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Upperclassemen Addresses

Junior Address Yosef Vanderwalde (24’)

In a way, Junior year is a new beginning in high school. It was our first year as upperclassmen which comes with a lot of responsibilities. There are more advanced classes and we are granted more freedoms. The younger students in the school look up to us as role models and we have to teach them all the little things that make school easier. Towards the end of the year, it got a little more difficult with AP tests and standardized testing. We also have to start thinking about our future after high school which can be stressful. While difficult at times, this year was amazing and we can't wait to continue our high school career as Seniors.

Senior Address Reuven Marvin (’23)

In my four years at this school, I have accomplished quite a bit. From being a potential valedictorian to simply being known as a cool guy, I have embraced different roles. I had the honor of being the lead actor in the renowned Steak Dinner Ideas production and writing a popular weekly article featuring the top five Super Bowl commercials. There are many other achievements that I hold dear but choose not to mention here.

This school has provided me with opportunities to truly succeed and stay true to myself. As I look back, I have some advice for future freshmen: don't let ninth-grade English be a stumbling block, learn to seize the right moments, and embrace involvement while capturing precious memories through photos.