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of their erstwhile state. And so We said: 'Down with you, [and be henceforth] enemies unto one another, and on earth you shall have your abode and provisions for a specified period.” (Qur’Ĉn 2: 34-36, Asad) The word al-jannah (the garden, paradise, the heaven) is derived from the verb janna meaning "to hide", as the trees of the garden usually hide people in it. There are different views about the garden mentioned in the above verse. According to the Mu‘tazilţ and Qadarţ schools, it was a garden in the earthly sense, an earthly abode, with an environment of happiness and ease and not the Paradise that awaits the righteous in the Hereafter. Their argument is as follows: (1) If it were paradise, Iblţs would not have reached it, as Allah said: (˻˼: ˾˻ έϮτϟ΍) . ˲ϢϴΛ˶ ˸΄Η˴ Ύ˴ϟϭ˴ Ύ˴Ϭϴ˶ϓ ˲Ϯ˸ϐϟ˴ Ύ˴ϟ Ύ˱γ˸΄ϛ˴ Ύ˴Ϭϴ˶ϓ ϥ ˴ Ϯ˵ϋί˴ Ύ˴ϨΘ˴ ϳ˴ "And in that [paradise] they shall pass on to one another a cup which will not give rise to empty talk, and neither incite to sin" (Qur’Ɨn 52: 23, Asad's translation), (˼˾: ̀́ ΄ΒϨϟ΍) Ύ˱Α΍͉άϛ˶ Ύ˴ϟϭ˴ ΍˱Ϯ˸ϐϟ˴ Ύ˴Ϭϴ˶ϓ ϥ ˴ Ϯ˵όϤ˴ ˸δϳ˴ Ύ˴ϟ "No empty talk will they hear in that [paradise], nor any lie" (Qur’Ɨn 78: 35, Asad), ˴ Ϯ˵όϤ˴ ˸δϳ˴ Ύ˴ϟ (˻˾ :˾˿ Δόϗ΍Ϯϟ΍) Ύ˱Ϥϴ˶Λ˸΄Η˴ Ύ˴ϟϭ˴ ΍˱Ϯ˸ϐϟ˴ Ύ˴Ϭϴ˶ϓ ϥ No empty talk will they hear there, nor any call to sin" (Qur’Ɨn 56:25, Asad). Moreover, once one enters paradise the state of bliss will continue, as Allah says: 89

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