Copper Commando – vol. 3, no. 12

Page 8


Bishop Ciles, a mill foreman, is properly pr9ud of his home and his fa~ily, shown he~e with him.

MOST of the homes in Conda a~e a neat white. They are frame houses, well constructed, and the busy and tidy housewives enjoy taking good care of their homes. There are a lot of nice, good. looking youngsters-we'll show you some school scenes later on. That little fellow at the left is Richard Dunn, whose mother teaches the primary grades at the- local school.


Another typical family at Conda is the Milford Passeys. We found Mrs. Passey, whose husband is a miner, busy around the house with her younger daughter, Linda. Shortly afterward _Mildred, ' 7, arrived from school and the youngsters gave us a lovely duet with the mother accompanying. Milford, the husband, likes to sing with his wife also; he is an expert on the guitar and banjo.

On the opposite page we show you The Bishop of the Mormon Church is a few other views of the Passey and Giles Charles Giles, shown in the picture above families. We found them typical of Conwith his wife, Golda, and their three childa. They were friendly, talented and hosdren, Delos, 1l ; Marilyn, 9, and young • pitable. We only wish that we could show Jerry, 2. Bishop Giles is one of the mill you other fine families in this homelike foremen. little community .


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Conda has a great community spirit. Since every worker who lives there is associated with the phosphate operations, either as a miner or as a craftsman, pride in the community runs high. This is a Mormon community-more than ninety per cent of the people are members of the Mormon church and their religious ties bind them closely together in an atmosphere of harmony and good will. On these pages are typical scenes of Conda people as your editors found them on their tour of the community.

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Mrs. Milford Passey, miner', wife, active in man)' community affai ..... is shown with hew children.

February 2, 1945.

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