Moving Mountains Nepal Project Form
NAME OF PROJECT: Bumburi Hydroelectric Power supply (People – Resources – What we do – What we aim to achieve – How we measure change – Wider goal) MMUK, MMN, villagers are interested, and it is direct effect to the village people, MMUK,MMN village committee, committee for Bumburi Green village Hydro power, hydro operator ensuring that all running well,
Who are the main people involved? MMUK, villagers, village committee local government body, MMN MEC consultancy where involved for this project
Which groups of people are interested in or affected by the project/programme?
Who can help with ensuring the project/programme runs well?
Who is involved in identifying and implementing the project/programme?
Who can we consult with on the project/programme? Who should we involve?
Who monitors the project/programme once the work has been completed?
Who are the key MM staff responsible for this programme?
Compiled by Ang Chhongba Sherpa on 15 May 2013
Any charitable NGO INGO through MMUK and Nepal government body and villager should involve for this project and program, related engineer can consult, like MEC consultancy who did this work, Bumburi green village hydro power committee and operator will run or operate this project and already completed Moving mountains Nepal committee are responsible for all project and program
Moving Mountains Nepal Project Form
(People – Resources – What we do – What we aim to achieve – How we measure change – Wider goal)
We bought all tools pipe generator hiring engineer local labour pay for consultancy. What We by every single need for hydro power, resour Pay for operator training from basic to advance level ces do we put in? We buy all tool for granding serials and product oil,oil mechine ◦
What do we fund in the project/programme?
What do we buy/pay for?
What do we 'put in' to the project/programme?
Compiled by Ang Chhongba Sherpa on 15 May 2013
Moving Mountains Nepal Project Form
(People – Resources – What we do – What we aim to achieve – How we measure change – Wider goal)
Once build electric in village local people got new life, it bring change in their daily life also they have better economic growth in the village, change their life standard by many way, But it wasn’t easy to do this job because of country regulation and police crisis, there were no single government body and any secure at the time, we are proud that we have done very successfully. What do we do? ◦
What activities do we undertake as part of the project/programme?
Now they have light, phone, radio, TV, computer in school, electronic musical instrument, villagers are occupying. whole Namche and Lukla market
What services do we provide as part of the project/programme?
Compiled by Ang Chhongba Sherpa on 15 May 2013
Moving Mountains Nepal Project Form
(People – Resources – What we do – What we aim to achieve – How we measure change – Wider goal) to give more comfortable life of rural villagers, healthy life. Power is the most important for implementing other project and program there for we can now start any kind of project, for all communication they can have better time for work ,time consume for daily work, save environment quality of life,
What do we aim to achieve?
doing our project and program that every rural people could get better opportunity for their life and they can get same facility in the village so it is not necessary to move to the city, it is being change lots then 10 years back and it is directly impact to the area and other native villages also learn how we are doing this work now it is one of the example village in the area,
Why are we running this the main aim is to make quality, standard and healthy life, which is the right of people to live in this global, project/programme?
What changes do we expect to achieve as a result of our activities/services?
What are the aims of this programme?
What is the main aim of this programme?
Compiled by Ang Chhongba Sherpa on 15 May 2013
Moving Mountains Nepal Project Form
People – Resources – What we do – What we aim to achieve – How we measure change – Wider goal)
A+ % How do we measure change? ◦
What key information do we need to monitor to know whether we are achieving the changes we would like to achieve? What are our targets for this programme
Year and year without any light using the local lamp, which is burning more carbon, this accrue unhealthy, But once we have build there are lots of change ,even their activities of life everything became more facility But it will not enough because there are more need for them it is the human wish, there for we have to continue and we have to continue to do work to other native village to expand our project and program, MM target is to provide all facility to the rural village where people need and hope, without any benefit to the MM, and mobilizing the people with giving opportunity
Compiled by Ang Chhongba Sherpa on 15 May 2013
Moving Mountains Nepal Project Form
(People – Resources – What we do – What we aim to achieve – How we measure change – Wider goal )
Doing this project indirectly or directly helping to the government body to providing those facility to the rural village of Nepal which is the part of work for develop, it mean that helping to the government of the nation to change without any benefit to the NGO, these contribute is neither related any part of political party or any religious impact, so it is totally free of those things What is the wider goal? ◦
What more general development impact are we trying to contribute to through this project/programme?
How does this project/programme fit with our wider development strategy for the region and that of the local authorities or government?
How every this project and program have been done or will do make sure that we connect with villagers, village committee, government body, social welfare council taking authorities from local district government. There for we have no obligation for running project and program, still we have to work out more to push government to help to us as well. but due to the election preparation it is hard to push to them,
Compiled by Ang Chhongba Sherpa on 15 May 2013