Let My People Go by Tom Hess 10th edition

Page 67

American Jews: Bound by Materialism


past two decades, Alan Greenspan, is Jewish and said he believed there would be a recession. The fall of Wall Street or a depression of our economy could spark increased anti-Semitism throughout America, as happened with Father McLaughlin during the “Great Depression” of the 1930s. G-d wants the Jewish people to go to Israel with their money just as they came out of Egypt to Israel. He wants them to take whatever riches they have in the nations back to Israel before the Stock Market and economy collapses in America. Today is the day of full deliverance. If they wait much longer, because of the coming judgments on America, they will probably go back with nothing, if they are able to return at all! Investing in Jerusalem today could prove to be the best investment in the world. On November 2, 1987, G-d gave to the Venezuelan pastor, Jaime Puertas, a vision in Jerusalem showing him that the United States of America is preparing a law that will forbid money to be taken out of America in large amounts. The Jews who believe in the prophecy will hurry to sell their possessions, before the law is enacted. They will return, bringing the riches of the nations (Isaiah 60:5), and full of blessings, like the fat cows that Pharaoh dreamed about (see Genesis 41). But, because of their unbelief, those who will not believe will return with empty sacks and mourning, like the lean, ugly cows. The kind of law that Jaime Puertas saw in his vision is already in force in Latin America and Spain, and will be adopted by other nations. (Pastor Puertas has started two thousand congregations in Spanishspeaking countries. He had just completed a forty-day fast along with a hundred and twenty others from his congregations for the “Return of the Captives of Zion to Israel” when he received the vision). May the American Jews not repeat the tragedy of the history of the Jewish State. Approximately ninety percent of those who have returned have waited until they were refugees—the poor, lame, halt and blind from the nations. May Wall Street “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” May G-d execute His judgments on the G-d of materialism. May the Jewish people break from materialism in America and come home to Israel before it’s too late! Isaiah 60:5 says the wealth of the seas and the riches of the nations will be brought to Israel. Not only are the Jewish people to take themselves

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