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曼哈顿⾳乐学院 2020-2021双年报告

B I E N N I A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 & F Y 21

董事会主席与院长致辞 Message from the Board Chair and President Dear Friends, 亲爱的朋友们: With the magic dust still settling on MSM’s 100th Anniversary, we 伴随着曼哈顿⾳乐学院100周年纪念庆典的落 began FY20 with optimism and hope for the next hundred years of 幕,我们满怀着对学院下⼀个百年的美好期待,开 our beloved School. We entered our second century with a campus 始迈⼊2020年度。当我们进⼊第⼆个世纪时,我们 that had been dramatically enhanced with the completion of the 的校园随着⼀项耗资1650万美元的”百年纪念项 Centennial Project, a $16.5-million initiative of major campus ⽬”的圆满完成,⽽得到了极⼤的改善。该项⽬的核 improvements. The project's centerpiece was the transformation ⼼是将我们的主表演舞台Neidorff-Karpati ⾳乐厅改 of Neidorff-Karpati Hall, our mainstage performance venue, into 造成为更加先进的演出场所。⼊学率⼤幅增加,更 a state-of-the-art showplace. Enrollment was robust, and a full 多优秀的学⽣,杰出的教授,备受赞誉的嘉宾以及 calendar of performances and master classes showcasing MSM’s ⼤师班等都在顺利进⾏。 exceptional student musicians, distinguished faculty, and acclaimed guest and master class artists was well underway.

但是疫情的突然到来,不仅影响了学院与整个纽 Then the unthinkable happened. Not only to us at MSM, not only to 约市,甚⾄影响了整个世界。这迫使学院的学⽣、 New York City, but to the entire world. The COVID-19 pandemic forced 教师及员⼯必须寻找到新的⽅法来适应。于是我们 the School’s students, faculty, and staff to find extraordinary new 建⽴了线上与线下的混合学习模式,寻找新的在线 ways to adapt. And adapt we did, establishing a hybrid learning model 教学及分享⾳乐的⽅法;线下时保持戴⼜罩,保持 and finding fresh ways to teach and to share music online — all while 社交距离六英尺和居家远程⼯作。 wearing masks, standing six feet apart, and working from home.

尽管许多事情发⽣了变化,但是我们为学⽣提供 As many things changed, our commitment to providing our students with a music education of the highest quality never wavered. And 最⾼质量⾳乐教育的承诺却从未动摇过。学院致⼒ we continued to respond to the pressing issues of our time, with a 于多样性,并在2019年开启的⽂化包容倡议,我们 commitment to diversity and to the Cultural Inclusion Initiative we 对时下出现的问题作出及时有效的反应。在2020-21 began in 2019. In the 2020–21 performance season, we launched 演出季,我们推出了 “艺术家学者”和 “⾮裔创作者 Artist Scholar and Black Creators initiatives, programming inclusive ”项⽬,围绕艺术家和社会变⾰的主题,编排包容性 content and sponsoring events themed around the artist and social 的内容及赞助活动。2021年,我们启动了⼀项重要 change. In 2021, we launched an important new endeavor, the 的新⼯作——全球⾳乐学院,⼀个全新的的数字学习 Global Conservatoire, an ambitious digital learning environment. 环境。我们还继续进⾏着必要的资源改善,包括新 We also continued to make much-needed capital improvements, 的Linda Bell Mercuro and Tobias G. Mercuro 学⽣联合 including the new Linda Bell Mercuro and Tobias G. Mercuro Student 会以及Neidorff-Karpati⾳乐厅观众休息厅的翻新。 Union and the renovation of the Neidorff-Karpati Hall Lounge.

During在这个极富挑战性的时代,MSM上升到⼀个新的 these supremely challenging times, MSM has truly risen to new heights, creatively deploying our expertise to provide a deep ⾼度,运⽤我们创造性的专业知识,提供了⼀个深度 learning environment in which our students can flourish musically 学习的环境,使我们的学⽣能够在⾳乐和个⼈⽅⾯蓬 and as individuals. We are proud of what has been accomplished 勃发展。我们为过去两年所取得的成就感到⾃豪,其 中最重要的是适应复杂和不断变化的全球健康危机, over the past two fiscal years, not least of which was adjusting to a 还依然保持我们校园内社区的安全。与此同时,MSM complex and ever-evolving global health crisis, while keeping our on为在纽约和世界其他地区的学⽣提供了⼀整套既可以 campus community safe. At the same time MSM offered a full array 在⽹上学习,也可以安全地线下学习课程的系统。让 of courses to our students here in NYC and in far-flung places around 优美的⾳乐永不停歇! the world, online as well as safely in person. We kept the music playing… abundantly! This continues to be a historic moment, and MSM will use all 我们会延续这个历史性的时刻,将运⽤所学到的 that it has learned to inform our future efforts and enhance the ⼀切来指导我们未来的⼯作,并提⾼我们极具天赋学 educational experience of our immensely talented students. As laid ⽣们的教育体验。正如报告所述,过去两个财政年度 out in this report, the successes of the past two fiscal years have 的成功,是基于整个MSM社区的韧性和创造性所产⽣ been the result of thoughtful, responsible, and flexible decision的深思熟虑、忠于职守与灵活决策的结果。我们把这 份报告献给MSM的学⽣,因为他们顺应逆境,并依然 making, founded on the resilience and creativity of the entire MSM 奋发图强;献给我们的教职员⼯,他们在⾯临全球疫 Community. And so we dedicate this report to MSM’s students, 情的挑战时不懈努⼒,带来了⼤胆的新尝试;也献给 who adapted and thrived when faced with adversity; to our faculty 我们的受托⼈和其他慷慨的赞助者,他们在这⼀充满 and staff, who worked tirelessly to bring about bold new endeavors 挑战的时期⽀持MSM。MSM社区⾃始⾄终都被爱和⾳ when challenged by a global pandemic; and to our trustees and 乐的⼒量引导并激励着。 other generous donors, who supported MSM during this challenging period. Throughout, as ever, the MSM Community has been guided and inspired by the love and power of music. Sincerely, 真诚地,

Lorraine Gallard 主席 Chair

James Gandre 院长 President

⽬ 录 Contents 改善我们的校园 Improving Our Campus


战略计划(2019-24) Strategic Plan (2019–24)


百年纪念册 Centennial Book


⽂化包容倡议 Cultural Inclusion Initiative


新冠肺炎 COVID-19


学院亮点 College Highlights

10 10

远程学习 Distance Learning

14 14

全球⾳乐学院 The Global Conser vatoire

15 15

Community Partnerships 社区合作伙伴

16 16

Student Engagement 学⽣的互动

17 17

Commencement 2020年和2021年毕业典礼

18 18

Precollege Highlights ⼤学预科亮点

20 20

校友亮点 Alumni Highlights

22 22

资⾦募捐亮点 Fundraising Highlights

24 24

捐助者亮点:悼念 Donor Spotlight: In Memorium

26 26

财务报告 Financial Report

28 28

曼哈顿⾳乐学院捐助者 Manhattan School of Music Donors

31 31

曼哈顿⾳乐学院领导层 Manhattan School of Music Leadership

35 35

Improving Our Campus 改善我们的校园 Neidorff-Karpati Hall Neidorff-Karpati⾳乐厅 Lounge Renovation 观众休息厅的翻新 A crowning achievement of the School’s Centennial celebrations was the renovation of our main performance 学院百年庆典中最⼤的成就之⼀,是Neidorff-Karpati⾳乐厅的翻新。这得益于我们的校友 space, Neidorff-Karpati Hall, which reopened in November 2018, thanks primarily to the generosity and vision of Noémi K. Neidorff(⾳乐学⼠ '72, 荣誉博⼠ '17)和她的先⽣Michael Neidorff(荣誉博 alumna Noémi K. Neidorff (BM '70, ’70, ⾳乐硕⼠ MM ’72, HonDMA ’17) and her husband, Michael Neidorff (HonDMA ’17). In February 2020, after a six-month, $1.3-million renovation, another architectural jewel at MSM was restored: ⼠ ’17)的慷慨解囊与愿景,才使得这座⾳乐厅于2018年11⽉重新对外开放。另⼀被视为建筑翻新 the Hall’s Art Deco lounge. After falling into disrepair following serious flooding in the early 2000s, the lounge, 璀璨明珠的,是将曾在21世纪初遭受严重⽔灾,年久失修,关闭了近20年的,包括卫⽣间等设施 including restroom facilities, had been closed for nearly two decades. 的观众休息室。⾃2020年2⽉起,经过6个⽉、耗资130万美元,打造成全新的⾳乐厅“装饰艺术”休

息室。 The original lounge was built in 1931 along with the performance space above that would come to be known as Neidorff-Karpati Hall.

Both spaces were designed by Arthur Harmon of Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon, the architectural firm responsible for New York’s iconic Empire State Building. 最初的休息室连同主舞台的演出场地建于1931年,后被称为Neidorff-Karpati音乐厅。这两个空 The goal of the renovation was to keep the spirit and historic details of the original lounge intact while modernizing the space. Amanda Rienth, 间都是由Shreve&Lamb&Harmon建筑公司的Arthur Harmon设计,该建筑公司也是负责纽约标志 interior designer with the firm Steinberg Hart, said: “We really elevated the look and feel by installing beautiful glass mosaics and faceted 性建筑帝国大厦的。

high mirrors, similar to what you may find in high-end music halls such as Radio City Music Hall.” New Art Deco-inspired details included checkerboard wall covering, a walnut sideboard, and a custom-made center banquette. Great care was taken to restore the brass detailing to its 改造目标是保持原有休息室的精髓与历史细节,同时对空间进行现代化改造。Steinberg original state and to repair the vintage “bubbler” drinking fountain. Equally important to the renovation was the infrastructure layer behindHart the aesthetics and the repair of very serious plumbing issues. Eco-friendly materials were chosen, including energy-efficient LED lighting, faucets 公司的室内设计师Amanda Rienth说:“我们通过安装美丽的玻璃马赛克和刻面高镜,寻找到像 with low flow to conserve water, wall coverings made of a durable, bio-based material, and new carpeting made with recycled products.

Radio City这类高端音乐厅才可看到的外观和视觉感受。”新的装饰艺术风格的细节包括棋盘式墙 “People come to the hall to experience inspiring performances on stage at our beloved School,” say the Neidorffs, “and we wanted to ensure 面、胡桃木边柜和一个定制的中央长椅。我们非常小心地将黄铜细节恢复到原来的状态,并修复 that the overall audience experience included the beautiful historic space downstairs as well.” 了复古的喷水式饮水台。装修中同样重要的是美学背后的基础设施层,以及修复了严重的管道问 题。我们选择了生态环保材料,包括节能LED照明装置、可节约用水低流量的水龙头、由耐用的 4 生物基材料制成的墙面覆盖物,以及用可回收产品制成的新地毯。


新的学⽣联合会 A New Student Union Plans were announced in 2020 for two newly designed campus spaces that would profoundly enhance 2020年宣布了两个新设计的校园空间的计划,这将进⼀步提⾼MSM的学⽣⽣活体验:Linda student life at MSM: the Linda Bell Mercuro and Tobias G. Mercuro Student Union, and its centerpiece, the Bell Mercuro和Tobias G. Mercuro学⽣会以及核⼼部分——2000平⽅英尺的Baisley Powell Elebash学 2,000-square-foot Baisley Powell Elebash Student Lounge.


The beautifully designed space, which began construction in May 2021 and opened in October of the same year, includes the Student 这个设计精美的空间于2021年5⽉开始施⼯,并于同年10⽉开放,包括学⽣休息室、校园商店、扩⼤和重新设计的 Lounge, a campus store, expanded and redesigned offices for the Student Engagement division, and cafeteria.


Trustee Linda Bell Mercuro and her husband, Toby Mercuro, who both tragically succumbed to COVID-19 in 2021 (see In Memoriam section, 信托⼈Linda Bell Mercuro和她的先⽣,Toby Mercuro,and 在2021年不幸罹患新冠病毒(见第26页纪念部分),但他们 page 26), had generously pledged $1 million for the MSM endowment to name this wonderful new campus space, with additional funds 慷慨地认捐了100万美元,并与学院的长期⽀持者Baisley Powell Elebash基⾦会共同捐赠,并命名我们美好校园的新空 from The Baisley Powell Elebash Fund, a longtime supporter of the School.


The much-needed new lounge is a place where students can interact and relax between demanding classes, practice sessions, and rehearsals, or at the end of a long day. It is a new center of gravity for student life that also serves as a gathering place for various student organizations. 新休息室是学⽣在繁重的课程、练习、排练间歇,或漫长⼀天结束时交流放松的地⽅。它是学⽣⽣活的⼀个新的重 This multipurpose lounge features comfortable and movable furniture to support a variety of social, educational, and service activities. ⼼,也是各种学⽣组织的聚会场所。这个多⽤途的休息室具有舒适和可移动的家具,以⽤来⽀持各种社会、教育和服



战略计划(2019-24) Strategic Plan (2019–24) 2019年推出的曼哈顿⾳乐学院五年战略计划有四个中⼼⽬标,承载着作为⼀个领先的独⽴⾳乐学院 MSM’s strategic five-year plan, launched in 2019, has four central goals that support our vision and mission as a 的愿景和使命。

leading independent music conservatory: 确保艺术和学术的卓越性 To ensure artistic and academic excellence

Create time and space for academic and artistic curiosity; develop

为学术和艺术的新奇追求,创造时间和空间;发展和 and recruit faculty to support our students; and design and 聘请教师以⽀持学⽣;设定加强⽅法以提⾼学⽣的训 strengthen pathways to enhance students’ training and experience. 练和经验。 To optimize our human, financial, and physical resources to improve students’ experience 优化⼈⼒、财⼒和物⼒资源,改善学⽣的体验

Optimize MSM’s resources to enhance efficiency and increase the academic and performance opportunities available to students; 优化MSM的资源,提⾼效率,并增加学⽣的学术与表 develop and invest in our faculty and staff to improve the quality of 演机会;发展和⽀持我们的教职员⼯,提⾼MSM的教 the education and services MSM offers; and ensure that our costs by 育和服务质量;确保各职能部门的成本与给予学⽣、 function are aligned to the opportunities and responsibilities of our 教职员⼯的待遇和其职责相⼀致。 students, faculty, and staff.

百年纪念册 Centennial Book

Manhattan School of Music: Celebrating 100 years

An award-winning commemorative book, Manhattan School of Music: Celebrating ⼀本屡获殊荣的纪念册,《曼哈顿 100 Years (1918–2018), was published as ⾳乐学院:百年校庆(1918-2018)》, the capstone to the School’s Centennial 在学校百年庆典期间正式出版。在项⽬ celebrations. A talented in-house team, 经理兼⾸席作家John K. Blanchard(⾳乐 spearheaded by project manager and 硕⼠ ’89)带领的精英团队下,联⼿MSM principal author John K. Blanchard (MM ’89), MSM’s Institutional Historian and Director 学院历史学家和档案总监,编写了这本 of Archives, prepared the deluxe 304-page 304页的华丽书籍,以此来回顾学院的百 book celebrating the School’s history. 年历程。教育促进和⽀持委员会 Calling the book"令⼈惊叹",并授予了 “stunning,” the Council for (CASE)赞誉其 Advancement and Support of Education 2020年卓越圈 “⾦奖”。CASE的评审团写 (CASE) awarded it a 2020 Circle of Excellence 道:“这是⼀本关于纽约重要的⽂化学院 “Grand Gold” Award. The CASE judging 精美的纪念作品。任何⼀所⾼等教育学 panel wrote, “This is a beautiful, well-written 院都会为展⽰出这样⼀本精良的,记录 commemorative piece of an important New 着学校历史与成就的书册⽽感到骄傲。” York City cultural institution. Bravo. Any higher-ed institution would be thrilled to show off such a book to showcase school history and accomplishments.” Decade by decade, year by year, the story of the school

年复⼀年,690多张历史照⽚和扫描的⽂件 is illuminated with more than 690 historical photos 使学院的故事⼤放异彩。记载了从⼀个普通的社 and scanned documents, chronicling the growth of the 区⾳乐学校,到成长为世界上最著名的⾳乐学院 institution from a modest community music program 之⼀,同时介绍了校园建筑的历史演变。200多 in a settlement house to one of the world’s finest 份来⾃校友的感⾔及个⼈经历的分享,⾜以见证 conservatories, and including an architectural history 学院在当代的实⼒与影响⼒。 of the campus. More than 200 statements from alumni sharing their personal experiences and giving testimony to the School’s influence are featured, as is an overview of the state of the current institution. 6

提⾼长期财政福利 To enhance our long-term fiscal well-being Grow earned revenue from partnerships, strategic alliances, and 从伙伴关系、战略联盟和其他机会中增长收益,包括学 other opportunities, including degree and non-degree offerings; 位和⾮学位课程;加强与校友、家长、艺术家、观众以 strengthen connections to alumni, parents, artists, audiences, and 及各机构⽀持者和捐助者的联系;以及执⾏减少和减轻 the many other friends and benefactors of the institution; and source 成本的措施。 and execute initiatives that reduce and mitigate costs.

提⾼知名度和认可度 To increase our visibility and recognition Leverage the communications potential of the wider MSM

加强利⽤⼴泛的MSM社区,包括校友、在校学⽣、教师 Community, including alumni, current students, faculty, and staff; 和⼯作⼈员等的传播潜⼒;确保MSM在媒体上呈现出强 ensure a powerful integrated vision for MSM communications ⼤的综合愿景;并扩⼤场外表演和展⽰的机会。 across all media; and expand off-site performance and presentation opportunities.

1918 曼哈顿⾳乐学院 百年校庆 Celebrating 100 years


⽂化包容倡议 Cultural Inclusion Initiative MSM’s Cultural Inclusion Initiative, launched in 作为战略计划的⼀部分,MSM的⽂化 2019 as part of the strategic plan, was designed 包容倡议于2019年启动,其宗旨在于促进 to foster diversity, equity, and inclusive practices. ⽂化的多样性、平等性和包容性。作为⼀ An institution-wide program, it includes an audit 个学员拓展的项⽬,它包括对当前措施的 of current practices, identification of areas where 审视,确定需要额外关注的领域并实现⾰ additional attention is needed to achieve change, 新,以及由专家学者定期开展论坛。在第 and regular forums for discussions led by expert ⼀年中,该倡议为学⽣、教职员⼯提供了 consultants. In its first year, the Initiative offered 13个培训机会。 13 training opportunities for students, faculty, and staff. Through MSM’s new Black Creators Initiative, all 通过MSM新的⾮裔创作者倡议,2021年 performances at the School in FY21 included a Black artist or 中,学院所有的演出都邀请⼀位⾮裔艺术家或 an artist from the African diaspora, resulting in programming ⾮洲侨民艺术家,展⽰了60多位作曲家和其他 that presented the work and vision of over 60 composers 创作者的作品和观点,包括2021年普利策奖得 and other creators, including 2021 Pulitzer Prize winner 主Tania León, Adolphus Hailstork(⾳乐学⼠ '63, Tania León, Adolphus Hailstork (BM ’63, MM ’65, HonDMA ⾳乐硕⼠ '65, 荣誉博⼠ '19)、Florence Price、 ’19), Price, Roy Hargrove, William Grant Still,Julia and RoyFlorence Hargrove、 William Grant Still、and Julia Perry. (A database of related resources was shared Perry 。(相关资源的数据库在学院Peter Jay publicly online through the School’s Peter Jay Sharp Library.) Sharp图书馆官⽹上公开分享)。此外,MSM Additionally, MSM commissioned and developed new works 委约讲述⾮裔故事的⾳乐剧,包括Jacinth that told Black stories, including Iron John: An American Ghost Greywoode和Rebecca Hart创作的《Iron John: Story by Jacinth Greywoode and Rebecca Hart and Le Comte An American Ghost Story》和Burwell & Sasser创 Noir by the writing team Burwell & Sasser.

作团队出品的《Le Comte Noir》。

In 2020–21, the Initiative expanded to include a new program to highlight artists, administrators, and other creators and bring them to the School. Our inaugural Artist Scholar program 在2020⾄2021年间,该倡议中的⼀个新的 included such luminaries as composer Anthony Davis 计划,是将杰出艺术家、⾏政⼈员和其他创作 (HonDMA ’21), Oprah Book Club author Tayari Jones, and NEA 者邀请⾄学院。⾸届杰出艺术家学者计划邀请 Jazz Master Terri Lyne Carrington (HonDMA ’20). Through the 了包括作曲家Anthony Davis(荣誉博⼠ '21)、 program, Artist Scholars contributed panel discussions, special Oprah图书俱乐部作家Tayari Jones和NEA爵⼠ performances, and master classes to the MSM Community.

乐⼤师Terri Lyne Carrington荣誉博⼠ '20)等知 名⼈⼠。通过该计划,艺术家学者们为MSM社 区提供了研讨会、演出和⼤师班等。

Promotional slides for Cultural Inclusion Initiative events (above). ⽂化包容计划活动的宣传幻灯⽚(上图)。 MSM Faculty member, composer, conductor, and arts educator Damien MSM教师、作曲家、指挥家和艺术教育家Damien Sneed (’06)(右) Sneed (’06) (right), presented an online discussion entitled, Completing 发表了题⽬为《完成我们的教育: 美国⾳乐历史上的2021年2⽉25 our Education: American Music History on February 25, 2021, as part of ⽇》的在线论坛,作为新的⾮裔创造者倡议的⼀部分。 the new Black Creators Initiative.


COVID–19 新冠肺炎

When the pandemic hit New York City in March 2020 and MSM’s campus was required to close, the School 2020年3⽉,当新冠肺炎病毒袭击纽约时,MSM的校园也随之被要求关闭。学院⽴即转向 quickly pivoted to online learning and the students completed the spring semester remotely. An internal Restart 在线教学,使学⽣们可以顺利通过远程学习完成春季学期。内部重启⼯作组为秋季学期制定了 Task Force created a detailed reopening plan for the fall semester, and the campus reopened on September 9, 2020, with a blended instructional model of in-person and remote instruction. With about 90% of all classes 详细的重新开放计划。校园于2020年9⽉9⽇重新开放,采⽤线下和远程授课的混合教学模式。 online, MSM students had an opportunity to choose one of four tracks featuring staggered arrival times and ⼤约90%的课程都在⽹上进⾏,学⽣可以从四种选项中挑选⼀个适合⾃⼰的,其特点是错开到校 varying degrees of on-site and online learning. The previous semester’s robust schedule of live performances 时间,不同程度的线下和⽹上学习。上⼀学期的现场演出计划转移成线上,也创造了令⼈振奋 shifted entirely online and exciting innovations were the result. 的效果。 The Restart Task Force worked with faculty and staff and gathered input from local and state agencies, as well as conservatory 重启⼯作组与教职员⼯合作,从地⽅和州政府机构、以及美国和其他国家的⾳乐学院收集意见, counterparts in the U.S. and beyond, allowing the School to create engaging experiences for students while ensuring the health and 使学院能够为学⽣创造有吸引⼒的体验,同时确保整个MSM社区的健康和安全。学⽣们有机会与 safety of the entire MSM Community. Students had opportunities to present virtual performances working with MSM’s Orto Center and MSM的Orto中⼼和外部制作公司合作,帮助其创建拍摄的演⽰⽂稿,来进⾏虚拟表演。启动了新的虚 with outside production companies who helped create filmed presentations. New series of virtual content were initiated, such as the 拟内容系列,如 Bridging the Distance(跨越距离)系列,邀请MSM社团提交⾃⼰的虚拟表演,然后在 Bridging the Distance series, which invited the MSM Community to submit their own vitual performances which were then highlighted on ⽹站上着重展⽰。还有MSM视⾓⼩组系列,其中就社会变⾰、当今艺术家就业,以及家庭录⾳的实⽤ the website, and the MSM Perspectives panel series, where thoughtful discussions were held on a range of topics, such as social change, 技巧等⼀系列主题,进⾏了深刻的讨论。 employment for today’s artists, and practical tips for home recording.


A total of 36 classrooms on campus were converted into “Zoom Rooms,” and four zero-latency teaching studios were created with high校园内共有36间教室被改造成 “ZOOM教室”,并创建了四间具有⾼质量⾳频和视频性能,零延迟的教学⼯作 quality audio and video capability for real-time voice lessons. MSM consulted with a mechanical engineer who evaluated all of the various 室,可⽤于实时语⾳课程。MSM聘请了空⽓调节系统⼯程师,对校园内的空调设施进⾏评估,提出符合⾏业规范的 HVAC setups on campus, providing recommendations that aligned with industry guidance to reduce the risk of airborne exposure. We 建议,以降低空⽓传播的风险。为改善新鲜空⽓的流动与过滤功能,我们安装了机械设备和150个空⽓过滤装置。 implemented mechanical equipment and 150 air filter units to improve fresh airflow and filtration.

由于制定了安全规定和卫⽣措施,MSM校园在整个2020-2021学年都保持开放,并没有出现疾病在社区传播的情 Thanks to extensive safety protocols and health measures, the MSM campus remained open throughout the 2020–21 academic year with no community spread of the disease. These included an on-site COVID testing center, which administered more than 5,000 tests; weekly 况。现场的COVID测试中⼼,进⾏了5000多次测试;每周对校园内的学⽣、教职员⼯进⾏随机测试;以及保持社交 random testing of the student body, faculty, and staff on campus; and community-wide protocols of physical distancing and restrictions 距离和禁⽌⾯对⾯会议和集会。 on in-person meetings and gatherings.

疫情的威胁仍然具有不确定性,MSM正⾯临着前所未有的挑战。虽然学校成功地过渡到远程教学,也达到了⾼ MSM faced unprecedented challenges as the threat of the pandemic continued to remain uncertain. While the school made a successful 于预期的⼊学率,但⼤学预科项⽬⼊学率却下降了。由于相当多的学⽣选择远程上课,学院Andersen宿舍的⼊住率 transition to remote learning, experiencing higher than expected enrollment for the College; enrollment declined in our Precollege 从往年的90⾄95%,下降到60%。学院对此实施了⼀些有效的成本控制措施。 program. The occupancy rate of MSM’s dormitory, Andersen Hall – 90 to 95% in a typical year – was occupied at 60% capacity, as a significant number of students chose the remote performance track. The School also implemented a number of successful cost-

由于营业收⼊的下降,2021财政年度,学院多年来第⼀次出现了,包括折旧与摊销在内的营业⾚字。尽管出现 containment measures. 了⾚字,但截⾄2020年6⽉30⽇,净资产从6950万美元增长⾄2021年6⽉30⽇的7810万美元。净资产增加主要依靠于 Reflecting the decline in operating revenue, for fiscal 2021, the first time in many years, MSM has an operating deficit inclusive of 捐赠基⾦的涨幅。我们会继续实施长期计划,以增加捐赠基⾦,增加捐款收⼊,并建⽴多样性的招⽣模式,使学院 depreciation and amortization. Despite, the operating deficit, net assets grew from $69.5 million to $78.1 million as of June 30, 2020 to 依然保持良好的运营。 June 30, 2021. The net assets increase is primarily a result of the growth in the endowment. The overall state of the School is strong as we continue to implement long-range plans to grow the endowment, increase contributed income, and build and diversify enrollment.


学院亮点 College Highlights The cultural enrichment of the larger community is central to Manhattan School of Music’s mission, and 作为纽约及世界⾳乐最活跃的资源之⼀,丰富⼴⼤社区的⽂化是曼哈顿⾳乐学院的核⼼使 the School is a vibrant resource for New York City and the world. Whether in-person or online, hundreds of performances and master classes are brought to thrilling life by our students, faculty, and guest artists. 命。⽆论是现场表演还是线上,我们的学⽣、教师和客座艺术家被数百场演出和⼤师班,激发出 With many events livestreamed to global audiences, MSM reached 107 countries in FY21. 振奋⼈⼼的⽣命⼒。在2021年中,随着向全球观众进⾏现场直播的⽅式更为⼴泛,MSM的活动延


Vocal Arts 声乐艺术

MSM Opera Theatre’s 2019–20 season included the mainstage production of a long-forgotten gem of the MSM歌剧院在2019-2020演出季中,在Neidorff-Karpati⾳乐厅上演了包括: opera buffa repertoire, I创作的《I due Figaro bydue Saverio Mercadante (December 12–15, 2019), a sequel to the Saverio Mercadante Figaro》(2019年12⽉12⽇⾄15⽇)。这是罗西 plots of Rossini’s Il barbiere di Siviglia and Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro. The nozze Opera Repertoire Ensemble 尼的⼆幕歌剧《Il barbiere di Siviglia》和莫扎特的歌剧《Le di Figaro》剧情的 presented two performances of Verdi’s La Traviata, a perennial favorite, in early February 2021. MSM 续写,是⼀部被遗忘已久的歌剧精品。2021年2⽉初,歌剧剧团推出了两场⾼⼈⽓ Opera Theatre presented a program of scenes, entitled “Connection/Separation,” February, followed 的威尔第歌剧《茶花⼥》。同年2⽉,推出了⼀个名为 "连接/分离in“的情景节⽬。3 by the Senior Opera Theatre in March presenting a celebration of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, on what ⽉,MSM的Senior歌剧院推出了庆祝Ruth Bader Ginsburg⼤法官88岁⽣⽇的活动, would have been her 88th birthday, to honor her love of opera. Then in April, the Junior Opera Theatre 以此来向她对歌剧的热爱表⽰敬意。随后的4⽉,MSM的Junior歌剧院推出了⼀场 为赞颂诗⼈Langston Hughes的独特直播节⽬,由Catherine Malfitano教授(⾳乐学 presented a unique, livestreamed sung tribute to poet Langston Hughes, conceptualized by faculty ⼠ ’71)构思,题为 “Let America Be America Again”。4⽉下旬,MSM歌剧院以 member Catherine Malfitano (BM ’71), entitled “Let America Be America Again.” Later that month, “The Family Dynamic — Untangling theDynamic Ties That Bind” 为主题, 推出Cendrillon, MSM Opera Theatre was heard in “The Family — Untangling the Ties That Bind,” with scenes Idomeneo, Lucia di Lammermoor, Serse, Arabella, Carmen, A Quiet Place, Candide, from Cendrillon, Idomeneo, Lucia di Lammermoor, Serse, Arabella, Carmen, A Quiet Place, Candide,和 and William Grant Still的Highway 1, USA等剧⽬的⽚段。 William Grant Still’s Highway 1, USA.


“Being part of MSM Opera Theatre is like 成为MSM歌剧院的⼀ 员就像融⼊⼀个家庭。 being with a family. It 虽然有很多⼯作,但却 is super inclusive, and a 满含着强烈的包容性。 lot of work. We have the 有最好的教师来指导, best faculty to coach us 让我们的⾳乐变得更加 and to direct us to make ⽣动。 — Daniel (⾳乐硕⼠ the musicChoi come alive.” '21) 上图(中间)在《费加罗》中

­ Daniel Choi (MM ’21) — Above (center) in I due Figaro

Jazz Arts 爵⼠艺术

The MSM Jazz Orchestra presented tributes in October 2019 to two profoundly respected figures in jazz, Art Blakey and Louis Armstrong, featuring artists who carry on the legacies of these musical 2019年10⽉,MSM爵⼠乐团向爵⼠乐界两位德⾼望重的艺术家Art Blakey和 geniuses. The concert’s second half, “The Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong™ All Stars,” was Louis Armstrong致敬,同时特邀了得到⼤师们传承的著名⾳乐家们,共同演绎了⼀ presented as part of the Louis Armstrong Continuum, in collaboration with the Columbia University 场精彩绝伦的演出。⾳乐会的下半场 “多么美好的世界”— 阿姆斯特朗全明星阵 Center for Jazz Studies and the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation. The following November 容,是作为Louis Armstrong Continuum(阿姆斯特朗传承)的⼀部分,与哥伦⽐亚 and December saw the celebration of the life and music of the late groundbreaking South African ⼤学爵⼠乐研究中⼼和阿姆斯特朗教育基⾦会联合呈现。接下来的11⽉和12⽉,在 trumpeter and composer Hugh Masekela, who studied at MSM in the early 1960s, given at the 学校的Neidorff-Karpati⾳乐厅和林肯中⼼的Dizzy’s俱乐部举⾏了,纪念60年代初曾 School’s Neidorff-Karpati Hall and at Dizzy’s Club at Jazz at Lincoln Center. The Spring 2020 calendar 在MSM学习的,已故南⾮⼩号演奏家、作曲家Hugh Masekela的⾳乐与⽣活⾳乐 included performances of new Big Band works (above) written by student composers. The Spring 会。2020年春季的⽇程表包括作曲专业学⽣创作的⼤乐队作品(上图)的表演。 2021 ComboFest scheduled five days of performances by student jazz ensembles led by members of 2021年春季,爵⼠⾳乐教授们包括Buster Williams、Dayna Stephens、Theo the MSM Jazz Arts faculty, including Buster Williams, Dayna Stephens,’83)等⼈,带领学⽣爵 Theo Bleckmann (’90), and Bleckmann('90)和Ted Rosenthal(⾳乐学⼠ '81, ⾳乐硕⼠ Ted Rosenthal (BM ’81, MM ’83), among others. On April 16, students presented the music of faculty ⼠乐团在MSM春季Combo⾳乐节进⾏了五天的演出。4⽉16⽇,学⽣们演出了我院 member and MacArthur “Genius” Grant Fellow Miguel Zenón ’01). 教授和MacArthur "天才 "奖学⾦获得者Miguel Zenón(MM (⾳乐硕⼠ '01)创作的⾳乐。

“It was without a doubt a very challenging time “毫⽆疑问,伴随着这 to be in school, with 么多的障碍和限制,上学 so many hurdles and 这件事正处在⼀个⾮常有 restrictions, yet I was 挑战性的时期。然⽽,学 constantly encouraged by ⽣们给我们的项⽬带来的 the indomitable joy and 百折不饶的快乐和振奋⼈ uplifting energy that the ⼼的能量,不断地在⿎励 着我。” students brought to our program.” — Ingrid Jensen —Ingrid Jensen, 爵⼠艺术代理院长 Interim Dean, Jazz Arts

Contemporary 当代表演 Performance

The School’s Contemporary 学院的当代表演项⽬ Performance Program hosted an 与伊朗⼥作曲家协会的成 online event on September 14, 员Niloufar Nourbakhsh和 2020, with Niloufar Nourbakhsh Bahar Royaee,在2020年9 and Bahar Royaee, members of ⽉14⽇举办了⼀场线上活 the Iranian Female Composers 动。12⽉,当代表演项⽬ Association. The Program’s 的常驻乐团Tactus,创造了 resident ensemble, Tactus, created MSM的第⼀个现场声⾳/艺 MSM’s first on-site Sound/Art 术装置,并展出了⼀个星 installation, which was on display 期。名为"Tactus for a week in December.Tetris”的 Entitled 项⽬从流⾏的视频游戏中 “Tactus Tetris,” the project took 汲取灵感,探索"当我们努 inspiration from the popular ⼒融⼊更⼤的整体时的个 video game, exploring the idea of 性"的概念。 “individuality as we work to fit into a larger whole.” May 6, 2021 Tactus performance (left) 2021年5⽉6⽇,Tactus表演(左), featuring Teagan Faran, violin and ⼩提琴Teagan Faran和⼤提琴Jordan Jordan Bartow, cello. Bartow表演。 11

⾳乐剧 Musical Theatre MSM Musical Theatre presented the darkly comic Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber 2019年11⽉,MSM⾳乐剧剧团在Neidorff-Karpati⾳乐厅演出了三场 of Fleet Street (Sondheim/Wheeler) for three performances November 2019 on the Sweeney Todd的⿊暗喜剧《The Demon Barber of FleetinStreet (Sondheim/ stage of Neidorff-Karpati Hall. After shifting to online live and recorded film projects, the Wheeler) 》(斯威尼-托德:舰队街的恶魔理发师)。在转向线上直播和 ensemble premiered Le Comte Noir (above left) byComte composer Charles Vincent Burwell, 录制电影项⽬后,剧团⾸演了委约作品《Le Noir》(⿊⾊伯爵) with book and lyrics by James D. Burwell担任作曲,James Sasser (BM ’98). This new musical Classical (上图左),由Charles Vincent D. fuses Sasser(⾳乐 influences and Afro-Haitian music and dance, while exploring Alexandre Dumas’ 学⼠’98)担任书与词作者。这部新的⾳乐剧将传统古典元素和⾮洲海地 的⾳乐舞蹈相融合,讲述了著名⼩说家⼤仲马在创作时遭受写作障碍,但 unresolved questions of identity. A delayed production of The Mystery of Edwin Drood 为了完成⼩说,他必须排解他的⽗亲是法国贵族和奴⾪在海地所⽣的孩⼦ by MSM alumnus Rupert Holmes (’67, HonDMA ’20) was brought to life in February 的这段历史。同时探讨了⼤仲马未解决的⾝份,民主和遗产等问题。2021 2021, in an inventive film adaptation, with the help of content creators Super Awesome 年2⽉,在内容创作者“超级好朋友”的帮助下,延迟制作的MSM校友 Friends. Declaring the production “miraculous,” Holmes said that “MSM Musical RupertTheatre’s Holmes(67,荣誉博⼠’20)的《埃德温-德罗之谜》在⼀部创造性 breakout re-conception is as notable an achievement in the history of the 的电影改编中,被赋予了⽣命。Holmes宣称这部作品是⼀个”奇迹”,他 show as its original transfer from Central Park to Broadway: a 2021 triumph of vibrant 说:”MSM⾳乐剧剧团突破性的重新构想与最初从中央公园转移到百⽼汇 talent, resourcefulness, innovation, and determination over the current pandemic, in ⼀样,是该剧历史上的⼀项显着成就。2021年,既要保证安全性,也要娱 responsibly safe yet richly entertaining fashion” (above right). The 2020–21 Musical 乐性,这群新声代充满活⼒的⼈才,是机智的、创新的,战胜疫情的决⼼ Theatre season closed with the May 15 broadcast of Starblasters, a new work that 定会胜利。(右上⽅)2020-21年⾳乐剧演出季,以5⽉15⽇播出的《星光 explores a generation coming of age “in an America where financial security has never ⼤道》作为谢幕。这部新作品探讨了 “在经济安全从未如此不稳定、童年 been less certain and childhood dreams feel beyond reach.”


“My Broadway musical The Mystery of Edwin Drood has received many honors, “ including Tony Awards for Best - Musical, Book and Score, but no honor or performance could be more meaningful to me than last year’s dazzling and resourceful production of my show—at the very MSM height of a global pandemic—by the vibrant talent of MSM’s unstoppable students under the guidance of their distinguished faculty, many of whom ” I’ve been honored to work beside during myHolmes(’67, career.” —Rupert 荣誉博⼠’20) —Rupert Holmes (’67, HonDMA ’20)

Classical / Orchestral Performance 古典 / 管弦乐演奏

As part of the MSM Icons series, the MSM Symphony Orchestra was conducted by Distinguished Visiting Artist and trustee Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13) on October 18, 2019, 作为MSM in celebration of hisIcons系列的⼀部分,MSM交响乐团于2019年10⽉18⽇由杰 75th birthday. Guest performers included cellist Fred Zlotkin and flutists 出访问艺术家和受托⼈Leonard Slatkin(荣誉博⼠ '13)指挥,以⾳乐会的 Sir James Galway and Lady Jeanne Galway. The School’s Chamber Sinfonia was also heard 形式庆祝其75岁⽣⽇。表演嘉宾包括⼤提琴家Fred Zlotkin、⼆位长笛演 in October under the baton of guest conductor Bernard Labadie (HonDMA ’18), Principal 奏家James Galway爵⼠和Lady Jeanne Galway。10⽉,在St. Luke’s管弦乐 Conductor of the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, in symphonies by Mozart and Haydn. The Symphony 团⾸席指挥Bernard Labadie(荣誉博⼠ '18)的指挥下,室内乐团演出了 then presented a program of works by Ravel and Debussy on November 20 conducted by 莫扎特和海顿的交响曲。随后11⽉20⽇,交响乐团在管弦乐总监George Director of Orchestral Activities George Manahan (BM ’73, MM ’76). They were joined on that Manahan(⾳乐学⼠ '73, ⾳乐硕⼠ ’76)的指挥下,演出了拉威尔和德彪 concert by the MSM Symphonic Chorus, under the leadership of Chorus Master and Director 西的作品。在⾳乐会上,MSM交响合唱团在团长和合唱总监Kent Tritle的 of Choral Activities Kent Tritle, in Stravinsky’s monumental Symphony of The 2020– 带领下,⼀起演奏了Stravinsky的不朽之作《Symphony ofPsalms. Psalms》。在 21 season was filled with numerous performances by new smaller ensembles as the School 2020-21演出季中,由于学校制定了社交距离规定,新的⼩型乐团有了更 adapted to distancing protocols — including a String Chamber Orchestra, Brass Ensemble, 多的演出 - 包括弦乐室内乐团、铜管乐团和演奏当代作品的Camerata and Camerata Nova, which played contemporary works. The Percussion Ensemble premiered Nova。打击乐团⾸演并录制了委约作品《Joe W.Moore’s with liberty…》。 and later recorded Joe W. Moore’s with liberty…, a work written for the group.

Composition student Yuqin Yi, conducts an Yi在学⽣作曲家⾳乐会上指挥原创 original piece during a Student Composers’ 2019年10⽉21⽇,作曲学⽣Yuqin Concert, October 21, 2019 作品


⼤师班 Master Classes MSM has a rich history of bringing music’s most distinguished artists to teach master classes and share their expertise and knowledge MSM长久以来邀请⾳乐界最杰出的艺术家举办⼤师班,并与学⽣和⾳乐爱好者分享他们的专业知识。包括 with our students and an interested public. Vocalists were treated to mezzo-soprano Denyce Graves (left, October 17, 2019), countertenor 邀请⼥中⾳歌唱家Denyce Graves(2019年10⽉17⽇,左)、男⾼⾳歌唱家Anthony Roth Costanzo(MM '08)、 Anthony Roth Costanzo (MM ’08), baritone Thomas Hampson (HonDMA ’09), tenor Lawrence Brownlee, and mezzo-soprano Isabel 男中⾳歌唱家Thomas Hampson(荣誉博⼠'09)、男⾼⾳歌唱家Lawrence Brownlee和⼥中⾳歌唱家Isabel Leonard (PC ’98, HonDMA ’21). Instrumental classes featured pianist Richard Goode; violinist Glenn Dicterow (center, November 6, 2019); Leonard(演奏家⽂凭 '98,荣誉博⼠'21);钢琴家Richard Goode;⼩提琴家Glenn Dicterow(中间,2019年11 ⽉6⽇);⼤提琴家Clive Greensmith;以及吉他演奏家Pepe Romero、 Fisk和 Barrueco。Barrueco cellist Clive Greensmith; and guitarists Pepe Romero, Eliot Fisk, and Manuel Barrueco. Eliot Barrueco gave Manuel a three-part series in The Augustine 在Augustine基⾦会的⽀持下,进⾏了连续三个系列的线上⼤师班。MSM⾳乐剧学⽣也有⼀个绝妙的机会,向托 Foundation Virtual Master Class Residency. MSM Musical Theatre students also had a marvelous opportunity to learn from Tony and Emmy 尼和艾美奖得主、MSM理事Bebe Neuwirth(荣誉博⼠'15)学习(右图,2020年2⽉10⽇)。 Award-winner and MSM trustee Bebe Neuwirth (HonDMA ’15) (right, February 10, 2020).


Special Concerts 特别⾳乐会

MSM Icons, a new performance series celebrating acclaimed MSM alumni and trustees with exceptional international music careers, launched October 18, 2019, with a salute to conductor Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13) (above, left) on the occasion of his 75th MSMon Icons是⼀个新的演出系列。于2019年10⽉18⽇启动,为庆祝在国际⾳乐事业上享有盛誉的MSM校友、 birthday. Maestro SlatkinSlatkin(荣誉博⼠'13)75岁⽣⽇(上图,左),⽤⾳乐向他致敬。Slatkin⼤师在⾳乐会上 conducted the MSM Symphony Orchestra in a concert that featured actor Alec Baldwin (HonDMA ’12) narrating 理事和指挥家Leonard Slatkin’s arrangement of The Raven and a flute performance by Sir James and Lady Jeanne Galway. On January 2020, the series 指挥了MSM交响乐团,知名演员Alec Baldwin(荣誉博⼠'12)讲述Slatkin⼤师对《The Raven 24, 》的改编。由James continued with a concert featuring the MSM Studio Orchestra with award-winning jazz trumpeter, educator, and MSM trustee Terence Galway爵⼠和Lady Jeanne Galway担任长笛演奏。2020年1⽉24⽇,该系列的另⼀场⾳乐会由MSM Studio管弦乐队 Blanchard (HonDMA ’17) (above, right). They performed A Tale of God’s Will (A Requiem for Katrina) from Blanchard’s Grammy-winning 与获奖的爵⼠⼩号⼿、教育家和MSM理事Terence Blanchard(荣誉博⼠’17)合作(上图,右),演奏Blanchard 2007 album by the same name, which featured songs written for Spike HBO documentary on Hurricane Katrina. Additionally, in 在2007年获得格莱美奖的同名专辑中的《A Tale of God’s WillLee’s 》(A Requiem for Katrina),该专辑中的歌曲是为 Spike Lee的HBO纪录⽚《Hurricane Katrina》所创作。此外,在2020年11⽉和12⽉,在位于学校对⾯Claremont⼤ November and December 2020, special concerts were held in Sakura Park, located across Claremont Avenue from the School. These 道的樱花公园举⾏了特别⾳乐会。组织者、MSM作曲和理论及视唱系主任Reiko ’00)说:“这 concerts were meant to “create an open space defined by both artistic performance and shared Füting(⾳乐博⼠ experiences,” said series organizer Reiko 些⾳乐会的⽬的是为艺术表演和分享经验共创⼀个开放的空间。”学校⽹站上可以找到录制完成的项⽬,包括部分 Füting (DMA ’00), Chair of MSM’s Composition and Theory and Aural Skills departments. The filmed projects, available on the School’s 表演和装置,学⽣们被安排在公园周围的安全距离内,创造了⼀个将声⾳与环境和运动相融合的表演。 website, were part performance and part installation, where socially distanced students were positioned around the park, merging sounds with the environment and with movement.


远程学习 Distance


The School’s groundbreaking Distance Learning Program, launched in 1996, was the first of its kind at a major conservatory. By using state-of-the-art interactive videoconference technology, MSM has developed 早在1996年,学院就启动了这项开创性的远程学习项⽬,MSM也是⼤型⾳乐学院中第⼀批 increasingly effective means of connecting students, educators, and distinguished artists around the globe, 开始此项⽬的学院。通过使⽤最先进的互动视频会议技术,开发出越来越有效的技术⼿段来连 thereby enhancing the curriculum and learning experience for its students. Recently named after Christianne 接全球各地的学⽣、教育⼯作者和杰出的艺术家,从⽽增加可设置的课程和提⾼学⽣的学习体 Orto, the program’s founding director (see In Memoriam section, page 26), the Orto Center focuses on the local 验。近期,Orto中⼼以该项⽬创始⼈Christianne Orto的名字命名(见第26页 "纪念 “部分),该 and international connections between e-learning and teaching pedagogy with digital media and recording arts.


As the School needed to shift to fully online instruction in midMarch 2020 due to the pandemic, the Center was already poised to assist由于疫情的影响,学院需要在2020年3⽉中旬 with the transition. The advanced technology that MSM has 完全转向在线教学,该中⼼已经准备好并协助过 developed — a dedicated fiber-optic network for music instruction 渡。MSM开发的先进技术——⾳乐教学专⽤的光 and the optimization of video technology for live music transmission 纤⽹络和优化现场⾳乐传输的视频技术,变得越 — has become increasingly vital, especially in this time of social 来越重要,特别是在这个需要保持社交距离和公 distancing and curtailed public performance. All mainstage concerts 共表演减少的时代。在过去的两年⾥,MSM的所 at MSM for the past two years were streamed live on the School’s 有主舞台⾳乐会都在学校的⽹站上进⾏了现场直 website and archived for future viewing. Students had numerous 播,并存档供⽇后欣赏。学⽣们有很多机会与中 opportunities to create and present virtual performances working ⼼的⼯作⼈员⼀起创造和展⽰虚拟表演,包括⼀ with the Center’s staff, including a new series­­­– conceived by MSM's Media and Commuications department – entitled MSM Bridging 个新的演出系列,由MSM的媒体和通信部门构思 the——名为MSM Distance. This initiative provided opportunity for students, 的 Bridging theanDistance(跨越距 faculty, and alumni to share their performances “from home” 离)。这⼀举措为学⽣、教师和校友提供了即使 with the wider MSM Community. Many of the resulting recorded "在家中”,也可⼴泛的与MSM社区分享表演的机 performances were shared on social media and distributed to the 会。许多录制的表演都在社交媒体上分享,并转 School’s internet-based audiences. 发给学院的⽹络观众。 Our higher education partnerships span from Austria to Australia and have 我们的⾼等教育合作关系从奥地利到澳⼤利 connected to all five continents, exchanging artistic resources and 亚,已连接到全球的五⼤洲,与美国的48个州和 providing a truly global music education in 48 states and 43 countries. 43个国家互换艺术资源,提供真正的全球化⾳乐 The Distance Learning Program gives remote communities — many of which have little access to music education and enrichment programs 教育。远程学习项⽬使⼀些少有机会获得丰富⾳ — access to MSM’s digital library, which archives over 5,000 hours of 乐教育资源的偏远社区,能够访问MSM的数字图 past classes and events. Over the past two years, MSM students have 书馆。我院的图书馆存档超过5000⼩时以往的课 had the opportunity to learn from master teachers from conservatories 程与⾳乐活动。在过去的两年⾥,MSM的学⽣有 and orchestras around the globe. 机会与全球各地的⾳乐学院,知名管弦乐团的名 师学习。 MSM’s Distance Learning Program also creates online music enrichment programs for K–12 students in the U.S. and Canada, MSM的远程学习项⽬还为美国和加拿⼤,没 many living in rural communities without any access to music 有任何⾳乐教育机构的农村社区,开办了K-12学 education. Throughout the pandemic, our programs reached

⽣在线⾳乐强化课程。在整个疫情期间,我们的 项⽬覆盖了美国10个州和加拿⼤的140所学校的 14 1020名K-12学⽣。合作学校可以从25个单独的45

1,020 K–12 students, in 140 schools, in 10 U.S. states and Canada. Partner schools could choose from 25 individual 45-minute 分钟互动项⽬中选择,所有项⽬都可以在充满挑 interactive programs, all providing meaningful, interactive learning 战和灵活的时间内为学童提供有意义的互动学习体 experiences for schoolchildren throughout a challenging, uncertain 验。在过去的⼀年⾥,K-12合作伙伴关系的亮点包 time. Highlights of our K–12 partnerships over the past year included 括在⾮裔历史⽉期间与堪萨斯州的⼤约200所公⽴ connecting with approximately 200 public schools in Kansas during 学校联系,开展 "爵⼠乐历史"项⽬。在与促进学⽣ Black History Month with a “History of Jazz” program. In working 参与和提⾼偏远⼟著社区教育成果的⾮营利组 with Connected North, a nonprofit that fosters student engagement 织"Connected North"(连接北⽅)的合作中,MSM and enhanced education outcomes in remote indigenous 将 "⾳乐数学 communities, MSM"项⽬带到了加拿⼤努纳武特地区的 brought the program “Musical Math” to several ⼏所学校。 schools in Nunavut, Canada.

全球⾳乐学院 The Global Conservatoire In April 2021 Manhattan School of Music announced an innovative online program in collaboration with three 2021年4⽉,曼哈顿⾳乐学院宣布与伦敦皇家⾳乐学院、丹麦皇家⾳乐学院和维也纳⾳ other prominent international conservatories: the Royal College of Music (London), the Royal Danish Academy 乐与表演艺术⼤学,三所著名的国际⾳乐学院开展⼀个创新的线上合作项⽬——全球⾳乐 of Music, and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. The Global Conservatoire, conceived and 学院。由MSM构思和发起,深化与其他学院之间现有的合作,并允许参加该项⽬的学⽣获 initiated by MSM, deepens the existing collaboration between these partner institutions and allows students 得每个学院专门创建的课程。 participating in the program access to specially created courses from each college.

The program launched as a pilot program in 2021–22 with one course该项⽬在2021-22年作为试点项⽬启动,每个 from each institution in the fall semester and additional 学院在秋季学期开设⼀门课程,并在春季增加其 offerings in the spring. It brings faculty and students from each of 他课程。它将来⾃四个合作学院的教师和学⽣带 the four institutional partners into the same classroom, cultivating 到同⼀间教室,培养国际之间的思想交流。全球 an international exchange of ideas. The Global Conservatoire’s ⾳乐学院的⾮同步设计,使来⾃三个不同时区的 asynchronous design allows both undergraduate and graduate 四所⾳乐学院的本科⽣和研究⽣,能够按照⾃⼰ students from four conservatories in three different time zones to

work at their own pace, completing courses around busy rehearsal

的节奏学习,在繁忙的排练和实践中完成课程。 and practice schedules. This new digital learning environment expands each partner 这个新的数字学习环境扩⼤了每个合作学院 college’s course offerings, opening up new possibilities against a 的课程范围,在丰富的⽂化背景下开辟了新的可 rich cultural backdrop, allowing students to pursue their studies 能性,使学⽣不必离开⾃⼰的学校,就能在国际 in an international ‘classroom’ without having to leave their home "课堂 "上进⾏学习。 institution.

Center for Music ⾳乐创业中⼼

Entrepreneurship 学院的⾳乐创业中⼼(CME)是MSM职

Our Center for Music Entrepreneurship (CME) — a 业发展规划中的⼀项标准制定计划,它为学⽣ standard-setting initiative that grew out of MSM’s以帮 long 和校友提供资源、进⼀步的指导和⿎励, history of career development initiatives — provides 助建⽴成功的,有益⾳乐家们的⽣活。

students and alumni the resources, “next step” 在过去的两个财政年度⾥,⼀系列的必修、 mentoring, and inspiration to build successful and 选修课和实习,为学⽣提供了宝贵的经验。CME rewarding lives as musicians.

与⼀系列校园合作伙伴协调,提供 “Setting the Over the past two fiscal years, a suite of required coursework, Stage” (搭建舞台) 职业发展研讨会,由学⽣、 electives, and internships provided invaluable preparation. The CME 教师、员⼯、杰出校友和其他⾏业领袖参加,平 coordinated with a range of campus partners to offer “Setting the 均每年有30场活动。(2020年有4场因新冠疫情 Stage” career development workshops, featuring students, faculty, staff, distinguished alumni, and other industry leaders, averaging ⽽取消)包括由Jasmine Muhammad(⾳乐硕⼠ 30 events a year (only four had to be cancelled in 2020 because of ’12 )和Tesia Kwarteng(⾳乐硕⼠ ’13))参与的 COVID-19). Highlights included a two-part discussion focusing on the 两个论坛,重点是探讨⾮裔演员进⼊和扩展在歌 experience of Black performers entering into and expanding the opera 剧和戏剧⾏业中的⼈脉与经验;由百⽼汇⼥演员 and theater industries, with Jasmine Muhammad (MM ’12) and Tesia Kimberly Marable和作曲家/抒情诗⼈、作家和百 Kwarteng (MM ’13); a discussion on creating art, expanding your horizons, and truly thriving, with Broadway actress Kimberly Marable ⽼汇演员Douglas Lyons参加的关于创造艺术、扩 and composer/lyricist, writer, and Broadway actor Douglas Lyons; and

2020年11⽉20⽇,⼤都会歌剧院⾳乐总监Yannick Nézet-Séguin在 Met Opera Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin led a discussion Zoom social CME活动中,主持了关于社交媒体和观众参与的讨论。 about media and audience engagement in a CME event on Zoom on November 20, 2020.

⼤视野和真正繁荣的论坛;以及与⼤都会歌剧院 “Social Media as Direct Audience Engagement,” a conversation with ⾳乐总监Yannick Nézet-Séguin和MSM教师及MET Met Opera Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin and MSM faculty member and MET Orchestra clarinetist Jessica Phillips. 乐团单簧管演奏家Jessica Phillips的对话:“社交

媒体作为观众的直接参与⽅式。” The Center also provided one-on-one entrepreneurial coaching and career advising, varied referral services, and an Online Opportunities CME还提供⼀对⼀的创业辅导和职业咨询, Board that shared performance, teaching, arts administration, 转介服务。Online Opportunities委员会⽤于分享 and production jobs, as well as competitions, grants, and training 表演、教学、艺术管理和剧⽬创作⼯作,⽐赛、 opportunities. 资助和培训机会。


社区合作伙伴 Community


MSM Community Partnerships, a highly regarded engagement program, provides high-quality musical “MSM社区合作伙伴”是⼀个备受赞誉的项⽬,每年为超过3500名纽约地区 performances and instruction to more than 3,500 New York-area residents annually, by training talented 的居民提供⾼质量的⾳乐表演和指导,通过培训优秀的本科⽣和研究⽣,将⾳乐 undergraduate and graduate students to bring music to Pre-K programs and K–12 schools, senior living 带到学前教育项⽬和K-12学校、⽼⼈居住区和社区中⼼。 residences, and community centers. In the 2019–20 school year, more than 300 MSM students performed and gave music lessons to over 2,600 children in under-resourced 在2019-20学年,300多名MSM学⽣为纽约市及 schools in and around New York City, including several Title I schools, 其周边地区资源不⾜的学校(包括⼏所家庭收⼊低 in programs that met New York State Learning Standards for the 于联邦⽣活⽔平的学校)中的2600多名⼉童,提供 Arts. The Partnership program continued to provide music education 了符合纽约州标准的⾳乐艺术表演课程。在整个 programming to 13 partner schools throughout the 2020–21 school 2020-21学年,社区合作伙伴项⽬继续通过Zoom向13 year via Zoom. Additionally, these children learned from pre-recorded 所合作学校提供⾳乐教育课程。此外,这些孩⼦还 educational performances, including Grimm Reality, an original opera 可以从预先录制的⾳乐教育表演录像中学习,包括 written and performed by MSM students. The videos were followed 由MSM学⽣创作和表演的原创歌剧《Grimm by Q&A sessions between participating schoolchildren and the MSM Reality》。录像之后,学童与MSM演员和创作团队 casts and creative teams. In total, more than 1,700 students saw 进⾏问答环节。2021年春季,共有1700多名学⽣观 these performances in Spring 2021. MSM Jazz Arts students (above) 看了这些表演。2021年2⽉20⽇,为庆祝⾮裔历史 visited elementary schools in New York City on February 20, 2021, in ⽉,MSM爵⼠艺术学⽣访问了纽约市的⼩学。(如 celebration of Black History Month.


The Partnership program also gives MSM college students the opportunity to expand their performance techniques in nontraditional 社区合作伙伴项⽬还为MSM⼤学⽣提供了在⾮ settings, bringing the transformative power of music annually to 传统环境中拓展表演的机会,每年为1000多名居 more than 1,000 homebound individuals, including the elderly, the 家,⾏动不便的⼈传递⾳乐的⼒量。包括⽼年⼈、 blind, developmentally disabled adults, and patients with Alzheimer’s 盲⼈、发育障碍的成年⼈和阿尔茨海默病患者,让 disease — sharing the healing power of music as medicine. ⾳乐如同药物⼀般,起到治愈的作⽤。社区合作伙 Community partners included the Lighthouse Guild, Lenox Hill 伴包括the Lighthouse Guild, Lenox Hill Neighborhood Neighborhood House, Memorial-Sloan Kettering Medical Center, House, Memorial-Sloan Kettering Medical Center 和 and DOROT’s “University Without Walls” program. A successful pilot DOROT’s “University Without Walls” 的项⽬。在2021 program in 2021 served Mandarin-speaking individuals affected by 年,⼀个成功的试点项⽬是为讲普通话的阿尔茨海 Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, delivered entirely in their arterial 默病和痴呆症患者提供服务。另⼀个精彩的举措是 language. Another exciting initiative was with the Columbia University 与哥伦⽐亚⼤学医学中⼼的⾳乐和运动障碍门诊部 Medical Center’s Music and Movement Disorders outpatient program, 合作,由MSM的学⽣通过Zoom为该中⼼的帕⾦森病 where MSM students gave performances to Parkinson’s patients at ⼈表演,以帮助改善他们的情绪和⾏动能⼒。 the Center via Zoom to help improve their mood and mobility.


Virtual Concerts

Columbia University Department of Neurology’s Division of Movement Disorders, in partnership with Project: Music Heals Us (PMHU) and Manhattan School of Music (MSM), will be offering interactive ZOOM concerts each month to movement disorders patients. MSM: May 3, 2021 10-11AM EST PMHU: May 12, 2021 4-5PM EST regular bi-monthly concerts the first Monday (6-7PM) and Third Thursday (4-5PM) of each month Participants should have their own iPad or listening device, and use of headphones is encouraged Registration is required as space is limited. For more information or to register, please contact Elizabeth Delaney at ead2179@cumc.columbia.edu or 212-305-5779

Flyer (above) for a series of virtual performances for patients with 海报(上图)以“⾳乐治愈我们”为主题,联⼿哥 movement disorders co-presented with Columbia University, Project: 伦⽐亚⼤学、帕⾦森基⾦会等共同举办的⼀系列 Music Heals Us, and the Parkinson’s Foundation.


学⽣的互动 Student Engagement MSM’s Student Engagement department seeks to foster a nurturing and supportive environment through a MSM的学⽣互动部致⼒于帮助学⽣在⾳乐、社会和个⼈⽅⾯蓬勃发展的服务与计划,营 variety of services and programs that help students thrive musically, socially, and personally. The challenges 造出⼀个培养和⽀持性的环境。除了我们长期以来学⽣参与的计划和项⽬、居住⽣活的活动 of the past two years brought new and important responsibilities, in addition to our long-established student 和辅导倡议外,在过去充满挑战的两年中也带来新的责任。 engagement programs, residence life activities, and counseling initiatives. In 2020, Student Engagement tracked where students were living (whether2020年,学⽣互动项⽬⾛访了学⽣的居住地 on campus, off campus, or remote) and when they were arriving. (⽆论是校内、校外,还是偏远地区)以及他们 They also managed the required travel quarantine; the on-boarding 的到达时间。他们还负责管理所需的旅⾏检疫; COVID-19 test; weekly testing of part of the faculty, staff, and student ⼊学时的COVID-19测试;每周对部分教职员⼯和 community each week; and quarantine/isolation when an individual 学⽣社区进⾏测试;当某⼈测试呈阳性或与某⼈ either tested positive or was a close contact of someone who had. MSM’s 有密切接触时进⾏检疫/隔离。MSM的校园护⼠每 campus nurse checked in daily with students who tested positive or had been exposed to someone who had, monitoring their physical and 天对检测结果呈阳性的学⽣或与之接触过的⼈进 mental health. They put together special COVID-19 safety regulations, ⾏检查,监测他们的⾝体和精神健康。他们制定 communicated them regularly to the community, and enforced them 了特别的COVID-19安全条例,定期向社区传达, among our students. We are very pleased that since the initial “hybrid” 并在学⽣中执⾏。值得欣慰的是,⾃2020年秋季 return to campus fall 2020, MSM has not come near the New York 最初的 “混合in ”教学⽅式重返校园以来,MSM⼀ State threshold for moving to fully online instruction. 直未能达到纽约州转向完全在线教学的门槛。 Residence Life and Student Engagement found creative ways to engage students and keep them connected socially, lifting spirits

MSM WELLNESS WEEK 2021 Mindful Monday April 5, 2021 *Wellness Week Giveaway: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Student Lounge

"Let's Talk" Tuesday April 6, 2021 *Relaxation Journaling: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Sakura Park Host: Student Government

Pick up a free tote bag, journal, and a free smoothie voucher from Student Engagement. First come, first served!

Receive a free self-care kit and engage in mindful journaling at the park!

Alexander Technique Workshop:

*Positivity Grams:

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Zoom Code: 963 3104 6659 Host: Barbara McCrane

Relax your mind & body during this restorative break! Bring a towel or yoga mat to your Zoom session.

*Navigating the MSM SHIP 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Zoom Code: 475 680 4399 Host: Dr. Cai McPhee

Understand how to navigate the Student Health Insurance Plan at MSM.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Student Lounge Host: MSM Womxn

Send a kind message to a friend!

*Let's Talk: Wellness for Students of Color 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Zoom Code: 910 6138 7847 Host: Dr. Vanessa Bing

Discuss how to maintain mental wellness in today's racial climate. Workout for Wishes All Week Event Sponsored by: Make A Wish Foundation

Workout, Donate, and change the life of a Wish-Kid Ambassador.

Wellness Wednesday April 7, 2021 *Consultations with Kai 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Student Lounge Host: Kai Santiago

Get free 5-10 minute skincare or makeup consultations to update your self-care routine!

*Plant Care is Self Care: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Student Lounge Host: Environmental Awareness

Learn about plant care & participate in EAC's giveaway!

Herbal Tea Tasting: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Student Lounge Host: MindfulMSM

Sample herbal teas and learn about tips to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine.

when necessary, in spite of the limitations of masking and social 创造性的宿舍⽣活和互动使学⽣们备受吸引,使他 distancing required for safety reasons. Our Campus Health Office and 们保持社会交集。虽然处于安全原因需要保持社交距 Counseling Center provided support to students through telehealth. 离,但在有必要时,仍可相互⿎励,振奋精神。我们 MSM’s English as a Second Language department (now part of 的校园健康办公室和咨询中⼼通过远程医疗向学⽣提 Student Affairs) was able to provide support to our students, wherever 供⽀持。MSM的英语作为第⼆语⾔(现在是学⽣事务 they found themselves in the world, through remote instruction 部的⼀部分)能够通过远程教学和辅导向我们全球的 and tutoring. New student organizations were founded, including 学⽣提供援助。成⽴了⼀个庆祝MSM学⽣多样⽂化背 one that celebrates the diverse cultures and backgrounds of MSM 景的组织,以及⼀个提⾼环保意识的俱乐部。2020年 students, and an environmental awareness club. A pop-up art gallery 秋季创建了⼀个Pop-up艺术画廊,使学⽣们可以拓展表 was created in Fall 2020, allowing students to stretch their means of 达艺术的⼿段:“绘画是⾳乐之外的另⼀种创造性的排 artistic expression: “Painting is a creative outlet outside of music that 遣,⾮常具有治疗和放松的作⽤,”Niav I find to be very therapeutic and relaxing,” explains NiavMaher(⾳乐 Maher (BM 学⼠ 23)解释说:“是⼀种减压的好⽅法,花⼏分钟时 ’23). “It’s a great way to de-stress and take a few minutes to check in 间来检查⾃⼰,关注⾃⼰的⾝⼼健康。” with myself and focus on my overall wellness.”

APRIL 5-9, 2021 Activities supported by the Ruth M. Knight Foundation

Thoughtful Thursday April 8, 2021 Creating a Community of Care & a Culture of Consent at MSM 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Zoom Code: 475 680 4399 Host: Columbia Health Sexual Violence Response

Learn about sexual violence prevention, consent & creating a culture of care!

*Let's Talk: COVID-19 Navigating the Final Stretch 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Zoom Code: 910 6138 7847 Host: Dr. Michael Alcee

While we're still in this pandemic, let's figure out how to continue navigating it together!

Fun Friday April 9, 2021 *Astrology Event 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Student Lounge Host: MSM Womxn

Astrology & Crystals & Tarot Readings, oh my! Come learn about holistic healing practices & learn about your inner-most self.

*The Tissue is not the Issue: Physical Therapy Workshop 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Zoom Code: 475 680 4399 Host: Dr. Eduardo Pereira

Learn about pain science & how movement can improve the body.


*Participate in many of our programs,get entered into raffles & win prizes all week!

MSM's annual Welcome Cruise (top, in 2019) was replaced with on2020年,MSM的年度欢迎游轮(上图,2019年)被 campus Orientation events in 2020 (above). 校内迎新活动所取代(上图)。 17

2020年和2021年毕业典礼 Commencement 2020

& 2021

2020年5⽉15⽇,学院的第九⼗四届毕业班在毕业祝酒词中受到了赞誉。学⽣的学术成绩在 The School’s ninety-fourth graduating class was honored with a Commencement toast on May 15, 2020. Students’ academic accomplishments in all divisions were recognized, with 22 graduates receiving commencement awards 所有部门均得到认可,其中22名毕业⽣获得了以优秀的教师和⾳乐界⼈物命名的杰出毕业⽣ named in honor of distinguished faculty and figures in music. Honorary doctoratesBorda、慈善家兼MSM受托 were conferred upon soprano 奖。授予⼥⾼⾳歌唱家Martina Arroyo、纽约爱乐乐团总裁Deborah Martina Arroyo, President of the New York Philharmonic Deborah Borda, philanthropist andO'Hara和编舞/舞台 MSM Trustee Carla ⼈Carla Bossi-Comelli、爵⼠艺术家Terri Lyne Carrington、百⽼汇明星Kelli Bossi-Comelli, jazz artist Terri Lyne Carrington, Broadway star Kelli O’Hara, and choreographer/stage director Susan 导演Susan Stroman荣誉博⼠称号。MSM受托⼈、Emmy/Tony/Drama Desk-winner Bebe Stroman. MSM trustee and Emmy/Tony/Drama Desk-winner Bebe Neuwirth (HonDMA ’15) was the commencement Neuwirth (荣誉博⼠ "15)担任毕业典礼发⾔⼈,Helena Claesson被选为2020年学⽣代表进⾏ speaker, and Helena Claesson was selected as the 2020 student commencement speaker. Graduating students were 发⾔。即将毕业的学⽣们与他们的系主任和教职员⼯在 ZOOM上继续庆祝。 able to continue the celebration with their department chairs and faculty in Zoom sessions with their colleagues. The Class of 2020 totaled 382 graduating students: 142 received a 2020届共有382名毕业⽣:142⼈获得⾳乐学⼠ Bachelor of Music (BM) degree; 183 received a Master of Music (MM) (BM)学位;183获⾳乐硕⼠(MM)学位;17⼈获⾳乐 degree; 17 received a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree; 38 received 艺术博⼠(DMA)学位;38⼈获得演奏家⽂凭(PS)证 Professional Studies (PS) Certificates; and 2 received an Artist Diploma 书;2⼈获得艺术家⽂凭(AD)。他们来⾃31个国家和美 (AD). They hailed from 31 countries and nearly every U.S. state. 国的各州。 Due to the pandemic, formal Commencement ceremonies for both the因为疫情,第九⼗四届和第九⼗五届毕业班,毕业典 ninety-fourth and ninety-fifth graduating classes were held as a 礼于2021年5⽉20⽇在线上共同举⾏。学⽣的学术成绩在所 combined virtual ceremony on May 20, 2021. Students’ academic 有部门均得到认可,其中30名毕业⽣获得了以优秀的教师 accomplishments in all divisions were recognized, with 30 graduates 和⾳乐界⼈物命名的杰出毕业⽣奖。 receiving commencement awards named in honor of distinguished faculty and figures in music. Honorary doctorates were conferred upon 授予作曲家Anthony Davis、钢琴家 Kirill Gerstein(⾳ composer Anthony Davis, pianist Kirill Gerstein (BM ’99, MM ’00), 乐学⼠ "99, ⾳乐硕⼠" 00)、作曲家 Rupert composer Rupert Holmes (’67), Metropolitan Opera mezzo-soprano Holmes("67)、⼤都会歌剧院⼥⾼⾳Isabel Leonard(预 Leonard (PC ’98), jazz artist Wayne Shorter, violinist Yoonshin 科"Isabel 98)、爵⼠艺术家Wayne Shorter、⼩提琴家Yoonshin Song (PS ’09, AD ’10), and Metropolitan Opera bass Hao Jiang Tian.

Song(演奏家⽂凭 “09,艺术家⽂凭’10)、⼤都会歌剧院


Retiring faculty members Michael Brown, June Murano-Murray, 男低⾳歌唱家⽥浩江荣誉博⼠称号。退休教员Michael Stephen Norrell, Christopher Oldfather, Frances Patrelle, AndréBrown、June Murano-Murray、Stephen Norrell、 Michel Schub, and William Tracy were recognized, and the President’s Christopher Oldfather、Frances Patrelle、André-Michel Medal for Distinguished Service was conferred upon Michelle Baker, Schub和William Tracy获得认可,杰出服务院长奖章授予 Melanie Dorsey, Cynthia Hoffmann, Warren Jones, Michael Lockhart, 给Michelle Baker、Melanie Dorsey、Cynthia Hoffmann、 and MarlenaMak Malas. Veronica Mak (BM⾳乐硕⼠" ’19, MM ’21) was the student Veronica (⾳乐学⼠ "19, 21)代表学⽣讲 speaker, and Grammy Award winning Metropolitan Opera mezzo话,获得格莱美奖的⼤都会歌剧院⼥⾼⾳J'Nai Bridges soprano J’Nai Bridges (BM ’09) gave the Commencement address. (⾳乐学⼠ “09)在毕业典礼上发表讲话。 The Class of 2021 totaled 283 graduating students: 105 received a 2021届共有283名毕业学⽣:105⼈获得⾳乐学⼠ Bachelor of Music (BM) degree; 138 received a Master of Music (MM) (BM)学位;138⼈获⾳乐硕⼠(MM)学位;9⼈获⾳ degree; 9 received a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree; 30 received 乐艺术博⼠(DMA)学位;30⼈获得演奏家⽂凭(PS) Professional Studies (PS) Certificates; and 1 received an Artist Diploma 证书;1⼈获得艺术家⽂凭(AD)。他们来⾃30个国家 (AD). They hailed from 30 countries and nearly every U.S. state.


“Music is in you! It is a 它是你 "⾳乐在你内⼼的深出! fundamental part of your 本体的基本组成部分。即使是 identity. Not even a pandemic 疫情也不能将它消磨殆尽,反 can take that away, so let it give ⽽它会给你带来⽆穷的⼒量去 对抗,并随你度过⼈⽣最艰难 you strength not only to cope, 的时刻。今天你之所以在这 but to carry you through life’s ⾥,是因为你是坚韧不屈的”。 toughest moments. You are here today because you are resilient.” — J’Nai Bridges(⾳乐学⼠ —J’Nai Bridges (BM ’09)


Student commencement speakers Helena 学⽣代表发⾔⼈ Helena Claesson,2020; Vernica Mak,2021 Claesson, 2020; Veronica Mak, 2021

“I admire you from afar. “我在远处欣赏着你们。在⽬ Working as hard as you have 前这种毁灭性的情况下,你 and completing your studies 们依然如此努⼒的完成⼯作 is an especially astounding 和学业,是⼀个⾮常令⼈震 achievement given our current, 惊的成就。你们能够保持专 otherwise devastating, 注,坚持到底,并为艺术服 circumstances. That you’ve been 务,这⼀点⾮常了不起。"

able to keep your focus, stay the course, and serve your art is nothing short of remarkable.” —— Bebe Neuwirth(荣誉博⼠'15) —Bebe Neuwirth (HonDMA ’15)


⼤学预科亮点 Precollege


MSM honors its founding legacy of teaching music to schoolchildren through its Precollege Division. Offered on MSM在创办初期,就通过⼤学预科部门教授孩⼦们⾳乐。该项⽬在每学年度的周六进⾏,为5⾄18岁 Saturdays during the academic year, the program provides music education of the highest quality to aspiring 的青少年⾳乐家提供最⾼质量的⾳乐教育。严谨的课程包括每周⼀对⼀的专业课,乐理理论和视唱练⽿等 课程,多样的选修课以及⾳乐会演出。在过去的两年⾥,每年平均有435名学⽣报名参加。 young musicians ages 5 to 18. The rigorous curriculum includes weekly private lessons, multiple performing opportunities, classes in theory and ear training, and various electives. Enrollment has averaged 435 students 预科学院的表演团体包括五个爵⼠组合、 annually for the past two years.

⼀个爵⼠⼤乐队、三个合唱团、⼀个⾳乐剧 The performing ensembles the Precollege offers have included 团、⼀个歌剧⼯作室、四个管弦乐队和数⼗个 five jazz combos, a jazz big band, three choirs, a musical 室内乐团体。疫情下,每个学⽣都参加了完整 theatre ensemble, an opera workshop, four orchestras, and 丰富的线上项⽬,为2020-21学年推出了许多⾳ dozens of chamber groups. Despite the pandemic, each of our 乐会。包括在ZOOM上的预科交响乐团(如上 students participated in a full and enriching virtual program, presenting a number of concerts for the 2020–21 school year. 图),35场独奏会,6个⼤师班,和33场多层次 These included performances by the Precollege Symphony 的虚拟项⽬,以及在Canvas上的121个演出视 on Zoom (top), 35 recitals via Zoom, 6 master classes, and 33 频。 layered virtual projects, as well as 121 performance videos featured on Canvas.

预科班的毕业⽣有的进⼊著名的⾳乐学院, Precollege graduates have gone on to attend prestigious 如MSM、茱莉亚⾳乐学院和曼尼斯⾳乐学院, conservatories, including New York City conservatories MSM, Juilliard, and Mannes, every Ivy League university, and other 也有进⼊常春藤⼤学和其他知名⾼等学府。在 great institutions of higher learning. Of the 70 Precollege 2021年5⽉获得毕业证书的70名预科毕业⽣中, graduates who received their diplomas in May 2021, 50 were 有50⼈获得被命名的奖学⾦。预科项⽬对学⽣ awarded named scholarships. The Precollege has proven to be 的⾃律、能动⼒和创造⼒都是⼀种证明,⽆论 a wonderful asset to students applying to college, whether they 是否选择⾳乐专业作为主修,但对于申请⼤学 choose to major in music or not, as their participation in MSM’s program is a testament to their discipline, drive, and creativity. 的学⽣来说都是绝佳的财富。 预科班学⽣,姐妹组合,Kearston Gonzales,⼩提琴(预科 '22)和 Precollege students, sisters Kearston Gonzales (PC ’22), violin, Kendalland Gonzales⼤提琴(预科 Kendall Gonzales (PC'24),于2021年5⽉19⽇在Miller⾳乐厅 ’24), cello, perform for MSM’s 2021 为MSM的2021年虚拟晚会表演。 Virtual Gala from Miller Hall, May 19, 2021.


MSM夏季班&秋季班 MSM Summer

& MSM Fall

MSM Summer provides immersive instruction for young musicians ages 8 to 17 for five weeks from mid-July to mid每年的7⽉中旬⾄8⽉中旬,为8⾄17岁的青少年⾳乐家提供五周的沉浸式教学。⾃1999年以来, August. Since 1999, this program has offered private lessons and a wide array of courses to help students develop 这个项⽬提供私⼈专业课以及其他多样的课程,在⼀个有趣味的⾳乐团体中,帮助学⽣发展⾳乐技能 their musical skills and knowledge while being part of a fun, music-making community.


MSM Summer went completely virtual last summer, allowing students to participate in performances from their homes via Zoom (above). Despite the pandemic (or perhaps because of it), enrollment reached a record-breaking 187 students. In 2019, the musicals Annie, Jr. 去年夏天,MSM夏季项⽬完全采⽤线上⽅式,允许学⽣在家⾥通过Zoom(上图)参加演出。疫情下, and Cinderella were staged, a master-class series sponsored by the ASCAP Foundation featured Puerto Rican-born composer and multi招⽣⼈数达到了破纪录的187⼈。2019年,上演了⾳乐剧《⼩安妮》和《灰姑娘》;由ASCAP基⾦会赞助的 instrumentalist Angélica Negrón, and six concerts were presented. MSM Summer ensembles included the Philharmonic Orchestra, 系列⼤师班;以及邀请⽣于波多黎哥的作曲家和多种乐器演奏家Angélica Negrón举办了六场⾳乐会。MSM Concert Orchestra, Flute Choir, Clarinet Choir, Latin Jazz Band, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combo, R&B Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Percussion 夏季乐团包括爱乐乐团、室内乐团、长笛乐团、单簧管乐团、拉丁爵⼠乐队、爵⼠乐团、爵⼠重奏组合、 Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, and various other chamber music groups. The 2020 virtual program featured an ASCAP master R&B乐队、吉他乐团、打击乐乐团、萨克斯风乐团以及其他各种室内⾳乐团体。2020年的在线项⽬包括邀 class with composer-lyricist Sam Willmott, 14 请了词曲作家Sam showcases for student Willmott举办ASCAP performances, and 10 ⼤师班,14场学⽣演出,以及10个特别 special online events.


MSM Fall, initiated in October 2020, was a trial program providing online music instruction to MSM秋季班于2020年10⽉启动, instrumentalists, singers, and composers ages 8 to 是⼀个为8⾄17岁的⼩演奏家、歌⼿和 17. The 10-week program offered an exciting array 作曲家提供在线⾳乐指导的试验项⽬。 of remote courses with dynamic faculty; private 这个为期10周的项⽬由活跃的教师,提 lessons once a week; and virtual performance 供⼀系列远程课程,每周⼀次的私⼈专 opportunities for all students. Classes took place 业课以及学⽣们的线上表演。课程在周 Monday to Thursday in the afternoons and evening. ⼀⾄周四的下午和晚上进⾏。除了⾳乐 In addition to the basics of musicianship and theory, 技巧和理论基础知识外,还包括⾯试技 they covered subjects such as audition techniques, 巧、流⾏⾳乐制作、电影配乐、⼥性作 pop music production, film scoring, female

曲家、⾳乐技术、拉丁⾳乐、记谱软 composers, music technology, Latin music, notation 件、视频游戏声⾳设计和⾮裔美国⼈⾳ software, video game sound design, and African 乐史等主题。为同⼀家庭的学⽣和成员 American music history. Chamber music coaching 提供室内乐⾳乐辅导。 was offered to students and family members in the same household.

top and above: MSM Summer students participating in performances from their homes MSM暑期班学⽣通过Zoom在家⾥参加演出(顶图与上图) via Zoom.


Marina Marina Aikawa (MM ’19)Aikawa (⾳乐硕⼠ Violinist Marina Aikawa was ’19) appointed to the National ⼩提琴家Marina Aikawa在2019年 Symphony Orchestra in 2019. 成为为国家交响乐团演奏员,出 A native of Japan, Aikawa was ⽣于⽇本,Aikawa之前是Hyogo previously a member of the 表演艺术中⼼乐团和瑞⼠韦尔⽐ Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra耶⾳乐节乐团的成员。 and the Verbier Festival Orchestra in Switzerland.

Brandon Patrick George (MM ’10) Brandon Patrick George Flutist Brandon Patrick George’10) (⾳乐硕⼠ has joined the Grammy长笛演奏家 Brandon Patrick nominated quintet Imani Winds, George 加⼊了格莱美提名的五重 a group formed in the 1990s 奏 Winds,这是⼀个由其他 by Imani other MSM alumni. He was MSM 校友在 1990on年代组建的乐 recently featured WQXR as a 队。他最近作为艺术家推进计划 member of their Artist Propulsion 的成员出现在 WQXR 上。 program.

校友亮点 Alumni

Jared Bernstein (BM ’78) Jared Bernstein Jared Bernstein is currently serving (⾳乐学⼠ ’78) as a member of President Biden’s Jared Bernstein ⽬前是拜登总统经 Council of Economic Advisers. A 济顾问委员会的成员。作为预算和 former senior fellow at the Center on 优先政策中⼼的前⾼级研究员,他 Budget and Policy Priorities, he also 曾在奥巴马政府担任⽩宫中产阶级 served in the Obama administration as 特别⼯作组的执⾏主任。 Executive Director of the White House Task Force on the Middle Class.

Blake-Anthony Johnson (MM ’16)Johnson Blake-Anthony In 2020, Blake-Anthony Johnson was ’16) (⾳乐硕⼠ appointed chief executive officer of the 2020年,Blake-Anthony Johnson被任命为 Chicago Sinfonietta, having most recently 芝加哥⼩交响乐团⾸席执⾏官,最近担 been the Louisville Orchestra’s director of 任Louisville乐团的教育和社区总监。 learning and community. The Sinfonietta’s Sinfonietta在过去32个演出季中的使命集 mission over its past 32 seasons has 中在追求平等、多样性和包容性。 focused on representation and celebration of equity, diversity, and inclusion.


The success of our graduates attests to the quality of the music education MSM provides. MSM’s accomplished 我们毕业⽣的成功证明了MSM所提供的⾳乐教育的优质性。MSM成就卓著、屡获殊荣的 and award-winning alumni are active in every aspect of contemporary musical life, working at the highest levels 校友活跃在当代⾳乐社会中,在⾳乐、教育和⽂化机构的管理层⼯作。许多艺术家是当今世 of musical, educational, and cultural institutions. Many are among the most distinguished artists performing 界⾳乐厅、歌剧院和爵⼠乐舞台上最杰出的表演艺术家之⼀,⽽其他⼈则在教育、法律、电 in concert halls, opera houses, and on jazz stages throughout the world today, while others have gone on to 视、政府、信息技术和医学等领域取得了成功。以下列举了在过去⼆年中成绩卓越的校友。 successful careers in education, law, television, government, information technology, and medicine. Here are just a select few from the past two years. 22

s e

y f s


Julia AhyoungJulia Choi Ahyoung (PS ’17) Choi Korean-American(演奏家⽂凭’17) violinist Julia Choi won a coveted position 韩裔美国⼩提琴家Julia Choi赢得 with the Metropolitan Opera 了⼤都会歌剧院乐团令⼈羡慕的职 Orchestra, having performed 位,她曾与费城管弦乐团、纽约爱 with such ensembles as the 乐乐团、明尼苏达管弦乐团和亚特 Philadelphia Orchestra, New 兰⼤交响乐团等乐团合作。 York Philharmonic, Minnesota Orchestra, and Atlanta Symphony.

Rachel Easterwood, MD (BM ’06) Rachel Easterwood, MD After pursuing a post-MSM medical (⾳乐学⼠ ’06) degree at Columbia University, Dr. 在哥伦⽐亚⼤学攻读MSM医学学位 Easterwood was working in a New 后,Easterwood医⽣在2020年疫情 York City hospital at the height of the ⾼峰时,⼯作在纽约市⼀家医院。 pandemic in 2020. A New York Times 《纽约时报》专题报道了她发起的 feature spotlighted a concert series ⼀个向COVID-19患者提供安慰和慰 that she initiated to provide comfort 藉的系列⾳乐会。 and solace to COVID-19 patients.

Enrique M. Márquez (MM ’04) M. Márquez Enrique Enrique Márquez was named(⾳乐硕⼠ the new ’04) Director of Music for the Interlochen Center Márquez被任命为2021年Interlochen艺术中 for the Arts in 2021. An accomplished ⼼的新⾳乐总监。作为⼀个有成就的教育 educator, arts leader, and musician, he 家、艺术领袖和⾳乐家,他在Interlochen艺 leads music programming, pedagogy, and 术学院、艺术营、线上课程和创意艺术学 curricula at Interlochen Arts Academy, 院领导⾳乐部门,计划教学⽅法和课程。 Interlochen Arts Camp, Interlochen Online, and Interlochen College of Creative Arts.

Alexa Smith (MM ’10) Alexa Smith MSM’s Chief of Staff and Assistant (⾳乐硕⼠ '10) Vice President for Special Initiatives MSM办公室主任和负责特别倡议 led MSM’s multi-faceted Cultural 的副总监助理,领导MSM的多元 Inclusion Initiative, including the 化⽂化包容倡议,包括新的⾮裔 new Black Creators and Artist 创造者和艺术家学者倡议。她还 Scholars initiatives. She was also 被选为参加Sphinx领导⼒项⽬。 chosen to participate in the Sphinx LEAD leadership program.

Manhattan School of Music alumni continued to 曼哈顿⾳乐学院的校友们通过参加新的MSM视⾓ give back to their alma mater by participating in the 系列活动继续回馈母校。2020年6⽉11⽇,MSM new MSM Perspectives Series. On June 11, 2020, 校友Anthony Roth Costanzo (⾳乐硕⼠ '08), Kelly MSM alumni Anthony Roth Costanzo (MM ’08), Hall-Tompkins (⾳乐硕⼠ '95, 荣誉博⼠ '16),and 和 Kelly Hall-Tompkins (MM ’95, HonDMA ’16), Damien DamienSneed Sneed('06)在与MSM学⽣活动中讨论艺术 (’06) discussed The Artist and Social 家和社会变⾰。与会⼈⼠还包括MSM副院长和⾳ Change in a live Zoom event with MSM Students. The talk also included Associate Dean and Director 乐剧系副主任Liza Gennaro。 of MSM Musical Theatre, Liza Gennaro.


资⾦募捐亮点 Fundraising Highlights Our wonderful recent campus improvements, as mentioned previously, were made possible by generous gifts 如前所述,感谢Noémi K.和Michael Neidorff、Linda Bell Mercuro和Toby Mercuro以及The Baisley from Noémi K. and Michael Neidorff, Linda Bell Mercuro and Toby Mercuro, and The Baisley Powell Elebash Powell Elebash 基⾦会的慷慨捐赠,才能使我们的的校园进⾏翻新改善。其他捐助者和受托⼈也在20 财年和21财年保持强劲和富有成果的筹资能⼒。在疫情期间,赞助者们也参与到线上晚会和其他特殊 Fund. Other donors and trustees kept fundraising strong and fruitful in FY20 and FY21. Virtual galas and other 的活动中。 special events held patrons engaged throughout the pandemic. A 75th birthday concert and dinner wasIcons新系列的⼀部分,为 held on October 18, 2019, Scholars from South Africa in 2019 and 2020 to our Jazz Arts program 2019年10⽉18⽇,作为MSM Masekela遗产基⾦会。同时感谢2020年ELMA慈善基⾦ 杰出访问艺术家和受托⼈Leonard Slatkin '13) 举 for MSM Distinguished Visiting Artist and trustee(荣誉博⼠ Leonard Slatkin — tenor saxophonist Zeke Le Grange, alto saxophonist Nhlanhla 会加⼊我们的爵⼠艺术项⽬,使得⾼⾳萨克斯演奏家 办了 75 岁⽣⽇⾳乐会和晚宴。 Slatkin⼤师与嘉宾表演者、 (HonDMA ’13) as part of the new MSM Icons series. Maestro Slatkin Mahlangu, drummer Kabelo Mokhatla, and pianist Zoe Molelekwa Zeke Le Grange、 中⾳萨克斯管演奏家Nhlanhla 叙述者 Alecthe Baldwin (荣誉博⼠ conducted MSM Symphony with'12)、⼤提琴家Fred guest performers narrator — who received full scholarships thanks to a generous grant from Mahlangu、⿎⼿Kabelo Mokhatla和钢琴家Zoe Molelekwa Zlotkin,以及长笛演奏家James Galway爵⼠和Lady Jeanne Alec Baldwin (HonDMA ’12), cellist Fred Zlotkin, and flutists Sir The ELMA Philanthropies, established in 2019 in memory of MSM 从基⾦会获得全额奖学⾦。该慈善基⾦会2019年为纪念 Galway与MSM交响乐团共同演出。2020年线上晚会于10⽉2 MSM校友Hugh Masekela⽽成⽴。 James Galway and Lady Jeanne Galway. Our 2020 Virtual Gala, with alumnus Hugh Masekela. ⽇举⾏,由学⽣、校友和教师参与表演,共筹集了超过 performances by students, alumni, and faculty, was held on October 380,000 美元的捐款。表演者包括 Pinchas Zukerman (荣誉博 2 and raised over $380,000. Performers included Pinchas Zukerman ⼠(HonDMA '93)、Ron Carter (⾳乐硕⼠ '61、荣誉博⼠ '98)、J'Nai ’93), Ron Carter (MM ’61, HonDMA ’98), J’Nai Bridges (BM Bridges (⾳乐学⼠ '09) 和 Anthony Roth Costanzo (⾳乐硕⼠ ’09), and Anthony Roth Costanzo (MM ’08). ’08)。 Giving Tuesday 2020 was invigorated by a $50,000 matching gift from 受托⼈Bill O’Connor和他的妻⼦Patricia,提供了5万美元的 trustee Bill O’Connor and his wife Patricia, bringing the total raised by the 配捐资⾦,使这场为期⼀天的活动,筹集资⾦总额超过16 万美元。2021年8⽉的”返校呼吁”,筹集了超过6.3万美元, one-day campaign to more than $160,000. A Back-to-School Appeal in 以⽤于⽀持学⽣在⽹上学习期间的技术需求。 August 2021 raised more than $63,000 to support students’ technology needs during the pandemic when so much learning took place online.

于5⽉19⽇举⾏的,以“Together Wherever We Are”(⽆论 “Together Wherever We Are” was the theme of our 2021 Virtual Gala, 我们⾝在何处)为主题的2021线上晚会,由受托⼈Terence held on May 19 and featuring performancesWilliams by trustees Terence Blanchard (荣誉博⼠ "17)和Bernie (⾳乐学⼠" Blanchard (HonDMA ’17) and Bernie Williams (BM ’16), Imani Winds, 16)、Imani Winds以及⼤学和预科的学⽣进⾏表演。献上 and students from the College and Precollege. Greetings and special 问候与寄语的校友包括Alec Baldwin (荣誉博⼠ "12)、 messages were given by Alec Baldwin (HonDMA ’12) and several Jared Bernstein (⾳乐学⼠" 78)、Cynthia A. Boxrud医⽣ distinguished alumni, including Jared Bernstein (BM ’78), (⾳乐学⼠ "78)、Soloman Howard (⾳乐硕⼠" Cynthia 10)、A. Boxrud, MD (BM ’78), Soloman Howard ’10), Lopez Charlene Huang Charlene Huang (⾳乐学⼠ '03)、(MM Robert (预科 (BM ’03), and Robert Lopez (PC ’93). Grammy Leonard(预科 Award winning opera ’93)。获得格莱美奖的歌剧演唱家Isabel "98, 荣誉博⼠" 21)与院长James Gandre,董事会主席Lorraine singer Isabel Leonard (PC ’98, HonDMA ’21) MC’d the event with Gallard共同主持了当晚的活动。 hosts President James Gandre and Board Chair Lorraine Gallard. In FY20 and FY21, more than $5.1 million was raised for the School’s 在 2020 财年和 21 财年,学院筹得的捐款超过 510 万 endowment, including a $2.7-million bequest from the late Cate 美元,其中包括已故的,曾短暂在学院董事会任职,学院 Ryan, a long-time donor who briefly served on the Board of Trustees, 的长期捐助者Cat Ryan捐赠的270万美元,并设⽴了⼀个纪 to establish an endowed scholarship in memory of her beloved friend 念她⼼爱的朋友 Masolinar “Mackie” Marks的捐赠基⾦。该 Masolinar “Mackie” Marks. The fund will support scholarships for 基⾦将为MSM⼤学预科班中,来⾃缺少古典⾳乐普及社

gifted MSM Precollege students with financial need from communities 区,有经济需求和天赋的,并被MSM⼤学项⽬录取的学⽣ historically underrepresented in classical music who have been 提供奖学⾦。

accepted into MSM’s College program. Additionally, The Gart Family 此外,Gart Foundation made Family a grant ofFoundation提供了25万美元的捐款, $250,000 to augment an endowed fund 以增加资助歌剧奖学⾦和⼤师班系列捐赠基⾦,使基⾦达 that supports an opera scholarship and master class series, bringing 到100万美元。我们也欢迎并感谢2019年来⾃南⾮的Hughthe fund to $1 million. We also welcomed Hugh Masekela Heritage 24

上图(左⾄右: Richard Gaddes, Ann Ziff, Wysocki, Noémi K. Neidorff at top (left to right): Richard Gaddes, Ann Robert Ziff, Robert Wysocki, Noémi K. ’70, Neidorff (BM ’70, ’72, HonDMA ’13), Donna Wilkinson, (⾳乐学⼠ ⾳乐硕⼠ ’72,MM 荣誉博⼠ ’13), Donna Wilkinson, and Darryl and Darryl Redhage on Slatkin的庆祝75岁⽣⽇晚会上。 the occasion of Maestro Leonard Slatkin’s Redhage在⼤师Leonard 75th James Birthday concert and dinner celebration. 上图: Gandre 院长(顶与中间) 与 Walt C. Sayre, III (⾳乐学⼠ ’74, above: President James Gandre center) is joined by Walt C. ⾳乐硕⼠ ’79) 和 Elizabeth Sayre(top, 在庆祝他们100,000美元的捐款,并设⽴ Sayre, III (BM ’74, MM ’79) and Elizabeth Sayre during a special 长号奖学⾦的演出和招待晚宴上。 performance and reception celebrating their $100,000 donation to 下图:Edmonda Lam在演出 ’21, 钢琴),以及表演者Bryan Li (⾳ establish a named trombone(⾳乐学⼠ scholarship. 乐学⼠ ’24, 中提琴), and Timothy Tse (⾳乐学⼠ ’22, 单簧管) A performance (bottom) by Edmonda Lam (BM ’21, Piano), 在⾹港爱乐乐团声部⾸席Andrew Simon Ling 指导下在2021线 Bryan Li (BM ’24, Viola), and Timothy Tseand (BMAndrew ’22, Clarinet) 上⾳乐会演出。 under the guidance of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra principals Andrew Simon and Andrew Ling at the 2021 Virtual Gala.









(1) MSM trustee Maestro Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13),(3) composer CindyGraham McTee, MSM2021年年线上晚会担任主持⼈人; Susan acclaimed flutist Sir James Galway, President James Gandre, and Lady Jeanne Galway at the 75th Birthday and dinner celebration for Maestro Slaktin; (2) MSM Voice (⾳音乐硕⼠士 '87,concert 荣誉博⼠士 '08) 为MSM的2020年年线上晚会 faculty member and Precollege alumna Isabel Leonard (HonDMA ’21), Emcee for 献上特别致敬; (4) Kevin E. Newton (⾳音乐硕⼠士 '20) 与 MSM’s 2021 Virtual Gala; (3) Susan Graham (MM ’87, HonDMA ’08) offering a special tribute for MSM’s 2020 Virtual Gala; (4) Kevin E. Newton (MM ’20) performing with 格莱美提名乐团Imani Winds⼀一起为MSM 的2021年年线上 Grammy-nominated ensemble Imani Winds for MSM’s 2021 Virtual Gala; (5) Robert Lopez (PC ’93) offering a special greeting to guests attending MSM’s 2021 Virtual 晚会表演; (预科 '93)向出席 Gala; (6) Michelle(5) Ong,Robert Chairman, Lopez First Initiative Foundation, and member of MSM’s International Advisory Board, offering a special greeting to guests attending MSM’s MSM2021年年线上晚会的观众致以衷⼼心的问候; (6) First 2021 Virtual Gala; (7) Soloman Howard (MM ’10) offering a special greeting to guests attending MSM’s 2021 Virtual Gala; (8) Damien Sneed (’06) and J’Nai Bridges (BM Initiative基⾦金金会主席、MSM国际顾问委员会成员 ’09) performing for MSM’s 2020 Virtual Gala. Michelle Ong向出席MSM2021线上晚会的嘉宾致以衷⼼心 25

Donor Spotlight: In Memoriam

捐助者亮点:悼念 Christianne Orto Christianne Orto Christianne Orto(1965– Christianne Orto (1965–2020) 2020)在2020年2⽉去世之 was the Dean of Distance Learning 前,⼀直担任曼哈顿⾳乐学 and Recording Arts at Manhattan 院远程教学和录⾳艺术系主 School of Music until her passing 任。她将遗产捐献给学院, in February 2020. Because of a 使得她开创的部门得以继续 generous donation to our School through her estate planning, her 加强发展,并将该部门以她 pioneering work will continue to 的姓⽒重新命名——Orto中 strengthen and grow, based in ⼼。早前她曾担任索尼古 its newly named home, the Orto 典、Angel EMI和BMG Center. Early in her career, her Classics等古典唱⽚公司的 fascination with the recording 制作⼈。 process led to positions as producer 1996年,时任院长 for classical recording labels such Marta as Sony Casals Classical,Istomin聘请 Angel EMI, and Christianneto领导学校的录 BMG Classics.

⾳部门并开发远程学习项 In 1996, then-MSM President Marta ⽬。最初,她强调技术上 Casals Istomin recruited Christianne 的密切合作,使Pinchas to head the School’s recording Zukerman⼤师能够在出城 department and to develop a 时远程教授他的学⽣,并将该项⽬扩⼤到其他伟⼤⾳乐家的⼤师班直播项⽬中。Christianne与世界各地的 distance learning program. Initially, ⾳乐机构合作,开发了为⼩学、中学和⾼等教育学校提供多样风格的⾳乐教学节⽬,是MSM多样化产品的 she worked closely on technology that would allow Pinchas Zukerman to teach his students remotely when he was out of town, expanding the 代表。最近的⼀个重点是创建⼀个远程在线学位项⽬,该项⽬⾯向因职业规划⽽提前离开⼤学学习的表演 program to include livestreamed master classes from other great artists. Collaborating with musical institutions around the world, Christianne 艺术家,并计划在下⼀学年推出。 developed programming that provides primary, secondary, and higher education schools with instruction in a wide range of musical genres, reflecting the diverse offerings at MSM. A more recent focus has been the creation of an online degree completion program that is geared toward 作为主流⾳乐学院的第⼀个此类项⽬,MSM的远程学习项⽬现在被认为是“远程学习⾳乐的最佳标 performing artists who left their formal collegiate studies early due to professional opportunities and is planned to be launched in the next 准”,对专业⾳乐教育产⽣了⼴泛⽽深远的影响。为了表彰Christianneto使世界各地的艺术家能够连接并体 academic year.

验到⾳乐的⼒量和美,她在2016年MSM毕业典礼上被授予总统杰出服务奖章。在她去世前不久, The first of its kind at a major conservatory, MSM’s Distance Learning Program is now regarded as “the gold standard in music distance learning” Christianneto写道:"曼哈顿⾳乐学院是我这25年来的⽣活重⼼,我持久不变的喜悦来⾃于我建⽴的这个全 and has had a wide-reaching and enormous impact on professional music education. In recognition of Christianne’s work, which has enabled 球艺术社区"。 untold thousands across the world to connect and experience the power and beauty of music, she was presented with the President’s Medal for Distinguished Service at the 2016 MSM Commencement ceremony. Shortly before her death, Christianne wrote: “Manhattan School of Music has been central to my life for almost 25 years, and my abiding joy comes with the knowledge that I have built a global arts community.”

Linda Bell Linda BellMercuro Mercuroand 和 Tobias TobiasG. G.Mercuro Mercuro

2021年初,曼哈顿⾳乐学院受托⼈Linda Mercuro和她⼼爱的丈夫Toby因COVID-19⽽相继去世。 Manhattan School of Music lost trustee Linda Mercuro and her beloved husband Toby to COVID-19 early in 2021, within days of each other. Linda Linda(1938-2021)于2011年加⼊学校董事会,后担任董事会执⾏委员会成员,并担任学术事务和促进学 (1938–2021) joined the School’s Board of Trustees in 2011 and most recently served on the Board’s Executive Committee and as Founding ⽣事业委员会的创始主席。 Chair of the Academic Affairs and Student Success Committee. Linda’s remarkable life and career, which was marked by a no-nonsense intelligence that also defined her time at MSM, included her work Linda在MSM⼯作期间,也是美国环境保护局⽔务办公室主任。以严谨的聪慧为标志,注定了她 as Director at the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the Office of Water. She served on a special task force with former Vice ⾮凡的⼈⽣和杰出的职业⽣涯。她与前副总统Al Gore⼀起参予了⼀个特别⼯作组,制定了《清洁⽔⾏动计 President Al Gore to develop the Clean Water Action Plan to fulfill the goals of the Clean Water Act. She received the award for the Office of Water 划》,以达到实现《清洁⽔法案》的⽬标。她因与印第安部落在污染问题上的合作,⽽获得⽔务部卓越管 Excellence in Management and the EPA medal for distinguished service for her work with the Nation’s Indian tribes on pollution issues. Her love 理奖和环保局杰出服务奖章。她对艺术充满了热诚,多年来⽀持了许多相关机构;除了MSM,Linda还是肯 of the arts was exemplified in her support of many institutions; in addition to MSM, Linda was on the Board of the Kennedy Center’s National 尼迪中⼼国家交响乐团的董事会成员,也曾担任该乐团的秘书,以及Levine⾳乐学院的董事会成员。Linda Symphony Orchestra, where she served as Secretary, and of the Levine School of Music. Linda earned her Master’s degree and doctorate in 在纽约⼤学获得了她的政治学硕⼠和博⼠学位,在那⾥她教授⽐较政治学的课程。同时,她也是⼀名钢琴 political science from New York University, where she taught courses in comparative politics. She was also a pianist.


Linda and Toby provided generous support to the School for many of MSM’s most important initiatives. They gave generously to the Centennial Project, which included the renovation of MSM’s principal performance space, Neidorff-Karpati Hall. Most recently, they provided leading Linda和Toby为学院的许多重要项⽬都提供了慷慨的⽀持。 他们为百年纪念项⽬慷慨解囊,其中包括翻 support and lent their names to the Linda Bell Mercuro and Tobias G. Mercuro Student Union, the beautifully designed new space that has 新MSM的主要表演场地 Neidorff-Karpati⾳乐厅。最近,由Linda Bell Mercuro和Tobias G. Mercuro⽀持并命 greatly enhanced on-campus student life at MSM.



William WilliamR.R.Miller Miller Bill Miller (1928–2020) was a transformative force at MSM over many years, serving on the Bill R.Miller(1928-2020)多 School’s Board of Trustees from 年来⼀直是MSM变⾰的主要⼒ 1990 to 2012, and then as a trustee 量。从1990年到2012年,⼀直担 emeritus. Through the Miller Family 任学校的董事会成员,后又成为 Foundation, he and his late wife, 名誉董事。通过Miller家族基⾦ Irene, provided generous support 会,他和他已故的妻⼦Irene为学 for many of MSM’s most important 院的许多重要项⽬都提供了慷慨 initiatives, including the building of 的⽀持,包括建造Andersen⼤厅 MSM’s Andersen Hall (opened in (2001年开放)和以Miller夫妇 2001) and a state-of-the-art new 名义命名的最先进的新表演⾳乐 performance space (opened in 2007) 厅(2007年开放)。 R. named in the Millers’ honor.William The Miller和Irene D.Miller演奏厅是 William R. and Irene D. Miller Recital

⼀个拥有137个座位的精美绝伦 Hall, an intimate, 137-seat jewel-box 的表演空间,⼀直是学院⾳乐季 of a performance space, has been 演出的重要场地之⼀。 a mainstay of MSM’s performance


season ever since.

Miller夫妇还为MSM开创 The Millers also provided major 性的CME(⾳乐创业中⼼)给予了⼤⼒⽀持,它是学院职业发展规划中的⼀项标准制定计划,为学⽣ early support for MSM’s pioneering 和校友提供资源,进⼀步的指导和⿎励 , 以帮助建⽴成功的、有益⾳乐家们的⽣活。Bill从事制药⾏业, Center for Music Entrepreneurship, a standard-setting initiative that provides students and alumni with resources and inspiration to 从Pfizer公司的⾼级主管再到1964的Bristol-Myers公司,再1985年时起担任Bristol-Myers公司的董事会副 build successful and rewarding futures. In his career in the pharmaceutical industry, Bill went from a senior role at Pfizer to BristolMyers in 1964, serving as Vice Chairman of the Board at Bristol-Myers Squibb from 1985 until his retirement. 主席,直到退休。 In addition to his generous support of MSM over the years, he was on the boards of several organizations, including Lincoln Center for 除了多年来对MSM的慷慨⽀持外,他还加⼊了⼀些⼤型⾳乐机构的董事会,如林肯表演艺术中 the Performing Arts, and served as an Advisory Director of the Metropolitan Opera. British-born and educated, he was a member of the ⼼,也曾担任过⼤都会歌剧院的顾问董事。他在英国出⽣并接受教育,在⽜津⼤学读书时,他是巴赫合 University Bach Choir and the College Music Society and Singing Club as a student at Oxford, and later became a member of the Court 唱团和学院⾳乐协会及歌唱俱乐部的成员,后来成为赞助⼈法庭的成员,并被评为⽜津⼤学的杰出挚 of Benefactors and was named a Distinguished Friend of Oxford. Bill was a stalwart within the Anglo-American community of New York, 友。Bill是纽约英美社区的中坚⼒量,被选为Westminster教堂美国基⾦主席和⽜津⼤学美国委员会的成 elected Chairman of the American Fund for Westminster Abbey and a member of the Board of Americans for Oxford. He was appointed an 员。他在2000年被伊丽莎⽩⼥王任命为⼤英帝国军官(OBE),在2011年被任命为⼤英帝国最优秀勋章 Officer of the British Empire (OBE) by Queen Elizabeth in 2000 and Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) (CBE)的指挥官。同年,曼哈顿⾳乐学院授予他荣誉⾳乐艺术博⼠称号。Miller的传奇是永恒的,他 in 2011. That same year, Manhattan School of Music awarded him an honorary Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Bill Miller’s legacy will be 的⽣活和⼯作将对未来的MSM社区充满启迪。 long-lasting and his life and work will provide inspiration to the MSM community for years to come.


20&21财政年度财务报告 Financial Report FY20 & FY21 财务状况表 Statement of Financial Position

这份报表涵盖MSM截⾄财政年度最后⼀天的资产、负债和净资产情况。资产是MSM⽬前可控制的具有 This statement most notably includes MSM’s assets, liabilities, and net assets as of the last day of the fiscal year. An asset is a resource with ⽣产能⼒的资源。负债是学院不可避免,必须承担的还债义务。净资产是财务状况表中所列出的其 service capacity that MSM presently controls. A liability is a present obligation to sacrifice resources that MSM has little or no discretion to 他内容的剩余部分。 avoid. Net assets are the residual of all other elements presented in the Statement of Financial Position.








负债 Liabilities

Liabilities 负债



净资产: Net Assets:

Net Assets: 净资产: Without Donor Restrictions ⾮限定捐助 限定捐助 With Donor Restrictions



Total Liabilities 总负债和净资产

Without Donor Restrictions ⾮限定捐助 限定捐助 With Donor Restrictions



限定捐助总值    Total with Donor Restrictions



总净资产 Total Net



限定捐助总值    Total with Donor Restrictions

总净资产 Total Net


and Net Assets


Total Liabilities 总负债和净资产



and Net Assets

As of June 30, 2020 截⽌到2020年6⽉30⽇

捐赠 Endowment

$110,734,113 截⽌到2021年6⽉30⽇ As of June 30, 2021

MSM’s endowment has grown 75% 年 from6June 30, ⽇起增长了 2011, increasing75%,从 from $20.4 million $35.5 million. MSM 的捐赠基⾦⾃ 2011 ⽉ 30 2040to万美元增加到 3550 万美元。 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 0












As of June 30, 2021 截⽌到2021年6⽉30⽇


Capital Expenditures

Over the past six years, Manhattan School of Music has allocated nearly $40 在过去的六年中,曼哈顿⾳乐学院已经拨出了近4000万 million of capital funding to address deferred maintenance and to improve 美元的资本资⾦,⽤于解决延期维修和改善学⽣体验。超过 the student experience. More than 40% of capital projects have been funded 40%的资本项⽬是由慷慨的私⼈和公共捐赠资助的。校园改 by generous private and public gifts. Campus transformations included the 造包括Neidorff-Karpati⼤厅的全⾯翻新,这是学校626个座位 complete renovation of Neidorff-Karpati Hall, the Mercuro和Tobias School’s 626-seat mainstage 的主舞台表演场地;全新的Linda Bell G. performance space; the new LindaPowell Bell Mercuro and Tobias G. Mercuro Mercuro学⽣会,和Baisley Elebash学⽣休息室;将学 Student Union and the Baisley Powell Elebash Student Lounge; relocating 院的⼤门⼊⼜和⼤厅从122街搬迁到Claremont⼤道130号;增 the School’s main entrance and lobby from 122nd Street to 130 Claremont 加了28个最新最先进的声学控制琴房;并建⽴了两个新的舞 蹈教室。此外,还升级了供暖和空调系统,更换了⼀个消防 Avenue; the addition of 28 new state-of-the-art acoustically controlled practice 安全系统。 rooms; and the creation of two new dance studios. Additionally, heating and air conditioning systems were upgraded and a fire safety system was replaced. Linda Bell Bell Mercuro和Tobias Mercuro and Tobias G. Mercuro Student Union and the Baisley Linda G. Mercuro学⽣会, Powell Elebash Student Lounge opened in the fall of 2021 Baisley Powell Elebash学⽣休息室在2021年秋季开放



Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets 本报表主要展现MSM的活动⽅⾯的成本,这些活动主要由学⽣学费和其他费⽤⽀持。 This statement focuses on the costs of MSM’s activities, which are supported substantially by student tuition and fees.


2019–20 运营活动


Operating Activities

Operating Activities

收⼊ Revenue

收⼊ Revenue

⼤学学费与杂费 College tuition

⼤学学费与杂费 College tuition

and fees


Less scholarships ⼤学学杂费净额    Net college

tuition and fees

预科学费与杂费 Precollege tuition

and fees


Less scholarships 预科学杂费净额    Net precollege

tuition and fees


Auxiliary services

年基⾦收⼊ Annual fund


Investment return appropriated for 拨出的投资回报 operations 其他收⼊

Other revenue 运营收⼊总值

$48,394,586 -$18,319,668 $30,074,918 $5,065,101 -$625,800

$4,413,690 -$519,025




年基⾦收⼊ Annual fund




Investment return appropriated for 拨出的投资回报 operations



tuition and fees

Auxiliary services

$3,894,665 $3,893,551


Other revenue 运营收⼊总值


Total operating revenue


⽀出 Expenses 服务项⽬


Program services

Program services Instruction

and fees


Less scholarships



⽀出 Expenses 指导

⼤学学杂费净额    Net college tuition and fees 预科学费与杂费tuition Precollege

$45,119,086 -$18,279,929

预科学杂费净额    Net precollege


Total operating revenue

and fees


Less scholarships







Academic support



Student services



Student services


辅助服务 Auxiliary services





Academic support

Total program services 服务项⽬总额


⽀持服务 Supporting services ⾏政⽀出 and administrative General 资⾦募集 Fundraising


Total operating expenses Excess of operating revenue 运营收⼊超过⽀出 over expenses


$39,308,472 $5,224,724

Government grants 政府拨款 Investment loss in excess of amount 投资收益超过营运拨款 appropriated for operations 折旧与分期偿还费⽤

Depreciation and amortization expense 其他


Net nonoperating activities


Change in net assets

年初净资产 Net assets,

年末净资产 Net assets,

$2,945,366 $711,604 -$2,744,977 $3,117,144 $454,531


beginning of year end of year


⾏政⽀出 and administrative General 资⾦募集 Fundraising

$6,444,447 $825,260

⽀持服务总额 Total supporting services 运营⽀出总额

Total operating expenses

Excess of operating revenue 运营收⼊超过⽀出 over expenses


$36,137,371 $2,364,953

⾮营运活动 Nonoperating activities

⾮营运活动 Nonoperating activities Contributions 捐款与私⼈资助 and private grants

服务项⽬总额 Total program services

⽀持服务 Supporting services $6,563,385 $936,044

⽀持服务总额 Total supporting services

Auxiliary services

-$2,659,682 $2,565,042

Contributions 捐款与私⼈资助 Government 政府拨款

and private grants


$5,050,230 $940,101


Investment gain in excess of amount appropriated for operations




Depreciation and amortization expense




⾮运营活动净值 Net nonoperating



Change in net assets

$6,204,927 $8,569,880


净资产,年初 Net assets,

beginning of year



年末净资产 Net assets,

end of year


As of June 30, 2020 截⽌到2020年6⽉30⽇

As of June 30, 2021 截⽌到2021年6⽉30⽇


Where Do MSM’s Operating 见图⼀ MSM的运营收⼊从何⽽来? fig. 1a & 1b Revenues Come From?

⼤学和⼤学预科的学费是奖学⾦的净额。辅助服务主 College and precollege tuition and fees are net of scholarship. 要是宿舍客房和⾷宿费。每年的基⾦收⼊不包括⾮运 Auxiliary services are primarily residence hall room and board fees. 营活动中740万美元的捐赠和限制性捐赠。投资回报 Annual fund revenue does not include $7.4 million of endowment 基于MSM的⽀出政策,即每年分配5%的捐赠基⾦。 and restricted gifts included in nonoperating activities. Investment

学⽣服务 Student services – Provides assistance in the areas of admissions, financial aid, registrar and international advising, student

在招⽣、经济援助、注册和国际咨询、学⽣事务、⽇程安排、 affairs, scheduling, house staff, recording studio, and alumni affairs. 宿舍⼯作⼈员、录⾳棚和校友事务等⽅⾯提供帮助。

Management and general – Includes expenditures for 管理和⼀般⽀出

administrative activities that support the entire institution. Examples include administrative offices, information technology, media and 包括协助整个学院的⾏政活动⽀出。例如,⾏政办公室 、信息 communications, campus store, and the box office. 技 术 、媒体和通信交流以及售票。

return is based on MSM’s spending policy of appropriating for distribution each year five percent of the endowment fund.

辅助服务 Auxiliary services – Building maintenance activity costs that are

Where Does The Money Go? 指导

为了保持实体设施场馆的开放与可⽤性⽽产⽣的建筑维护活动 Fundraising – Includes expenditures to raise funds including 费⽤。

钱都去了哪⾥? 见图⼆

figs. 2a & 2b

Instruction – Activities dealing directly with the teaching of 与教学直接相关的活动,如劳动、服务、设 students such as labor, services, equipment, materials, 备、材料和⽤品。 and supplies.

学术⽀持 Academic support – Activities designed to provide support services for MSM’s primary mission of instruction. Includes

旨在为MSM的主要教学任务提供⽀持服务的活动。 performance operations, production, library, distance learning, 包括图书馆、演出操作、创作、远程学习、社区合 community partnerships, and piano technology. 作以及钢琴调试。

necessary to keep the physical facilities open and ready for use.

labor and costs of fundraising events.

筹资monitors its efficiency in terms of what percentage of its MSM operating expenses are allocated to both management and 包括筹集资⾦的⽀出,⼈⼒和筹款活动的成本 general overhead and fundraising. At 17% and 2% for FY20 and 22% and 3% for FY21, respectively, MSM is efficient according to MSM根据其运营费⽤中分配给管理和⼀般管理费⽤以及筹 benchmarked standards.

款的⽐例来监测其效率。根据基准标准,MSM的效率在20 财年分别为17%和2%,21财年为22%和3%。

2020运营收⼊ Revenues 2020 Operating

2020运营⽀出 Expenses 2020 Operating

图⼀ 1a fig.

图⼆ 2a fig.

Annual fund revenue 年度基⾦收⼊5% 5%

Investment return 投资回报3% 3%

Auxiliary services 辅助服务9% 9%

募集资⾦2% Fundraising 2%

管理和⼀ Management 般⽀出 and general 17% 17%

Auxiliary services 辅助服务14% 14%

⼤学学费与杂费 Colllege net 68% tuition and fees

Instruction 指导50% 50%


Precollege net 预科学费与杂 tuition and fees 费10% 10%

Student services

学⽣服务9% 9% Academic support 学术⽀持13% 13%

2021运营收⼊ Operating

Revenues 2021


fig. 1b Annual fund revenue

年度基⾦收⼊6% 6%

投资回报4% Investment return 4%

Auxiliary services 辅助服务10% 10%

Precollege net 预科学费与 tuition and fees 杂费10% 10%

fig. 2

2021运营⽀出 Operating 图⼆

fig. 2b

Expenses 2021

募集资⾦3% 辅助服务2% Auxiliary services Fundraising

管理和⼀ Management 般⽀出 and general 22% 22%

Instruction 指导49% 49%

⼤学学费与杂费 Colllege net tuition and fees 70% 70% Student services 学⽣服务9% 9% Academic support 学术⽀持15% 15%


2% 3%


Manhattan School of Music Donors

FY20 (July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020) 2020财年(2019年7⽉1⽇⾄2020年6⽉30⽇)

100万美元及以上 $1 million and above

Michael and Noémi K. Neidorff / Centene Charitable Foundation $500,000 to $999,999 The Baisley Powell Elebash Fund $100,000 to $499,999 Bill and Patricia O’Connor $50,000 to $99,999 Joan Taub Ades Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy Luisa Guembes-Buchanan Dr. David G. Knott and Ms. Françoise Girard Michelle Ong/First Initiative Foundation Limited The Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation, Inc. Joe and Lauren Pizza Estate of Harold Schonberg Chiona X. Schwarz Michelle Deal Winfield and Claude L. Winfield $25,000 to $49,999 Augustine Foundation Estate of Elizabeth G. Beinecke Carla Bossi-Comelli Susan Ennis and Dr. Owen Lewis Eric Gronningsater and Amy Levine* Estate of Louis W. Halk Marcia and Don Hamilton Nancy Freund Heller and Jeffrey Heller Han Jo Kim Ruth M. Knight Foundation Edward Lowenthal Linda Bell Mercuro* and Toby Mercuro* The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation Twiford Foundation $10,000 to $24,999 An Anonymous Family Foundation Margot Alberti de Mazzeri The ASCAP Foundation Ed Annunziato Bettina Baruch Foundation The Frank and Lydia Bergen Foundation Delin and Abelardo Bru/ Kimberly-Clark Foundation The Chisholm Foundation Dr. Alejandro Cordero The Enoch Foundation The Eric and Margaret Friedberg Foundation Edith Hall Friedheim EALgreen Charles & Carol Grossman Family Fund Jephson Educational Trusts Warren Jones† Nancy M. Kissinger The Arthur Loeb Foundation Robert and Amy McGraw

The Clement Meadmore Foundation National Endowment for the Arts Orin Y. O’Brien† Margarita M. Patron Ruesch Family Foundation Carl and Aviva Saphier Estate of Rabbi Abraham Sheingold So-Chung Shinn and Tony W. Lee Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Mónica and Angel Sosa Michael G. Stewart Dorothy Strelsin Foundation Mary Vinton Maria and Guillermo Vogel $5,000 to $9,999 An Anonymous Donor Alfredo and Mita Aparicio The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation The Theodore H. Barth Foundation Matt and Andrea Bergeron Allen H. and Selma W. Berkman Charitable Trust Chartwells Capt. Kenneth R. Force, USMS (ret.) Joyce Griggs J & J Flooring Shirley Katz-Cohen* Diane Kettering Ron Losby, Steinway & Sons Marquis George MacDonald Foundation Linda McKean The Walter W. Naumburg Foundation New York State Council on the Arts Susan and David Rahm Saul D. Raw Melody Sawyer Richardson The Rochlis Family Foundation Ted and Lesley Rosenthal Paul and Joanne Schnell Mari and Kenneth Share Arthur T. and Beverly Shorin Jane E. Steele and William Sussman The Rubin-Ladd Foundation Frank and Jean Zhang $2,500 to $4,999 An Anonymous Donor Matt and Miki Ambrogi Pamela Averick Bond Schoeneck & King Bright Power Elizabeth A. R. & Ralph S. Brown, Jr. Sir Cesare L. Santeramo KCSJ Mr. and Mrs. Ulf Claesson The Crichton Family Fund Dianne Flagello† Richard Gaddes General Plumbing Corporation Robert A. Siegel/Ghent Realty Services Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gottschalk Jane A. Gross Sylvia Hemingway Phillip N. Kawin†* Elton King *已故 *Deceased

Barbara and Dermot O’Reilly Joan Patenaude-Yarnell† The Presser Foundation Ashley Putnam RIK Electric Corporation Lois Roman Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation Irene Schultz Thomas P. and Cynthia Sculco Susan and Laurence Shiff Richard W. Southwick FAIA Steinberg Hart Holzman Moss Bottino Architecture Christopher W. Welch and Katherine L. Hosford $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous Donors (5) Steve Acunto Richard E. Adams Gabrielle Bamberger Michael A. Bamberger Bellet Construction Marion Tyler Blake Trust Kevin M. Bohl The Barbara Brookes Trust Diana and Marc Chazaud Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke Tony Converse Frank D’Amelio Talitha W. and Marc E. Day Glenn Dicterow† and Karen Dreyfus† Paul M. Dodyk Michael R. and Nina I. Douglas Eagan Family Foundation Emerson, Reid Judith Friedman Daniel F. Dolgin & Loraine F. Gardner Patti Eylar and Charles Gardner Hans Gesell Joanne Greenspun Sarah Gronningsater Raul M. and Magdalena Gutierrez Hansoree Lori and Alan Harris Karen Hartman Charles Hirschler Peter Horvath Guan-Kooi and Cecile Jim Susan Jolles† Robert and Susan Kaplan Jack and Helga Katz Millen Katz and Patricia Anders Sungrim Kim and Wonsuk Chang Sidney Knafel and Londa Weisman Michael J. Kokola Patinka Kopec† and Jay E. Selman Anna Levine-Gronningsater and Nathaniel Hall The George A. Long Foundation Alan Lurie Thomas Maguire Alta T. Malberg The Merck Company Foundation Dr. Solomon Mikowsky† †MSM教师/员⼯ †MSM Faculty/Staff


曼哈顿⾳乐学院捐助者 Manhattan School of Music Donors 2021财年(2021年 2020-June 30⽇7⽉1⽇) FY21 (July 1, 2020–June 30, 2021) Philippe Muller† John Neumaier Dr. and Mrs. James A. Newcomb Mary Ann Oklesson James & Theodore Pedas Family Foundation James Petercsak Dr. Jeffrey Langford† and Dr. Joanne Polk† Amy Pollick and Joshua Lipman Linda and Kalmon Post Susan Quittmeyer and James Morris† Rahm Family Fund Jonathan Raskin James H. Reiss and Luce Reiss Barbara L. Reissman Regina J. Rheinstein and Robert Rheinstein The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization Roberta Rust Andy Zildjian / Sabian LTD Richard & Bette Saltzman Foundation Ilse Gordon-Shapiro Robert A. Siegel Dr. Marc Silverman† Steven P. Singer and Alan S. Salzman Robert and Victoria Sirota Ted Smith Annaliese Soros The Stecher & Horowitz Foundation Kathleen Byrum Suss John Sweeney Nickolas and Liliana Themelis Dace Udris Dona D. Vaughn and Ron Raines Nils Vigeland Mr. and Mrs. George Vos Mallory and Diana Walker Ronald G. Weiner and Vicki Weiner Daniel E. Weiss Elizabeth V. White* Keith L. Wiggs We also gratefully the 我们也⾮常感谢 718 位recognize 1,000 美元以下 718 donors of gifts under $1,000. 的捐赠者。


100万美元及以上 $1 million and above

Linda Bell Mercuro* and Toby Mercuro* Michael and Noémi K. Neidorff / Centene Charitable Foundation Estate of Cathleen A. Ryan $500,000 to $999,999 Estate of Christianne Orto $100,000 to $499,999 Estate of Lynda Ciolek Gart Family Foundation Bill and Patricia O’Connor Elizabeth and Walter Sayre $50,000 to $99,999 Estate of Elizabeth G. Beinecke Delin and Abelardo Bru / Kimberly-Clark Foundation Estate of Shirley Katz-Cohen Estate of Maurice Eisenstadt Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy Luisa Guembes-Buchanan Marcia and Don Hamilton William Randolph Hearst Foundation David G. Knott and Françoise Girard / McKinsey & Company Edward Lowenthal The Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation Paul and Joanne Schnell / Skadden Estate of Harold Schonberg

$25,000 to $49,999 An Anonymous Donor Joyce Aboussie The Achelis and Bodman Foundation Augustine Foundation Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation Fred J. Brotherton Charitable Foundation The Chisholm Foundation Susan Ennis and Owen Lewis Estate of Jonathan Fey Edith Hall Friedheim Eric Gronningsater Charles & Carol Grossman Family Fund Nancy Freund Heller and Jeffrey Heller Han Jo Kim Estate of Robert I. Lewy Joe and Lauren Pizza Lois Roman The Rubin-Ladd Foundation The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation Twiford Foundation Flavio Varani

*已故 *Deceased

$10,000 to $24,999 The Joan and Alan Ades-Taub Family Foundation The ASCAP Foundation Alfredo and Mita Aparicio The Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation The Barker Welfare Foundation The Theodore H. Barth Foundation Carla Bossi-Comelli Alejandro Cordero Estate of Alex Davis The Enoch Foundation The Eric and Margaret Friedberg Foundation Jane A. Gross Raul M. and Magdalena Gutierrez Lori and Alan Harris Elinor and Andrew Hoover J.C.C. Fund Jephson Educational Trusts Nancy M. Kissinger Ruth M. Knight Foundation Margot Alberti de Mazzeri New York City Council Margarita M. Patron Saul D. Raw The Rochlis Family Foundation So-Chung Shinn and Tony W. Lee Epp Sonin Mónica and Angel Sosa Michael Stewart Maria and Guillermo Vogel The Young Family Frank and Jean Zhang $5,000 to $9,999 Annunziato Family Charitable Gift Fund The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation Matt and Andrea Bergeron Allen H. and Selma W. Berkman Charitable Trust Bond Schoeneck & King Chartwells Dining Services EALgreen Richard Gaddes Ruth Golden† Joan Gordon Hagner Family Charitable Fund Max Kade Foundation Samuel M. Levy Family Foundation Gerda Lissner Foundation The Arthur Loeb Foundation Marquis George MacDonald Foundation The Clement Meadmore Foundation New York State Council on the Arts Chiona X. Schwarz Mari and Kenneth Share

†MSM教职员⼯ †MSM Faculty/Staff

Applause 掌声协会Society

Arthur T. and Beverly Shorin Jane E. Steele and William Sussman Dorothy Strelsin Foundation The Tang Fund Michelle Deal Winfield and Claude L. Winfield Yorke Construction $2,500 to $4,999 An Anonymous Donor Averick Philanthropic Foundation Bright Power Elizabeth A. R. and Ralph S. Brown, Jr. Eagan Family Foundation Emerson, Reid Corporation Evco Mechanical Corporation Dianne Flagello† General Plumbing Karen and Phil Glick J & J Flooring Chloe Kiffer† The Merck Company Foundation Solomon Mikowsky† Barbara and Dermot O’Reilly Jim Petercsak The Presser Foundation Susan and David Rahm RIK Electric Corporation Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation Irene Schultz Marc Silverman† Nils Vigeland The Widder Foundation Keith L. Wiggs David J. Wolfsohn

$1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous Donors (5) JJ and Ralph Allen American Elevator & Machine Corporation Ellen Babbitt Michael A. Bamberger Gabrielle Bamberger Maitland Peters† and Karen Beardsley-Peters Elaine L. Bearer Karen Bedrosian-Richardson George S. Braverman Brody Family Fund Teresa Bulgheroni Kathleen Check Julia Cox Glenn Dicterow† Shirley Brumbaugh Dillard Michael R. and Nina I. Douglas Donis G. Flagello Daniel F. Dolgin and Loraine F. Gardner Patti Eylar and Charles Gardner Timothy F. Geithner Hans Gesell The Giordano Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gottschalk Joanne Greenspun Madelon and Jerald Grobman Hansoree Sylvia Hemingway Stephen A. Hoffman Peter Horvath IBM Guan-Kooi and Cecile Jim Jacqueline M. Johnson Susan Jolles Susan and Robert Kaplan Millen Katz and Patricia Anders Phillip N. Kawin*† Judith Klotz Knafel Family Foundation Michael J. Kokola

Patinka Kopec† and Jay E. Selman Eun Jung Lee Christiana M. Leonard Lubrano Ciavarra Architects The Madon Family Thomas Maguire The Marc and Alta Malberg Foundation Michelle and John Morris Mary Ann Oklesson Jonathan Raskin Regina J. Rheinstein Mary S. Riebold The Rodgers & Hammerstein Foundation Sabian Sir Cesare L. Santeramo KCSJ The Thomas P. and Cynthia D. Sculco Foundation Ilse Gordon-Shapiro Susan and Laurence Shiff Mr. and Mrs. Howard Solomon Annaliese Soros Richard W. Southwick FAIA The Melvin Stecher & Norman Horowitz Foundation Steinberg Hart | Holzman Moss Bottino Architecture Andrea Stevens Henry Sung John Sweeney Dace Udris Vos Family Fund Voya Financial Mallory and Diana Walker Ronald G. Weiner Daniel E. Weiss Allen and Laura Yang Ellen and Bill Yeckley We also gratefully recognize the 我们也⾮常感谢 506 位 1,000 美元以下的 506 donors of gifts under $1,000. 捐赠者。

The Applause Society, launched in 2021, recognizes the steadfast and loyal support of foundations and individuals who have made gifts to the Applause Society 于2021年启动,表彰那些⼗年或者以上的,每年都向学校捐赠的基⾦会和个⼈。 School each and every year for ten years or more. *Deceased

†MSM Faculty/Staff

Applause Society










(1) Bill O’Connor and Matt Holman (MM ’10, DMA ’18) at a reception for the performance of Terence Blanchard’s A Tale of God’s Will (A Requiem for Katrina), January

(1) O'Connor和Matt Holman "10, DMA"’98) 18)在Terence Tale ofGala; God’s(3) Will》(A Requiem Katrina)演出晚宴上,2020年1⽉24⽇;(2) Ron 24, Bill 2020; (2) Ron Carter (MM(MM ’61, HonDMA performs Blanchard的《A at the 2020 Virtual Jeff and Nancyfor Heller, Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy atCarter(MM January 24"61, HonDMA" 98)在2020年线上晚会演出;(3) Jeff and Nancy Heller, Lorraine Gallard 和Richard H. Levy 在1⽉24的晚宴中;(4)Warren Jones 和 Hilda Harris在1⽉24⽇晚宴上;(5) Michele reception; (4)Blanchard和Elio Warren JonesVillafranca在1⽉24⽇晚宴上;(6) and Hilda Harris at the January预科⼩提琴专业学⽣SoHyun 24 reception; (5) MicheleKo在2020年线上晚会表演;(7)Bernie Wright, Terence Blanchard, and Elio Villafranca at the January 24 reception; (6) Wright、Terence Williams (BM "16)在2020年线上晚会表演;(8) Precollege violin student Ko performs at the 2020 Virtual Gala; (7)Baldwin、Leonard Bernie WilliamsSlatkin、James (BM ’16) performs at the 2020 Virtual Gala; (8) Vocal Performance student ⼥⾼⾳专业学⽣Luxana Lozano SoHyun Zepeda 在2021线上庆典⾳乐会上;(9) Alec和Hilaria Gandre在纪念Maestro Slatkin的活动上,2019年10⽉18⽇;(10) Brian Wagorn (DMALozano '13),钢琴,和Anthony Roth Costanzo (MM(9) "08),假声男⾼⾳,在2020线上庆典⾳乐会演出。 soprano Luxana Zepeda at the 2021 Virtual Gala; Alec and Hilaria Baldwin, Leonard Slatkin, and James Gandre at an event honoring Maestro Slatkin,

October 18, 2019; (10) Brian Wagorn (DMA '13), piano, and Anthony Roth Costanzo (MM ’08), countertenor, perform at the 2020 Virtual Gala.



6) nt


Manhattan School of Music Leadership

董事会 Board of Trustees

Lorraine Gallard, Chair Edward Lowenthal, Vice Chair James Gandre, President David G. Knott, Treasurer Noémi K. Neidorff (BM ’70, MM ’72, HonDMA ’17), Secretary Terence Blanchard (HonDMA ’17) Laurie Carney Delano R. Copprue Anthony Roth Costanzo (MM ’08) Susan Ennis

Edith Hall Friedheim (MM ’72) Eric Gronningsater Marcia Clay Hamilton Thomas Hampson (HonDMA ’09) Nancy Freund Heller Han Jo Kim Bebe Neuwirth (HonDMA ’15) Bill O’Connor Lois Roman Paul Schnell

Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13) Bernie Williams (BM ’16)

Alejandro Cordero, Argentina Eric Gronningsater, United States Raul M. Gutierrez, Mexico/Spain Lori Harris, United States Margot Alberti de Mazzeri, Italy Michelle Ong, Hong Kong

Margot Patron, Mexico Maria Elvira Salgar, Colombia/United States Chiona X. Schwarz, Germany Angel Sosa, Mexico Guillermo Vogel, Mexico

Thomas Hampson (HonDMA ’09) Stefon Harris (BM ’95, MM ’97) Marta Istomin (HonDMA ’05), President Emerita Bernard Labadie (HonDMA ’18)

Lang Lang (HonDMA ’12) Bebe Neuwirth (HonDMA ’15) Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13) Pinchas Zukerman (HonDMA ’93)

Blair Cagney (BM ’18, MM ’20) Marc Day (MM ’11), Assistant Vice President of Advancement Michael Fahie (BM ’02) Heather Hamilton (MM ‘93, MM ’95) Brian Holman (MM ’04) Eunbi Kim (MM ’12)

Yahan Liu (MM ’19) Christopher Nappi (BM ’86, MM ’88) Penny Prince (BM ’74, MM ’76) Jeffrey Scott (BM ’90) Eganam Segbefia (MM ’18) Chandler Sinks (BM ’21) Jarrett Winters Morley (BM ’20)

Trustees 名誉董事 Emeriti Joan Taub Ades (HonDMA ’14) Carla Bossi-Comelli (HonDMA ’20) Marta Istomin (HonDMA ’05), President Emerita David A. Rahm (HonDMA ’07), Chair Emeritus Robert G. Simon

国际顾问委员会 International Advisory Board Carla Bossi-Comelli (HonDMA ’20), Chair, Switzerland Mita Aparicio, Mexico Delin Bru, United States Luisa G. Buchanan (BM ’63), Peru/United States

艺术顾问委员会 Artistic Advisory Council Terence Blanchard (HonDMA ’17) Anthony Roth Costanzo (MM ’08) Glenn Dicterow Peter Duchin Richard Gaddes (HonDMA ’17)

校友顾问委员会 Alumni Advisory Council

Justin Bischof (BM ’90, MM’92, DMA ’98), Chair Wendy Talio (BM ’83), Vice-Chair Elaine Alvarez (BM ’02, MM ’04) Chira Bell, Student Representative Luke Breton (BM ’18), Alumni Engagement Coordinator

院长委员会 President’s Council James Gandre, President Joyce Griggs, Executive Vice President and Provost Jeff Breithaupt, Vice President for Media and Communications Monica C. Christensen, Dean of Students Melissa Cocco, Vice President and Dean of Enrollment Management Bryan Greaney, Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Safety

Susan Madden, Vice President for Advancement Tangella S. Maddox, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Carol Matos, Vice President for Administration and HR Kelly Sawatsky, Dean of Academic Affairs Alexa Smith, Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice President for Special Initiatives Madeline Tolliver, Dean of Performance and Production Operations

系主任和项⽬总监 Department Chairs and Program Directors Michelle Baker, Chair, Brass Linda Chesis, Chair, Woodwinds Mark Delpriora, Chair, Guitar Glenn Dicterow, Chair, Orchestral Performance John Forconi, Chair, Collaborative Piano Reiko Fueting, Chair, Composition and Theory & Aural Skills Liza Gennaro, Dean of Musical Theatre Carleen Graham, Dean of Vocal Arts Andrew Henderson, Chair, Organ Ingrid Jensen, Dean of Jazz Arts Margaret Kampmeier, Artistic Director and Chair, Contemporary Performance Program

Christopher Lamb, Chair, Percussion Jeffrey Langford, Associate Dean of Doctoral Studies and Chair, Music History George Manahan, Director of Orchestral Activities Nicholas Mann, Chair, Strings John Pagano, Chair, Humanities Marc Silverman, Chair, Piano Kent Tritle, Chair, Choral


130 Claremont Avenue, New York, NY 10027


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