MRF Reports - November/December 2008

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Around the USA Arizona

“Still Ray” Fitzgerald MRF Asst. State Representative All, We have dealt with 'No colors' policies for years. Last week at an event in Kingman, AZ (Bike Night) in a local bar, the state Liquor board, in conjunction with the State and County Police and Sherriff's office, raided the bar blocking the streets and alley, detaining everyone while they went over everyone and everything with the K9 units. The SWAT team would not allow anyone to leave. They held the owner in the backroom going over papers, etc. The short version, if the owner refused to enact a 'No Colors" policy he would lose his liquor license. The State has forced him to refuse service to Patchholders. A Club member asked one of the cops if they could stay when the police were leaving and was told,"Only if you remove your colors". In the past, the problem was the owners unwillingness to give up their "right to refuse service to anyone" privilege making this a hard case to argue at the Capitol, as AZ law follows the U.S. law when dealing with discrimination: race, creed, religion, etc., not attire. As a resolution to this, our lobbyists struck an agreement with the Restaurants and Bar Owner's Assoc. several years ago (Deb Butitta was our lobbyist at the time). They agreed to take down their signs on their own, or at least plead our case to their membership. It certainly wasn't Law but it was better than what we had. Now we have the Government shoving this down our throats.


the problem. We are pleased with the PSA. It is the car pulling out on to an intersection and the motorcycle creams into the car. As of this writing Bikes, Blues and BBQ will run the same time as the Meeting of the Minds, so I will not see the pamphlets, stickers, etc until I come back from Denver. We were a little disappointed in the fact that time was a factor in what the grant money went for this year. It seemed that the State Police had made the decision for everything that was done, only getting the board to approve what they presented. It has taken them a lot of time in getting everything set up correctly. We will give them the benefit of the doubt this first time, but hopefully the Board will have more input as to how the money is spent in 2009. ABATE of Arkansas members have been working on a motorcycle awareness program to take into classrooms and meetings. It is called Safer Streets for Everyone or SSFE. In October the State Board will find out what the proposed cost of this program will be. Hopefully it can be worked into the budget for the coming year. Ride Free Arkansas PAC has sent out the candidate questionaire. We have had some quick responses. The results of the questionaire will be posted on the ABATE web-site and newsletter. To the MRF 'family', I would like to take this time to Thank everyone for a wonderful job you each do!!! The knowledge and commitment is TRUELY appreciated and such an inspiration!! Thank-You!! And to everyone--I hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday season!!! Ride Free, Ride Safe,

The question, does this occur in your state? If so, what is being done about it? Legislatively or judicially?


Thank you for your time, please advise. Still Ray

Joni Davis-Carter President, Local 34 ABATE of California


Connie Shepherd MRF State Representative Arkansas's motorcycle safety board met in July and finalized the plans for spending the 2008 2010 grant money in order to apply for the 2009 funds. Among the things that was presented to the board were billboards in several major cities, television PSA's, pamplets, stickers and other paper items. The Arkansas State Police added $50,000.00 to the $100,000.00 that Arkansas received, as the Legislature will have to amend the current law to increase license fees . (In order for a state to receive the grant money, the motorcyclist are required to pay into a fund used to promote motorcycle safety and awareness.) As most know, our Legislature meets every other year. They will amend this law when they return to session in January of 2009. The billboards were seen in August, the PSA's started running in September and they are going to present the pamplets, stickers and other paper items during Bike's, Blues and BBQ at the end of September. The billboards were a little disappointing. They show only a part of a motorcycle, most said you could not really tell what it was, as it was a side view of only the motor. No full side view of the motorcycle or motorcyclists. Hard to tell what you are suppose to look for!! Rodney Farley, Chairman of ABATE of Arkansas, and Tom Wewers, Rider's Ed Coordinator for ABATE of Arkansas are members of this board. They have asked that the billboards be done in a better way, so people will understand what they should watch for. The State Police said they would see what the firm that made the signs could do to fix


Here in Kings County, we have had this CHP officer Savage, (and he was), He was in the Coalinga Hills almost a 1/2 hr. away from Hanford. Well this CHP officer would get you every time whether you were legal or not and give you a helmet ticket. His words he preached were "I CAN SPOT A ILLEGAL HELMET FROM A MILE AWAY".



Miles France MRF State Representative First off “THANK-YOU” to each of you who made the MOTM’s in Denver. The weather was fantastic as well as the conference. This was another incredible learning experience and all that you have learned you can now share with your brothers and sisters. ABATE of Colorado did one fine job of hosting the MOTM’s and all their hard work is very much appreciated. Those of you who went on the Karen Bolin Memorial Ride got to see the beautiful gold in our majestic mountains. Each year I ride all over our country and this year when I returned home I actually questioned why I keep leaving when Colorado has so much to offer. Now I’m working on a “Bucket List” to cover every square inch of my aspiring state. Welcome to each of our new MRF Members and “THANK-YOU” to all that support the organization that supports our rights. Ride with the”EAGLE”, Miles From Deb Craig: Anyone who has known me for more than a few minutes, knows I am not the best at public speaking. Anyone who attended the 2008 Meeting of the Minds banquet and awards ceremony certainly knows! We all know the significance of the John ‘Farmer’ Eggers Award and it holds a special meaning for each recipient. To be nominated by one’s peers for this award is an indescribable honor! Even now, it’s difficult to put into words what I feel. I am proud to be able to stand in the company of those former recipients who, in my mind, are among the best in the business. After all, I feel I learned from the best. I hope that I will do as well for those who learn from me. All that’s left to say is Thank You... all of you!

Well, he was transferred to Hanford and within 2 weeks he had written about 52 helmet tickets, he would pull over a pack of riders and give out 8 tickets to that group of 11. Everyone was coming to me about this to see what could be done. Well between a couple of us talking to the CHPs and trying to get the lowdown on this guy, Oct. 1,08 one of my life time members of ABATE Local 34 of Hanford, finally got to talk to the right person. Townsend showed the CHP their bulletin, policy #59 and also #71. With this information, CHP Officer Mark Karis of Kings County said CHP Officer Savage, nor will any other CHP Officer be giving out anymore Helmet tickets unless you are wearing a Helmet of a different sport, i.e. football helmet, etc. So what this means is, anyone with a helmet ticket right now will not have to pay it. You will still need to go to the courts to have them dismissed. If you paid your ticket, sorry, cause there will be no refunds. This info will go to all court clerks and Judges, so if you happened to not get this info and somehow got to the judge, he will dismiss your helmet tick-


Ron Troia MRF State Representative We are still on the edge of our seats here in Connecticut waiting to see what our legislature will do this coming session regarding the possibility of a mandatory helmet law. The summertime talk seems to have quieted down but our legislators go back into session this winter so that talk may be revived. There is the chance that all the problems with our financial markets, the high cost of gasoline and home heating fuel will keep the rascals busy and not even look at us. We are keeping our fingers crossed but at the same time the leadership of the Connecticut Motorcycle Riders Association is gearing up for the battle should it happen. We are gathering information to find out who will be our friends so we can formulate plans and also finding out who our adversaries will be so that we can contact them and attempt persuade them to change their position. We are facing our most serious threat in many years but I do believe we can prevail with a united front. Join the CMRA, MRF, and the AMA! Protect your right to ride today and always.

November/December 2008

The CMRA still has some late summer events on the horizon. The next one will be on Sunday, September 28th 12:00 Noon-5:30 at The Cadillac Ranch, 45 Jude Lane, Southington, CT. Live music by Jeff Pitchell and Texas Flood, Shovelhead and special guest appearance from Desiree Bassett. There will be some great raffles there. After that we have our annual Toy Run on October 5, 2008 – Meeting between 9 am and Noon at Hubbard Park in Meriden. Run leaves at 12:30 pm. A toy or gift is required. And the Season Finale: November 8th Franco American Club, 95 Liberty Street, Meriden from 7 pm to Midnight. Please consult the web site at for further details on any upcoming events. We in Connecticut have suffered way too many motorcycle fatalities this year including two who I had personal ties to. Please think and prepare before you ride. Ride as defensively as you possibly can. Your life may depend upon it. Ron Troia Connecticut


Jodi Cain MRF State Representative Six times a year we have an opportunity to put an article in the MRF Reports to let everyone know what is going on in our state. I have struggled with this because it seems that there aren’t a lot of BIG things going on in Iowa. At MOTM I listened to what was going on in other states and as Hardtail reviewed the list in General Session I heard a lot of familiar topics. As I chatted with others I heard the successes and failures that they have gone through in the last year regarding training and awareness and helmets and… well, you know, the same things we all see. Since MOTM in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, we have remained a free state when it comes to helmets. ABATE of Iowa is now presenting our Share the Road program to about 10,000 people a year. Our Riders Education program is teaching over 300 people a year. Slider Gilmore’s Two Wheel Trauma class is still going strong. We made two trips to Washington to tell our Senators and Congressmen, in person, how we wanted to be represented. The second trip we hand carried hundreds of letters from our membership asking that our 2010 funds be used for awareness and education instead of safer crashing. We found a way to raise funds to go to DC without dipping into our PAC or General funds. We held a Lobby Breakfast in Des Moines to shake hands with the ones that represent us there. We welcomed thousands of bikers to Freedom Park for another successful Freedom Rally. Our own Jeremie Barrett was one of three winners of the MRF Young Activist Scholarship. We increased our membership in the MRF. We saw a change in leadership. After 13 years Steve Rector chose not to run again and stepped down as ABATE of Iowa State Coordinator. Phil McCormick, a long time Assistant State Coordinator, has stepped up to the challenge. Steve will not be going far as the Board of Directors immediately created an ExOfficio position for him. I stepped up to be a State CoRep for the MRF and Polly stepped down. Polly also did not go far as she is still a District MRF Representative as well as Assistant to John Pierce, Director of Membership for the MRF. There may not be a lot of BIG things going on in Iowa but there are a lot of GOOD things. I guess

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