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Underclassmen Addresses

Freshman Address Amit Zalman (’26)

As a freshman at Cooper Yeshiva High School, I know firsthand that high school is more demanding than middle school. The transition and adjustment to the workload definitely felt exhausting at times. This year, we were introduced to new subjects and faced more challenging coursework. In addition to the academic stringency, the high school also offered us a range of electives to choose from, including government, economics, and communications. These courses allowed us to explore our interests and develop valuable skills that may have not been taught to us in middle school. As we navigate the demanding workload and embrace the diverse options offered at Cooper Yeshiva High School, we have the opportunity to grow academically and expand our horizons, setting a foundation for a successful high school journey.

Sophomore Address Raanan Vanderwalde (’25)

The Sophomore year can be generally described as a turning point in our high school career. We go from freshman, just learning our way around, to Juniors, who are expected to face high school head on. Part of this segue into the harder parts of high school involves introducing ourselves to higher level classes. That being, one of our privileges as a tenth grader is that we are allowed to take one AP (Advanced Placement) course. Along with that, many sophomores have joined the higher level Gemara class: Rabbi Safier’s shiur. But for most of us, tenth grade was very academically similar to ninth grade. Along with academics, we also got to contribute to extracurriculars more than we did as freshman, such as being on The Weekly staff. Overall, 10th grade was an amazing experience for us sophomores and I am looking forward to junior year next year. - CALVIN AND HOBBES © Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.