2022 Annual Report

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2022 Annual Report

Collaborative. Policy. Evaluation. Gender Inequalities. Systems. Statewide. Criminal Justice. Social Media. Impactful. Global. Rural. Education. Tobacco. Child Development. Health. Survey. Messaging. Big Data. Urban. Innovative.


Annual Report 2022 Contributors Director.........................................Devon Brenner Editor & Designer.....................Emile Pennington

The SSRC reports to the Vice-President of Research and Economic Developement Julie Jordan and the Vice President of the Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine Keith Coble with support from the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station, led by Scott Willard.

Table of Contents 4 Annual Impact....................................................................................... 5 Laboratories and Research Programs........................................ 6 Updates from Labs & Research Programs............................... 8 Grants & Contracts............................................................................... 20 Publications............................................................................................. 22 Presentations.......................................................................................... 26 Awards & Recognitions...................................................................... 32 Letter from the Director...................................................................

Letter from the Director and programs, we receive funding from federal and state agencies, foundations and non-profits, and MSU units, as well as other public and private entities, to engage in research, outreach, and evaluation. Research issues that social scientists face are now so profoundly complex that their solutions demand the combined resources of multiple disciplines, multiple professions, and multiple institutions. From its origin, the SSRC has had a strong interdisciplinary emphasis. Scientists from a number of disciplines, both on campus and off, come together in the SSRC to work on common research problems. Our multidisciplinary teams include psychologists, sociologists, engineers, geographers, anthropologists, education researchers, economists, and political scientists joining together to bring to bear their expertise on various research problems.


he Social Science Research Center (SSRC) was established at Mississippi State University (MSU) in 1950 to promote, enhance, and facilitate social science research and related scholarly activities, and we continue that legacy with our expanding current research areas this past fiscal year. After serving as the director for one year, I’m excited by the work on the horizon for our center. In this year’s report, we share updates from each of our research programs and labs. Some of our labs like the Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program (pg. 16) have been in operation for decades, and we are pleased to introduce other recent additions to the group such as the Systems Change Lab (pg. 13). Within these labs and programs individual scientists (or self-organized teams of researchers) provide the motivation and direction for funded research projects and determine their own research agendas under the umbrella of the SSRC. Across all of our labs


Social Science Research Center

The center is organized with university-wide responsibilities and is thankful for the support of administration and departments across MSU’s campus. I hope you’ll take some time to read about our researchers and their work and share this report with others. We look forward to establishing new collaborations and connections, so please reach out to us via the web addresses listed on each lab or program update. Additionally, you can stay up to date with our activities throughout the year by following us on social media or visiting our website. Sincerely,

Devon Brenner, PhD Director, Social Science research Center Professor, Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education, College of Education

SSRC Annual Impact Fiscal Year 2022



Ongoing Projects

New Projects



20 81

Total Funding: $11,936,898.52 New Extramural Projects $ 4,245,591.00

Core Funding Projects $799,677.19

Marion T. Loftin Endowment $708,596.57

Foundation $223,432.61 Ongoing Extramural Projects $3,699,453.00

SSRC Labs $443,387.15

MASEP $1,816,761.00 Annual Report 2022


Research Labs & Programs The SSRC supports a growing and evolving number of unique laboratories and research programs conducting work on a range of topics. To learn more or find contact information, visit the SSRC's website.

Social, Therapeutic & Robotic Systems Lab

Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program


Social Science Research Center

Systems Change Lab

Evaluation and Research Group

Data Science for the Social Sciences

Gender Impacts Lab The Message Laboratory

Wolfgang Frese Survey Research Laboratory

Mississippi Tobacco Data

Crime and Justice Unit

Annual Report 2022


Evaluation & Research Group A team of evaluators with broad experience and expertise in program and personnel evaluation.


he Evaluation and Research Group may be a recently organized group at the center, but the researcher's work spans many years. Connie Baird-Thomas, a research professor, Angela Robertson, a research professor, and Sheena Gardner, an associate research professor have a combined decades of experience. Each of these leads or assist on a variety of project around the center including evaluations in the fields of juvenile justice, public health, behavioral health, and nonprofits. Additionally, Baird-Thomas and Gardner are wrapping up the final year as part of the team working on the Mississippi Child


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Health and Development project: Mississippi Thrive!. Robertson, the director for research and development of the Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program, began updating the curriculum for MASEP this summer. As a team, they have experience with each area of evaluation from proposal and design to final reports and interpreting data. The team can assist with design, needs assessments, implementation, and identifying areas of improvement. Learn more about their previous work and capabilities at evaluation.ssrc.msstate.edu.

The Message Laboratory Three primary components: the Interview and Focus Group Unit, the Text and Content Analysis Unit, and the Exposure and Experiment Unit.


olli Seitz, director of the Message Laboratory and a recently promoted associate professor in the Department of Communication, continues to work on multiple projects and mentor multiple students. Through the Message Laboratory, Seitz assisted with crafting and analyzing the messaging for several projects including the PReventing Opioid Misuse In the SouthEast (PROMISE) project and the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) project. PROMISE, which is led by David Buys, associate professor in the Department of Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion, is in its third iteration. This year, the Message Laboratory is involved in developing and testing social media messages for the campaign. These messages focus on safe opioid storage in the home and proper disposal of prescription medication through the use of medicine takeback boxes. Seitz also worked with the HappyHealthy project (a SNAP-Ed-funded social marketing campaign implemented by the Office of Nutrition Education) to evaluate social media

recipe posts. This involved testing multiple themes for effectiveness and evaluating post characteristics that predict user engagement. Additionally, through her role as a mentor for the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine’s Veterinary Medical Research Scholars program, Seitz was able to continue her collaboration with Jesse Grady, an assistant clinical professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Their project investigates pet owners’ preferences for autonomy when making medical decisions for their pets. This year also brought multiple student achievements. Udergraduate Researcher Sarah Dulaney was awarded first place in the Social Sciences Division of the MSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium in August 2021. She was also selected as Grand Champion of the Spring 2022 undergraduate three-minute thesis. Sarah graduated summa cum laude from MSU in May 2022 and has started medical school at Vanderbilt University. To learn more about the work of the Message Laboratory, visit commlab.ssrc.msstate.edu.

Annual Report 2022


Gender Impacts Lab Progressive. Global. Necessary.


he Gender Impacts Lab led by Kathleen Ragsdale and Mary ReadWahidi continues to collaborate with researchers across the university, country, and world. They have ongoing projects with the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish at Mississippi State University and the Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab at the University of Illinois. With both, the team collaborates with researchers to understand how gender inequities affect community and family development. With the Fish Innovation Lab, the team is working on the Fish First Zambia! project. It seeks to understand the constraints and opportunities women, men, and youth face in harvesting, processing, and selling/trading small pelagic fish. The goal is to determine ways to increase access to these nutritious fish among vulnerable family members, particularly mothers and infants. As part of their work on the Fish First Zambia! project and with the Soybean Innovation Lab, the researchers released two publications in premier academic journals. In Food Security, Ragsdale and Read-Wahidid co-authored (with others) Can low-cost soybean input bundles assist smallscale women farmers out of subsistence livelihood traps? Evidence from Northern Ghana, and in World Development the researchers released Adapting the WEAI to explore gender equity among fishers, processors, and sellers/traders at Zambia’s Lake Bangweulu.

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Additionally, the lab’s directors mentor multiple students each year. This year’s undergraduate and graduate students competed in Mississippi State University’s Research Symposium. Ania Issac, an undergraduate assistant, was awarded an Arts & Sciences Student First Undergraduate Excellence Opportunity (SFUEO) Award from Mississippi State University. Along with these student recognitions, Ragsdale and ReadWahidi were named Masters of Public Health (MPH) Practicum Field Instructors within the Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL). This designation will allow Ragsdale and Read-Wahidi to guide MPH Practicum experiences related to health, food security, and nutrition- and gender-sensitive aquaculture and fisheries development, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa. This opportunity was facilitated by Lora Iannotti, whose visit to the SSRC and Mississippi State University on February 9-11 In the summer, Issac and Robert Kolbila, graduate research assistant, joined Ragsdale for fieldwork in Zambia, where they conducted food taste tests and interviews with mothers and young children. The taste test introduced several familiar recipes that included the addition of nutritious dried fish powder. This will inform the next phase of work with the project as the researchers continue to study ways to increase access to nutritious fish. Read more about all of the Gender Impacts Team’s work at genderimpactslab.ssrc.msstate.edu.

Data Sciences for the Social Sciences Innovate. Visualize. Collaborate


he Data Science for Social Sciences Laboratory combines the expertise of computer scientists, sociologists, data scientists, and others to consider complex problems. The team seeks to apply data science techniques and methods to social science research across a variety of big data sources including open-source data, such as social media content and images. The laboratory collects social media and forum data from a variety of platforms and conducts content, spatial, network, statistical, and machine learning analyses, data mining, and topic modeling of social media text and images along with analyses of the associated metadata.

This year the team, in addition to, working on ongoing collaborations with projects and papers, released a new database. The group released the COVID-19 Online Prevalence of Emotions in Institutions Database (COPE-ID), which is the culmination of work from the National Science Foundation Rapid project. The database can be accessed on the team’s website. If you're interested in learning more about DS3 projects, capabilities, or researchers, connect with them at ds3.ssrc.msstate.edu.

Annual Report 2022 11

Mississippi Crime and Justice Research Unit A collaborative effort to promote criminal justice research and assist the state of Mississippi by providing timely research to assist in policy- and decision-making throughout the state.


he Mississippi Crime and Justice Unit has been a collaborative group at the SSRC for over 20 years. Many of the researchers have a long history in the field, and new additions to the group are productively building their research backgrounds as well. This year CJRU team members continued several projects both at the state and national levels. In new projects, Sheena Gardner, recently named associate professor at the SSRC, and Angela Robertson, a research professor at the center, were awarded a National Institute of Justice award where they will be studying juvenile reoffending and working on programming that seeks to lower those rates. Additionally, David May, a research professor, is a part of a team of scientists that have applied for funding on two projects from the National Institute of Justice. These projects study counter-terrorism messaging and intergroup conflict and social norms on aggression in high school. Several of the team members were recognized for their various accomplishments

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throughout the year. David May was awarded the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Corrections Section Outstanding Member Award for 2021-2022. Stacy Haynes, a professor in the Mississippi State Sociology Department, received the College of Arts and Sciences Research Award in Social and Behavioral Sciences this spring. D’Andre Walker, an associate professor in Criminal Justice and Legal Studies at the University of Mississippi was awarded a 2-year Isom’s Fellow Award from the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies at the University of Mississippi to support his research. Wesley Jennings, a professor in Ole Miss’s Criminal Justice and Legal Studies Department, was the invited Keynote Speaker at the annual conference for the Florida Sheriff’s Association. Reports and publications are periodically added the unit’s website. Find those and learn more about the researchers at cjru.ssrc.msstate.edu/.

Systems Change Laboratory Facilitating solutions where lived experience meets decision-making to impact the six conditions of systems change.


he Systems Change Lab is a new addition to the SSRC’s research groups but the teams members have decades of experience in their work. The Systems Change Lab, lead by Heather Hanna, hopes to address complex societal problems through data analysis, policy research, training/education, and systems change methodologies, including collective impact. This year the team has been wrapping up the Mississippi Thrive! project. Through the work, the team has formed and maintained important relationships with state agencies and worked to embed developmental health trainings for their staff and the families they serve. They have also developed interactive online resource maps that will continue to be updated and made available to the public. The team collected data on the developmental health of young children in Mississippi that was not previously available and disseminated information on developmental and behavioral health via multiple outlets, including statewide events, policy briefs, informational fact sheets, a website, newsletters, and social media. Additionally, they embedded the VROOM early childhood developmental health app in communities and organizations throughout the state.

The lab is undertaking a new project funded through the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Mississippi Child Care Quality Support System Project. This project has two phases of work. The goal of the first phase is to gather recommendations for a new childcare quality support system from childcare providers. The second is to work with the Mississippi Department of Human Services and other stakeholders to plan and design the quality support system. Bradley Long led the AP STEM Summer Camp project this summer. This camp, funded by the Global Teaching Project, instructs high school students in STEM courses on MSU's campus. The SCL team is comprised in part of Heather Hanna, who was selected to attend the Mississippi Center for Clinical and Translational Research Mentoring Academy this year; Callie Poole and Laure Bell, whom both attended the Collective Impact Forum training; and Bradley Long, who recently completed his master’s in Public Policy and Administration. Connect with the researchers of SCL and learn about opportunities for collaboration at scl.ssrc.msstate.edu.

Annual Report 2022 13

Social, Theraputic, & Robotic Systems Laboratory Multidisciplinary research on human- robot interactions.


he Social, Therapeutic, and Robotic Systems Laboratory is a multidisciplinary team performing research on the interaction between robots and humans. The lab incorporates sociology, psychology, communication, and other disciplines into the engineering research. This year the team continued with several ongoing projects. Over the past year, the STaRS lab’s Therabot project has focused on better understanding in-home human-robot interactions by developing and deploying a sensor suite that attaches to zoomorphic robotic pets. Working with collaborators at Indiana University and Hanyang University, the team has collected data from three-week

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deployments of social robots in people’s homes in both the United States and South Korea. Going forward this data will be used in combination with design workshops to refine Therabot’s behaviors and abilities prior to its use in home environments over extended periods of time. Learn more about the lab at stars.msstate.edu.

Tobacco Control Unit Surveillance and evaluation intended to monitor and provide short-term, intermediate, and long-term intervention outcomes.


he Tobacco Control Unit has a long history of evaluating and surveying tobacco use in the state of Mississippi and beyond. The team, led by Robert McMillen has worked with the Mississippi State Department of Health’s Office of Tobacco Control since 2007 as the office developed education, prevention, and cessation programs. This year the team was able to resume ongoing work that had been disrupted over the COVID-19 pandemic. As teenagers returned to school, the team once again conducted and completed the annual schoolbased Youth Tobacco Survey. This is one of the most important surveillance tools so it was exciting to return to the field. We found that

vaping continues to be a problem among our adolescents. While great progress has been made over the last 20+ years in reducing cigarette smoking, cigar smoking, and smokeless tobacco use among Mississippi adolescents, that progress is now threatened by new tobacco products attracting our youth. Additionally, the team continues to collaborate on two National Institute of Health projects with researchers at Harvard University and the University of Kentucky. New projects are being developed as Sujan Anreddy and Colleen Stouffer are building a series of visual analytics for representation of data to help agencies evaluate impact. Visit the unit online at mstobaccodata.org/.

Annual Report 2022 15

Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program Mississippi’s statewide, statutorily mandated, evidence-based DUI intervention program


he Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program (MASEP) is Mississippi’s highway safety education program for first offenders convicted or undergoing the non-adjudication process for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or another drug that has impaired the individual’s ability to operate a motor vehicle. The original MASEP curriculum was developed in 1972 when most first-time DUI offenders were thought to be social drinkers who simply needed additional knowledge that would allow them to separate their drinking and driving behaviors. By the mid-1980’s, this conception of the DUI offender had been proven to be incorrect. The MASEP Program Development Project, funded by the Mississippi Governor’s Highway Safety Program in March 1987, addressed three major objectives: (1) to revise the MASEP curriculum and program format to reflect the most up-to-date knowledge and theory available with regard to first-offender DUI education and rehabilitation programs; (2) to develop a procedure to assess the drinking problems, driving problems, and other life problems experienced by MASEP participants; and (3) to develop a directory

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of treatment services to inform MASEP participants of the services that are available in their local areas. The initial draft of the curriculum was pilot tested in several school sites during the fall of 1988. Training of the MASEP instructional staff on the utilization of the new curriculum and program format was conducted by the end of 1988 and the new curriculum was implemented statewide on January 2, 1989. Since that original implementation MASEP has undergone multiple research driven curriculum updates, the latest occurring over the summer of 2022. Angela Robertson, a research professor, leads research and development and Billy Brister serves as operations director. The team additionally continues to operate and enhance the online platform that was launched in early 2021. Each year, they attend conferences and speak to judges, legislators, law enforcement, and others to share about the program. To learn more about the current curriculum and the history of MASEP, visit www. masep.org.

Wolfgang Frese Survey Research Laboratory Small-scale and large-scale data collection and processing


uring the past fiscal year, the Wolfgang Frese Survey Research Laboratory (SRL) collected data for eight research projects. Its largest project involved a continuing contract with the Mississippi Department of Health to collect survey data for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC manages the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS) which is the nation’s premier system of health-related survey data from U.S. residents regarding their potential for exhibiting health risk behaviors and experiencing chronic health conditions. The SRL has been contracted to collect all the BRFSS data for the state of Mississippi.

Two thousand twenty two marked John F. Edwards’ fifteenth year directing the SRL. The survey laboratory’s core staff also includes Laura Grandfield as laboratory manager, Cy Johnson as data management assistant, Eniko Marcus as call center supervisor, and Dr. Wolfgang Frese as Emeritus Research Professor. Additionally, the SRL’s call center employed more than 50 telephone interviewers. Read about each project the SRL completed below and on following page. If you have interest in learning more about the lab or their capabilities, visit them online at srl.ssrc.msstate.edu.

2021 Mississippi Social Climate Survey of Tobacco Control For nearly twenty years, the SRL has been administering an annual survey on behalf of the Tobacco Control Unit at the Social Science Research Center – The Mississippi Social Climate Survey of Tobacco Control. Results from this survey assist researchers in better understanding the degree to which people in Mississippi live in smoke-free homes, work in smoke-free environments, understand the health risks of using tobacco, and talk to their children about tobacco use. This telephone-based survey of the general public included a representative sample of 1,500 adults residing in the state of Mississippi. Funding for this research was provided by the Mississippi State Department of Health. 2021 Mississippi Department of Mental Health Consumer Satisfaction Survey For the 5th consecutive year, the SRL conducted the Consumer Satisfaction Survey for the Mississippi Department of Mental Health (MDMH). Using paper-based survey booklets, the SRL surveyed approximately 2,000 individuals who had received mental health services from one of the department’s mental health programs. This survey measures consumers’ opinions regarding the quality of services provided by MDMH. Annual Report 2022 17

CDC's Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System The SRL collected data for the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS) managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. BRFSS is the nation’s premier system of health-related survey data from U.S. residents regarding their potential for exhibiting health risk behaviors and experiencing chronic health conditions. This fiscal year, the SRL completed 4,233 telephone-based, BRFSS interviews with a random sample of adult respondents from Mississippi. Multilevel Approaches for Promoting Physical Activity in Rural Communities The SRL continued its partnership with the Prevention Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis to collect post-intervention data for a large-scale research project funded by the National Institutes of Health. The purpose of this research is to better understand the physical activity practices of people from rural Missouri. Approximately 500 respondents completed a post-intervention survey administered three years after the same individuals responded to a preintervention measure. Comparisons of the baseline and follow-up data helped assess the efficacy of the intervention methods designed to increase the physical activity practices of residents in rural communities across Missouri. Natural Resource Enterprises Landowner Survey The SRL conducted the data entry and verification process for the 2021 Natural Resource Enterprises Landowners Survey administered by the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Aquaculture at Mississippi State University. This paper-based survey was sent to Mississippi landowners who are interested in using a portion of their land to start a natural resource enterprise such as agritourism, fee hunting/fishing, horse trail riding, etc. The 2021 survey administration yielded approximately 300 completed questionnaires. HOPE Science Survey Project On behalf of the Mississippi Supreme Court, the SRL administered a web-based survey to approximately 1,500 staff members of the juvenile justice system and child protection services to better understand the staff members’ opinions and attitudes toward their workplace and the impact that their work may have on their personal sense of wellbeing. Professional Challenges Facing Public School Teachers in Mississippi On behalf of Mississippi First, the SRL administered a web-based survey to 6,496 public-school teachers throughout the state of Mississippi. The purpose of this survey was to gain a better understanding of how to retain experienced public-school teachers and recruit new teachers to the profession. Results from this survey helped drive policy recommendations for combating Mississippi’s critical teacher shortage.

2021 Mississippi Vocational Rehabilitation Client Satisfaction Survey For the 21st consecutive year, the SRL conducted telephone-based interviews with approximately 1,000 individuals who received vocational rehabilitation services from the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS) during the past 12 months. MDRS uses these data to support its ongoing efforts in program evaluation and development. 18 Social Science Research Center

Annual Report 2022 19

Grants & Contracts New Projects Baird-Thomas, C. (2022, January). “Outreach and Planning for Children’s Foundation of Mississippi,” Children’s Foundation of Mississippi.

Nursing and National Institutes of Health.

Brenner, D. (2022, March). “safeSPACE project Data Manger,” Starkville Oktibbeha County School District.

McMillen, R. (2022, July). “Surveillance and Evaluation Services for the Mississippi Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program,” MSDH.

Brenner, D. (2022, May). “Investigating STEM Teacher Preparation and Rural Teacher Persistence and Retention,” National Science Foundation.

Read-Wahidi, M. (2021, July). “Teen Health Mississippi ME Evaluation.” Mississippi First, Teen Health Mississippi.

Gardner, S. (2021, September). “Rankin County Youth Court’s Juvenile Drug Court.” Department of Public Safety.

Read-Wahidi, M. & Ragsdale, K. (2021, November). “GRADA FIL Year 3,” USAID.

Gardner, S. (2022, February). “DMC/RED Report.” Mississippi Department of Public Safety.

Robertson, A. (2021, September). “Evaluation of Hope Sciences and Trauma Informed Training,” The Mississippi Public Health Institute.

Gardner, S. (2022, June). “Madison County Juvenile Drug Treatment Court,” Mississippi Department of Public Safety.

Robertson, A. (2021, October). “Mississippi CoOccurring Re-entry Program,” Mississippi Department of Corrections.

Gardner, S. (2022, June). “DYS Annual Report,” Mississippi Department of Human Services.

Robertson, A. (2022, January). “Evaluation of the Second Chance Act Re-entry Program for Adults with Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders.” Mississippi Department of Mental Health and the United States Department of Justice.

Hanna, H. & Baird-Thomas, C. (2021, September). “HRSA Early Childhood Developmental Health System: Implementation in a High Need State.” Health Resources and Services Administration. Hanna, H. (2022, May). “Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS),” Community Foundation for Mississippi. Hanna, H. & Walker, B. (2021, July). "Market Rate Survey Project," Mississippi Department of Human Services.

Robertson, A. (2022, February). “Evaluation of Hope Sciences and Trauma-Informed Training,” The Hope Science Institute of Mississippi. Robertson, A. (2022, March). “Mississippi’s Emergency Response to COVID-19 Evaluation,” Mississippi Department of Mental Health.

Long, B. (2022, May). “AP STEM Summer Camp 2022,” The Global Teaching Project.

Robertson, A. & Gardner, S. (2021, December). “Research on Juvenile Court Intake Practices and Reoffending.” National Institute of Justice.

Long, L. (2021, November). “Early Childhood Leadership & Professional Advancement Institute.” Mississippi Department of Human Services.

Seitz, H. (2021, September). “Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching and Engagement.” USDANIFA.

Long, L. & Hanna, H. (2022, March). “ECHO for Childcare Providers working with Toddlers,” North Mississippi Education Consortium.

Seitz, H. (2021, October). “Undergraduate Research Symposium,” Office of Research and Economic Development.

McMillen, R. (2021, August). “ABC to Quit Year 2,” Massachusetts General Hospital.

Walker, B. (2022, February). “Children’s Foundation of Mississippi for the Mississippi KIDS COUNT,” Children’s Foundation of Mississippi, The Annie E. Casey Foundation.

McMillen, R. (2021, October). “Smoke-Free Policy Disparities and Outcomes in Rural Communities in Southern States.” The University of Kentucky College of

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Grants & Contracts Ongoing Projects Baird-Thomas, C. (2021, October). “Data Project 2,” W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Baird-Thomas, C. (2019, April). “Vroom Outreach,” Bezos Family Foundation. Bethel, C. (2021, June). “A Competency-aware Multiagent Framework for Human-machine Teams in Adversarial Environments,” U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Bethel, C. (2019, October). “CHS: Large: Collaborative Research: Participatory Design and Evaluation of Socially Assistive Robots for Use in Mental Health Services in Clinics and Patient Homes,” National Science Foundation. Gardner, S. (2021, January) “DYS 2020 Report,” Mississippi Department of Human Services. Gardner, S. (2022, February) “Red Report,” Mississippi Department of Public Safety. Hanna, H., Baird-Thomas, C. (2019, September.) “HRSA Early Childhood Developmental Health System: Implementation in a High Need State,” University of Mississippi Medical Center, Health Resources and Services Administration.

Read-Wahidi, M. & Ragsdale, K. (2020, October). “Mississippi First’s Choose Your Method Campaign Evaluations,” Teen Health Mississippi, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rico Mendez, G., Gardner, S., Petrolia, D., & TolarPerterson, T. (2021, April). “Complexity-Aware Research and Learning of the McGovern Dole School Meals Programs in Africa,” United States Department of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service. Robertson, A. A., Fountain, B., & Baird-Thomas, C (2018, September). "Advancing, Inspiring, Motivation for Community Health through Extension (AIM for CHANGE)," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Robertson, A. (2020, August). “Mississippi Co-occurring Re-entry Program FY 19,” Mississippi Department of Corrections. Walker, B. (2021, February) “Mississippi Kids Count Data Partnership,” Children’s Foundation of Mississippi- The Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Hanna, H. & Long, L. (2021, April). “Project ECHO for Childcare Providers,” Governor’s Emergency Education Response, North Mississippi Education Consortium. McMillen, R. (2020, July). “Data Sets,” American Academy of Pediatrics, Flight Attendant Medical Research Center. McMillen, R. (2021, August). “Smoke-free Policy Disparities and Outcomes in Rural Communities in Southern States,” University of Kentucky College of Nursing. Seitz, H. (2020, July). “PReventing Opioid Misuse In the SouthEast (PROMISE) Initiative,” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Read-Wahidi, M. (2020, November). “GRADA FIL Year 2,” U. S. Agency of International Development. Ragsdale, K. & Read-Wahidi, M. (2020, November). “US Aid Soy Year 8,” University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, U.S. Agency on International Development.

Annual Report 2022 21

Publications Peer Reviewed & Book Chapters Aldridge, A. and Bethel, C. L., (2021, September). A Systematic Review of the Use of Art in Virtual Reality. Electronics, vol. 10, no. 18, p. 2314, 2021. [Online]. www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/10/18/2314. September 2021. Belenko, S., Dembo, R., Knight, D. K., Elkington, K. S., Wasserman, G. A., Robertson, A. A., Welsh, W. N., Schmeidler, Joe, G. W., & Wiley, T. R. A. (2022). Using Structural Implementation Interventions to Improve Referral to substance Use Treatment among Justice-Involved Youth: Findings from a Multisite Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jsat.2022.108829 Brenner, D., Price Azano, A., & Downey, J. (2021). Helping New Teachers Stay and Thrive in Rural Schools. Kappan, Vol. 103, No. 4, pp. 14-18. https://kappanonline.org/new-teachers-staythrive-rural-brenner-azano-downey/. Brenner, D. (2021). Toward a Rural Critical Policy Analysis. In A. P. Azano, K. Eppley, & C. Biddle (Eds.). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rural Education in the USA. Bloomsbury. Brenner, D., Outlaw, D. C., Franz, D. (2022, March). How can we prepare STEM teachers to work and thrive in rural schools?(Blog). AAASARISE: Advancing Research and Innovation in the STEM Education of Preservice Teachers in High-Needs School Districts. https://aaas-arise. org/2022/03/02/how-can-we-prepare-stemteachers-to-work-and-thrive-in-rural-schools/. Cleveland, M., & Hanna, H. (2021). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Mississippi: Recommendations for a Brighter Future. Journal of the MS State Medical Association, 62(11/12), 279283. https://ejournal.msmaonline.com/. Gardner, S. K., Hanna, H., Buttross, S., Walker, C. S., Love, T., Saunders, B., Elliot, L., Long, B., Craft, P., & Jigjidsuren, D. (2022, February). Establishing an Early Childhood Developmental Health Promotion System: The Child Health and Development Project: Mississippi Thrive!. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, 63(2), 39-44.

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King, E. M., Baird-Thomas, C., Robertson, A., Smith, M. & Buys, D. R. (2021). Improving the function of a high obesity program: Findings from communityengaged Mississippi Delta focus groups. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Published online https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.104.012. McMillen, R. (2021). Evaluation of Evidence of E-Cigarettes as a Smoking Cessation Treatment for Adult Smokers. In SC Walley and K Wilson (Eds.). Electronic Cigarettes and Vape Devices: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians and Health Professionals (pp. 91-104). Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. Methvin, J., Gardner, A. J., Pylate, L. B., Hunt, B., Seitz, H. H., & Hyatt, R. Y. (2022, April). Making COVID-19-related decisions: A qualitative study of university students. Journal of Public Health in the Deep South, 3, 62-73. Moser, K, Wei, T., & Brenner, D. (2021). Remote teaching during COVID-19: Implications from a national survey of language educators. System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 97. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.system.2020.102431. Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Marinda, P., Pincus, L., Torell, E. & Kolbila, R. (2022). Adapting the WEAI to explore gender equity among fishers, processors, and sellers/traders at Zambia’s Lake Bangweulu. World Development, 152, 105821. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.105821 Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Zhou, Q.M., Clark, K., Asigbee, M., Tamimie, C. & Goldsmith, P. (2022). Low-cost soybean input bundles impact women farmer’s subsistence livelihood traps: Evidence from Northern Ghana. Food Security. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-022-01263-2. Roberts, M., Tolar-Peterson, T., Reynolds, A., Wall, C.; Reeder, N., &Rico Mendez, G. (2022). The Effects of Nutritional Interventions on the Cognitive Development of Preschool-Age Children: A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 14(3), 532. https:// www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/3/532.

Publications Russell, K., Hossfeld, L., & Rico Mendez, G. (2021). “Not a new pattern”: Black farmers’ perspectives on barriers to participating in federal farm programs. Journal of Agriculture. Food Systems, and Community Development, 10(4), 1–15. https://doi. org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.104.007.


Seitz, H. H. & Grady, J. (2021). Measuring veterinary client preferences for autonomy and information when making medical decisions for their pets. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Advance online publication. https:// doi.org/10.2460/javma.19.12.0630.

Gardner, S. K. &Love, T. (2021). An Assessment of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mississippi’s Juvenile Justice System: 2020 Report. Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs.

Sinclair H. C., Wilson K. J. and Stubbs-Richardson M. (2022). Editorial: Advances in Youth Bullying Research. Frontiers in Psychology 13:860887. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/ fpsyg.2022.860887/full Wall, C.; Tolar-Peterson, T., Reeder, N., Roberts, M., Reynolds, A., Rico Mendez, G. (2022). The Impact of School Meal Programs on Educational Outcomes in African Schoolchildren: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3666). https://doi. org/10.3390/ijerph19063666. Wasserman, G. A., McReynolds, L. S., Taxman, F., Belenko, S., Elkington, K. S., Robertson, A. A., Dennis, M., Knight, D., Knudsen, H., Dembo, R., Ciarleglio, A., & Wiley, T. (2021). The missing link(age): Multilevel contributors to service uptake failure among youth on community justice supervision. Psychiatric Services in Advance https://doi.org10.1176/appi.ps.202000163.

Project Publications & Other Media Brenner, D. (2022, March). Beyond fate: Funding structure and public policy mean rural schools don’t get fair share. The Daily Yonder. https:// dailyyonder.com/beyond-fate-funding-structureand-public-policy-mean-rural-schools-dont-getfair-share/2022/03/15/. Brenner, D. (2021/2022). Devon Brenner recommends “The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rural Education in the United States. Kappan, 103(4). https://kappanonline.org/devon-brenner-

Gardner, S. K. & Stouffer, C (2021) FY2021 SemiAnnual Evaluation Report. Office of Tobacco Control, Mississippi State Department of Health.

Gardner, S. K. &Stouffer, C. (2020). FY2020 Annual Evaluation Report. Office of Tobacco Control, Mississippi State Department of Health. Gardner, S. K. (2022). W. K. Kellogg Foundation – Evaluation Report. Community Foundation of Greater Jackson/The Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy. Hemphill, T.V., Barird-Thomas, C. & Hanna, H. (2021, November). Establishing a Case for Funding Project ECHO through Policy Research [Brief]. Mississippi Thrive. Publication developed to present to Mississippi Legislatures to consider fund allocation for Early Child Care, Mental Health and Education. Hemphill, T. (2022, July). DCM Blog: What’s the Meaning Behind Gestational Diabetes?. Mississippi Diabetes e-News. Hemphill, T. (2022, June). DCM Blog: Walking in Mississippi Weather, Seriously. Mississippi Diabetes e-News. Hemphill, T. (2022, May). DCM Blog: Diabetes and the Heat. Mississippi Diabetes e-News. Hemphill, T. (2022, April). DCM Blog: Weathering the Storm. Mississippi Diabetes e-News. Hemphill, T. (2022, March). DCM Blog: Springing Forward. Mississippi Diabetes e-News. Hemphill, T. (2022, February). DCM Blog: Oh Sugar! Mississippi Diabetes e-News.

Annual Report 2022 23

Publications Hemphill, T. (2022, January). DCM Blog: Isolation Does Not Mean Sedentary. Mississippi Diabetes e-News. Kolbila, R., Read-Wahidi, M.R, & Ragsdale, K. (2021, October). Women Wholesalers/Traders in the Spatial Arbitrage of Soybeans in Northern Ghana: Evidence from Ghana. USAID, Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. 17 pp. Kolbila, R., Read-Wahidi, M.R, & Ragsdale, K. (2021, October). Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab Seed Storage Project Brief: Key Findings from Women Soybean Wholesalers/Traders in Northern Ghana. USAID, Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. 2 pp. Mississippi Data Project. (October, 2021). Brief for Census Pulse Survey Covid Vaccination Data. A Summer Snapshot: COVID-19, Vaccination Status, and Vaccination Decisions in Mississippi from June 23-July 5, 2021. www.msdataproject.com/ wp-content/uploads/2021/10/covid-vaccination. brief- Mississippi Data Project. (October, 2021). Dashboard for Census Pulse Survey Covid Vaccination Data. COVID-19 & Vaccination Status in America & Mississippi. www.public.tableau. com/app/profile/colleen.stouffer/viz/USMSCovid19Statuspulsesurvey/Dashboard. Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R. & Torell, E. (2022, January). Post-Harvest Fish Loss Assessment for Small-Scale Fisheries (PHFLA): An Open-Access Customizable Tool. USAID, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. 9 pp. https://www.fishinnovationlab.msstate.edu/sites/ www.fishinnovationlab.msstate.edu/files/inline-files/ Ragsdale%20et%20al_PHFLA_Survey%20Tool_ FINAL_2.pdf.

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Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R. & Torell, E. (2022, February 2). New Tool Helps Quantify Post-Harvest Losses in Small-Scale Capture Fisheries [Web log post]. USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. https://www.fishinnovationlab.msstate.edu/ newsroom/2022/02/new-tool-helps-quantify-postharvest-losses-small-scale-capture-fisheries . Ragsdale, K., & Read-Wahidi, M.R. (Course Completed June 1, 2022, Webinar in Production). Gender Impacts Lab Toolkit: Your Comprehensive Guide to Conducting Focus Groups in Village Settings for Gender Responsive Agricultural Development [Online Certification Course]. USAID, Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish, Gender Impacts Lab, Mississippi State University. Ragsdale, K. (2022, April). Quick Guide to Giving Great Scientific Presentation. Fish Innovation Lab Student Network Event. USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. April 13, 2022. Invited Speaker. [Webinar]. https://rhody.webex.com/rhody/ldr. php?RCID=b58c4762f0f30de2f1dc6a76159aa81c. Read-Wahidi, M., Kolbila, R. & Ragsdale, K. (2022, March). Teen Health Mississippi Choose Your Method Campaign Evaluation Final Report. Teen Health Mississippi. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. 11 pp. Read-Wahidi, M.R., & Ragsdale, K. (2022, March). GRADA-FIL Results at a Glance: Gender Integration Within Projects. USAID, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. 2 pp. https://www. fishinnovationlab.msstate.edu/newsroom/2022/03/ turning-mirror-inward-gender-integration-amongfish-innovation-lab-research-teams . Read-Wahidi, M.R., & Ragsdale, K. (2022, February). GRADA-FIL: Gender Responsive Aquaculture & Fisheries Development Assessment for Fish Innovation Lab Projects. Invited Presenters, Fish Innovation Lab Management Entity (ME) Partner Meeting. USAID, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish, Mississippi State University.

Publications Read-Wahidi, M.R., & Ragsdale, K. (2021, August). GRADA-FIL Results at a Glance: Fish Innovation Lab Research. USAID, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. 2 pp. https://www.fishinnovationlab. msstate.edu/newsroom/2021/08/advancing-genderresponsive-aquaculture-and-fisheries-developmentstarts .

Walker, B. H., Hanna, H., Poole, C., & Porter, B. (2021, July). 2021 Mississippi child care market rate survey: Executive summary. Executive summary prepared for the Mississippi Department of Human Services. https://www.mdhs.ms.gov/wp-content/ uploads/2021/10/MRS-Executive-Summary.pdf

Read-Wahidi, M.R., & Ragsdale, K. (2021, December). GRADA-FIL Results at a Glance: Fish Innovation Lab Gender-Responsive Research Activities. USAID, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. 2 pp. https://www.fishinnovationlab. msstate.edu/newsroom/2021/12/implementinggender-responsive-research-activities-through-fishinnovation-lab . Robertson, A. A., & Gresham, K. (July 2021). Hope focused, Trauma Informed Youth Courts in Mississippi, Post-Training Survey Results. Report to Mississippi Administrative Office of the Courts. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. Schulte, A. & Brenner, D. (2022). Teachers in rural places face unique challenges of secondary trauma. S.E.L. Today. http://seltoday.org/the-secondarytrauma-that-teachers-in-rural-places- are- facing/. Valentine, N., & McClelland, E. (2021) Update from Mississippi Tobacco Data. Presented at the Statewide Tobacco Control Grantees Meeting for the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) Office of Tobacco Control, Jackson, MS. Wilson, K. J., Stubbs-Richardson, M., Hanna, H., Buttross, S. (June 2022). Policy Brief: Introduction to Project ECHO & Leveraging Medicaid Funding. Policy brief prepared for the Mississippi Thrive Project. Mississippi State University: Starkville, MS. Walker, B. H., Hanna, H., Poole, C., & Porter, B. (2021, July). 2021 Mississippi child care market rate survey. Final report prepared for the Mississippi Department of Human Services. https://www.mdhs.ms.gov/ wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Market-Rate-Report_ Final_9.3.pdf

Annual Report 2022 25

Presentations Adair, R., Cole, A. & Seitz, H. H. (2022, April). Adapting Diffusion of Innovation Theory items to measure the uptake of HappyHealthy recipes. [Poster presentation]. Mississippi State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS. Adair, R. & Seitz, H. H. (2021, August). Relationship between linguistic characteristics of HappyHealthy Facebook posts and user engagement. [Poster presentation]. Mississippi State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS. Baird-Thomas, Connie. (2022, March). Evaluation and Assessment: MSU Resources Available. [Online Webinar]. MSU Office of Research and Economic Development seminar, Mississippi State, MS. https://bit. ly/3j9JKvx. Baldwin, A., McMillen, R. (2022, April). Risk of Addiction, E-cigarettes and Middle School Students. [Poster presentation]. 2022 Mississippi Public Health Association annual conference, Flowood, MS. Baldwin, A., McMillen, R. (2022, April). Risk of Addiction, E-cigarettes and Middle School Students. [Poster presentation]. 2022 Mississippi State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Starkville, MS. Brenner, D., Byun, S., Means, D. R., Witham, K., Hartman, S.L, Roberts, K., Buffington, P. J., Biddle, C. (2022, April). Highlighting the future of rural education: Research

agendas for rural preK-12 and Postsecondary Education [Interactive Roundtable]. American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA. Brenner, D., Howley, C., Pratt, A., & Rogers, C. (2021). Rural education and policy matter. Education Policy Fellowship Program Alumni Webinar. [Webinar] https://epfp.iel.org/ news/news.asp?id=568700 Brenner, D. Tullos, A. & Allen, S. (2022, February). Using your voice for effective advocacy: Lessons from the Mississippi Education Policy Fellowship Program. [Presentation] Mississippi Department of Education Innovative Leadership Summit. Tupelo, MS. Brenner, D., & Kedley, K. (2021, November). The contrapuntal poem of rural literacy research: From discursive to dialogue. [Alternative Format Session]. Literacy Research Association. Atlanta, GA. Brenner, D., Eppley, K., & Kedley, K. E. (2021, November). Place matters in anti-racist pedagogies: Diverse representations of rural communities. In Turner, J. (chair), Future Forming conversations: Creating Spaces for Educators and Researchers to Consider Anti-racist work with/through/ across texts [Alternative Format Session}. Literacy Research Association. Atlanta, GA. Brenner, D., Downey, J., Azano, A., Schulte, A. & Eppley, K. (2021, October). Teaching in rural places: A conversation about teacher preparation and

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induction with the authors. [Panel Presentation]. National Rural Education Association. Indianapolis, IN. Brenner, D., Schulte, A., Azano, A. P., Downey, J., & Eppley, K. (2021, August 3–6). Teaching in rural places: Broadening understanding of what it means to prepare teachers for rural places [Virtual Paper presentation]. International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education (ISFIRE). Brenner, D., Kleese, N., & Eppley, K. (2021, August 3-6). Images of Rurality: The Whippoorwill Award for Young Adult Literature and Criteria for Evaluating Depictions of Rural People and Places. International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education. [Virtual Paper presentation]. International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education (ISFIRE). Buys, D. R., Cafer, A., Fuqua, S. & Brenner, D. (2021, August). The rural way: Factors affecting health outcomes of people in rural geographic areas. [Panel Discussion}. Mississippi Rural Health Disparities Conference. Biloxi, MS. Chisopo, A., Marinda, P., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M., Ragsdale, K., Kolbila, R., & Smith, M. (2022, April). PostHarvest Fish Loss and Impacts on Smallscale Fishery Livelihoods in Zambia and Adjacent Countries: A FishFirst! Zambia Literature Review. [Poster presentation]. 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS, April 13, 2022.

Presentations Chisopo, A., Marinda, P., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M.R., & Ragsdale, K. (2021, August). Impact of post-harvest loss on men and women small-scale fishery livelihoods in Zambia and adjacent countries. [Virtual Poster presentation]. Fish Innovation Lab Annual Meeting, August 9-11, 2021. Cleveland, M. (2021, July). Social Emotional Support of Young Children During Challenging Times. [Conference Session]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project. Creel, E. (2021, September). Communicating Science. Public Relations Student Society of America, [Presentation]. MSU Chapter Monthly Meeting Dulaney, S., Khandekar, H., & Seitz, H. H. (2021, August). Thematic analysis of vaccine misinformation in social media. [Presentation]. Mississippi State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS. Garner, E., Castellanos, P., O’Brien, C., Read-Wahidi, M., Ragsdale, K., Colverson, K., Marter-Kenyon, J., Rhoads, J., Sumner, D. (March 2, 2022). Integrating Gender throughout the Project Life Cycle of Innovation Labs. [Virtual Workshop]. USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab Community of Practice.

Garrett, G. & Hemphill, T. (2021, June 23,). Oh, Behave! Creating a Behavior Support Toolbox. Presented at the Early Childhood Specialized Boot Camp Training on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! project. The Boot Camp Training was developed by the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) in partnership with the North Mississippi Education Consortium (NMEC). Hanna, H. L. (2022, March 4). Mississippi 2021 Early Childhood Network Mapping PARTNER Survey. [Presentation]. Early Childhood Health & Development Summit in the COVID Era, Jackson, MS. Hemphill, T. (2021, July). Serve and Return: How to Build Young Children’s Brains by Using Serve and Return Interactions. [Conference Session]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project. Issac, A., Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Muzungaire, L., Kolbila, R., Funduluka, P., & Muzungaile, T. (2022, June). FishFirst! Zambia Phase II: Conducting Nutrition Trainings and ComFA+ TasteTests Among Mother-Infant Pairs at Lake Kariba. Accepted Poster Presentation. 2022 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS, August 2, 2022. Kolbila, R., Muzungaile, T., Issac, A., Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M., Muzungaire, L., & Funduluka, P. (2022, June). Preliminary Results for Mothers’

ComFA+ Taste-Tests at Lake Kariba: FishFirst! Zambia Phase II. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish Annual Meeting, August 8-10, 2022. Kolbila, R., Ragsdale, K., ReadWahidi, M.R., Marinda, P., Pincus, L., & Torell, E. (2021, August). Household-level hunger among men and women in Zambia’s Luapula Province: What can disaggregating self-reported data by gender tell us about food insecurity? [Virtual Poster presentation]. Fish Innovation Lab Annual Meeting, August 9-11, 2021. Long, B. (2021, July). Social Emotional Support of Young Children During Challenging Times.[Conference Session]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project. Long, B. (2021, July). Serve and Return: How to Build Young Children’s Brains Using Serve and Return Interactions. [Conference Session]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project. Long, L. (2021, July). Serve and Return: How to Build Young Children’s Brains by Using Serve and Return Interactions. [Conference Session]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project.

Annual Report 2022 27

Presentations Long, L. (2021, July). Social Emotional Support of Young Children During Challenging Times. [Conference Session]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project. Long, L. (2021, September) Receive “Real Time” Professional Development from Experts. Project ECHO for Childcare Providers. [Recording]. Early Childhood 2021 Virtual Resource Fair presentation hosted by The Graduate Center for the Study of Early Learning. Long, L. and Cleveland, M. (2021, September). Social Emotional Support of Children During Challenging Times. [Recorded Training]. Delivered to the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood. Long, L., Poole, C., and Long, B. (2021, September). Implicit Bias in Early Childhood. [Recorded Training]. Delivered to the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood. Long, L. and Long, B. (2022, January). Brain Building: Supporting Early Childhood Development. [Virtual Presentation]. Mississippi Migrant Education Services Center. Love, T. (2021, July) Serve and Return: How to Build Young Children’s Brains by Using Serve and Return Interactions. [Conference Session]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education

28 Social Science Research Center

Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project. Malama, F., Marinda, P., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M., Ragsdale, K., Kolbila, R., & Issac, A. (2022, April). Fish Consumption and Related Nutritional Status Among Women and Young Children in Zambia and Adjacent Countries: A FishFirst! Zambia Literature Review. [Poster Presentation.] 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS. Malama, F., Marinda, P., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M.R., & Ragsdale, K. (2021, August). Fish consumption in Zambia and other sub-Saharan African countries during the first 1000 days and its impact on nutritional status. [Poster presentation]. Fish Innovation Lab Annual Meeting. Malone, H. & Brenner, D. (2022, Feb). EPFP Fireside Chat: Devon Brenner. Leadership Fireside Chat Series. [Webinar] Education Policy Fellowship Program. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=kngrvWDxuXo Martin, H. (2021, July) Promoting Child Health & Development with Vroom and Mind in the Making. [Virtual Presentation]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project. Martin, H. (2021, September). Promoting Child Health and Development with Vroom and Mind in the Making. [Recorded Presentation]. Early Childhood 2021 Virtual Resource Fair presentation hosted by The

Graduate Center for the Study of Early Learning. Martin, H. (2022, March). Driving Child Health and Development Home with Vroom and Mind in the Making. [Presentation]. United Way of West Central Mississippi’s Early Educator Training Days, Vicksburg, MS. McClelland, E. & McMillen, R. (March 2022). Data for youth and adult tobacco use. [Training Presentation]. Mississippi Tobacco-Free Coalition (MTFC) FY2022 Third Quarter – Quarterly Training. McClelland, E. & McMillen, R. (March 2022). An Update from Mississippi Tobacco Data. [Presentation]. Mississippi Tobacco Control Advisory Council Meeting. McClelland, E. & McMillen, R. (2022). Shifting E-Cigarette Preference Among Undergraduates in Mississippi. Oral Presentation at the 2022 National Conference on Tobacco OR Health, New Orleans, LA. McMillen, R. (2021, August 17). What Every Parent & Student Should Know Vaping. [Presentation]. Starkville Oktibbeha Consolidated School District. McMillen, R. (2022, June 21). Tobacco and Nicotine Use in Mississippi. [Invited Speaker]. Second Annual Virtual Chronic Disease Symposium: Envisioning the Future Through Prevention, Innovation and Collaboration.

Presentations McMillen R, Valentine N, McClelland E. (2022). The Mississippi Experience, 1998 to 2022. Poster presented at the 2022 National Conference on Tobacco OR Health, New Orleans, LA. Mudege, N., Marinda, P., Ragsdale, K., & Read-Wahidi, M.R. (2021, July). FIL Learning Event: Africa/Asia Fisheries Meeting. [Virtual Invited Discussants]. Fish Innovation Lab. Permenter, P., Pratt, A., Glasgow, J., Puckett, B., & Brenner, D. (2022, March). Oh, the places you’ll go: Rural Education Roundtable. [Virtual Panel discussion]. PREPS Midwinter conference. Poole, C. (2021, July). Oh Behave! Helping Families Create a Behavior Support Toolbox. [Conference Session]. Mississippi Early Childhood Education Conference on behalf of the Child Health and Development: Mississippi Thrive! Project. Poole, C. (2021, September) Mississippi Thrive: Resources for Child Care Providers. [Presentation]. 2nd Annual Resource Fair for Early Childhood Professionals hosted by the Graduate Center for the Study of Early Learning. Poole, C. (2022, March). Child Health & Development Project: Mississippi Thrive! resource maps. [Presentation]. State Early Childhood Advisory Council. Pratt, A., Bigham, J., Silver, C.F., Brenner, D., Azano, A.P., & Schulte, A. (2021, November).

Small town education and the future of rural education: An interview with Drs. Devon Brenner, Ann Schulte and Amy Price Azano. The Rural Voice: National Rural Education Association Official Podcast. [podcast] https://podcasts.apple. com/tc/podcast/s02e09-smalltown-education-and-the-futureid 1497719729?i=1000540771638 Pylate, L., Seitz, H., Gardner, A., & Hernandez, O. (2021, October). Informing COVID-19 university prevention and response through parent and student assessment data. [Conference Session]. American Public Health Association 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo, Denver, CO. Ragsdale, K. (2022, April). Quick Guide to Giving Great Scientific Presentaiton. Fish Innovation Lab Student Network event. USAID Feed the Future Innovation Laby for Fish. [Webinar]. Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N., ReadWahidi, M.R., Muzungaire, L., Kolbila, R., Funduluka, P., & Muzungaile, T. (2022, June). FishFirst! Zambia: Nutrition for Healthy Women and Children. [Fish-focused nutrition training targeting mother-infant pairs, Department of Health officers, Department of Fisheries officers, community health workers, and entrepreneurs for the Districts of Gwembe, Siavonga, and Sinazongwe]. USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. Freshview Hotel, Siavonga, Zambia.

Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N., ReadWahidi, M.R., Muzungaire, L., Kolbila, R., Funduluka, P., & Muzungaile, T. (2022, June). FishFirst! Zambia: ComFA+ Cooking Demonstration I and Kapenta Nutrition Training. [Cooking demonstration/ nutrition training focused on using Kapenta in four dishes targeting mother-infant pairs, Department of Health officers, Department of Fisheries officers, community health workers, and entrepreneurs for the Districts of Gwembe, Siavonga, and Sinazongwe]. USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. Indaba Pub & Grill, Siavonga, Zambia. Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Mudege, N., Marinda, P., & Kolbila, R. (2022, June). FishFirst! Zambia: Research on Individual- and HouseholdLevel Food Insecurity among Vulnerable Communities at Lake Kariba. Accepted Panel Session. 150th American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Mudege, N., Marinda, P., & Kolbila, R. (2022, March). Focusing a Gender Lens on Household Food Security among Vulnerable Lake Kariba Fisher Families: Household Hunger Scale II Results. [Virtual Oral Presentation.] International Conference on Quality Control, Gender and Food Security, London, United Kingdom Ragsdale, K. (2022, April). Quick Guide to Giving Great Scientific Presentation. [Webinar]. Fish Innovation Lab Student Network

Annual Report 2022 29

Presentations Event. USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. https:// rhody.webex.com/rhody/ldr.

Platform; Wageningen University & Research. https://youtu.be/8HzFxYM320I

Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Marinda, P., Mudege, N., & Kolbila, R. (2021, October). Using Fish to Mitigate Malnutrition: Research to Test Innovative, Sustainable Approaches. [Roundtable Discussion.] 2021 Borlaug International Dialogue Side Event, World Food Prize Foundation. https://youtu.be/qwJ6bKD4pdQ .

Read-Wahidi, M.R. & Ragsdale, K. (2021, October). Using the GRADA to Assess Gender Responsive Agricultural Development Across IL Projects. Panel Session. Cultivating Equality Conference 2021: Advancing Gender Research in Agriculture and Food Systems. [Virtual Presentation]. CGIAR Gender Platform; Wageningen University & Research.

Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Marinda, P., Pincus, L., Torell, E. & Kolbila, R. (2021, September). Fish4Zambia: Focusing a Gender Lens on Household-level Hunger among Lake Bangweulu Fisher Families. [Virtual Presentation]. 2021 SSRC Brown Bag Speaker Series, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N., Marinda, P., & Read-Wahidi, M.R. (2021, August). Adapting the Household Hunger Scale to explore individual and household food security at Lake Kariba. [Virtual Presentation]. Fish Innovation Lab Annual Meeting. Ragsdale, K., Castellanos, P., Sumner, D., O’Brien, C., ReadWahidi, M.R., Garner, E., & Rhoads, J. (2021, October). Gender Across USAID’s Feed the Future Innovation Labs: Lessons and Approaches that Cultivate Gender-Transformative Agricultural Development. [Panel Session]. Cultivating Equality Conference 2021: Advancing Gender Research in Agriculture and Food Systems. CGIAR Gender

Robertson, A. A., & Gresham, K. (July 2021). Hope focused, Trauma Informed Youth Courts in Mississippi, Post-Training Survey Results. [Presentation]. Report to Mississippi Administrative Office of the Courts. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. Robertson, A. A., Dennis, M., Pankow, J., & Gardner, S. (2021, November). Recidivism Impact of Implementation Interventions to Improve Substance Use Service Delivery for Justice-involved Youth. [Presentation]. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL. Robertson, M., & McMillen, R. (2022). Impact of Graphic Design in Public Service Scholarship. [Poster Presentation]. 2022 National Conference on Tobacco OR Health, New Orleans, LA. Seitz, H., Gardner, A., & Pylate, L. (2021, November). Formative research to inform college health communication campaigns about COVID-19 prevention behaviors.

30 Social Science Research Center

[Interactive research presentation/ Poster Presentation]. National Communication Association 107th Annual Convention, Seattle, WA. Stouffer, C., Anreddy, S., Gardner, S. (2021, July 27). How to navigate and report Statewide Youth program information using the Tobacco Reporting and Progress System (TRAPS), data portal. [Training Session]. Office of Tobacco Control New Directors Training. Stouffer, C., Anreddy, S., Gardner, S. (2021, July 29). How to navigate and report Statewide Coalition program information using the Tobacco Reporting and Progress System (TRAPS), data portal. [Training Session]. Office of Tobacco Control New Directors Training. Stouffer, C., Anreddy, S., Gardner, S. (2022, June 22). How to navigate and report Statewide Youth program information using the Tobacco Reporting and Progress System (TRAPS), data portal. [Training Session]. Office of Tobacco Control New Directors Training. Stouffer C, Gardner S, Anreddy S. (2022). Mississippi’s Data Portal: TRAPS (Tobacco Reporting and Progress System). [Poster Presentation]. 2022 National Conference on Tobacco OR Health, New Orleans, LA. Swanson, D. & Cossman, R. E. (2021, July). The Effect of the Differential Privacy Disclosure Avoidance System Proposed by the Census Bureau on 2020 Census Products: Four Case

Presentations Studies of Census Blocks in Mississippi. [Conference Session]. Mississippi Academy of Sciences annual meeting, Biloxi, MS. Valentine N, McClelland E, & McMillen, R. (2022). Youth surveillance in a pandemic: Shifting from the school-based YTS to virtual focus groups. [Poster Presentation. 2022 National Conference on Tobacco OR Health, New Orleans, LA. Valentine, N. (2022, April). Youth Vaping in Mississippi: Findings from Virtual Focus Groups of Mississippi High School Students. [Virtual Presentation]. Mississippi Tobacco Control Network. Walker, B. H., & Brown, D. C. (2022, April). Black-White differences in the rural lifespan variation penalty. [Poster Presentation]. Population Association of America, Atlanta, GA.

Wamukota, A., Kamu, E., Iannotti, L., Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Oaks, B., Tolar-Peterson, T., Adegoye, G., & Pincus, L. (2021, October). Using Fish to Mitigate Malnutrition: Research to Test Innovative, Sustainable Approaches. [Virtual Roundtable Discussion Pre-Event.] 2021 Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue, World Food Prize Foundation. https://www.fishinnovationlab. msstate.edu/events/2021/09/ using-fish-mitigate-malnutritionresearch-test-innovativesustainable-approaches Wilson, K. J., Nguyen, T., & McKinney, C. (2022, May) Indirect effects of parent-child relationship quality on emotional and behavioral problems through empathy in emerging adult women and men. [Poster Presentation]. Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.

Wilson, K. J., Utley, J., & Sinclair, H.C. (2022, February). Horrible bosses and terrible colleagues: Applying the bystander intervention model to a taxonomy of coping with bullying in the workplace. [Poster Presentation]. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention in San Francisco, CA. Wilson, K. J., Suarez-Jimenez, N., Young, M., Gerhardt, C., McDonnell, G., Stiles-Shields, C., & Chaves, E. (2022, April) The development and implementation of a pediatric psychology mentoring program for underrepresented minoritized students. [Poster Presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

Annual Report 2022 31

Awards & Recognitions •

Dr. Cindy Bethel has been invited to serve on the Government Affairs Committee for the Computing Research Association (CRA). This group provides guidance on congressional legislation related to computing. Dr. Bethel also serves on CRA’s national board of directors. Read more at https://cra.org/ govaffairs.

Dr. Ronald E. Cossman is a guest editor for a special COVID-19 issue of the Journal of Rural Social Sciences.

Dr. Stacy Haynes, a research fellow, was promoted to professor in the MSU Department of Sociology.

Tockie V. Hemphill was appointed as Board Secretary with the Diabetes Coalition of Mississippi (DCM). Founded in 2016, the DCM promotes lifestyle, culture, and environment change so that Mississippians become healthier.

Ania Issac was awarded an Arts & Sciences Student First Undergraduate Excellence Opportunity (SFUEO) Award from Mississippi State University. The funds were used by Issac to conduct field-based research in Zambia in Summer 2022 for the FishFirst! Zambia project.

Robert Kolbila – an SSRC Graduate Research Assistant and PhD student of Sociology – has been awarded a Marion T. Loftin Award. This award will fund his field-based research in Zambia in Summer 2022 for the FishFirst! Zambia project under the direct supervision and mentorship of Drs. Kathleen Ragsdale and Mary Read-Wahidi.

Viswadeep Lebakula, an SSRC graduate research assistant, successfully defended his dissertation. Lebakula is a student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Dr. Kathleen Ragsdale was selected as an Invited Member of the PLoS One Editorial Board, for the area of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Dr. Kathleen Ragsdale served as a Judge at the 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium, which was held at Mississippi State University on April 13.

Emile Creel and Bethany Deuel were awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Starkville-MSU chapter of the Public Relations Association of Mississippi for the 2021 Annual Report.

Emile Creel and Bethany Deuel received an Award of Excellence at the Public Relations Association of Mississippi state conference for work on the SSRC’s 2021 Annual Report.

Sarah Dulaney was awarded first place in the Social Sciences Division of the MSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium. Sarah is a research assistant in the Message Laboratory under the direction of Dr. Holli Seitz.

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Sarah Dulaney competed in the undergraduate three-minute thesis competition during the Mississippi State University Undergraduate Research Symposium and was selected as Grand Champion. Dulaney is a research assistant in the Message Laboratory.

success of research that focuses on diseases that affect Mississippians. It is funded by an Institutional Development Award Program Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research grant through the National Institute of General Medicine Sciences.

Dr. Sheena Gardner was promoted to an assoicate research professor in the center this spring. Dr. Heather Hanna and Dr. Holli Seitz were accepted into the 2021-2022 class of participants in the Mississippi Center for Clinical and Translational Research’s (MCCTR) Mentoring Academy. The Mentoring Academy is designed to develop the mentoring skills and grant writing skills of early-career investigators, and those who want to mentor new investigators. The MCCTR is a multiinstitutional center designed to promote the

32 Social Science Research Center

Awards & Recognitions •

Dr. Kathleen Ragsdale and Dr. Mary ReadWahidi were nominated to receive the 2022 BIFAD Senior Research Team Award for Scientific Excellence in a Feed the Future Innovation Lab. The Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) is a national organization that serves as an advisory body to USAID. The Feed the Future Innovation Labs draw on the expertise of top U.S. universities and developing country research institutions to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges to strengthen the resiliency of food and agricultural systems and reduce poverty and undernutrition. The BIFAD Senior Research Team Award for Scientific Excellence is one way in which BIFAD recognizes the trailblazing work of dedicated Innovation Lab researchers. Dr. Ragsdale and Dr. Read-Wahidi were jointly nominated by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish, which is hosted at Mississippi State University, and the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Soybean Value Chain Research, which is hosted at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.

and gender-sensitive aquaculture and fisheries development, with a particular focus on subSaharan Africa. This opportunity was facilitated by Dr. Lora Iannotti (WUSTL), who visited the SSRC and Mississippi State University on February 9-11 and gave an invited seminar on fish and nutrition. Dr. Iannotti’s visit and seminar was co-hosted by the SSRC and the Global Center for Aquatic Health and Food Security, the Mississippi State University organization that hosts the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish (Fish Innovation Lab). •

Khirsten J. Wilson was awarded the Student Travel Award from the Association for Psychological Science to attend their annual conference in Chicago, Illinois (2022, May). This award is valued at $850 and includes complimentary registration and a $200 cash award granted directly to recipients to mitigate the cost of attending.

Dr. Kathleen Ragsdale and Dr. Mary ReadWahidi were named Masters of Public Health (MPH) Practicum Field Instructors within the Brown School of Public Health, Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL). This designation allows Dr. Ragsdale and Dr. ReadWahidi to guide MPH Practicum experiences related to health, food security, and nutrition-

Annual Report 2022 33

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