Pastor Jemima Obeng @ 70 Thanksgiving Service

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SUN. 25TH SEPTEMBER 2022 EVANGEL CHURCHBAATSONAINTERNATIONAL Thanksgiving ServiceThanksgiving Service @ Pastor Jemima Obeng

Officiating Ministers

Rev. Kojo Impraim (Guest Preacher)

Special Song - His Dominion Choir Presentation to Church - Obeng Family Hymn 3 -Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus

Closing Prayer/Benediction - Apostle Emmanuel Anim

ClosingAnnouncementCelebrantHymn4-ToGod be the Glory

Facilitator: Darkoa Afaglo


Order of Service

Welcome/Purpose - Pastor John Odame-Darkwah

Dr. James Obeng (Chairman of Council)

Pastor John Odame-Darkwah (Residence Pastor)

MessageWorship - Rev. Kojo Impraim Offering - Congregation Hymn 2 -Praise My Soul the King of Heaven Biography & Special Messages

Prayer of Consecration - Apostle Emmanuel Anim & Rev. Kojo Impriam Presentation to Celebrant Response by

Hymn 1 - Now Thank We all our God Song ministration - His Dominion Choir


Apostle Emmanuel Anim (General Overseer)


While teaching at Anumle, her husband James gained admission to Evangel College, Springfield, Missouri in the United States of America. Mama stayed behind raising their two children. In 1982, Pastor Jemima obtained visas for herself and the children. They joined Pastor James in Springfield, Missouri. From 1982 to 1986, she lived in Springfield, Missouri supporting Pastor James and raising their children.

Pastor Mrs. Jemima Aba Anamoaba Obeng was born on 21st September 1952 at Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana. Her parents were Mr. Francis Wood-Hagan and Madam Hannah Aggrey. She had her basic education at St. Monica’s primary and middle schools, Cape Coast. Upon successfully completing middle school she sat for her Common Entrance Examination, and ained admission into Ghana National College, Cape Coast to pur sue secondary education. She obtained her GCE O-Level certificate in 1971. From 1971 to early 1974, she worked at Cocoa Products Company, Cape Coast, to raise some money for her education. In 1974, she gained admission to Komenda College where she later became house prefect. She trained as a teacher there and obtained a Post secondary Certificate ‘A’ in 1976.

taught in Sempe 1 Boys’ School, Jamestown, Accra in 1977. Her next station was the Additrom School, Adabraka near former Farisco in 1978. In 1980, she was posted to her last teaching station at Anumle Cluster of Schools, Achimota, Accra where she taught classes 3, 4 and 5.


AfterPROFESSIONqualifying as a teacher, she was posted to Bantama L/A Primary in Elmina. From there she


Pastor Jemima Obeng received the Lord Jesus Christ into her life while in form one at Ghana National College in 1966 and subsequently received the Holy Spirit Baptism. She grew in the Lord and became an ardent believer, desiring to know God more personally. She joined the Scripture Union (SU) and the school choir while in Komenda College. She fellowshipped with Cape Coast Assemblies of God Church during her vacations.

Pastor Mrs Jemima Obeng

During her time in Komenda College, she met the love of her life, then James Obeng (now Pastor Dr. James Obeng) and they got married on 18th December 1976. At the time, her husband was living and working in Accra while she lived in Cape Coast. Thankfully, about July 1977, she obtained her transfer to Accra.


In October 2002, she started her official pastoral ministry at Evangel Church International, Baatsonaa branch. She was later ordained as a pastor of Evangel Church International at Aprah House, North Kaneshie. Seeking deeper insights

Being a lover of children and a teacher, she brought the passion to serve God into the calling to teach and mentor children. Thus, before leaving Ghana for the United States, she together with her husband, organised bible club meetings in their home in Achimota where they ministered to an average of 70 children from the neighbourhood every Sunday afternoon

During her over 40 years of ministry, she has ministered in various churches and ministries in Angola, Canada, England, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Togo and the United States of America.

has been happily married for almost 46 years to Pastor Dr. James Obeng. They have been blessed with four biological children: Lawyer Adwoa Obenewah Amoah, Pastor Kweku Lartey Obeng, Dr. Daniella Joyce Afua Baaba Appiagyei and Benjamin Joshua Kofi Larbi Obeng, adopted children and numerous spiritual children. Likewise, they have eight biological grandchildren and a host of other grandchildren.

Desiring to go deeper into ministry and fulfilling the call of God upon her life, Pastor Jemima enrolled in Maranatha University College, Sowutuom - Accra, to pursue a Diploma in Theology from 1995 to 1998 and a Bachelor’s degree in Theology from 1998 to 2000. She also started marriage counselling at Evangel Assemblies of God in 1992.

Pastor Jemima currently serves as the district pastor of Evangel Church International, Baastona Community Church, pastor in charge of the Women’s Movement, the pastoral care minister and a member of the Functional Executives of Evangel Church International. She is a counsellor who loves to worship the Lord and leads worship in church.


into God’s word, she enrolled in Andersonville Theological Seminary, Camilla, Georgia, United States of America where she obtained a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry. She has since obtained a certificate, diploma and advanced diploma in Pastoral Ministry from the Evangel Biblical Training Institute (EBTI) of the Evangel Church International.

While in the United States, she enrolled at the Berean Bible Institute in Springfield, Missouri to study Christian counselling and marriage Aftercounselling.returning from the United States of America, Pastor Jemima rekindled the bible club meetings in their home and ministered to over 50 neighbourhood children every Sunday. She also visited the Presbyterian Primary School in Mile 7, Achimota every Wednesday to minister to the whole school.


Dear Jemie, The Scriptures declare that a good woman is a treasure (Proverbs 18:22). The same scripture also declares that she is more precious than jewels (Proverbs 31:10). These two scriptures are an apt description of who you are to me and a candid appreciation of all that you have become to me.

Message fromDr James Obeng




indeed finds such a woman, he is blessed. I thank God that He helped me to find such a woman in you. I am indeed blessed by the grace of God and your help. I call the following to

I got married to you 45 years ago and have not regretted that decision. You were full of youthful zeal when we met. It was love at first sight. It has not abated. You are still full of vigour and beautiful both spiritually and physically. I love you for who you are.


We praise God together that He has been faithful and has miraculously supplied everything we need in life and ministry. You have always been there for me in our most turbulent moments. One of such stormy moments was when we came against an ecclesiastical order that culminated in the birth of Evangel Church International in 2002. You were a huge support and believed in the call of God on my life to chart a new walk with Him. It was not easy in those days but your prayers and support were a major help which saw us through the storm that was unleashed from the pit of hell.



you have supported me in every way. When I married you, I did not have much, nonetheless, you looked beyond what I did not have to what God would do in my life.

Proverbs 31:10-11 reminds me “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.” This prophetic statement is a beautiful description of you. I can say it repeatedly with regard to our

Jemie, you have been a loyal and trustworthy wife. Over the years, I have entrusted the house keeping of our home to you. There is always food on our plates. You always miraculously bring up food when there is almost nothing in the house. You are a wonderful house-keeper. You make our home warm and accommodating. You can cook

Jemie, you are a woman of prayer. You love God and seek His face daily. You never step out of our home without spending quality time with the Lord and in His Word. You have a great standing before the Lord partly because you are clothed with righteousness and holiness born out of being constantly in the presence of God. These are the twin companions in the realms of the spirit that undergird your life and the devil knows that it is your impenetrable garment.

She knows how to thrive in plenty and in need, and made sure that we, her children, were able to adapt in either situation. Therefore, whether in times of lack or abundance, Mama taught us to trust solely in God; not to be envious of others and to be content with whatever we had. Mama is a godly woman who fears God. I believe it is this great fear for God that has shaped her character as

On this day, 21st September, 2022, which is your 70th birthday, I salute the wife of my youth and pray that the next phase of your life will be richer, joyous and more fulfilling than any period of your Lovelife. and prayers, James.

Jemie, you have been a strong pillar in raising our children. Today, our children are who they are because of the grace of God and a loving mother who knows how to sacrifice for her home. You love each of our children and grandchildren to a fault. They are blessed to have you as a mother and grandmother.

Jemie, you have always been industrious. In the early stages of our marriage, in addition to your income as a professional teacher, you engaged in petty trading to bring more income into the home. That was a fantastic booster. You did everything to make us comfortable.


an honest woman. At times I think she is too honest for her own good. Her honesty prevents her from pretending - she says it as it is. She taught us right from infancy to fear God and be honest regardless of whether or not someone was watching us.


Message fromAdwoa & Family

The title Mama is on the lips of everyone because you are an epitome of Proverbs 31:10-31.

Ever since I was born, I have known my mother simply as Mama. Mama is a woman of all seasons. Probably because of this, one of her favorite songs is ‘Through All the Changing Scenes of Life’a song she sang on her wedding day.

Mama has always provided for her household. She always made sure that each of her children were well clothed. I look back at our pictures today and marvel at how we were always well dressed.

Jemie, you are full of love and compassion. I have seen you many times donating money to support worthy causes. There are so many people who are on your financial support system. Your generosity has relieved many people of pain, stress and abject poverty.

any food in the world. Those who pass through our home can continuously attest to this. Indeed, it can be said that our home is like a hostel. Many are those who have found solace and refuge in our home. All thanks to a great wife with a big heart for everyone who comes under our roof. That is one of the reasons most of us call you Mama. You are the mother of the home.

Mama, you are one of a kind; a pillar of support, an oasis of knowledge and a godly woman with a good heart. Looking back on my life as your son, I note the following:

Mama, has never eaten the bread of idleness. She is strong, hardworking and has always watched over the ways of her household. When we were young, we shared a joke that Mama opened Makola market each week and at the end of the week went back to close it. So busy was she, in her desire to watch over us, that she tirelessly went to the market constantly to provide the household with supplies. When I was young, I jokingly told my friends that my mom was so strong she could


You are a fantastic teacher. When we were in school, you were our go-to person for assistance with homework. We excelled in our academics due to the discipline and tuition we received at home.


Mama reminds me of the scripture that says: “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears the Lord, is to be praised.” I arise, praise her and call her blessed!

Mama is a disciplinarian. She is a firm believer in the scripture that says that foolishness resides in the heart of a child but the rod of discipline (cane) will drive it away. Well, all the disciplining paid off as by God’s grace, we have all turned out well. Incidentally, I am also a firm believer that it is the cane that will drive foolishness out of the heart of a child.

single-handedly carry a bag of rice. Mama has in turn instilled in her children the drive to work hard at anything they set their hands to do.

Message fromKweku & Family

not mince or camouflage your words; you said it as it is. I can say boldly that your honesty has shaped me into who I am today.

I look at you and cannot believe that you are 70 years; your zeal, vigour, strength, organisation and meticulous execution have not waned throughout the years. Indeed, you are as youthful and beautiful as I have always known you!

To date, she still buys beautiful cloths and clothing for us as well as her grandchildren. In my opinion, only a few people know how to buy fine and exciting clothing for boys and Mama is one of the few. If you are looking for trendy and not boring attire for your boys to wear, contact her; she will have them well dressed in no time.

You are honest. Growing up, one of your common phrases was “plain word is not a cheek”. You did

You are a great cook. In secondary school I never went hungry because every Sunday, you will bring ‘home chow’ for me and my friends.


As I have grown to become a father, I have appreciated you even more. You have continued to take care of me, Sharleen and our two daughters; your granddaughters. Since we got married, you have given us countless reasons to laugh, cry tears of joy and beam with smiles by the wonderful gifts you lavish on us; from food, to

You have great faith. When I was entering the university, I underwent a mandatory medical examination. The x-ray taken during the examination indicated that there was an ‘abnormality’ in my lungs which would disqualify me from staying on campus. Dada had travelled. When you received the information, you were calm and just asked “whose report will we believe?” You then anointed my chest with oil and asked that I take a second x-ray. To the glory of God, the previous ‘abnormality’ was not detected. I was declared whole and got accommodation on campus.

I cannot forget how you were there before and after the birth of our girls. You shopped and continue to shop for Eliana Joy and Elise Faith, making sure they are beautifully dressed always. I cherish how you came to our home every day to bath and massage Elise Faith for weeks after she was born. Thus, when it came to her naming, it was fit and proper that she bore your name ‘Maame Anamoaba’. No wonder she shares a special bond with you and is taking after your strong character. Today I thank God for the special gift of you: for blessing me with a wonderful and exceptional mother. I pray for long life and good health for you.

You are determined and resilient. Many years ago when Dada left for school in the United States, you took care of Adwoa and myself, determined that we will relocate to the United States. Despite frustrations from the embassy, you did not give up. You pushed until eventually we all got our visas and relocated to the United States.

70th birthday, Mama. Remain abundantly blessed!

clothing, to things you see in town and ‘pictured us wearing or having’, to being a solid support in our low moments. Your nickname, ‘Santa Mama’, attests to your selfless giving nature.


I pray that in your 70th year and beyond: you will arise and shine as the glory of the Lord continually rises upon you each day; nations will continue to come to your light and kings will be drawn to the brightness of your dawn; you will look around and see your sons and daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren from far and near surrounding you and your heart will throb and swell with joy; wealth and riches will come to you; your youth will be renewed; and your horn will be exalted like that of the

I never went hungry with Mama around: she made the best pancakes; always had the best

I am blessed to have a front row seat to see her big and caring heart. She has given to others in so many ways and has been a great example of a mother, wife, grandmother and a woman of God. I am grateful for her life and the blessings she is in our lives in both big and small ways.

Mama travelled and came over every time I was going to have a child. Each time, she arrived just before the child was born. We joked around each time I hit the third trimester saying, ‘this baby could not come out until Mama arrived’. Mama was in the labour room with me praying me through the birth of all my three boys. It means so much to me that for the birth of each of my children, she would pause her life and help me adjust to mine.

70 years old where? Mama, you look very young, beautiful and I praise God for your energy and health!


Taking a walk down memory lane, I think of the wonderful woman Mama is. I reflect on how she loves us and many ways she shows that love.

I remember that every time I entered a new grade, Mama had us make a list and with that list, we went to the market - walking high and low, through every secret corner in the market to find the things I needed for school. The last time we did that, I was entering my first year of college.


Message fromDaniella & Family

With Mama, I have laughed at so many stories and jokes, walked for miles shopping and learned the joys of worshipping God with singing. I have learned to trust God regardless of the situation from Mama. She has been a listening ear to my vents, fears and celebrations and has often reminded me that ‘God will work it out.’

fish for my kenkey; and made sure I had my peanut butter soup the way only she could make it.


Message fromBenjamin Joshua

Mama is selfless; it is simply who she is. Mama is truly special; from all the times she makes me laugh to all the times she has gone the extra mile.

looked at me one day and said “don’t worry”. What happened next, I did not expect. Mama went outside after a public function, shook my little money canister containing currency notes and coins while loudly saying ‘ketewa biara nsua’; I raised my quota in no time!


Mama, as you turn 70, may the good Lord continue to bless, guide and protect you. May you continue to go from glory to glory.

One of the amazing things about Mama is that regardless of the circumstance, she will try to find a way. She will bend over backwards, put herself last and others first to find a way. Mama might say no and then go off to strategise how to make it work; perhaps it is her super power or perhaps it is the way she shows her love - finding a way even if ‘the way’ is a difficult winding path.

I read a quote that said: “the influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation”; this is true. Your influence in our lives is beyond measure. So today, we honour you for who you are and all you have done.

Mama, I am still not entirely sure why you heard a doctor say to save yourself and end a child’s life but you chose the option that put your life most at risk. Whatever the reason, I am grateful you chose to keep me! I often hear I have nice teeth and I am often tempted to say thank you, my mama paid for them but I am stopped in my tracks by the knowledge that the statement sounds too easy. It is bereft of the struggle and extra mile you went to make it happen. But maybe the statement sounds easy because you make it look easy since you don’t want anyone else to worry. You would rather carry the worry for all of us. Looking back I realise you did that a lot.

I remember when I was about 9 years old, I was tasked with raising funds for something at school. I was struggling to fill my quota and Mama

I love you.


With lots of love and prayers, Jedidiah, Michaiah, Elnathan, Eliana, Hezekiah, Judah, Elise and Ezra.

Dear TodayGrandma,isyour70th birthday and we, your grand children, wish you an awesome birthday. Hooray!

Mama has got a whole lot of love and is very kind. She is also very generous. I would say that

We pray that God will continue to add more years to yours. Enjoy your day and year to the fullest.


Mama is a beautiful woman through and through!


May God richly bless you, Grandma!

I proudly call Mama my mother. She is my mom not just in mere words but in every sense of the word. She has done and continues to do what a mom should do for me and my family. From the time I set my eyes on Mama on that beautiful day in October 1995. I have loved her as a mother and

she has loved me as a daughter. The story of my life would not be complete without Mama’s touch, love, care, support, advice and prayers.

Thank you for all the many things you have done for us over the years: watching over us throughout the good and bad days, travelling across the world to take care of us and many more. Thank you for being there for us. We would not know what to do without you. You are an epic grandmother!

Message fromGrand Children

We don’t know about other grandmothers but we do know and we say that you are an awesome grandmother!

Message fromChidi & Family

giving is one of Mama’s gifts. When you receive a gift from Mama, you know that it came from her heart. When I look into my wardrobe, I see Mama’s fingerprints everywhere from head to toe. She has good taste too. We share that in common. My family and I have lots of things we wear that were given to us by Mama.

physically but spiritually. She is a warrior in the place of prayer. She is a very godly woman. Mama laughs and loves jokes a whole lot. There is no time you visit or spend time with her that you won’t Mamalaugh.isbrutally

From Chidi, Victor, Abby and Zoe.

Mama is a passionate woman. When Mama believes in something, she sees it to its logical conclusion. It does not matter if she is alone. In fact, she is a one woman army, not just

Mama is committed to everything she does and she expects such commitment from others. If you send Mama a message be sure that she will respond. If you call her, she will surely pick. If she doesn’t pick up at that time, she will call you back unfailingly. Thus, if she sends you a message, she expects you to acknowledge receipt; and if she calls you, she expects you to pick up or call back. Mama is a disciplinarian which means you have to comport yourself around her.

honest and frank. I went home to visit after Dada’s 70th birthday and Dada gave me the 70th birthday album. After looking through the album, Dada told me that I could get the soft copies for an amount of GHS35. He then turned to Mama to confirm the amount, Mama said, “I don’t know anything about it. He spoke to you alone. I wasn’t there.” So as long as she wasn’t there when Dada spoke with the photographer, she can’t confirm that the amount needed for the soft copies was GHS35. For Mama, there is no beating about the bush.

On the special and glorious occasion of your 70th Birthday, Mama: thank you for being our mom, thank you for your love, support, care and prayers. Our prayer for you, Mama, is that God will bless you, prosper you, elevate you, guide you, protect you, favour you and grant you long life with good you, our beloved mom and grandma, Mama: a beautiful woman through and through!


Mama pays attention to details. She remembers birthdays, special occasions and events. She knows what you like, your favourite colours, favourite food, your dress and shoe sizes. She also pays attention to everything around her. Mama is very dependable. You can rely on her come rain or shine. She does everything with her whole heart. Mama never sits on the fence.

Dearest Mama, It is not by chance or choice that I came into your life and for that I am grateful to God. I admired you from afar and little did I know that I will be part of your life.

Message fromNina & Family


As you mark this important phase of your life, my prayer to God for you is for the heavens to be opened over your life even more. May the good

Have yourself a happy 70th birthday, my Mama! Enjoy your new age!! I love you and will forever love you!!! Loads of hugs & kisses from me to you.

What a privilege to share in Mama’s platinum jubilee! We are forever thankful to God for the life of Pastor Mrs. Jemima Obeng: a woman with a heart of gold and kindness that holds no bounds; a mother; grandmother; and a giver.

As a family we have been beneficiaries of Mama’s love, guidance and advice. We have beautiful memories of Mama playing a critical role in events such as: our marriage, the naming ceremonies of our children, family celebrations


Mama, you have been there every step of the way. In my lowest and difficult moments, you were there. In my joyous moments, you were therethe prayers, the love, the warm embrace - I hold them all very dear to my heart and they are all very much appreciated.

Lord visit you each and every day and grant you peace, joy unspeakable, good health, strength and long life. May God’s goodness and mercy that has brought you thus far continue to be with you.

And I will still be carrying you when you are old. Your hair will turn grey, and I will still carry you. I made you, and I will carry you to safety - Isaiah 46:4

Message fromYaa Pokoo & Family


Mama has been very faithful since I came to join this unique family. Mama is a woman of principle, discipline and above all God-fearing. She is a woman who does not shield wrong doing. She will correct you whenever you go astray and bring you to the right path.

From Yaa, John-Mark, N’adom, Nana Kwame and Kofi

and many other moments. During those events and moments, Mama’s presence, counsel and encouragement made all the difference in our Mama,

you celebrate this milestone, we pray that you will be blessed with long life and good health. Above all, we pray that our faithful God will continually fill your life with joy, peace, and every heavenly blessing.


Message fromUncle Tee & Family

Today, as you celebrate you 70th birthday, I pray the good Lord would bless and increase you Mayabundantly.yourlatter

God bless you abundantly!

I am glad to be part of Mama’s 70th birthday celebration. I thank the Almighty God for such a wonderful occasion. We all join together as one family to celebrate our mama.

Mama Jemima has been a blessing to my family and I in many ways.

years be more blessed than the Happyformer.70th Birthday, Mama!

Thank you, Mama, for being our mother and for the pivotal role you have played in our lives.






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building for the children’s church at Evangel Church International central church compound, a wonderful testimony of your organisational abilities and how you move hearts and minds to fulfil God’s purposes for the church. God bless you for the work you do in building His Buttressingkingdom.our

Your hard work, discipline, diligence and persistence, tempered with God’s abundant grace and mercy, has made the movement an exemplary active group in the church. For this, WM wants to say ‘ayekoo’ to you!

“Mama Jemima has been a great inspiration to us, the members of WM. Her deep understanding of the challenges of women guides her in bringing qualified resource persons to educate us and to hold activities that bless us immensely. Mama, you are really a blessing to us. God richly bless you.”

Mummy, your ‘children’, the members of the Women’s Movement of Evangel Church International (“WM”), wish you a glorious happy birthday on this auspicious occasion of your 70th birthday celebration! We thank God on your behalf and rejoice with you for what the Lord has done in your life. At the same time the movement would like to appreciate you publicly on this awesome occasion for being a huge blessing unto us.

Mummy, for many years, you have worked assiduously for the growth of WM. In the process, and citing Apostle Paul, you brought yourself to the level of everyone, to woo as many women as possible to Christ. Yes, you became all things to all women in various life situations so that by all possible means, you would build an empowered WM, bringing members into stronger and righteous relationships with Christ! In all this you prevailed as a strong, loving and caring mother who diligently seeks the welfare of her children. Yes, an exceptionally great spiritual mother with unique leadership skills, you have excelled in shaping WM into an assembly of spiritually favoured godly women. We appreciate you immensely for the spiritual nurturing!


“Mummy, your commitment, dedication and devotion to the spiritual and social development of members of the WM is without question. You have equipped us to be golden carriers of the glory of God at the market place. This shall be remembered by generations to come.”

collective good wishes are personal testimonies from WM members to warm your heart, Mummy, a great affirmation of our appreciation of you as our spiritual mother. Enjoy them:

“I have known Mama Jemima for almost 17 years. Two things stand out about her: her love for God and the passion with which she discharges her duties as she works for God. Once a teacher, forever a teacher. She is disciplined and a mother to all.”

Message fromEvangel Church Intl Women’s Movement

During the past 7 years you successfully brought women in Evangel Church International on board and organised three powerful and Holy Spirit filled women’s conferences. To top it all is the ongoing

“Mama Jemima, you are very diligent, hardworking and focused on organising the women of Evangel Church International to rise and shine for Jesus. Your leadership skills are exemplary!”

Once again, happy and glorious birthday to you, OurMummy!fervent

are a great sister, mother of all and we appreciate you. Your kindness, care and prayers got me back on my feet from sickness and I am forever grateful

Today the Functional Executive Committee of Evangel Church International, joins the family, loved ones and all well-wishers to celebrate Pastor (Mrs.) Jemima Obeng who has turned three-score and ten years. Hurray!!!!

to God for you. You are a wonderful counsellor, teacher, organiser and always diligent in your dealings with people. A great intercessor, travailing for God’s agenda. God bless you!”


“Mummy, you are truly a visionary leader and a resilient one for that matter! You have a unique way to bring all women on board when it comes to meetings and programmes. Your passion to produce spiritual and visionary women leaders has been impactful and we are proud to be mentored by you!”

prayer for you now and in the years ahead is as written in Psalm 92:12-15, in Jesus’ awesome name.

Seventy years is a milestone in every individual or institution’s life and that must not be allowed to pass by without a celebration and merry-making. A personality like

Psalm 92:12-15

‘The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”’



“Mummy you have been a great counsellor and a pillar of support and comfort to many of us particularly in times of difficulty and sorrow. May God increase you for allowing yourself to be used by God to bless His “Mama,children.”you

Pastor Jemima deserves this honour and more. Pastor Jemima’s 70 years has not been just numbers but one filled with great accomplishment, especially, in the body of Christ at Evangel Church International. As wife of our first General Overseer, Pastor Dr. James Obeng, she has mothered the church for close to two decades. fromThe Functional Executive

Indeed, your commitment to our growth and spiritual development is so strong that throughout the years you would not miss attending church service unless you were travelling. Pastor Jemima, you are indeed a pillar of strength, a gift to the body of Christ, a source of inspiration and a role model worthy of emulation as our counsellor, preacher and our motivation for excellence.

Message from Evangel Church Intl. Baatsona

You are so dear to us because you denied yourself the comfort of worshipping in the Headquarters church, which is closer to you, and chose to be with us. You have been with us since the foundational days of this church, which started under challenging conditions. We remember the years you endured travelling on the terrible road to our former house church and worshipped with us under a tent associated with steamy heat, sweat and sometimes in the stormy rains. As our spiritual mother and our district pastor you never complained about these challenging conditions.

The history of Evangel Church International will not be complete, if told without the invaluable contribution of Pastor Jemima. She has served with distinction as a pastor, marriage counsellor, an active member of the Functional Executive Committee, pastor-in-charge of the women and pastoral care for many years.

Pastor Jemima at 70, we pray for God’s favour, long life and good health for her and for grace to tap from her rich Congratulations,experience.PastorJemima!


to achieve excellence in whatever she does. She has a knack for details and would scrutinise issues and documents before her, carefully weighing all the options before taking a Asdecision.wecelebrate

As the district pastor, you have impacted the spiritual growth of the membership of Evangel Church International, Baatsona, immensely through your exemplary and sacrificial servant-leadership lifestyle. Your character has taught us the following virtues of life:


On the occasion of your 70th birthday celebration, all the members of Evangel Church International Baatsona branch, celebrate and honour you for being our spiritual mother and our “Mama one”.

Pastor Jemima’s diligence is commendable. She carries every task assigned to her with passion, determination and undivided attention. She does not spare any effort in order

1. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take him at his word; just to rest upon his promise, Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord.”

2. O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.


Jesus,Refrain:Jesus, how I trust him!

3. Great things he has taught us, great things he has done, And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son, But purer and higher and greater will be Our joy and our wonder, when Jesus we see.

May the God of the harvest remember your labour and honour you on this special birthday so that the rest of your days will be the best of your days.

The story of Evangel Church International would be incomplete, if told without you being mentioned due

2. O how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust his cleansing blood; And in simple faith to plunge me ’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!

(1) leadership by service and example; (2) simplicity and faithfulness; (3) unflinching dedication to God and family; (4) commitment and perseverance; (5) Integrity; (6) demonstrating the Christian faith; and (7) the excellence of character rather than charisma. As a church, we cherish your zeal, passion for excellence with zero tolerance for mediocrity, virtue and diligence.

to your immense spiritual, material and financial contributions to the church and the sacrifices you have made in the birth, nurturing, growth and advancement of the church. You have indeed paid your dues!




Ayekoo, gallant daughter of Zion!

Lord! Praise the Lord, Let the earth hear his voice! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

How I’ve proved him o’er and o’er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust him more!

1. To God be the glory, great things he has done! So loved he the world that he gave us his Son, Who yielded his life an atonement for sin, And opened the life-gate that all may go in.

Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father through Jesus the Son And give him the glory, great things he has done!

3.[Refrain]Yes,‘tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest, and joy and peace. [Refrain]



Who from our mothers’ arms Has blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today.

3. All praise and thanks to God The Father now be given, The Son and him who reigns With them in highest heaven The one eternal God, Whom earth and heav’n adore; For thus it was, is now, And shall be evermore.



2. O may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us, To keep us in his grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world in the next.

2. Praise him for his grace and favor To our fathers in distress Praise him, still the same as ever, Slow to chide, and swift to bless Praise him, praise him Glorious in his faithfulness!

3. Fatherlike he tends and spares us; Well our feeble frame he knows In his hands he gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes Praise him, praise him (2x) Widely yet his mercy flows!

4. Angels in the height, adore him; You behold him face to face Saints triumphant, bow before him, Gather’d in from every race Praise him, praise him (2x) Praise with us the God of grace!

1. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven; To his feet your tribute bring Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Evermore his praises sing Praise him, praise him (2x) Praise the everlasting King!

With a heart of gratitude I want to thank God for his faithfulness, mercies and grace over the years. I also want to thank my family, friends and well wishers for your prayers, love and support. God bless you abundantly!


Pastor Jemima Obeng

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