Peter Pan JR. - Perusal

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Welcome to the Theater ���������������������������������������������������������� ii About Peter Pan JR. ����������������������������������������������������������������vii The Show �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Neverland �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Prologue ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Tender Shepherd ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 I’m Flying ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18 Pirate March ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Hook’s Tango ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Brave Girl Dance �������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Wendy ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Hook’s Tarantella ������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 I Won’t Grow Up �������������������������������������������������������������������� 48 Ugh-A-Wug ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 Distant Melody ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 71 Hook’s Waltz ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79 I Gotta Crow �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91 Nursery Music������������������������������������������������������������������������ 92 Finale Ultimo ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 95 Words to Know from Peter Pan JR. ����������������������������������������� 97 Glossary �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98 table of contents Peter Pan JR. Actor’s Script © 2016 MTI Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 1977 by Jule Styne, Sandra Charlap Administratrix of the Estate of Morris I. Charlap, Betty Comden, Adolph Green and Carolyn Leigh. Lyrics copyrighted © 1954 in part by Jule Styne, Betty Comden and Adolph Green and in part by Morris I. Charlap and Carolyn Leigh. Copyrights to lyrics renewed 1982. Actor’s Script Front Matter © 2016 MTI Enterprises, Inc., created by iTheatricsunder the supervision of Timothy Allen McDonald. Broadway Junior, Family Matters, and ShowKit are trademarks or registered trademarks of Music Theatre International. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.

welcome to the theater


You’ll be working with your creative team and fellow cast members to put on a musical. Before you begin rehearsals , there are some important things you should know.

This book is your script ss Whether putting on a school production or rehearsing a professional show, every actor, director and stage manager works from a script. Your script contains some additional information like this introduction and a glossary. You can look up any bold words in the glossary at the back of this book. Be sure to take good care of your script, and use a pencil when taking notes in it, since what you’ll be doing onstage can change during rehearsals.

One of the first things you’ll need to learn is what to call the various areas of the stage. Since most stages used to be raked, or tilted down toward the house, where the audience sits, we still use the term downstage to refer to the area closest to the audience and upstage to refer to the area furthest from the audience. Stage left and stage right are from the actor’s perspective when facing the audience. The diagram above shows how to use these terms to label nine different parts of the stage.

Peter Pan JR. ii

what to expect during rehearsals

You will be performing a musical, a type of play that tells a story through songs, dances and dialogue Because there are so many parts of a musical, most shows have more than one author. The composer writes the music and usually works with a lyricist, who writes the lyrics, or words, to the songs. The book writer writes the dialogue (spoken words, or lines ) and the stage directions , which tell the actors what to do onstage and what music cues to listen for.

Your director will plan rehearsals so that the cast is ready to give its best performance on opening night! Remember to warm up before each rehearsal so that your mind, body and voice are ready to go. Every rehearsal process is a little bit different, but here is an idea of what you can expect as you begin to work on your show.


Since you’re performing a musical, it is important to learn the music early on in the rehearsal process. Your music director will teach the cast all the songs in the show and tell you what to practice at home.


After you’ve got the music down, you’ll begin working on the choreography – or dance – in the show. Your choreographer will create the dances and teach them to the cast. The music and the choreography help tell the story.

blocking & scene work:

Your director will block the show by telling the cast where to stand and how to move around the stage. You’ll use your theater terms (downstage left, upstage right, etc.) a lot during this portion of the rehearsal process. You will also practice speaking your lines and work on memorizing them. Rehearsing your part from memory is called being off-book. Your director will help you understand the important action in each scene so you can make the best choices for your character’s objective, or what your character wants.


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make the script your own

Always write your name legibly, either in the space provided on the cover of your script or on the title page. Scripts have a way of getting lost or changing hands during rehearsals!

Mark your lines and lyrics with a bright-colored highlighter to make your part stand out on the page. This will allow you to look up from your script during rehearsals, since it will be easier to find your place when you look back down.

Underline important stage directions, lines, lyrics and individual words. For example, if your line reads, “But don’t worry, I ain’t gonna let them get you or me,” and your director wants you to stress the words “you or me,” underline those words in your script.

Save time and space by using the following standard abbreviations:

ON: onstage

US: upstage

SL: stage left

OFF: offstage

DS: downstage

SR: stage right

CS: center stage X: cross

You may use these abbreviations to modify other instructions (e.g., you could write “R hand up” to remind yourself to raise your right hand). You may also combine them in various ways (e.g., you could write “XDSR” to remind yourself to cross downstage right).

Draw diagrams to help clarify your blocking. For example, if you are instructed to walk in a circle around a table, you might draw a box to represent the table, then draw a circle around it with an arrow indicating the direction in which you are supposed to walk.

Draw stick figures to help you remember your choreography. Remember, the simpler the better.

Mark your music with large commas to remind yourself where to take breaths while singing.

Although you should feel free to mark up your script, be careful it doesn’t become so cluttered with notes that you have a hard time finding your lines on the page! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Peter Pan JR. iv PETER PAN JR.

APPLE SELLER Why not? Nobody’s buying ‘em anyway.

Gee thanks, Mister.


Say kid, when is the orphan’s picnic?



Soon as I take a bite. (ANNIE takes a bite of the apple. The APPLE SELLER exits as SANDY enters from the other side.) Hey there. The dogcatchers are after you, ain’t they? Well, they’re after me, too. But don’t worry, I ain’t gonna let them get you or me. Everything’s gonna be fine. For the both of us. If not today, well...





Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script v
MTI’s Broadway Junior Collection® Actor’s Script •
& b 4 4 ∑ Slowly
4 qÈ¥¼ Ó Œ ‰ œj The rit.
& b 3 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ sun - ’ll come out to - mor - row. a tempo ‰ œ œ œ œ œ . œ œ œ Bet your bot- tom dol- lar that to& b 5 œ . œ ú œ œ mor - row, there’ll be ú Œ œ sun! Just & b 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ think- in’ a - bout to - mor - row ‰ œ œ œ œ œ . œ œ œ clears a-way the cob-webs and the & b 9 œ . œ ú œ œ sor - row, ’til there’s ú ≈ œ œ œ œ œ œ none! When I’m stuck with a & b 11 . œ b œj . œ œj day that’s gray and œj b . œ ≈ œ b œ œ œ œ œ lone - ly, I just stick
14 apple. they? But me. The sun’ll come out to-mor-row. Bet your bot-tom dol-lar that tomor-row,______ there’ll be sun! Just think-in’ a-bout to-mor-row clears a-way the cob-webs and the
1 2
4 5 6 7 8 This example is from Annie KIDS XDSR , DICTION
Actor’s Script Name: Character:
Allison Canning Annie

some tips for the theater

Don’t upstage yourself. Cheat out so the audience can always see your face and hear your voice.

If you are having trouble memorizing your lines, try writing them down or speaking them aloud�

Always arrive at rehearsal on time and ready to begin. Bring your script and a pencil to rehearsal.every

It takes an ensemble to make a show; everyone’s part is important.

Keep going! If you forget a line or something unexpected happens, keep the scene moving forward. Chances are, the audience won’t even notice.

Be respectful of others at all times. Remember to thank the director and fellow cast and crew members.

Be specific! Make clear choices about your character’s background and motivation in the show.

Before the show, say “break a leg”– which means “good luck” in the theater.

Always be quiet backstage. And keep in mind, if you can see the audience, they can see you; so stay out of sight.


Peter Pan JR. vi PETER PAN JR.

Peter Pan JR. synopsis

PETER PAN and the other inhabitants of Neverland open the show by introducing the audience to their world (Neverland). Meanwhile, in the Darling Nursery (Prologue), WENDY, MICHAEL, and JOHN are playing before bed as MRS� DARLING and MR� DARLING get ready to go out. NANA, the family dog, and LIZA encourage the children to go to bed. Before leaving, Mrs. Darling sings a lullaby with the children to say goodnight (Tender Shepherd). As soon as the parents have gone, Peter follows Tinker Bell into the room, searching for Peter’s shadow. Wendy is awakened by the commotion and quickly befriends the mysterious visitor. The Darling children soon set off to Neverland with Peter, travelling the only way possible (I’m Flying).

Back in Neverland, the PIRATES search for the LOST BOYS (Pirate March). After discovering the Lost Boys’ underground home, CAPTAIN HOOK and his first mate SMEE devise a plan (Hook’s Tango), but is chased away by the CROCODILE. The Lost Boys remain in peril as the BRAVE GIRLS, led by TIGER LILY, arrive on the scene (Brave Girl Dance). Peter and the Darlings reach Neverland, frightening the Brave Girls. Finally safe, the Lost Boys celebrate the arrival of their new “mother” (Wendy).

Captain Hook’s first attempt to poison the Lost Boys is thwarted by their new guardian, and the pirates must devise a new plan (Hook’s Tarantella).

The next day, the Lost Boys learn a lesson from Peter, their “father” (I Won’t Grow Up). When they discover that the pirates have captured Tiger

Lily, the Lost Boys help to free her. She immediately returns the favor by saving the boys from Captain Hook, and the two groups celebrate their newfound friendship (Ugh-A-Wug). The Brave Girls stand guard outside the Lost Boys’ home while Wendy and Peter sing the boys to sleep (Distant Melody). The lullaby makes Michael and John homesick, and Wendy decides it is time for them to return to London. She agrees to take all the Lost Boys with them, but Peter decides he will remain in Neverland. Not knowing that the pirates have attacked and defeated the Brave Girls outside, Wendy leads the boys into a trap. Back in the house Tinker Bell saves Peter from being poisoned, and they set off to save the others.

On the deck of the pirate ship, Captain Hook celebrates his triumph (Hook’s Waltz). Before making the children walk the plank, Captain Hook allows Wendy a final word. The moment is interrupted by the tick-tock of the Crocodile. Taking advantage of the distraction, Peter and the Brave Girls sneak aboard the ship and, at just the right moment, attack the pirates. The day is saved and everyone celebrates (I Gotta Crow).

Back in the Darling Nursery, the Darlings and Nana miss the children terribly and are losing hope that they will ever return (Nursery Music). Wendy, Michael and John return home, and the Darlings agree to adopt the Lost Boys that have come along. Back in Neverland, Peter, the pirates, and the Brave Girls sing of Neverland, where dreams are born (Finale Ultimo).


Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script vii

Peter Pan JR. characters

Peter Pan







Mrs. Darling

Mr. Darling





Twin #1

Twin #2



Captain Hook







Tiger Lily

Small Brave Girl

Brave Girl #1

Brave Girl #2



Lost Boys

Brave Girls


Peter Pan JR. viii

(#1 – OVERTURE begins.)


(#2 – NEVERLAND begins. The neverland inhabitants (LOST BOYS, PIRATES, DARLING FAMILY and BRAVE GIRLS) introduce the audience to the world.)

Peter Pan JR.



Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 1
& b b c 7
Ó . œ I PETER: 9 œ n œ œ œ have a place where & b b 10 œ œ œ œ b dreams are born, And œ œ œ œ time is ne - ver . ú ‰ j œ planned; It's & b b 13 j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ œ œ not on an - y chart, You must ( ) j œ b j œ œ j œ j œ ú Þnd it with your heart, ( ) & b b 15 Œ +LOST BOYS:
Peter Pan JR. 2 & b b 21 j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ j œ j œ keep an o - pen mind and then ( ) j œ b j œ œ j œ j œ ú sud - den - ly you'll Þnd ( ) & b b 23 Œ œ œ œ œ Nev - er, Nev - er+DARLING FAMILY: . ú œ b land. You'll +PIRATES: & b b 25 œ œ j œ j œ b j œ b j œ b have a trea - sure if you Più mosso œ . ú stay there, & b b 27 œ j œ j œ b œ b œ b More pre - cious far than . ú œ gold, For & b b 29 œ j œ j œ œ œ once you have found your œ œ j œ ‰ " j œ J œ way there You can œ not on an - y chart, You must b œ Þnd it with your heart, ( ) & b b 15 Œ œ œ œ œ Nev - er, Nev - er +LOST BOYS: . ú œ land. It œ n œ œ œ might be miles be& b b 18 œ œ . œ j œ b yond the moon, Or œ œ œ œ right there where you +BRAVE GIRLS: . ú ‰ j œ stand; Just
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 3 & b b 33 œ n œ œ œ that's my home where Broad œ œ œ œ dreams are born, And œ œ œ œ time is nev - er & b b 36 . ú œ planned. Just j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ j œ j œ think of love - ly things and your ( ) & b b 38 j œ b j œ œ j œ j œ œ ‰ j œ heart will ßy on wings For( ) j œ j œ ú œ ev - er In & b b 40 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Nev - er, Nev - er Rall. w w land! ú ú j œ œ ‰ Œ U More pre - cious far than gold, For & b b 29 œ j œ j œ œ œ once you have found your œ œ j œ ‰ " j œ J œ way there You can & b b 31 œ œ j œ j œ œ nev - er, nev - er grow Rit. poco a poco . ú œ old. And

(#3 – PROLOGUE begins.)

(WENDY, dressed up with her mother’s hat, and JOHN, wearing his father’s top hat, dance. LIZA is dusting.)

WENDY, JOHN: (spoken)

One two three,

(NANA, the dog, pushes MICHAEL into the room.)

MICHAEL: I won't go to bed, Nana, I won't go to bed. Liza, it isn't six o'clock yet, is it?

LIZA: Yes.

MICHAEL: Nana, do I have to go to bed?

NANA: (barking) Woof! Woof!

WENDY: Liza, we're pretending we're Mother and Father, and we're going to the ball tonight. Come play!

Peter Pan JR. 4 & # 4 4 4 3 2 Slowly
4 Poco mosso & # 7 ¿ ¿ ¿
(Onstage are three beds and a large window in the back.)
¿ ¿ ¿
& # 9 ¿ ¿ ¿
¿ ¿ ¿ # ¿
& # 11 4
One two three,
¿ One two three,
One two three.
& # 15 8


Always playing games. I have much more important things to do than play at make-believe and dancing.

(WENDY and JOHN resume the dance.)


One, two three, one, two, three—

(MRS. DARLING enters dressed to go out for the evening.)



Wendy! John!




Oh, Mother! You look lovely!


Why, thank you! (to WENDY)

What are you doing in my old hat?


We’re playing at being you and Father. I’m Father.


Mother! They never let me play Father. They never let me dance.


Well, we’ll soon fix that.

(She takes the top hat from JOHN and places it on MICHAEL.)

MR. DARLING (offstage)

Mother! Mother!

(MR. DARLING arrives in evening dress, without his coat, carrying a white tie.)


What is the matter, George dear?

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 5


Matter? This tie, it will not tie. Not round my neck. Round the bedpost, oh yes – but round my neck, oh dear no.

(NANA pushes JOHN toward the door.)


I won’t take a bath! Nana, I won’t take a bath!


Go and be bathed at once, sir.

(With bent head JOHN follows NANA offstage. On the way, NANA collides with MR. DARLING’s trousers.)


Oh, Mother, look here! Hair all over my trousers!! (to NANA)

Clumsy! Clumsy!


I’ll brush you off, Father dear.


Thank you. You know, Mother, sometimes I think it’s a mistake to have a dog for a nurse.


George, we must keep Nana. I will tell you why. My dear, when I came into this room tonight I saw a face at the window.


A face at the window, two floors up?


It was the face of a little boy; he was trying to get in.

MR. DARLING Impossible.


But wait— The boy was not quite alone. He was accompanied by – I don’t know how to describe it – by a ball of light that darted about the room like a living thing!


That is very unusual!

Peter Pan JR. 6


George, what can all this mean?

(NANA runs back onstage brushing MR. DARLING’s pants leg again. JOHN follows drying his face.)


Oh! Clumsy, clumsy – just look at my trousers, covered with hair again! I refuse to allow that dog in my nursery for one hour longer.

(NANA retreats to her kennel. MR. DARLING crosses towards her.)


Oh, Father! Please, Father! (etc.)


Am I master in this house or is she?

(to NANA)

Come on, Nana!

(NANA barks at him.)

Come, Nana!

(NANA shakes her head.)

Good Nana!

(NANA backs away.)

Nice Nana.

(NANA waves him away with her paw.)

Dear Nana.

(NANA backs away again.)

Pretty Nana.

(NANA ventures closer. MR. DARLING grabs NANA by the collar.)




Oh, Father! Please, Father! (etc.)

(MR. DARLING exits with NANA. The CHILDREN run to the window as MRS. DARLING lights the night-lights. NANA is heard barking offstage.)


(as the barking below goes on)

She’s awfully unhappy.

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That’s not her unhappy bark. That’s her bark when she smells danger.


Can anything harm us, Mother, after the night-lights are lit?

#4 – TENDER SHEPHERD begins.)

Tender Shepherd


MRS. DARLING: Nothing, precious. They are the eyes a mother leaves behind to guard her children. Now sing your goodnight song, and into your beds.

Peter Pan JR. 8 & b b b b b 4 3 c 8
4 4 & b b b b b 13 œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ ten -
& b b b b b 15 œ œ œ œ Let
œ œ ú
& b b b b b 17 œ J œ j œ œ œ One in
- dow, WENDY: JOHN: œ J œ j œ œ œ Two in
& b b b b b 19 œ j œ j œ j œ j œ œ
nur - ser - y MICHAEL: œ œ ú fast a - sleep.
Ten - der shep - herd, (MRS. DARLING:)
der shep - herd,
me help you
count your sheep;
the mea
the gar - den,

(The CHILDREN climb into their beds and sing the following in a round.)

Ten - der shep - herd, WENDY:


Watch - es o - ver

Ten - der shep - herd, JOHN:


& & b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b

One: say your prayers and


Watch - es o - ver

Ten - der shep - herd, MICHAEL, MRS. DARLING:

ten - der shep - herd

œ ú all his sheep.

œ œ ten - der shep - herd

Two: close your eyes and

ú all his sheep;

Ten - der shep - herd

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 9 & b b b b
21 2
23 œ
& b b b b b
œ œ œ
œ œ
b b b b b b
25 œ œ œ œ
œ œ
& &
b b b b
œ œ œ
œ œ
27 œ
œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
œ j œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ

One: say your prayers and


Two: close your eyes and œ œ ú all his sheep;

One say your prayers and (JOHN:)

Two: close your eyes and

Peter Pan JR. 10 & & &
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 29 œ j œ j œ j œ j œ œ
œ j œ œ œ
Three safe and hap - pi - ly
œ œ œ œ
œ œ ú fall a -
œ j œ œ œ
watch - es o - ver
& & b b b b b b b b b b 31 œ j œ j œ j œ j œ œ
pi - ly œ J œ j œ œ œ
œ œ ú fall a
œ J œ j œ œ œ
- sleep.
& b b b b b 33 œ j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Three safe and hap - pi - ly
œ œ ú fall a -
& b b b b b 35 œ œ ú Fall a - sleep, œ œ ú fall a - sleep.

MRS. DARLING: All asleep. (with a last look around) Dear night lights that protect my sleeping children, burn clear and steadfast tonight.

(MRS. DARLING turns out the light and exits.)

(NANA barks offstage. #5 – PETER’S ENTRANCE begins. TINKER BELL flashes around outside the window then enters and flies around the nursery. A moment later PETER PAN flies into the room, searching for TINKER BELL.)


(in a whisper)

Tinker Bell! Tink! Tink!

(NANA barks offstage. PETER hides behind the drapes. When the barking stops, PETER comes out.)

Tinker Bell! Tink! Where are you?

(#6 – TINK FINDS THE SHADOW begins.)

(TINKER BELL’s light glows brighter.)


There you are! Tink, do you know where they put it? (TINKER BELL darts to the top drawer of the dresser.)


(PETER pulls the drawer open, seizes his shadow and closes the drawer unknowingly with TINKER BELL inside of it.)

Oh, my shadow. I’ve found you. I’ll stick you on with soap.

(He picks up large bar of soap and soaps the shadow’s head, trying to paste it to his forehead. It falls. He then soaps his backside and lies on it and wiggles – it fails. He loses hope and sits, sobbing audibly. This wakens WENDY, who sits up, and is pleasantly interested to see a stranger.)



Boy, why are you crying?

(PETER jumps up, crosses to the foot of the bed and bows to her. WENDY bows to him.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 11 & b b b b b 37 Ó Ó U
∑ U

What’s your name?



Wendy Moira Angela Darling. What’s your name?


Peter Pan.

Where do you live?



Second to the right and straight on till morning.


What a funny address!

No, it isn’t.



I mean, is that what they put on your letters?


Don’t get any letters.


But your mother gets letters?


Don’t have a mother. (pause) I can’t get my shadow to stick on.


It has come off? How awful. Why it must be sewn on. I shall sew it on for you.

(WENDY gets her sewing box.)


Thank you.

(WENDY begins attaching PETER’s shadow.)


I dare say it may hurt a little.

Peter Pan JR. 12


I never cry.

(PETER makes a small grunt and the shadow is attached.)



(The footlights throw the shadow against the wall.)


Wendy, look!! My shadow! Oh, I’m clever! Oh, the cleverness of me!


Oh, Peter, you are so clever! Shall I give you a kiss?


Thank you.

(PETER holds out his hand.)


Don’t you know what a kiss is?


I shall know when you give it me.

(Not to hurt PETER’s feelings, WENDY gives PETER her thimble.)

Now shall I give you a kiss?


If you please.

(PETER pulls an acorn button off his person and bestows it on her. She is shocked but considerate.)

A button! Why, Peter, I will wear it on this chain round my neck. Peter, how old are you?


I don’t know. I ran away from home the day I was born.


Ran away. Why?


Because I heard Father and Mother talking of what I was to be when I became a man. I want always to be a little boy and to have fun; so I ran away and I’ve lived a long time among the fairies.

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Peter! You really know fairies?!


Yes, but they are nearly all dead now.




You see, Wendy, when the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces – and they all went skipping about – and that was the beginning of fairies. And now when every new baby is born its first laugh becomes a fairy. So there ought to be a fairy for every boy or girl.


Ought to be? Isn’t there?


Oh, no. Children know such a lot now. Soon they don’t believe, and every time a child says, “I don’t believe in fairies,” there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead.


Poor things!


I can’t think where she has gone to. Tinker Bell, Tink!


Peter, you don’t mean to tell me that there is a real live fairy right here in this room!


She came with me. (The dresser rattles furiously.) Wendy, I believe I shut her up in that drawer! (#7 – LOCKED IN THE DRAWER begins. PETER opens the drawer, releasing TINKER BELL, who darts about in a fury using language it is perhaps as well we don’t understand.)

Well you needn’t say that. How could I know you were in that drawer?


What does she say?

Peter Pan JR. 14

She’s not very polite.


(back to TINKER BELL)

Tink! You know you can’t be my fairy because I am a gentleman and you’re a lady.

(TINKER BELL replies with the rudest language yet.)


What does she say?

(Before PETER can respond, NANA barks offstage causing PETER to duck.)


It’s all right – she’s chained up. (WENDY is now completely enthralled with PETER and his fairy.)

Peter, where do you live?



What does it look like?



It’s an island with hardly any space between one adventure and another.


Oh, it sounds lovely – Neverland! Who else lives there, Peter?


The Lost Boys.

Who are they?



They are children who fall out of their prams when the nurse is looking the other way. If they aren’t claimed in seven days they’re sent far away to Neverland. I’m Captain.


What fun it must be.


Yes, but we’re rather lonely. And none of us knows any stories.

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 15

How perfectly awful!



Oh, Wendy, your mother was telling you such a lovely story about the Prince, and he couldn’t find the lady who wore the glass slipper.


Oh, that’s Cinderella. Peter, he found her and they lived happy ever after.


I’m glad!

(PETER heads to the window.)


Where are you going?

To tell the Lost Boys.



Don’t go, Peter. I know lots of stories.

PETER PAN (turning) Do you?


Oh Peter, the stories I could tell the boys!


Come on! We’ll fly!

WENDY Fly? You can fly!


Wendy, come with me – how we should all respect you.


Would you teach John and Michael to fly too?


If you like.

Peter Pan JR. 16

(WENDY turns the lights on.)


John, Michael, wake up – there’s a boy here who is going to teach us to fly.


There is?

Then I’ll get up at once.


(NANA barks from offstage. #8 – LIZA’S ENTRANCE begins.)


Out with the lights! Someone’s coming!

(MICHAEL turns off the lights and everyone hides. LIZA enters being dragged by NANA.)


There, you see! They are perfectly safe and sound asleep in bed. (NANA barks)

Now no more! Come along, you naughty dog!

(They exit, NANA barking loudly. The others emerge from hiding.)


All clear!

JOHN Can you really fly?


I’ll teach you.

How do you do it?


(#9 – I’M FLYING begins.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 17


PETER: You just think lovely, wonderful thoughts— (He starts up into the air.) —and up you go!

WENDY: Oh, how sweet!

Peter Pan JR. 18
& C
œ #
ú ßy
ing! WENDY: ¿ . ¿ Fly
ing! JOHN: ¿ . ¿ Fly
ing! &
# # 16 ¿ . ¿ Fly
œ œ ú
me, œ œ ú
high, & # # # 19 œ œ ú
ly œ œ œ œ
œ . ú ßy
ing! & # #
22 2 Ó ú I'm œ # . ú ßy - ing! WENDY: ¿ . ¿ Fly
ing! Peter Pan JR.
ú I'm PETER: 9
# # # 13
Look at
Way up
Sud - den -
Here am I, I'm
I'm Flying
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 19 & # # # 27 ¿ . ¿ Fly - ing!
JOHN: ¿ . ¿ Fly - ing! PETER: œ œ ú I can soar, & # # # 30 œ œ ú I can weave, œ œ ú And what's more, œ œ œ œ I'm not ev - en & # # # 33 œ . ú try - ing! w w w & # # # 37 w High 3 ú # ú ú up and as œ # Œ Ó light 3 ú # ú # ú As I can & # # # 41 w be, w w w w I & # # # 46 3 ú ú ú must be a œ Œ Ó sight 3 ú ú ú Love - ly to
Peter Pan JR. 20 & # # # 49 w see!
w w œ Œ ú I'm & & # # # # # # 53 œ # . ú ßy - ing! ∑ WENDY: (PETER:) w ¿ . ¿ Fly - ing! JOHN: w ¿ . ¿ Fly - ing! MICHAEL: w ¿ . ¿ Fly - ing! & # # # 57 œ œ ú Noth - ing will (PETER:) œ œ ú Stop me now, œ œ ú High - er still, & # # # 60 œ œ ú Look at how œ œ œ œ I can zoom aw round, & # # # 63 œ œ œ œ Way up off the œ Œ ú ground, I'm œ . ú ßy - ing!
CHILDREN: Oh, yes, Peter, you are! (etc.)

PETER: You like it?

CHILDREN: Oh, yes Peter, yes! (etc.)

PETER: Want to learn how?

CHILDREN: Oh, teach us, Peter, please teach us! (etc.)

PETER: First I must blow the fairy dust on you. (PETER blows fairy dust on the CHILDREN.)

think love - ly


JOHN: Fishing!

WENDY: Hopscotch!


WENDY: Picnics!

JOHN: Summer!


Think love - ly

JOHN: Sailing!

WENDY: Flowers!



PETER: Lovelier thoughts, Michael! 4

MICHAEL: Christmas? 2 (MICHAEL rises into the air. JOHN and WENDY take off soon after.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 21 & # # # 4 4 66 w w w (PETER
& # # # 4 4 . . . . 72
ßies back down to earth.)
∑ Ó Œ ¿ Now (PETER:) & # # # 76 ¿ Œ ¿ ¿
¿ Œ Ó
# # #
& # # # b b C 88 ∑

PETER: That's it! Off to Neverland!

WENDY: Neverland! Oh, it would be lovely!

PETER: There are Pirates and Brave Girls!

JOHN: Pirates!

MICHAEL: Brave Girls!

WENDY: Let's go at once!

PETER: Get ready!



Peter Pan JR. 22 & b b C 91 15
Ó ú You
& b b 107 œ n . ú rea - dy? WENDY: ¿ ¿ Ó Rea - dy! JOHN: ¿ ¿ Ó Rea - dy! MICHAEL: ¿ ¿ Ó Rea - dy! & b b 111 œ
œ ú Don't for - get,
œ œ ú
œ œ ú
œ œ ú
& b b 115 œ œ œ œ Wen - dy, Mich - ael, PETER: w John, ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ Tink - er Bell, come parlando ¿ Ó on! & b b 119 œ œ œ œ Hur
up and
Don't be slow,
Read - y, set,
Here we go!
- ry
œ œ œ œ
for œ œ œ œ
ú ú
fol - low me
I will soon be
gone, I'm

ßies out the window, followed by WENDY, JOHN, MICHAEL and TINKER BELL.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 23 & b b 123 w ßyw w w & b b 127 w ing! w
2 12 & b b 143 w High ENSEMBLE: 3 ú # ú ú up and as œ n Œ Ó light 3 ú # ú n ú As I can & b b 147 w be, w w w & b b 151 w I 3 ú ú ú must be a œ Œ Ó sight 3 ú ú ú Love - ly to & b b 155 w see! w w œ Œ ú I'm

Don't for - get,

Don't be slow,

Wen - dy, Mich - ael,

Hur - ry up and

SCENE THREE – NEVERLAND (#10 – HIDE AND SEEK begins.) (The LOST BOYS are playing a game of hide and seek.) NIBS Has Peter come back, Slightly?

Peter Pan JR. 24 & b b 159 œ n . ú
& b b 163 œ œ ú
ßy - ing!
. ¿ Fly - ing!
2: ¿ . ¿ Fly - ing! GROUP 3: ¿ . ¿ Fly - ing!
œ œ ú
œ œ
œ œ ú
& b b 167 œ œ œ œ
ú Read - y, set,
Here we go!
& b b 171 œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
& b b 4 4 175 w ßyw w w w ing! Broad ú Ó
w John,
¿ ¿ ¿ Tink - er Bell, come parlando ¿ Ó on!
fol - low me for
I will soon be ú
gone, I'm

No, twin.


I wish Peter would come back.

TWIN #1, TWIN #2

So do we.


I’m always afraid of the Pirates and Brave Girls when Peter’s not here to protect us.


I wonder what’s keeping him so long.


Maybe he’s waiting to hear the end of “Cinderella.” ALL “Cinderella!” Awww!

(#11 – PIRATE MARCH begins.)

Peter Pan JR. Pirate March SLIGHTLY


(We hear the PIRATES singing offstage.)

mas - sa - cre Brave Girls and

kill lit - tle boys, And

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 25 & b b b 8 6 ∑
Ó ‰ j œ We're PIRATES: f œ j œ œ j œ blood - y buc - can11 & b b b 4 œ # ‰ j ¿ ‰ j œ eers (grunt) And œ j œ j œ j œ n j œ n each a mur - der - ous œ ‰ j ¿ ‰ j œ crook! (grunt) We & b b b 7 j œ b j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ
j œ j œ j œ œ j œ
LOST BOYS: Pirates!
Peter Pan JR. 26 & b b b 19 ∑ Pesante PIRATES: Œ j ¿ > ¿ > ‰ Yo - ho! ∑ Œ ‰ ¿ > ‰ (grunt) & b b b 23 ∑ Œ j œ œ j œ Yo - ho! Yoœ j œ œ ‰ ho! Yo - ho! ¿ ‰ ¿ j œ (grunt) (grunt) We're & b b b 27 œ j œ œ j œ blood - y buc - canœ # ‰ j ¿ ‰ j œ eers (grunt) And œ j œ j œ j œ n j œ n each a mur - der - ous & b b b 30 œ ‰ j ¿ ‰ j œ crook! (grunt) We j œ b j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ mas - sa - cre Brave Girls and & b b b 32 j œ j œ j œ œ j œ kill lit - tle boys And j œ j œ j œ œ j œ ca - ter to Cap - tain œ ‰ Œ j œ Hook! Yo & b b b 4 2 9 j œ j œ j œ œ j œ ca - ter to Cap - tain œ ‰ Œ ‰ Hook! LOST BOYS: Pirates! & b b b 4 2 8 6 11 6 (The LOST BOYS hide. PIRATES enter with CAPTAIN HOOK.) Agitato 2

- ter to Cap - tain

ter - ri - ble Cap - tain

. Hook!

(TOOTLES runs from his tree and is seen for a moment and then hides behind another tree. NOODLER starts to chase after him. CAPTAIN HOOK stops him his with his CAPTAIN HOOK.)


Oow! No, Captain, no! It was one of those boys you hate.


Aye and the first scream would bring Tiger Lily’s Brave Girls upon us!

(The PIRATES cringes and shake at the words “Brave Girls.”)


That is true. Shall I after him, Captain, and…


Not now, Smee! He’s only one – and I want to mischief all of them. They must live ‘round here somewhere. Scatter and look for them.

(The PIRATES disperse on their errand. With the others spread out, SMEE and CAPTAIN HOOK become confidential.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 27 & b b b 37 œ œ œ œ j œ
œ ‰ Œ
& b b œ ‰ j ¿ ‰ j œ crook! (grunt) We j œ b j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ mas - sa - cre Brave Girls and & b b b 32 j œ j œ j œ œ j œ
j œ j œ j œ œ j œ ca
œ ‰ Œ j œ
& b b b 35 . œ œ j œ ho! Yo . œ œ j œ ho! The
- tle boys And
Hook! Yo


Most of all I want their captain, Peter Pan. ’Twas he cut off me arm. Oh, I have waited long to shake hands with him with this.


Yet I have oft heard you say your hook was worth a score of hands—for combing the hair, and other homely uses.


Aye, Smee, if I were a mother, I would pray that me children be born with this… (indicating the hook) … instead of that. (indicating his hand)

But Pan flung me hand to a crocodile that happened to be passing by.


I have often noticed your strange dread of crocodiles.


Not of crocodiles, but of that one crocodile. He liked me hand so much, that he has followed me ever since – from land to land, from sea to sea, he follows the ship, licking his lips for the rest of me.


In a way it is sort of a compliment.


Well, I want no such compliments! Smee, that crocodile would have got me long ere this if he could have crept upon me unawares. But by some lucky chance he swallowed a clock—


A clock!


And it goes on – tick, tock, tick – within him; and so, before he can reach me I hear the tick.


Some day the clock will run down, and then he’ll get you.


Ay, that is the fear that haunts me.

(CAPTAIN HOOK sits on a large mushroom and then suddenly jumps back up.)


Peter Pan JR. 28


What’s the matter, Captain?


Smee, this seat’s hot. Oh! It’s very hot! Odds, bobs, hammer and tongs, Smee – help me!

(CAPTAIN HOOK and SMEE lift the mushroom to reveal a hidden chimney.)

A chimney! Peter and the boys must be living underground!



(CAPTAIN HOOK and SMEE listen at the chimney.)


Call back the band!

(SMEE blows his bosun’s whistle. PIRATES return.)

They say that Peter Pan’s away from home. I must think! Inspire me!


What tempo, Captain?


Tempo, tempo, tempo – a tango!

(#12 – HOOK’S TANGO begins.)

Peter Pan JR.

Hook's Tango


JUKES: A Tango! Unrip your plan, Captain!

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 29 & b C Ó
3 Ó Œ ¿ To
12 & b 5 ¿ ‰ j ¿ ¿ ¿ cook a cake quite ¿ ‰ j ¿ ¿ ¿ large and Þll each j ¿ . ¿ ¿ ¿ lay - er in - be& b 8 ¿ Œ ¿ tween With j ¿ . ¿ ¿ ¿ ic - ing mixed with ¿ ¿ Œ j ¿ j ¿ poi - son Till it
Peter Pan JR. 30 & b 20 ¿ Œ Œ œ plum. The HOOK, PIRATES: . œ J œ J œ n j œ j œ j œ boys who have no moth - er & b 22 œ ‰ j œ œ œ sweet, No one to . œ n j œ œ œ show them their misœ Œ Œ œ take, Won't & b 25 . œ J œ b j œ j œ j œ j œ b know it's dan - ger - ous to œ Œ Œ ¿ eat So parlando &27 > > j > (sung) & cook a cake quite large and Þll each lay - er in - be& b 8 ¿ Œ ¿ tween With j ¿ . ¿ ¿ ¿ ic - ing mixed with ¿ ¿ Œ j ¿ j ¿ poi - son Till it & b 11 . ¿ j ¿ ¿ ¿ turns a tempt - ing ¿ Œ Œ ¿ green. We'll j ¿ . ¿ . ¿ j ¿ place it near the & b 14 ¿ ‰ j ¿ ¿ ¿ house just where the . ¿ j ¿ ¿ ¿ boys are sure to ¿ Œ Œ ¿ come, And & b 17 j ¿ . ¿ j ¿ . ¿ be - ing greed - y j ¿ ¿ j ¿ ¿ ¿ they won't care to j ¿ . ¿ j ¿ . ¿ ques - tion such a
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 31 & & b b 31 . œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ the wink - ing of an J œ # œ j œ œ œ la la la la la ú Œ œ eye, Those œ ‰ j œ œ œ la la la la & & b b 33 . œ # j œ œ œ boys will eat that . ú œ la la . œ j œ œ œ poi - son cake And . ú œ la! And œ > Œ œ > Œ one by œ > Œ œ > Œ one by HOOK, & J œ b know it's dan - ger - ous to œ ¿ eat So & b 27 ¿ > ‰ j ¿ ¿ # > ‰ j ¿ damp and rich a ¿ > Œ Œ œ cake! And (sung) & & b b 29 . ú œ so beœ ‰ j œ œ œ La la la la PART 2: PART 1: w fore œ # ‰ j œ œ œ la la la la

they'll HOOK, PIRATES: (sung) HOOK: (ALL:)


Bravo! Encore! A marvelous plan (etc.)


Horrid little boys, their time has come.

(#13 – CROCODILE MUSIC begins. The PIRATES are celebrating when a ticking begins.)


The croc! The croc!

How do you know?



I hear him ticking. Protect me, Smee! Protect me! Ohh!

(CAPTAIN HOOK faints into the arms of the two nearest PIRATES and is dragged off.) SMEE


Don’t leave us, Captain! Don’t leave us!

(A CROCODILE passes across, ticking, and oozes after them. The LOST BOYS emerge.)

They’re gone.

Peter Pan JR. 32
& la la la! And one by & b 36 œ # > 3 J ¿ > J ¿ > J ¿ > J ¿ > ‰ œ a one (Ha - ha - ha - ha!)
& b 37 w die! œ ‰ J ¿ > ¿ > Œ O - lé! (shout)


I do wish Peter were here!

(Rustling is heard offstage.)


What’s that?

It’s so quiet!


(The BRAVE GIRLS are heard offstage.)


Brave Girls!

(#14 – SCURRY MUSIC 1 begins. The LOST BOYS disappear as the BRAVE GIRLS enter. TIGER LILY beckons and the BRAVE GIRLS gather around her.)


Ssshh! Too much noise. Listen to Tiger Lily—Sssshhhh!

(#15 – BRAVE GIRL DANCE begins. The BRAVE GIRLS begin a dance to search for the LOST BOYS led by TIGER LILY.)


Brave Girl Dance


Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 33 & 4 4 7 Ó ¿ Œ TIGER LILY: Shh! 15 &9 J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ ¿ ¿ Ugh - a - wug - a hee haw! ALL: J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ ¿ ¿ Ugh - a - wug - a hee haw! &11 5 Poco più mosso Ó Œ ¿ > Wah! ƒ 2
Peter Pan JR. 34 &27 Œ ‰ . R ¿ ¿ Œ Ah - choo! ALL: SMALL BRAVE GIRL: ¿ Œ Ó Shh! 4 &33 J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ ¿ ¿ It - ty - bit - ty cheep - cheep! SMALL BRAVE GIRL: (teeny-weeny voice) ∑ ¿ J ¿ ‰ Œ (very high "Eee") & ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 36 ¿ ALL: (funny laugh) TIGER LILY: ¿ Œ ¿ Œ Ugh! Ooh! BRAVE GIRLS (PART 1): BRAVE GIRLS (PART 2): ¿ Œ ¿ Œ Wah! Eee! BRAVE GIRLS (PART 3): & J J J J Ugh - a - wug - a hee haw! J J J J Ugh - a - wug - a hee haw! &11 5 Poco più mosso Ó Œ ¿ > Wah! ƒ 2 &19 ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ Ooh ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ∑ &22 ¿ Œ Ó Oo! TIGER LILY: Ó ¿ Œ ALL: (gasp) 3
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 35 & It - ty - bit - ty cheep - cheep! (very high "Eee") & ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 36 ¿ ALL: (funny laugh) TIGER LILY: ¿ Œ ¿ Œ Ugh! Ooh!
GIRLS (PART 2): ¿ Œ ¿ Œ Wah! Eee!
GIRLS (PART 3): &39 ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ Ugh! Ooo! Wah! Eee! T.L.: B.G. (PT. 1): B.G. (PT. 2): B.G. (PT. 3): T.L.: ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ Ugh! Ooo! Wah! Eee! B.G. (PT. 1): B.G. (PT. 3): B.G. (PT. 2): & b b 41 w Oh (BRAVE GIRLS all cheer.) ALL: w Ah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & b b 43 ¿ Œ ¿ Œ Ugh! Ugh! TIGER LILY: ALL: TIGER LILY: ¿ Œ ¿ Œ Wah! Wah! ALL: TIGER LILY: J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ ¿ ¿ Ugh - a - wug - a meat - ball! & b b 46 J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ ¿ ¿ Ugh - a - wug - a meat - ball! ALL: 4 & b b 51 3 (The BRAVE GIRLS exit as the music erupts.) Presto ∑ U

(At the end of dance, TOOTLES emerges from hiding.)


They’re gone!



(#16 – THE WENDY BIRD (PART 1) begins. The BRAVE GIRLS quickly re-enter and grab one of TOOTLES’ arms. The other LOST BOYS grab TOOTLES’ other arm –a tug of war. Suddenly CURLEY looks up and offstage.)


Look! A bird!

(All look up, stopping tug of war.)


A bird! (etc.)

WENDY (from offstage)

Poor Wendy! Poor Wendy!


It’s a Wendy bird!

The bird must be omen.



Good or bad omen?


Famous Brave Girl proverb: when in doubt— run!

(#17 – THE WENDY BIRD (PART 2) begins. The BRAVE GIRLS run off.)


Here, boys! Let’s shoot the Wendy bird!


Bows and arrows everyone!

(The LOST BOYS look around for weapons.)

Peter Pan JR. 36

Out of the way!


(CURLEY shoots and LOST BOYS cheer. WENDY enters with an arrow in her heart. They put her down.)

I’ve hit it! Peter will be so pleased with me!

(PETER’s crow is heard offstage.)


It’s Peter!

(PETER enters followed by JOHN, in Father’s top hat and MICHAEL, with his teddy bear.)


I’m back! And I have a great surprise.


So have we!


We killed a big white bird.

And look!


(They stand aside. PETER sees WENDY.)


Wendy! With an arrow in her heart! This isn’t a bird – it’s a lady!

LOST BOYS (dismayed) A lady! (etc.)


I was bringing her here to be our mother – and you have killed her.

(PETER reaches toward the arrow to remove it from WENDY. Before he can pull the arrow out, WENDY grabs his arm.)


Look at her arm.

She lives!

TWIN #1, TWIN #2

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 37

(The LOST BOYS cheer as PETER removes the arrow, which is stuck to the acorn button.)


See – the arrow struck against this. It’s a kiss I gave her.


I remember kisses. Let me see – aye, that’s a kiss.


Are you asleep, Wendy? Don’t you want to get up and play?

(WENDY shakes her head and turns over onto her side –settling comfortably and happily.)


What shall we do with Wendy?


Let’s carry her down into the house.


No, no! You mustn’t touch her. That wouldn’t be sufficiently respectful. I know – we’ll build a house around her!


A house!


I have a plan— (#18 – WENDY begins.)


(MICHAEL and JOHN fall right into ranks with the LOST BOYS and are now part of the gang.)

Light Soft-shoe tempo (in 4)


Peter Pan JR. 38 & b b b 4 4 2
. J œ R œ . j œ b œr . J œ R œ . j œ R œ
& b b b 4 . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr build a love - ly lit - tle house for ú ú Wen - dy,
Let's be qui
et as a mouse and
Peter Pan JR.
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 39 & b b b 11 . J œ R œ . j œ b œr . J œ R œ . j œ R œ "Home Sweet Home" up - on the wall, A SLIGHTLY: CURLEY: (They begin to build a house out of branches and leaves.) & b b b 12 . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr wel - come mat down in the hall for ú ú Wen - dy, & b b b 14 ú œ œ # So that TWIN 1, TWIN 2: ú ú Wen - dy œ œ œ œ Won't go a& b b b 4 . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr build a love - ly lit - tle house for ú ú Wen - dy, & b b b 6 ú œ œ # All for ú ú Wen - dy, œ œ œ œ She's come to & & b b b b b b 9 w stay. ‰ . R œ . J œ R œ œ . J œ R œ And be our mo - ther, At LOST BOYS: (PETER:) w . J œ R œ . J œ R œ œ œ last we have a mo - ther!
Peter Pan JR. 40 & b b b 21 Œ . j œ œr n œ œ Make us pock - ets, TOOTLES: Œ œ . j œ œr # œ n And sing to us, & b b b 23 Œ . j œ œr n œ œ Tell us stor - ies ALL: Œ . j œ n œr . j œ # œr n œ We've been long - ing to w hear & b b b 26 . j œ œr œ œ œ Ov - er and ov - er! . J œ R œ . j œ b œr . J œ R œ . j œ R œ She'll be wait - ing at the door, We & b œ œ . j œ œr œ œ . j œ œ wel - come mat down in the hall for ú Wen - dy, & b b b 14 ú œ œ # So that TWIN 1, TWIN 2: ú ú Wen - dy œ œ œ œ Won't go a& & b b b b b b 17 w way. ‰ . R œ . J œ R œ œ . J œ R œ We have a mo - ther, At LOST BOYS: (TWIN 1, TWIN 2:) œ Œ Ó . J œ R œ . J œ R œ œ œ last we have a mo - ther! & b b b 19 . œ j œ n œ œ Oh, what plea - sure NIBS: Œ œ n . j œ œr œ she'll bring to us,
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 41 & œ n Tell us stor - ies n We've been long - ing to hear & b b b 26 . j œ œr œ œ œ Ov - er and ov - er! . J œ R œ . j œ b œr . J œ R œ . j œ R œ She'll be wait - ing at the door, We & b b b 28 . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr won't be lone - ly an - y - more Since ú ú Wen - dy, & b b b 30 ú œ œ Love - ly ú ú Wen - dy's ú ú here to w stay. Rall. & b b b 34 ∑ 35 Œ j œ j œ n œ œ Oh, what plea - sure Rubato colla voce Œ œ n œ œ œ she'll bring to us, & b b b 37 Œ j œ j œ n œ œ Make us pock - ets Œ œ œ œ # œ n and sing to us, & b b b 39 Œ j œ j œ n œ œ Tell us stor - ies Œ œ n œ œ # œ n œ we've been long - ing to & b b b 41 w hear A tempo j œ b j œ j œ j œ j œ . œ Ov - er and ov - er!
Peter Pan JR. 42 & b b b 49 j œ ≈ R œ . J œ R œ œ . J œ R œ stay. We have a mo - ther, At . J œ R œ . J œ R œ œ œ last we have a mo - ther! & b b b 51 ‰ . œr . j œ œr œ . j œ œr She'll be our moth - er, It's Slower — ad lib . j œ œr . j œ œr œ œ nice to have a moth - er. & b b b 53 ú ú ú ú Wen - dy's ú ú ú ú ú here to w w w stay! & b Œ j œ j œ n œ œ Tell us stor - ies Œ œ n œ œ # œ n œ we've been long - ing to & b b b 41 w hear A tempo j œ b j œ j œ j œ j œ . œ Ov - er and ov - er! & b b b 43 . J œ R œ . j œ b œr . J œ R œ . j œ R œ She'll be wait - ing at the door, We & b b b 44 . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr . j œ œr won't be lone - ly an - y - more since ú ú Wen - dy, & b b b 46 ú œ œ Love - ly ú ú Wen - dy's ú ú here to

She'll be our moth - er, It's

Wen - dy's

here to




Wendy lady, for you we have built this house. Say that you’re pleased.


Lovely, darling house!

And we’re your children!





Wendy lady, be our mother.


I’d love to be your mother – provided Peter will be the father. (JOHN gives PETER his top hat.)


All right. As long as it’s only make-believe.

(The LOST BOYS cheer and dance around as CAPTAIN HOOK, SMEE and PIRATES enter behind the bushes. A long arm pushes the poisoned cake out. The LOST BOYS see the cake, break and run to it.)


Look! A cake! A cake! (etc.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 43
& œr . œ œr œ . œ œr
. œ œ . œ œr œ œ nice to have a moth - er. & b b b 53 ú ú ú ú
ú ú ú ú ú
w w w
& b b b 56 w w w w w w j œ œ œ ‰ Œ Ó

(All are about to grab a piece of the cake.)


Children! I’m sure this cake is much too damp and rich for you.

(The LOST BOYS groan)

Now you go inside the house, but before I put you to sleep I’ll have just enough time to finish the story of “Cinderella!”

ALL “Cinderella!”

(#19 – CINDERELLA TAG begins. The LOST BOYS excitedly troop inside the house, followed by WENDY and PETER. CAPTAIN HOOK and the PIRATES enter.)


The game is up. Those boys have found a mother!


What’s a mother?

Tsst! I must think!


(The PIRATES leap into place.)


What tempo, Captain?


A tarantella!

A tarantella!


(#20 – HOOK’S TARANTELLA begins.)

Peter Pan JR. Hook's Tarantella


Peter Pan JR. 44
Œ ‰ Œ j ¿
¿ j ¿ ¿ j
& b 6 ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ j ¿ j ¿ ¿ ‰ Œ j ¿
& b 8 6 . . . . 3 Tempo di Tarantella
MeHOOK: (vocal 2nd x only)
¿ thinks I see a 20 5
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 45 & b 21 ∑ . ú Oh, (sung) œ j œ œ j œ When was such a œ j œ œ j œ prince - ly plot con& b 25 œ j œ œ j œ coct - ed by anj œ j œ ‰ Œ j œ oth - er, To œ j œ œ j œ mur - der all the & b # 28 œ j œ œ j œ boys and keep the œ J œ œ œ n J œ # Wen - dy for our J œ j œ ‰ œ n > ‰ mo - ther! Oh! f ALL: & 8 Me - thinks I see a & b 6 ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ spark, a gleam, a j ¿ ¿ j ¿ j ¿ j ¿ glim - mer of a ¿ ‰ Œ j ¿ plan With & b 9 ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ which, per - haps, I ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ may re - deem me J ¿ ¿ J ¿ J ¿ J ¿ hon - our as a & b 12 . ¿ Œ ‰ man. ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ Kid - nap Wen - dy, ¿ b j ¿ ¿ j ¿ seize the boys, and & b 15 ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ you'll have Hook to . ¿ Œ j ¿ thank, For ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ when the time is & b 18 ¿ j ¿ ¿ j ¿ ripe you'll see the ¿ J ¿ ¿ J ¿ chil - dren walk the . ¿ Œ ‰ plank!
Peter Pan JR. 46 & & # # 42 J ¿ > ‰ ‰ Œ ‰ Hey! Œ ‰ Œ j œ BraHOOK: (ALL:) Œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰ Bra - vo! j œ ‰ ‰ Œ j œ vo! BravŒ j œ j œ ‰ ‰ Bra - vo! j œ ‰ ‰ Œ j œ o! Yo& & # # 45 Œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰ Yo - ho! j œ ‰ ‰ Œ j œ ho! YoŒ j œ j œ ‰ ‰ Yo - ho! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ ho! To the ‰ j œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰ To the ship! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ ship! To the & œ j œ œ œ coct - ed by anœ j œ Œ j œ oth - er, To œ j œ œ œ mur - der all the & b # 28 œ j œ œ j œ boys and keep the œ J œ œ œ n J œ # Wen - dy for our J œ j œ ‰ œ n > ‰ mo - ther! Oh! f ALL: & # 31 œ j œ œ j œ When was such a œ j œ œ j œ prince - ly plot conœ j œ œ j œ coct - ed by an& # 34 j œ j œ ‰ Œ j œ oth - er, To œ j œ œ j œ mur - der all the œ j œ œ J œ boys and keep the & # 37 . œ . œ Wen - dy . ú . ú J œ ‰ ‰ œ œ # J œ for our . œ j œ ‰ ‰ mo - ther!


Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 47 & # 54 ‰ j ¿ > j ¿ > j ¿ > ‰ ‰
the ship!
(#21 – SCENE CHANGE 1 begins.)
& Œ Œ j œ Braj œ Œ j œ vo! Bravj œ Œ j œ o! Yo& & # # 45 Œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰ Yo - ho! j œ ‰ ‰ Œ j œ ho! YoŒ j œ j œ ‰ ‰ Yo - ho! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ ho! To the ‰ j œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰
the ship! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ ship!
the & & # # 48 ‰ j œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰
the ship! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ ship! To the ‰ j œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰
the ship! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ ship! To the ‰ j œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰
the ship! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ ship! To the & & # # 51 ‰ j œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰
the ship! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ
the ‰ j œ j œ j œ ‰ ‰
the ship! j œ ‰ ‰ ‰ j œ j œ ship!
the ∑ j œ ‰ ‰ Œ . ship!
ship! To


Yes, Peter.




Then listen to your teacher. Repeat after me. (#22 – I WON’T GROW UP begins.)


I Won't Grow Up

Peter Pan JR. 48 & b b b C ∑ Ó Œ œ # I (PETER:) 22 & & b b b b b b 3 œ œ œ Œ won't grow up! Ó Œ œ # I LOST BOYS: (PETER:) Ó Œ j œ n j œ I don't œ œ œ Œ won't grow up! & & b b b b b b 5 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ wan - na go to school! Ó Œ j œ n j œ I don't Ó Œ j œ n j œ Just to j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ wan - na go to school! & & b b b b b b 7 j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ Œ learn to be a par - rot Œ j j Ó Œ j œ # j œ And rej j Œ
today’s lesson?
you ready for
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 49 & & b b b b b b 9 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ A Œ cite a sil - ly rule! Ó Œ j œ # j œ And reÓ Œ œ If j œ j œ j œ j œ œ A Œ cite a sil - ly rule! & b b b 11 œ œ œ œ grow - ing up means (PETER:) œ œ . œ j œ it would be Beœ œ j œ j œ j œ j œ neath my dig - ni - ty to & & b b b b b b 14 œ œ œ œ climb a tree I'll Ó Œ œ I'll (PETER:) (LOST BOYS:) j œ j œ œ œ j œ j œ nev - er grow up, nev - er j œ j œ œ œ j œ j œ nev - er grow up, nev - er & & b b b b b 16 œ b œ j œ j œ œ grow up, nev - er grow j j œ J œ ‰ Œ œ up, Not Œ œ Œ Ó me! Œ Œ JOHN: & b Œ j œ n j œ I don't j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ wan - na go to school! & & b b b b b b 7 j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ Œ learn to be a par - rot Ó Œ j œ n j œ Just to Ó Œ j œ # j œ And rej œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ Œ learn to be a par - rot,
Peter Pan JR. 50 & & b b b b b b 19 Ó Œ ¿ Not ¿ Œ Ó I! ¿ Œ Ó me. Ó Œ ¿ n > Not LOST BOYS: (except JOHN) f Ó Œ œ # I ¿ > Œ Ó me! & & b b b b b b 22 œ œ j œ . ‰ Œ won't grow up! Ó Œ œ # I LOST BOYS: Ó Œ j œ n j œ Not a œ œ j œ . ‰ Œ won't grow up! & & b b b b b b 24 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ pen - ny will I pinch; Ó Œ j œ n j œ Not a Ó Œ j œ n j œ I will j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ pen - ny will I pinch! & & b b b b 26 j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ Œ nev - er grow a mous - tache Ó Œ j œ # j œ Or a j j & I'll œ œ œ œ nev - er grow up, nev - er & & b b b b b b 16 œ b œ j œ j œ œ grow up, nev - er grow œ b œ j œ j œ œ grow up, nev - er grow œ J œ ‰ Œ œ up, Not œ J œ ‰ Œ œ up, Not œ Œ Ó me! œ Œ Œ ¿ me! Not JOHN:
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 51 & & b b b b b b 28 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ A Œ frac - tion of an inch. Ó Œ j œ # j œ Or a Ó Œ œ 'Cause j œ j œ j œ j œ œ A œ frac - tion of an inch! 'Cause & & b b b b b b 30 œ œ œ œ grow - ing up is œ œ œ œ grow - ing up is œ œ . œ j œ aw - ful - ler than œ œ . œ j œ aw - ful - ler than & & b b b b b b 32 œ œ . œ œ . œ œ all the aw - ful things thatœ œ . œ œ . œ œ all the aw - ful things that œ œ œ œ ev - er were! I'll œ œ œ œ ev - er were! I'll & & b b b b 34 j œ j œ œ œ j œ j œ nev - er grow up, nev - er œ b œ j œ j œ œ grow up, nev - er grow & b b b Ó Œ j œ n j œ Not a j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ pen - ny will I pinch! & & b b b b b b 26 j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ Œ nev - er grow a mous - tache Ó Œ j œ n j œ I will Ó Œ j œ # j œ Or a j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ Œ nev - er grow a mous - tache
Peter Pan JR. 52 & & b b b b b b 36 œ J œ ‰ Œ œ up, No œ J œ ‰ Ó up, œ Œ Ó sir! Œ ¿ ¿ ¿ Not I! Not TWINS: LOST BOYS: (except MICHAEL and JOHN) MICHAEL, JOHN: ∑ ¿ ¿ > ¿ > Œ me! So there! & b b b 39 ∑ Ó Œ œ # I CURLEY: & & b b b b b b 41 œ œ œ Œ won't grow up! Ó Œ œ # I LOST BOYS: (CURLEY:) Ó Œ j œ n j œ I will œ œ œ Œ won't grow up! & b b b 43 . j œ œr . j œ œr œ Œ nev - er ev - en try; Ó Œ j ¿ n j ¿ I will (spoken) & b b œ œ . œ œ . œ œ all the aw - ful things that œ œ œ œ ev - er were! I'll & & b b b b b b 34 j œ j œ œ œ j œ j œ nev - er grow up, nev - er j œ j œ œ œ j œ j œ nev - er grow up, nev - er œ b œ j œ j œ œ grow up, nev - er grow œ b œ j œ j œ œ grow up, nev - er grow
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 53 & & b b b b b b 45 . j ¿ ¿r . j ¿ ¿r j ¿ j ¿ Œ do what Pe - ter tells me! Ó Œ . j ¿ n ¿r I will (spoken) Ó Œ . j œ # œr And I'll . j ¿ ¿r . j ¿ ¿r j ¿ j ¿ Œ do what Pe - ter tells me!
(sung) & & b b b b b b # # # # # # # # 47 . j œ œr . j œ œr œ A Œ nev - er ask him why! Ó Œ . j œ # œr And I'll (sung) Ó Œ œ We . j œ œr . j œ œr œ A Œ nev - er ask him why! TWINS: & & # # # # # # # # 49 œ # œ n œ n Œ won't grow up! Ó Œ œ ‹ We Ó Œ j œ # j œ We will œ # œ n œ n Œ won't grow up! & & # # # # # # 51 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ nev - er grow a day! Ó Œ j ¿ # j ¿ And if (spoken) & Œ œ # I œ œ œ Œ won't grow up! & & b b b b b b 43 . j œ œr . j œ œr œ Œ nev - er ev - en try; Ó Œ j œ n j œ I will Ó Œ j ¿ n j ¿ I will . j œ œr . j œ œr œ Œ nev - er ev - en try; (spoken)
Peter Pan JR. 54 & & # # # # # # # # 53 j ¿ j ¿ j ¿ j ¿ J ¿ > j ¿ Œ some - one tries to make us Ó Œ j ¿ # j ¿ And if (spoken) Ó Œ j œ ‹ j œ We will j ¿ j ¿ j ¿ j ¿ J ¿ > j ¿ Œ
tries to make us (sung) & & # # # # # # # # b b 55 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ N Œ simp - ly run a - way! Ó Œ j œ ‹ j œ We will (sung) Ó Œ œ æ I j œ j œ j œ j œ œ N Œ sim - ply run a - way! SLIGHTLY: (growl) & & b b 57 œ œ n œ n ß Œ won't grow up! Ó Œ œ # æ I (rip) Slower (growl) (The LOST BOYS imitate SLIGHTLY.) Ó Œ j œ # j œ No, I œ œ œ ù Œ won't grow up! (rip) ~~~ ~~~~ & & b 59 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ pro - mise that I won't! j j Ó Œ j ¿ # j ¿ I will j j (spoken) & # # Œ œ ‹ We œ # œ n œ n Œ won't grow up! & & # # # # # # # # 51 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ nev - er grow a day! Ó Œ j œ # j œ We will Ó Œ j ¿ # j ¿ And if j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ nev - er grow a day! (spoken)
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 55 & & b b 61 j ¿ j ¿ j ¿ J ¿ > J ¿ > . ¿ > stay a boy for - ev - er! Ó Œ j ¿ # j ¿ I will (shouted) (spoken) Ó Œ j œ # j œ And be j ¿ j ¿ j ¿ J ¿ > J ¿ > . ¿ > stay a boy for ev - er! PETER: (sung) (shouted) & & b b 63 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ N Œ ban - ished if I don't! Ó Œ j œ # j œ And be (sung) ∑ j œ j œ j œ j œ œ N Œ ban - ished if I don't! Slower Ó Œ œ And Ó Œ œ And & & b b 66 œ œ œ œ Nev - er - land will œ œ A œ œ œ œ œ œ Nev - er - land will Slower, in 4 œ œ . œ U j œ al - ways be the œ œ b œ œ . . œ œ U J œ œ al - ways be the , , & b Œ œ # I œ œ œ Œ won't grow up! ~~~~ & & b b 59 j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ pro - mise that I won't! Ó Œ j œ # j œ No, I Ó Œ j ¿ # j ¿ I will j œ j œ j œ j œ œ Œ pro - mise that I won't! (spoken)



Peter Pan JR. 56 & & b b 68 œ œ j œ j œ j œ j œ
œ œ œ œ J œ œ # J œ œ J œ œ J œ œ
of youth and
of youth
molto rall. œ œ œ U Œ li - ber - ty! œ œ œ n # œ œ œ œ œ œ U Œ li - ber - ty! & & b b 70 Ó Œ œ I'll Ó Œ œ I'll A tempo (in 2) . j œ œr œ œ . j œ œr nev - er grow up, nev - er . j œ œr œ œ . j œ œr nev - er grow up, nev - er & & b b 72 œ b œ j œ j œ œ grow up, nev - er grow œ b œ j œ j œ œ grow up, nev - er grow œ J œ ‰ Ó up, œ J œ ‰ Œ œ n up, Not MICHAEL, JOHN:




(At the end of the number all fall on the ground laughing. Suddenly PETER points offstage.)



(#23 – SCURRY MUSIC 2 begins. The LOST BOYS, MICHAEL, JOHN and PETER hide. SMEE enters, followed by the other PIRATES and a captured TIGER LILY.)


Move, you spalpeen, move! The Captain ordered us to tie her to the tree and leave her here for the wolves!


To the tree with her, mate!


Poor Tiger Lily!

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 57
& & b b 74 ∑ œ œ # œ œ
Ó Œ œ #
œ œ n œ Œ
me! Not me!
ú Ó
∑ & & b b 77 w n U Not w w w n # U Not w me! w w w me! Faster (in 2) w w w w w w w w œ Œ Ó œ œ œ Œ Ó

What was that?



(mimics Captain Hook’s voice)

Ahoy there, you lubbers!


It is the Captain, he must be close by.



I tied Tiger Lily to the tree, Captain.


(mimics Captain Hook’s voice)

Set her free!

But, Captain—



(mimics Captain Hook’s voice)

Cut her bonds, or I’ll plunge me hook in you.


Better do as the Captain orders.


Aye aye!

(They untie TIGER LILY and she runs off in the direction of PETER and the LOST BOYS. TIGER LILY and PETER shake hands. The LOST BOYS are about to cheer when TIGER LILY quiets them.)



(from offstage)

Ahoy there!

It’s Hook.


TWIN #1, TWIN #2


He’s coming down the path.

Peter Pan JR. 58

We’re trapped.

Follow me.



(TIGER LILY leads the LOST BOYS away in one direction as CAPTAIN HOOK enters from the other.)


It is the Captain!

Captain, is all well?

All is very well. (shrieks)

Where is Tiger Lily?




It is all right, Captain, we let her go.


Let her go?


’Twas your own orders, Captain.


You called to us to let her go.


Brimstone and gall, what cozening is here?

(TIGER LILY and the LOST BOYS have all made it offstage. PETER is last in line. He turns toward CAPTAIN HOOK, crows and quickly exits.)


Peter Pan!

(#24 – UNDERGROUND MARCH begins.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 59


Tinker Bell!

(#25 – TINK AND WENDY begins.)




Is your room straightened up?

TINKER BELL (celeste)


Now, really, Tink! I will not go home—Peter needs me.

TINKER BELL (celeste)


Why can’t we talk this over like two civilized human beings?

(#26 – BRAVE GIRLS DESCEND begins. The BRAVE GIRLS and the LOST BOYS run on. WENDY grabs a broom, raises it like she is going to hit someone. In the nick of time PETER arrives.)


Don’t Wendy! We’re friends now!

WENDY Friends?


I saved Tiger Lily’s life in the forest and she saved ours.


Peter Pan is the sun and the moon and the stars!


Yes, I know.

(#27 – UGH-A-WUG begins.)

Peter Pan JR. 60

Peter Pan JR. Ugh-A-Wug

(PETER:) Come on. Let's make two tribes into one! (PETER:)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 61 & b
8 Bright
b b b b C
j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ b Ugh
& b b b b b 10 j œ j œ œ j œ j œ n œ
wug, Ugh - a - wug w Wah! œ Œ Ó & b b b b b 13 j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ b
j œ j œ œ j œ j œ n œ Ugh
& b b b b b 15 w Wah! ∑ BOTH: j œ j œ œ j œ j œ n œ Gug
& b b b b b 18 j œ b j œ œ j œ b j œ œ
w Waú Ó
- wug, Ugh - a - wug,
Ugh -
Ugh -
- wug, Ugh -
- wug,
- wug, Ugh -
- wug,
- a - bluck, Gug - a - bluck,
Gug -
- bluck,
- bluck,
Peter Pan JR. 62 & b b b b b 21 j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ b Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug, j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug, & b b b b b 23 . ú œ b Ub - bleMisterioso . ú œ b wub - ble, œ œ b œ œ b When we get in & b b b b b 26 . ú œ b trou - ble, . ú œ b Ugh - a. ú œ b woo, There's & b b b b b 29 œ œ b œ œ b just one thing to œ Œ œ œ do. I'll just PETER: œ n œ b œ œ send for Ti - ger & b b b b b 32 j œ . œ j œ œ j œ Li - ly, I'll just TIGER LILY: œ n œ b œ œ send for Pe - ter ú ‰ œ j œ Pan. We'll be BOTH: & b b b b b 35 œ n œ b œ œ com - ing wil - lyj œ . œ J œ . œ nil - ly, Li - ly! Œ œ œ œ Beat on a œ œ œ
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 63 & b b b b b 38 w w
Œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ w w
Œ œ œ œ
& & b b b b b b b b b b 42 œ œ œ œ
ú . œ j œ strong, no - ble ∑ œ œ Ó brave girl! Ó ¿ ¿ Boom! Boom!
& b b b b b 45 J œ J œ œ J œ b J œ œ Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug,
LILY, BRAVE GIRLS: J œ J œ œ J œ b J œ œ Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug, & b b b b b 47 w Wah! œ Œ Ó PETER, LOST BOYS, CHILDREN: J œ J œ œ J œ b J œ œ Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug, & b b b b b 50 J œ J œ œ J œ b J œ œ Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug, w Wah! œ Œ Ó
And I will
come! PETER:
And I will
come and save the




BRAVE GIRLS: ¿ Œ ¿ Œ Ugh! Wah!


- bi - ty, bib - bi - ty,


- bit - ty, bib - bi - ty

- a - wuff, Puff - a - wuff,


- bi - ty, bib - bi - ty,

- bi - ty, bib - bi - ty,

Peter Pan JR. 64
& b b b b b 53 ¿ Œ ¿ Œ Ugh! Wah!
œ œ b
b b b b b 55 j œ j
œ j œ j
j œ j œ œ j œ j œ n œ Ib
- bi - ty, bib - bi - ty w sab!
b b b b b
œ Œ Ó
j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ b Ib
j œ j œ
j œ j œ
61 w
œ Œ Ó j œ j œ œ j œ j œ n œ
ALL: &
œ b j œ œ
- bi - ty, bib - bi - ty,
n œ
b b b b b
b b b b b
j œ b j œ œ j
Puff - a - wuff, Puff - a - wuff w Powú Ó Wow! & b b b b b
j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ b
j œ
j œ œ j œ j œ œ

Sab - bleMisterioso


soo, There's


Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 65 &
b b b b b
. ú œ b
œ œ b œ œ b
b b b b 73
ú œ b
. ú œ
see - vil,
If we come to . ú œ b e - vil,
ú œ b
œ œ b œ œ b
œ Œ œ œ
& b b b b b 77 œ n œ b œ œ
j œ . œ j œ œ j œ Li - ly!
œ n œ b œ œ
& b b b b b 80 ú ‰ œ j œ
- ble.
just one thing to PETER, LOST BOYS, CHILDREN:
do! We'll just f
send for Ti - ger
send for Pe - ter
ALL: œ n œ b œ œ
lyj œ . œ J œ . œ
ly! & & b b b b b b b b b b 83 Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
up a ∑
FEATURED LOST BOYS: (ALL:) w w ßare! w (tongue burbles) Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ Œ Ó ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pan! We'll be
com - ing wil -
nil -
Li -
And I'll be

w w there! w (tongue burbles)

Peter Pan JR. 66 &
Œ œ œ œ
œ Œ Ó œ œ œ œ real - ly got a ∑ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & &
b b b b
Ó ¿ b A
œ Œ œ œ
be ¿ Œ œ œ
be ú ú true blood ú ú ú ú true blood ú ú & b b b b b 92 œ b œ œ n œ
till the œ œ œ œ (ALL:) . ú œ b end! . ú œ . ú œ b . ú œ & b b b b b 95 œ œ b œ œ b œ œ b œ œ ú ¿ Œ Ugh!
& b b b b b b b b b b
You know you
b b b
w friend!
friend! We'll
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 67 & b b b b b 97 ∑
f j ¿ ¿ j ¿ ¿ Ugh ugh wah! 2 & b b b b b 101 j ¿ ¿ j ¿ ¿ Ugh ugh wah! ALL: 2 & b b b b b 104 j ¿ ¿ j ¿ ¿ Ugh ugh wah!
5 & b b b b b 110 j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ b Ugh
a - wug,
j œ j œ œ j œ j œ n œ Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug & b b b b b 112 w wah! ¿ > Œ Ó Shhh! ALL: j œ j œ œ j œ j œ œ b Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug, & b b b b b 115 j œ j œ œ j œ j œ n œ Ugh
a - wug, Ugh - a - wug, w Wah!
TIGER LILY: Peter! Pirates will hear us!
Ugh -
PETER: (very softly)

¿ > Œ Ó Shhh! j œ j

œ j œ j œ n œ Boop - a - doop. boop - a - doop,

Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug, j œ j

Peter Pan JR. 68
& b b b b b
& b b b b b
j œ b j œ œ j œ b j
œ œ
œ œ b
Boop - a - doop, Boop - a - doop w WahJ œ > ‰ Œ ¿ Œ hoo! Shhh! ƒ p
b b b b b
j œ j
j œ j
124 . ú œ b
. ú œ b
œ œ b œ œ b
& b b b b b 127 . ú œ b get - cha, . ú œ b
ú Œ œ b
& b b b b b 130 œ œ b œ œ b
œ Œ
œ j œ j œ œ Ugh - a - wug, Ugh - a - wug,
b b b b b
Ugh - aMisterioso
wet - cha,
If the Pi - rates
And you're
took A -
way by Cap - tain
¿ Œ Hook! Hook! TIGER LILY: What'll we do?
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 69 & b b b b b 133 Ó œ œ I'll just f PETER, LOST BOYS, CHILDREN: A tempo œ n œ œ œ A send for Ti - ger J œ œ ‰ ‰ œ j œ Li - ly! I'll just TIGER LILY, BRAVE GIRLS: & b b b b b 136 œ n œ œ œ A send for Pe - ter ú ‰ œ j œ Pan! We'll be ALL: œ n œ œ œ com - ing wil - ly& b b b b b 139 J œ . œ J œ . œ nil - ly, Li - ly! Œ œ œ œ Send up a œ œ œ œ Œ Ó ßare œ & b b b b b 142 Œ œ œ œ And I'll be œ œ œ œ . ú there! œ . ú œ œ œ œ You know you ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ & b b b b b 145 œ œ œ œ real - ly got a œ Œ ú b ^ friend! A œ ^ Œ œ œ friend! We'll be & b b b b b 148 w w true w w blood ú b ú bro - thers ú ú ú ú to the ú ú



Tiger Lily, I’ll never get my children to sleep after all this excitement.


We’ll go up now. We’ll keep guard and watch for pirates. (General goodnights. BRAVE GIRLS exit.)


Now, children, make your father comfortable.


Here’s your chair, Father.

TWIN #1, TWIN #2

Here are your slippers, Father.


Here’s your paper, Father.


Now go wash up – it’s your bed time. (The LOST BOYS run off. A serious expression comes over PETER’s face. WENDY notices.) They are sweet, aren’t they, Peter. (no response)


(no response)

Peter, what is it?


I was just thinking – it’s only pretend, isn’t it, that I’m their father?

Peter Pan JR. 70 & b b b b b 152 . ú œ b
. ú œ . ú œ b . ú œ œ œ b œ œ b œ œ b œ œ w w & b b b b b 156 w w w w w w ¿ Œ Ó Ugh!


Oh yes. But they are ours, Peter, yours and mine.


But not really?


Well, no, not if you don’t wish it.

PETER PAN I don’t.

(JOHN, MICHAEL and the LOST BOYS re-enter with old blankets and pillows.)


We’re all ready for bed now, Mother.


I even brushed my teeth.


Peter, shall we sing a lullaby to the children?

(#28 – DISTANT MELODY begins.)

Peter Pan JR.

Distant Melody


Valse lente WENDY,

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 71 &
b 4 3
. œ j œ J œ j œ Once up - on a . œ j œ J œ j œ time and long a28 & b 7 . ú go . ú . œ j œ j œ j œ I heard some - one . œ j œ j œ j œ sing - ing soft and & b 11 . ú low. . ú + LOST BOYS: . œ j œ J œ j œ
. œ j œ J œ j œ
& b 15 . ú . ú j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ
Now when day is
done and
Peter Pan JR. 72 & low. . œ J Now when day is . œ J done and night is & b 15 . ú near . ú . œ j œ j œ j œ I re - call this . œ j œ j œ j œ song I used to & b 19 . ú hear. ú œ "My . œ j œ j œ j œ child, my ve - ry & b 22 . œ j œ j œ j œ # own, Don't be a. œ j œ n j œ j œ fraid, you're not a. ú lone. & b 25 . œ j œ # j œ j œ Sleep un - til the . œ j œ j œ j œ dawn for all is . ú well." . ú & b 29 . œ j œ J œ j œ Long a - go this . œ j œ J œ j œ song was sung to . ú me, . ú & b 33 . œ j œ j œ j œ Now it's just a . œ j œ j œ j œ dis - tant mel - o. ú dy. . ú & b 37 . œ j œ j œ j œ Some - where from the . œ j œ j œ j œ past I used to accel. . ú know, . ú , A tempo WENDY,


Wendy, I’m homesick! I want to go home!


So do I.


Yes, I suppose we must go home.


You’re not leaving us, Wendy?


I’m afraid I must.

Please don’t go.



Dear ones, if you all come with me I feel almost sure my mother and father would adopt you.


Peter, can we go?

All right.


(The LOST BOYS cheer.)


Then put your beds away quickly, and remember to bring the baby clothes you were lost in.

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 73
& . œ œ Some - where from the . œ œ past I used to know, & b 41 . œ j œ j œ j œ
. œ j œ j œ j œ
a. ú go. . ú & b 45 5
Once up - on a
time and long

(JOHN, MICHAEL and the LOST BOYS exit.)


Peter, I’m going to give you your medicine before your journey. (WENDY puts Peter’s medicine onto the shelf.) Get your things, Peter.


I’m not going with you, Wendy.


Yes, Peter.



But why not?


I don’t want to grow up and learn about solemn things. I just want to always be a little boy and to have fun. No one’s going to catch me and make me a man.

(MICHAEL, JOHN, and the LOST BOYS re-enter with bundles.)


We’re all ready to go now.


Peter isn’t coming with us.


Peter’s not coming?


Then, Peter, we won’t leave you.


Now then, no fuss, no blubbering, just say goodbye.

(#29 – FIGHT ABOVE GROUND begins. Outside the house we see the PIRATES enter and attack the guarding BRAVE GIRLS. Inside the house, the CHILDREN all huddle around PETER. Outside the house, some PIRATES rout the BRAVE GIRLS and take them offstage. The other PIRATES hide to wait for the LOST BOYS to come out.)

Peter Pan JR. 74


Someone is fighting the Brave Girls.



The Pirates.

Shh! It’s over.

But who won?





If the Brave Girls have won, they will beat the drum. Listen! (Outside the house, CAPTAIN HOOK beats a cadence with his hook.)

The drum! A Brave Girl victory. You’re perfectly safe now Wendy. Tiger Lily will escort you through the forest. Goodbye, boys. Lead the way, Tink.


Goodbye Peter. Bye. (etc.)

(The LOST BOYS begin to exit. PETER sits on stool, his back to them. WENDY is the last to leave. She moves PETER’s medicine next to him.)


Peter, that’s your medicine, you know.


I won’t forget it.


Peter, if you come for me once a year, I’ll do your spring cleaning. Will you come?


If you like.


You won’t forget? Peter, oh, Peter, how I wish I could take you up and squeeze you!

(PETER pulls away. WENDY starts to exit.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 75



(WENDY turns back hopefully. PETER crosses to her and takes out the thimble. He looks at it for a second, then hands it to her.)

Here – this is for you.

(WENDY turns away and exits the house. #30 –KIDNAPPING begins. PETER lies down. WENDY reaches the other side of the stage where the PIRATES have captured the boys. Before WENDY can scream, the PIRATES cover her mouth and grab her arms.)


Take them all to the ship! The boys we will make walk the plank – and Wendy will be our mother!

(PIRATES quietly drag WENDY, MICHAEL, JOHN and the LOST BOYS, all gagged offstage. SMEE quietly crosses to CAPTAIN HOOK.)


But what about Peter?


This is for Peter!

(CAPTAIN HOOK holds up a vial of red liquid.)



Aye! He’s doomed!


(CAPTAIN HOOK and SMEE quietly laugh and SMEE exits. #31 – POISON begins. CAPTAIN HOOK quietly enters the house. He sees Peters’s medicine bottle on the table. CAPTAIN HOOK pours a little of the poison into the glass and it turns blood red. CAPTAIN HOOK sneaks out as TINKER BELL rushes in.)

(#32 – TINKER BELL’S SACRIFICE (PART 1) begins.)




Peter Pan JR. 76



Who is that? (sits up)




(TINKER BELL has to tell her tale in one long ungrammatical sentence.)


Wendy and the boys have been captured by the pirates? I’ll rescue her!

(PETER reaches for his medicine. TINKER BELL rings out a warning cry.)




What? Oh, that’s just my medicine.




Poisoned? Nonsense! Who could have poisoned it? I promised Wendy to take it, and I’m going to.

(PETER reaches for his medicine again, but TINKER BELL quickly swallows it all so he can’t drink any.)


Why, Tink, you’ve drunk my medicine!

(#33 – TINKER BELL’S SACRIFICE (PART 2) begins. TINKER BELL flutters strangely about the room, answering now in a very thin tinkle.)

TINKER BELL (celeste)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 77


What’s the matter with you.

TINKER BELL (celeste)


It was poisoned. You drank it to save my life!! Tink, dear Tink.

TINKER BELL (celeste)

(TINKER BELL’s light flickers ominously.)


Your light is growing faint, and if it goes out, that means you’re dead.

TINKER BELL (celeste)


You say—

TINKER BELL (celeste)


You could get well if—

TINKER BELL (celeste)


…if children believed in fairies.

(PETER rises and throws out his arms and pleads.)


Do you believe? Oh please, please believe! If you believe, wherever you are, clap your hands and she’ll hear you!

(#34 – TINK’S RECOVERY begins. Some might start clapping. PETER pleads more.)


Clap! Clap! Don’t let Tink die! Clap! She’s getting better. Her light’s getting stronger! Oh, she’s all right now. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Peter Pan JR. 78

(TINKER BELL starts bouncing and flashing dizzily all over the auditorium like a skyrocket burst.)


Come on, Tink! We’ll rescue Wendy!

(PETER and TINKER BELL rush offstage.)

(#35 – SCENE CHANGE 2 begins.)


(CAPTAIN HOOK paces on the deck of the Jolly Roger, his ship. A skull and crossbones flag is flying.)


How still the night is. Nothing sounds alive. Now is the hours when children in their homes are a-bed – their lips brightbrowned with the goodnight chocolate, and their tongues drowsily searching for belated crumbs housed insecurely on their shining cheeks. Compare with them the captive children on this boat. Split me the infinitives, but ’tis me hour of triumph! (laughs)

At last I’ve reached me peak! I’m the greatest villain of all time.

(#36 – HOOK’S WALTZ begins.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 79
& # # # # # 4 3 3 Grand
(in 1) (HOOK:) Œ œ U œ U Who's the œ œ œ swin - i - est 36 & & # # # # # # # # # # 6 œ n œ ‰ J œ swine in the ∑ (HOOK:) . ú world? ∑ PIRATES: ∑ Œ . ¿ > J ¿ > Cap - tain ∑ ¿ > Œ Œ Hook!
Pan JR.
Hook's Waltz
Peter Pan JR. 80 & # # # # # 18 Œ . œ n J œ Cap - tain (PIRATES:) (sung) . ú Hook! Rall. . ú & # # # # # 21 . ú n CapHOOK: A tempo ú n œ tain of ú n œ vill - ain. ú y, & # # # # # 4 3 Œ œ œ Who's the œ œ œ swin - i - est & & # # # # # # # # # # 6 œ n œ ‰ J œ swine in the ∑ (HOOK:) . ú world? ∑ PIRATES: ∑ Œ . ¿ > J ¿ > Cap - tain ∑ ¿ > Œ Œ Hook! & & # # # # # # # # # # 10 ∑ Œ . ¿ > J ¿ > Cap - tain ∑ ¿ > Œ Œ Hook! Œ œ œ Who's the ∑ œ n œ n œ dirt - i - est ∑ & & # # # # # # # # # # 14 œ œ n œ dog in this ∑ œ œ n œ # won - der - ful ∑ œ n Œ Œ world? Œ . ¿ > J ¿ > Cap - tain ∑ ¿ > Œ Œ Hook!
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 81 Cap - tain Hook! & # # # # # 21 . ú n CapHOOK: A tempo ú n œ tain of ú n œ vill - ain. ú y, & # # # # # 25 . ú Murú œ der and œ n Œ Œ loot, ∑ . ú Ea& # # # # # 30 ú œ ger to ú œ n kill anú n œ y Who œ n œ œ says that his & & # # # # # # # # # # 34 œ n œ n œ hook is - n't ∑ (HOOK:) œ # Œ Œ cute! Œ Œ ¿ It's SMEE: (cowering) ∑ ¿ Œ Œ cute! Œ œ U œ U Who's the Œ Œ U Œ U & & # # # # # # # # # # 38 œ œ œ slim - i - est ∑ A tempo œ n œ ‰ J œ rat in the ∑ . ú pack? ∑ PIRATES: (shouted) ∑ Œ . ¿ > J ¿ > Cap - tain & & # # # # # # 42 ∑ ∑ ∑ Œ œ œ Who's un -
Peter Pan JR. 82 & & # # # # # # # # # # 53 Œ œ n œ n Who would ¿ > Œ Œ You! STARKEY: (HOOK:) œ œ œ stoop to the ∑ œ œ # œ low - est and ∑ & # # # # # 56 œ œ œ cheap - est of (HOOK:) œ œ œ tricks in the œ n Œ Œ book? & # # # ∑ ∑ ∑ Œ . ¿ J ¿ Cap - tain & & # # # # # # # # # # 42 ∑ ¿ > Œ Œ Hook! ∑ Œ . ¿ > J ¿ > Cap - tain ∑ ¿ > Œ Œ Hook! Œ œ œ Who's un∑ & & # # # # # # # # # # 46 . œ j œ œ love - a - ble? ∑ JUKES: Œ œ œ Who's un¿ > Œ Œ You! . œ j œ œ liv - a - ble? ∑ & & # # # # # # # # # # 49 Œ œ œ Whose ex¿ > Œ Œ You! CECCO: œ œ œ is - tence is ∑ œ œ œ quite un - for∑ . œ j œ œ giv - a - ble? ∑
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 83 & # You! &
56 œ œ œ
œ œ œ
œ n Œ Œ
& & # # # # # # # # # # 59 ∑ œ œ œ
in the
∑ œ n Œ Œ book! HOOK: 2 ú U ú U Bli - mey! ∑ U Rit. & & # # # # # # # # # # 62 . ú sli. ú sliA tempo . ú , mey . ú , mey . ú Cap. ú Cap. ú tain . ú tain & & # # # # # # # # # # n n n n n n n n n n 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 66 . ú Hook! . ú Hook! . ú . ú œ Œ Œ œ Œ Œ Ó Œ J ¿ J ¿ Who's the ∑ Slower & 4 3 70 J ¿ J ¿ ¿ Œ swin - i - est? Tempo I Œ Œ ¿ The J ¿ J ¿ ¿ Œ dog - gi - est? Œ Œ ¿ The
# # # # #
cheap - est of (HOOK:)
tricks in the
(PIRATES:) (sung)

4 3 4 3

Peter Pan JR. 84 & # # n n 4 4 Hook! ΠΠ&
¿ J ¿ ¿ Œ swin - i - est? ∑ Tempo I f Œ Œ ¿ The J ¿ J ¿ ¿ Œ Swin - i - est! J ¿ J ¿ ¿ Œ dog - gi - est? ∑ Œ Œ ¿ The J ¿ J ¿ ¿ Œ Dog - gi - est! & & 74 J ¿ J ¿ ¿ Œ slim - i - est? ∑ ∑ J ¿ J ¿ ¿ Œ Slim - i - est! ∑ 2 ú U ú U Who's the ∑ œ œ œ creep - i - est &78 œ b œ ‰ J œ creep in the (PIRATES:) . ú world? œ . ¿ > J ¿ > Cap - tain ¿ > Œ Œ Hook! &82 Œ . ¿ > J ¿ > Cap - tain ¿ > Œ Œ Hook! Œ œ œ Who's unHOOK: . œ j œ œ sen - si - ble? & & 86 Œ œ œ Re - pre¿ > Œ Œ You! PIRATES: (HOOK:) . œ j œ œ hens - i - ble? ∑ Œ œ œ Whose be¿ > Œ Œ You! œ œ œ ha - vior is ∑
Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 85 & & 98 œ œ b œ Crook - ed - est ∑ HOOK: œ b Œ Œ crook! ∑ PIRATES: ∑ Œ œ œ What a ∑ . ú prize! & & 102 ∑ œ . œ J œ (PIRATES:) ∑ . ú Œ œ œ Mis - sus œ Œ Œ HOOK: œ œ œ Hook's lit - tle ∑ & J Cap - tain Hook! œ Who's un. œ j œ œ sen - si - ble? & & 86 Œ œ œ Re - pre¿ > Œ Œ You! PIRATES: (HOOK:) . œ j œ œ hens - i - ble? ∑ Œ œ œ Whose be¿ > Œ Œ You! œ œ œ ha - vior is ∑ & & 90 œ œ œ just in - de∑ . œ j œ œ fens - i - ble? ∑ ∑ ¿ > œ b œ b You! Who's the ∑ œ œ œ crawl - ing - est, &94 œ œ œ cru - el - est, (PIRATES:) œ œ œ crum - mi - est œ œ œ crook - ed - est œ b Œ Œ crook?
Peter Pan JR. 86 & Œ What a prize! & & 102 ∑ œ . œ J œ What a (PIRATES:) ∑ . ú joy! Œ œ œ Mis - sus œ Œ Œ HOOK: œ œ œ Hook's lit - tle ∑ & & 106 ú œ ba - by ∑ j œ . ú # boy! ∑ œ Œ Œ Œ Œ œ The Pesante f ∑ œ œ œ scourge of the & & 110 Œ Œ ¿ Just J œ ‰ Œ Œ sea! (daintily) Rubato colla voce h ¿ b l'il ol' ∑ ¿ Œ Œ me! ∑ . ú n U Cap. ú n U Cap. ú U tain . ú U tain & & 115 ¿ > Œ Œ Hook! ¿ > ¿ > ¿ > Hook! Hook Hook! A tempo (in 1) ∑ Œ ¿ > ¿ > Hook Hook! ¿ > Œ Œ Hook! Œ ¿ > ¿ > Hook Hook! ∑ Œ ¿ > ¿ > Hook Hook! &119 ¿ > Œ Œ ∑ Œ Œ ¿ > ƒ ¿ > Œ Œ


(The PIRATES laugh and rejoice.)


Are all the prisoners chained?


Aye, aye, the little birds are.


Then hoist them up.

(The CHILDREN are brought up to the deck.)


Now then, you bullies, you are about to walk the plank, but I have room for two cabin-boys – which of you is it going to be?


You see, sir, I don’t think my mother would like me to be a pirate. Would your mother like you to be a pirate, Slightly?


I don’t think so. Would your mother like you to be a pirate, Twin?


I don’t think so. Nibs, would your mother—


Stow that gab. (to JOHN)

You boy – you look as though you had a little pluck in you. Didst ever dream of becoming a pirate, me hearty?

JOHN What would you call me if I join?

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 87
Hook! Hook Hook! Hook Hook! Hook Hook! Hook Hook! & & 119 ¿ > Œ Œ
∑ ∑ ∑ Œ Œ ¿ > YoŒ Œ ¿ > Yoƒ ƒ ¿ > Œ Œ ho! ¿ > Œ Œ ho!

Blackbeard Joe.

(PIRATES laugh.)



Can we still be faithful to the flag?


You would have to swear, “Down with the flag!”


Aye, aye!

Then I refuse.

And I refuse!




That seals your doom. (to PIRATES) Bring their mother.

(WENDY is brought forward. The LOST BOYS surround her.)



(to WENDY)


Well, me proud beauty, you are about to see your children walk the plank!


Are they to die?

CAPTAIN HOOK (laughs) They are.


(laughing ad lib)


Peter Pan JR. 88


Silence! Silence all, for a mother’s last words to her sons.

(#37 – PETER COMES ON BOARD begins. CAPTAIN HOOK removes his hat and bows his head. PIRATES turn away and bow their heads. WENDY is about to speak when the loud tick, tock of the CROCODILE is heard.)


Smee! The croc! The croc! Save me! Save me!

(CAPTAIN HOOK falls face down on the deck. The PIRATES race to one side of the stage to look for the CROCODILE. The menacing sound draws nearer. The PIRATES close their eyes respectfully or fearfully.)

(PETER climbs over the railing carrying an over-sized alarm clock. Following PETER come the BRAVE GIRLS, who scurry to find hiding places. Once the BRAVE GIRLS are hidden, PETER stops the clock ticking. THE PIRATES all look up.)


It is gone, Captain! There is not a sound.

(Everyone is confused.)


The ship’s bewitched!


The ship’s bewitched! There is a Jonah aboard.



It’s Peter Pan, the avenger!

(#38 – SHIP FIGHT (PART 1) begins. The PIRATES move to attack PETER as the BRAVE GIRLS appear from hiding and restrain them. CAPTAIN HOOK and PETER begin to duel.)


So, Pan, this is all your doing!


Aye, Hook, it is all my doing!

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 89


Proud and impudent youth, prepare to meet thy doom!


Dark and sinister man, have at thee!

(#39 – SHIP FIGHT (PART 2) begins.)


Pan! Who and what art thou?


I am youth! I am joy! I am freedom!

(PETER does one last maneuver and ends with his sword at Captain Hook’s chest. CAPTAIN HOOK realizes he cannot win.)


If I am to die you’ll all die with me!

(CAPTAIN HOOK moves toward a crate on the stage. He reaches in to pull out an oversized old-fashioned bomb. He lights the fuse.)

This shall take care of all of us.


Save us Peter, save us! (etc.)


In two minutes the ship will be blown to pieces!


Please! Mercy! (etc.)

(PETER starts to close in on CAPTAIN HOOK.)


Back! Back, you pewling spawn! I’ll show you now the road to dusty death!

(As CAPTAIN HOOK is backing away, he nearly steps on the CROCODILE who has gotten onboard and is waiting for him. CAPTAIN HOOK screeches at the sight of it.)


Augghh! The croc! The croc!

Peter Pan JR. 90

(CAPTAIN HOOK scurries away and climbs onto the plank and makes his farewell speech.)


Pan – no words of mine can express me utter contempt for you.

(The CROCODILE lunges at CAPTAIN HOOK who jumps into the sea with the bomb in his hand. The CROCODILE jumps in after him. There is an enormous splash as all cheer.)


Peter Pan is the bravest and strongest of all boys.


Yes, I know. I don’t say it to boast, it’s because I cannot tell a lie!

(#40 – I GOTTA CROW begins.)

Peter Pan JR.

Crow Reprise


Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 91 & b b b b 4 3 2 Happy Waltz PETER: œ œ œ I got - ta . ú crow! ALL: ¿ . ¿ J ¿ (crowing) 40 & b b b b 6 ¿ Œ (ALL:) œ œ œ œ œ œ Just like a œ œ œ œ œ œ roos - ter We'll œ œ œ œ œ œ be our own & b b b b 10 œ œ œ œ œ œ boost - er And œ œ œ œ œ œ let out a . . ú ú crow! (crowing) ¿ > . ¿ > J ¿ & b b b b 14 ¿ > Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ We'll
the œ œ œ œ A œ œ proud - est and œ œ A œ œ œ œ gay - est and & b b 18 n

(All crow merrily as the number ends.)

(#41 – I GOTTA CROW (PLAYOFF) begins.)


(#42 – NURSERY MUSIC begins.)

Peter Pan JR.


Nursery Music

(MRS. DARLING is looking out the window. NANA is Þnishing turning down Wendy's bed.)

MRS. DARLING: Oh, Nana, it touches my heart to see you turn down their beds night after night. But they'll never come back – never!

& b b b b b 4 4

(NANA whimpers, then crosses to her dog house and scratches.)

(MRS. DARLING:) No! Don't disturb Mr. Darling. He uses your house as his home, out of remorse. I'll wake him when it's time for his dinner.

(WENDY peeps in the window, motions JOHN and MICHAEL in.)

Peter Pan JR. 92 & b b b b 26 ¿ ú ú And . . ú ú crow! . . ú ú ¿ . ¿ j ¿ (crowing) & b b b b 30 ¿ # . ¿ n j ¿ ¿ . ¿ j ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ n . ¿ ∑
& b Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ We'll give the œ œ œ œ A œ proud - est and œ A œ œ œ gay - est and & b b b b 18 œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ œ œ
we œ œ ¿ n ¿ know.
¿ ¿ n ¿ n & b b b b 22 ¿ œ œ Ev - 'ryœ œ œ bo - dy let œ ¿ ¿ go
¿ b ¿ ¿
loud -
crows that

(NANA whimpers, then crosses to her dog house and scratches.)

(MRS. DARLING:) No! Don't disturb Mr. Darling. He uses your house as his home, out of remorse. I'll wake him when it's time for his dinner. (WENDY peeps in the window, motions JOHN and MICHAEL in.)


Two in the gar - den,

(NANA sees them and barks excitedly.)

three in the nur - ser


Wendy! Michael! John!


(They rush to her and embrace her. The LOST BOYS appear at the window.)


(as he emerges from the doghouse on all fours) A little less noise there, please, a little less noise!

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 93
& b b b b b 4 4 &
b b b b b 5
& b b b b b 9 œ œ œ œ
Ten - der shep - herd,
œ œ œ œ ten - der shep - herd, œ œ œ œ Let me help you & b b b b b 12 œ œ ú
œ J œ j œ œ œ
count your sheep;
œ J œ j œ œ œ
One in the mea - dow,
& b b b b b 15 œ j œ j œ j œ j œ œ
œ œ ú
- y
- sleep.


(They rush to him and embrace him.)


Michael! John! Wendy!

(The LOST BOYS enter from the window sill.)


Who are they?


There are a few more of us. Won’t you adopt them?


What? All of them?

Please, father.



George, don’t you think we could manage?


Well, what’s another six or seven?


We’ll be good children. (etc.)


(pleading) Woof! Woof!


Make yourselves at home!

(Cheers all around. MICHAEL and JOHN introduce the LOST BOYS to MR. and MRS. DARLING. WENDY goes to the window.)


You won’t forget to come for me, Peter – please, please don’t forget!

Peter Pan JR. 94


(PETER, the PIRATES, and BRAVE GIRLS appear around the stage as they did in the beginning.)

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 95 & # # # # # C Ó Fast
∑ Ó Œ œ Then 43 ALL: & # # # # # 3 œ # œ œ œ come with me where (In 2) œ œ . œ j œ n dreams are born, And & # # # # # 5 œ œ œ œ time is nev - er . ú ‰ j œ planned; Just & # # # # # 7 j œ j œ j œ œ j œ œ j œ j œ think of love - ly things And your Slower (in 4) ( ) j œ œ n j œ j œ j œ . œ j œ heart will ßy on wings For( ) & # # # # # 9 œ # œ ú œ ev - er In œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Nev - er, Nev - erMolto rall. Peter Pan JR.
(#43 – FINALE ULTIMO begins.)
Finale Ultimo

(#44 – BOWS begins.)

(#45 – EXIT MUSIC begins.)

Peter Pan JR. 96 & # # # # # 11 w w w land! Broad 4 w w w Accel. j œ œ œ ‰ Œ Ó Rall. 2

Words To Know from Peter Pan JR.

Avenger – someone who inflicts harm in return for an injury to oneself or another.

Blimey – used to express surprise or alarm.

Bosun’s Whistle – Boatswain’s Whistle. An instrument used by a ship’s officer to rally the crew.

Buccaneers – a pirate, originally off the Spanish-American coasts.

Cater – to try to satisfy.

Contempt – the feeling that someone or something is worthless

Cozening – a trick or deceit.

Ere – before.

Homely – of or relating to tasks about the house; useful.

Impudent – not showing respect for another person.

Indefensible – not justifiable by argument.

Jonah – a bringer of bad luck.

Lubbers – short for Landlubber: a person unfamiliar with the sea or sailing.

Massacre – an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.

Oft – often.

Pewling – whining, as a child does.

Plum – something highly desirable.

Prams – a baby carriage.

Princely – sumptuous and splendid.

Reprehensible – deserving condemnation; inappropriate.

Score – a group of roughly twenty of something.

Solemn – not cheerful; formal, dignified, serious.

Spalpeen – a rascal.

Spawn – offspring; children.

Split me the infinitives – a colorful, silly use of language. A malapropism (using a word in place of a similar-sounding one, for comic effect)

Steadfast – dutifully firm and unwavering.

Stow – an informal way of urging someone to be quiet or to stop doing something.

Tarantella – a rapid, whirling dance from southern Italy.

Unrip – reveal.

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actor: A person who performs as a character in a play or musical. aside: When a character speaks away from a group of people.

author: A writer of a play or musical, also known as a playwright. A musical’s authors include the book writer, a composer and a lyricist.

blocking: The actors’ movement in a play or musical, not including the choreography. The director usually assigns blocking during rehearsals.

book writer: One of the authors of a musical. The book writer writes the lines (dialogue) and the stage directions. Also called the librettist.

cast: The performers in a show.

cheating out: Turning oneself slightly toward the house when performing so the audience may better see one’s face and hear one’s lines.

choreographer: A person who creates and teaches the dance numbers in a musical.

composer: A person who writes music for a musical.

creative team: The author(s), director, choreographer, music director and designers for a play or musical.

cross: When an actor onstage moves toward or away from another actor or object.

dialogue: A conversation between two or more characters.

director: A person who provides the artistic vision, coordinates the creative elements and stages the play.

downstage: The portion of the stage closest to the audience. The opposite of upstage.

house: The area of the theater where the audience sits to watch the show.

house left: The left side of the theater from the audience’s perspective. If something is located “house left,” it is to the left side of the audience as they are seated in the theater.

house right: The right side of the theater from the audience’s perspective. If something is located “house right,” it is to the right side of the audience as they are seated in the theater.

lines: The dialogue spoken by the actors.

lyricist: A person who writes the lyrics of a musical. The lyricist works with a composer to create songs.

lyrics: The words of a song.

Peter Pan JR. 98

monologue: A dramatic speech by one actor.

music director: A person who is in charge of teaching the songs to the cast and orchestra and maintaining the quality of the performed score.

musical: A play with songs that are used to tell a story.

off-book: The actor’s ability to perform his or her memorized lines without holding the script.

offstage: Any area out of view of the audience. Also called backstage.

onstage: Anything on the stage and within view of the audience is said to be onstage.

opening night: The first official performance of a production, after which the show is frozen, meaning no further changes are made, and reviews may be published.

play: A type of dramatic writing meant to be performed live on a stage. A musical is one kind of play.

protagonist: The main character in a musical. The action centers around this character.

raked stage: A stage which is raised slightly upstage so that it slants towards the audience.

rehearsal: A meeting during which the cast learns and practices the show.

script: 1) The written words that make up a show, including spoken words, stage directions and lyrics. 2) The book that contains those words. speed-through: To speak through the dialogue of a scene as quickly as possible. A speed-through rehearsal helps actors memorize their lines, and it infuses energy into the pacing of a scene.

stage directions: Words in the script that describe the actions of the characters.

stage left: The left side of the stage, from the actor’s perspective. The same side of the theater as house right.

stage manager: A person who is responsible for keeping all rehearsals and performances on schedule.

stage right: The right side of the stage, from the actor’s perspective. The same side of the theater as house left.

upstage: The part of the stage furthest from the audience. The opposite of downstage.

warm-ups: Exercises at the beginning of a rehearsal or before a performance that prepare actors’ voices and bodies.

Music Theatre International • Broadway JuniorTM • Actor’s Script 99

Actor’s Script Credits


Kevin Johnson

Steven G. Kennedy

Music Supervisor

Lindsay Lupi

Music Layout

Rob Rokicki

Contributing Editors

Chris Fuller

Daniel Mertzlufft

Marianne Phelps

Associate Editor

Laura Jo Schuster

Senior Managing Editor

Susan Fuller

The Broadway Junior™ Concept and Format Created by Music Theatre International (MTI)

Adaptation and support materials developed for MTI by iTheatrics under the supervision of Timothy Allen McDonald.

See MTI’s complete line of Broadway Junior™ musicals at:

MTI’s School Edition and full-length musicals may be found at:

Peter Pan JR. 100
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