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Messico and its Unique Basics- Religion Messico has one religion that originated there, but people follow their religions as they want. Christianity, Hinduism, and all of the other religions can be followed as Messico is a free nation. The religion in Messico is called Issemism, and this religion is polytheistic. "The god of this religion is Asher. The main goddess of this religion is Aurora." tells Anthropologist Ronald to Optimum. "Ashir was born 500 years ago. He is believed to have been born from the rain. When Messico was created, there was lots of rain. Over time, the rain collected and took the shape of a human. Thus, Ashir wears a blue cape and pants that have an otter- the animal representing truth. Ashir's face is blue and he has 2 black lines on each cheek." he completes. Aurora was believed to be born through nature. When Messico was created, the day for Aurora to be born came. This was 500 years ago. Leaves were rustling, the ground began to take the shape of a body, twigs all around started to fly and connect to this figure. For the final affect, dirt all around Messico came and stuck to the outline of this person. At the end, Aurora was born. She is a young woman who has brown hair. She wears a top made out of dirt which is smooth. It has jagged ends. She wears pants made out of leaves which are green. She wears a knap sack holding natures goods, twigs, leaves, stones, and flowers.

Ashir and Aurora both live in Ronum, the heaven. It is believed there are two places you can go to when you die, Ronum or Kalum. Ronum is where you go if the majority of your actions are good and not hurtful. You go to Kalum if most or all of your actions are bad and you have brought only evil. To check your deeds, you go to the Realm of Decision. There, Asher makes a timeline of you. He chants the words, Vita le Libratum. This means, life be balanced! If your timeline is mostly good, Aurora will take you to Ronum in her boat which takes you through the Celestial River. If you are bad, Aurora drops you into Kalum where you shall stay until you pay for your deeds. Then, you are re born. The Ronum is on the east side of the Estvod River because it's believed that Estvod is holy due to the fact that the two gods were born near it- on the east. The Kalum is on the west because whenever there is a severe storm- it arrives from the west. It's a sign of evil and destruction. There are temples in every city on the east of the Estvod River. There, prayers are offered to the two gods and all holidays are majorly celebrated there. In these temples there are shrines devoted to these gods and there are places to sign up to help the poor. There are also classes to teach everyone why telling the truth is good. Truth and helping each other is important in Messico. Truth prevents corruption, and keeps peace. This creates a very happy environment. This is the reason why everyone smiles all day here!

The Celestial Balance and Life Line Asher uses to balance your life..

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