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Isabella Kieffer

Isabella is excited to be in her second MTWichita musical. Her other performances include MTWichita's Frozen Jr., Wichita Children's Theater's A Christmas Carol, and Amy Menas' Studio Singers. Isabella wants to thank her family, friends, and Amy Menas for their support, as well as MTWichita for the opportunity!

Isabella Wells-Lee

Isabella is excited to be a part of Seussical Jr. This is her second show with MTWichita. She is currently a 4th grader at Stone Creek Elementary and is a part of the competition company at Midwest Dance Mechanix. Isabella loves doing acrobatics, singing, and dancing.

Ivy Sailing

Ivy is nine years old and in third grade. This is her first time on stage with MTWichita; she is so excited! She loves to dance, sing, tumble, and play the piano.

Izzy Lehman

Izzy is thrilled to be part of Seussical Jr.! This is her 6th production with MTWichita! She is a 6th grader at Blessed Sacrament where she also plays clarinet, basketball, and volleyball. She would like to thank her parents and vocal teacher, Heidi Biever, for their support!

Jillian Hale

Jillian is a 5th grader at Martin Elementary and is excited to be performing in her fifth show. Jillian enjoys dancing at MDM, voice lessons with Amy Menas, piano lessons with Janette Rupert, and math. She is grateful for the support of family and friends.

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