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A Day

without Stress


portrait of a modern-day employee entails someone who is stressed, tired and rushed all the time. And of course we all know the drill: eat tons of fruit and veggies, drink plenty of water, and maintain a regular workout routine. It’s all useless unless we balance out our lives socially, personally and professionally, and stress can sometimes be a drag along the way. Stress by its very nature is not an enemy; it’s a natural process that helps you find clarity and evolve. Sometimes when tensions run high and stress comes crashing down around us, we have no other choice but to confront it, and all that strain could actually make us a lot stronger. On the other hand, mismanaging stress only makes you dumber and fatter and even worse you might not get anything done despite stressing over it in the first place. Add to that how it could reflect on your peers. It’s seriously contagious. It’s better to deal with it immediately before it deteriorates. That’s why we would like to share with you our experience at that tranquil retreat in the village — Smart Village Club is not only the greatest escape from every bit of negative energy, but it’s also the ideal destination where you can strike the work-life balance, recharge your batteries, get in

THE Village Village

shape and make new friends.I’ve had the pleasure of being invited on a tour around the high-end club and exploring its cutting-edge facilities. It is located in the heart of the village, neighboring the Village Center, to serve the recreational needs of our community. I was walking down the hall and a man in his late twenties approached me and we started talking only to find out that he’s not in his late twenties, not even late thirties! I would’ve simply taken him for some fitness freak on his way for a grueling workout at the gym, but I was utterly mistaken. That man turned out to be Adnan Osman Smart Village Club Manager. Of course, there was the raising of eyebrows and then I had to ask him how he looked the picture of health and he responded, “I maintain a healthy diet, work out regularly and don’t let worries eat out my insides.” At a place like that, I can easily see what he’s talking about. The club provides a quiet, serene and secure environment to disengage from worries. First we hit the fully-equipped gym and fitness studio, where you can work out under the supervision of top-notch, certified trainers or simply find pleasure in a pure adrenalin high and unleash all that

SMART LIVING ESSENTIALS SMART LIVING ESSENTIALS accumulated stress after a long day at the office. The health club also offers a steam room, sauna, Jacuzzi and massage room to ease those sore muscles and relieve stress. You can drop by the club after work or start the day off right and go for a quick run in the early morning. It is open from 7:30 a.m. till 10:00 p.m. which corresponds with the working hours in the village. Before our tour indoors was almost over, I was taken to two airconditioned squash courts and then headed to the swimming pool outside. This is where you can enjoy the sun or take a dip in the semiolympic-sized pool. There, I saw some kids splashing and having fun in the kids’ pool, which was part of a pool camp. Our following stop was the magnificent soccer field encircled by a 400-meter, orange jogging track, where it’s very invigorating to see runners and joggers as they go by. As I was going to get some water, standing next to me was a strikingly odd figure. I had to do a double take to understand what it is. It was one of the bubble football players. The club utilizes its multi-purpose court for basketball, handball,

Player Youssef Amr Bdour Youssef Mohamed Samy Yehia Amr Kamel Gameela Osama Yaseen Alaa Ragab Yaseen Ashraf El-Zoheiry Jowayreya Mohamed

volleyball and activities and games that promote team building like bubble football, zorb ball, human slingshot, soccer pool, RC car racing and RC boat racing. It seriously gets you all pumped up. We then made a quick stop at the tennis hard courts where I learned that the club provides academic tennis training as part of the Smart Academy specializing in technical and tactical programs either for those pursuing general well-being or those playing professionally. In addition to the tennis academy, the club has swimming and fitness academies. It organizes tournaments throughout the year for companies in the village. Last November, the state tennis tournament was hosted by Smart Village Club for junior tennis players (age group under 15), in which 364 players participated in 450 matches (Oct. 16 - Nov. 1). The members of the club’s tennis academy have showcased astonishing athletic feats and exceptional talent despite competing with many other sports clubs. The names of the winners of ages ranging between 8 and 10 of the tournament were announced Nov. 1 as follows.

Ranking 1st 3rd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st

Just around the corner, right at the center of the village, Smart Village Club helps all personnel across the hierarchical corporate structure to ease the balancing act and grow both personally and professionally.

THE THEVillage Village


Are You

a True Entrepreneur? How much entrepreneurial spirit have you got? Take this quiz and find out! Just scan the code with your phone and get the result right away. It is a meter devised to measure the entrepreneurial instinct within you by incorporating some hypothetical scenarios to assess personality traits that contribute to entrepreneurship.

THE Village

THE ENTREPRENEUR’S CORNER 1. To what do you mostly attribute your success? a) I’m usually the smartest one in the room who works harder than a lot of other people. b) I’ve received a lot of help from people around me and stumbled across great opportunities. 2. Which statement do you believe relates more to your career? a) "The only believable victories are probably the temporary and partial ones." b) "If I can believe it, I can achieve it." 3. What are the basic factors that define who you are? a) My accomplishments in life b) My sense of self-fulfillment 4. When you make a decision based on your gut feeling, what do you typically do? a) Rely on my initial intuitive reaction because it usually proves to be right anyway b) Spend some time seeing all the issues through

9. How do you feel about colleagues who turn to you for help when facing a problem not of their own making? a) I would secretly resent helping because they should be able to handle their own problems. b) I’d be more than happy to help. We’ve all been there, right? 10. If something urgent came up and forced you to reschedule a client meeting, how do you handle the situation? a) Be flat-out about what me made cancel the meeting b) Sugarcoat it even if it’s not entirely true 11. If a presenter stumbles over his words and breaks down through some harsh questioning from the audience, what’s your mental attitude toward that person? a) They should’ve been more prepared to be able to answer all questions. b) Poor guy; it must have been so uncomfortable to be in that position. 12. A group of colleagues insist on pursuing a path that in your opinion wouldn’t be in the company’s best interest. What will you do then? a) Do whatever it takes to deter them from going ahead with it

5. What is the first step that you tend to take when making a decision? a) Get worked up over the worst-case scenario to be prepared and worry about the consequences b) Move on with it quickly 6. Do you usually depend on someone else to assist you with your daily schedule and calendar? a) I can handle this part; I’ve good planning and organizational skills. b) I get some complaints about being late for meetings or missing them. 7. What do you more likely do when an obstacle stands in the way between you and your goal?

b) Subtly point out the probable consequences but go with the majority 13. If you had to break a promise you made to your best friend, which of these relates more to you? a) We’ve been friends since I can remember and I’m sure they’ll understand. b) I’ll either make it up to them somehow or figure out a way to keep my promise. 14. When you’re burdened with a tedious task that you’re not that fond of, how do you deal with it? a) I would try to do it and get it over with so I won’t have to think about it anymore. b) I’m going to do it anyways but just not now.

a) I’d find another way to reach my goal and I might learn something new while I’m at it.

15. What do you tend to do when feeling blue?

b) I’ll hold my ground till I get there; I’ve done it before.

b) I tend to lose energy and be distressed until I get back on track.

8. What is your work style like when working with a new client?

16. As an entrepreneur, you probably have a lot on your mind and being under stress is part of the process. Which type of person are you?

a) I wouldn’t initiate anything unless we formalize our agreement and have it in writing. b) I usually go ahead with it and get down to work based on a handshake.

a) It doesn’t happen that often but I can easily snap out of it.

a) I work well under pressure; it often brings out the best in me. b) Stress is a persistent battle that I have to fight off.

THE Village

THE ENTREPRENEUR’S CORNER 17. In social situations, you are a) very aware of what others think about me. b) laid-back and relaxed; I’m not that concerned about the impression I make on others. 18. If you feel the urge to buy something that you can’t afford, you a) do the math and resist the urge till it subsides. b) buy it and come up with a way to pay for it later; that’s what money’s made for, right?

21. When you’re involved in a meeting that starts to drift and be irrelevant, what is your reaction toward this? a) I would take charge and try to put things into perspective. b) Why not wait and see? Maybe all the tittle-tattle will evolve to something of great value. 22. If you lost a competitive bid and found out that the client had given the winner inside information that wasn't available to you, how would you be more likely to feel? a) I would be slightly irritated that the bidding was unfair.

19. Which concept appeals more to you?

b) I would feel relieved to know that it was a crooked client before doing business together.

a) Most of my decisions are influenced by how I feel and I am well aware of that.

23. You are invited to a party with a lot of other people and after having a good time, you are more likely to be

b) Business means keeping things strictly professional and I don’t get emotions entwined with it.

a) exhilarated and kind of sorry that the party had to end.

20. You run into someone at work and chat but then the conversation turns deep. They start to talk about things like art appreciation and philosophy. Do you…?

24. Which better describes your outlook on business?

a) Get immersed in the conversation to listen to various ideas and views. b) Change the subject to something less debatable; not really into moot points.

b) exhausted and looking forward to some alone time.

a) Completely engrossed in a field of imagination of new products and how they can be developed b) Working with substantial, concrete situations, new clients, closing deals and analyzing real-life data 25. How do you spend your time when you’re on vacation? a) I’m always on the move, exploring places, sight-seeing and meeting new people. b) I prefer clearing my mind, kicking back, enjoying the quiet and maybe reading a book or something.

THE Village


Spoken Like




o you want to build up your professional image and use some fancy words to make you sound smarter? Read on and you’ll come across some of the frequently-used business expressions in this dialogue between partners Jim and Allen. Add the italic phrases to your phrase collection and get down to business! If you’d like to find out what they mean, go to our Facebook page. Provotel Systems Company for technology closed its acquisition of Jim & Allen for $2 billion last year but they were not getting along and had to sever ties. Amid all the unsettled legal havoc and document signing, owners Jim & Allen work inconspicuously together with an accomplice from Provotel Systems to settle disputes in court and eventually share profits. This is a slice of the conversation that took place between them before taking action.

Allen: Provotel System’s people paid a visit to the office yesterday. Jim: Yeah, I heard that through word of mouth. Everybody talks. was there. They totally caught me off guard. Allen, it’s a no brainer; they just want to get wind of us before court day. Don’t forget that they have the upper hand. I don’t want to go broke. I know that crossing them is a long shot but their new president has a big mouth; he just blurts everything out. We can handle him. It doesn’t feel right, especially that we have a backroom deal with an insider from Provotel. Look, in times like these you’ve got to look at the big picture. You can finally get the Ferrari and that state-of-the-art house in the west side. We have to take matters in our hands from now on. Sometimes I feel like we haven’t seen this through, like there is a missing link. It’s too late. We can’t just shoot everything down and start from scratch. Can’t you see that lately we’ve been fighting an uphill battle? Putting our business at stake or even getting the pink slip, like what happened with a lot of people last year, would destroy us. It was a tough break. I wouldn’t want that to happen. You’ve got to trust me; just follow my lead and we’ll strike gold. Maybe we should go out in the open. Allen, You can’t cave in now. We’re halfway through. Do we at least have a game plan in case things get out of hand? It’s simple; we’ll take advantage of the loophole clause in our agreement with Provotel Systems. It wouldn’t be smart to let that slide. We’ll work hand-in-hand with our friends there, go to court, testify, win the case and go fifty-fifty. I suppose it’s a safe bet we’ll win the case. I mean, we’re good at this. I assure you it is. I’m glad that we see eye to eye because we can’t afford to back down now. Good thing I’m not in the driver’s seat. Excellent! We’ll get the ball rolling first thing in the morning. Okay, let’s call it a day then. Yes, but just remember to always stay on your toes because anything could happen at anytime.

THE Village THE Village

Games Review

Cities of



In case you’ve conquered strategy games, or those Facebook city-building or farming games, we have a selection of games for the budding real estate tycoons or aspiring emperors.

Imagine Earth (PC) Strategy Imagine Earth focuses on the colonization of distant uninhabited planets. Essentially an educational game focusing on the environment, this strategy game allows players to build civilizations from the ground up. The game incorporates puzzle elements which keeps the strategy gameplay fresh. Every action has an ecological impact. Depending on what you build or destroy, you see a number of consequential changes including rising sea levels, adverse weather patterns and forest fires. Luckily at some point after poisoning your planet you may have the option to start reforestation, however some damage is irreversible, making this game a great educational tool for the consequences of modernization and development. The game is great for casual gamers or newbie city-building gamers. A free demo is available on Steam, with three levels available, which will give potential buyers a chance to decide if this is the game for them.

THE Village

Games Review

Cities XXL (PC) Strategy

Cities: Skylines (PC & Consoles) Strategy

Cities XXL hasn’t changed much from the previous versions in the franchise. The developers boast a large game and it delivers. It provides you with multiple maps to fill with expansive cities and your very own metropolis. It’s not for the seasoned gamer as it’s very simple and easy for most veterans. The only real challenge you’ll face in the game is keeping your citizens happy and stopping them from leaving your shiny city. Money is never an issue, as it keeps rolling in, so it’s easy to keep your citizens satisfied. It’s literally just a city builder and doesn’t require much in tactics. The solution to everything is just building. The graphics are great to look at and allows you to create beautiful cities but that’s as far as it goes.

Cities: Skylines takes simulated city building and management to another level. Not only can you make each area of your map distinct, including regulating specific laws for that area, but you can also zoom in close enough to see your citizens living it up in your glorious city. Challenges can be frustrating; plotting, planning and executing traffic flow and transit routes can be among the trickiest to master. One misplaced bus stop can result in many citizens unable to go about their daily lives. Unfortunately unlike some of the other similar games you’re unable to face the many man-made or natural disasters that you can find in other games. All in all it's a fun game and has potential as a new franchise.

THE Village

Games Review

SimCity (PC) Strategy The latest addition to the SimCity franchise allows players to jump into a multiplayer mode that gives you the power to change worlds together. Players can take charge of their cities and build a world which will co-exist alongside their friend’s. For the first time in the SimCity universe, your actions won’t just affect what happens inside your city, but affect far past city limits. Diminishing resources and natural disasters are only just some of the challenges you face as a city builder and manager. SimCity gives you the engine and power to create great cities and beautiful landscapes. This game isn’t for those that hope to rely on offline gaming as playing online is a major feature of the latest SimCity game.

SimCity BuildIt! (Android/OS) Part of the SimCity franchise, SimCity BuildIt! brings SimCity to the small screen. Free to play, this game allows players to design and build their own living cities. Easy to start and addictive to play, the game provides new challenges with each level. SimCity is constantly updating — level 10 for a player last year differs from a level 10 city today — which keeps the game fresh and the player on their toes. Although you can link your Facebook account to the game in order to access your friend’s cities, it hardly relies on their presence. As you advance through the game you gain access to various money-making and resourceattaining methods. Money isn’t easy to make and your citizens won’t always like you, but once you get a hang of the game, it’s a daily dose you’ll be searching for constantly.

THE Village




Cairo isn't the greenest place on Earth, however don't let a rooftop or balcony get in your way! Do your part and bring a little green into your life by making your own garden. Not only will you be bringing some much needed oxygen back to the congested Cairo streets, but you'll have a little haven to return to every day.

Pots and planters (with holes at the bottom).* Planter water trays (to be placed under the planters so the water doesn't spread to the floor).* Seeds. Garden gloves. Spading fork. Rake. Hoe. Shovel or hand shovel aka spade. Trowel. Watering can or hose. Wheelbarrow — If you have a garden. Soil. Compost / fertilizer. *Only necessary if you're not planting in a garden

Tips Check seed packets for information on watering, ideal depth and distance to plant the seeds and best time to plant them. Stir soil and leave for a few days, then top with compost before planting anything. Use spading fork to mix in the compost and then smooth with rake, while removing any stones or debris. Consult useful charts online and some seed packets to know optimum watering schedule. Worst mistake many beginners make is to over water their plants — especially in warm climates! Learn which plants require a lot of sunlight and which don't — some plants need between 6-8 hours of daily sunlight. Careful of over fertilizing, as too much nitrogen can hinder your plant's growth. Allow enough space for each seed to grow; you shouldn't make your plants compete for nutrients. Get rid of weeds from the roots.

Best plants for small gardens, balconies and rooftops  Lavender. Lemon (Will grow into a tree). Peppers. Roses.  Raspberries.  African Daisies.

Recycled and upcycled gardening ideas

If you're looking for take-home plants, a gift for someone important or some expert advice, visit the local flower shop at the Sidewalk!

Use plastic water bottles and jerkins as planting pots; remove the top half and make small holes at the bottom. Use an old bucket as a little water feature in your rooftop garden or patio. Decorate it and maybe even add a pump to create a little fountain. If you have a garden, with an old tire and plastic sheeting you can create a cute pond, by burying it in your garden, surrounded by soil and stones. Use tins and bottles as hanging planters. Turn an old plastic bottle into a watering can by making tiny holes on one end and filling the bottle with water.

THE Village


Eco Lodge

THE Village



nder the blazing sun, in the midst of the Siwan mystical desert, and just a few kilometers away from the Libyan borders sits a placid ecolodge at the foot of a cliff, like it’s engraved in nature’s fixtures, giving off a cosmic feel and a certain downto-earth charm. Get whisked away and have a magical stay at the secluded, eco-sensitive Adrère Amellal, or The White Mountain in native Siwan, that harnesses natural resources to protect the environment and engage in responsible tourism.

THE Village


Dazzling Luminosity Natural daylight of the Siwan Desert’s sun bursts with energy and radiance throughout the day till night time when the sparkling stars transfuse the skies and the lodge’s interior glows with lamps, torches and beeswax candles, turning it into a truly hypnotizing backdrop.

Aquatic Synergy With every detail, the environment is considered, especially our source of life: water. Wastewater treatment is a fundamental aspect to complete a whole ecosystem. Indigenous papyrus plants are fed with the flowing water in the purification process to reduce pollution and protect the environment.

Sheer Complacency Befriending earthly resources makes everything better and simpler. On cold evenings, coal-filled braziers extracted from nature maintain a warm temperature.

Savory Taste Food is a universal language and an expression of culture, beliefs and well-being. Through fusion with the earth, all produce, herbs and vegetables are grown in the organic garden to create ecological balance and preserve tradition.

Pure Acclimation

In a green environment, free of chemicals and man-made pollutants, authentic methods ensure sustainability and conservation. The strategic positioning of windows and doors acts as a natural ventilation system, without the need for air conditions.

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Outstanding Design The lodge’s architectural design parallels eco-friendly practices by employing green building methods. Building materials are ingeniously fashioned to have minimal impact on the environment. Walls are made from Kershef (sun-dried salt rock and clay) for moderate indoor temperature; windows and doors are made of olive wood from annual trimmings; simple furnishings and accessories are inspired by rich local material that portray vibrant, traditional handicrafts featuring individual unique rooms; and all is topped with a palm-beam ceiling.

Captivating Vista Adrère Amellal serenely interweaves with the Siwan magnificent rock formations making it a constituent of the natural landscape, sitting above translucent salt lakes, surrounded by palm gloves that vividly contrast the spectacular desert setting, and overlooking sand dunes that smoothly plunge into the oasis. Being floated away to a purely natural environment is the prime essence to channel the spirit towards a sustainable lifestyle.

Eco-Centric Harmony Such a gorgeous scene is instilled with the outlets to be in a perfect state of trance, where technology gadgets and nature do not coexist. Tapping into outdoor pursuits drawn from nature deepens your interaction with it: get soaked in the hot and cold springs for rejuvenation, contemplate the night sky, ride the sand dunes, go horseback riding, traverse through time and listen to native Siwans as the historical tales unfold.

THE Village


Erin Brockovich is a struggling unemployed single mother who gets connected to lawyer; Ed Masry's law firm because of a car accident she was the victim of. Although Ed assures her that he can get her a large settlement, he loses the case. Out of desperation, she successfully bullies her way into a job as a file clerk at Ed's California law firm.

THE Village



hile filing, she becomes interested in cases that have

a human nature. In one of these cases, she finds a link between some residents of Hinkley, California and a company called Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) who have a plant in that city. Several families have health issues ranging from headaches to miscarriages and even gastrointestinal cancer. During her investigation, she uncovers the link between these illnesses and carcinogenic hexavalent chromium in the water which has infiltrated the groundwater through PG&E's plant. Meanwhile, PG&E have been claiming to the Hinkley residents that they use a safer form of chromium. This deceit went on for quite a long time, allowing the community to think the children could safely play in pools and faucet water was drinkable while there were PG&E employees who suffered nose bleeds due to only cleaning the cooling towers.

Erin's special ability to bond with the victims of chromium contamination and their families and Ed's legal and administrative abilities are the key success factors in making the case against PG&E. As a team, they manage to successfully lay the groundwork for the payment of legal damages by PG&E to those harmed.

Erin succeeds in making her boss, Ed Masry, as passionate about the case as she is and he takes it on. Both Ed and Erin must make great sacrifices in their lives, as the legal costs spread Ed very thin, and the round-the-clock work takes Erin out of touch with both her boyfriend and her kids.

PG&E's series of wrongdoing all started when they did not enact policies to keep the water safe by skipping the step of adding liner to their pools at the plant to keep the flow-off water safe. This harmed the environment and risked sustainability which entails meeting the needs of the present without causing harm to the future.

Instead of stopping the use of harmful chemicals, when it comes to PG&E's knowledge that they are being investigated, the company offers to purchase the home of Donna Jensen in Hinkley, California whose daughter is battling cancer. The PG&E representative offers $250,000 for the Jensen family's house and in return, they would have to drop any charges against his company. He also tries to threaten Erin's safety along with her children's. Erin's kids resent the lack of attention from her, and her attempts to explain the merits of what she is doing to her eldest son are useless, but one day, her eldest son finds one of the many documents related to the PG&E case. He reads about a child his own age that is very ill, and knowing that Erin's work will help this child, asks her why the child's mother cannot provide the needed help. When Erin explains that it is because the child's mother is very ill, too, her son, for the first time, appreciates the nature and importance of Erin's work.

THE Village

Green Cars

Green on Road Green cars haven’t really yet reached showrooms in Egypt despite increasing variations in alternative fuels including electric, hybrid, biodiesel and fuel cell cars. The closest thing we have to green vehicles available in Egypt are those that have been modified to use natural gas, usually used by taxi cabs. Manufacturers now pride themselves on fuel efficiency as you won’t need to use as much fuel and so reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Not only can green cars reduce fuel consumption and reduce pollution, but you will save a lot more money on fuel. The most popular green car on the global market is the Toyota Prius.

The Toyota Prius C


he Prius C is the compact version of the ever-popular hybrid series Prius. This hatchback gives drivers the ability to reduce emissions by using a combination of electric power and petrol. This is a great city car, as you get more miles per gallon (kilometers per litre) in city travel. When you reduce your speed below a certain point, the car stops using petrol and moves on to the stored electric power, reducing your contribution to the pollution. Although an efficient car in cities, when taken out onto highways, you won’t necessarily enjoy the same miles per gallon as conventional cars, however it’s been recorded that you can use the electric motor for speeds under 70 km per hour, after that fuel motor kicks in and you can boost your speed. Prius boasts a silent driving experience. Not only is the car quiet to passersby but also for the driver — great for blocking out the traffic locked world outside. The car has storage solutions for everything, from sunglasses to drinks, fully utilising the space without making the driver feel that the car is small. The hatchback offers Bluetooth capabilities and you can hook up your devices freely. Toyota introduces a new safety system with the 2016 models, including a low-speed pre-collision system and lane departure assist. Depending on which class of Prius C you purchase, you will have upgrades to your safety system. Toyota will also be releasing a limited edition Prius C model: black body (with black wheels) and lime green or cherry red trims (mirror caps, headlights, mirrors and grille) — if the sporty futuristic look isn’t for you, the range offers a variety of great solid colors for all tastes. Although slightly cheaper than the other Prius models, the C model is still a somewhat expensive car. The cheapest class starts at $19,000 while the highest class starts at $23,000. Most users say

THE Village

however that you make up the cost in the long run with money saving fuel efficiency. In the U.S. it costs under $4 to charge enough for approximately 70 km. Depending on where you live, your fuel consumption can plummet and savings will go further, especially as Egyptian electricity is far cheaper. As the Prius is expensive to manufacture (as reflected in the price), it won’t be as attractive to many buyers in Egypt as cars already have large price tags compared to foreign markets. For that same price you could buy a Toyota Yaris hatchback, which is $5000 cheaper than a Prius. Based on car price trends in Egypt, most likely the expected price would be along the EGP200,000 price range.

Green Cars

Top 10 Green Cars 2015 1. BMW i3: 81 miles of electric range.

6. Tesla Model S: 208 to 270 miles of electric range.

2. Volkswagen e-Golf: 83 miles of electric range.

7. Chevrolet Volt: 40 mpg on gasoline, 380 miles of electric range.

3. Nissan Leaf: 84 miles of electric range.

8. Toyota Camry Hybrid: 41 combined MPG.

4. Toyota Prius: 50 combined MPG.

9. Ford C-Max Hybrid: 40 combined MPG.

5. Honda Accord Hybrid: 47 combined MPG.

10. Volkswagen Jetta TDI: 36 combined MPG.

THE Village



ur world has transformed into a state of cloud computing. Everyone has a place in this intangible medium known as the cloud. Internet connections in Egypt can be frustrating and slow at times; however cloudbased services like Cloud 11, IT Synergy, SpimeSense Labs, IBM, Automation Consultants, Vodafone, Oracle, Microsoft, SAP and Cisco are evolving nowadays to be in harmony with the mainstream and help make your life easier. Above all, the cloud is super eco-friendly as it only consumes server space as needed. There are a million ways cloud storage can serve you; let’s say you’re a talented photographer and you’re creating a photo album; here are the top five reasons why the cloud will be your part and parcel. P.S.: This info graphic was developed on the Google Drive

THE Village Village

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my name is : ~Jaco\ -I’m on cloud ni ne!

Security Alert! Most of us have got our wires crossed with cloud security although cloud computing has pervasively swept into the enterprise scene. We took the liberty of getting together with cloud experts and put this cloud security issue under the microscope. We have to realize that powerful internet-based services rose almost parallel with a whole new world of threats. For instance, the notoriously-known 2014 celebrity photo hack was perpetrated through Apple’s iCloud. The truth is we don’t really know for sure how secure our data is whether online or on site, where physical harm is very possible too. It’s the same thing as trusting the bank to keep your money secured. At the end, it all depends on the security level and what cloud providers do in that regard. Do the research, make sure that the service provider adheres to standard security levels and that your data is encrypted and that proper authentication is applied for access, obviously never share your password, employ all usual security protocols regardless and more importantly probe the terms agreed upon with your cloud provider in case of emergency or data loss. Don’t let cloud speculations cloud your judgment.

THE THEVillage Village



o experts...a strategic geographical position regionally and globally, cables extending undersea in the Suez Canal, bilateral agreements being signed, potential networks in a global supply chain and a very promising market, making Egypt perfectly outfitted for a spectacular cloud infrastructure but still it is widely speculative and the challenges are as perpetual as the waters of the Nile. What are those lingering obstacles to cloud adoption and what can be done about them?

Eng. Reem Asaad CEO, Raya Data Center (T.B.C)

Eng. Gamal Hegazy Solution Architect, Alcatel Lucent

Cloud computing should be seen in a whole new light; there’s more to it than it being a service; by localizing the cloud platform, operators and providers will be encouraged to maximize their innovation curve, create new business models that service citizens and know where they stand in the value chain. We’re probably unable to properly harness value chains and address the local market needs because we’re still in the dawn of cloud services, unlike other models that leverage on domestic markets such as China and India. With a glance through the government’s data structure, it will appear to be very fragmented. All government databases must be federated in accordance with a clear roadmap that helps government employees use data more efficiently and that presents a united front among all governmental entities — on a hybrid public cloud for instance — to interact with citizens and provide services.

THE Village

The government is not very keen on using the cloud due to issues that have to do with security and data privacy and data sovereignty. However, the upside to the cloud in creating economies of scale can easily offset any issues of concern and is far too monumental to turn a blind eye to. As the chief vendor, the government must collaborate with the private sector to build the cloud infrastructure and provide mechanisms that would ease data centers, clients and citizens into the cloud and make them assured that it’s safe and accessible. Application development is a very broad scope in the cloud and it requires special attention to be aptly designed and managed and be cloud-ready. The problem with application development is that our only link to the cloud hinges on the massive volume of output and downloads; on the other end of the spectrum the uploaded content is just too little, like it’s a one-way street, which makes us immensely lack in content generation and that results in complications such as latency. Uploading content that comes from Egypt on the cloud, which SMEs can do with ease, and moving data servers in close proximity will be a giant leap forward.



e caught up with Co-Founder and Manager of Cloud Weekend Khaled Abo Shady during the Cloud Weekend 2015 Conference at the Village Center to give us a rundown on the cloud platforms in Egypt and how they can be devised to better serve our community. We talk cloud too!

Tell us about Cloud Weekend. It is a 2-day conference that draws together cloud eco-system experts in Egypt, CIT representatives, cloud service providers and vendors, local and multinational cloud professionals and clients where they expose the latest cloud technology and explore the potential and technical needs that should be brought forward in the industry. The main objective here is to highlight the cloud’s impact on end users whether it’s the government, an SME or a corporate-level entity. We have a longterm vision and will be setting in motion an array of ideas that all come together to serve one main purpose: the cloud.

Could the cloud be incorporated to improve the efficiency and performance of the government? The cloud offers an excellent portal for storing and processing all government documents such as licenses and IDs. That way it creates a better climate in the issuance and delivery service without having to go through the hassle of paperwork. If the government takes the initial steps, I believe it will lead to a major breakthrough in the world of cloud computing in Egypt. Looking at it from a business viewpoint, by integrating the cloud into our infrastructure, the government offers an incentive for competitors in the cloud industry to continuously innovate and develop new technologies with an edge. At the end of the day it is a win-win situation for both the private and public sectors. We have been in contact with the Ministry of Communication & Information Technology which has given its full support and cooperated extensively.

How do you envision the future of cloud computing in Egypt? Although the concept was introduced to the world a long time ago, I think that it has been getting off to a good start in Egypt since its arrival in 2010 or so. We cannot deny that the awareness of cloud computing has taken sharp upheavals. Looking at the way the cloud has impacted people, anyone can easily relate to it. For example, stay-at-home moms can simply get their National ID cards via a mobile application that regularly updates their account settings, sparing them the trouble. Besides, the cloud is no longer an option; without it, there won’t be a more reliable and efficient management system for businesses and resources. Now the rise of the Internet of Things, which is the next big thing, is propelling our lives into new heights. It all began with the cloud.

Are there any inspiring models of a cloud platform that could be replicated in Egypt?

Khaled Abo Shady

Co-Founder and Manager, Cloud Weekend

THE Village

I’d rather have our own unique model that defines us and more importantly that goes well with our traditions and beliefs with all its eccentricities. The cloud model should be designed by us and for us as Egyptians.


in Happy TOWN

The metrics that measure a city’s eco-friendliness vary widely which makes it hard to pin down what really constitutes a green city. The Green City Index series, a research project conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by Siemens, assesses and compares 120 cities across Europe, U.S. and Canada, Asia, Africa, Latin America in terms of their environmental performance, using indicators in air quality, water, waste and land use, transport, buildings, energy, CO2, and environmental governance that compose the canvas of a whole ecosystem. The VCN has compiled a group of listed cities from online platforms and shortlisted the planet’s top 10 greenest titles in 2015.

Stockholm, Sweden

Oslo, Norway


2 1

3 5 6

San Francisco, USA

THE Village

Vancouver, Canada

Copenhagen, Denmark

Reykjavik, Iceland




Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Curitiba, Brazil



Malmo, Sweden



THE Village


Reuse D

o your part to save the planet by going green. With a few small changes, you can, not only save energy but do your part as a member of this green Earth. Although Egypt may not be outwardly organized when it comes to garbage and rubbish collection, but there are people out there who do the hard work and thanks to several organizations, it's become easier for us to do our part and help.

Not only can you have some fun, but you'll feel good about it too.

Reduce & Save Use of electricity by: Switching off the lights in empty rooms. Switching off computers and printers when not in use. Unplugging unused appliances and chargers. Switching off unused sockets, even when nothing is plugged in. Using compact fluorescent bulbs or LEDs instead of incandescent ones. Regularly cleaning air conditioner filters so it doesn't have to work hard to cool or heat. Setting timers for lighting and computers to switch off. Using motion sensors for lighting and electricity. Using natural light to reduce use of indoor lighting. Using rechargeable batteries.

Use of water by: Not buying water bottles; installing a water filter for drinking water or buying a pitcher water filter for drinking water. Using reusable mugs and cups instead of disposable ones. Being conservative with washing utensils. Washing in a cold cycle and air dry system instead of using a dryer when using washing machines.

General: Using reusable utensils. Bringing in your own packed lunch from home in a reusable container.

Using a travel mug for your coffee and tea. Using a sports bottle or glass or plastic bottle for water. Creating a carpool system with your co-workers to save on fuel. Keeping indoor plants — they make great air filters. Using digital documents and files, instead of printing them. Replacing energy-consuming appliances with efficient-energy appliances — check the ENERGY STAR label (A is the best grade). Using hand sanitizers instead of tissues.

Reuse Paper: if you printed single side, you can use the blank side as scrap paper. Reusing boxes and cartons to store files or miscellanies items. Reusing old plastic bags. Reusing envelopes for internal mail, or slapping a new label on them and sending them off. Placing a new label on old files and folders. Refurbishing old furniture. Buying secondhand furniture from other companies. Giving or selling used and functioning appliances and electronics to the needy or charity. Reusing old mugs or tubes as a pen holder. Using reusable cloth towels instead of paper towels.

THE Village


Recycle Plastic bottles and containers. Glass jars and bottles. Paper and books. Clothes and shoes. Furniture. Electronics. Batteries. Aluminium, tin and various metals. Food waste — perfect for making compost. To make it easier for your local garbage collector, separate your waste material — one for food only and the other for nonfood items, such as paper, plastic and glass. If you want to take it to the next step, set up a regular date with a recycling company and they can come pick up the recycling items directly from your office. Create a bin for paper, plastic and glass. To make it a little more interactive in your office, you can assign an office green warden, or track how much each office or department recycles and reward the most efficient team.

Recycling Companies: Resala: The most well-known of the bunch, Resala not only collect clothes, but all reusable or recyclable items including electronics, paper and plastics. Recyclobekia: They collect electronics and batteries that are recycled or disposed of in safe and healthy manner. As an incentive, if you collect enough recycling points, you get a coupon to use on Jumia. El Misbah el Mudii: Much like Resala, they take anything that can be recycled or reused, including furniture and home appliances. A.P.E: Association for the Protection of the Environment work directly with the 'Zabbaleen' community who collect a large percentage of Cairo's trash. They help them recycle and repurpose the trash so they can make a daily living. ERTEKAA - The Enhancement of Integrated Service and Waste Recycling: They pride themselves on providing waste collection services which do not result in sending trash to landfills. They reduce or recycle anything they can and send the rest to companies that reduce the items down to basic reusable components.

THE Village

Tech Review

new Future Luma Wi-Fi Luma router is the newest router that offers fun network setup for your home or your office. Luma introduces what they call "surround WiFi system" which means once you've set up your original hub, you can purchase Luma access points which will expand coverage and eliminate dead zones. Best thing is that the access points are literally the easiest things to set up. The company claims that the access points are automatic, so all you would need to do is turn them on and connect — no need to configure any settings. The system has "enterprise-grade" security and you can access your entire network through a smartphone app, which will allow you to control everything using a user-friendly interface. The router is small and stylish, camouflaging as a decorative item. Luma surround Wi-Fi ships with 3 access points (more available for purchase). Preorders are currently available. Once officially on sale however, prices will increase exponentially on this already expensive device.or natural disasters that you can find in other games. All in all it's a fun game and has potential as a new franchise.

Kangaroo Mini PC The latest in portable mobile PCs, Kangaroo offers a Windows 10 PC in a device no larger than a deck of cards. Under a $100, you get a built-in battery, a fingerprint reader, Wi-Fi connectivity and built-in ports. As an added plus, you can use an iPad or TV as a screen and purchase an extra dock for more ports. It's a great secondary PC, hailing 2GB RAM and a quad-core Intel Cherry Trail processor with 32GB internal memory. You can use it for anything from business on the go to streaming games onto your TV. You can add a microSD or USB hard drive for extra storage and pair a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. It can even be used as a server where you can easily connect your intranet and easily access files and media across the network. Unfortunately there isn't a 3.5 mm so you may need to use Bluetooth speakers or use the available HDMI port. The mini PC also comes with 2 USB ports. A PC in your pocket.

THE Village

Tech Review

iPhone 6s Plus The same size but better than its predecessor, Apple have made some small but significant upgrades to the iPhone 6s Plus. The phone comes packed with iOS 9 which was made for the device. The software works with the built-in 3D touch technology which is only available on the 6s Plus. 3D touch is also available on Huawei Mate but not as intense as the iPhone's. 3D touch although not yet fully formed (developers have yet had a chance to fully utilise it), the feature has great potential in the future. For now it allows you to take advantage of special shortcuts with certain Apple apps, by using the sensitivity of the screen to differentiate between the pressure of your taps, e.g. if you hold your tap for longer than the usual hold you get a new set of options. It can be a little tricky to get used to, but quite fun once you get the hang of it. The phone has a denser screen resolution allowing for an even crisper display. Apple claims that 6s Plus is much faster than 6 Plus, which is hardly noticeable as the 6 Plus was already efficient. The camera has seen an upgrade too — back camera is now 12MP and the front 5MP, finally getting a little closer to the competition. iPhone 6s Plus comes in the same colors as its predecessor with the added new color "Rose Gold" which is closer to pink. With 16GB, 64GB or 128GB internal memory choices and no expanding memory options, best choose the memory you might need. 16GB will run out really quickly as you only get to use about 12GB.

Samsung Galaxy View The gigantic 18.4-inch-display tablet is now official. Samsung's latest device was made for entertainment purposes. Great for streaming TV and watching videos either offline or online, the tablet comes with its own kickstand making it a portable TV with an Android system. With Netflix finally available in Egypt, you can stream your favorite shows directly through your tablet. Galaxy View has an 8-hour built-in battery which makes the device a little heavier. The kickstand can be adjusted to 2 viewing modes suitable for whatever viewing position you prefer. Unlike a TV you can also install a Sim card for internet access on the go. The tablet doesn't offer anything spectacularly different from other tablets, as it's focused on being a media player above all else.

THE Village

Tech Review

Pebble Time Round Pebble have finally managed to make their smartwatches a little thinner and smaller, but unfortunately had to sacrifice the reliable week long battery the earlier models enjoyed. Far more stylish than several smartwatches on the market, the Pebble Round offers unisex styles as well as male and female styles. The watches sit comfortably on the wrist and even when hidden under sleeves do not leave a bulky silhouette. You can change straps and time pieces allowing for a possible 10-style combinations to choose from. The watch uses color e-paper, which can be tricky in certain lighting. However you can easily receive notifications without anyone focusing on the notifications and compromising your privacy. The watches are cased in Gorilla Glass which Samsung made famous for its tough material. Smart watches are great for text-based apps, such as emails and messages, although they don't display images, as well as sleep tracking. Of course you can use to tell time too!

Google Cardboard Google as always is either steering trends or starting them. With the return and rise of Virtual Reality technology, Google introduces Google Cardboard — the do-it-yourself VR system. The concept is simple; all you need is the cardboard goggles and your phone. You can order the cardboard goggles from Google (make sure it fits your phone) or make your own, using the instructions available on the Google cardboard webpage. Once ready, you can download a variety of experiences on the Google store. Options are varied; you can make your own VR of your past experiences and relive them (using the VR camera app); you can watch YouTube 360 videos; go on expeditions across the globe; experience a live concert up close; or even play specially-designed VR games. Download the official cardboard app first as it helps you try out a variety of demos. Google Cardboard is compatible with both Android and iOS. Google Cardboard is still a new technology, but the potential is great and easily accessible to people from all walks of life. The future has arrived.

THE Village


Green Quotes by

ExtraordinaryPeople “Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing. You are just talking.”

Wangari Maathai (April 1940 - September 2011) Kenyan Environmental and Political Activist

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.”

E.F. Schumacher

(August 1911 - September 1977) German Economic Thinker, Statistician and Economist

“I sometimes wonder if two thirds of the globe is covered in red carpet.”

Prince Charles

(November 14, 1948) Prince of Wales, England

“The global environment crisis is, as we say in Tennessee, real as rain, and I cannot stand the thought of leaving my children with a degraded earth and a diminished future.”

Al Gore (March 31, 1948)

American Politician and Environmentalist

“The frog does not drink up the pond in which it lives.”

Chinese Proverb

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