The New Day Herald | July 2015

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New Day Herald Volume 28, Issue 6 ∙

in this edition... The Traveler in Bulgaria John-Roger & John Morton on the Christ John Morton Interview, Part 2 Ministry as a “Divine Comforter” ∙ July/August, 2015

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Contents 6

The Source– The Christed Light


John-Roger, DSS

“We often wonder who this man was, Jesus the Christ. I’d like to give you a thumbnail sketch. . .”

Ready for Blastoff! Lucia Doynel

“One of the ways I think it’s important to keep sharing our light is through our personal experience of the teachings.”

28 Passive vs Active Meditation Paul Kaye, DSS

“. . .which changes it from a passive technique of emptying the mind to an active technique of directing the mind and emotions.”

48 44 2015 Ministers of the Year Rev. Angel Harper Rev. Diana Berengue

Best Of Both Worlds Live Online and In Person Zoe Golightly

“We're also aware that it's important for our folks around the world to get together In Person.”

16 The Compassion of the Christ


John Morton, DSS

A Blessing of the Christ

“. . .as I walked into the courtroom that day before the hearing began, I had one of the most powerful spiritual experiences of my life..”

32 Christ the Divine Comforter Catherine Corona

“A little notice in the Boulder Colorado Newspaper jumped out at me, ‘Victims’ Advocates Needed with the Boulder Police Department. . .’”


Being with John-Roger Asking and Receiving Vicki Ecker

“Then out of the blue—or the Purple, if you will—something came over me. . . ”

John Morton, DSS

38 INSIGHT IV Seminar in Sofia, Bulgaria Hristina Kirimidchieva

. . .78 participants from seven different countries, including Australia, Russia, England, the USA, Greece, France and of course, Bulgaria.

56 Part II of an Interview with John Morton David Sand

66 Directory of Organizations 67 MSIA Resources © 2015 The Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

“Let’s each one, within our own consciousness – because that’s

the most sacred place of all – rededicate ourselves to only two concepts; the Fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of mankind. If you will just take these and manifest them, you will indeed be manifesting the Christ consciousness.” 6 New Day Herald

The Source– The Christed Light by

John-Roger, DSS Originally Published in The Movement Newspaper 1972

Let’s each one, within

our own consciousness – because that’s the most sacred place of all – rededicate ourselves to only two concepts; the Fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of mankind. If you will just take these and manifest them, you will indeed be manifesting the Christ consciousness. To manifest the Christ Light is another action, but to manifest that consciousness is something we will indeed bring about.

Soon we will be celebrating the birth of a master who lived two thousand years ago, the Master Jesus, who was brought forward and was Christed in that dispensation. It’s interesting to look at these dispensations. It is a time or a door we go through and one of the hinges on that door is Jesus the Christ, who happened to be, you might say, the top hinge of this door. There are many hinges on the door, and they are all a manifestation of the Christ action unfolding. But we have to remember

that no matter how many hinges there are on the door, unless we, as individuals, place our key (our consciousness) in the door and make an effort to turn the key and then to push on the door, it has been to no avail. We often wonder who this man was, Jesus the Christ. I’d like to give you a thumbnail sketch. Many people have had many ideas about what this particular person looked like and what He acted like and who He was. I had the pleasure to be in that company in another dispensation of time, and it’s as real sometimes as where we sit now, in this moment. Many things have been said from the pulpit about this man, who was indeed a MAN, but who was overshadowed by the Christ. Here was a man who had a perfect love relationship with the entire world, a perfect love. Can you imagine a perfect love with everything that existed, even to New Day Herald 7

“[Jesus] gave of his Light Spirit. In the few short years that you

people have heard most about Him, He gave entirely of His life stream. This life stream was not only part of the Christ consciousness, but it was part of His own life stream. He had dedicated Himself into the highest form of Light that can ever be manifested or that ever will be manifested.� 8 New Day Herald

the time He was walking down the road and saw the carcass of a dog that was decaying. He looked at the teeth and said, “Look how beautifully the teeth shine.” Others saw the decay and smelled the stench, but His perfect love manifested the perfect beauty. As we enter into our own Christ Consciousness within – because it is within every one of us – we are stirred into seeing this beauty as it is represented in this present time. Here was a man who was in one moment so tender that the most beautiful music was coarse in comparison, and yet here was the same man who was so rugged and stern that the mightiest oak tree would be nothing compared to Him. Can you imagine the dimension of someone who can come forward, in one moment, and clean and cleanse a temple and the next moment go and raise the dead? Such dimension – to be so volatile in one moment and then so giving in another moment - to everything He touched He gave of his Light Spirit. In the few short years that you people have heard most about Him, He gave entirely of His life stream. This life stream was not only part of the Christ consciousness, but it was part of His own life stream. He had dedicated Himself into the highest form of Light that can ever be manifested or that ever will be manifested. It’s interesting to remember the times when He walked the roadway. I don’t think people ever consider the idea of a man who could walk along the road and get dusty feet and yet was a God – a God in manifestation. Those with Him seemed to get very dirty along the road, but all He seemed to get was dusty. It’s a manifestation of the Spirit that He was able to move the things back from Him that He no longer needed. We walk along the roadway and we get pretty dirty as we pick up

that which is around us. But here is a man who so loved that nothing was above, and nothing was below His consciousness or his manifestation of that consciousness. He would wash His own disciples’ feet. He would feed them. When all were asleep, He would take their robes and wrap the robes around them to keep them warm. He worked with the people who needed the work. Many times He was to be captured and put away by the religious groups, and many times they came after Him, but so many times were they thwarted that this particular manifestation becomes a miracle. They would reach out for Him and He wasn’t there. If He wanted to be surrounded and incarcerated, He had the consciousness to do it. If He didn’t, nothing could harm him. He traveled all over the known world at that time. He traveled everywhere. It’s interesting that some of those who were called forth as disciples traveled with Him in company long before they were called forth as disciples to assist Him in His open ministry in what we call the Holy Land, which is indeed a Holy Land because it has a central vortex of force that comes right up through the earth. There are so many things that could be told of that thirty-three year period when this man went through more torment and more agony than you could ever imagine. His initiations into the various aspects of His ministry, before He started ministering, were so beautiful to behold that unless you could understand and see what was brought forward, for the most part, you would not know His way, because only those people who have eyes to see and ears to hear will know of the Light in its ministry. Those who are part of the central earth will not know of this ministry through the Christ Consciousness. They will know of the ministry of the Christ

New Day Herald 9

“[Jesus,] initiations into the various aspects of His ministry, before He started ministering, were so beautiful to behold that unless you could understand and see what was brought forward, for the most part, you would not know His way, because only those people who have eyes to see and ears to hear will know of the Light in its ministry.�

10 New Day Herald

when they are in another dimension. When they are taught in that dimension, the agony of their consciousness will be to look back on this planet and see where they could have grown so much more rapidly here in this consciousness because here in this level we have such tremendous freedom. When we step into another dimension, into another kind of consciousness, we’re restricted much more by those laws because only on this planet do we have the contingency of freedom. It’s so interesting to think back, to see a man walking down the road as the dust is gathering and it’s twilight time. It’s also interesting that the company of Jesus got very hungry. They didn’t have anyone to carry food for them and they appeared to be “at the mercy” of the people, but they really weren’t, because within the land where the ministry was taking place, were groups of what we might cal “Light-workers.” They belonged to various sects. Among them were the Essenes and Nazarenes. As they would go into these areas, everything was taken care of for them. When you stop to figure it out, this was a tremendous work that was laid down in such an ordered fashion and in such an ordered way that you would think it would take a general with a tremendous staff to have set this up. Yet, in a moment of consciousness, these things were brought forward, because always and forever, wherever He went, the Light moved ahead of Him, and, always and forever, the way was prepared to do what He wanted to do. In that time when He first entered onto the planet as a baby – many people would say when this phenomenon took place – the birth was a phenomenon. Nothing else at the time was quite so phenomenal as when this baby was brought forward and people saw the

ministry of angels coming forward. Needless to say, those years until His open ministry were years of intense study that very few people know about. He traveled under the name of Joseph and if you would see the registers of the various mystery schools around the world you would see Joseph and His company registered there. He was initiated into the mystery schools when He went into Persia and into Egypt and He even went into China. So you see, when you stop to think about this particular man, He was indeed a world traveler and if we could do it without punning, we could also say, a mystical traveler, because wherever He went the Spirit of the Christ Light went with Him. He was overshadowed just about the age of thirty with the Office of the Christ and this was only after He had fulfilled all that was set before Him that he was to do – all. From the moment of His first breath, He was in school to manifest this Christ action, to become the locus of the planet, the God incarnate. It’s such a fantastic thing to have this type of action take place that we don’t realize within our conscious mind what this is. The same air that was being breathed by this great man, and others since, is still being breathed by each one of us, and we are indeed part, in more ways than you can imagine, of this particular action of the Light as it comes across the planet. We can refer to the Light as the “Christ Light,” but we can also refer to the Light as being a universal energy source that comes from the Supreme God and this

New Day Herald 11

“You may be chosen to represent the Light, but then you must also choose in return, because it’s never ever given to you but that you say, ‘Lord, I am ready. Here I am.’ Then the Light comes to you.”

12 New Day Herald

covers every race, religion, creed, or whathave-you. It’s all part of the divine action that is brought forward.

because it’s never ever given to you but that you say, “Lord, I am ready. Here I am.” Then the Light comes to you.

I’ll tell you about the time when Jesus was with the sheep in the field. It was not a parable that one sheep was lost and He went to find it. This was taken from His own personal experience of searching for the lost sheep. When He found this lost sheep and brought it back, He realized the symbolism of what had taken place and therefore He reached out within the parable to show that not one soul will be lost, even to the little sheep who doesn’t know what’s going on and gets lost in the throes and the thickets of our civilization. A worker of Light will search this one out and bring it back to the fold.

By presenting yourself in a position of acceptance, you go toward the Light, and as this enters into your life, as we’ve heard on many levels of consciousness, it can change you. It can purify you. There’s just nothing that I know of that the Light can’t do. I haven’t seen anything yet that could not be done through this Light. We’re all part of this focus, and as we bring forth our greater and greater Light, we are indeed doing it the way Jesus taught – not the way He was referring to when He said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” He was seeing to the time when the teachings of the Christ would be perverted and corrupted through the thousands of years after His death.

Jesus referred to Himself as a worker of Light and He referred to Himself as the Son of Man. We asked Him, “What do you mean when you say you are ‘the Son of Man’?” He answered, “I am the Self of man, the Self of all mankind, the great inner knowing; this is what I am.” When you think of this, it makes so much more sense than to say “the Son of Man.” The Self of Man is the Christ that is in every person - every one. Jesus manifested it to such a high degree of glory that He became that which is the Light. To be initiated into some things is one action, but to manifest the initiation is another action. There have been many Christs on the planet, but there have only been a few that were able to manifest the Christ in Its highest glory and Its highest manifestation. Since this is true, we have to say, “Many are called, but few choose.” You may be chosen to represent the Light, but then you must also choose in return,

Now we must come back to some of the most simple aspects that were brought forward in that time. These aspects have been brought forward in many times and in many places, but much like little children, after we’re told something over and over, or after we repeat it a hundred times, we get it. That’s fine, as long as we get it. If it takes a thousand ties, we do it a thousand times. We manifest the Light as many times as is necessary. How many times do we forgive our neighbor? Seven times seventy. And that’s just a start, because we bring the Light in as a continuing process – continuing, never ending – never. Even as we shift consciousness from this body that we’re in now, to another form of consciousness, it is never ending that we bring this Light to everyone around us.

Baruch Bashan

New Day Herald 13

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Ready for Blastoff!


Lucia Doynel

Click for video

Not to sound like a hallmark card,

but it truly has been an amazing experience to step into my new role as Social Media and Outreach Manager for MSIA. Sometimes spirit has the most unexpected ways of showing me the way. I knew that once I chose to do this work the information would come to me at the perfect time. Not only was there a lot of trust but also a lot of taking action and moving forward. One of the ways I think it’s important to keep sharing our light is through our personal experience of the teachings. I made this little video for Conference just to show the impact that sharing your awakening has. It’s funny how

something I’ve heard so many times, and I even made, edited, etc., still moves me so deeply. This feels like the beginning of an amazing adventure and also we've been exploring ways we can support our Young MSIA communities to thrive —including the beginning of a Monthly Support Program for folks wanting to create Young MSIA Events in their area. So if you'd like to know more, please do not hesitate to email me at Love & Light to us all,

Lucia New Day Herald 15



ÏJlob fjmloq^kq qe^k qeb obpriq lc qeb eb^ofkd t^p qe^q ^p F t^ihba fkql qeb `lroqollj qe^q a^v _bclob qeb eb^ofkd _bd^k) F e^a lkb lc qeb jlpq mltbocri pmfofqr^i bumbofbk`bp lc jv ifcb+Ð

16 New Day Herald

jm^ppflk lc qeb @eofpq _v Glek Jloqlk

We have the ability

to handle all circumstances that have ever been created for all of the creation, which means for everyone and everything. We have the goods within us through the teachings that we have been bringing forward through this church and through John-Roger’s special gifts and abilities that he shared with us over the years. So it’s important that you lay claim to this ability and give that opportunity your patience and trust that all is happening for the good. When an opportunity comes to you to reject, resist or in some way attempt to cancel or even curse something, consider that there is a grace period. So if you do react, if you do say something that you really know in your wisdom, in your caring, in your kindness you would not say, that you do call it back. Sometimes that means saying to someone, “I’m sorry.” Sometimes that means having compassion for yourself. One of the John-Roger seminars that I was listening to the other day was about speaking kind words and the importance of making that choice and making that be your character. Consider that your kindness is what comes from your way of being. You can choose to demonstrate your kindness to others in your words and actions. You can also demonstrate your kindness and compassion through your willingness to share. Our generosity is our willingness to give more than we receive, to be the first to offer to assist when there is a need for a volunteer. Giving is also about being the one to be the first to let go, to forgive and forget about something that happened, to no longer hold a burden or something hard that gets lodged in our heart in againstness.

I am reminded that Jesus was asked about what is the greatest commandment. When you read in the scriptures, Jesus referred to something that was spoken before his time. He spoke of how we are to love the Lord God with all our body, mind and spirit [Matthew 22.37]. This commandment is the greatest commandment. If you are going to do the work of God, you love it all. You love your employer. You love your work because by our works we are known. Our works are what carry the message of our life. It’s actually not just our works. It’s also our actions. Jesus also pointed out when you’ve done it in your mind, whatever it is, then that carries forward. So if you sinned in your thoughts, it is as if you have sinned in your deeds, in your actions. When I first heard that message, I immediately felt like, “I’m a goner. I don’t know how to work that out because I get some strange thoughts at times.” And that’s still true. Thank God we are not responsible for what comes into our mind. But we are responsible for what we keep in our minds. So choose wisely what you focus upon. I remember a Christmas morning from when I was a child. I had been asking for a BB gun for about five years. Every year I heard from my parents, “You’re too young,” etc. On that particular Christmas morning, I decided to open up the presents early. I tried to cover it up so it didn’t look like the gifts had been opened. I knew I was in trouble when I started opening up my brother’s presents and my sister’s presents, and I found myself thinking about trading the presents or something along those lines. Then I found one present, and I opened it up and discovered inside a BB gun. New Day Herald 17

ÏQe^kh Dla tb ^ob klq obpmlkpf_ib clo te^q `ljbp

fkql lro jfka+ ?rq tb ^ob obpmlkpf_ib clo te^q tb hbbm fk lro jfkap+ Pl `ellpb tfpbiv te^q vlr cl`rp rmlk+Ð And it came with some BBs. That was an experience of being led into temptation because then I didn’t just want to know about the BB gun, I wanted to shoot it. The interesting thing about the gun was that it was a new model that I hadn’t seen before. Some of my friends had other models. So I couldn’t figure out how to load it based on what I knew about their BB guns. At some point, I was trying to pour the BBs down the barrel. Then there was a thing on the end of the barrel that you screw in --- I think you can get the idea of where this is going. I broke the BB gun, of course. I didn’t even get off one shot. Then I said to myself, “How am I going to cover this up?” So I did a pretty bad job of rewrapping, but I blamed it on the cat. That actually worked. Then I acted very innocent about why the gun wouldn’t work. I was trying to get my Dad to help, and he said, “I don’t know. Did you read the instructions?” I said, “No.” At least that part was true. Whatever my dad and I did, we weren’t able to get the BB gun to work. So we took it to the store where he had bought it. Then I got a chance to tell a story, “We just opened it up and it wouldn’t work.”

18 New Day Herald

The salesman got out a flashlight, and he looked down the barrel. He said, “There’s some damage to the valve.” The gun was basically busted. Actually, it wasn’t just busted. You could see the metal was twisted. So no matter what I did or said, the salesman just knew. He kept repeating, “We did not sell this gun to you in this state” and “You did this or somebody did this, but we cannot take it back.” So that was my last BB gun. Years later, when I was a State Park Ranger in California, I had a gun issued to me. And I became the first Park Ranger to ever fire a weapon during duty. So that was another experience about how our lives come forward in ways that aren’t necessarily what we want or expect. It turned out well, though. Nobody got hurt. I just shot at a car. And I was so thankful that I didn’t hurt anybody. Somebody had been driving recklessly on the beach. They didn’t stop when we turned on our Park Ranger Jeep’s red lights. So it was considered resisting arrest. If you’ve seen those car chase scenes in movies or on television, it was a long car chase. We called in and reported the situation to our headquarters. Back then, we didn’t have helicopters with cameras or we would have been on TV because there was a full-on chase.

There was no chance of us catching up to the driver because we were driving a four-wheel drive jeep and he was driving a pretty hoppedup road runner. But then he kind of erred or something like that. He turned down a residential street where there was basically a dead end, and then he did like a 360 and spun out. That’s when my partner said, “Felony stop!” which is kind of code for, “Draw your weapon.” My partner was an ex-marine and an ex-sheriff, so he had a lot of training to back it up. I was just a young pip squeak. I think I was about 21 years old at that point. We did this official stop, and the next thing I knew the driver was basically flooring his car. He was about fifteen feet away from me, and he came right at me with his car. The next thing I knew I was doing a little dance to get out of the way, and then the next thing I knew was that I was consciously going to fire the gun. But there wasn’t anything to justify my doing so. If you know the way the law works, the law says that if your life is threatened, then you can use lethal force to protect yourself. But once that lethal force passes by, then it is no longer justified to use lethal force, which is what happened.

At that moment, I knew the gun was going to go off. Then I remember consciously lowering the gun because I realized the gun was going to go off. So I lowered the gun and then it went off. Later, I found out that the bullet had gone into the trunk. It was fortunate because the guy had suitcases full of stuff in the trunk of his car so that the bullet went through the trunk and lodged in the suitcase. And no one was hurt. I had an opportunity to interview, or some people might call it interrogate, the young man who drove the car. It turned out he was AWOL, which means “Absent Without Leave,” from his Naval Unit on the east coast. His story went that he found out that his girlfriend was breaking up with him, and he had driven non-stop across the country to see her. He had taken whatever medication would allow him to do that drive, so he was rather hopped up by the time he got where we were. Then the guy apologized to me. “I should be on a morgue slab right now,” he said. I remember I said to him, “No, no, that would really be a very terrible outcome.” Then I told him, “I want you to know I did not want to shoot you, and I am just glad I did not shoot you. The best thing I can tell you is I was shooting the car. That’s really what I was doing, even though my training would say I shouldn’t have done that.” My training specifically said, “Don’t shoot out tires. Don’t do the things you see on TV,” which is funny because I grew up as a TV child. I was watching TV all my life. So I realized I had to sort of retrain myself because I’d been watching people shoot out the tires in chase scenes all those years, which was in a sense my training.

ÏTebk ^k lmmloqrkfqv

`ljbp ql vlr ql obgb`q) obpfpq lo fk pljb t^v ^qqbjmq ql `^k`bi lo bsbk `ropb pljbqefkd) `lkpfabo qe^q qebob fp ^ do^`b mbofla+ Pl fc vlr al ob^`q) fc vlr al p^v pljbqefkd qe^q vlr ob^iiv hklt fk vlro tfpalj) fk vlro `^ofkd) fk vlro hfkakbpp vlr tlria klq p^v) qe^q vlr al `^ii fq _^`h+ Pljbqfjbp qe^q jb^kp p^vfkd ql pljblkb) ÑFÒj ploov+Ò Pljbqfjbp qe^q jb^kp e^sfkd `ljm^ppflk clo vlropbic+Ð

New Day Herald 19

The driver and I had this moment then which was to me a Christ moment. There was complete forgiveness even though at the time I didn’t know how to articulate it. I felt tremendous love and compassion for him. He said, “But I wanted you to shoot me, because I have no meaning in my life right now.” That felt really powerful because I had felt the temptation. I feel like I was blessed to deflect it because I really was trained with the message, “You shoot to kill.” Before that incident, guess what I had told my supervisor? I said, “I don’t want to carry a weapon.” My supervisor had worked in the military intelligence community so he knew a lot of things like SEALS know or Special Forces know, and also he was an ex-Marine on top of that. So I was working with people that were practiced and very experienced with how to

confront a violent situation like that one. I was told that I had to carry a gun. I said, “I want to appeal that. I don’t want to carry a weapon. I’ll do my job. I’ll do it like a bobby does it in England or something so that I don’t have to carry a gun. I’ll just arrest people like physically, manually. I’ll be a tough guy or something like that.” My supervisors told me, “You can’t because then your fellow Park Rangers will be in jeopardy because you don’t really have the willingness to do your job. And your job is to protect public safety. So if you are not willing to carry the weapon, then you must resign.” That’s what I was told. This experience was like a kind of convergence in my life. I became the first Park Ranger on duty to fire a weapon in all of the State of

ÏTfqe qeb qefkdp qe^q `lkqfkrb ql

dl lk fk lro tloia) fq pbbjp ql jb qebob fp ^it^vp pljbqefkd ql `e^iibkdb rp+ VlrÒsb mol_^_iv eb^oa jb obcbo ql jv Jlj _b`^rpb peb rpba ql p^v lsbo ^ka lsbo) ÑFqÒp ^it^vp pljbqefkd Ò Qebob fp ^it^vp pljbqefkd clo rp ql obpmlka ql tfqe lro mb^`b) lro `ljm^ppflk) ^ka lro glv+ Qebob fp ^it^vp ^k lmmloqrkfqv ql _ofkd clot^oa qeb @eofpq tfqefk qeolrde lro cofbkapefm ^ka lro ilsb clo lkb ^klqebo+Ð

20 New Day Herald

California. Then because we had done some things that weren’t quite to policy, we were put through the equivalent of a Court Marshall. That involved a formal hearing with a judge and evidence and testimony from the Highway Patrol and other Police Officers about how to handle a situation in a high speed pursuit, and what are the things that are safe and what are the things that are reckless and uncalled for. The review of my case along with my partner’s actions of driving off of State Park Property were cited as violations that were called, “Willful Disobedience.” In my own integrity, I understood I violated the policy of my Peace Officer Standard Training. I knew exactly what the policy was, and if I’d shot the weapon when he was coming at me with the car, I was justified. There was a guy that had come down from State Park headquarters in Sacramento who was part of State Investigation. He put his arm around me and said, “You know, if it was me, that guy would be dead. I would’ve taken him out.” He said something like, “You shouldn’t feel too bad, but when you shot the gun it is kind of a problem because it was a little late. You’ve got to be quicker on the draw there.” At that point, I knew my days were numbered as a Park Ranger. In any case, I didn’t have agreement within myself that this was willful disobedience because I didn’t willfully, consciously want to do what I did. I knew I did not want to fire the weapon. It was a reaction. It’s as though I couldn’t stop myself. In some level, I was reacting unconsciously. They still decided to go through with the hearing. I heard the testimony of the other officers of the law that didn’t work in my department, including the Highway Patrol, Sheriffs and Police Department officers. They were brought in to give testimony about how they would handle such a situation. Essentially, they said that the State Department of Parks and Recreation had no business in law enforcement because they really didn’t understand the responsibility and the intensity of a situation like this. They testified that you really need to understand that you are dealing with human beings. And even though you have policies, at times you need to look at what was behind it and what was the intention. They said you have to consider if the action was really out of alignment in terms of what the person or the officer was doing. So the bottom line was I was absolved.

More important than the result of the hearing was that as I walked into the courtroom that day before the hearing began, I had one of the most powerful spiritual experiences of my life. On the first day of that hearing, this peace came over me. And I mean that literally. It was as if a bucket of “peace juice” poured over me, and I just went calm. Then I became alert, so alert that I felt like my mind was completely switched on. And yet I had no negative concern whatsoever. That experience of the peace at that moment was the most significant thing about the whole event. I was left with a deep curiosity to learn more about that profound energy that poured into me. I now know about that experience because I have met up with it quite often since then. In fact, I seek it out. It is the beloved of God that walks with us in every breath. We are all being raised up as children of God, and this is a perfect world that we are in for our learning, upliftment and growth. It is perfect for what we need as experiences, and they do often challenge us because that’s how we learn. We are put into positions where it can be awkward. It can be surprising and unexpected. Then we observe ourselves and ask, “How did we respond?” and “What consciousness came forward in us?” I understood that there was some kind of convergent moment there with that young man who had gone AWOL such that I felt complete compassion for him. I understood what it was to love somebody and feel hurt at what they said and did. I know we all have these moments when this presence, this bucket of peace, this bucket of joy comes in. The Christ’s love is poured upon, within and through us. With the things that continue to go on in our world, it seems to me there is always something to challenge us. You’ve probably heard me refer to my Mom because she used to say over and over, “It’s always something!” There is always something for us to respond to with our peace, our compassion, and our joy. There is always an opportunity to bring forward the Christ within through our friendship and our love for one another. Our body, our consciousness is a house of the Lord. And when we are asked, as it notes in scripture, “Who do we say that we serve? For me and my house, we serve the Lord” [Joshua 24:15].

?^or`e ?^pe^k

New Day Herald 21

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?^or`e ?^pe^k

New Day Herald 23

Connect with the Traveler’s energy and

enjoy this beautiful lineup of events # InPerson and / or Live Online as noted, technology permitting "

NORTHWEST, U.S.A. An Afternoon of Blessings PTS Open Workshop with John Morton in Bellevue, Washington & Live Online Saturday, August 8, 2015 at 2pm InPerson Cost: $15.00 Registration contact: Becket Moreno; 786-256-9602 For Live Online Visit:

MSIA Seminar for Discourse Subscribers with John Morton in Bellevue, Washington & Live Online Saturday, August 8, 2015 at 5pm InPerson Tuition: $15.00 Registration contact: Becket Moreno; 786-256-9602 For Live Online Visit:

LONDON, UK Introduction to The Christ Within PTS Workshop with John Morton in London Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 2pm Registration Contact: Carrie McHale - 44-77-9388-1070

MSIA Q&A for Discourse Subscribers with John Morton Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 5pm InPerson Cost: $25 Registration Contact: Carrie McHale - 44-77-9388-1070

MSIA Fundraiser Q&A and Lunch with John Morton Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 12 noon InPerson Cost: $1000 first choice question $500 in lottery to ask question Registration Contact: Carrie McHale - 44-77-9388-1070

and Staff

For Live Online Events visit

In Person Cost $5 Live Online Cost Free With Spanish translation Register: Watch Live Online:

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D\[`kXk`fe _Xj Y\\e lj\[ ]fi dXep gligfj\j– from calming and healing physical, emotional, and mental stress to experiencing higher levels of consciousness and achieving self-realization. Many people think that to meditate, you must make your mind stop thinking, your emotions stop feeling, and your body still, that you must go blank. And you may have noticed that that’s a little difficult. Even when we sleep, it seems our minds keep on going. Passive meditation works up to a certain point. You can sit for twenty minutes or for hours, and you might gain some relaxation of your mind, emotions and physical body. You may sense more calm and quiet inside simply by removing yourself from a lot of outer stimulation and demands.


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8efk_\i ;`d\ej`fe kf D\[`kXk`fe MSIA teaches another dimension to the meditative process, which changes it from a passive technique of emptying the mind to an active technique of directing the mind and emotions. We call these active meditations ‘spiritual exercises’, which suggests the activity of exercise combined with a spiritual focus and thrust. Doing spiritual exercises can help you transcend illusions and limitation and move into the awareness of Soul.

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:c`Zb ?\i\ 28 New Day Herald

It's not too late

to join in the IHOP fun!

Dates & Times: Previously recorded weekend sessions are available Online with Registration.

"I can't tell you what this class has meant to me. My life has so changed just in the first weekend. So many wonderful things and new understands going on inside of me and inside my heart." - ABT

Saturdays/Sundays Month Month Month Month Month Month

7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12:


July 25-26 August 15-16 September 12-13 October 10-11 November 14-15 December 5-6


Sat 9am-7pm; Sun 9am-6pm


PAL&G 3500 West Adams. Blvd. Los Angeles

Tuition & Registration: $300/month: In-person* $275/month: Live Online * Includes Lunch at Prana on Saturday & Sunday Prerequisite: Active subscription to Discourses or SATs if #144 complete. Contact: Tatiana Gallo, PTS Registrar or call direct 323-328-1943

in Los Angeles and Live Online In English with Spanish Translation Facilitated by Paul Kaye, DSS and Dr. Mark Holmes, OMD



M e d el l í n , C ol o m bi a

! t W O rea

N G ret t R E LI nex T Y S L e

I N n th s O G e RE is th ble i onth is vaila 12 m h T a

a n d L i v e - On l i n e

January 25-31, 2016 BILINGUAL

(English and Spanish)

Once upon a time you said you wanted to

experience God... Grace is actually the glory of God. From our level, the only grace is loving God.

If we start to love God, we have stopped the judgments and the negativity, and that allows grace to be extended.” - John-Roger, DSS

Registration Contact: Tatiana Gallo, or 323-328-1943

GENEROUS early bird rate of $1,800 (by August 1, 2015) which includes tuition, room and board. Prerequisites: PATs 1, 2 & 3 and Aura Balances 1, 2 & 3 The training begins with dinner at 6 p.m. on the first day and ends around 1:30 p.m. on the last day.


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little notice in the Boulder Colorado Newspaper jumped out at me; “Victims’ Advocates Needed with the Boulder Police Department� and a phone number. My Soul took hold of me and I called the number not knowing anything about it. A nice woman answered the phone and asked me to come in for an interview. I showed up still not knowing anything but I followed my gut and instincts, and I would later recognize that call as a call from Spirit. When I walked in her simple office, windowless and spare, but with lots of photos of people and shelves of teddy

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bears, I immediately absorbed a field of comfort and depth and support. She said I had the volunteer position if I passed the background check and a training would start in a week or so.

with anger, and the most crucial thing, how to support. How to support deeply and fully. How to listen to people’s stories, and that the healing comes in the first moments of the incident.

I was only out of my second course of radiation and my third dance with cancer a few weeks but I knew I would conjure the energy for the training—or rather Spirit would supply it. No excuses for me, carry-on‌

We are called Victim’s Advocates and it is acknowledged that the word Victim isn’t the best word but no one has yet come up with a better one. It doesn’t mean someone who is “playing the victim,� in this context. It means someone who has experienced a crime or a death or abuse or assault or the like.

The first words out of the trainer’s mouth were, “A victim’s advocate holds the Presence of Compassion.� Her second words were, “This is God’s Job.� And her third words were, “DO NOT JUDGE!� The victim will know if you are judging them, they will know what you are thinking of them, the situation, their home, they will pick up on what you are thinking. If you must judge, go home and judge someone or something but not at the scene of the incident.� I thought, “Wow, I am in the right place!� And I didn’t even know where I was going. The 40 hour training was intense. I learned about murder, suicide, rape, domestic violence and drug overdose, what the coroner does, what the police do, how to deal with trauma, with shock,

And we aren’t to be confused with the Victims’ Advocates appointed by the courts. My job is to attend an incident for which the police have called us to. They are called first. We are part of the first responders team and we support the “victims.� I, and a partner, are on a pager system. I am on call one week a month, Monday through Friday 6 am to 6 pm. The team of 60 for our community covers nights and weekends also. A Victim’s Advocate is always available 24/7 so no one in our community has to go through an unexpected, life-altering incident alone. Not all communities in the U.S. have Victim’s Advocates but Colorado has one of the oldest advocacy organizations around.

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Km`n`i^` ja >jhk\nndji \n \ Qd^odhnĂ? <_qj^\o` ]t >\oc`mdi` >jmji\ My first call was to an assault. A 50-something homeless woman was assaulted by her boyfriend and someone, not her, called 911. I still see her face. Her whole world changed in the instant her boyfriend was cuffed and taken away. “The love of her life,â€? she said. There would be a restraining order placed, and she would never see him again. She had to make a plan for her life. She hadn’t wanted him charged. This was not her idea or her doing. But as I listened to her tell her story she began to realize that the abuse was escalating, that she needed to move on, winter would be coming and she didn’t have a coat. She needed to drink; she was a chronic alcoholic. One of the officers wanted to give her a ride to a shelter, and my partner advocate didn’t understand why she wouldn’t take a ride. I knew it was because she needed to drink. I had to explain that to them. How did I know this? I don’t know how I knew. I just did, and I just loved her and supported her in what she needed to do for herself. In MSIA we don’t much encourage telling stories, but in trauma I was taught that people need to tell their stories and sometimes over and over again. In initial shock and trauma it is part of the healing. And I have witnessed this to be so, and eventually the stories stop and the energy shifts, and the deep courage in people’s hearts takes form and moves people on. Most often we are called to a scene where someone has found someone dead. There is no manual for this and all the training is helpful, but everyone is so different in these situations. Each consciousness so unique. Being a reader for the DSS (Doctor of Spiritual Science) has taught me this, and taught me kindness. A beautiful elder woman with dementia woke up to find her husband

had passed in the night. I was called with my partner, and we explained the coroner’s job and waited with the woman and her family and the police until the coroner was done. The dear woman was stoic and strong, but as I was leaving she reached out and I took her in my arms and she whispered in my ear; “I have never been alone.â€? I just held her tight. I knew in that moment she expressed the truth of her heart ‌and she would heal.

�Oc` admno rjm_n jpo ja oc` om\di`m�n hjpoc r`m`' �< qd^odh�n \_qj^\o` cjg_n oc` Km`n`i^` ja >jhk\nndji)� C`m n`^ji_ rjm_n r`m`' �Ocdn dn Bj_�n Ej])� <i_ c`m ocdm_ rjm_n r`m`' �?J IJO EP?B@ �Î On the practical side we advise people not to text the news of their trauma to loved ones or notify people via facebook or email—purely for safety reasons, because someone may be driving and reading their texts. Yes, they’re not supposed to but yes, people do. We suggest phone trees and designating a friend to handle as much as a friend is willing to handle. Some people respond to trauma and shock by getting angry. I let it be just fine if a person wants to vent their anger on me, dump on me, scream at me. I have grown strong enough that it doesn’t

bother me or effect me at all. If that is what they need to heal and move then I invite their anger, and I have done this and it works. And I am so grateful to my MSIA training and growth and teachings that loud emotion directed at me can be healing for them and not affect me. It is Spirit that takes it after all! And I am just the stand-in for Spirit so let it roll! But mostly people actually seem too quiet in their responses, too pulled inward. Just last week I had a page to call a man. It took a couple of calls to get a response. Sometimes people aren’t ready to talk about something for a couple of days. So I kept calling and finally he called back and told me he was training to be an EMT and his first call was a gruesome accident involving children. The child he tried to resuscitate didn’t make it. He was calling because he couldn’t sleep, he kept having flashbacks and didn’t know what to do. He asked me, “What do I do? I have chosen this career and I want to do this job but ‌what do I do?â€? I didn’t have the answers but I asked inwardly for the Inner Master to tell me what to tell this young man. And I listened inwardly while listening to him. I gave him a few J-R techniques. But mostly I just listened silently to the outpouring of his heart. I felt a blessing go out to him and thanked him for the work he was called to do. He will be the blessing for many he will help. And I knew he would find his way to dealing with what he encounters. He asked me what I do when I walk away from a difficult incident and I told him I take a lot of showers and go shopping. We had a great laugh! I also told him I continually pray for the people and that I have a meditation practice and he loved hearing that. He told me that he also prays and that he was most affected by the father that had lost his children, and he prays for that New Day Herald 33

father. He held the presence of compassion. He is a deeply compassionate young man. It was an honor to speak with him. Our team has potlucks and monthly debriefing meetings, and we get a pass to a health club and nine free counseling sessions per incident if needed. The others on the team are from all walks of life, and I just love being around them. I am surrounded by what I call a “Field of Comfort� and I have learned the meaning of the saying, “The Christ is The Comforter.� I love what we have in MSIA through Heartfelt. There are so many ways our various communities can support one another, so that no one has to go through a life-changing event alone,

be it a cancer diagnosis, an illness, a death of a loved one, a crime‌ It is in the support of one another and when two or more are gathered that we most gracefully find our Way through everything and anything. This is what Victims’ Advocates do. This is what we do in our Colorado MSIA community. We are wonderful at it. We are practicing the Living Love. This winter I got very ill, still having immune system issues from radiation, and after being on the floor of my bathroom for 2 ½ hours I knew it was either call an ambulance or call a minister. Well, having a not-so-great emergency room here in Boulder I called a minister and within fifteen minutes three ministers were at my house. One got me the drug

I needed which I couldn’t get to, another did a clearing process and one just held me tight and rubbed my head. I was better pretty quickly, got tucked in bed with so much love and was recovering the next day just fine. We are angel advocates for each other. We are blessed to have each other. We are blessed to be journeying this road to Soul Transcendence together. J-R gave us a community of friends, of angels, of brothers and sisters, of those who dwell in love. I once heard J-R say that those who dwell in love are One. And I might add, Those who dwell in Love and hold the Presence of Compassion embody Christ the Divine Comforter.

Ă?Ă?Ă„rc\o _j D _j:Ă? D _d_iĂ?o c\q` oc` \inr`mn ]po D \nf`_ dir\m_gt ajm oc` Dii`m H\no`m oj o`gg h` rc\o oj o`gg ocdn tjpib h\i) <i_ D gdno`i`_ dir\m_gt rcdg` gdno`idib oj cdh) D b\q` cdh \ a`r E(M o`^cidlp`n) =po hjnogt D epno gdno`i`_ ndg`iogt oj oc` jpokjpmdib ja cdn c`\mo) D a`go \ ]g`nndib bj jpo oj cdh \i_ oc\if`_ cdh ajm oc` rjmf c` r\n ^\gg`_ oj _j)ĂŽ

Catherine Corona, DSS, has her BS from the University of Colorado in Distributed Studies, her Certificate Awakening the Inner Counselor, from Koh-e-Nor (USM), and her Doctorate from Peace Theological Seminary and Philosophy (PTS). Catherine worked in collaboration with the PTS Administrative Dean for PTS recognition as an approved Seminary and institute of higher education in the State of Colorado. She is an award winning filmmaker for The Great Mystery, a feature documentary on the 6 Major world religions, (She has spoken at Universities and numerous groups on Peace and solidarity between faiths), and her book Loving: Tapping Your Spiritual Source (from her DSS Treatise) was nominated for the Nautilus Award. She has worked as a volunteer group process leader with hundreds of women inmates and is currently a volunteer on the first responder team of the Boulder Colorado Police Department as a Victim’s Advocate. She lives at Grace Cottage Ranch, outside of Boulder, Colorado with her 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 6 birds. She is an avid hiker, horsewoman, naturalist, gardener and MSIAer, of course. 34 New Day Herald





Come join us & explore simple tools for becoming aware of yourself as Soul in your day-to-day life – all in a fun and in an experiential format.

The Journey of

Soul Transcendence September 4–6

September 4 – 6, 2015 John Morton is invited to participate.

Radisson Plaza Hotel at Kalamazoo Center 100 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI, 49007, US

PTS Registration contact: Danielle Peterson; or 323-328-1958 Local Contact: Lorraine Andrew at, 269-375-8346 Tuition: Early Bird $250 (by June 8); Regular Tuition $300 (after June 8)

Open to the public

“If you would learn the Secret of Soul Transcendence look only for the good, the Divine in people and things and all the rest leave to God.”– John-Roger, DSS

INSIGHT IV in Sofia, Bulgaria

A Transformational Journey with the Light, the Love and the Traveler by Hristina Kirimidchieva

“I often call Insight Seminars ‘a speedway to life wisdom,’ or 38 New Day Herald

Seminar This summer

we had the magnificent opportunity, the honor and the joy to host the INSIGHT IV Seminar in Sofia, Bulgaria and to welcome the Traveler. Insight IV is a month-long advanced, professional development seminar for people who want to present themselves powerfully and in alignment with their purpose. It's described as "Knowing the Purpose of Your Heart." You can find out more about it here: adult-programs/insight-iv/ I often call Insight Seminars “a speedway to life wisdom,” or courses on “how to become 30 years wiser in only 3 days.” For me, the experience of Insight Seminars not only transformed my life, but it also opened the door to the spiritual path of Soul Transcendence, moving me toward a deeper, more authentic and real living in the world. I learned to accept and understand myself and others, as well as all of life, with the tangible support from the Traveler and God’s love and light.

John Morton holding a copy of the Bulgarian translation of You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought by John-Roger

courses on ‘how to become 30 years wiser in only 3 days.’”

New Day Herald 39

So, in June 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, I witnessed once again the unforgettable, indescribable and transformational journey, together with 78 participants from seven different countries, including Australia, Russia, England, the USA, Greece, France and of course, Bulgaria. This journey lasted for 29 days, and was filled with lots of learning, awareness, healing and clearing, growing and uplifting, joy and laughter, and very, very, very much loving. Much of the beauty of this experience for me was that it happened at that authentic level of our natural humanity. Regardless of the all the varied origins and personalities in the group, we were all one, connected by the loving in our hearts and souls. In my personal perception, the "crème de la crème" in the seminar was the time spent with John and Leigh Morton. They brought so much bright light, so many blessings and spiritual wisdom. They demonstrated to us the communication with living love in such a beautiful and natural way. They showed us so many ways and directions for living life in this way. The love in that moment was so present in the room that no one could stay out of it. There was a flow of enthusiasm. New creative ideas and projects were born. The beautiful transformation was happening…so, in the end we were ready to surrender every possible reason not to be loving. 40 New Day Herald

Left to right: Mladen Ivanov, Basilio Christou, Joe Hubbard, Vitaly Fomin, John Morton, Leigh Taylor-Young Morton, Peter Felsmann, Rossitza Kossacheva.

“. . .78 participants from seven different countries, including Australia, Russia, England, the USA, Greece, France and of course, Bulgaria. This journey lasted for 29 days, and was filled with lots of learning, awareness, healing and clearing, growing and uplifting, joy and laughter, and very, very, very much loving.�

New Day Herald 41

“Many seeds were spread throughout Bulgaria this summer during this Insight IV seminar and the Traveler’s visit. Many people heard the call, and many of them responded to it.”

42 New Day Herald

With their very natural and gentle presence, John and Leigh introduced us to the qualities and characteristics of the Spiritual Warrior in a very clear and pure way, not only as information in the class, but also as a vital expression. That was an evening of healing, clearing, and incorporation of a new spiritual strength in our personalities. During our last evening together, John Morton brought such powerful support and guidelines to those who were interested in growing and learning in MSIA. We had many moments of pure and loving awareness during our beautiful friendly gatherings. Many seeds were spread throughout Bulgaria this summer during this Insight IV seminar and the Traveler’s visit. Many people heard the call, and many of them responded to it. For me, it has been an extraordinary journey and it has just started in a new magnificent way, filled with living love, spiritual strength, gentle loving support and enlightening grace. I would like to draw the end of this article with the shortest prayer that I have ever known: Thank you Traveler! Thank you John & Leigh! Thank you Joey Hubbard [CEO of Insight]! Thank you to all who have been involved and contributed! Thank you God!

Hristina Kirimidchieva and Leigh Taylor-Young Morton

New Day Herald 43

Long ago you heard the Traveler's voice And sang out many a chorus in heartfelt praise. Your ministerial services have reached far and wide With many a warm embrace and cheerful smile for whoever you meet. Now what is known in Spirit is shared with all who love the Lord. This is our Beloved in whom we are well pleased As we rise up with the Christ in celebration of you, our MINISTER OF THE YEAR REV. ANGEL HARPER Baruch Bashan MINISTERIAL SERVICES IN ACTION CONFERENCE OF THE CHRIST July 5, 2015



44 New Day Herald

Serving In A Noble And Selfless Manner Is The Essence Of Your Ministry. Your Unconditional Loving Touches And Lifts Those You Serve And Everyone Around You Is Blessed By Your Presence. Your Enthusiasm, Laughter And Joy Are Simply Contagious, And The Generosity Of Your Heart Is An Inspiration To Us All. In Your Humility And Caring You Are A Continuous Demonstration Of How To Follow Spirit’s Call And Serve The Traveler And God. The Authenticity Of Your Ministry Shines For All To See, And It Is With A Big Smile That We Celebrate You And Your Ministry Recognizing You As Our MINISTER OF THE YEAR REV. DIANA BERENGUE Baruch Bashan MINISTERIAL SERVICES IN ACTION CONFERENCE OF THE CHRIST 2EV $IANA "ERENGUE July 5, 2015

New Day Herald 45

Oc` =`no Ja =joc Rjmg_n

Live Online

Rcdg` HND< dn hjqdib apgg no`\h \c`\_ oj diqdo` jpm bgj]\g a\hdgt oj \gg jpm `q`ion ocmjpbc h\fdib oc`h \q\dg\]g` Gdq` Jigdi` ))) r`"m` \gnj \r\m` oc\o do"n dhkjmo\io ajm jpm ajgfn \mjpi_ oc` rjmg_ oj b`o ojb`oc`m Di K`mnji) Corinne recently sent this sharing to Paul Kaye, sharing how much the 'Victoria IHOPPER groupies' are loving the experience of being with their global MSIA family via Live Online ... but that they are growing much closer as a community when they come together in person: It has been a blast and a delight to get together each month. We have the most awesome meals—email sharings in advance of what we’re bringing. Mali has a big kitchen with an island which we all circulate around, preparing, eating, making coffee (seems to be a theme with LA). We came together with ease and grace talking about the IHOP after one of the online events at Inger’s. We all wanted to do it!

48 New Day Herald

Finka is new to MSIA in Victoria, and as a USM grad, it was as though she’d been attending seminars with us for ages. Our Victoria MSIA family is growing! Mali offered her home for the events. It is perfect! Don & Melanie live on Saltspring Island and ferry themselves in the night before, work/schedule permitting, to hang with us. I’m aware that we’re getting closer each month. Perhaps that’s me being more relaxed with myself and reflects on how I experience the group. Whatever it is, we’re seeing each other more‌dancing‌dinners‌doing online Johnny shows together‌LA Minister meetings‌as well as Victoria Minister Meetings. Most of us will be at the PAT training near Victoria coming up in August as well. The more karma is cleared, the better it gets! The beach is a couple of blocks away and although we want to walk during lunch, we often find that our sharing around the table is very meaningful and blessed and we end up finding it’s time to head back to class.


In Person

]t Uj` Bjgdbcogt

Nj D"q` kpo ojb`oc`m \ ndhkg` no`k(]t(no`k bpd_` oj c`gk tjp opmi Gdq` Jigdi` `q`ion dioj Gdq` Jigdi` Cjh` K\mod`n

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Choose your event.

Go to to choose the event you want to host a live online home party for.

Invite some folks. Write an email to folks

in your area and follow up with a phone call.

Test the technology first. Test your

streaming set- up – go to

Make the event special. Maybe bake

You can keep learning about how to create Live Online Home Parties by reading the larger article @ - Click Here

I would also love to hear about how Live Online events are working in your area! So please let me know.


some sweet treats. Post your event on facebook. Make the event your own.

On the day: Call in the Light. Take some

sharing from your group. Come present and follow your heart.

Time of the event: Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

New Day Herald 49

Being with


Asking and Receiving How J-R and I Held for Each Other by Vicki Ecker

“Years later, while undisciplined dabbling in the world subtly but surely diminished my awareness of this ‘new consciousness,’ I lost track of myself in the context of the Movement.” 50 New Day Herald

SOMEWHERE IN THE LATE 1990s—after working with the

Traveler Consciousness some 20-plus years in MSIA, I’d apparently risen to earn successive initiations, plus a very personal, indescribable, always growing understanding of God, of What Is. In the early 1980s, I’d been in a severe car accident that miraculously blessed me with a “new consciousness,” as J-R had termed it, a fresh, new awareness that seemed to dissolve any residual car-crash pain and instead ramped up my inward contentment and spiritual confidence. While in the fullness of that, I came to realize how trivial the physical realm seems when seen through the lens of a higher consciousness. Fast forward: Years later, while undisciplined dabbling in the world subtly but surely diminished my awareness of this “new consciousness,” I lost track of myself in the context of the Movement. I forgot or overlooked doing spiritual exercises or mysteriously decided they weren’t as important as the worldly, material involvements that gradually seemed to require all my time and attention. This new trajectory that appeared to fork away from my true path began during a shake-up in MSIA. I never once doubted the Traveler during that troubling phase, yet my own life veered away, uncontrollably, it seemed, without my conscious participation. On some vital level, though, I was the creator of that and of what came afterwards:

A superficially satisfying lifestyle that had been my fervent prayer and deep desire for so much of my adulthood. Finally I had that life, and I reveled in it. But prior to its manifestation, I probably had built up and laid on J-R so much karma with my whining and cravings—which I packaged into maudlin, sticky letters I compulsively wrote and sent him when my troubled mind and emotions overwhelmed me—that I find it quite possible my physical departure from the MSIA family was truly for the highest good of all concerned! In other words, perhaps it was the only spiritual option protecting both J-R and the all the other initiates. Now whether or not the above is an accurate explanation or just hubris, my ego’s exaggerated rationale, in hindsight (20-20!) I do recognize my main motivation for placing my attention elsewhere. I let a powerful worldly desire take over my intelligence. I wanted to be loved. My own love coupled with the Traveler’s love was somehow insufficient. The allure of negative forces finally seduced me. Of course I wanted to love, too (I knew I could give as well as receive), but wanting and doing are in two different realms. Instead of placing natural, wholesome loving at the forefront of my consciousness, I let my lust and neediness dominate. I wanted to be loved first! I mean closely and intimately and quite humanly loved. I wanted a mate, a partner, a lover, a companion and a confidante. (Yeah, all one person! Was that asking too much?) At the same time, I desired involving work where I could be almost completely independent. Instead of letting the wisdom of my soul and the unexcelled teachings of the Traveler take precedence, I forced the issue by tapping into a driving ambition, solely for my own emotional gratification and to be able to view myself as a competent, independent “success.” Yeah, I wanted others to see me that way, too. Ego! Most importantly, I felt I deserved the freedom to rationalize my addictions! Fortunately for me and all of you, the Traveler brushes away the clouds. Sometimes He/She/It blasts away the clouds. Still other times, this amazing consciousness “seeds” the clouds until they condense into cold, cleansing rain. While that can be an unexpected shock to the system, at the same time the Traveler will help you become aware that this same rain now making you shake and run can also be used to quench your thirst. Or you can bathe in it; suddenly it’s no longer icy cold, but warm and soothing.

“[After hearing of J-R's death] I felt some nostalgia, some regret, but nothing had changed. Then out of the blue—or the Purple, if you will—something came over me. . . I was getting beautiful flashes of the Traveler inside me. I was feeling a power and confidence unlike any I’d ever experienced, a delicious spiritual force, a positive, benign knowing and power.“ I had built up a thick cloud cover based on believing in, doggedly chasing and placing my focus almost completely on making the lifestyle and circumstances I craved a physical reality. Funny how that works; the final result never matches the dream picture we conjure up so easily. But I came close. I met the man . . . not of my dreams, but the man whose soul connected solidly with mine-- based on his unwavering trueness and his heart of soul-deep, spirit-rich loving. It took me approximately a decade to realize this! Meanwhile, I cajoled him and harped at him to become more like the picture I had in my mind. Wisdom and his perfectly understandable aggravation eventually helped me let go of that nasty illusion. So years went on like this, and though I was periodically chanting and reading discourses, his and my obsession with our mutual occupation—we published a magazine on UFOs— took up more time and energy than we should have allowed. With this came a vulnerability to my own and others’ negativity and what I considered their misapprehension of the spiritual truths I had so long been faithfully absorbing and practicing. Finally I was, by my own assessment, “out of the Movement.” I never really was, of course; J-R was with me through it all. A learning phase which only appeared absent the Traveler was in actuality a great step back into my own truth. New Day Herald 51

“I consistently do my SEs. Too often I catch myself inwardly saying, ‘Um, I have to.’ Gradually that’s turning into ‘I want to,’ and ‘I need to.’ I am reading first year discourses, now and then also pulling out and reading one from my huge store of later discourses, treasuring how the words in all of them light up my center

Because of my distance from MSIA and all of the wonderful people in it, I didn’t hear of J-R’s death until weeks after the fact. I took it stoically; after all, I wasn’t there. I wasn’t at all close to the MSIA family, and J-R’s influence on my days and ways, I thought, had waned. Besides that, I always try to understand death as transition, not an ending. I briefly ruminated on his passing, and since my long association with the Movement was a thing of the past, everything appeared to quickly revert back to business as usual. I felt some nostalgia, some regret, but nothing had changed. Then out of the blue—or the Purple, if you will—something came over me that I’ll have difficulty describing. But for the sake of clarification (mostly my own), I’ll try. I felt John-Roger take over my mind— conscious and subconscious. As for my emotions, they were inexplicably neutral, except when my ego started

and practically scream out, ULTIMATE TRUTHS. LOVING. LOVING. LOVING!”

doing, uh, some very weird things. Things my mind automatically judged and I dared not tell another soul! Yet I felt embarrassed. Out of nowhere—or somewhere—I was seeing myself as doing his work, and was ashamed of even having such visions. I was getting beautiful flashes of the Traveler inside me. I was feeling a power and confidence unlike any I’d ever experienced, a delicious spiritual force, a positive, benign knowing and power. Perplexed but exhilarated, I did nothing with it other than reflect on it, quietly questioning its meaning. I knew as surely as my breath I couldn’t and shouldn’t do anything with it, other than observe it. To this day I am not certain what was going on. Only the Traveler knows. God knows. I can’t remember if this curious state lasted days or weeks. Doesn’t matter. What this experience did do is pull me resoundingly back into the Traveler’s arms and MSIA’s beautiful, exceptional family. I don’t question it beyond that.

EPILOGUE: I consistently do my SEs. Too often I catch myself inwardly saying, “Um, I have to.” Gradually that’s turning into “I want to,” and “I need to.” I am reading first year discourses, now and then also pulling out and reading one from my huge store of later discourses, treasuring how the words in all of them light up my center and practically scream out, ULTIMATE TRUTHS. LOVING. LOVING. LOVING! The energy lives and breathes me as long as I let it. My husband has no outward interest in MSIA, but lives his own soul’s course quite compatibly with mine. He turns off the phone when I do SEs. His presence and support, the Traveler’s presence and support, and my growing awareness of God’s everlasting, unending presence, gifts and support are all I need, are all I’ll ever need. Oh, all that and my dogs, too! The lifestyle I once craved has become so much more than I could ask for. Baruch Bashan? You bet.

52 New Day Herald



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Pfjmiv Pmfofqr^i Ifsfkd Bsbkfkd Epgt ,. w <pb ,+ w -i_ Hji_\t ja `\^c hjioc 25.+(45++kh w Am``' _ji\odjin r`g^jh`

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P^sb Qeb A^qb

Ifsfkd Lk Mi^kbq B^oqe ĂŒ >ka Klt ?^`h ql Dla tfqe Glek Jloqlk I+>+ # Ifsb Lkifkb Alr_ib Cb^qrob Pbjfk^o ^ka Tlohpelm Op`n <pbpno ,3 ĂŠ N`hdi\m rdoc Ejci Hjmoji

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A SPIRITUAL OASIS IN THE CITY, Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018 323-737-4055 | |


Peace Labyrinth


100% Living and Dying with John-Roger

John Morton carrying the Olympic torch in 1984, with John-Roger

Ï>ii qebpb qefkdp ^ob qebob ql hbbm ^t^v qeb mblmib tel ^ob klq ob^i lo ^rqebkqf`+ Vlr e^sb ql `ljb ebob ^ka dl clo ^ afob`q bumbofbk`b+ Bsbk qe^q fp a^rkqfkd ^q qfjbp) ^ka lk qeb fkkbo ibsbip fqÒp ob^iiv a^rkqfkd+ Qe^qÒp tebob qeb d^jb fkqbkpfÛbp tfqe bsbo dob^qbo j^dkfqrab+Ð 56 New Day Herald


by David Sand

NDH: What are some keys for understanding how you work as the Traveler, and for relating to the Traveler inside? John Morton: I think that one of the ways that I work is that I just demonstrate my abundant ordinariness. J-R said it for himself, that he’s an example of how if he can do it, anybody can do it. Well, there are a few of us who have seen him do a few things where we have no idea how he does that. But he also demonstrated a down-to-earth nature. I see myself as another version of that. I’m very down-to-earth and then the Traveler does its thing, and when it’s doing its thing it’s also saying that you have a thing too, so don’t rely on my thing, do your thing. Work your thing. It’s constantly encouraging people, showing people by demonstration. I also think we’re in a time when people have to drop agendas and prejudice, or pre-judgment. So if people are caught in any kind of prejudice, it’s as if they get tripped

up on the way to the Traveler. I know it’s a broad stroke I just laid out. We need to self-determine the Traveler. You can’t just believe it. You can have faith but you have to come into your own experience. So if I’m involved it’s because it’s my free choice, I’m choosing in full responsibility to do this and involve myself in it. And it’s kind of tough for people because maybe they don’t like his hair that way. What’s the curly thing about? People actually did that. They got all hung up about the way J-R dressed, his mannerisms, his jokes (which were very blue at times). In a way he did these things that were jaw-dropping, where you’d say that’s not very spiritual. But if people can’t get past the fact that I can do something like that and I’m still the Traveler, then they’re stuck and they need to realize that they let that hang them up. When you get into the Spirit there’s no judgment. He said something like, “I’ve done it all so if you want to accuse me of any of the sins, OK I’m a sinner, I did it. So if New Day Herald 57

ÏQe^qÒp qeb hfka lc `e^ofqv FÒsb pbbk tfqe G*O+ Eb tlria q^hb pljb_lav qe^q kl_lav bipb tlria t^kq ql _b ^olrka ^ka qob^q qebj hfkaiv+ Eb e^a qe^q hfka lc `ljm^ppflk+Ð

your judgment is that if you did it at any time in your existence you’re still guilty, then I’m guilty.” I saw that trip up person after person. They’d find something they didn’t like or agree with about J-R or about MSIA. They’d get hung up over the font in a discourse, or the ink color or the paper. So what if the information is at a third grade level or it’s unsophisticated? So what? Work it. There’s a truth in there. I’ve observed that over and over. So many people get caught before they even get started or check it out. They won’t even try chanting, or they won’t get the discourses because it’s $100. It was $100 probably in 1983. We haven’t raised 58 New Day Herald

our prices in 30-some years. If we were interested in money you’d think we’d raise our prices. It’s 30 cents a day to be connected to something you may have been looking for in your entire existence. Why would you think that’s a reason not to check it out? All these things are there to keep away the people who are not real or authentic. You have to come here and go for a direct experience. Even that is daunting at times, and on the inner levels it’s really daunting. That’s where the game intensifies with ever greater magnitude. If we have any fear of God or what we’ve done in our past existence, or if we would deny it and say, “Oh I would

never do such a thing,” then you have to realize that you were probably the head of the club, the leader. You say, “No I wouldn’t do that.” But you did. And we need to just say, “OK, that’s part of where I come from. But I’m not doing that anymore. I’m letting that go, I’m not in that anymore, I graduated.” So can’t you forget about that? That’s one of the basic teachings, that we have to learn how not to hold somebody’s past against them. That was one of the lessons that Insight brought in, that people need to stop running somebody’s past on them. You release it and forgive it, so even if they did do it, they get the benefit. We need to be

ÏTb kbba ql pbic* abqbojfkb qeb Qo^sbibo+ Vlr `^kÒq grpq _bifbsb fq+ Vlr `^k e^sb c^fqe _rq vlr e^sb ql `ljb fkql vlro ltk bumbofbk`b+ Pl fc FÒj fkslisba fqÒp _b`^rpb fqÒp jv cobb `elf`b) FÒj `ellpfkd fk crii obpmlkpf_fifqv ql al qefp ^ka fkslisb jvpbic fk fq+Ð

John-Roger and John Morton, July 1998

more like that, of a forgiving nature. It’s like, let me give you a new start. People think that’s a setup, that they may betray or disappoint me again. And we say, “You’re big enough.” And maybe in some way it’s worth it to give them some inspiration or an invitation to do better. Especially when nobody seems to want to be their friend. That’s the opportunity to minister to somebody and say, “there but for the grace of God go I,” and now it’s your turn. Someone helped you when you were in that state and now it’s your turn to help someone who’s in the state you were in.

I think that’s one of the ways we get measured—when we forgive someone and we have that karma come back around and we say, “You used to have that self-judgment toward yourself— that you were no good, or a liar or a cheat or a scumbag or something like that. And that’s what they’re calling this person. Are you going to be kind to them and not judge them, maybe reach out a hand to them when nobody would reach out a hand?” That’s the kind of charity I’ve seen with J-R. He would take somebody that nobody else would want to be around and treat them kindly. He had that kind of compassion.

NDH: What’s it been like for you since J-R has passed? Have things changed for you? JM: They were changing before he passed. My view is that he was passing for quite a while. Something very powerful happened when he hurt his eye in 2004. For me, I experienced that he went through a passage like a death in that. You could say, was there a window open to the spirit? The way it happened he came close, by anyone’s explanation, by falling downstairs and hitting his head really hard. He did puncture his eye, and the initial call from the doctors was to remove the eye. To put that into any kind of perspective, it’s New Day Herald 59

a pretty close brush with death. For me, things were very different from that time on. In my experience J-R elevated his consciousness so that he was even more out of the body. Those of us who worked closely with him knew that was already the case a lot. Now it was even more so. And after his fall there were times when he was vividly present, vividly in the body for sure. But it was different. I think all of us who saw him physically could see something diminishing physically, such that at some point he passed from the body. Were there signs? Yes of course, and those could be measured by medical technology. So certainly in 2014 in some way J-R was passing. When he did pass, it was just the punctuation, the period at the end of the sentence. He was gone for a lot of 2014, and 2013 too. Physically my relationship with him was changing over the last several years, so I wasn’t talking to him or seeing him as much…which opened up the inner relationship. The inner thing moved from 90% to 100%. Do I miss him? Of course I miss him. But in some ways I was missing him for years because I didn’t have the same physical closeness. I was traveling a lot when he wasn’t traveling. I missed the time when we traveled together a lot. That had changed in the ‘90s when I got married and my children were born. But he was a member of our family so he was at dinner most every night that we were a family. So he was very much in the family while that was going on. Then as the kids got older things shifted…and pretty much for about ten or fifteen years things were shifting. So when it finally happened last October, it wasn’t that much of a shift on the physical. In some ways I was already grieving. That’s how I look at it. Leigh could tell you the stories of how I missed J-R. I missed the physical, 10% part of that connection, the physical friendship. Everybody could argue for the “position” that they were the closest to J-R. But for me it’s not a position and I don’t put a measurement on it. I don’t clock it to see how much time I, or anyone, put in. 60 New Day Herald

The physical closeness was not as much, and things were changing, and it transformed in other ways. I needed to do what others were doing all along, which was to work it more spiritually and be less dependent physically. But I still look at it like I have that dependency because I do miss that part. If that was available to me right now, to see him physically, it would be like, “Where is he? I’m going!” But it comes to a place where we need to move on. When people would ask me what I was going to do when J-R passes, my answer was, “I don’t know.” I left it open. My dedication was primarily with him, including physically. I knew that was powerful enough that when he was out of here physically it was possible that some part of me would be released with him. It was really possible, and I left that open. He had said as much—that when he went physically, the next Traveler (and me specifically) might do anything. He doesn’t have to stay involved with MSIA. He might form his own church or something. I looked at it like, “OK those are possibilities, but why would I want to do that?” And now that we’re in it, I don’t have any inclination whatsoever to go somewhere other than where I am with MSIA doing what I’m doing as the Traveler. I look at it as “I’m in.” If you ask, “Are you committed, are you dedicated, are you devoted?” the answer is, “Yes.” The work isn’t done—the work that J-R did to bring a message and establish what he established spiritually—because of the incarnation the Traveler and Preceptor consciousness came through his body, in his lifetime. And what did it do? I see a direct relationship, that he took what Jesus did, which is the Christ, and he expanded and amplified it. He moved it into a next round. There’s no separation or disconnection. It’s the same work. In a way it’s as if J-R would also say that I leave you with my Spirit. In so many ways he said that—I’m always with you, my love enfolds you. There are many ways where you can find J-R saying that over and over, and the only way that J-R could say something like that is

spiritually. It wouldn’t be true physically. So if someone says, “He’s gone, he’s not with us now,” we could say, “Well, you’re looking physically.” Jesus the person couldn’t say, “When you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.” He wasn’t talking as some guy in a body. He was talking at a level where he was up in the Spirit. So go in the Spirit. That’s who’s speaking. But it’s also speaking here. J-R’s work was on that scale, and then some. I don’t have any apologies for that. Jesus said as much: “This too you shall do and even greater.” Some people say he was talking about those who were there at the time, and I say that John was pretty close. And J-R made it clear but he didn’t speak about it very often. He said he was the consciousness of John, the one they called Beloved. J-R didn’t make it a secret, but neither did he make it the issue, like “I want you all to recognize this.” But in so many ways he said, “I am that. But I’m also Roger.” What is that? Was he on some other planet? Was John an incarnation or an influence? John was in a body but he didn’t have to be born from a womb. Well, that’s been said before in other places. It’s not news. So when we see this, it’s mysterious but then again if you listen to all the seminars and you start putting the puzzle together, at some point you can see that it was spoken. And I think that’s what’s going to happen over time. We’re going to further reveal the teachings that are still being put out. He didn’t say it all in one night, although there were occasions when it felt like he said it all in about 10 minutes. You can see it in “Christ My Man for Eternity” ( watch?v=e17zD9gSNPQ). I feel that’s part of what we’ve picked up after J-R’s passing. We’re not done working the teachings and then being a church or a place where they have been dropped. They’ve been placed here in a new gospel, a living gospel, a living scripture. J-R came in and did it, and what I have is more of an attunement with the consciousness. I don’t have to lay it down as another gospel. I don’t know how to improve on what J-R said.

When I went to write my book, I thought, “I don’t know how to improve on what J-R said. There’s no need for me to write a book a book because I’d just tell people, ‘Go read his.’” But then I realized that there’s something about every person’s testimony, so that you relate your own experience of the Traveler and Soul Transcendence. And you could deliver a seminar, because the Traveler is in us. But there’s

something about who has those keys physically. There’s something to that. And I understand that, so in my own way I don’t forget I’m the Traveler. You could say, “Well, sometimes you act like a pretty dense personality.” OK, fine. I saw that come out of J-R too. It happens. If you’re going to measure who has the keys by their personality or expression, then good luck.

I’m picking up what is left to me, and there’s a level that’s not with J-R now, but it’s with me; and there’s a level that J-R took with him. He has those keys to Soul Transcendence, and since he left he still has them. He didn’t pass them off to you or anyone else. They came in, they were here, and they took off, but they’re in a place that’s prepared. So by having the connection as initiates, there’s still this great opportunity to do Soul Transcendence with J-R, with Jesus and with the whole line of the Travelers. Does the line go to God? It does. The line would then be opened up. The keys were then brought in to open it up to the heart of God. Those are the key words. So when people ask about what J-R said about “the heart of God,” those words are important, they’re like “heaven” or “the kingdom.” They tell us we’re going all the way. I don’t know anything beyond that, including in the Soul realm.

Qeb mevpf`^i `ilpbkbpp t^p klq ^p jr`e) ^ka qefkdp tbob `e^kdfkd) ^ka fq qo^kpclojba fk lqebo t^vp+ F kbbaba ql al te^q lqebop tbob alfkd ^ii ^ilkd) tef`e t^p ql tloh fq jlob pmfofqr^iiv ^ka _b ibpp abmbkabkq mevpf`^iiv+ ?rq F pqfii illh ^q fq ifhb F e^sb qe^q abmbkabk`v _b`^rpb F al jfpp qe^q m^oq+ Fc qe^q t^p ^s^fi^_ib ql jb ofdeq klt) ql pbb efj mevpf`^iiv) fq tlria _b ifhb) ÏTebob fp eb< FÒj dlfkd Ð

What will we be doing as initiates, and what will the initiates who have passed from the psychic-material worlds into the soul realm be doing now? Initiations into the heart of God. Do you mean that we can do that too, while we’re on the earth? Yeah. Those keys didn’t pass so that they’re no longer available. They’re available through me because I’m passing people up the line, into the Soul realm. At that point they would be having the opportunity to turn toward the Traveler who is holding those keys for the initiations above. J-R talked about that. He said he was the only one in the world with those keys— so he’s saying that John Morton doesn’t have them, nor does anyone else. But that’s OK because we’re working in this bridging so that I have the keys into the Soul level initiations. I don’t have any quarrels with other groups who claim they have the keys. I’m not here to do a lineup to find out who has the best keys, or who’s the greatest holder in the world. I just know I have them for people who want that through MSIA and the Traveler consciousness. It’s like J-R has said, if you’re the only one in town selling cars, where else are people going to go when they want a car? They’ll come to you. New Day Herald 61

Jesus said that in so many ways. “I am the light, the way, I’m the truth and all who come, come by me.” It sounds very arrogant until you look at who’s speaking and what are they speaking of? That’s God’s voice and authority who speaks that. And is it OK if God speaks it through this one as a gate-holder, a portal? That’s always been the case. There are those who have the keys for those who are ready. And I just see myself as extending to the Soul.

experience in the Soul nature is revealed psychically. It’s an interpretation of what’s taking place in the Soul or the Spirit. If you asked how we would draw a picture of it, it would be, “Like this dream.” So the dream isn’t really a picture of it? No, but it’s a really good likeness, so you’ll get what you need to know. The message and the experience are delivered to you so you know you had it. So it’s very natural for people to still have experiences with John-Roger inwardly so they would have a sign and know he’s still working with them. But Gbprp qeb mboplk `lriakÒq p^v) don’t expect it to be what it was ÏTebk vlrÒsb pbbk jb vlrÒsb pbbk a year ago or ten years ago. It’s progressed.

qeb C^qebo+Ð Eb t^pkÒq q^ihfkd ^p pljb drv fk ^ _lav+ Eb t^p q^ihfkd ^q ^ ibsbi tebob eb t^p rm fk qeb Pmfofq+ Pl dl fk qeb Pmfofq+ Qe^qÒp telÒp pmb^hfkd+ ?rq fqÒp ^ipl pmb^hfkd ebob+ G*OÒp tloh t^p lk qe^q p`^ib) ^ka qebk pljb+ F alkÒq e^sb ^kv ^mlildfbp clo qe^q+ Gbprp p^fa ^p jr`e7 ÏQefp qll vlr pe^ii al ^ka bsbk dob^qbo+Ð And we have the discourses. J-R has said every which way that he will be working with people through the discourses— and the discourses have his name on them. I look at it as that’s not dead, that’s alive. And then we have a Traveler with the keys who would work through the psychic-material worlds—because J-R didn’t want to be remaining in the psychic-material levels. He didn’t want to stay incarnate, and neither do we. So he made good, and that’s why I refer to him as “Soul transcended.” That just means he’s in Soul. And that’s available if you want to have that experience. And then people say they are still having inner experiences and dreams with him like I used to. Isn’t that interesting? The Traveler consciousness has a way of doing that. Does that mean that J-R is still incarnate? I don’t see it that way. I see it as the inner 62 New Day Herald

Some people say that they’re not having dreams or visions, and I say, “Well let’s consider that that part of it is done and you don’t need that.” But where is it now? That’s more the question. My job is essentially escorting people. That’s another way to describe the Wayshower. I just escort people to the door so that they can have a direct experience. Often it happens in such a way that they say they saw me, and had a certain experience, or saw me at the foot of their bed, and they ask, “Do you remember that?” Often I take a moment. I don’t have an immediate answer. If you’re asking my mind the answer is no. It’s not a personal thing and I didn’t do that on a personal level. It’s not John Morton the personality that is appearing. It’s a form of the Traveler consciousness in a way that will help you recognize it, so that it’s in a way saying, “That guy is a vehicle that we’re working with.” So it helps people relate to it. I’m a Soul transporter device. In some ways I got a promotion just because of the nature of it, so I had to take on a responsibility that J-R had in the physical and psychic levels. But how different is my job? At the core not different at all. In MSIA? There have been some changes. Looking around you could say there are some differences but in a way there is not any difference. In large part, in the practical part that we’re doing, it is the same. In my experience,

somehow J-R blessed MSIA so whatever fits under that as an organization, and whoever is involved, there was a giant, karma-clearing blessing. There is much in my life that lifted in the last year. I was experiencing it before October 22 when J-R passed. Something was already being lifted. Whatever I was enduring and encountering as my personal challenges in the world in large part lifted and cleared, so that I considered it happened to MSIA not just to John Morton. But what is MSIA? It’s way beyond an organization. So it’s not like it happened to those 4000 or 5000 people in MSIA and that’s it. I think it happened to the world. That’s much more difficult for me to articulate. So how was the world blessed? One way I would put it is that he finished his job and he held on and just kept going to the end. It’s ironic because J-R was talking about leaving probably in the 60’s right after he got the keys. And he certainly was talking to me about it in 1988, and I was ready. He could have passed. He was in the hospital within a week after I got the keys in December of ‘88, and I was there with him. I thought maybe that was it. I just look at it that he was here from 1988 to 2014 under some kind of extension. That’s a long time by any measurement. It’s a long time to endure and hold to the blessed end. So there’s a part of me that just wants to make good. I like the word “legacy.” Part of his legacy is that he left us with a kind of challenge, like the challenges that he used to issue at the end of his early seminars. I think the challenge is that we would pick it up rather than say, “Well, that’s it, I think I’ll just relax or go off into the sunset.” We pick it up so that we are the vehicles, we are the instruments of the Traveler and of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Those who are active, willing, and doing the work have a great opportunity to expand it. And there’s always been that opportunity.

?^or`e ?^pe^k+

Walk in Peace I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still.

“I join you in claiming our spiritual heritage of peace and loving.” — John-Roger, D S S, IIWP Founder

IIWP Peacemaker Meetings 2015 Watertown, MA

July 18, 2-4pm Aug. 22, 2-4pm Sept. 19, 2-4pm Contact: David Jenkins


July 19, 3-5pm Contact: Cristina Rivero:


July 25, 5-7pm Sept. 12, 5-7pm Sept. 20, 12 - 3pm Sept. 27, 9 - 11am Oct. 31, 12 - 2pm Contact Prince Iwuoha:

Geneva, IL

Sept. 21, 6 - 7:30pm Contact: Leslie Sann:

Questions: or Sponsored by the Institute for Individual and World Peace




MSS Year One

2015-2016 Classes

Los Angeles, California – English Los Angeles, California – Spanish Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

MSS Year Two Los Angeles, California

Master of Spiritual Science Year One:

“This is an amazing program... it has assisted me in removing many of the blocks within my self that prevented me from being more accessible to the Spirit/Soul within me.” - CL

“The MSS gave me my TRUE life. The life that I always knew was most important. My Spiritual Life.” - VM

“Michelangelo carved a stone, and David emerged. Through my participation in the PTS Masters Program, who I am emerges. Week by week, month by month, patiently, gently, effortlessly, the one I always hoped for, the ‘me’ I knew was there, emerges, takes shape and comes alive.” - MM

Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses for at least one year prior to beginning of program (12 complete) and active subscription to Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs) For details: check with and

Creating Through Grace

Year Two:

Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise

Year Three:

Living From The Inside Out (Optional)

Doctor of




Santa Monica, CA

DSS Year Three, DSS Year Five (AMS II) September 25-27, 2015 October 23-25 November 20-22 January 29-31, 2016 February 26-28 March 18-20 April 22-24 May 20-22 June 17-19

Sydney, Australia DSS Year Five (AMS II) July 11-12 August 8-9 September 12-13 October 8-9 November 7-8

Prana West & Live Online

DSS-2 Worldwide English w/ Spanish Translation


ou see, God created us and He didn’t use any junk to do it. Sometimes you want to take who

you are as a creative being and make junk, thinking that’s going to be acceptable. At the level we are working in this PTS doctoral program, I want to be clear with you that it’s not. The thing we’re on the planet to learn is discipline

October 2-4, 2015 October 30-November 1 November 20-22 January 15-17, 2016 February 5-7 March 4-6 April 1-3 May 6-8 June 3-5

toward God’s direction. That discipline is not a punishment. It’s joy. And it’s a real thankful thing to have.” — John-Roger, DSS

Prerequisites: Graduate of PTS’ MSS Program, active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs), active MSIA Initiate and MSIA Ministers, regular tither to MSIA, and official acceptance by PTS Administration. Completion of DSS-1 for DSS-2; DSS-2 for DSS-3, etc.

For information:

Elissa Giges PTS Director of Graduate Studies or (323) 328-1940 Applications available: (Forms/Formularios)

P e a c e T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a ry & C o l l e g e o f P h i l o s o p h y

Call now to Register (323) 737-1534 ■ fax (323) 328-9005 ■ ■

Directory of Organizations “The journey of your Soul is to return to an awareness of and a oneness with God.” – John-Roger, DSS

MSIA The MOVEMENT of SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS (MSIA) teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of oneself as a Soul, and, more than that, as one with God. Soul Awareness Discourses are the heart of MSIA’s teachings. They offer many practical keys to more successful living and to greater spiritual awareness. MSIA’s approach is to present activities and techniques that direct us toward the Spirit and loving that are the essence of who we are. P.O. Box 513935, L.A., CA 90051 (323) 737-4055

PTS PEACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & COLLEGE OF PHILOSOPHY (PTS) provides spiritual education to students in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) and to the general public to enhance awareness of Spirit. PTS offers classes, workshops, retreats, correspondence courses, a Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) degree, and a Doctor of Spiritual Science (DSS) degree.

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens Home of MSIA and PTS headquarters in Los Angeles, PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH AND GARDENS is a place where people can be in retreat without leaving the city.

IIWP also owns Windermere Ranch, in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. Windermere offers people the opportunity to explore and experience peace in a natural setting. 3500 W Adams Blvd, L.A., CA 90018 (323) 328-1905 Facebook:

66 New Day Herald

THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MONICA was founded in 1976 by John-Roger and is a private graduate school offering Master’s degrees in Spiritual Psychology and Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing.Known as the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, USM’s mission is communicating the principles and practices of Spiritual Psychology worldwide through the process of Soul-Centered education.

Visitors may walk the hand-carved stone outdoor labyrinth, enjoy a moment of peace in the meditation garden, attend regular meditation events and seminars, and join the staff and residents for lunch and dinner during the work-week. Students in MSIA who come to Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens Soul-Centered education recognizes spiritual reality and begins with the assertion that rather than human beings who have also enjoy volunteering in the offices and doing spiritual a soul, we are more accurately described as souls having a exercises in the solarium. human experience. This assertion evokes a radical paradigm 3500 W Adams Boulevard, L.A., CA 90018 shift, which results in a psychological and educational (323) 737-4055 process whose goal is to bring forth the beauty, wisdom, and compassion inherent in every human being.

Heartfelt THE HEARTFELT FOUNDATION, founded in 1979 by John-Roger, is a volunteer-driven service organization which is operated through the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 100% of donations received go to those we serve. HeartFelt’s mission statement is: “Changing people’s lives through the healing power of heartfelt service.”

Founded in 1977 by John-Roger, PTS is a private, non-denomAn important part of HeartFelt’s work is the HeartReach inational educational seminary that teaches practical spiriProgram, which responds with Light and assistance to tuality. PTS provides educational opportunities that support students in becoming more aware of the Divine in themselves. members of our spiritual family who are undergoing lifechallenging or medical crises. 3500 W Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 The HeartFelt Global Network reaches out to our worldwide (323) 737-1534 family, connecting us in our service to our communities, with the intent of sharing and inspiring the serving heart. For more info please contact Skyler Patton (serve@heartfelt. IIWP org) and subscribe to receive future HGN Bulletins at INSTITUTE FOR INDIVIDUAL AND WORLD PEACE® (IIWP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) foundation whose mission is to identify 3500 W. Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 and present the processes that lead to peace. Its unique (323) 328.1908 approach is based on the principle that peace is present and that it starts with us, as individuals. IIWP presents peace processes through lectures, community peace projects, and workshops. Workshops are designed to anchor the experience and power of choosing peace as a practical reality in one’s life.


Esprit Travel & Tours Founded in 1975, ESPRIT serves our community and the general public.Esprit’s Independent Travel Department specializes in creating individually crafted cultural tours of Japan and Asia that journey deep into the arts, crafts, history, culture and cuisine of distant lands. Our custom tour itineraries deliver extraordinary cultural travel experiences. For more info about tours, contact us at: (800) 377-7481

This experiential educational paradigm evokes in students their own answers to the three essential questions: Who am I? Why am I here and what is my purpose? How can I make a meaningful contribution in the world? 2107 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-829-7402

Insight Seminars INSIGHT SEMINARS is an international non-profit educational organization founded over 35 years ago, by John-Roger and created by Russell Bishop. Insight’s mission is to assist us in transforming ourselves and the world to loving and our purpose is to inspire people everywhere to a life of greater happiness, success and fulfillment, built on self-awareness, loving, caring, compassion and service. Insight operates throughout the world. Through the Insight Seminar Series, people are provided opportunities to learn practical skills and techniques for living a happier, more effective, successful, abundant and heart-centered life. Business Insight is available for companies to create corporate transformation and strategic success through the Business Insight Seminar, Teambuilding or Leadership Workshops, Executive Transformational Coaching or customized programs. 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 221, Santa Monica, CA 90403 1.800.311.8001

MSIA Resources Home Seminars Audio or video seminars with John-Roger or John Morton are held in many communities around the world. They are an excellent way to lift your spirits and further your spiritual attunement. Contact your local MSIA representative or call 323-737-4055 to find the closest home seminar in your area.

The MSIA Store A complete catalog of books, audio and videotapes, CDs, subscriptions, and other materials is available at

Web Ring XXX NTJB PSH r XXX K S PSH r XXX NTJBOPSUIFBTU PSH XXX NTJBGMPSJEB PSH XXX NTJBDBOBEB PSH r XXX GPSHJWF PSH (explore the programs, classes, and events offered through PTS. Register for PTS classes, and take a free e-mail class) (fresh news, articles by J-R and John Morton, daily stories and photos during the Traveler’s journeys for peace, and more‌) (send a free e-mail postcard!) (news about John-Roger and John Morton and their books) (download a free spiritual warrior journal; discover your purpose) (look for a sample blessing) (Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens—news, events, info) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Tithe online!) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Seed online!)

PTS Classes The educational arm of MSIA, Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy (PTS), offers experiential learning of Soul Transcendence and practical spirituality in a variety of formats, including evening classes, retreats, weekend offerings, e-mail and correspondence courses, and a 2-year Master’s and 3-year Doctor of Spiritual Science program. For more information, go to, call PTS at 323-737-1534, or e-mail registrar@pts.or

The MSIA Ministry The MSIA ministry is for initiates of the Traveler who are called inwardly to serve the spirit of their hearts. Service may be in any form, from volunteering for the Church to assisting people in need or organizations that serve those people, and anything in between. The only requirement is that the ministry is active and done regularly. MSIA ministers may perform services, like marriages, that clergy of other denominations are authorized to do as long as they comply with the laws of the locality in which they serve. People who have received initiation into the Sound Current through the Traveler may request an Application for Ordination packet from: .JOJTUFSJBM 4FSWJDFT *O "DUJPO r 8 "EBNT #MWE -PT "OHFMFT $"

Initiation Students in MSIA have an opportunity to be initiated through the Mystical Traveler Consciousness into the Sound Current, the audible stream of energy that comes from the heart of God. The levels of initiation in MSIA correspond to levels of consciousness both within and outside each person: astral (relating to the imagination), causal (relating to the emotions), mental (relating to the mind), etheric (paralleling the unconscious), and Soul (relating to who we truly are). There are also initiations above the Soul level. The astral initiation happens in the “night travel� (dream state) after a person has in some way come in contact with the Mystical Traveler; it is not anchored physically at that time, and the person may do no more with it in their lifetime. The next initiation is the causal, which can generally take place (be anchored) after two years of study with the Soul Awareness Discourses. (The astral initiation is anchored at the same time as the causal initiation.) Successive initiations are mental, etheric, and Soul. If you are just starting the Soul Awareness Discourses, Discourse #1 explains initiation into the Sound Current. You may choose to study the Discourses with the intention of being initiated or simply read them as information. This is up to you. If you do choose to study toward initiation, you need to write a letter as soon as you have decided and then email (or mail) it to the Traveler, saying that you are doing this. If you write this letter, the Traveler works with you more closely, and you may notice a greater spiritual awareness in your consciousness as this inner work goes on. After two years of study with the Discourses and if you have written and sent your intention letter to the Traveler, you can apply for causal initiation, generally when you have completed Discourse 24. The Traveler will look into your request, and you may be offered the opportunity for initiation. For astral/causal, mental, etheric, and Soul initiations, the person meets with an initiator and is given an initiation “tone� (the name of God for each realm that applies to the tone), which the initiate chants inwardly during spiritual exercises. These initiation tones are charged with spiritual energy by the Traveler Consciousness for each person individually, and the Traveler assists the student in clearing enough karma on one level to be initiated into the next level. For the levels of initiation above the Soul level, no initiation tone is given physically. For more information about initiation, you could read the chapter called Initiation in John-Roger’s book Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise (available in paper and electronic versions). And we also recommend these seminars by John-Roger: “Initiation—Molding the Golden Chalice� The key seminar about studying towards initiation and being an initiate. Available in CD and MP3 formats. “The Sound Current: The Road Home� An excellent overview of MSIA and initiation. Available in DVD and MP3 formats.

Loving Each Day Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton are delivered daily to you via e-mail. Start your computer session with a daily e-mail message of inspiration and loving. Available in four languages—English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese —a subscription is free upon request by visiting Loving Each Day e-postcards, on an award-winning site, are also available at New Day Herald 67

This inspiring documentary

follows the life and times of Dr. John-Roger...

NY Times #1 Bestselling Author and Spiritual Wayshower. From adolescence John-Roger was aware of much more than this physical level. This film follows his life from early childhood, through a near death experience in his early twenties and the anointing of the Mystical Traveler consciousness, followed by over 50 years of dedicated service to peace and spiritual upliftment worldwide. Breathtaking footage of pilgrimages through the Holy land and travels all across the globe, this visually stunning documentary will inspire and move you.

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