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The Brief / Social Zaib Shadani Managing director of Shadani Consulting


accounts completely. But for those of us who can’t go cold turkey, here are some tips to reduce social media consumption and moderate its influence.

Tip 1: Turn off all push notifications Push notifications are the messages that pop up on your phone as alerts. It’s when your phone ‘pings’ and alerts you about the latest news, post or story. Chances are you’ll stop what you’re doing to look at your phone to see what the notification is about. By disabling push notifications, you will be able to decide when you need to look at your social media apps, allowing you to regain control over your time and attention.

Tip 2: Remove the apps from your home screen Most people have their social media apps on their home screen and can’t help but browse whenever they’re bored or have some time on their hands. It’s helpful to move your apps from your home screen and put them into one folder so that they’re not always visible. Following the old adage of ‘out of sight, out of mind’, the less you see the apps, the less tempted you will be to access them.

Social media detox tips Here are eight ways by which you can limit your use of social media and avoid mindless scrolling throughout the day


hat’s the first thing you do in the morning? Chances are you’re going to reach for your phone to check your social media notifications, before aimlessly scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube or your platform of choice. Social media apps are addictive and here’s a little secret – they are designed to be that way. The past year really brought social media into the limelight and it became our way to connect, keep in touch and escape the reality of a global pandemic. The downside? It’s not all real – it’s a curated reality that showcases what people want to show us. In many cases, an overload of social media can lead to stress, anxiety and feelings of not measuring up. As a result, some people have deleted their social media

Tip 3: Be vocal about your detox An important step in the journey to social media detox is to tell people and be open about the fact that you’re choosing to be offline for a while. It’s important to not ‘disappear’ without informing your social media tribe not to worry and also ensuring that you have the necessary support to stick to your goals.

Tip 4: Your phone is not your bedfellow Do not take your phone to bed with you. Leave it out of arm’s reach and put it away at least an hour before you go to bed. Your phone’s screen should not be the last thing you see at night. And for those people who say that their phone is their alarm clock and thus can’t be out of reach – the solution is simple: buy an alarm clock.

Tip 5: Reduce the number of apps A lot of us have a plethora of apps that we don’t necessarily use, but still have on our phones. Go through all your apps and delete the ones you haven’t opened in the last two weeks. Go a step further if you can, and choose between the social media apps that you absolutely cannot live without and the ones that you can cut out of your life. Do you really need TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook? If the answer is yes, then keep them. But if you are on the fence, suspend an account for a week and see how you feel. July 2021


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