IMPACT MAP Educational Support Programme, Kenya Beneficiaries Selected by Programme Coordinator and MMK Board
Programme Adapted/Improved based on findings of Impact Assessment Reports and Evaluation Session
Initial Agreement of Rights and Obligations with Beneficiaries. Ongoing Support and Monitoring Provided to Beneficiaries by Programme Coordinator and MMK. Additional Support from Volunteers
Programme Evaluated by MMK and MMUK with Programme Coordinator. Input from Beneficiaries included in Evaluation
Ongoing Programme Monitoring and Data Collection and Collation by Programme Coordinator and MMK
Data Analysed against KPIs and Presented by MMUK. Annual Programme Impact Assessment Report Produced. Published in Annual Report and on Website
Objectives/Aims Developmental Aim (Results/Outcomes): Improvement in access to education for severely disadvantaged young Kenyan girls and boys. Beneficiaries able to fully complete education to secondary/tertiary level and supported into employment, business development, apprenticeships or further training as appropriate. Contribution to Wider Development Goal(s): Achievement of universal access to primary education (MDG 1) and secondary education for young people. Education as key means to and end of sustainable development. Transversal impact on economic, social, political and cultural development, well-being and health. Fits with MDGs and UNDP and GoK development strategies for Kenya. Fit with our Overall Strategic Approach: (To be defined) e.g. Education for Development, support for most disadvantaged members of society (young people, street children, orphans, members of urban slum communities, neglected rural communities, etc.), gender oriented approach? Specific Aims of the Programme: 100% of beneficiaries (minimum of 95%) complete education at least up to end of secondary education and are successfully supported into employment, business development, apprenticeships or further training as appropriate. 100% of beneficiaries (minimum of 95%) successfully complete each year of education. At least 50% of beneficiaries are girls(?). Agreement of target number of beneficiaries to support each year?
Intervention Methodology Programme Methodology: Beneficiaries selected by MMK on ongoing basis. (Set number per year?) Beneficiary contacted and met by MMK staff. Contract of responsibilities and obligations for all parties agreed between beneficiary, MMK, family and school(s). Initial plan of action for career development agreed with beneficiary. Profile of beneficiary including history, particular needs and requirements, career aims, etc. collated and kept by Programme Coordinator. Regular review of progress with beneficiary (and school/family) undertaken (every x months?). School fees paid, funding of additional related costs including uniform, transport, food, etc. considered and agreed on a case by case basis. Selection of Beneficiaries: Selected by MMK, based on MMK Education Policy and following criteria: _____
Funding Average Funding per Beneficiary: Average of ÂŁ___ per year.... Source of Funding: Currently MMUK and MMIreland. Funds from 40% of 60/40 for projects and general fundraising activities. Some specific donors linked to specific students (although from students' perspective support comes from MMK). Volunteers Contribution of Volunteers: Volunteers currently support programme through meeting beneficiaries, providing encouragement and peer-to-peer learning. Donations to MM are used Development of Volunteer Contribution: Volunteers could potentially be involved with data collection and collation.
Key Stakeholders Key MM staff: Sarah Kinuthia (Programme Coordinator), Rosie Gathirimu, MMKenya Board, MMUK Trustees External partners: Schools, local education authorities, families, community organisations Development of external partnerships: Development of partnership with other funding bodies/groups wishing to support education for disadvantaged young people in Kenya. Further work with schools to reduce fees for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Complementarity with work of government/local authorities: Lack of support from GoK for education past primary level. Lack of funding and targeted support for the most disadvantaged children (street children, urban slum communities etc.)
Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Monitoring Systems: Monthly basis: Regular contact with beneficiary, reports from school, contact with family. Quarterly basis: Monitoring and recording of average grades. Compilation of results for all beneficiaries in programme. Beneficiaries must achieve at least a C grade, any beneficiary receiving below this for two consecutive terms may be dropped from programme if adequate reasons and suitable remedies cannot be fairly identified. Yearly basis: Review of year and evaluation session with each beneficiary. Progress Report completed for each beneficiary including review of grades and aims for future. Report showing all beneficiaries at the start of the year and the number who have successfully completed the year. Long-term basis: Record of beneficiaries who have completed education to at least end of secondary level and what path they were supported to take following completion of education. Percentage of success of programme recorded and updated. Impact Assessment: Quantitative Information: Number of beneficiaries in programme, pass rate for year, level of grades, success rate for overall completion of secondary education. ◦
Sources: MMKenya collect and present info, working with schools
◦ Reporting Requirements: As outlined above in monitoring section Qualitative Information: Anecdotal evidence, case studies, photos, reports from schools, interviews, blogs, social media ◦
Sources: MMKenya collects and presents info, supported by MMUK in presentation and redaction of info
Reporting Requirements: Ad hoc basis, at least one qualitative report/feature per month? KPIs: ◦
X number of beneficiaries supported per year, of which x% are girls
Minimum of 95% of beneficiaries complete programme each year and overall
Cost per beneficiary is minimised and kept below £x amount to ensure value for money
100% of beneficiaries who complete programme are successfully supported into employment, business development, apprenticeships or further training as appropriate Collection/collation of data: ◦
Quantitative data collected by Programme Coordinator with support from MMK staff and volunteers
Quantitative data collated in docs on G-Drive by Programme Coordinator with support from MMK staff and volunteers
Qualitative data (case studies, interviews, photos, etc.) collated and sent to MMUK for editing and presentation via website and particularly social media and newsletter
Presentation of Information: ◦
Quantitative Information presented in Annual Report, on website and periodically in social media (KPIs, programme review, overall impact assessment)
Qualitative data presented via website and particularly social media and newsletter. Also in brochure and Annual Report where appropriate Review/Evaluation of programme: ◦
Ongoing basis as needs arise by Programme Coordinator, MMKenya Board and MMUK Trustees and Coordinator
Yearly basis by MMKenya Board at AGM and MMUK Trustees at AGM or additional specific 'Programmes Evaluation Session'? Review of methodology, evaluation of programme staff and support systems, does programme meet its stated aims and KPIs? Are there cost efficiency savings which can be made? Programme adapted based on recommendations. (creation of 'Programme Evaluation Doc'?)
Success of programme monitored against KPIs, detailed in Annual Report (and programme evaluation document?) Overall Impact Assessment documented and presented to external stakeholders. Evaluation feeds back into development of programme.