Informer apr

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April 2013 MINNETONKA LIONS Lion Ellie, Minnetonka Lions and Alex

young kids will learn more about Lions Clubs and how good it feels to make that difference. That’s what they are all about.

Children want to be helpers. So when I was telling my neighbor, Alex, about how Lions collect old eyeglasses and ship them around the world to people who needed them. I shouldn’t have been surprised by his response. “That’s what I’m all about. I’m all about helping.” Last night Alex and I sorted through numerous boxes of old glasses, separating the good from the broken, and removing all the cases. In just forty minutes we had talked about where these glasses might be sent to and how they would benefit others. We had also accomplished our task. Two large boxes of glasses were ready to be shipped to where they are needed.


Alex and I plan to invite other middle school kids to join us and we think we can make a difference working together. I think these

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