A Mr.Nissim Design

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ArtTech ArtTechin Becoming an

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2 Index Coloring.....................4 Touchups....................5 Masking....................6 Tracing.....................7 Vectors.....................8 Artboards................9 Pages....................10 Typography........12 Styling..................12 Index...........................................2 About Me..................................3 Adobe Express.....................13

About the Author

Hello lovely readers, My name is Yosef Nahon. I’m a Computer Science Major with minors in Mathmatics, Cyber Security, and Film Production. In all my years of pesuing my passions I never thought I’d end up using my tehnical skills towards creating art. . For as long as I can remember I woud express my art first in film, creating stories I’d want to tell. Later I found my passion for tech and wanted to create an easier connection for device and user.

Now as I take this Graphic design journey, I’m seeing my tallents shine through a new medium. It’s incredible to make connections and see the way I develop film or code play a role into the content I create here. I hope you enjoy looking at my works as much as I enjoyed making them, and seeing the interesting things I learned along the way.


Photo Shop

Photoshop is a program targeted towards edditing; this means talking existing images and making edits to them down to the pixel. It’s these kinds of edits that allow us to almost bend reality with our creativity.


The bread and butter of manipulating photos is by changing their color. I’m sure if I knew Color Theory I’d be alot better at manilulating these styles, but those who master in it are able to look at all aspects of an objects color, light and shades and be able to change those colors scocrdingly.

Pixel Painting
It’s Morphing Time
Blue Lemonade Andrew Tries Techno


Simpsion Didn’t Doh This

“It looks photoshoped“ is a common phrased used to call out what is essentially a bad job at corecting “imperfections” on a photo. Professionals are able to look at any pattern and apply propper changes where needed, and it’s not just on faces. adding a light bleed to an object or making a graphiti overlay are all about making touchups to photos that still add to the realizim

Much Cover-Up
Mr.Nissim Was Here


A mask functions on out face to cover a part of the face but leave open the important part. Comonly we want to remove the backrounds in photos so we can just get the main object(s) which is also a form of masking. This power to mask actaually can change the photos composition entirely. My experience involved bringing family members together into one photo but here was more to create textures and environments I like.

Combinding all these skills allowed me to make both artsy and realistic photos. being able to mask and recolor textures with different effects as well really provides endless possibilities with making an existing peice of art my own. While I can’t bend reality like some prefessinals I still loved the learning exerience.

Men, Texturize
Riding Retro


Contrary to Photoshop, Illustrator allows you to Create using shapes and lines

The best form of practice was to take an existing idea and recreate it in Illustrator. This is a similar idea to tracing, but instead of using a pencil over the image with thin paper, we use a powerfull pen tool and make shapes and change their angels accordingly to fit the preportions of the origional image. Making all these shapes organized requires you to understand the layering to your work. Layers are an element in many Adobe programs like photoshop and InDesign, but are most valued here in Illustrator. Theres also the gift of Swatches, which let you create an art pallet of your recurring colors. combinding these 3 concepts reallly lets you create almost point perfect shapes, organize and catagorize those shapes per destincion and finnaly color them accordingly.

Can you tell which is which?

7 I Tah I Taw a Tweety Coppy Cat Vector-Link

Mathmatically speaking, a vector is a combination of a point and a direction. In Illustrator it means rather then bounding our shapes and figues based on pixels, we can use anchor points and lines to create our shapes. Applying curvature to our lines alows us to bend them in a way more smoothe and elegant. It’s these basics that when understood allow more complex creations to be made from simple shapes

SAnother big plus with using vectors is the ability to make Vector Graphics. This no longer locks you creation to a certain dimention of quaity and can be resized however you’d like. Vector Graphics are the reason you have such large promotional billboards and posters that show off well done work in beautifully high quality.

8 88 Merging Mightier Pen The Mighty Pen SpecsTM


For every artist there’s a canvas, and Illustrator provides you multiple Artboards for you to use in just one project. This is really helpful when making similar material that has to be produced on different platforms.

9 Shameless Plug + I Love My Sister


InDesign takes elements of both Photoshop and Illustrator and puts them together into one area, this begs the question of why go back to the other two programs. The simple answer is that InDesign is made for more of a Publishing perspective, talking works or images and text and applying propper styles and typography in order to make something available for publishing, be that a book/ magazine/ or brochure. Thus the real power of InDesign emerges, and that is the use of pages, Making page for your work and templating them so your work is properly stylized and conssistent throughout.

Pokemon for Dummies

Mimi’s Pretzels Pages

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“An Adventure too Weird for Words“



Typography is InDesign’s specialty, learning your fonts and and styles of typography is what InDesign is all about. Its these situations where your content is very text heavy that you need these typography capabilities.










As aformentioned, InDesign is talented in its use of typography, and maintains its efficeincy with the help of the style windows. these styles work like the swatches window also previously mentioned, creating a pallet of your fonts and character styles for consistent application. You have character styles that save specific fonts and colors, paragraph styles which save colom numbers and spacing, And object styles which save shape effects and coloroing

You can also apply effects to the text so it has more depth, this can be bezels/ drop shadows/ or gradients. Where Indesign lacks in managing images, it compensates with the various options to alter text and typography.

A Tim Burton Classic Coming Back to Theaters Somewhere Pokemon for Dummies

Wish Granted

Adobe Express

In the spare time spent in my graphic design journey I also got to dapple in some works using Adobe Express. This program is web based and not a heavy hitter like what I was learnign to work with but where it Shined was in its AI capabilities and easyness to make my content appropriate for social media.

Love Is In The Air
Adventure Awaits
Meet At MEEC
Sponsor Me Sephora Specks 2026 Phason + Saber

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So if you are someone who wants to create DO IT, even if its not your strength compared to your other tallents, you may be surprised in the different ways you can grow

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.