Muhammad Speaks Newspaper March 22, 1974

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iHufjammati MARCH 22,1974

Vol. 13 No.28 2-Sections 32 pages MUHAMMAD





Dedicated to Freedom. Justice and Equality for the so - called Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah 20(r-OUTSIDE ILLINOIS-25*

103 ON YOUR FM DIAL 5:30 P.M.


^ A R C H 22,191


Allah's greatest gift to us By Emanuel Muhammad The Messenger's Eldest Son Part IV In his dealings with the people he a l w a y s f o l l o w s the principles of justice and fairness. Those who deal with him in business affairs have full confidence in his integrity. He is the very embodiment of modesty in the midst of his followers and in the public, which is immodest to the core. Surrounded on all sides by envy, hatred, violence, nudity, murders, uncouth, uncultured and heartless people. He himself has a heart overflowing with love, kindness and generosity for his people. Living among those who take up arms and cut each other's

throats, yet He and His beloved followers are peaceful and non - violent. He never harmed anyone nor has He taught His followers to harm anyone.' Nevertheless, some of His devout followers have been maltreated and murdered in cold - blood. After 43 and a - half years of hard l a b o r , s w e a t and humiliation, growing stronger and stronger in followers and establishments for your and my benefit, some of our illiterate, self - conceited Black poor people and the intellectuals of our kind, will brand Him as being a fake Teacher and Leader. He is a true Messenger of Almighty God Allah and soon you will realize who is with Him.

The regeneration of the Black man By Arthur Majied Muhammad General Business Manager Nation of Islam The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad teaches us that we are from that first God. whose proper name is Allah. The Messenger teaches us that this first God was a Black man, and that he created Himself, the Universe and its laws out of nothing; and that He then turned and submitted to His own laws. Messenger Elijah Muhammad says that the Black man is present today in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, and that He is restoring us back into the knowledge of who we are. and He is placing us, the so-called Negro, at the top of civilization.


Before receiving these teachings from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, all of us so called Negroes-men, women and children: educated and uneducated: skilled and unskilled: professional and unprofessional—were trained to model every aspect of our lives after those of white people, and to look up to and p e c t them as the gods of the Planet Earth, But the knowledge that we so called Negroes are from this first great Black God means that we are the best, and that we should therefore make haste and get to know ourselves, so that we look up to and respect ourselves as the cream of the Planet Earth.

CONTENTS A l l a h ' s gift R e g e n e r a t i o n of the B l a c k m a n Middle E a s t R e p o r t S a v i o u r ' s D a y tributes H o s p i t a l opposition A l l e n d e ' s widow at U . N . M u s l i m i n m a t e s attend c o n v e n t i o n f h Q

Page 2 Page 2 P a g e 2, Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

Courageous f o r m e r editor: Sherman^s&iscoePage


Organization of A f r i c a n U n i t y protest . .Page I n t e r v i e w w i t h Angela D a v i s yim.. P a g e Y o u and your health Page South V i e t N a m government i n trouble Page P u e r t o R i c a n p o l i t i c a l prisoner i n t e r v i e w . . .Page What I s l a m has done Page B l a c k p o l i t i c i a n s knock Watergate Page Crisis in Ethiopia Page R i c h a r d W e s l e y : H i g h l y p r a i s e d d r a m a t i s t . .Page

9 11 14 15 18 19 20 21 22

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War isolates Zionist Israel T H E ISOLATION of the Israeli Zionist Settler State in Africa, jias been one of the most important outcomes of the October 1973 war. Less than two years ago, racist Israel had diplomatic relations with all of the members of the Organizations of Africa Unity (many of which were newly independent ) except Guinea and the Arab countries.


(Continued on page 31



A l t BoMoik

Now, however all states in the Black continent except the white settler states and their colonies have severed diplomatic relations with Israel. The following Tanzanian statement explains the main reason for breaking relations with Israel: " T H E L A T E S T war in the Near East is the direct result of the repeated I s r a e l i aggression against the Arab countries. We think that we cannot maintain relations with Israel, which continues to illegally occupy Arab territories and. at the same time support the Arabs. This attitude would be incomprehensible." The recent war also produced a new sense of collective priBe, dignity, reassurance, self realization and a degree of unity among the Black nations, north, and south of the Sahara. The successful Egyptian crossing of the Suez Canal and the destruction of the highly. fortified BerLeve Line is felt to be an African Victory against a state similar to that of South Africa, a state which was planted by the European powers, a state which represents

an alien people and a foreign culture. THIS F E E L I N G was summed up in a speech made in front of the Egyptian popular assembly by "President Mobutu of Zaire on Feb. 19. The victory which was achieved by the heroic Egyptian armed forces against the imperialist power is an honor for Africa." General Mobutu, who along with his elite officers had received his military training from Israeli officers, told the Egyptian representatives that "Twenty two million of your brothers in Zaire have rejoiced when they received the news of your success, and I am here to c o n v e y to you t h e i r congratulations." In his address which the Zionist and U.S. news medias conspired to supress, General Mobutu, a former paratrooper, emphasized, that "The destiny of the people of Egypt is linked to the destiny of the people of Zaire...your struggle is our struggle, and we share your joys and suffering. "WHEN YOU have brought an end to the racist myth of Zionist superiority, you in effect, have helped in the advancement of the cause of the African nations which are struggling with arms in their hands against the colonialists and racists. You have strengthened the faith of these nations to achieve victory." The African leader, who asked the General Assembly to stand for a minute of silent prayer to honor the Arab soldiers who fell in their march to liberate the Israeli occupied Arab lands, spoke of these soldiers as, "Those soldiers who have defended their home lands and who have fought for the liberation of all Africa, will be saluted by their deeds." P R E S I D E N T MOBUTU who toured the Middle East to strengthen the ties between the Organization of African Unity and Arab League which was joined by two additional African states, Mauritania and Somali, and received a long applause'and standing ovation when he said, "Long live African unity...long live Egyptian — Syrian, Zairian friendship...and forever live the Egyptian soldiers."

MARCH 22, 1974



jBuhammab&peafoBi The honorableElijahMuhammad

(Continued from page 2)

Mi*K#erigvr of Allah

Success Envied By Min. Yusuf Shah Temple No. 2 Messenger Muhammad's success is envied by the wicked, and their agents follow Messenger Muhammad everywhere he goes to seek to cut Him and His followers off from anything that we will be successful in doing. I have noticed and read many things that the wicked are doing against Messenger Muhammad and his followers. Almighty God Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, has raised Messenger Muhammad to lead the Black man in America. We are the children of the Black fathers who were held in servitude slavery for 310 years. Messenger Muhammad teaches us to do something for self. He is showing us how to go back to the earth and produce our own food. The white man should be glad that Messenger Muhammad teaches us to do something for self. But the the white man is so evil that he does not want to see anything good come to us. He does not want to see the Black man independent. He wants us to depend on him for whatever we want. As the Messenger teaches us this would keep us forever depending on the white man and therefore we would remain in the state of a free slave. One who can go where he wants to but is not free to care for self on an equal basis with his master. The white man is the wicked hateful enemy of the Black man and to show how evil they are, and how much they are against the success of the Black man, the white man and his agents try to destroy the success that Almighty God Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom all Praises are due forever, is sending to Messenger Muhammad. And to show how wicked the goverment is against the Black man in America and that they never want to see us doing something for self,they greatly envy God's success to we who follow Messenger Muhammad. To be Continued

WARNING T o Y o u Innocent People who willingly give your money to strangers soliciting money for hospitals and other d r i v e s that we have. Y o u r money f a l l s into the hands of e n e m i e s and hypocrites that take your cash money and use it for themselves. So. 1 think you should be c a r e f u l about who you give your money to. Some of them w i l l m a k e out false c a r d s — pay no attention to it because we have not made out any c a r d s to give to the public. D o n t give your money like that. Go to the T e m p l e (the nearby T e m p l e of o u r s ) and give your money to the S e c r e t a r y there and get a receipt from h i m or her. Elijah Muhammad. Messenger of A l l a h


Atlanta L o s Angeles New Y o r k Washington

Editor Copy E d i t o r Photo E d i t o r B u r e a u Chief B u r e a u Chief B u r e a u Chief B u r e a u Chief

•Dedicated to Freedom. Justin; mid Equality for the socalled \egro. The Earth fa-loitgs to Allah."

Saviour's Day thanks By Minister Yusuf Shah Temple No. 2 We forever give Praise and thanks to Almighty God Allah for blessing us with a great and successful Saviour's Day with more than 22,000 people in attendance. Some of the newspapers said that it was over 25,000. We thank each and every one of you who traveled far and near to greet each other and to see the greatest Black man that the world has ever known: Almighty God Allah's last Messenger, the most humble and Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We thank the Messenger for such great and Divine wisdom that he taught us. He had a message for each and every one of us and he also had a message for the devil. We here at Muhammad's Temple No. 2 were very happy to meet and greet our brothers and sisters who believe like we do from


around the world. We thank Almighty God Allah for blessing them with a safe return to their destination. Let us r e m e m b e r what the Messenger taught us and carry it into practice. And remember the great things that the Messenger is doing for us. We t h a n k Messenger Muhammad for giving to us great books such as a Saviour's Day gift, "Our Saviour has A r r i v e d , " Sayings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, compiled from writings and conversations of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad by Sister Anna Karriem and Sister Captain Portia Pasha, and the Flag of Islam by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We thank all of the news media both Black and white for such wonderful coverage of our Saviour's Day, February 26, 1974. We Thank You

A glorious Saviour's Day — the Honorable Elijah By Shirley Hazziez Muhammad. Temple No. 2 It gives our souls life and Bible, Psalms 112:2 - "His spiritual height to just feast seed shall be mighty upon the our eyes upon the Messenger of Earth; the generation of the Allah, and to think that we are upright shall be Blessed." so blessed to be living in this Psalms 112:3 - "Wealth and day and time of the Coming of riches shall be in his house; our L o r d , Master F a r d and his righteousness endureth Muhammad; and to witness forever." the awakening of a mentally What better riches could a dead people who have been man from God — the kept blind, deaf, and dumb for Honorable Elijah Muhammad more than 400 years. — receive than the rise of his It is like a spring rain upon poor, Black people in the the Earth, whereupon we see Wilderness of North America? the life coming back? into a These verses were seemingly dead Earth. manifested on our great day, Flowers begin to blossom and the Birthday of our Saviour, grass begins to grow; we can Master Fard Muhammad, Feb. witness the Nation of Islam 26, 1974. On this magnificent day, we saw more than 22,000 ' blossoming here, in the Wilderness of North America, of our Black brothers and and growing into a mighty sisters seated at the Richard N a t i o n , and spreading L. Jones Armory at 54th St. throughout the Earth under the and Cottage Grove Ave. to guidance of Allah's Messenger, hear and see our great Leader the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. and Teacher, the Messenger of Almighty God Allah, in person (To be continued)

Those of us who have studied mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology and other sciences in the higher institutions of learning which have been created by the white man in America and Europe, can well remember when we marveled at the supposedly great wisdom which we thought the white man showed by his discovery of these sciences. All of us so-called Negroes, both educated and uneducated, have at one time or another stood awe-stricken as the white man demonstrated his genius for new discovery by his technological advances in space travel, computer science and other areas. Before we met the Messenger, we were filled with dismay, and a sense of inferiority descended upon us and enveloped us; for though we searched far and wide, it was impossible to find many names of so-called Negroes among the great men of science. In desperation, we grasped at straws, and built a cult around the comparably meager accomplishments of the few struggling Black men who, despite their inferior backgrounds, managed to carve a name for themselves in the white man's halls of science. Oh yes—we read about the Black men of antiquity who made their marks in mathematics and science, but as so-called Negroes, we could not identify with them because we either had not heard or had not accepted the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Messenger has taught us that from this first turning motion. Allah develops and perfects His creation. Scientists bear witness to Messenger Muhammad's teachings when they tell us that the entire galaxy is turning and whirling in space. The Sun, which is the God of the Solar System, is itself rotating. It then causes the planets to rotate about it and about themselves. As this s y s t e m turns and w h i r l s , it continually expands itself to cover more space, like a giant centrifuge, forcing matter out from its center. But this centrifugal force is opposed by a centripetal force, acting towards the center. And it is this action and reaction between opposing forces which keeps the Universe in balance. Thus, it neither destroys itself by flying apart, nor rushing in towards the center. It was a great God who created all of this! The Messenger teaches us further that this first God. Who created Himself, was infinitely wise, but that Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad has even more wisdom, knowledge and understanding than any of the gods who preceded Him. including this first One; for not only does Master Fard Muhammad have access to their total accumulation of knowledge, but He has increased that knowledge beyond what they knew. The physical system out of which Allah's creation was conceived and developed is called a brain and nervous system. The Messenger teaches us that this brain, itself, had to grow and develop into a maturity (Continued on page 8)



MARCH 22,1974

Allende's widow at United Nations: cites fascist acts of new regime By Joe Walker (M.S. New York Bureau) UNITED NATIONS-Nearly 15 months ago, a L a t i n American statesman who dedicated his entire life to the liberation of exploited peoples, defined his nation simply and with pride from the highest international tribunal, the General Assembly of the U.N., in the following words: " I come from Chile, a small country, but one where every citizen is free to express himself as he sees fit, where there is unlimited cultural, religious and ideological tolerance, and where racial discrimination has no place; a country whose working class is united in a single trade union federation, where universal suffrage and the secret ballot are the cornerstones of a multiparty system; whose parliament has been active without interruption since its creation 160 years ago, whose judiciary is independent of the e x e c u t i v e , and w h o s e Constitutional Charter, which has practically never ceased to be applied, has been amended only once since 1833. " I come from a country where public life is organized around civic institutions, one whose armed forces have demonstrated their professional vocation and profound democratic spirit; a nation of close to 10 million people who, in one generation, produced two Nobel Prize winners of literature: Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda, both children of modest workers; a land whose history, soil and people have merged in a great sense of national identity." T H E S E W E R E T H E WORDS of the late President of Chile, Dr. Salvador Allende. His denunciation before the world of the international conspiracy by the giant transnational corporations and the CIA which undertook to overthrow him. were recalled by his widow, Mrs. Hortensia Bussi de Allende. speaking before the U . N . Commission on Human Rights. In a 45-minute address which was both d r a m a t i c and eloquent, tears welled in Mrs. Allende's eyes and flowed down her cheeks. She spoke not as a grieved spouse but as vice president of the Women's International Democratic Federation and, "above all, as a wife and mother of a destroyed Chilean home, as has happened with so many others. ' ' I c o m e b e f o r e vou

representing hundreds of widows, thousands of orphans, of a people robbed of their fundamental rights, of a nation suffering from a 'state of war'

( a c c o r d i n g to G e n e r a l Pinochet, who uses that excuss to justify his actions)..." Mrs. Allende declared that there was total discrimination

against the rights and dignity armed minority. The child of individuals because of their born of a family labeled ideology. "Liberty does not Marxist' is not born free, and exist where man is subjected he runs the same risks of to the dictates of an ignorant persecution as his parents. "Dignity is humilitated when prisoners—as numerous photos can attest— are handcuffed and forced to kneel before their j a i l e r s . Dignity is violated when following torture and punishment, the executioner makes man curse himself," she said. Citing the U.N. Declaration on Human Rights, passed by the world body on Dec. 10, 1948, the Chilean heroine observed that the fascist dictatorship in her country has outdone the worst of Hitler's Nazism. Later, she turned over to the U.N. Commission a sampling of the voluminous documentary evidence available, including documents, slides, photos, press clippings and military decrees. "Summary executions, real or staged executions (for the purpose of terrifying the v i c t i m ) , e x e c u t i o n s of prisoners allegedly IN HER ADDRESS to the U.N., Mrs. Hortensia Bussi de Allende, widow of the assassinated former attempting to escape,' slow leader of Chile, stressed the humiliations being faced by the people of Chile under the fascist rule of death through lack of medical the present military regime. Mrs. Allende said she was representing "hundreds of widows, attention, victims tortured to thousands of orphans, of a people robbed of their fundamental rights." death, are the order of the day under the generals." reported Mrs. Allende. ' ' G e n o c i d e is being practiced," she charged. "The exact figures will not be known until, with the restoration of petrochemical companies gave WASHINGTON D.C. - A 58 democracy in my country, the the President. $505,000. page report recently gjven to murderers are called to Officials from the 10 most account. There will be another the S e n a t e Watergate generous contributors gave a Nuremberg for them." Committee disclosed that total of $2,668,424. of which 70 OTHER S P E A K E R S before major oil companies secretly percent was in secret, illegal, the current session of the U.N. gave almost $5 - million into corporate contributions. President Nixon's re - election Commission on Human Rights campaign funds. Rep. Aspins charged. The testified to the open use of big oil companies have Mr. torture, sexual violations and T H E HUGE OIL companies, Nixon in a double hammer lock. other physical violence, headed by the Rockefeller A f t e r - t h e i r " m a s s i v e committed by the henchmen of brothers-arid Richard Scaife of contributions there is little he the present military rulers of the Gulf - Mellon dynasty, can do to control them." Chile. ' . were summarily rewarded for their outpourings as the administration began to make it possible for them to bilk the W A N T E D IMMEDIATELY public out of millions of dollars POCKET VETO Qualified Journalists through skyrocketing gasoline most powerful oil corporation and home heating oil pricing. who will be dedicated to the work in the U.S- contributed $286,700. while executives of 10 Rep. Les Asp«i. D - Wis., of helping to build a strong Black prepared the extensive report which revealed''that 413 oil Nation by helping to build a Great iRufjammafc ftpeafa* company directors, senior officials and stockholders in Black newspaper 178 different oil companies PUBLISHED WqEKLY Contact: The Editor contributed a total of $4,981,840 Vol. 13 No. 28 Mart* 22, 1974 Published bv to President Nixon's re Muhammad Speaks Newspaper MUHAMMAD'S TEMPLE NO. 2 election. 2548 S. Federal St., Chicago, 111.60616 2 5 4 8 S. Federal Street At the top of the list was Phone 225-2322 6 Months (26 Issues) 6.50 Richard Scaife, heir to the Chicago, Illinois 6061 6 1 Year (52 Issues) $13.00 Gulf - Mellon fortune, who Second -Class Postage Paid gave a whopping $1,003,000 to at Chicago, Illinois ( 3 1 2 ) 2 2 5 -2322 Nixon's campaign coffers. The and additional mailing offices. five Rockefeller brothers who State Qualifications own one percent of Exxon, the

Oil companies give $5-million to Nixon campaign—consumers bilked




MARCH 22,1974

Prison officials allow Muslim inmates to attend Saviour's Day celebrations By Larry 5X {Special to Muhammad Speaks) C H I C A G O - As 22.000 Black men and women crammed the Richard L. Jones Armory here and the high mood of rejoicing dominated this y e a r ' s Saviour's Day festivities, the appearance of Muslim inmates from correctional institutionsacross the country gave M.S. the opportunity to focus on the personal celebrations and t h a n k s g i v i n g s of the Messenger's followers who were allowed a first-time glimpse of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the numerous Muslim enterprises that testify to his power. T H E M E R E P R E S E N C E of t h e s e i n m a t e s at the convention'was further witness

to the positive effects of the Messenger's Teachings on the character of the Black man. The visiting inmates told M.S. that the favorable attitude of correctional officials toward Muslims evidenced their respect for the Honorable E l i j a h M u h a m m a d and encouraged frequent furloughs for followers of the Messenger to attend Muslim meetings in the surrounding areas. They said prison officials exercised more leniency toward Muslims in this area where stricter ruling would otherwise be applied. p i e y were confident the" moral elevation of the Black initiate after submission to the Messenger's Teachings eliminates violations of furlough regulations so

commonly committed by non- Allah." Texas, who also testified of Muslims. prison officials' respect for the MINISTER SAMUEL X from ACTING MINISTER Anthony the C e d a r v i l l e , T e x a s Teachings of the Messenger L . X . from Milan Federal Correctional Institution told when he informed M.S. that Correctional Institution in M.S., "I've been waiting over Fort Worth prison officials Michigan explained that when three and one- half years for granted Muslim inmates full the Muslim inmate visits the this day." His voice cracked use of the institution's prison's Periodic Review- with emotion over the years of religious chapel for a fundBoard which guages the longing to see the Honorable raising benefit for Muhammad inmate's progress toward Elijah Muhammad when he Hospital described his rehabilitation. "They see the told M.S. further that it was "a Saviour's Dav experience ars adjustment we are making — blessing to be here, to see the not to the institution, because Messenger in person. it can't correct you — but that jtfjtt ve been a follower of the we are changing because of the "Like myself, there are many r Messenger the three years I've Teachings of Islam; they other brothers who couldn't been in prison. This is a acknowledge this." make it here — who are beautiful thing, because I know Min. Anthony described the longing and waiting to see the some brothers in the federal cherished opportunity to Messenger and the things he institution who have been attend the Saviour's Day has done for us." following the Messenger for 10 convention, which crowned his M I N I S T E R C H A R L E S X , years and haven't seen him. So frequent furlough visits to Temple meetings surrounding from the Federal Correctional this is a blessing to me. It's wonderful.'' the prison as 'just the will of Institution in Fort Worth.

Dellums sounds Pentagon alarm WASHINGTON -Congressman Ronald Dellums, D-Calif., has sounded a "note of warning" that America could well be headed for a military coup d'etat.

MAINTAINING HIS VIGILANCE over Pentagon assumptions, California Congressman Ronald Dellums constantly warns Americans of seriousness of military threats to other nations.

"first s t r i k e ' ' nuclear capability policy. i think this is extremely dangerous.' Dellums said." This is certain to make the Soviet Union extremely D E L L U M S I S S U E D his nervous." warning during a recent press THE CALIFORNIA conference in the nation's Congressman who is a member capitol. During the conference, of the House Armed Services D e l l u m s made pointed Committee, as well as the references to r-ecent Black Caucus, blasted the disclosures that Pentagon Pentagon for "intruding into "spying" inside the White the ar^a of policy making House "pose a menace to reserved for civilian authority civilian rule in this country." under thfj$.S. Constitution. "That kind of spying," Dellums stated, "that kind of "We must not allow the u n l i m i t e d power in the P e n t a g o n to become Pentagon is very dangerous." politicans." Dellums stated. Dellums launched an attack The pentagon has been much on Defense Secretary James too powerful in the area of Schlesinger for advocating a determining policies.

Dellums also read a series of questions which he has addressed to S e c r e t a r y Schlesinger demanding an explanation for the 500,000 U.S. servicemen who are stationed in countries around the globe. "What is the primary mission of those troops?" Dellums asked in the letter, "what treaty commitment justifies their deployment so many years after the end of the Second World War?" Attacking Nixon's e x p l a n a t i o n of " S o v i e t threats," Dellums demanded to know whether the primary "mission of these troops is counter- insurgency" against the countries where they are stationed.

Birth control planned for N.C. Blacks By Joseph Delaney (Special to Muhammad Speaks) C H A R L O T T E , N.C. "...Between 1947 and 1961, the Aid to Dependent children (ADC) case-loads of the county increased by 300 additional children each year. Taxpayers of Mecklenburg County (Charlotte is the county seat), along with taxpayers everywhere else in the United States, had continuously expressed dissatisfaction in a variety of ways with the ADC program. " L A T E IN 1960 the G.D. Searle Pharmaceutical Company announced the availability to the public of

E n o v i d , i t s new o r a l contraceptive. At this time the director of public welfare in consultation with the then acting director of publichealth, decided that the time had arrived to take some positive action to decrease the ever-increasing number of children whom the parents didn't want and the public didn't wish to support." wrote Wallace H. Kuralt, director of public welfare in Charlotte N . C , in a March. 1966 position paper, which justified the use of all sorts of "genocidal" birth control techniques on Black and poor folks, called "Planned" Parenthood in Mecklenburg County."

According to Kuralt. tff^ c o n c e p t of " P l a n n e d Parenthood" was not new in North Carolina. He wrote in his paper; " T h e state legislature had approved an act providing for the eugenical sterilization of the epileptics, feeble-minded and insane in 1932. The Robeson CountyPublic Welfare Department was operaflng a maternityclinic using birth control aids in 1932. Public health departments had opened prenatal clinics, which included instruction in various forms of birth control, in 1938. The Mecklenburg County Department of PublicWelfare, over a period of many

years, obtained about 50 eugenical sterilizations a year. "...The director of public welfare advocated a voluntary sterilization program for all men and women, and. with the help of numerous interested individuals, this law was passed by the 1963 North Carolina Legislature. The oral contraceptives, available for the first time in the fall of 1961. s e e m e d to be a v e r y satisfactory answer to a longtime and difficult problem of providing an acceptable method of birth control for the poor." JUDGING FROM a news story—"Pill Helps Poor. Cut Social Ills." by N.C. newsman

Richard C. Bayer, many of the students of the so-called birth control clinics ranged in ages from 14 to 47, and 80 per cent of them were Black. Kuralt noted in his paper that " . . . A f t e r four years of operation, close to 2.000 women were participating in the program of Planned Parenthood." He mentioned that even though the case work staff of the Meckleburg CountyDepartment of Public Welfare had actively promoted Planned Parenthood in the poor c o m m u n i t i e s , they had employed five so-called homemakers from the poor communities to sell the birth control idea."



jHuJjammab Speaks

Secret of Kissinger's success based on deceit and trickery

& e a b e r 3 n f o r m a t i o n Htfrbice For F R E E information about a n y of the Services and products which are advertised in this newspaper,

WASHINGTON D.C. — Detente...with China, Russia, North Viet Nam, and now "disengagement" in the Middle East—all to Henry Kissinger's credit! How does he do it — this extraordinary "diplomat," "peace - maker" or "sleight - of - verb artist" and magician? ACCORDING TO Al Baker, a famed m a g i c i a n , " T h e magician must be able to execute certain secret moves while gazing steadily at a spectator and talking to him in the most 'innocent' manner." According to reports of a secret meeting between K i s s i n g e r and A m e r i c a n Zionists, the U . S . State Department chief fits Baker's description of a magician, but with somewhat more finesse. The reports, leaked by alleged i n f o r m a n t s and reported in the Washington Post cited K i s s i n g e r as conveying the impression that "he had been instrumental in getting the arms airlift to Israel approved at a time when I s r a e l had r u n out of a m m u n i t i o n and w h e n congressional support was visibly declining in the face of the energy crisis." R e v e a l i n g his m a g i c a l deception, Kissinger purportedly demonstrated to his fellow-Zionists how he had tricked Egypt into believing that he was not taking sides and that a cease-fire would have benefited them because Israel was prepared to mount a massive counterattack. H E R E P O R T E D L Y told Mohamed Keikai, leading Egyptian editor, that Egypt should not restart the war—"I believed this measure (ceasefire) would benefit you more than Israel." On the other hand, according to the Post article, Kissinger

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Kissinger was also alleged to have contended that the Arabs "could only gain through further conflict and that they had won more than they yet realized." The Israelis, he purportedly continued, "would



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Speaking of the a l l i e s , Kissinger allegedly called their behavior "that of jackals—craven, contemptible," and "pernicious." AntiEuropean or anti- "Goyim" discussion, however is said to be common in any Zionist colloquy of significance.

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not gain through any delay in negotiating." OTHER DAMAGING leaks from the meeting which Kissinger called "out of context" included slander against King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and jibes at the European allies. The secretary of state reportedly mocked King Faisal as " a religious fanatic," not really interested in anything but Jerusalem.

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"Kissinger reportedly told his former Harvard colleagues that the Arabs must be regarded as the victors of the October War. Israel, he told them, had lost the war strategically although it had won tactically," the Post stated.



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actually revealed to the Zionist group that "Israel had run out of ammunition" and could not have kept going without the a i r l i f t " w h i c h he w a s instrumental in getting through.

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MARCH 22,1»74

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MARCH 22,1974




of the B l a c k man (Continued from page 3)


w h i c h w a s c a p a b l e of comprehending and generating the thought of Allah's creation, for the thought must always precede the actual reality of the thing. But anything which can be conceived in thought is possible of creation. We learn from science that the unborn child, too, begins its existence in total darkness — rotating in its mother's womb, as it develops into an identifiable human being. Just as time began for the Solar System when Allah first set it to turning, so time begins for the unborn fetus when it is first conceived, and begins its turning motion.

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The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad is our Brain and the Sun of our existence. We are that unborn child that the Messenger has set to turning back to our Black selves in the darkness'of the hells of North America.



The white man cannot lay claim to having produced anything to m a t c h the magnificent gandeur of our F a t h e r ' s c r e a t i o n for e v e r y t h i n g w a l k i n g and talking, as well as everything we see, including the white man, a l l came from the Original brain of the Black man.

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Now that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has opened our eyes, we no longer look at the white man as being such a great god, scientist and hero as to be looked up to and admired by us. The Messenger teaches us that we should give credit where credit is due. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that as deaf, dumb and blind so - called Negroes, who were lost to the knowledge of everything, it is good for us to learn the technology of the white man so that the Messenger can show us how to use this knowledge to build a civilization for ourselves.

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Then, we can say as it reads in Isaiah 14:12: "How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer, son of the morning. How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations." And as it says in Revelations 1:18: " I Am He that liveth and was dead, and behold, I Am alive for evermore, and I have the keys of hell and of death." All Praises are due to Allah, for the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad!


Cherry Crumb Pie.

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MARCH 22,1974

Organization of African Unity protests hiring of B r i t i s h firm as consultant By Malik Chaka (Special to Mohammad Speaks) DAR E S SALAAM, Tanzania — Just months after the unanimity of the Organization of African Unity's (O.A.U.) 10th a n n i v e r s a r y , the organization is gripped by. a crisis. The organizational debacle stems from the mixed reactions of independant African states to an agreement signed by OAU Secretary General Nzo Ekangaki with the British imperialist firm, London and Rhodesia Mining and Land Co. (LONRHO). ON O N E S I D E , African states are condemning the pact and on the other Ekangaki, allegedly backed by several governments, threatens to quit his post if the accords with LONRHO are annulled. The sharp division spread, splitting governments where one section supports the Secretary General and another calls the deal a sell-out. The confusion developed after the unprecedented African unity in support of the Arab people during the recent confrontation with the racist Zionists. African governments—many formerly close to the white settler regime in occupied Palestine—broke relations with the Israeli government. The impressive unity now flounders on the hotly contested accords. T H E OPENING shot in the c o n t r o v e r s y came from

Uganda's President General Idi Amin Dada who unequivocally denounced the consultant contract designating LONRHO as the agent for the African countries in dealing with the Arab petroleum exporting countries. He was followed by the Kenya Vice President Daniel Arap Moi who branded the contract as "against the leadership of the OAU." He also warned independant African states to be vigilant with multinational firms which could possibly influence African nations, "national p o l i t i c a l and economic policy." Later, Martin Shikuku an assistant minister in Moi's office said that " I f the alleged agreement is true, the best and noble thing Mr. Ekangaki can do to Africa is to resign his position." In contrast to Moi and Shikuku's vociferous remarks, the Kenya Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Joseph Mungai was curiously silent. The failure to comment drew criticism from

the influential Kenya Daily Nation. The widely read Nairobi daily termed the silence "most unacceptable" in an editorial statement. Further, on the statement charged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of not "telling the people of Kenya whether in fact such a deal exists and if so what Kenya's stand is." Later, the minister was harshly described as "either knowing something about it. in which c a s e he s h o u l d have 'communicated the matter to the government and the nation, or he knows nothing about it in which case he does not know his job." T H E D I V E R G E N T views from two prominent lieutenants of the aging Kenyatta might be traceable to LONRHO's recently appointed Executive Director, U.M. Gecaga who is also the son-inlaw of President Kenyatta. His ears were stung by the denunciations of his British bosses and Moi's admonishment for Africa to be

Kenyan capital, Nairobi. In defense. Gecago stated that the c r i t i c i s m s of the imperialist firm were "outdated and hackneyed" and bear no relationship to the facts. Despite his protests, the attack continued. Tanzania's Minister F o r Foreign Affairs John Malecela








(Continued on page 10)

S p a c e

A v a i l a b l e

completely a



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presented to the O A U ' s Committee of Seven (COS) charged with formulating a continental plan for dealing with the Arab oil producers during a Cairo meeting at the end of January. It was rejected by the committee member states,




blasted the agreement as "contrary to OAU views." It was explained to newsmen in Dar E s Salaam that the disputed agreement was

DR. JOSEPH MUNGAI, Kenya's Minister of Foreign Affairs, drew sharp criticism for his silence on the issue of hiring the multinational British firm. Other members of Kenya's diplomatic staff bitterly denounced the hushed agreement.

ML G. T. National

wary of multinational corporations.. The chief executive's son-inlaw replied via a press statement released in the

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MARCH 22,1974



Howard Univ. Communication

OAU protests British firm


(Continued from page 9)

School appeal

Tanzania, Zambia, Sudan, Z a i r e , . B o t s w a n a and Ekangaki's home. Cameroons. The reason given for refusing approval was that the choice of LONRHO ran counter to the COS's clear instruction's to compile a consultants listing of non-aligned Third - World countries. For this reason, he viewed it as null and void.

WASHINGTON, D . C . - A n urgent plea for support has been voiced by the Howard U n i v e r s i t y S c h o o l of Communications. The school is conducting a nationwide campaign to enlist support from organizations and i n d i v i d u a l s c a p a b l e of educating the public about the communications field and its many uses. T H E CAMPAIGN is part of the s c h o o l ' s N a t i o n a l Communications for Freedom Week conference, which will begin March 10. Conceived by Howard's Dean of Communications, Tony Brown, the week will be dedicated to spreading the word about the nature of mass media and its use in solving problems faced by the Black community. Also, the Congressional Black Caucus is being asked to introduce a bill calling for a presidential proclamation officially designating the second- week of March as National Communications for Freedom Week. This year's Freedom Week observance will also mark the incorporation of the National Newspaper Publishers Association's "Black press Week" and Howard's "Third Annual Black Careers in Communications Conference.'' A l s o , the s c h o o l of communications is conducting workshops and seminars led by leading Black communicators.

In an a r t i c l e entitled, "Silence Is Not Possible," a political commentator said that many African countries have been displeased with the Secretary - General's methods of work for the last six months. The LONRHO affair is only the latest and most serious in a series of events.

T H E ZAMBIAN government's Daily Mail raised the question of who gave Ekangaki T H E G E N E R A L COUNCIL the power to sign the of Tanzania's youth wing, agreement An editorial said TANU Youth League, called "LONRHO should be the last the agreement "a betrayal to company to be given the trust the African Revolution.'' to handle a serious agreement Great surprise was expressed like the oil consultancy,, at the Secretary - General agreement in view of the fact making an agreement without that this company has business prior approval. Other African interests in racist South Africa states were urged to reject the and rebel Rhodesia — the two agreement. countries against which the Arabs have decided to impose The African press was an oil embargo." generally hostile to the Ekangaki. Africa's highest Secretary - General. The Ghana Government newspaper ranking civil servant, has the Daily Graphic called for threatened to resign if the Ekangaki's resignation for agreement is not honored by what it called a sell - out to the 42 m e m b e r O A U . Maintaining his innocence, the Africa's enemies. - General The French language weekly S e c r e t a r y Jeune Afrique, Feb. 23 issue, complained that Tanzanian featured a cover with pictures F o r e i g n M i n i s t e r J o h n of Ekangaki and LONRHO Malecela's remarks on the Chief Executive R.W. "Tiny" issue were ''complete and Rowland under a caption, " A deliberate distortions of the facts." Scandal At the OAU." 0

"I'm sorry—I don't recognize any of them . . . !"

Accuse AP of discrimination WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a lawsuit filed by the Wire Service Guild, the Associated Press has been charged with discriminatory hiring practices. THE INTERNATIONAL news service has been accused of employing only 20 Black news-persons regularly, while it has a total of 1.300 employees. Ten Blacks are working at temporary new positions but the company training program has produced few minority workers who have been permitted to join the regular staff.

The few Spanish news employees are limited to the New York foreign department and a r e used almost exclusively to handle the Spanish -speaking programs.







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MARCH 22, 1974


Interview with Angela Davis about communism, racism and 'Alliance 9

By Harold 4X M.S. Atlanta Bureau R A L E I G H , N.C. - Since Angela Davis was released from a California prison in June 1972 she has been actively working as one of three co chairmen in organizing the Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression ( A A R P R ) . Muhammad Speaks interviewed Miss Davis during the founding conference for a state - wide alliance in North Carolina. M.S.: Why is North Carolina chosen as a call to a Founding Conference for an Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression? Angela Davis: Well, for one thing, in the very beginning when we were formulating the principles of the alliance it became clear that the most severe political repression was in the state of North Carolina. Then we became acquainted with Ben's (Chavis) case where he was sentenced to 34 years. Then there were all the other cases — we just kept hearing more and more. Because North Carolina has been presented as the new South, it is important to smash that myth. One of the reasons I think it is important to smash that myth is that, I think we are presently experiencing new outbreaks of racism' all over the country — I mean the open, overt kind of racism. We can say what we want to say about the

kidnaping — the Hearst brother, walked over to the kidnaping; I think I made it car. I wouldn't roll down the clear that if someone were window because I didn't know talking about organizing mass what to do. He said, "Hey struggle, we can see the sister, don't worry I'm not the correct answer to building a Boston Strangler — I'm only movement against repression looking for a party." I think and the R e v o l u t i o n a r y that's an index of how there Movement as doing the things has been a concerted drive necessary to organizing the against Black men. masses of people. I'm not saying that it is all What is happening in the Bay coordinated systematically, Area is that the incident is but this is the kind of climate being utilized to 'fan up' the that permits these outbreaks most ugly kind of racism. of racism. And by building a KDIA, which is the local Black kind of organized movement in radio station, has constantly North C a r o l i n a , and by Angela publicized threats' they have attempting to arrest it's received—letters, phone calls development here where we tactics the Alliance will use to from people who said they are feel it is most severe, we will combat repression? going to blow up two blocks of be doing the entire country a Angela Davis: Well, one thing the Black community if a service; we will be doing our — when you talk about fighting single hair off P a t r i c i a entire movement a service. for the freedom of political Hearst's head is harmed. It is like cancer, I think — if prisoners, first of all, that You know about those killings you talk about facism, and see means that those who are that also took place in San it jjeveloping and growing like prosecuting and persecuting F r a n c i s c o . I f they had cancer. If you don't call it out the political prisoners have to indicated that it was a white there at its early stages, then it be made aware that the sister person, who was being sought is going to take over the whole or brother does not stand for those killings, that person organism. And we sort of see alone. Because what we have would have been described as a North Carolina as the most experienced in the past, in 'psychopath.' Because they are malignant point in the entire terms of being railroaded, has saying that it is a tall Black country. occurred in secret and in man, well — any tall Black in M.S.: Would you give us some silence. the San Francisco Bay Area is insight on the techniques or One of the things we used to a potential victim of arrest and snooting. Lots of friends of mine have been arrested because of that. And not only do I have the experience of having those By Harold 4X T H E LOWER COURTS then friends busted, but, like the (M.S. Atlanta Bureau) compromised and sentenced other night I was driving down LYNCHBURG, Va. - The Wansley to life imprisonment. the street and I parked while struggle to free Thomas This was in 1967, five years my friend had to go up to get Wansley, a 27 - year - old after the alleged incident took someone. And a Black man, a Black man who has been given place. two death sentences for the In January, 1973, a U.S. alleged rape and robbery of a District Judge in Richmond, white woman in Dec. 1962, Va. ruled that Wansley had not goes on into the 12th year. received a fair trial. He The white woman swore at ordered Wansley freed under the trial that Wansley took 32 bond within 60 days. cents and a bus token from her The judge's ruling was based high blood pressure. Joel after the alleged rape. At first p a r t l y on the fact that Ndlovu, prominent political the woman said she could not Wansley's attorney William activist, has been necessarily identify Wansley as the man Kunstler was "red - baited" by transferred from his prison who raped her. the local news media. camp to a hospital for nervous T H E S U P R E M E COURT of However, in Nov. 1973, the diseases. Virginia overturned the first U.S. 4th Circuit Appeals Court ANOTHER L E A D I N G conviction of death and overturned the D i s t r i c t nationalist, Leopold Takawira, ordered a new trial because no Judge's ruling and ordered died in prison after the transcript was made during Wansley back to jail saying authorities refused to concede the first trial. that the judge's ruling was in that he was sick and left him to Local leaders in Lynchburg error. die after he had lapsed into a protested and charged that the WANSLEY'S CASE attracted diabetic coma: arrest of Wansley took place nationwide attention in the Chisango's m e d i c a l because he - w a s deeply- weeks after his return to complaints were similarly involved in the Civil Rights prison in November. The SCLC ignored, causing his physical movement and other groups held mass condition to deteriorate badly. A second trial was held and rallies and demonstrations in Doctors at first told him there Wansley was again sentenced Virginia, signed petitions and was nothing wrong with him, to death. The defense lawyers sent delegates to see the and only when his stomach appealed all the way back up to governor. began to swell was he allowed •the state supreme court, and Gov. Linwood Holton to go to the hospital, where his again the lower court answered the appeals on Jan, condition was then diagnosed conviction was overturned and 8, just four days before leaving as cirrhosis of the liver. a third trial ordered. office in a letter to Wansley's

S.A. refuses medical care—prisoners die SALISBURY, Rhodesia - A Rhodesian detainee, Kenneth Chisango, died in a coma after failing in an attempt to be sent to Britain for treatment. IN A L E T T E R smuggled out of Gwelo prison, political prisoners have accused the authorities of failing to provide proper food, clothing and medical facilities for African detainees, and 'ignoring a doctor's recommendation that Chisango be given a better diet. The health of Rhodesian detainees is of grave concern to individuals and organizations that have maintained contact with political detention camps and prisons. Many of those who are being held without trial or charges are suffering from

Davis do when we were trying to organize people to bring them into the prison struggle, we would just go downtown to the courthouse and single out any courtroom and just sit there and watch what happened. And after one day of watching what goes down in a typical courtroom a person is generally far more radical than when he arrived. But one of our most important tactics, when you deal with political prisoners, is to pack (Continued on page 17)

\fansley struggle goes on mother. Holton said he would not pardon Wansley because such action should be taken only under "extraordinary" circumstances, and he did not consider Wansley's situation "extraordinary." The new governor. Mills Godwin, who was the architect of V i r g i n i a ' s " m a s s i v e r e s i s t a n c e " to s c h o o l desegregation, called for reinstatement of the death penalty and reduction of welfare rolls in his inaugural address. MANY BLACK leaders Were left with a bitter taste in their mouths c o n c e r n i n g e x governor Holton, whom they had considered "liberal." The NAACP had recently given Holton a "brotherhood" award. Wansley is currently serying 1frs life sentence at a prison camp in Chesterfield County, Virginia. * "We thought we had in Holton the rise of a new day; in Virginia politics. But he buckled under and I told him this to his face," said a disappointed Rev. Reid of Norfolk Virginia, who had been very close to Holton.

(Reprinted October Speaks warning

by popular



newspaper. for


request of An



Muhammad imperative


HOLY QUR'AN,Chapter78:2: "Of the tremendous announcement." T H E DAY O F DECISION. We are now living in the time in which we must decide on what we shall do. It is very important that we arrive at a solution; come to a definitive agreement. YOU, Black man in America are holding back your decision. You are waiting because of the people who have brought this D A Y O F DECISION to us by their way of rule. Their rule is in the way of injustice. NOW T H E GOD of Justice is Before us and we must decide upon whether or not we will accept a change of rulers or remain under the present rule that is passing from the scene. WE MUST decide rightly, in order to relieve the people of the pressure of injustice. Let our decision be for the benefit of our present and our future generations. WE have no objection to that person who makes up his mind to remain in what he is already in. However, this Announcement of Great Importance is laid before you and me so that we may come to some kind of decision: agreement on what we shall do about the truth of this Announcement. T H E ANNOUNCEMENT is the truth. It is asking us to decide on whether or not we are going to accept the truth or remain in falsehood. It is up to us to make the decision. It is called T H E DAY O F DECISION. Decide this day which God you shall serve—The God of Freedom, Justice and Equality or the same old wicked god whose rule Allah (God) is Here to Bring an end to. T H E wicked rulers veil the eyes of the people with falsehood so that the people may take falsehood for truth and truth for falsehood. This is what the Bible and Holy Qur'an teaches us. A L L of the I m p o r t a n t Announcements made by the prophets from Moses to the present day—the enemy of truth has deceived the people and made the people think that they were

listening to falsehood. They made the people think that the prophet and His God were too weak to prevail over falsehood with truth. WHAT is said here in this writing is directed to the Black Man in America. He is the real one who must decide on whether or not to remain in what he is in, or accept a better world that is ruled by the God of Freedom, Justice and Equality. MY Black Brother, I want you to know that you are in a pitiful condition here in this Day in which the Announcement is being made to you to make up your mind about what you are going to do. In plain words, I wish to write here and tell you that you do not have a long time in which to decide on what you want to do. THINKING that you have a long time to decide is the mistake that people made in the past. Noah's people and Lot's people were the losers for ignoring the Announcement from these worthy prophets. They waited, for they thought that what they had was going to continue to be. W E here in America do not have to wait and see, for America is folding up u n d e r D i v i n e Chastisement and destruction is taking place before your and my eyes. Also, the Bible and the Holy Qur'an prophecied of these Days and what is going on. These Days are the Days of Judgment of Allah (God) against the wicked. TO see 'more' may mean the end of your life and my life as it was with the people of Noah and Lot who waited to see 'more.' They could not come to a decisive point of agreement. They waited and maybe you too will wait. TO WAIT for the truth to be fulfilled means that we will suffer the consequences of the truth— for not accepting the truth. T H E DAY O F DECISION.

AS there were opponents of the prophets in the past, we have opponents of the prophet in this modern time. With all of the warning that was given before these days, we could make our decision so easily. R E M E M B E R , the people of Noah had no prophets nor scripture before Noah. Again, remember that, even as late as the time of Moses, the people of Moses, the I s r a e l i t e s , had no previous scriptures, before Moses. YOU, Black Brother are better off. You have all of the scriptures that were given to prophets throughout the whole six thousand (6,000) years of the white man on the Planet Earth. And then you will be so foolish as to delay in making a good decision until you see something happen or until, as the Holy Qur'an and Bible teaches us, that you wait until you see the angels coming in the clouds of heaven before you make up your mind. But still probably you would reject that. Surely it will come to pass that the angels will come in the clouds of heaven. But as the Holy Qur'an teaches you, it will not be a good Day for you who have waited for such time. When the angels come in the clouds of heaven they will not be coming to do anything like preaching or giving you further knowledge. It is prophecied that on the Day of Judgment the angels will come to execute judgment on you for not believing and to save those who do believe. THE PREACHER, the Messenger, is the first to be judged. Then the angels come to execute judgment on those who did not believe the Message. The angels in the time of Lot are a good warning to you, today. Those people were lost, for the angels came to execute Judgment on the opponents and disbelievers of Lot and the

made of truth. He was made of falsehood. BUT again the Book (Bible) teaches that "Whosoever believeth, the same shall be saved." This is truth, whether he is white or Black. If a white man, woman, boy or girl believes, even though by nature they are not the real righteous, their faith will get them out of the hell that Allah (God) threatens this world with. And their time will be prolonged. I am sure that you know this. They also know this. A remnant of them will escape if they have the faith in Allah (God) and His Religion, Islam, as the Jesus prophecied in the Bible,....that even though an enemy give one of his least ones (believers) a drink of water, and that being an act of

cities of the plain where he was living. T H E DAY O F DECISION only means the Resurrection and Judgment of the present world. As the Jesus prophecied; as it was in the Day of Noah, Abraham and Lot so it will be today. They were eating and drinking and having a "good time" as they called it; but it is not a "good time" it is a wicked time. T H E history teaches us that by waiting, they were the losers, but yet, it will be the same, today. It is the same, for it is going on now. You are rejecting this truth and you are accepting falsehood instead. NATURALLY the enemy of truth is angry with the Bearer of the Truth because by nature the enemy was made only evil. He was NOT

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah Muslims reserve all rights. Photograph cannot be reproduced without permission of owner. 4

goodness, The God will Not deprive that act of goodness of its reward. M A K E U P YOUR MIND. Come to a decision, I WARN YOU. Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah

M u h a m m a d : G u i d e to p e a c e ! whatever

By Margary Hassain MESSENGER MUHAMMAD is the only Guide to Peace, for Muhammad comes in the Name of Allah (God) are




due forever!—Allah,


the Author

the absence




to Whom

of Peace



and Divine




is a World






of where



to get

Peace. Muhammad has the Divine Solution. Muhammad knows the Divine Way to Peace. Muhammad puts us on the Divine Path to Peace—Islam. Muhammad leads us to Allah (God) Who

is as close

The Scriptures

to Muhammad



as his jugular


Muhammad as The Prince Of

Peace. Devil


televisings on




question The

which World






and their





a series

of articles

are presenting

at War"

all through











asks the question,

out of our


are telling



to the



eluded "Why


the peace



in Allah


Messenger Muhammad said Taught

him tor a Duration

haH years. to Guide

And Allah

of nearly


and to Reveal




Allah three


and one-

to Teach


Messenger Muhammad






us Isfam,,

to be no guide




not guide

us to peace,


the devil


tor the devil


us Islam...peace.



to destroy

not made,




us to









Nation (God)



our own


Has Given





to us our Black


Peace! Brother,

Messenger Muhammad, The Guide to Peace! Bible, Isa. 9:6..."For unto us (the Black People) a child (Messenger Muhammad) is born, unto us a son is gfven; and the government (Planet Earth) shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called


Everlasting The above the




The Mighty

Father,The Prince scripture






is bearing Allah



witness Placed of

Muhammad—Allah (God) Crowned Muhammad with Peace—Allah (God) Peace, Spiritual



to the His

fact, Divine


Messenger the King of

Messenger Muhammad, (His Son)—Muhammad, the Prince of Peace!




to His Will, and Returns


to His Pleasure,



THE Law Sister,

of Islam




to obey,

tor us to live by. A





of Muslims,




mischievous, guide

were ago


The white

us that

of earth

People were







us, "There

Gods, race,

The white race




on our

of our Black

away from Peace. Let us Black People time looking tor Peace in a people who The






is not

not be so

so I have

only Black


to Peace.


of Messenger


to me the

of Islam


and the people



the Law


a His

for if it were,

of years




to accept

of the Teachings




is easy

" I know




He Gives

His Divine

who is ready






lose no make

more chaos.

is no peace

for the


ALLAH (God; Has Given to us, the Black People, Muhammad: The Guide to Peace. Muhammad has the Final Solution, to Guide us to Peace under the Banner



a People,


..Muhammad: The Guide to Peace. Muhammad: Teacher of Islam. And we who follow the Divine Guidance of Messenger Muhammad...we have Peace. BLACK BROTHERS and Black Sisters, we must We must



many the





not teach




by nature,

The devil



tor we




so ihey

to peace,

The devil

he fought

For Allah

For Messenger Muhammad's Answers Begin and End with Allah (God). And there is no one who can find




and Final



MESSENGER MUHAMMAD, the Divine Guide to Peace, does not ask questions, for Messenger Elijah Muhammad, is the Man with Answers—Divine, Total,




them. is





MESSENGER MUHAMMAD teaches us, The belongs the

to the Original


Greeting Alaikum—and


of Peace. of






Muhammad teaches us the which is As-Salaam-

its meaning—Peace

be unto



WHEN WE Submit

to the Will of Allah




to Muhammad,

The Guide


Join to

on to



MARCH 22, 1974



You & Your Health by


M t c W £



M.D., Nashville, Tenn.

Sugar diabetes Part I I

new stock on


• Suits • Sport Coats • Shirts •Ties



Clothing Shoes entire

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For the family

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o f

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Hours 1 0 - 6 W e e k d a y s S a t . 1 0 - 7

Closed -Holidays

Every one of us can point out either a close friend, a neighbor, a relative, or maybe ourselves as one who has been touched by one of the most widespread chronic diseases in the Black community — diabetes. In the United States alone there are approximately 4 m i l l i o n persons w i t h diabetes, close to 2 per cent of the total population. T H E R E A R E some one-anda-half million people with recognized diabetes in the U.S. and another half-million or so of whom the disease is in it's early stages and has not yet been discovered. Historically the incidence of this disease has been considerably higher in the Black community where the average diet is rich in carbohydrates and fats. The fact that diabetes is present in one's family is a p o w e r f u l f a c t o r i n the development of this disease. It is estimated that a family history of diabetes is present in as many as 50 per cent of all cases. It has been observed that 85 per cent of diabetic patients are or were at one time, overweight. The disease can appear at any time and tends to be more severe the younger the victim is when symptoms begin. Four out of five diabetics are over 45 years-old. Diabetes usually results from not having enough of the hormone insulin which is produced by special secreting cells in the pancreas. T H E FUNCTION of insulin is to assist in the transport of the sugar molecule (glucose) through the cell wall. It is postualted that insulin does not enter the cell nor affect the chemical reactions within the cells, but merely attaches itself to the cell wall to permit glucose to pass more readily. When the blood-sugar rises following a, meal, insulin is secreted from the pancreas. This causes a lowering of the blood-sugar by allowing the sugar to pass into the cell to where it, can be utilized. It b r a n d s to^reason that anything which hampers the outpouring of insulin from the pancreas would in effect cause a rise in blood-sugar. This is . the t condition we. call diabetes. It is similar to the backing up of a river when the floodgates of the dam are shut. After a downpour the river behind the dam backs up and the water

level rises rapidly. If the floodgates are kept shut, the water may rise spilling over the top of the dam. IN A SIMILAR manner in the body, when a meal high in carbohydrates (sugars and starches) is eaten it causes a flood of sugar to be added to the bloodstream. In the nondiabetic patient enough insulin would be released from the p a n c r e a s to p e r m i t the "floodgates" of the cells to open up letting the sugar enter the cells allowing only a temporary rise in the amount of sugar in the blood. However, in the diabetic patient, there is not enough insulin secreted by the p a n c r e a s to open the"floodgates" wide enough to prevent a flood. The amount of blood-sugar continues to rise until it exceeds the ability of the kidney (renal threshold) to handle the excess amount. It spills over into the urine. Hence we hear people saying, " I am spilling sugar in my urine " —now we know what this means. The amount of sugar spilled into the urine, among other things, indicates the severity of the diabetes and the degree of control the person has over his "sugar." In fact, diabetes is most commonly discovered during a routine physical check up by detection of sugar in the urine. T H E B E S T WAY it "can be controlled is by eating the proper food in such a way that you will never know that you ever h 1 it and you will never see any signs of it. But, you must not continue to pour in the body, power and strength of sugar from your meals that add to the sugar spilling over in your body. Naturally, it is going to r e a c h out for something or it is going to flood itself after putting too much sugar.and starch in the body. "But, some of its are so bent upon eating what we want that we just cannot abstain from eating these starches and sweet foods. These things are ' nothing but friends to the sugar diabetic condition. Stay away from it and you will live longer, for diabetes is an evil enemy. It is an enemy to botf the flesh and bones of the body." So said the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in "How To Eat To Live."



MARCH 22,1974


Saigon govt, in economic limbo SAIGON, South Viet Nam The U.S. Army is gone, and with it most of the dollars. The P X ' s and the warehouses that kept the blackmarket stocked are gone; the GIs with their "red dollars" have left the sources of graft and corruption which kept the Saigon economy bobbing like a raft on the sea of war that has now dried up. T H E ECONOMY under the Thieu regime faces collapse without any solution — despite Thieu's vague "austerity" plans — in sight. Beneath the crises of political prisoners, the violations of the Geneva


Agreements, repression, unrest and social decay, the Saigon administration faces the prospect of not being able to keep itself together, even physically. Imports are the main factor in the Saigon trade and services part of the economy — which is most of the economy; the war virtually ended Solith Viet N a m ' s development as a producer. Saigon's eight-year economic plan calls for it to import some $870 million worth of goods in 1974, while the Saigon Ministry of Commerce and Industry

a l l o c a t i o n

r u n



Shopping can


be filled


the area of gasoline, jet and diesel fuels and heating oils. Reich retired from the Navy with 38 years under his belt in January. His last Pentagon job was assistant deputy Defense Secretary for, Logistics. Again, according to Evans and Novak, Reich has brought more than 15 former high ranking military men, colonels or above, into the new office since he took charge with more on the way. Reich has been quoted as saying, " I don't give a damn for the public image. We're not here to create an image. We're here to do a job my way—and that's the military way."

DURING U.S. OCCUPATION of South Viet Nam, American goods were readily available on the black market. Political graft, prostitution and all forms of corruption followed wherever U.S. troops were sent. 8355 So. Cottage Grove

Salaam Sandwich S h o p

"The come back Sandwich"

Shabazz Market

783-9846 614

E. 71 st


accept a team of experts from a Japanese governmentsubsidized corporation to survey undersea oil resources in the Tonkin Gulf. The Japanese Journal of Commerce blamed "political instability" in South Viet Nam for the corporations' decision to go slow on plans to invest in the Saigon economy. Saigon has had no better luck in interesting foreign oil companies in the exploitation of off -shore oil in the South. According to the Oil and Gas Journal of last May, the fact (Continued on page 21)




JAPAN, ONCE thought to be a major post-war investor in the Thieu economy, has apparently decided that North Viet Nam provides a better potential for trade. The J a p a n e s e f i r m s , made desperate by the energy crisis in the capitalist economy, are presently negotiating to increase by eight times the amount of coal they will import from North Viet Nam in 1974. The high-quality North Vietnamese anthracite is in great demand. North Viet Nam has also agreed in principle to



WASHINGTON—One very significant aspect of the newly created Office of Petroleum Allocation (OPA) which has virtually gone un-noticed is that the new office is being staffed totally by ex-military types. ACCORDING TO syndicated columnist Evans and Novak, O.P.A. is being run by3-Star Admiral E l i T. Reich who vows that the program will be run in the military way "no matter what the public wants." O.P.A. was established by executive order and given the " K e y " job of establishing priorities for petroleum use in

estimates that it will have some $72 million to pay for it. The other $800 million was to come from foreign aid and loans, and from post-war foreign investment. But it is not coming. The United States had budgeted $376 million in aid for Saigon. Phnom Penh and Vientiane together. International financial institutions have turned a deaf ear to Saigon's request for loans, and now it seems that international investors are not flocking to Saigon to reap the benefits of war.

with Lettuce Tomato Melted Cheese

S e a b o a t

F i s h



MARCH 22.1974



Gun-toting revenue are

men disarmed

By Harold 4X (M.S. Atlanta Bureau) ATLANTA, Ga. — Atlanta City Councilman M o r r i s Finley, forced to back down two white armed state revenue agents in July, 1972, was acquitted by a Fulton County Criminal Court Jury of four Blacks and one white, on charges of a s s a u l t and obstructing an officer. ON J U L Y 19, 1972, the two armed agents went to Finley's business to collect $762 in delinquent sales taxes. Finley informed them that he didn't have the money, but one of the agents told him they would have to collect one way or another. They then told Finley to get his employees out of the building so that they could padlock the door in order to collect the $762 through sale of the property. Both of the agents carrying pistols in their holsters, removed their coats so that their weapons were in plain view. " I told Mr. Norman that Black folks are not afraid of guns anymore," Finley said. "Mr. Norman showed me his gun and said it was loaded, so I told him, Hell, I can load mine'.'' T H E D E P A R T M E N T of Revenue agent named Norman testified saying, ""Finley reached behind a curtain, pulled out a 12-gauge shotgun, broke it open, got a shell out of a desk drawer, and put the shell in. Then he placed it over his arm and said, 'You'll have to leave.' " After testifying that Finley never threatened verbally to shoot the gun or pointed the weapon at the agents, Norman said, " I thought I might get shot if I stayed." Norman swore out a warrant shortly after the incident charging Finley with obstructing a law enforcement officer. At the last minute the criminal court solicitor's officer changed the charge to assault. I t was changed because the two agents could not be legally classified as law enforcement officers with arrest powers. Finley, a civil rights activist at the time, was charged with placing the agents "under reasonable apprehension...of bodily injury" and faced a m a x i m u m penalty of 12 months in jail and a $1,000 fine. The jury of four Blacks and one white deliberated only If .minutes before finding the young councilman not guilty. The prosecutor accused Finley of "embezzling" the state's sales tax money, bu' this was erased from the record.


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MARCH 22, 1974

Angela Davis talks about racism, communism (Continued from page 11) courtrooms, create demonstrations on the outside, hold rallies, and anything that is going to dramatically present the presence of large numbers of people. And I think that the presence of just such a movement at Ben Chavis' trial and others back in June in Wilmington was essential. I am certain that the judge dropped the charges, partly because of the fact he saw it would not be possible to convict a person on a charge as ridiculous as 'accessory after the fact' when so many people are watching all over the country. So we have to do whatever we can to show the judges, prosecutors, government and a l l the officials that we would not allow our brothers and sisters to face their accusers alone. Now, once you move on from there to building national campaigns, all kinds of tactics can be used; all of which, I think should be consumed under the general strategy of developing a viable kind of unity. /That's some of the things we learned during the time I was in prison and in building a movement that freed me — and the key is unity.


CONTINUING HER STRUGGLE against repression, Angela Davis has not forgotten those who stood by her in her moments of despair.






And we cannot ban anyone from the movement when we are sincerely concerned about justice. So we talk about unity between Black, brown, red, yellow and white people. Unity with workers, students, communists, and radical democrats; you know — the


102 9 961 860 1490 1480 96.1 1360 1230 1080 1090 93 7 1080 1540 730 16 1570


speaking as a communist. You see, I feel that this movement we are building against repression fits me as a communist because it gives me more room to go out and organize and to inform people what the real meaning of communism is. Just as it gives the Nationalists and the Radical Democrats more room to express their ideologies. M.S.: Now, what happened at Atlanta University? Angela Davis: First of all, there were two incidents that the press mixed up. There was sort of, an afternoon session with questions and answers, and I was asked about the relationship between the Communist Party and Black Liberation Struggle. Someone asked the question which was rather provocative, I thought. And I made the point that I felt that the worst kind of anti communism among Black people came from the so called Black bourgeoisie. When I talk about anticommunism I'm not talking about someone who criticizes the Communist Party — I'm talking about an unreasoned attack against the kind of thing like that which is done by the

Every Week On the Radio Station In Your Area Listed Here


103 SUN. 1470 SUN. 1540 SUN 1530 SUN. 1580 SUN. 1320 SUN 1530 SUN 1510 SUN. 107.5 SUN. 1440 SUN. 1410 SUN 90 3 0AILY 1420 SUN 990 SUN 1220 SUN 107 7 SUN. 1230 98 7 1070 1070 860 96.1

whole spectrum. The things we do are designed to bring more unity and more people into the struggle. M.S.: I have heard among some B l a c k s that your particular ideology as a communist, somewhat interferes with your role in the Black Liberation Struggle, as it uniquely is here in America and especially what happened in Atlanta. Is there any validity to that? Angela Davis: That just hasn't been the case at all. There have been very few instances where that question has even been raised in public meeting. But generally when the question of communism is raised separating me from Black people, the provocateurs are only interested in starting something. I always make it clear as the co-chairman of the Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression, we have to talk about unity among all ideologies. Now if I'm asked to speak somewhere about something relating to communism or Marxism you know, the role of communism and the Black liberation struggle, of course. I present my feelings and my beliefs in the most forceful way I feel I can. But then I am




7:00 A.M 7 30 AM 5:00 PM 10:05 AM 10:00 AM. 7:30 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 2:00 PM 4:00 P.M. 11:30 AM. 10:30 AM 10:00 A.M 2:00 PM 8.00 A.M. 10:00 AM

5:30 PM. 9:00 PM. tl:30AJYI. 8:30 A.M 4:00 PM 6:00 P.M 8:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON 6:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. 8.00 AM. 6:00 A.M 5:00 PM. 9:30 PM p 5





9:00 PM 11:00 AM. 11:00 A.M. 5 00 PM. 7:30 P.M




1480 1230 105 6 1550 94 7 1400 1400 93.3 102.7 1430 96.1 1280 1070 (250 103.9 1350 1070 1538 990 1590 102.1 860




SUN. SUN. SUN. KUXL 1570 SUN. WAPX 1600 SUN. WLBC 1340 SUN. WV01 1470 WVOL 1470- SUN. SUN WBNX 1380 SUN. WFMN 103 SUN. WYBC FM 94.3 SAT. WYID 940 TUES WBNX 1380 SUN. KQED 885 SUN. KFJt -FM 98.9 SUN. KBYE 890 WB0P 980 THUR SUN. WANT 99 SUN WDIA 1070 SUN WHAT 1340 SUN

A Message

1:00 PM.

5:30 P.M. 10:30 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M 8:30 A.M. 7:00 PM. 10 00 AM 7:30 AM. 11:00 AM 1100 A.M. '0:15 AM 6:00 P.M. 12:30 AM. 11:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 6:00 A.M. 8:00 AN. 400 P.M. 11:00AM. 4:00 P.M 7:30 P.M. 10:30 A.M. 9:00 P.M 9:00 P.M. 6 30 P.M 7:30 A.M. 3:00 P.M. 9:00 PM. 6:30 P.M 9:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 2:15 P.M 6:30 AM. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M.

establishment. That was that incident. Then, there was also an interesting incident when I spoke that evening,, which was a combination because of the fact that there were not enough seats inside and there were a lot of people on the outside who wanted to get in. And then there were some brothers from Morehouse who were upset because they had to pay to get in. The reason why they had to pay to get in was because the sisters at Spelman asked them to contribute something to the honorarium and when they didn't the sisters told them they would have to pay. So a few of them were angry because they couldn't get in free, and they tried to start a little thing which the people immediately stopped. And then there was a huge crowd on the outside trying to get in and at one point there w as sort of a storm on the building. So I stopped and asked all the brothers and sisters to come in and sit on the floor in the aisle or wherever they could. Now the press tried to create the impression that this was an attack against me. r

of Truth.. Mightier



Than the Sword! 1530 106 1550 1400 1220 570 96.1 990 107 1

7:00 P.M 7:00 PM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM. 8:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 7:30 AM. 4:30 PJW. 7:00 P.M


8:30 P.M 8:30 AM. 9:00 P.M 10.00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M.


KAPE 14*0 XEGM 107 KQED 88.5 KYAC 1480 KYAC -FM 96.5 WPK-FM 102.8 WVOL 1470 WJVA 1580 WHBM AM t tin WMAY 970 WHVY-fM 94.7 KXLW 1320 iKATZ 1888 WENN FM WFLA -FM KAD0 -FM 107.1 KAD0-FM 107.1 WENN -FM 1070 W0IA WW0C 1400 1270 WDVL 96.1 WGCB-FM WPIC -FM 102.9 W00K 1340




89.1 91 3






9:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 12:00 NOON 7:30 A.M. 10:00 AM. 2.30 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 PM. 10:35 P.M. 7:00 PM. 7:00 PM 9:30 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 3:00 PM. 7:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 12:30 PM 1:30 P.M. 6.00 P.M.



MARCH 22.1974

Imprisoned Puerto Rican prisoner exposes American aggressiveness By Edward Joseph X Chapman and Keith X Farries (Special To Muhammad Speaks) MARION, Illinois-Federal Penitentiary—Whenever and w h e r e v e r men dedicate themselves to fight in the interest of their people, they are declared and portrayed as dangerous to their oppressors and they become targets of every repressive tactic the colonizer can use and invent to stop them. We see this in the history of the Puerto Ricans and their endeavor for independence. ON MARCH 1, 1954, Lolita Lebron, Andres Figueroa Cordero. Rafael Miranda and Irving Flores, all members of the Nationalist Party, went to th^ U.S. Congress to raise the case of Puerto Rico as a colony. Realizing that the f u t u r e of P u e r t o R i c o demanded a clear and strong demonstration, they took out guns and began to fire. The cry ir Puerto Rican independence vas brought to the floor of Congress. The attack was used by U.S. as an excuse to increase repression against Puerto Ricans...Don Pedro Albizu Campos, leader of the Nationalist Party, was taken back to prison where he became paralyzed and lost his speech. Lolita Lebron was given 50 years; Andres, Rafael and Irving received 75 years each for the attack, plus six years each for conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government by force and violence. They still remain in ...prison. Muhammad Speaks in its Nov. 30. 1973 edition published an article by Joe Walker entitled, "U.S. Holding five Puerto Rican Rebels Political Prisoners." Walker, whose exclusive interview with Angela Davis—printed verbatim also in M.S.—ignited a fire among

the m a s s e s t h a t w a s ignominious to the government. His article of last

Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States imperialist government—right?

imperialistic countries stand for, it would be obvious to you why they sided with the U.S.

PUERTO RICANS have long demonstrated against U.S. domination of their country. Their fervor for independence was rewarded at the expense of hundreds of political prisoners. (M.S. photo by Joseph Crawford) Nov. 30, has added another brick to the inevitable house being built by the oppressed people. Following is the exclusive i n t e r v i e w conducted by Muhammad Speaks with one of the five longest held political prisoners in the U.S.— Rafael Cancel Miranda. M.S.: I know you read the article in Muhammad Speaks about your country, yourself and your four Puerto Rican companions. What's your opinion about it? Was it accurate or what? Rafael Miranda: Yes, very much so, and I want to thank Muhammad Speaks and Joe Walker for taking time and space to bring out real facts about the Puerto R i c a n situation and about our long struggle for independence. We appreciate and welcome brotherly solidarity— thank you. M.S.: It seems that the whole world is finally realizing that

NOTICE TO ALL DONORS TO THE NATION OF ISLAM: Due to the tremendous backlog of work, w e are behind in acknowledging receipt of donations. We w i l l be forwarding your receipts to you as soon as possible. Thank You. Your donations are very much appreciated.

Rafael Miranda: Fortunately so...the Puerto Rican case was discussed at the General Assembly of the United Nations and we won by an overwhelming majority of votes: 104 nations took the position that Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States and that it's her right to be independent. . O n l y four countries sided with the U.S. (France, England, Portugal and South Africa), and by checking on what those four

M.S.: In other words, those countries who sided with the

U.S. did so because they, too, exploit and oppress the Third World people? Rafael Miranda: Very well put...that's exactly the case. M.S.:Things were kind of different at the United Nations at the time you started doing this time in prison, were they not? Rafael Miranda: Yes, very much different. But since that day, March 1, 1954, when I shot that battle cry for Puerto Rican independence at the U.S. Congress, there have been many changes around the world. Today, the United States does not control the United Nations like in 1954. Many Third World countries have acquired their independence and together with the socialist countries carrv a lot of weight at the U.N. T h e y , the progressive countries, had a lot to do with our victory at the U.N.—Cuba, together with brothers and sisters from Africa, the Middle (Continued on page 20)

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MARCH 22, 1974

19 is. He is the light in the darkness. He is the only light that is shinning for you and me, the Black man and woman in North America. He is our Sun. So flock to him brothers and sisters for He is our only salvation.

The beauty of lOhat Jslam has bone forMuhammad me Submission, the key to understanding expression of a mathematical principle which confuses most people. The student of the Our beloved Leader and science of semantics (the Teacher, the Honorable Elijah psychological and historical Muhammad, has said, But for study of word meanings as lack of understanding, all of they pertain to linguistic our people would be Muslims." development) can bear witness Taking his statement into that the word "part" and the c o n s i d e r a t i o n we m a y word " w h o l e " being so conclude that something must arranged in a sentence that be done, or must take place associates them with "equal" misunderstanding, before understanding can be causes confusion and even disbelief grasped. a perfectly sound Messenger Muhammad, the about statement. Last and Greatest Apostle of All one need do is submit to Almighty God Allah, Who came in the Person of Master the complete thought of and Fard Muhammad, to Whom not oppose understanding by Praises are due forever, assuming the statement is teaches us that submission is inaccurate on the basis of the key which opens the door of the conflicting ideas that are brought to mind by the words understanding. This truth is evident in all used. "Submit," says Messenger things. For example, to say that the whole is equal to the Muhammad, 'and the truth sum of its parts is an will be made manifest." By Lionel X (Simpson) Temple No. 28

All Praises are due to Allah. Master Fard Muhammad, for raising up from among us a Divine Leader. Teacher and Guide as we have in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He teaches us. the rejected and despised so-called American Negroes, the ultimate truth, a Supreme truth, a truth so plain that a fool couldn't error: the knowledge of God and the knowledge of the devil. But because these truths which flow so smoothly from the mouth of the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad are arranged according to the rules and patterns of the E n g l i s h language it is confronted with ideas, attitudes, and feelings which the Imperial Wizards of Caucasian Tricknowledge so diligently sowed into the very nature of their sophisticated society.

By Sister Robeena 2X Temple No. 2 Did you see that beautiful Black man Whom Allah has given to us? Did you feel the radiance of His presence? If you weren't at Saviour's Day 1974, you missed the time of your life.Long live Muhammad.

I must thank Allah forever and ever for giving to us a lifegiver, for the Messenger of Allah is a life-giver. He gave us life; He made our dry bones come together. All Praises are due to Allah for this Divine man. Allah and the Messenger are all we need to survive the War of Armageddon. Long Live Muhammad.

S^L™? °" S 1 6



Messenger of Allah, one s spirit is renewed. Oh, how beautiful He is! His inner beauty comes to the surface, and He glows like the light He

N.J. give

prisoners $1,000

By Ronald 31X Davis Youth Correctional Institution Bordentown, N.J. As a manifestation of our hard work and the profound love we have for our Dear Holy Apostle, the Brotherhood here at Bordentown Correctional Institution in New Jersey is sending a check for $1,000 to the H o n o r a b l e Elijah Muhammad for Saviour's Day 1974. This check is to be a witness bearer that the words of Allah through His Divine Messenger has certainly touched our ears and caused us to move. For it is said that mere belief counts for nothing if not accompanied with deeds.

Believer offers thanks to Allah envy and jealousy from my being, by degrees. I thank Allah for blessing me with happiness and peace of I thank Allah for the most mind and love for my people Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that I never felt before. I thank Allah for blessing me Who i s f e a r l e s s , bold, courageous, kind, gentle, with knowing how to really confident, loving and lovable. I appreciate m y beloved thank Allah for removing the brothers and sisters. I thank Allah for allowing me "yellow streak" from my back and enabling me to stand up the privilege to help His like a man for the first time in Messenger in raising our mentally dead people — my life. I thank Allah for removing American so-called Negroes. By Acting Asst. Minister GaryD. X (Banks) Jackson (Mich.) State Prison

I thank Allah for enabling me to see His power and His mercy, even here in this prison house (Jackson State Prison). One would not think that one could be so blessed in a prison house — but one can."

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Temple at Islam







Most of all, again. I thank Allah for the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the last and greatest Messenger of Allah. Who loves us, His people, more than we love ourselves.

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MARCH 22,1974

uerto Rican prisoner (Continued from pagelS)

East, Asia, China, Russia, South America—all of them fought a good fight for us; and, of course, the Puerto Rican people themselves. Allow me to tell you...that the Puerto Rican people are a fighting people that never give up their fight for freedom, because only in freedom is their dignity. M.S.: It seems to me, Brother R a f a e l , that the United Nations and our paper, Muhammad Speaks, coincide in their estimation about the Puerto Rican situation. Rafael Miranda: Yes, because you both took an honest look at the real facts. M.S.: Do you know anything about that Ponce Massacre that the Muhammad Speaks article mentioned, where so many Puerto Ricans were machine-gunned to death and so many more were wounded? Rafael Miranda: Yes, I was 6years-old then and for a matter of inches did not become an orphan; both my father and mother were there. My father was wounded in the hand and my mother survived by crawling over the bodies of those who were already killed while the bullets kept flying inches from her head, i t was cold-blooded murder perpetuated by the United

WANTED Two Female Language

States against unarmed people! As you can see, My Lai is not a new thing. Mass murder has been a policy of the U.S. ruling clique for many, many years. Remember Wounded K n e e and the massacres perpetuated against our Black brothers? The imperialist beast feeds itself with the blood and sweat of its victims. But, we are striking back, and we are winning, brother. M.S.: Were you arrested and imprisoned by the repressive forces any other time before this shooting in Washington on March ft, 1954 in which you took part? Rafael Miranda: Yes—when I was 18-years-old in 1948.Asyou know, the United States not only exploit and oppress my people, but they also use our Puerto Rican youth as cannon fodder in their wars of aggression. They impose their military service upon our youth and you see the senseless case of oppressed Puerto Ricans killing and dying for the interest of our own oppressors. Oppressed and exploited Puerto Ricans killing other oppressed and exploited people (Korea, Viet Nam, Santo Domingo) for the interests of our common oppressor and exploiter; when what we should be doing is fighting together as oppressed people against the oppressor. Anyway, the oppressor arrested me in 1948 for refusing to be a part of their army and e a r l y in 1949 imposed upon me a two-year sentence. Thev took me away

W a n t e d

from the high school in Puerto Rico where I was about to graduate and sent me to a federal prison in Florida (Tallahassee) where I did the entire two years and a day. Also, I spent some time, while t h e r e , in the "hole." Nevertheless, I was glad and proud that during the savage aggression against Viet Nam, thousands of young Puerto Ricans refused to be a part of the monster military machine of the U.S. Army. I have been arrested other times before March 1, 1954, for similar reasons. Even the bloody tyrant Batista (the U.S. Cuban puppet) arrested me in 1952, put me in j a i l and deported me back to Puerto Rico, where the United States ruling clique threw me in prison again.

Si//- •

(To be continued)

Black politicians confront Democrats; knock Tlatergate By Harold 4X

Julian Bond and Ben Brown, State Senator Leroy Johnson, Congressman Andrew Young and Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson along with Strauss spoke to a kickoff luncheon of a "national voter education and participation program" at Paschal's Motel in the heart of the Black Community^ Governor J i m m y Carter, referring to Lt. Gov. Lester Maddox, a Democrat and segregationist who is a probable c a n d i d a t e for governor, said, " I am not in favor of arbitrarily supporting anv candidate who comes

(M.S. Atlanta Bureau)

ATLANTA, GA. Denouncing "Watergate" in strong words, Georgia's Black political leaders, joined by Governor J i m m y Carter, turned to Democratic National Chairman Robert Strauss in a meeting in Atlanta to press for Democratic Commitment to minority interests. B E S I D E S GOV C A R T E R , the lame - duck governor who is courting Black votes for a potential shot at national office, State Representatives

Teachers to teach two to four students. One: Native of Spanish speaking country. One: Native of Arab speaking


Week's salary for

(1,000,000) acres to rent lease, or buy.

Must present

in the Midwest or South C O N T A C T

College or University degrees when interviewed. Report Directly to:

Messenger Muhammad 4847 So. Woodiawn Ave. Chicago, Illinois 606IS

of The Honorable


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forward." Carter urged the pressing Black leaders to take an active role in selecting p a r t y candidates and asked, " I s the Democratic Party ready to meet its commitments to the people who are represented by you here in this room?" U.S. Representative Andrew Young seized on the "hungryfeelings" declaring that "the future of the Democratic Party is in this room." YOUNG, R E F E R R I N G back to the late John F . Kennedy and a number of other elections said, "Black political activism, directed by civil rights leaders in Atlanta, was the key factor in the 1960 Presidential elections.'' Mayor Maynard . Jackson warned party leaders that minority voters "cannot be taken for granted. The party is not necessarily the "natural home" of voters shunning the "degradation and immorality of Republicanism in this country," he said Jackson, referring to the internal strife which Democrats are currently undergoing regarding rules for selecting delegates to the 1976 national convention, said, "1976 should be the final exam for the Democratic Party, as far as Black people are concerned." Strauss also took advantage of the prevailing mood to attack the Watergate Scandal of the Nixon administration. He said, " R e c e n t Nixon administration suggestions that a small group of radicals spearhead the anti-Nixon movement are demagogic and vicious.

Saigon economy

Crisis in Ethiopia; monarchy threatened ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Coinciding their move with the heavy undercurrent of peasant disapproval of the Ethiopian Government's lackadaisical approach to the many complex economic problems of the nation, the army staged a bloodless coup of the capital city, Asmara, after four days of rioting over the rising cost of living. WHILE REMAINING loyal to the government under the rulership of Emperor Haile Selassie, internationally acknowledged and held- inawe leader of Ethiopia, the troops took over the city after weeks of begging for increased pay and benefit demands. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 soldiers took part in the uprising, which is reported to have spread to the Red Sea port of Massawa, 90 miles to the northeast. More troops have joined the rebels who have listed 25 demands which include more pay, pensions, medical privileges, housing and improved living conditions. The Emperor, in a gesture of conciliation, authorized a monthly increase in pay for enlisted men and other ranks. However, members of the revolting 2nd Army Division, said the increase was not enough and agreed to meet



MARCH 22,1974

w i t h a d e l e g a t i o n of government officials who were being sent to Asmara to talk over the situation. The here - to - fore accepted concept that the leadership of E m p e r o r Selassie was undisputable has been "dashed against the wall" as militant armies have recently been springing up in Eritrea, the northeastern section of the country: T H E ETHIOPIAN Government's refusal to utilize the vast untapped resources of the c o u n t r y , coupled with declining living conditions brought on by the severe drought plaguing the nation and bringing on added troubles for this country which is steeped in historical reverence. More than one- quarter m i l l i o n acres of highly cultivable land remains untapped. The government has allowed foreigners to take over the vital industries of the country. Despite excessive forest and mineral reserves, including gold and platinum, coffee remains the chief export of Ethiopia. The majority of the people are i l l i t e r a t e since the government has been prone to educate the children of the rich rather than concentrate on the masses.

(Continued from page 15) that the off-shore areas of South Viet Nam in dispute, as well as the military power of the P R G , discouraged many companies from bidding.

Emperor Haile Selassie Meanwhile, government troops have been sent to Asmara, the site of a U.S. satellite tracking station, in apparent disregard for the rebels' demands to sincerely discuss the issues which caused the uprising.

T H E $16.6 MILLION that those oil companies who did bid have paid Saigon will not even be deposited in a Saigon b: ik, but in a more secure foreign bank. According to the research of the Pacific R i m Project of San Francisco, "The value of the investment to Saigon, in t e r m s of employment and access to foreign exchange, will be close to nil for at least five years. For these reasons, oil looks to be just one more aborted 'last hope' for Saigon's economic salvation."

Ethiopian democracy? ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Emperor Haile Selassie, the quasi - theocratic ruler of Ethiopia, announced recently that he has agreed to a constitutional convention to create a new, more democratic form of government. This move would end what is probably the oldest, dynastic monarchy in the world. In his speech announcing the change, Salassie said he was "instituting constitutional reform for the lasting benefit of the country," and to... "guarantee further the civil rights of our people.

The effects on the situation inside the country is disastrous for the average person. The price of rice rose 250 per cent last year as did the prices of medicine, sugar, milk and oil. The only thing that has dropped is the value of the Saigon piastre, which plunged in a single year from 377 to the dollar to 719 on the Hong Kong market. I n N o v . , 1971, T h i e u p r o c l a i m e d that r i c e production would double by 1975. Between 1971 and 1972 it fell two per cent; 1973 rice imports (in a country that should be exporting rice) came

US. attempts to control Latin America via counterinsurgency PANAMA CITY, Panama — By the end of 1970, about The recent military meeting at 10,000 Latin American officers Albrook A i r Base in the and noncoms had been trained Panama Canal Zone, Southern by I A A F A . The Academy, Command of the United States, closely linked to the U.S. Army pointed up the nature of these School of the A m e r i c a s gatherings when it comes to (USARSA) at Ft. Gulick, also applying Pentagon expansion- located in the Canal Zone, gives special courses in ist plans. A I R F O R C E O F F I C E R S airplane maintenance and from 16 Latin American electronics, but the stress is countries and the U.S. met at placed on counterinsurgency Albrook where the Inter- and civic action programs. American Air Force Academy Instruction is directed by U.S. (IAAFA) operates to prepare officers and includes classes the agenda for the 14th Annual on the repression of the Conference of the region's air national liberation movements forces slated for May at the of the underdeveloped counU.S. Continental Defense tries. Command headquarters in SOUTHERN COMMAND is Colorado. the headquarters of the Since 1963, the Academy, "unified command" that under the direction of the supervises all the activities of Southern Command, has the U.S. Army, Navy and Air offered courses on "special air Force in Central and South operations" which include the America. study of topics such as Recently, one of the main battlefield air support, supply topics at Inter - American operations for anti - guerrilla m i l i t a r y meetings under forces and air transport. Pentagon leadership has been

to determine the "new role" of the armed forces in the region. The plans of the Pentagon strategists include the creation within the Latin American national armies of special repressive forces — which "in case of necessity" could, be joined under a single command under Washington — all that is in the framework of the Organization of American States. At present, the U.S. not only instructs the Latin American military in counterinsurgency operations, it also provides assistance in drawing up plans for civic action. The civic action courses are designed to win friends for army and police so that in the event of an uprising or guerrilla warfare, the peasants will lend support to the "loyal forces" and not the rebels. These programs are designed especially for zones where anti - guerrilla operations are contemplated.

M I L I T A R Y AUTHORITIES allied with the Pentagon carefully study the features of the zone, keep close watch on movements of local people, compile statistics and process the material in collaboration with U.S. specialists. Latin American military officers also receive special instructions and manuals for dealing with domestic disturbances and civilian "rioting." One manual contains such recommendations as "Infantry fire is the most effective way to influence the rioters. Once the deciston'to fire is taken, it is necessar^f o act with determination and without mercy. The troops must in no event be given blank cartridges." The permanent presence of U.S. ships and planes in Latin America enables Washington to keep an eye on regions where its interests could be threatened.

to about half a million tons. MUCH OF T H E Saigonese disaster is caused by the need to maintain a massive military machine, which in turn maintains Thieu in power. Saigon's 1972 budget was 355 billion piastres, of which 205 billion went to feed the military. Of this amount, revenue from domestic sources covered only 145 billion piastres. For 1974, Thieu has earmarked 465 billion piastres of its 630 billion budget for the military. The difference between income and expenses has to come from somewhere: either U.S. aid, international investment, inflation, or by putting the bite on the Vietnamese living under Saigon's control. Like a ripe fruit in the sun, time is running out for the Saigon regime, forcing it to extreme actions: rice raids on the revolutionary zones, massive m i l i t a r y attacks, increased taxes, price hikes, outright extortion, rationing, crushing strikes, jailing labor leaders... USING "COMMUNIST aggression" as an excuse, Thieu has now announced that no elections, as called for in the Paris Agreements, will be held; no freedom of travel or trade will be allowed. "People are not free to be communists." For those with time against them, nothing is too drastic. Where would Thieu be without the United States? " I f it were not for U.S. instigation and masterminding," the P R G said last month, "the Thieu gang would not dare break the pledges taken in Paris. n " I t has been able to maintain its apparatus of repression and war and to launch tens of thousands of inroads into our zone, hundreds of thousands of police raids, and thousands of air strikes and to push up its pacification program, only because the U.S. has poured into South Viet Nam, hundreds of thousands of tons of arms and ammunition, hundreds of aircraft and other war engines, increased its military aid for Thieu to beef-up his army and police and consolidate his fascist dictatorship.'' From 10,000 the number of American military advisers in civilian guise has shot up to 14,000.... The presence of a U.S. general in Pleiku to discuss an encroachment operation on Chu Nghe is a piece of damning evidence revealing the U.S. hand in all these land-grabbing and ' 'pacif ication actions.''


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MARCH 22,197



RICHARD WESLEY: highly praised dramatist

1 P 6


d v 1 ( i c « I t i » i i t I

By Joe Walker M.S. New York Bureau NEW Y O R K - P e t e r Bailey of Ebony magazine remarked as we left a recent performance of two new one-act plays by Richard Wesley, "That guy is one of the best B l a c k dramatists around." There is no uncertainty about that! W E S L E Y ' S "The Past Is The P a s t " and "Going T h r u Changes," performed at the Billie Holiday Theatre, 1368 Fulton St. in Brooklyn, are superb slices of Black life. The first play, with two characters, is a concise gem without a word or motion wasted. The second p l a y , w i t h nine characters, is less compact but also presents human pitfalls, truth and love realistically and powerfully. Now 28-years-old, Newarkborn Wesley securred a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Howard University in 1967 and has been going "greatguns" ever since. Two years ago he won the Drama Desk Award for "Outstanding Playwriting" for his "The Black Terror," a drama that signaled to local B l a c k theatre goers the arrival of a gifted talent. HIS R E C E N T works that can be seen nationally include the screenplay for the soon-to-be

released f i l m , "Uptown Saturday Night," starring Sidney P o i t i e r , H a r r y Balafonte, Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor, Calvin Lockhart and Roscoe Lee Browne, and the screenplay of a forthcoming biography of the late Syracuse University football star Ernie Davis. "The Past Is The Past" opens with Earl, a middle-aged man, shooting a game of pool alone in a deserted ghetto billiards parlor—enters Eddie, in his early 20's. They haven't met face to face before but from the beginning the spectator senses a bond. It soon becomes plain that Earl and Eddie are father and son.

"Going Thru Changes" is not as tightly-written or impactladen but is. I suspect, a continuation of the life of Eddie, who is called Darnell here I and played to the hilt by Christian, the Eddie in "The Past Is The Past"). It is a sketch of a young marriage facing internal and external difficulties. The mother-in-law and the wife's best friend constantly "bad mouth" Darnell, the young husband. Nate, his best friend and cousin, is even more "bad news" — seeking to score with Darnell's "old lady." D A Y D R E A M I N G ABOUT reclaiming his high school stardom in basketball and

ATLANTA, Ga. - The Voter Education Project claims that more Blacks have won public office in the South than in any other section of the country. CITING MISSISSIPPI and Alabama as examples, the non partisan group said although the two states had the lowest Black voter registration in the nation 10 years ago, they rank among the top three states in the number of elected Black officials.

Michele Shay is poignant a Alicia, the longing wife wb yearns for her partner t bolster her in wedlock am parenthood. Bill Cobb—tin father in "The Past..." i "bad!" as "the street cornt Nigguh," Nate; and Sandi McClain is equally "bad!" i the sarcastic Mae. The time of both plays is set; decade or more ago. Th musical presence of Littl Anthony and The Imperials The Del Vikings, The Cresi the Clef-Tones, Th Flamingoes, The Monotone and others is felt in "Goin Black elected officials has Thru Changes," especially in been astounding— over an stero-graphic scene in whic 1,800 percent increase in a Darnell and his palls do thei group -thing on a street curb. period of only nine years." The project report showed The entire cast i 1,307 elected Black officials as professional, effective an of Feb., 1974. With Mississippi b e l i e v a b l e . B o t h p l a y leading, Arkansas is second demonstrate the knowing an with 150, followed by Alabama, flowing mind of L l o y 149, North Carolina, 148; Richards, who also directe Louisiana, 147; Georgia, 130; the original production ( Texas, 109; South Carolina, "Raisin In The Sun" and no 106; Tennessee, 74; Florida, teaches theatre and cinema ; Hunter College. 62, and Virginia, 58.

Muslims, have b e e n a b l e to m a k e ourselves confident

W E , THE M U S L I M S , have credit a n d friendship throughout Asia a n d Africa. W E M U S T D O F O R SELF. W E , a r e not going to be a " l a z y L a z a r u s " lying at the rich man's gate. You will starve to death waiting for crumbs from the white man's table. W e do not need to wait to pick up the crumbs from the rich man's table, we, the Black People, have a big world, a n y w a y . THE EARTH B E L O N G S T O US, THE worthy


When the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965, only 72 Blacks held elective office in the South. According to John Lewis, executive director of the Voter Education Project, "The increase in the number of

W E N E E D M O N E Y for the j o b of self-help. W e the

are entering into universal commercial business a n d we

M A N , but we must prove

Only 6.7 percent of eligible Blacks in Mississippi were registered to vote in 1964. Today, Mississippi leads the 11 Southern states with 174 elected Black officials!


have the President of the Commercial world, to help us.



in the e y e s of the p u b l i c in the w a y of self-help, a n d we

hope to g a i n e n o u g h help to m a k e ourselves self

sufficient. B L A C K B R O T H E R S a n d Black Sisters, d o all that you can to help me to p u t you on top of civilization. Thank you. A l l a h be with y o u . I am...

F O L L O W ME. Y o u r Brother, E L I J A H M U H A M M A D , M E S S E N G E R O F A L L A H , T O Y O U ALL.

WANTED A No.l Headwaiter Report Directly to: Messenger Muhammad

4847 S. Woodiawn Avenue " Chicago, Illinois 60615 ii»t*i(

becoming a professional Darnell works out on the cour every p.m., leaving his wife a home—pregnant, reminiscin about the partyings of he single days and hung up wit the white media's soap operas

Rise in elected Black officals



Earl, who deserted Eddie's mother when he impregnated her, is now faced with the son who seeks his fatherly and grandfatherly affection and assistance. Eddie is newlymarried and has a child on the way. AS THIS HUMAN drama of an Afro-American father and son is played out, the two shoot pool. Where are they coming from? Where are they? Where are they going? "The Past Is The Past" is a masterpiece without a doubt. Bill Cobbs (Earl) and Robert Christian (Eddie) are perfectly cast in their roles—cool, real, humorous and touching.



Good Managers For Commercial Managing Report Directly to: Messenger Muhammad

4847 S. Woodiawn Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60615

t VISIT M U ] i ^ f If X J W n g T e a c h i n g s




M A D of tho


Honorable- E l i j a h M u h a m m a d .

F o r A d d r e s s e s of O t h e r T e m p l e s i n Y o u r A r e a . So*' V « u r P h o n o



A l l a h


TEMP1E No. 1 1 1529 Linwood Ave. Detroit, Mich. (313)868 2131 WED. & FR1. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 14 3284 -88 Main St. Hartford, Conn. (203)527 3474 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 29 5245 N. W 7th Ave. Miomi, Flo. (305) 757 -8741 WED. & FRI 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 45 3400 Polk Ave. Houston, Texas (713) CA 3-0952 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 61 814 S. Division Grand Rapids, Mich (616) 245-2723 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

T EM PIE No. 2 7351 S. Stony Islond Chicago, III. (312)667-6800 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. I S 1225 Bankhead Hwy. Atlonta, G a . (404)874 3421 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 30 2715 Swope Parkway Kansas City. Mo. (816)924-5683 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 46 2632 Magnolia St. New Orleans, La. (504)895-6731 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 F.M. )

TEMPIE No. 62 833 N. Shaver St. Portland, Ore (503)282-1053 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 3 2507 N. 3rd St Milwaukee, Wise. (414)372-5733 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 16 235 Lahoma St. Lansing, Mich. (517)371-1155 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 31 431 S. Dundee South Bend, Ind. (219)288 1090 FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 47 2108 Main St. Tampa, Fla (813) WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 63 1000 Schiller St. Little Rock, Ark (501) 374-9065 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

T EM PIE No. 4 1519 Fourth St., N.W. Washington, D. C. (202)483 8832 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 17 212 S Chicago St. Joliet, I (815)"722-9790 WED. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 32 121 N. 16th St Phoemx, Ariz. (602,252-0013 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M

TEMPIE No. 48 1715 Forest Ave. Dallas, Tex. (214)428-2075 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

T EM PIE No. 5 1063 N. Bend Road Cincinnati, Ohio (513)542-6521 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.,— SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 18 2813 E. 92nd St. Cleveland, Ohio (216)229-2115 WED & FRI, 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No 33 2246 Broadway Gary, Ind. 883-7025 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 49 485 N. Indiana " Kankakee, III (815)932-3578 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M. .

TEMPLE No. 65 1801 Texas St. Baton Rouge, La (504)344-3504 WED 8. FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

T EM PIE No. 6 514 Wilson St. Baltimore, Md. (301)728-7666 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 19 1517 W. 5th Sr. Dayton, Ohio (513)222-3935 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 34 1009 W. Chapel Hill St Durham, N. C. ' (919)493-1746"* WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 50 1322 Northeast 23rd Okia. City, Okla. (405)424-1471 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 66 2242 Commonwealth Ave. Jacksonville Fla (904)355-5820 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 7 (Horlom) 102 W. 116th St. Harlem, N. Y. (212)666 3977 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 20 910 Broadway Camden, N. J . (609)541 3482 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M

TEMPIE No. 35 823 E 28th St. Wilmington, Del. (302)764-9944 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 51 2537 York Street Denver, Colo. (303)266-0376 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 67 5943 Emoire Way South Seattle, Wash. (206) 722 -3100 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 7-B (Long Islond) 105 0 3 Northern Blvd. Corona, L I., N. Y. HA9-8915 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 21 297 Jackson Ave. Jersey City. N.J 435-6845 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M

TEMPIE No. 36 T230 Beattiesford Road Charlotte, N, C. (704: 334- 3201 WED. & FRI 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 52 1201 East Allen Ave Fort Worth Texas (917)923 0518 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN 2 P M

TEMPIE No. 68 2024 Quindaro Blvd. Kansas City, Kan. (913)321 1933 WED. S. FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M

TEMPIE No. 7 -C (Brooklyn) 120 Madison St. Brooklyn, N. Y. ST 3-8635 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 22 7222 Kelly St. Pittsburg, Pa. ' (412)241 -9265 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 37 359 W. Bartges Akron, Ohio (216) 535-7242 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M

TEMPIE No. 53 402 E. Gillespie St. Flint, Mich. (313)787-3641 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 69 Six St. Charles Ave. S.W.Birmingham, A (205)254-8265 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 7-D (Bronx) 1000 Morris Ave Bronx, N. Y. 681 8088 WED & FRI. 8 P.M — S U N . 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 23 512 Broadway Buffalo, N. Y. (716)854-6712 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 8 • 2 5 / 5 Imperial Ave. San Diego, Calif. 239 6738 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — S U N . 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 24 2116 North Ave Richmond Va 644-1432 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. - SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 9 131 Woodland Ave. Youngstown, Ohio (216) 743-1592 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M. TEMPIE No. 10 419 Madison Ave. Atlantic City, N. J 348 4849 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.




1607 Barnwell Columbia, S.C. (803)256-4689 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 64 124 East 1 1th St. Austin, Texas (512)476-2510 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 54 1300 East Palmer Compton, California (213)537-6559 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 70 901 Morris St. Tyler, Texa (214) 597-0041 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

"* 266 -3598 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN 2 P.M

TEMPIE No. 55 1 324 Florida St. Memphis, Tenn. (901) WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 71 743 W. Liberty Springfield, Ohio (513)323 -8781

TEMPLE No. 25 257 S. Orange Ave. Newark, N.J. 622 -9021 WED. 4 FRI 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M. -

TEMPIE No. 4 0 155 Shelton Ave New Haven, Conn 562-6050 WED. & FRI 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 56 1 500 English Street* Winston Salem, N. C. (919)724-0258 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 72 412 McDonald Ave. Richmond, Calif. (415) 234-9591 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 26 1805 Geary St. Son Froncisco, Calif. FI6-9966 WED. 8. FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 41 302 Stratford Ave. Bridgeport, Conn; 368-2504 WED. & FRI 8P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 57 714-16Church St. Norfolk, Va. (804)625-8529 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 26 -B Oakland, Calif. 839-7150 WED. & FRI 8 P.M. — SUN 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 42 2234-36 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, Calif. (213)426-9231 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 58 269 Davis Ave. Mobile, Ala. (205)432-5481 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 12 1319-21 W. Susquehanna Ave. Phila, Pa (215) CE 6-6800 WED. & FRI 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 27 4016 S. Central Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. (213)233-7274 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 43 1459 E. Main St. Columbus, Ohio (614) 252 -0785 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 59 428 Cutter St. Pittsburg, Calif. (415)439-9861 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M

TEMPIE No. 13 495 Union St. Springfield, Mass (413)732-4734 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPIE No. 28 1434 N. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, Mo. (314)289 9408 WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M -

TEMPLE No. 44 1001 E. State St. Trenton, N. J. (609)392-3303 WED. & FRI 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 60 2410Batavia Nashville, Tenn. (615) 327-1828 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 11 35 Intervale St. Roxbury, Mass (617)445-8070 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN.,2 P.M.

780 Pine St.

TEMPLE No. 1329 "B" St

39 Fresno. Calif

WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.


2 P.M.

TEMPLE No. 73 2952 35th St. Sacramento, Calif. (916)457-9112 «VED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.

NOTICE M u h a m m a d ' s T e m p l e No. of




M u h a m m a d s Temple No. Muhammad Inc.,



2 of The H o l y Temple of





2 Business E n t e r p r i s e s : Packers,





S u p e r m a r k e t , S a l a a m R e s t a u r a n t , Temple No. Clothing,






Bakery, S h a b a z z G r o c e r y , . S h a b a z z Restaurant, Caprtol Cleaners and no liability any

for a n d


M u s l i m Imports,


shall not be r e s p o n s i b l e for




believer 1


employees. Arthur Majied M u h a m m a d Business M a n a g e r


To all women and girl visitors, who are invited to attend M u h a m m a d ' s Temple of Islam. Wp.


request that all

women and

girls dress

mode^M -4jjjg









rninj skids or tight fitting

garments. Be sure that your dress, suit or skirt is calf length or longer. Ladies must w e a r stockings, girls may w e a r stockings.or socks. Any

visitor who

will not

comply will not



ad«sjtted into our meeting.

T h a n k you for your cooperation M.G.T. & G.C.C.

The Muslim


What the Muslims Want This is the question asked most frequently by both the whites and the blacks. The a n s w e r s to this question I shall

justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own.

state a s simply a s possible. 1. We

want freedom. We


a full and complete

freedom. 2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law.


want justice applied equally to all. regardless of creed or c l a s s or color. 3. We

want equality of opportunity. We

want equal

membership in society with the best in civilized society. 4. We

want our people in America whose parents cr

grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to









o w n — e i t h e r on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich.









obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 2 0 to 2 5 y e a r s — u n t i l we are able to produce and supply our own needs. Since


cannot get along with them

in peace and

5. We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal prisons. We

want freedom for all black men and

women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master's children and establish a land of their own' We

know that the above plan for the solution of the

black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people. 6. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and mnb attacks against the so -called Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that blsck men and women tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the l a n d — o r allow us to build a new nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty. 7. As long as we are not allowed to establish a state or

and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human

territory of our own, we demand not only equal justice under

beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to


this ianri and the suffering forced upon us by white America,





labor, sweat and blood, which has helped America

become rich and powerful, that so many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief, charity or live in poor houses. 8. We

want the government of the United States to

exempt our people from ALL taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land. 9. We want equal education—but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities We want all black children educated, taught and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling system we believe we will make a better nation of people. The United States government should provide, free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness, decency and self respect. 10. We believe thaKintermarriage or race mixing should be

equality, after giving them 4 0 0 years of our sweat and blood


We do not believe that after 4 0 0 years of free or nearly free

States, but



prohibited. We

want the religion of Islam taught without

hinderance or suppression. These are some of the things that we. the Muslims, want for our people in North America.

W h a t t h e Muslims Believe 1. W E B E L I E V E in the One God Whose proper Name is

2. W E









Scriptures of all the Prophets of God. 3. W E B E L I E V E in the truth of the Bible, but w e believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have beer added to it. 4. WE


in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures

they brought t o j h e people 5. WE BELIEVE in the resurrection of the dead—not in physical

separation of the so -called Negroes and the so -called white






believe that the so -called Negroes are most in need of ntfntal resurrectiun. merefore, they will be tesuxrecxti first. Furthermore, we



are the people of


choice, as it has been written, that God would choose the rejected and the despised. We

can find no Other persons

fitting this description in these last days .

^ than the s o -

If the white people are truthful about their professed

name as well as in fact. By this.we mean that he should he

friendship toward the so -called Negro, they can prove it by

freed from the names imposed upon him by his iortnei slave

dividing up America with their slaves.


Names which identified him as being the slave

should go in our own people's n a m e s — t h e black peoples of

addition to jobs for the 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 black people as well.

the earth.

10. WE

8. WE BELIEVE in justice for all, whether in God or not; we believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in equality—as a nation—of equals. We do not Relieve that we are equal with our slave masters in the status of "freed slaves". We




independent peoples and we



respect their l a w s



govern this nation. 9. WE



hypocritical and is made by



those Who

judgment will take place as God revealed, in America. . . 7. WE






in history for


the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for. 1 1 . WE


our women should be respected and

protected as the women of other nationalities are respected and protected. BELIEVE



Person of Master W.

are trying


long -awaited

year -old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are,

BELIEVE that we who declared ourselves to be

righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take

12. W E that

the righteous. in the judgment; we believe this first

do not believe that America will ever be able to

furnish enough jobs for her own millions of unemployed, in

deceive the black peoples into believing that their 4 0 0 -



master's slave. We believe that if we are free indeed, we

called Negroes in America We believe i n ^ . resurrection of 6. WE

for the separation from the whites of this nation.

believe the black man should be freed in

Americans. We


all of a sudden, their " f r i e n d s " . Furthermore,


that Allah (God)

appeared in the

Fard Muhammad, July, 1 9 3 0 : the







" M a h d i " of the Muslims. We

believe further and lastly that Allah is God and

besides H I M

there is no God and He will bring about a

believe that such deception is intended to prevent black

universal government of peace wherein w e all can live in

people from realizing that the time in history has arrived

peace together.


"I Don't Believe In Being A Slave Forever. The Honorable Elijah M u h a m m a d Messenger O f Allah

MARCH 22.1*74



G 3 S 0 I Am Looking For Capable People To Help Me. Htt&i':S&


The Honorable Elijah M u h a m m a d Messenger Of Allah

ANOxrlieii ( j fey

eLljAb M U b A M M A t M E S S E N G E R OF A L L A ] I n this beautiful book, "Our Saviour Has A r r i v e d , " Messenger Muhammad gathers the great/Truth and Supreme Wisdom as Given to hini by Almighty Allah, Who came in the person of Master W. F . Muhammad. In this hook is the Salvation of every Black man, woman, and child who reads it and accepts.

"Our Saviour Has A r r i v e d " is the "Good News" that we Black people have waited long for. We should r u n to the nearest Temple, and ask for this book. H u r r y ! —Eugene Majied

fiAHkOOk... Oim SAVin U


The Honorable Elijah M u h a m m a d Messenger O f Allah

WENEI i A HOSPITA XJRSICK AND WOUNI "We have love for you and we want to show this love for you. Please make up your minds and help my followers and me to purchase or to build a modern hospital of at least 200 (t wo hundred) or 300 (three hundred) beds."


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah

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