Copper Commando - vol. 1, no. 16

Page 16


Dow!lsthe News ~oday~ .



WELL, it looks good. We are doing some see-sawing back and forth with the Axis but in recent weeks the tide seems to be turning in favor of the United Nations. But this is no time to assume that everything is in the bag. It is no time"to assume that, simply because we seem to be making advances against the Axis, the war is now , only a simple matter of time.


. Our A,rmed Forces require a staggering amount of material in order to operate. Some of the money our forces require comes from income taxes and similar Ievies. But much of it comes voluntarily from the people themselves who are patriotic enough to invest in their country's war effort by buying War Bonds and Stamps. Whether the news in the headlines tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after that will be good, depends. in great measure on the completeness wit" which we get behind Uncle Sam with our purchases of War Bonds. We can't let Uncle down.


16 .,


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