale, broccoli – sweet peppers, a few eggplants and a head of garlic or two.” The garden itself is a short walk from the restaurant. “When I get a chance and I have some herb that I particularly want to use, I can walk down with a pair of scissors and a little basket and snip herbs or get a few this or that,” Fuller said. Most of the time, he is not the one getting the ingredients. Fuller said a lot of the gathering is volunteer labor. They have gardening staff, but for harvesting, Powell Gardens looks for volunteers to help. Osborne said Cafe Thyme and Powell Gardens gives a lot to its guests and volunteers by supplying fresh food, great service and good connections. “I don’t think that Cafe Thyme and Powell Gardens has changed my life, but it has enhanced it,” Osborne said. Cafe Thyme is open 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily through October. In November, the cafe will only open on the weekends. For more information, visit

Samantha Duane – Class of 2011

Major in English, Minor in Creative Writing

Duane is a teacher at Warrensburg High School in Warrensburg, Missouri Duane is an English teacher at Warrensburg High School where she teaches junior-level English courses, though she also teaches a sophomore honors course and various electives to upperclassmen. She also sponsors the Creative Writing Club. She was in The Honors College and

worked as The Honors College’s student assistant and editor of the newsletter, “Honorably Speaking.” Duane returned to UCM to advance her degree and graduated in 2015 with a master’s degree in teaching. She is married to UCM alumnus T.J. Duane who graduated in 2011 and teaches AP English courses at Knob Noster High School in Knob Noster, Missouri.

Jim Wilder – Class of 1995 Biology/Earth Science

Jim Wilder is a polar bear program leader for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in Anchorage, Alaska. Prior to his current position, Wilder said he has worked as a National Park Service helicopter firefighter in Alaska, as a grizzly, black and polar bear biologist in Alaska and as the forest biologist in Shoshone National Forest in Wyoming. From 1999-2003, he conducted black and brown bear research and management for the U.S. National Park Service throughout Alaska. He said he received his master’s degree from the University of Idaho after leading the first black and brown bear research ever conducted in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park in Alaska. Wilder began working with polar bears

in 2003 and has been a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature Polar Bear Specialist Group since 2013. He said he has worked in all five Arctic polar bear nations: Canada, Greenland, Norway, Russia and the United States. “I gratefully remember Dr. Terry C. Rodenberg and all his fine staff at the Office of International Affairs who were able to send this poor country boy on two study abroad opportunities to Tasmania and Denmark,” he said. “Without exaggeration, those experiences completely changed my life. I would not be where I am today nor had the great career I’ve had without Dr. Rodenberg taking such a personal interest in me and my desire to study abroad.”


The Muleskinner

Indian community celebrates culture Molly Burnam Photo Editor

Bright-colored dresses filled Lovinger 2600 on Friday night to celebrate the Garba Festival hosted by the Indian Student Organization. The Garba Festival is a traditional Indian festival that involves dancing with two sticks called dandiya sticks. Ghagra choli is the traditional Indian clothing the women wore to the Indian festival. “I loved how the Indian girls wore the traditional dress,” said Ashwanth Pendyala, a graduate student studying computer science. “No one at UCM wears the traditional Indian dress, so it was nice to see everyone come together and wear that outfit. I really wish to see more people dress in the traditional attire because it is very popular in the Indian culture.” Pendyala said the dance was amazing. “Watching everyone dance to the Garba dance is cool because it’s tradition,” Pendyala said. “Bringing our culture together to dance at UCM is something special.”

Pendyala is involved with the International Student Organization and said anyone is welcome to attend their events. “Everyone should come because it’s really fun,” he said. “Everyone comes to dance and meet more international students. We can make it an even bigger turnout than this time.” Pendyala said he plans to promote the Indian festival by advertising more. “Everyone would like to meet new people and everyone likes to dance,” he said. “My goal is to advertise more and to put more flyers out to make sure everyone knows that they are invited.” Venkata Kamatham, a graduate student studying computer science, studied computer science at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in India. She said the Garba Festival helps bring people of all backgrounds together. “This event is so fun and we can all exchange our cultures,” Kamatham said. “This way we can know more about other

cultures and others can know more about our culture.” Not only does Kamatham want to know more about other cultures, but she came to the Indian festival to better her knowledge of her own culture. “We all love coming to these events and meeting knew international students and learning more about our own culture and where people come from,” Kamatham said. During the Indian festival, the students played musical chairs. “My favorite part was playing musical chairs,” Kamatham said. “It was so fun seeing everyone play and seeing everyone laugh.” Kamatham said her advice for students who are undecided about coming to the Indian Student Organization events is to communicate with other cultures. “There is nothing to be scared of,” she said. “Knowing more about other countries or states gives you an opportunity to easily mingle with people to better yourself in the future.” Kamatham said she would love to give more women the opportunity to wear the

traditional Indian dress, Gagra choli, at Indian student organization events. She said the dress is beautiful and it looks good on everyone. Deepika Polampally, a graduate student studying computer science, is the president of the Indian Student Organization. She studied computer science at G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science in India. “This is the second event I have hosted as president and it is nice to get all the Indians together and celebrating different festivals,” Polampally said. Polampally said the purpose of the Garba Festival was to share joy for their culture. “I wanted all the students to get together and celebrate it very happily,” she said. “Seeing everyone happy and seeing a smile on everyone’s faces was the best part.” Polampally showed happiness for the Indian community at UCM. “Indians are very far from American so it is not tough to get all the Indians together because everyone wants a home-like feeling. I am really happy to have a community like that,” Polampally said.

Photos by Molly Burnam / Photo Editor

Indian Student Organization gathers for the Garba Festival in Lovinger 2600.

Dandia sticks are decorated wooden sticks used in the Dandia dance. Dancers beat them together to the beat of the music.


Oct. 25 - Nov. 7

A look back in time at...


Garrett Fuller

Assistant Design Editor UCM’s history of teaching the next generation of educators stretches back to when it was founded in 1871 as Normal School Number Two. To fulfill its goal of educating the next generation of teachers, the UCM campus housed two laboratory schools to train aspiring teachers. In addition, elementary and high school students passed through the schools. Central Elementary served kindergarten through eighth grade. The high school — College High from the 1930s to 1972, and University High from 1972 to 1976 — taught students ninth through 12th grade. The schools occupied both the first and third floor of the Pauline A. Humphreys Building until the elementary school, now the Art Center, opened in 1960. The high school moved to the first floor of the Warren C. Lovinger Building when it opened in 1968. The history of the laboratory school goes back to the founding of the university in 1871, although Training High School — the predecessor of University High — was founded as a two-year school in 1913. On March 6, 1915, a devastating fire ravaged through campus, destroying all buildings except Dockery. By 1917, classes resumed in the newly-built Training School (now the eastern wing of Humphreys) and the

school expanded into a four-year high school. Life at University High was similar to many other public high schools. The school had a strong rivalry with Warrensburg public schools. Athletic teams such as basketball, football and others attended state championships. The school had its own pep club; yearbook, “The Rhetorette;” and newspapers, “The Colabecho,” “Colt Capers” and “The Roundup.” University High boasted a tight-knit community thanks to its small attendance numbers. John Culp, a 1965 graduate of College High, went to elementary and high school in the Humphreys Building. “It was a positive atmosphere and every day you looked forward to going to school,” Culp said. “It was a community and a family,” Culp said. “I think that’s what College High was all about.” Culp said two teachers at University High, Clarence Whiteman and Clarence Pearce, a vocational agriculture teacher, had a tremendous impact on his life. “When we had major decisions to make, (Pearce) walked out of the room and allowed us to make the decisions,” Culp said. “That’s how much faith he had in all of his students.” Whiteman coached football and basketball. Culp said players respected him despite his strict coaching style. Whiteman once asked Culp a favor during a football game against Appleton City. “Before we went down, Coach Whiteman said, ‘Johnny, I want you to be my quarterback in heaven,’” Culp said. “I’ll never forget that.” The College High Colts defeated the Appleton City Bulldogs 7-6 that evening. Because the school’s purpose was partly to train aspiring teachers, student teachers would regularly teach and observe classes

while learning from seasoned professionals. In Central Elementary, cameras mounted on the walls kept watch on the classroom while aspiring teachers observed silently in another room. Mick Luehrman, a 1970 graduate of College High, said students made it a priority to test the student teachers’ patience. “We sort of took it as our responsibility to give them a little bit of a hard time,” Luehrman said. “Because that was something they would need to learn how to deal with. But maybe we took a little too much pride in that. I won’t say we were mean, but we were a tough audience.” Despite being a tough audience, many students enjoyed having the ability to learn from student teachers. The student-teacher interaction, in addition to the school being located directly on campus, made transitioning into college life easy for graduates. “Throughout my time there I had a number of student teachers,” said Jeff Murphy, assistant director of Integrated Marketing and Communication and 1976 graduate from University High. “Sometimes they would come in for a week, sometimes a couple weeks, sometimes they may be with us for a semester. But I was exposed very early to college students. That kind of influenced me when I did graduate. It was easy for me to make the transition from University High to the university as a student because I was just so familiar with this place.” For students in the laboratory schools, the college atmosphere extended to them. “Being on the campus, you thought you were in college,” Culp said. Although University High was a high school, university facilities were shared and university faculty extended their help to the high school students. “We have been so lucky to be located on a university campus,” Pearce said in the 1976 graduating issue of the Daily

Star-Journal. “All the facilities are the same as ours. And I don’t know a university professor who wouldn’t bend over backwards to help one of our high school students.” Many University High alumni would stay and attend college at the university, while others would move on. University High closed in June 1976 due to budget issues. Central Elementary closed four years later. According to a 1976 article in the Muleskinner, the university estimated $150,000 was saved each year by closing University High. Despite the schools being closed for decades, alumni still connect with others through class reunions and all-school reunions every five years. The reunions are well attended by alumni and their families. “I think those who were a part of College High or University High are excited about keeping that tradition alive and making sure we have a place that we can gather every five years,” Murphy said. “We have classes that continue to have their own reunions. The university is very good about working with its College High and University High alumni to make sure they continue to feel at home.” A monument to commemorate the laboratory schools was erected by the Humphreys Building’s southeast entrance. University High’s legacy has been etched into the lives of its alumni and the university history. In 1930, Dorothy Anderson discussed these feelings in an issue of the Rhetor Junior, the precursor of the Rhetorette. “We sit and dream of the happy days that have passed within the walls of our school,” Anderson wrote. “Time is swiftly making its mark upon the students there… each one of us has his memories of schooldays (sic) that have gone before. Tomorrow holds adventures. Yesterday — memories, memories, ah! Wonderful memories.”


The Muleskinner

“It was a community and a family.”

-John Culp

Below: Jeff Murphy holds up his diploma and senior Rhetorette. Murphy was a part of the last graduating class in 1976.

photo by Garrett Fuller / assistant design editor

photo courtesy of McClure Archives

Above: The Training School building as it appeared before being destroyed in the campus fire on March 6, 1915. Below: Some reminders of its past as an elementary school remain in the Art Center. Mick Luehrman points out a mount for one of the cameras. Other reminders, such as furniture, are also present.

Below: A sculpture commemorates the laboratory schools near the Humphreys Building.

photo by Garrett Fuller / assistant design editor

photo by Garrett Fuller / assistant design editor

photo by Garrett Fuller / assistant design editor

Above: John Culp holds two copies of the Rhetorette, the yearbook for the laboratory high school. Culp graduated in 1965.

photo courtesy of McClure Archives

Above: The Training School’s 1918 state championship basketball team.


A look back over years spent teaching John Culp

Guest Columnist


came from a 420-acre farm 7 miles north of Warrensburg. I started first grade in 1953. All my schooling, Grade 1 through Grade 12 was in the Humphreys Building. All of us were part of the Training School, with lots of student teachers, especially in high school. We had outstanding teachers in all our classes. Two men greatly influenced my life as a teacher and coach. Clarence Whiteman, PE teacher and head coach for football, basketball and track and field. Clarence Whiteman is in the UCM Athletic Hall of Fame for being an outstanding football player for the Mules in the early 1920s. He was a top basketball official when, in those days, only one referee was on the court.

I always remember him saying, “I will take boys and make them into men!” He was tough, and all his boys respected him because of his character and integrity. He put the fear of God in all of us! I remember my freshman year as a Colt, I qualified for the state meet in Columbia. All the way on 13 Highway to Interstate 70, he had his right turn signal on and none of us had the courage to tell him it was on! Coach always wrote on the blackboard in our locker room in Garrison before each home football game, “Block, Tackle, Pursuit.” Those three words have never changed in my life as high school football coach. I loved Coach Clarence Whiteman! The other Clarence in my life was my

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Oct. 25 - Nov. 7

vocational agriculture teacher/Student Council Advisor Clarence Pearce. I had no idea how those Friday morning public speeches would impact my entire life. This prepared me to be able to stand and talk in front of people without being nervous. The other valuable lesson for all of us on College High Student Council: Mr. Pearce would leave the room and allowed us to make decisions on how to improve our school and student body. He believed that all of us would make the right decision. He was also a man of character and integrity. Clarence Pearce and Clarence Whiteman were role models for all the students at College High. Caring for our classmates and our community were important to all the students at College High. I graduated from high school in 1965 and our commencement was in Hendricks Hall. Being on the college campus for 12 years of school made the transition to college a non-event. There was a special bond between the Training School and the College. I spent 30 years in the public schools as a teacher and a coach. I was at UCM 18 years from 1999-2018. I was blessed to have been a Colt and part of the UCM Athletic Department as the student-athlete retention coordinator. When talking to recruits about what separates UCM from other universities, I say that this campus is a community and a family. This is as true today as it was in 1953. I have a love for both schools. I wish everyone a happy UCM Homecoming. It is always good to come home.

Andrew Mather

Andwer Mather is a photographer for the Kansas City Chiefs in Kansas City, Missouri. Mather works for the Kansas City Chiefs and as a freelance photographer specializing in NFL and college sports photography, concert photography and photojournalism. He runs the website, which covers concerts in the Kansas City area. As a student, Mather was in the UCM Photo Society and Photo Editor for the Muleskinner. “UCM was like a second home to me,” he said. “Always great to see friends every day, professors that would pass on their knowledge to you. Loved late nights at the Rec Center playing dodgeball, maybe a little more intensely than we should have.”

Michael Pantleo

Michael Pantleo is in his 27th year as a career and technology educator, five as a teacher and 22 as an administrator. He’s also an adjunct instructor at UCM in the School of Professional Education and Leadership. In fall 2019, Pantleo will enter the UCM to Murray State University doctoral bridge program. Pantleo received his B.S., M.S. and Ed.S degrees from UCM/CMSU. As a student, he was a member of the Delta Chi fraternity and participated in intramural sports through the fraternity.


The Muleskinner

Reflecting on a lifetime in education Morris Collins

Guest Columnist was born Morris Lynn Collins in May 1947. I am a native Missourian and lifelong resident of the Warrensburg area. I was reared on a farm in rural Johnson County, attending a one-room country schoolhouse until integration of schools placed me in the fourth grade in Warrensburg Public Schools in 1956. I graduated from Warrensburg High School in 1965 and later enrolled in Central Missouri State College as the first person in my family to attend college. I graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor of Science degree in art education and English. In 1973 I received a master’s degree in education from Central Missouri State University and did additional work toward a specialist degree. I have also continued studies at Aenon Bible College in Indianapolis, Indiana. My 49-year career as an educator began in 1969 when I was hired as the first African-American teacher in the Warrensburg school system following the integration of schools in 1954. As a teacher in the classroom, I have had an opportunity to know and appreciate each student that came through each school where I taught. Over that period of time I have come in contact with nearly 20,000 students. Following my retirement from the Warrensburg School District in 2002, I became an adjunct professor for the University of Central Missouri, teaching for the Department of Art and Design. I am currently a liaison and university supervisor for student teacher candidates. When asked about the differences between teaching elementary students and college students, I will tell you there is very little. All students desire attention and want to know that you care, no matter what age. I currently serve as a 15-year member of the Warrensburg R-VI Board of Education, where I have served twice as the first


African-American board president. Statewide, I serve on the Board of Directors for the Missouri School Boards Association. I am president of the Howard School Preservation Association, a not-for-profit group dedicated to preservation and restoration of the historic Howard School in Warrensburg. I am also a co-founder of the local Diversity & Dialogue Group which serves the Warrensburg community, along with the Diversity & Inclusion Commission on human relations established by the Warrensburg City Council to address discrimination issues concerning housing, jobs, community participation, etc. I accepted my call to the ministry at age 42 and served as a licensed minister and assistant pastor for 23 years with my father, the late Senior District Elder Jesse T. Collins Sr. In December 2012, I was installed as senior pastor of Jesus Saves Pentecostal Church in Warrensburg. The church serves a diverse mix of longtime members, military personnel, university students, young people and visitors from a variety of backgrounds and religious experiences. I have been married for 45 years to the former Loretta Mae Derritt of Leavenworth, Kansas. We have four children: Christa Collins, Seth Collins (Rebecca), Barbara Hill (Daunte), and Sarah Collins, all who are graduates of UCM. We also have four grandchildren, A’Nyah, Lynden, and Daunte Kevin II (DK) Hill and the newest member of the Collins family, Abigail Collins. In recalling my many memories of attending UCM as a student, I remember the early days of trying to stay in school with good grades. Without good grades, most young men were classified as eligible for the draft and immediately drawn into some form of the Vietnam War from 1965-1969. I also recall the many friendships and lifelong associations that college life provided. I still have friends and acquaintances I stay in touch with from over 50 years ago.

Gail White – Class of 2000

Educational Specialist, Human Services/Industrial Technology

White is a retired director of Lake Career & Technical Center and is a current UCM adjunct for career and technical education. Camdenton, Missouri. White served as the president and is an active member of the Missouri Association of Career & Technical Education. She serves as the vice president of the Camdenton R-III Education Foundation and as the treasurer of the Camden County Retired Teachers Association. White said she appreciated having the ability to take weekend classes so she could continue to work full time while she completed her degrees. She said she fondly remembers the faculty who she said were interested in helping her achieve her goals. “As an adjunct faculty member, I’d like to publicly thank Dr. Bart Washer for his leadership in career and technical education,” she said. “He has always been supportive and innovative and I appreciate his ability to look into the needs of CTE and make adjustments to accommodate the educational community.”


Oct. 25 - Nov. 7

Friends unite in organizing new running club Tiffany Lor

For the Muleskinner Two best friends at the University of Central Missouri recently created a student organization dedicated to running. Stephon Abron and Tyler Oetting started the UCM Running Club this semester to give students at any athletic level the opportunity to run as a collegiate athlete without the demands of mandatory practices. “I am really excited for this club, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better to be right by my side that is also my best friend,” Abron said. “We both would love for anyone at any level to come out because the bigger our team is, the more we can conquer.” The organization’s main focus is to create a friendly and judgment-free atmosphere. Practices are flexible and the team works around everyone’s schedule.

Abron, the club president, said he found his passion for running at St. Charles High School when he joined the track team his sophomore year. Abron said his greatest accomplishment that season was breaking a five-minute mile and qualifying for the 2015 AAU Junior Olympics. After high school graduation, he said he continued breaking records at Hannibal LaGrange University his freshman year. Abron transferred to UCM this fall to major in aviation. Oetting, vice president of the club, said he also found his passion for running at St. Charles West, the rival school of St. Charles High School. Oetting said he hit his prime in running during his senior year when he placed at districts and qualified for the state championships in cross country. Although they competed as rivals in high school, their friendship developed outside of sports.

Kimberly Hester – Class of 2009 Speech Communication

Kimberly Hester is a teacher at Normandy High School in St. Louis. Hester said her goal is to continue her education and become a school administrator. As a student at UCM, Hester was the president of Delta Sigma Theta, vice president of NPHC and a McNair Scholar. She was also a senator in the Student Government Association and worked in athletic promotions. She said she remembers running for homecoming and her involvement in Africana Studies. “Dr. Gillis challenged me to never give up and it’s those values that I hold true today. As a result of her strong beliefs, I work hard to teach students to persevere despite obstacles and to turn their oppositions into opportunities,” Hester said.

“I initially met Stephon through cross country because our schools ran against each other frequently,” Oetting said. “We never talked until I got a job at the local pool in St. Charles. Stephon and I have worked there together for the past two years, and that’s where our friendship started.” The UCM Running Club has accumulated 23 members and the organizers hope that more students will join. Fall practices have already started, and the club’s first race will be the Snowbird Invitational at Illinois College, where the runners will compete against six colleges. The race is scheduled for Jan. 20, 2019. For more information, send emails to Abron at or Oetting at

Photo submitted by Stephon Abron / For the Muleskinner

From left, Stephon Abron and Tyler Oetting pose for a photo during this year’s color run during Family Weekend.

Mary Hoelscher – Class of 1989

Major in Biology, Minor in Chemistry Mary Hoelscher is a senior adviser for planning and evaluation in the Office of Science for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. Hoelscher is a program manager for the CDC. Her office is responsible for promoting standards and recommended practices for scientific quality, relevance, credibility and transparency within the agency and throughout the public health community. Before she was in her current position, she spent 15 years with the Influenza Division where she designed pandemic influenza vaccines and then developed a reagent distribution program that supported 120 countries to support global respiratory disease surveillance and research. She started at the CDC in the Hematologic Disease Branch where she identified genetic sequences in specific populations that could possibly predispose people to specific bleeding disorders. She has over 30 publications in peer reviewed journals and one patent. In addition to her career, she is active in the community for environmental and po-

litical issues and is an active biker, runner and triathlete. Hoelscher is married and has two kids. She said her daughter is pursuing an acting career as a preteen and her son is a tennis player, and she spends her free time supporting them and their activities. She said she was the first person in her family to attend and graduate from college. Her three younger brothers also attended CMSU and all three graduated. In 1991, Mike Hoelscher died shortly after graduating from CMSU in a car accident. In his honor, her parents set up a college scholarship at Warrenton High School that ran for 10 years and supported high school graduates headed to CMSU. Hoelscher said she remembers the support she received from the professors she had while at the university. “The professors in the biology department were excellent and very supportive in seeing the students succeed,” she said. “Dr. Hess was one of the professors who helped define my career path.”


The Muleskinner

Marching Mules teaching assistants gain real-world experience Aneliese Peeler For the Muleskinner

The UCM marching band teaching assistants took their positions for different reasons but share one thing: the opportunity for experience. The job of the Marching Mules teaching assistants is to help the students and teach them as if they were the band directors themselves. The four teaching assistants are Zach Dennis, Abby Kaiser, Shelby Rouse and Solara Martin. Dennis, senior music education major, said he felt inspired to participate in marching band after seeing students march his eighth-grade year. After starting his position last year, he said there have been a number of challenges. For example, last year he said the marching band was understaffed and the TAs had to juggle several tasks at once. “It’s been challenging, but the reward is greater than the challenge,” he said. Dennis said the hands-on experience is his reward because he is able to work as a band director and help the students. “Helping people get better at marching and music is what I aim to do at life,” he said. Dennis said the experience he gets is helpful because he is able to use the prior knowledge given to him from his past directors and assistants. Kaiser, senior vocal music education major, said she’s been participating in marching band since her freshman year of high school. “I am both an instrumentalist and vocalist and have always loved both,” she said. Kaiser said marching band was her way of being active and doing what she loved at the same time. “It was something I could put my energy into and not only hear the outcome, but I could also see the outcome and end results,” she said. Though this year is her first year in the teaching assistant position, Kaiser said

she’s not only gained a great experience but an amazing family. “The biggest challenge for me is learning how to differentiate between being a friend and being a leader,” she said. Kaiser said since she already knew and had been friends with a lot of the members, it’s taken her time to become more assertive and overcome the worry of hurting someone’s feelings.

“I am a firm believer that regardless of what you plan to do in the future, you can always gain something from any opportunity thrown at you.”

-Shelby Rouse

“It has definitely become easier throughout the season,” she said. Because she wants to be a music teacher, Kaiser said this position will give her a chance to get her “feet wet.” “This will be my career,” she said. “Whether it be directing my own band, conducting my own choir or teaching the little ones, I want to teach music.” Rouse, junior bachelor of arts in music major, said marching band is like a second home to her because of the teamwork atmosphere. This year is Rouse’s first year as a teaching assistant, but she’s played a part in the Marching Mules since her freshman year of college. She said the position has been a learning experience. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but I’ve also learned a lot of skills that help me communicate more effectively, act more professional, and address situations in a more proactive and efficient way,” she said. Rouse said the biggest challenge for her was knowing when to step in and when to

stand back. “Yes, a teaching assistant is there to assist and take charge, but there’s a point when you have to let the section leaders or the band members themselves figure out what is wrong and work together to fix it,” she said. Rouse said this position is an opportunity to gain professional development and leadership experience even though she will not be using it for a marching band career but rather a career in musicology. “I am a firm believer that regardless of what you plan to do in the future, you can always gain something from any opportunity thrown at you,” she said. Martin, junior music performance major, said she joined marching band because of the atmosphere it creates at football games and the people in it. This is Martin’s first year as a teaching assistant. She said it’s been challenging

being in a position overseeing people her own age, but what matters the most to her is that the teaching assistants are just as much members of the band as everyone else. “You definitely learn a lot in this position about what it means to be a peer leader,” Martin said. Martin said she wants to gain leadership experience with this position and learn the skills of running sectionals and full band rehearsals. Martin said she would also like to gain experience that can be applied to her own career and looks forward to the rest of the season with the band. “There is experience in a sense of actually doing the job, but also the experience of learning some life lessons that can be applied to everything,” she said.

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Oct. 25 - Nov. 7

Mules look to snap threegame skid on homecoming Nick Distefano For the Muleskinner

Jason Brown Sports Editor

In the midst of a three-game losing streak, Mules football will look to get back to winning in a home matchup against Nebraska-Kearney for homecoming weekend at UCM. The Mules are struggling this season with a 3-5 record, the most losses sustained by head coach Jim Svoboda in his eightyear tenure at UCM. Their three-game losing streak is the longest by a Mules team since 1998. Most recently, the Mules were blown out on the road, 48-24, against Pittsburg State, bringing their record on the road to 0-4 in 2018. Senior tight end Seth Hebert said the team is disappointed with how the season has gone, but they are still working hard to improve for this final stretch of games. “We are not satisfied. We are never satisfied with less than .500 or even any losses,” he said. “I think that we got a lot of young guys and youth on the team and that is something we are going through with season injuries.” The matchup against the Lopers is UCM’s homecoming game for 2018 and senior offensive lineman Derrick Puni said the team expects a big crowd to show up. “We expect a big crowd,” he said. (I) Hope all students and families come out and a lot of others coming back. It should be a big crowd.” Hebert and Puni are among a group of 11 seniors that will play in their final homecoming game. “It’s going to be tough,” Puni said. “I have been here for a long time and had a lot of good times here.” Puni is part of one of the strongest offensive line corps UCM has had. He led an offensive line that blocked for the top passing offense in the nation as well as

a top-25 offense as whole in 2016. He received Don Hansen second team All-Region honors and was named first team All MIAA during his junior season in 2016. Hebert said finishing his Mules career would be very emotional for him and his family. “This game gave me a lot here and gave me a lot of opportunities,” Hebert said. “I feel like me and organizations go a long way but it’ll be sad whenever it ends. However, I appreciate everything they gave me.” Hebert’s Mules career has seen him catch 87 passes for 1,234 yards and 10 touchdowns. In 2017, he became the 17th Mule to be named an American Football Coaches Association All-American.

“We are never satisfied with less than .500 or even any losses.” -Seth Herbert With postseason aspirations out the window, the Mules will try to prevent the first four-game losing streak by a Mules team since 1996 with a win against the Lopers. Nebraska-Kearney is 4-4 on the season after seeing the momentum from their 4-2 start disappear with consecutive losses to Fort Hays State and Northwest Missouri State. In the remaining two weeks of the season, the Mules will travel to St. Charles, Missouri, Nov. 3 to face another 3-5 team in Lindenwood. The season finale will be at home against No. 11 and conference champion favorite Northwest Missouri State Nov. 10. The Bearcats are 7-1 this season with their only loss coming Sept. 22 to Central Oklahoma. Kickoff against Nebraska-Kearney is scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday at Walton Stadium/Kennedy Field.

Photo by Peter Spexarth / For the Muleskinner

Sophomore punter Zach Davidson lifts sophomore running back Koby Wilkerson in celebration of Wilkerson’s touchdown in a 61-7 blowout of Missouri Southern Sept. 29 at Walton Stadium/Kennedy Field. The Mules host Nebraska-Kearney for homecoming this Saturday with kickoff scheduled for 1 p.m. at Walton Stadium/Kennedy Field.


The Muleskinner

Two UCM runners finish in top-10 at Mule Run Jason Brown Sports Editor

For the first time since 2014, Division II and MIAA schools flocked to Mules National Golf Course in Warrensburg for the Mule Run, the final race of the cross country regular season. The Mules took fourth place out of seven teams while the Jennies finished eighth out of 10 teams. Both the Mules and Jennies placed a runner in the top-10. The Mules and Jennies hosted the MIAA Championships in 2017, but this is the first installation of the Mule Run for many of the current runners.

“I really wish we could have conference here too,” sophomore Mariah Elmore said. “This is good because our course is one of the hardest that we’ve had this season other than KU. It’s better for training for conference and having our family and friends here really pushes us.” Senior Amy Marx was the Jennies’ best finisher, picking up her first top-10 finish of the season in ninth place with a time of 22:55.84. Elmore was the Jennies’ second-best finisher in 17th place out of 100 runners with a time of 23:24.76. “My finish was good, but I definitely could have done a lot better,” Elmore said.

“I kept a good pace throughout the race, but this is really just a great way to prepare for conference.” Elmore said the race was a good chance to see their competition for the conference meet. “This meet specifically had a lot of good teams, especially ones that will be at conference,” she said. “It was really good to see how we could run with them today.” On the Mules side, sophomore Nick Victor ran alone in the lead pack for the majority of the race. He secured a team-best seventh-place finish, running the 8K course in 25:46.31. “I thought I had a great race,” Victor said. “It was nice to come back and have a solid performance since I wasn’t able to a couple weeks ago.” Five Mules runners were among the top-

40 finishers with sophomore Jared Mentz in 23rd, junior Alex Philipps in 25th, senior Isaac Calvert in 31st and junior Ryan Skopec in 32nd. “I thought the rest of the guys did good,” Victor said. “We had a race plan, we wanted to hit 5:20s (mile times) the whole way and it worked well.” MULE RUN, Continued on Page 20

Nick Victor

Your job starts here. photos by Peter Spexarth / For the Muleskinner

Mules senior Isaac Calvert (left) and junior Alex Philipps picked up top-35 finishes Saturday at the Mule Run at Mules National Golf Club in Warrensburg.

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20 SPORTS MULE RUN, continued from Page 19

Oct. 25 - Nov. 7

Mules rugby works to establish fan base Jason Brown Sports Editor

photo by Andrew Mather Photography

Jennies sophomore Mariah Elmore finished in 17th place Oct. 20 at the Mule Run at Mules National Golf Course.

Victor said the Mules have high expectations for their conference races. “I think we’re shooting for a top-5 finish at conference,” he said. “You never know; I just think we’re in a great spot coming into conference.” Victor said it was exciting to be back at home for a race. “It’s awesome. It’s so nice to be back,” he said. “We got to run it for conference last year, so it was nice to come back and compete in front of the home crowd.” Missouri Southern left everyone in the dust on the men’s side winning the team title convincingly by 43 points. The Lions placed four of the top-five runners, including individual winner Nickson Kiptoo, and had another round out the top-10. Southwest Baptist took the team title in the women’s race with 52 points. Two Bearcat runners finished in the top-5. The individual champion in the women’s race was Claire McCune from Drury. She finished nearly 30 seconds ahead of second place with a time of 21:49.51. With the regular season concluded, the Mules and Jennies will begin their postseason at the MIAA Championship at Emporia State. Races are scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Nov. 3 at Jones Park Cross Country Course in Emporia, Kansas.

On the easternmost field at South Recreational Complex in Warrensburg, one you can barely see from the parking lot, the University of Central Missouri men’s rugby team practices twice a week in the evening. Rugby is club sport for both the Mules and Jennies, which puts them between the status of an intercollegiate team and an intramural sport. The Mules are members of the Gateway Collegiate Rugby Conference where they compete against mostly Missouri schools, but they also travel to surrounding states to compete. “We play schools in the fairly local area,” said team President John Emery. “We travel as far as Carbondale, Illinois, in the regular season, then the playoffs for fall are held in Detroit.” Emery said the team is doing well and growing as a club sport. “Right now we’re working on making it mean more,” he said. “It doesn’t mean a whole lot right now because there’s not a lot of people that know about us, but we’re getting the word out through flyers and social media.” Emery said the team does a lot together outside of playing rugby. “We have a pretty good amount of guys right now and we do a lot more than just playing rugby,” he said. “We do study groups, fundraisers and have been getting into philanthropy.” Mules Treasurer and team captain Bo Varvil said they have been working hard to raise funds. “We’ve organized a fundraiser at Zaxby’s,” Varvil said. “We also did one with T-shirts for our old coach. We want to do more in the future and I’m the lead on that.” Team Vice President Wyatt Franklin said he handles a lot of the responsibilities that fall down from the president. “Anything that the president can’t get to pretty much falls on me,” he said. “Contacting and scheduling with other teams is

a lot of it.” Franklin said the team has been successful in the four years he’s participated. “We’re pretty competitive in the Gateway Conference and got to play in the 7s tournament last spring,” he said. “We’ve gotten some tournament wins over the years, had guys go on to play for clubs and really grown the sport here.” Franklin said he currently plays for a club in the summer and plans to continue playing following his collegiate career. “In the summer, I play with KCRFC (Kansas City Rugby Football Club) and I won’t be graduating next year so I’ll probably be back here next year,” Franklin said. Emery said the season has been up and down. “We had one game where we played phenomenally, but there were a few where we didn’t really have our heads in it,” he said. “Right now, we are 1-3 with a couple games left.” The Mules traveled to Kansas City Saturday and competed against the University of Missouri-Kansas City, defeating the Kangaroos 38-17 at Durwood Soccer Stadium to bring their season record to 2-3. The fall season of rugby for the Mules is set to conclude with a home game against a familiar UCM opponent in Pittsburg State. The match is scheduled for Nov. 3 at the South Recreational Complex with kickoff to be determined. Follow UCM rugby on Facebook and Twitter at @ucm_rugby for updates.

photo by Jason Brown / sports editor

Bo Varvil, treasurer and captain, practices passing during the Mules rugby practice at the South Recreational Complex.

Tanvi Gawde – Class of 2013 Occupational Safety and Health

Consulting analyst at Cerner in Kansas City, Missouri As a consulting analyst, Gawde deals with quality reporting for health care programs. While at UCM, she was involved with the International Center. She was an alumni ambassador, an international student ambassador and a community adviser of Bradshaw. Gawde, who is from India, said as an international student she was apprecia-

tive of the welcoming nature of the UCM campus community and said it made a difference for her in her career. “UCM made me feel like I was at home because I was new to the country at the time,” she said. “UCM was very encouraging and all the professors, faculty and staff just made us feel like we belonged. They were very supportive of my career and my overall growth. “I can’t thank UCM enough. I couldn’t imagine going to school anywhere else.”


The Muleskinner

GOLF, continued from Page 1 Sobaski said it was fun to be competing with Klausner in the final round. “It was awesome. I was so happy that Rosie won,” she said. “If you have the top-2 in the tournament on your team, you have a good team. I’m proud that one of my teammates won and that we could do that together.” Despite taking the top-2 places individually, the Jennies were unable to bring home the team title; they finished in second place, three strokes behind host team Northeastern State. “We all would have liked to have found those three extra shots to get the win,” said Jennies head coach Chris Port. “It was still a great end to the fall for us though.” Sobaski said she’s proud of how the Jennies performed in the fall. “Overall we had a really good fall. Our team moved up in the standings, our scor-

ing averages are lower and we’re finishing better in tournaments,” Sobaski said. “Our team won in Minnesota, which is awesome, and we had two second-place finishes. All of that combined, there’s a lot for this team to be proud of, but we’re not done yet, obviously.” Port said the success this season has been a product of the experience on the team. “I think it’s kind of two-fold,” he said. “We had eight kids back this fall that have been to the regionals three times and have a lot of experience when it comes to knowing what needs to get done.” Port said the underclassmen on the team have made an impact and pushed the upperclassmen to be better. “We’ve added five freshmen to the group this year, so they’ve come in, contributed and pushed our upperclassmen,” he said. “At Muskogee, we played a senior, a junior

Stormy Taylor – Class of 2000 Sociology

Taylor is the executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Johnson County in Warrensburg, Missouri. Taylor has been the executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Johnson County since July 2000. “It has been an honor and pleasure to

work with families throughout our community. Watching children grow and be empowered through your work is very rewarding,” Taylor said. “At Big Brothers Big Sisters we work with youth through mentoring relationship to give them the skills to better themselves. I love when

and three freshmen in our top five. Two other sophomores have traveled in our top five, so we’re getting a big push from our underclassmen.” Port said the success of the underclassmen comes from great leadership. “The biggest thing for us from a team standpoint is that we’ve had incredible leadership from our upperclassmen,” he said. “They’ve really taken it upon themselves to show the freshmen how it needs to be done and what the expectations are. It’s made a huge difference for us this season.” Port started the Jennies golf program just eight years ago and has already built a foundation for his team. “It’s rewarding for me to know I started this program buying apparel and now we’re talking about multiple years competing at the regional,” Port said. “We’ve

gotten better every year but the credit really goes to the kids that have come through here. They hit the shots, they carry us up the hill. Every kid that’s come in here has made us better and helped us bring better kids in.” Klausner said the Jennies have big expectations for the spring season. “Obviously I want us to make nationals as a team,” she said. “I also want the team to work hard and be there for each other throughout the rest of the season.” The Jennies will resume the 2018-2019 season in the spring when they will open at the Diffee Ford Lincoln Invitational at Kickingbird Golf Club in Edmond, Oklahoma. The Jennies will host the Jennies Golf Invitational March 25-26, 2019 at Mules National Golf Club.

children I matched with a volunteer 15 years ago comes to visit and tells me how they realize how impactful their Big Brother or Big Sister was in their life, especially now that they are an adult.” On Jan. 1, 2019, she will be the recorder of deeds in Johnson County. “I have a love for this community and am looking forward to serving our citizens at the courthouse as an elected official.” As a student at UCM, she was part of the Sociology Club and the Sociology Honors Society. She was also involved in housing activities and participated in intramural athletics. As a graduate student, she was a graduate assistant in the sociol-

ogy department. After graduating with her master’s degree, Taylor was an adjunct for eight years in the sociology department. She said she loved that experience. “Spending time with the faculty, many of which were instructors of my own, it was wonderful to work with students and connect the textbook to the outside social field,” she said. Taylor lives in Warrensburg with her husband Cheyenne, who graduated from UCM in 1997, and their two children, Calahan, 16, and Maddie, 12. They also have a 3-year-old Boston terrier named Toby.


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