4 minute read


Cooper Yeshiva High School for Boys

Volume 17, Issue 19

Under Classmen


Page 3

Upper Classmen


Page 4

Parshat Nasso: Accepting Truth from all Sources

Page 7

Avi’s Awesome


Page 7

This week’s Weekly is sponsored by the Jason Caplan in honor of his up coming event at Harris Hall in Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music. (Page 4)

Final Message From the Past Editor in Chief

Ezra Wiener (23’)

This year has been quite the rollercoaster, and while I am relieved it's over, there is one question which I have to ask, “What makes a good leader?” Some may say a good leader requires reliability. Others, the strength to command and do what is necessary. Some might even say that all that is required for a leader is the ability to lead. I say it is all of these things and much, much more. I know this because I am a very good leader and possess all of these qualities. That is why I was chosen to receive the esteemed position of Editor-InChief of the CYHSB Weekly. It has been quite the year, we’ve lost some good men, and had to deal with a variety of challenges. But through it all we persevered, and ended up being responsible for what many refer to as the greatest Weekly Volume of all time. In this piece I would like to break down my experiences as Editor-In-Chief and give some advice to the upcoming staff. So sit down, zip up your flies, tuck in your shirts, buckle your seatbelts, and get ready for the CYHSB Weekly’s yearly breakdown.

Being Editor-In-Chief without a doubt made my senior year a lot more stressful. This was primarily due to the fact that I had a lot of other responsibilities on top of having to get The Weekly done almost every week. It would be easy for me to move on from this year and only remember the late nights, stress, and difficulty of working on The Weekly, but I don’t believe that would be a proper reflection of my experience. Working on The Weekly, despite being stressful, was extremely rewarding and allowed me to interact with many other students and members of the community. As such, I am much more inclined to look back on this experience and remember the fun staff meetings, late night calls with the editors, and hearing feedback from the community members, although really only the good feedback, as I believe constructive criticism is overrated.

Now to address the staff. Working on The Weekly this year was extremely difficult for me, but without my amazing staff this year, it would’ve been impossible. In all my years of being on The Weekly staff I have never seen so many students willing to dedicate so much of their time and hard work to complete The Weekly, and I am really blown away by everybody’s commitment. I am excited to see what you guys will cook up next year, but I know that without advice from me it will probably be pretty bad, so I have decided to dedicate the rest of this article to advising you guys on how to make it good.

First, to the current Editor-InChief Ezra Davidovics. Ezra, you have a lot of weight on your shoulders right now and I know that must be scary, but it is a lot less scary when you trust your staff and let them help you. Don’t be like Atlas and carry the whole world on your shoulders. Also remember that if The Weekly isn’t good everybody will blame you and you will be an embarrassment to the entire community.

Now to address the Layout Editor, Nathan Greenbaum. Nathan, I was the Layout editor my Junior year and I know that it is no easy task, but I also know that if there’s anybody who can do it well, it's breaking the law, if it's for The Weekly, you have to do it. you, not as well as me of course, but well. My advice to you is this, start doing the layout before you get the articles, that will make your Wednesday night a whole lot easier. Just remember, you’ll never reach my level when it comes to Layout, so don’t bother trying, just do the best you can.To the associate Editor in Chief: Nadav Lowell. Nadav, very few people have risen up the ranks of The Weekly as quickly as you have. You showed your commitment and talent in meetings and blew us all away with your ideas. My advice to you is this: Trust your gut. You have the talent necessary to make the right calls and you need to trust your ability to do what needs to be done, no matter what. Even if meeting means

To the managing editors: Ethan and Raanan Vanderwalde. You guys are best friends, and it shows. I am extremely jealous of your comradery and how well you get along when it comes to working on The Weekly. You guys just jive, and that’s really special. My advice to the both of you is this: When trying to get someone to write an article do the good cop bad cop routine. It works every time. First Ethan should come in with the bad cop, saying something like “You have two days to do this article or your off staff.” Then when the kid is freaked out, Raanan swoops in with the good cop, “Hey buddy, don’t believe what Ethan says, you are a valued member of this staff and really good at what you do, I would really appreciate it if you could get that article done.” See, easy as that.

To the News Editors: Yaron, Joshua, and Akiva Levine. You guys are up and coming Weekly stars and I know you will probably do great things. My advice to you three is work together, and utilize the team you have been given.

To the Complaint Manager: J.J. Stein. J.J., you are the most important member of staff and no one can ever replace you. No one handles complaints as well as you, and that’s extremely admirable. My advice to you is this: Whenever you get a complaint that you just don’t know what to do with, ignore it and never think about it again.

To the rest of the staff: I apologize for not addressing each of you independently, but thankfully, there are just too many of you. All of you have written two or more articles this year, and I know that's not an easy thing to do. I am impressed with each of your work ethic and can’t wait to see what you do in the future. Overall, I will cherish this year for a little bit after I graduate, and I know all of you will do great things.