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WHO'S WHO Camden McQuilliam

This is far from Camden's first show, but the first one where she's been a villain. Previously, she's been the lead in The Phantom Tollbooth, as well as Patchy in The SpongeBob Musical! Props to Stephanie Shelden, her voice teacher! Enjoy your trip into the Jungle of Nool!

Lexye Collins as Cat

Lexye is thrilled to be playing Cat! This is a bittersweet show, as Seussical Jr. is her last show with MTYP. She would like to thank her family, friends, and teachers, Injoy Fountain, Amy Menas, KDA, Josh Larson, Brian Marcum, and Kim Gee Vines. Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened!

Olivia Hull as Thing 1

I’m Olivia! Aka Thing 1! I’m so excited to be involved in my first MTW/ MTYP production! I enjoy dancing, singing, and acting. Enjoy the show!

Raegan Eskridge as Thing 2

Raegan is 15 years old and has been doing theatre for 4 years. She is so excited to be in Seussical Jr. as Thing 2 and is grateful to God for giving her this amazing opportunity. She can’t wait to see what the next step is!

Christiane Short

Christiane is extremely excited to be a part of Seussical Jr. She has participated in school shows, but this will be her first show outside of Andover Central High School. Her most recent role was Feargull McFerrin in Back to The 80’s. She would like to thank her high school theatre teacher, family, and voice teacher for all their help and support!

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