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Oliver Anderson

Seussical Jr. is Oliver's first MTWichita show, and he is so excited. He recently discovered his love of roller coasters and thrill rides at Disney World and Universal Studios. He also loves to sing, explore the world of science, and spend time with his family and at church.

Peyton Flores

Peyton, a Valley Center West second grader, made her MTWichita debut as a Munchkin last summer. She’s so excited to join the Seussical Jr. cast. She thanks her music teacher Mrs. Jervis, Heidi, and Olivia Biever for their support and encouragement, and her little brother Ben for attending LOTS of shows.

Piper Pirtle

Piper is so excited to be a part of Seussical Jr. This is her fourth show with MTWichita. She loves to sing in her school choir, and play piano, organ, and volleyball.

Quinten Recio

Quinten is thrilled about his second MTW/MTYP show! He has been involved with the choir for years! Quinten enjoys hanging out with friends and going to the beach! He would like to thank his family and friends for their support! Thanks, Amy Menas, for giving him the confidence to be on stage!

Raelynn Russell

Raelynn is excited to be in her 3rd MTW/MTYP show! She is a 5th grader at Maize South Intermediate. She loves spending time with her family, friends, and especially her cats Biscuit and Gravy. Raelynn dances at KDA and is a member of the Amy Menas Studio Singers!

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