Moxie Malas Catalog 2017

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the mindset Life is big, beautiful, & bold it can lift you up or tear you down, but the best part is.... YOU get to choose. Within each of us lies a personal power and spirit greater than we dare to imagine. Having Moxie means da you choose to imagine and live within that place of power, peace, and fearless badassery. Your Moxie is calling - Choose to be peacefully untamed.

Each piece of Moxie Malas is hand crafted in the United States using only the highest quality of genuine semi-precious gemstones and crystals. When creating the intentions for the bracelets we look at what kind of support the wearer might need and what combination of stones and crystals would best support that intention. The stones are picked based on their own unique healing energies. We also believe in the power of combining different healing modalities. Many of our bracelets and malas combine crystal healing and aromatherapy through the use of porous lava stones. Pure essential oils can be dropped d directly onto the the stone and worn throughout the day.

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A Pg. 6

Muladhara Root Chakra I Am Safe, I Am Grounded, I feel supported and all my needs are being met.

A. Balanced Power Bracelet

The energies of yin and yang, calm and powerful, strength and ease are harnessed in these stones. You know the man in your life, or else you are the man, who can calm a storm or create it - let this bracelet reflect those energies. BMCAAD16K42 $36

B. Protection Feel protected from the energies of those around you, particularly any negative energy. This bracelet is great for those who work in service industries or those who are looking to remove negativity from their lives. BEOAAD16K62 $34

C. “I Am Grounded� Root Chakra Bracelet The root chakra is all about feeling grounded and feeling safe. These stones are great during times of change, especially when moving, changing jobs, or when things seem to feel up in the air. BCHAAA16R01 $34

D. Strength During Change Transitions of any kind can be difficult. Feel supported, feel strong, and able to face anything that comes your way. BINAAW16G33


E/F/G Courage Essential Oil Diffuser The ability to stand in the face of fear and the unkown with strength, fearlessness, and confidence. Feel supported and balanced with a sense of self assuredness and self reliance. Tassel BFWADT16R16 $34 Mixed BFWAAD16R14 $30 Wood BFWADW16R15 $24

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A. “I Am Strong” Courage & Strength

Repeat after me "I Am Strong" Believe in your dreams and intentions! When taking on a challenge, or standing in the face of change it’s good to feel supported. Feel the strength and courage that comes from deep within and be reminded of it when you need it most. BINAAW16G34 $24

B. Pregnancy Support Pregnancy can be and is a wild ride. As women and mamas we need and deserve as much support as possible during this beautiful and transformative time. These crystals are very supportive crystals to mother and baby during pregnancy. BMMAAA16O52 $34

C. “I See Clearly” Finding Your Passions Have you asked yourself lately "Am I following my passion"? We all need the heat, passion, and life giving energy of the fire element to burn away all that does not serve us. Embrace the bright colors, feed from their energy and re-energize your life and passions. BINAAW16B30 $24

D. “Yes I Can” Energy & Motivation Goals, Intentions, Steps, YES YOU CAN! The big goals, the big dreams can feel so far and so distant. Don’t let that be where they stop – dig deep and find that motivation and energy you need and take it one step at a time. BINAAW16O36 $24

E. Inner Flame - Fire Element Some are burned by fire and other's are forged by it. Harness the power of your inner flame and burn away all that does not serve you. Let the best parts of who you truly are rise from the ashes. BACAAD17O84 $38

F. The Courageous One

Harness your inner power, release limitations, and allow your courage to lead the way. This bracelet is great for when you are needing some help to find your courage. BMCAAW16O43 $36

G. “I Am Passionate” Sacral Chakra Bracelet Chakra of creativity and passion. Get yourself "unstuck" and the creativity flowing with these passion enhancing stones. BCHAAA16O02 $34

Svadhistana Sacral Chakra I Am Passionate, I Am Creative, I embrace my emotions and move through change peacefully.







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A Pg. 12

Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra

I Am Powerful I Am Safe, Supported, and Loved when I stand in my power.

A. Confidence

Stand a little taller and hold your head a little higher. Remember you are powerful, strong, and confident and remember you are so loved, so supported and so safe in that power. BEOADW16O58


B. Uplifting This bracelet helps to give you a little boost when you feel like you may be dragging a bit. With the golden hues and the picture jasper it's a great combination of power and support. BEOADW16Y66 $24

C. Surya - Sun Double Wrap The sun represents the masculine energy within us. The drive, willpower, personal power, and strength. Sometimes we need a little reminder of how much of the sun really exists within each of us. Let us not be burned by the raging fire, but rather fueled by it's warmth. BACAAD17Y86 $58

D. “I Am Powerful� Solar Plexus Chakra Bracelet

Yes you are! Repeat after me... "I am supported in my power, I am loved in my power, and serve others with my power". Power can get a bad reputation, but it is when we stand in our power that we are able to serve others to the best of our bilities. If I you are feeling like you need a little more support and a reminder to stand in your power, these stones will definitely help. BCHAAA16Y03


E. The Protector Bracelet The ability to stand in the face of fear and the unkown with strength, fearlessness, and confidence. Feel supported and balanced with a sense of self assuredness and self reliance. BMCAAA16Y44 $36

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M Details on Pg. 16 - Pg. 15

A. Calming This bracelet is very calming and loving. Rose Quartz and Rhodonite remind us of the love within and all around. BEOADWP77


B/C/D. Love We come to the stillness of our meditation to give love more freely and fully, to receive love more freely and fully and to remember that we are love. These stones are great for enhancing love in all areas of your life and even for support in healing a broken b heart. Tassel BFWADT16P39 $34 Mixed BFWAAD16P37 $30 Wood BFWADW16P40 $24

I. “I Am Prosperous” Luck and Abundance One of my favorite quotes is “Luck is at the crossroads of preparation and opportunity.” Every time you look down at your wrist of jewels you are reminded to stay the course and create the luck that comes into your life. BINAAW16G32 $24

J. Peaceful Transformation When creating change and transformation it rarely happens when it’s easy or convenient; the stones & crystals in this bracelet will help you through transition with peace, confidence, and an overall sense of harmony. BMMAAA16G51 $34

Anahata Heart Chakra I Am Love I give love freely I recieve love freely

E. “I Am Love” Heart Chakra Bracelet

We come to the stillness of our meditation to give love more freely and fully, to receive love more freely and fully and to remember that we are love. These stones are great for supporting a broken heart and for the enhancing love in all areas of your life. BCHAAA16G04


K. Calm Confidence When we find a deep sense of peace and calm we lay a foundation for an amazing sense of self confidence to step forward in our day to day. BEOADW16B57 $24

F. “I Am Gentle” Love and Compassion Bracelet

L. Stress Relief Original

Find love and compassion for not only others, but also for yourself. Look back at this past year with love and compassion cleansing any feelings of lack or disappointment. BINAAW16P31 $24

M. Stress Relief and Anxiety Calming

G/H. Harmony

Healing, positivity, creativity, and imagination are all culminated in this beautiful harmonious set. Tassel BFWADT16G26 $34 Mixed BFWAAD16G24 $30 Wood BFWADW16G27 $24 Pg. 16

This bracelet is a good reminder to take a deep breath, pause, and calm any anxiety or stress that may have crept in. BEOADW16G65 $24 It seems like most things these days can induce stress or raise our levels of anxiety. Let the calming nature of these stones help to remind you to stop, take a deep breath, and remember that all we have is this present moment. Let go of the past and try t not to worry about the future. BINAAW16B35 $24

"I think it's beautiful the way you sparkle when you talk about the things you love." - Atticus

A. “I Am Heard” Throat Chakra Bracelet

When your Throat Chakra is balanced and ignited you are able to express your ideas with clarity and compassion. These stones are great if you are having trouble finding your voice or need confidence to have a tough conversation BCHAAA16B05 $34

B/C/D. Expression Pregnancy can be and is a wild ride. As women and mamas we need and deserve as much support as possible during this beautiful and transformative time. These crystals are very supportive crystals to mother and baby during pregnancy. Tassel BFWADT16B21 $34 Mixed BFWAAD16B19 $30 Wood BFWADW16B22 $24

E. Share Your Voice This bracelet is particularily good for writers. The combination of stones helps to remove writers block and allow one to think clearly and focus on what they are trying to communicate. BEOADW17B00


D. “I Am Fearless!” Yes you are fearless! These stones help to remind you of the strength and courage that exists within. It also helps to ground the wearer and protect against neagtive energy. BEOADW16B60

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Vishudda Throat Chakra I Am Heard I speak my truth with clarity and compassion.





E F Pg. 19

A. Anxiety Calming Diffuser Bracelet Life is so busy that we very easily can be caught in the grip of anxiety. Stop, breath in deeply.... breath out deeply... and remember you are not alone, you are supported, and that it will be ok. BEOADW16W55 $24

B. Master Healer

Amethyst is known as a master healer and is wonderful for all different kinds of healing needs. It is wonderful in creating an overall sense of peace, contentment, happiness, and stability. BEOADW16V61 $34

C. I Trust My Intuition You know the feeling...the one in your gut telling you what you know is right. We are bombarded with how we should be living our lives. Learn to trust yourself and follow your intuition. Feel supported in your decisions with this bracelet. BMMAAA16V46 $34

D. Peace Within Feel the soothing and healing properties of these 17 different stones. May this bracelet help you to overcome the stress, anxiety, and depression that can happen in the day to day. Remember there is light and love all around you. BTCAAA17B72 $44

E. Stress Relief Diffuser Bracelet Stress can be so gripping and so debilitating, which when hearing so can also cause more stress. Instead of getting caught in this cycle try taking a deep breath, creating space for forgiveness, space for you, space to breathe & space to let go of all that doesn’t serve you. BEOADW16P64 $24

F. Heal My Heart

At some point in our lives we all experience heart ache or even a broken heart. Whether that is from a relationship, the loss of a loved one, or even a life event that didn’t turn out the way we imagined. May these stones help to heal your heart and let you know how supported you are during this time. BTCAAA17P75 $44

G. “I Am Intuitive” Third Eye Chakra Bracelet These stones help to heighten your intuition and serve as a reminder to trust it. Your instincts will not betray you. BCHAAA16V06 $34

Ajna Third-Eye Chakra

I Am Intuitive I listen to my intuition and trust myself.





F G Pg. 21

A. “I Am Connected� Crown Chakra Bracelet Feel connected to and guided by your spiritual source. These stones will help to remind you how interconnected we are to not only the divine, but also to each other. BCHAAA16W07


B/C/D. Clarity Diffuser Bracelets When the mind is focused and the heart is calm the path is illuminated. With a calm, cool, and focused mind decisions come more easily. Tassel BFWADT16W11 $34 Mixed BFWAAD16W09 $30 Wood BFWADW16W12 $24

E/F/G. Positive Change Diffusers Positive Change - is created to help support you through all the ebbs and flows of life. Botswana Agate and Mookaite combine to bring you into the present moment and bring to life your creativity intuition and focus. Tassel BFWDTW16E70 $34 Mixed BFWAAD16E67 $30 Wood BFWAWD16E71 $24

H. Strength Diffuser Bracelet Feel nurtured, supported, and loved as you overcome anything life throws at you. Picture Jasper is known for its nurturing qualities and helps to bring things to the light to be healed and released. BEOADW16N63 $30

Sahasrara Crown Chakra I connect with Spirit. I invite sacred transformation. I embrace the unity of all beings.







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A. E.



K. G. J.





March 21 - April 20

April 21 - May 21


July 23 -August 21


Aug 22 - Sept 23


May 22 - June 21 G.

Sept 24 - Oct 23


June 22 - July 22 H.

Oct 24 - Nov 22





Nov 23 - Dec 22

Dec 23 - January 20

January 21 - Feb 19

Feb 20- March 20

A. Aries

Earth Element Sign

Fire Element Sign

Air Element Sign

Water Element Sign

B. Taurus

C. Gemini

D. Cancer

E. Leo

F. Virgo

G. Libra

H. Scorpio

I. Sagittarius

J. Capricorn

K. Aquarius

- Responsible - Patient - Ambitious - Resourceful - Loyal BZCAAD17P97 $36

- Witty - Clever - Humanitarian - Inventive - Original BZCAAD17V98 $36

L. Pisces

- Independent - Generous - Optimistic - Enthusiastic - Courageous BZCAAD17O88 $36

- Loyalty - Dependable - Caring - Adaptable - Responsive BZCAAD17W91 $36

- Diplomatic - Graceful - Peaceful - Idealistic - Hospitable BZCAAD17R94 $36

- Dependable - Persistent - Loyal - Patient - Generous BZCAAD17G89 $36

- Confident - Ambitious - Generous - Loyal - Encouraging BZCAAD17O92 $36

- Loyal - Passionate - Resourceful - Observant - Dynamic BZCAAD17V95 $36

- Energetic - Clever - Imaginative - Witty - Adaptable BZCAAD17P90 $36

- Analytical - Observant - Helpful - Reliable - Precise BZCAAD17B93 $36

- Independent - Optimistic - Vibrant - Futuristic - Curious BZCAAD17W96 $36

- Compassionate - Adaptable - Accepting - Devoted - Imaginative BZCAAD17B99 $36 Pg. 27

A. Living Earth


When life tends to overwhelm the Earth energy is wonderful for re-centering and calming the nerves. The Earth element has long been known for fertility, growth, life, and abundance. BACADW17G81 $38

B. Deep Breath

Although we cannot see air we know it is there. We feel the B. cool breeze on our skin, the warmth of our breath as we exhale, and the power of a storm rolling in. Whether the element of air is still or moving m - change is always right around the corner. BACAAD17W83 $38

C. Inner Flame

Some are burned by fire and other's are forged by it. Harness the power of your inner flame and burn away all that does not serve you. Let the best parts of who you truly are rise from the ashes. BACAAD17O84 $38


D. Entire Ocean It has been said that all things can be cured by the sea. The element of water is one of renewal, healing, and purification - washing your mind, heart, and soul clean. BACADW17B82 $38

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E. Surya

The sun represents the masculine energy within us. The drive, willpower personal power,& strength. Sometimes we need a little reminder of how much of the sun really exists within each of us. Let us not be burned by the raging fire, but rather fueled by it's warmth. BACAAD17Y86 $58


means ether in sanskrit - a symbol of the elements of nature. Harness your personal power, ground yourself, feel inspired, and be soothed - which element do you connect with? F. Lady Luna

As the Sun's counterpart the moon helps to keep the rhythm of life. As with the tide coming and going, so are the cycles in life. The moon reminds us that our power is not always forceful, but rather a gentle influence steadfast in the night. A place to find peace in surrender and a release from our unforgiving grip. BACAAD17K85 $58

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. grow or develop well or vigorously.

. prosper; flourish A




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A. Heal My Heart

At some point in our lives we all experience heart ache or even a broken heart. Whether that is from a relationship, the loss of a loved one, or even a life event that didn’t turn out the way we imagined. May these stones help to heal your heart and let you know how supported you are during this time. suppo BTCAAA17P75 $44

Mala Maven

B. I Am Enough

We are our own worst critics. What if you changed your perspective? What if instead of all the negative self talk, the anxiety, the worry - you replaced it with a simple mantra "I Am Enough". You are enough! Exactly as you are in this moment. There is no one needing no one wanting anything from you... breathe in, breathe out.... BTCAAA17B80 $44

C. Peace Within

Feel the soothing and healing properties of these 17 different stones. May this bracelet help you to overcome the stress, anxiety, and depression that can happen in the day to day. Remember there is light & love all around you. BTCAAA17B72 $44

D. With Gratitude

Owner and creator Jessica Hoch has been a yoga teacher for 8 years now and with a It is with gratitude that we open ourselves to endless possibilities. Possibilities of abundance, degree in Apparel Design Moxie Malas was love, and peace. It is with a grateful heart that the perfect love child of the two worlds. we can fully give and receive all the world has to offer. What originally started out as gifts for family BTCAAA17G76 $44 and friends has blossomed into a collection of meaningful jewelry for the person who E. Willpower It is with a strong spirit that we overcome even wants what they wear to be intentional. the biggest obstacles. It is with tenacity that we find the bravest, most determined spirit within ourselves. And it is with confidence that we take the road less traveled and discover even our wildest dreams are within reach when we hold on with willpower. BTCAAA17K74 $44

F. Heyoka

Empaths are individuals that can be hard to relate to, but have shared emotion responses with others. They read into body language and special inflections, gleaning more information than the average person would gloss over. A Native American term, Heyoka's are living emotional mirrors for He those around them. The term means 'sacred clown' or 'fool'. They reveal our shortcomings and weaknesses. They show us our faults and add a way to develop these faults. ***Excerpt from BTCAAA16Y73 $50

“The jewelry combined with the energy of the stones and crystals is the perfect vehicle for the message of self-love, personal power & peace within. We are all on a journey & need to be reminded of how supported & connected we all really are.” ~ Jessica

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Sometimes it feels like we're spinning out of control or completely stuck in a rut. Feel balanced in mind, body, and spirit with this full spectrum of chakra power. When all chakras are brought into alignment we can fully be in the present moment exactly as we are. A. Full Chakra Balance Bracleet BCHAAA16F08 $34 B. Full Chakra Diffuser Bracelet BEOAAD16F59 $34 See all other chakra bracelets in their corresponding pages.

Symbolism of the Zinnia The Zinnia is a flower that can handle the hottest of sun, the driest of conditions, and still produce a beautiful colorful bloom. It is a symbol of beauty in the face of endurance and perseverance.

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