December 9th 2014

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The Morung Express

Dimapur VOL. IX ISSUE 339

‘Get rid of family rule, corruption’ [ PAGE 08]

Vote on SMS your anSwer to 9862574165 Was Narendra Modi right not to give a ‘financial package’ to Nagaland state government? Yes



One killed in auto accident Morung Express news Dimapur | December 8

In a case of reckless driving, an auto-rickshaw veered off the National Highway, toppled over and hit a tree. The accident happened at 3 p.m. in 7th Mile, Dimapur. Two elderly women occupants of the auto-rickshaw were seriously injured in the accident and were rushed to CIHSR where one succumbed to injuries. The deceased was identified as Tsenrolo Ngullie, 55 years, from Okotso Village, Wokha, and a resident of Ward No. 9, Chumukedima. The other occupant, identified as Emilo Lotha (45) is reported to be in the Intensive Care Unit. Three other occupants sustained minor injuries. Police have taken custody of the autorickshaw, bearing Regd. No. NL 07 F 3404, along with its driver. The driver was identified as Mukesh Kumar Singh (23), a native of Bihar, and a resident of Mao Colony, Half Nagarjan, Dimapur.

NSCN (IM) concerned by AR ‘frequent raids’ Dimapur, December 8 (mexN): The NSCN (IM) has termed the “frequent raids” conducted by the 18 Assam Rifles in Jalukie town “towards our cadres despite the many commitments made through Cease Fire Monitoring Group (CFMG)” a “mockery” of the Cease Fire Ground Rules. “Better not make an agreement with the Nagas when you cannot honour it,” stated a press release from the MIP of the NSCN (IM) today. It expected that through the press release, the Indian security forces, specially the Assam Rifles, will “behave.” It also informed the Chairman of the CFMG that “he will adjudicate his duties with fairness at all time.” Moreover, the NSCN (IM) has remained concerned over the “movements” of the Assam Rifles “towards the Hebron Camp.” “Though no physical confrontation had happen so far, yet, such movements if required is best informed beforehand. Every major conflict begin with a small spark and it is our join responsibility to create a conducive environment so that the hard earned Indo-Naga peace process should not be jeopardised but bear the fruits of permanent solution desirable by both the party,” stated the press release.

‘Militants dump AK, embrace Android’


Vijaypur, December 8 (iaNS): Militants in Jammu and Kashmir are now dumping their AK-47 assault rifles and replacing them with Android phones, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Monday. “The power of the ballot has defeated the power of bullet in Jammu and Kashmir,” Modi told a BJP election rally here in Jammu region. “Misguided youths who have AK-47 in their hands are throwing away AK-47 and replacing them with Android phones,” he said.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 12 pages Rs. 4 –Saint Augustine

‘A good grasp of drug laws crucial to combating trafficking’

Adam’s Apple is winner of Hornbill Int’l Rock Contest 2014

[ PAGE 2]

Messi scores 3 as Barca beats Espanyol

[ PAGE 09]

[ PAGE 12]

Guantanamo prisoners sent to Uruguay as refugees

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The Morung Express POLL QUESTIOn

Patience is the companion of wisdom


Vinnie Moore feels Congress demands Agri the ‘positive energy’ minister’s resignation Dimapur, December 8 (mexN): The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has demanded the ‘immediate resignation’ of N Benjongliba Aier, Nagaland’s Minister for Agriculture. It demanded this “for abusing his position to misappropriate funds over hundred crores during his tenure as Mission Director Horticulture Technology Mission – North East (HTM-NE) from Nov 2007 till Dec 2012 and Director Horticulture from Nov 2012 before resigning on Jan 10, 2013 to contest the assembly elections.” A press release issued by the NPCC media cell brought to notice that four days have passed since the State Vigilance Commission and Anti Corruption Cell ‘raided’ his official and private residence simulta-

Imkong Walling

Dimapur | December 8

It is common for musicians of international repute to set foot in Nagaland, and express surprise at how people here are faithfully inclined towards western rock music. Vinnie Moore has a similar conundrum. “I couldn’t believe there are so many of them and they know my music! It’s amazing… this is my first time here. The people here are really nice,” said the American guitar legend of the reception he received. “It’s been great. I was a judge for four days. I performed last night and the fans were great.” Moore was on a four-day rendezvous with Nagaland courtesy the Hornbill International Rock Contest. Moore said goodbye to Kohima on the morning of December 8, only to land up in Dimapur in the afternoon for an interactive guitar session with fans. The Morung Express caught up with the musician. Economy of the place notwithstanding, the music scene in Nagaland, to Moore, is lively. “It seems like a really very big rock scene. A lot of people are into guitar and rock,” he observed. Asked of his impression of the Hornbill International Rock Contest, Moore said he felt “positive energy.” “I think there is some positive energy and they (bands) can’t help but move forward with that energy… especially the bands that won. For the bands who didn’t win... they shouldn’t be disappointed because they were all really good and it was a great experience for them and it is a lesson for the future.” There were a couple of bands that caught his attention. “There were a couple of bands actually that I thought really inspired me… that I thought were really good,” he said. For instance, Moore rated the performance of Nagaland’s Technicolors

neously in Kohima on December 5. “But the Minister is yet to own moral responsibility and resign on his own with the Chief Minister dithering on sacking the Minister which has become a trend with the ruling NPF in shielding and rewarding the corrupt,” maintained the NPCC. Further, it stated that “Perhaps the raid on a Minister’s official residence is the first of its kind in the state and with enough prima facie evidences available against the Minister, it will test the strength and resolve of the State Vigilance Commission to uncover the whole truth and bring the guilty to book.” Stating that it will not “tolerate” the continued presence of the “tainted Agri Minister in the government,” the NPCC reiterated its demand for the

minister to step down “on his own to pave way for a fair investigation or else the Chief Minister sack him immediately from the Cabinet to atleast restore the credibility of the NPF led DAN government that has become synonymous with corruption and abuse of power for the past 12 years.” Throwing a challenge, the State Congress said that “The exposure of corruption cases against Dr. Benjongliba presents a priceless opportunity before Chief Minister TR Zeliang to show his mettle as deserving political head of the state by making a marked departure from his predecessor Neiphiu Rio who in over 11 years at the helm protected and rewarded the tainted people who were already criminals in the eyes of law.”

‘SIT probe into fire in Delhi church’

Vinnie Moore performing on the final night of the Hornbill International Rock Contest in Kohima on December 7. Photo by Manen Aier

“really high” though the band could not win the contest. On the format of the Hornbill rock contest, Moore felt that it would be good if the festival brings in international bands and have local bands play too. Instead of being just a competition, he suggested a music festival like ones in Europe and America, where bands of various genres converge and perform. If that is not possible, the festival could hold a music festival alongside the competition, he said.

Aside from this, Moore has a funny bone. His master class at the IMC Hall was peppered with jokes. Asked of the humour here and humour at his place of origin, he said, “Well, a lot of people speak English here… They laughed at some of my jokes anyway… they kinda got my humour so… it seemed similar in a lot of ways. Whereas in other parts of the world… I’ll just get stares like they don’t even know that I’m making a joke. So, I don’t know why that is… that’s pretty amazing.”

New Delhi, December 8 (iaNS): Home Minister Rajnath Singh told the Lok Sabha Monday that a Special Investigation Team (SIT) was probing the incident of a suspected arson attack on a church in Dilshad Garden in the national capital. Responding to concerns of some opposition members over security of “minority institutions”, Rajnath Singh said that ensuring communal harmony in the country was the top priority of the government. He said the government acted

swiftly following information that St. Sebastian’s Church in Dilshad Garden had been gutted. “On learning of the incident, I immediately spoke with the lieutenant governor of Delhi. A SIT was constituted to probe the matter. We have made the investigation time-bound,” he said. Rajnath Singh said if there was an incident of attack on a church in Delhi’s Jasola area, the government would also get that properly investigated. Raising the issue, Anto Antony of the Congress

said that a church in Jasola area was attacked, making it the second incident in about a week involving churches in the capital. He said that had the government been able to arrest those responsible for the fire in the church in Dilshad Garden, the incident of attack in Jasola would not have occurred. He said “laxity to act” was a major reason for such incidents. “The recurring attacks are not only of concern to Christians but to all those who want social harmony,” he said.

Corruption hits ‘poor’the hardest: UN says Priya, the rape survivor:

bVieNNa, December 8 (iaNS/wam): On the occasion of International AntiCorruption Day on December 9, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has issued a statement saying that corruption is a global phenomenon that strikes hardest at the poor, hinders inclusive economic growth and robs essential services of badly needed funds. “From cradle to grave, millions are touched by corruption’s shadow,” Ban said. “On this year’s observance of the International Anti-Corruption

Day, we call again on people everywhere to get involved in breaking the corruption chain,” he stated. “Next year the world will agree a new post-2015 sustainable development agenda. Our aim is to empower individuals and catalyse governments, the private sector and civil society to help lift millions out of poverty, protect the planet and achieve shared prosperity and dignity for all. Eliminating corruption and its harmful impacts will be crucial to our future well being,” said the UN

Secretary-General. Ban went on to say that to dismantle corruption’s high walls, “I urge every nation to ratify and implement the UN Convention against Corruption”. “Its ground breaking measures in the areas of prevention, criminalisation, international cooperation and asset recovery have made important inroads, but there is much more to do. Public services must uphold the highest standards of integrity and ensure that appointments are driven by merit. Public servants, as

well as elected officials, must be guided by ethics, transparency and accountability.” The statement concluded by saying that the private sector also has a crucial role. “Good behaviour is good business. Business groups can convert anti-corruption action into firm support for sustainable development. “I call on everyone to help end corruption, and come together for global fairness and equity. The world and its people can no longer afford, nor tolerate, corruption,” said Ban.

NSF reiterates points on peace & progress Passport office in

Kohima, December 8 (mexN): The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has reposed faith in the leadership of Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, in bringing about an “amicable solution” to the Indo-Naga Peace Process “which will be acceptable to the entire Nagas.” The NSF reiterated this as part of a representation to Narendra Modi on November 30, which it had highlighted to him during the NSF delegation’s visit to Gujarat on October 22, 2013. “The enthusiasm shown by the Govt. of India during the initial stage of the Peace Process was overwhelmingly acknowledged by both the Nagas and Indians thinking that it will usher in a new ray of hope for both Indian and Nagas. However, there is very less progressed in these seventeen years of collective search for honourable solution of the Naga Political Issue,” reminded the representation, signed by NSF president Tongpang Ozukum and general secretary, Esther Rhakho. “Under your leadership as the Prime Minister of India, the Nagas have high hopes and expectations that your government will bring an amicable solution to the Indo-Naga Peace Process which will be acceptable to the entire Nagas,” they maintained.

The representation also sought attention on other subjects. Compared to 125 other Airports in India, the NSF stated, Dimapur Airport is the “most neglected” in terms of infrastructure, maintenance and development and since its establishment, Dimapur Air Transport, with just a single flight, plying 4 days in a week has “not been able to serve the purpose for the people.” It informed that for the past many years, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India, has “totally sidelined” the infrastructural development and necessary maintenance of the lone airport in Nagaland. “As development of airport infrastructure has become the major thrust area nowadays, we urge upon the Government of India under your able leadership to give prior importance on development, modernization and up-gradation of Dimapur Airport,” the NSF said. Further, it asserted that even after 51 years of statehood, there is no established Medical or Engineering college in Nagaland. The NSF, on behalf of the entire Naga students’ community, placed its earnest appeal to “establish an Engineering College in Nagaland of National standard so as to benefit the students of north eastern states.”

Dimapur soon: CPC

Kohima, December 8 (Dipr): Chief Passport Commissioner (CPC), Government of India, Muktesh K. Pardeshi, a guest-of-honour during the cultural programme (8th day) of the Hornbill Festival, said that he was ‘impressed and thrilled’ to see the cultural activities. Speaking to DIPR on the sidelines of Hornbill Festival, Pardeshi informed that a passport office will be opened in Dimapur very soon. He complimented the Government of Nagaland for providing space for running the office and appealed to the people of Nagaland to take advantage of facilities provided by the government. The CPC also said that a two day passport camp was held at Kohima coinciding with the Hornbill Festival, benefitting over 300 people. “It is our endeavour to reach out to people at their doorstep,” he maintained. Proof of identity, proof of residence, date of birth given by registrar birth and deaths, education qualification certificates are the basic documents required for applying for passports, Pardeshi informed. If all the required documents are produced by the applicant the entire procedure will take just 4 to 6 weeks, he added. If a passport office comes up in Dimapur at all, people in Nagaland will no longer go through the ordeal of going up to Guwahati several times for obtaining a passport. Tourism is both inbound and outbound, and with such facilities, the tourism sector will also get a boost.

India’s comic ‘super hero’ BBC news

New Delhi | December 8

Priya’s Shakti, inspired by Hindu mythological tales, tells the story of Priya, a young woman and gang-rape survivor, and Goddess Parvati as they fight against gender crimes in India. Indian-American filmmaker RamDevineni,oneofitscreators,told the BBC the idea for the comic came to him in December 2012 as India erupted in protest against the brutal gang rape and murder of a 23-yearold student on a bus in Delhi. “I was in Delhi at the time when the protests broke out and I was involved in some of them,” he says. “I was talking to a police officer when he said something that I found very surprising. He said ‘no good girl walks alone at night.’ “That’s where the idea began. I realised that rape and sexual violence in India was a cultural issue, and that it was backed by patriarchy, misogyny and people’s perceptions.” In India’s male-dominated society, it is not the rapist but the rape victim who is often treated with scepticism and has to face ridicule and social ostracism. “I spoke to some gang-rape survivors and they said they were discouraged by their families and communities to seek justice, they were also threatened by the rapists and their families. Even the police didn’t take them seriously,” says Devineni. Priya is representative of a generic Indian woman and her aspirations. Devineni says he chose mythology to put his point across because Hinduism is India’s majority religion - more than 80% of the country’s 1.2 billion people are

Hindus - and its myths and stories are woven into its cultural life. He convinced street artists and Bollywood poster painters to create murals in the Mumbai area of Dharavi, Asia’s biggest slum. The paintings have “augmented reality features” which allow people to see special animation and movies pop out of the wall art when they scan it with their smart phones. People anywhere in the world can download a free digital copy of the comic and printed copies in Hindi and English will be available at the Comic Con Mumbai later in December, Devineni says. “Our target audiences are children starting from 10-12 years to young adults. It’s a very critical age in their lives and it’s an attempt to start a conversation with them.” In India, where one rape is reported every 21 minutes, the 2012 Delhi gang rape is seen as a gamechanger - the brutality of the six men led to days of protests and forced the government to introduce tougher anti-rape laws, including the death penalty for particularly severe sex crimes. Commentators say tougher laws can only partly solve the problem. What is really needed is to create awareness and change social attitudes. Devineni says that is what his project attempts to do. Urvashi Butalia, head of feminist publisher Zubaan Books, says its success or failure will depend “a lot on the story” and also “on how many people it reaches”. She says anything that creates a conversation helps. “Many of the changes in the world have come from ideas. And it’s an interesting idea - you don’t get too many female superheroes,” she says.






‘A good grasp of drug laws crucial to combating trafficking’ Morung Express News Dimapur | December 8

A two-day training programme for Excise enforcement officers began on December 8 with experts from the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) as resource persons. The workshop on the ‘Salient features of the NDPS Act ’85 seizure, reward policy and financial investigation’ is being jointly organised by the NCB (North East Zone), Guwahati and the Nagaland State Excise at the Directorate of Excise, Dimapur. Thirty Excise officers from around the State are taking part in the workshop. Praveen Kumar Deshwal, NCB Zonal director, Guwahati, NCB intelligence officers, Suresh Singh and

Two-day training programme for Excise enforcement officers

Bishwajit Singh are the resource persons. Addressing the inaugural session, Commissioner of Excise, Maongwati Aier, stressed on the importance of keeping up-to-date with information while urging the participating Excise officers to interact freely with the resource persons. “I want you to be aware of your duties and drug laws that will help you execute your job and help eradicate the drug menace in the country,” Aier said to his officers. Stating that the primary duty of the NCB is to combat drug trafficking, he said that it is the NCB’s

MEx File

Car passes for sixth session of 12th NLA



9 December 2014

Kohima, December 8 (DiPr): The Special Secretary Nagaland Legislative Assembly, A.E. Lotha in a press release informed that in view of the Sixth Session of the 12th Nagaland Legislative Assembly to be held on 16th December, 2014, Car pass and Official Gallery Pass will be issued from 12th December, 2014 onwards as under:1. Ministers/Parliamentary Secretaries and AHODs are to collect Car Pass and Gallery Pass from the Special Secretary (Home), Nagaland, Kohima. 2. MLAs/HODs/Medias are to collect Car Pass from Assembly Secretariat Reception Counter Gate No-I The Special Secretary has further informed that Car Passes and Gallery Passes may be collected in advance to avoid the Eleventh hour rush.

Christmas Carol at Dimapur DimaPur, December 8 (mexN): Nagaland Missions Movement (NMM), the Missions Department of Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) and the Baptist Churches in Dimapur town is organizing “ Immanuel, In Unison” a combined Christmas Carol” on December 22 (Monday), 4:00 PM at City Tower junction, Dimapur. All the citizens in and around Dimapur are invited to be a part of this joyous programme irrespective of denomination or religion.

duty to coordinate with all the State Excise departments in the country. “A good intelligence network among the States and with the Centre (NCB) can play a crucial role in this aspect.” While stating that poppy and cannabis cultivation in Nagaland has been controlled to a great extent, Aier said that it was a result of the effort put in by the Excise officers. Aier further said that having access to comprehensive databases of drug trafficking routes and drug abuse pattern in the region would greatly aid the Nagaland Excise. Praveen Kumar Deshwal, in his address held that

it would be a great learning experience for the resource persons as well to be interacting with officers active in the field. “What we can do is help you with the technicalities, Deshwal said, while adding that it all boils down to how the officer applies it. Drug trafficking is not limited to a particular state… it is a global problem, he said, while adding that it is imperative that “we behind bars the traffickers.” In this regard, he said that having a good grasp of the existing drug laws and statutes is crucial for an enforcement officer. It will ultimately help in filing strong charges against arrested traffickers, he said, while adding, “If you prepare it properly, the judge has to convict the person.”


Longleng DPDB cum advent Christmas held LoNgLeNg, December 8 (DiPr): The annual DPDB meeting cum Advent Christmas programme was held with Women Secretary Phom Baptist Church Association Longleng, Angphen Phom as the main speaker on December 6 at Yangmon River between Pongo and Jakphan road. The speaker delivered the message on Jesus Christ and the family relationship where one should accept Christ as their own savior. She also wished all the Christ people to celebrate a meaningful Christmas. Earlier, DPDB Vice Chairman Deputy Commissioner Longleng Nikhashe Sema addressed the gathering and extended advent Christmas greeting. Pongo Students Union presented special song while Pastor P.I. Lakpa invoked God’s blessing. SDEO Longleng Temsusenla Jamir chaired the programme.


Reward Rs. 200,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs)


Bokato Zhimomi, S/o(L) Hokiye Zhimomi, R/o. House No.128, AQA, Aqasah, Chekiye Village, 3rd mile, Dimapur, Nagaland aged about 40 years whose photograph is given above, is wanted by CBI in Case No. RC 2(A) 2012, Imphal relating to fraudulent withdrawal of 3 (Three) nos. of high value cheques from SBI, Zunheboto Branch on 23.02.2012. Any person giving information leading to arrest of above person will be rewarded Rs.200,000/(Rupees Two Lakhs). The information may be given in confidence to:The Head of Branch, Central Bureau of Investigation, Lamphelpat, Imphal. Telephone No.0385-2414673/fax 0385 2414145 (e- mail-


Dimapur Night Carnival from December 15-20

DimaPur, December 8 (mexN): With the objective of promoting local entrepreneurs in various fields, a Night Carnival is being organised in Dimapur from December 15-20 along the stretch of Super Market. The Carnival will witness an array of food stalls, handicraft items, musical performances, dance competitions, Christmas carol competitions etc besides other kinds of entertainment on all nights. Parliamentary Secretary for IT&C, Science & Technology, Technical Education and Taxes, Tovihoto Ayemi is scheduled to inaugurate the Carnival on December 15. Minister for Forest, Dr. Nicky Kire and former Chief Secretary, Alemtemshi Jamir will make special appearances on December 20 and December 16 respectively by presenting songs.

PheK, December 8 (mexN): The District AIDS Prevention Control Committee (DAPCC) quarterly review meeting was held on December 5 at Deputy Commissioner Conference hall, Phek under the chairmanship of Additional Deputy Commissioner Kuko Mero. Addressing the gathering, he encouraged the gathering to put a concerted effort in disseminating the correct information reaching to the grassroots level so that issues of stigma and discrimina-

tion towards people living with HIV/AIDS can be addressed and thereby reducing vulnerability of HIV infection to the general population. He also requested the members to contribute available resources and schemes in the department to support the livelihood of the PLHIVS. Kuduvo Kezo, DPO DAPCU gave a PowerPoint presentation of the activities undertaken by DAPCU under NACP in the district. He also explains that the district is

still in the course of detection of HIV cases and accessing of services such as ART in Kohima is a herculean task since most of the client could not effort to go for treatment due to financial constraints. He calls upon the department to cooperate and help the District Level Network while seeking assistance and implementing programs. Mese Letro, President PNP+ Phek shares the issues and challenges faced by the PLHIVS in the district. He expresses that due


Organisers of Dimapur Night Carnival after briefing media persons at DC Office on Monday. (Morung Photo)

The first night of the Carnival dubbed as ‘All Stars Nite’ will see performances from participants of various local competitions such as Naga Orpheus Hunt, You Know You Got It, Naga Talents Promo etc. Photography contest is also going on and one can visit ‘Dimapur Night Carni-

‘Correct information’ vital for addressing HIV/AIDS

to stigma and discrimination still prevailing in the district people could not come forward freely to reveal their status to the community. He requests the members to show care and support to PLHIVS through resources and benefit schemes available in the department. The meeting also discussed achievements and suggestions put forwarded by DAPCU pertaining to implementing of NACP programs and the issues concerning to PLHIVS in the district.

val Photography Contest’ on Facebook for further details. Stalls dedicated for kids will also be run during the 6-day event. Issuing of permit for various stalls has been extended till December 10 to be collected from Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) office during work-

ing hours. This information was revealed to media persons on Monday by the organizers including the district administration, police, DMC, DCCI, BAN, Dimapur Press Club, Nagaland Printing Solution, The Garden, Crescendo and others.

Incentive scheme for acquiring QMS

DimaPur, December 8 (mexN): Development Commissioner (MSME), Govt. of India, Ministry of MSME, New Delhi has operating an Incentive scheme for reimbursement of Expenses of acquiring Quality Management System(QMS) IS O-9000/IS O-14001/ HACCP Certification of the Micro & Small Enterprises Sector( Manufacturing & Service Sector) to the extent of 75% of the amount limited to 75,000/each unit. Micro & Small Enterprises having EMII already obtained ISO-

9000/ISO-14001/HACCP Certification are invited on top priority along with original documents and receipts for availing this reimbursement scheme of M/o MSME for the year 2014-15. For more Detail, contact Dy. Director In charge, Br.MSME Development Institute-Old Industrial Estate, Diphu Road, Dimapur, Phone: 03862-248552 on any working day from Monday to Friday during working hours. This was informed in a press release issued by Tali Longchar Dy. Director In charge.


Competition at Hornbill Mkg DPDB discuss coal mining Kids carnival conducted and its impact on environment

CSU golden jubilee on Dec 12-13 DimaPur, December 8 (mexN): Chakhroma Students’ Union will be celebrating golden jubilee on December 12 and 13 at Chumukedima Town. Kiyanilie Peseyie, minister social welfare will be the chief guest and Zhaleo Rio, parliamentary secretary, Urban Development will be the guest of honour. The jubilee publicity committee, convenor Pelesavi Rurhie in a press release has informed that there will be an extravaganza night on December 12. All the Chakhroma Units are requested to prepare an item each for the event and submit their item list to the publicity committee convenor on or before December 10 and contact @ 9856051925. Moreover, all the ex-office bearers are invited to attend the golden jubilee celebration.

The Morung Express

Winner of the drawing/painting competition conducted at Hornbill Kids carnival on December 7.

Kohima, December 8 (mexN): Drawing/ painting competition was conducted at Hornbill Kids carnival yesterday, which was divided into three groups under the theme “Towards a safer and resilient Nagaland.” The winners of Group A (class 1 to 3) was Viphrezo Vüprü got Rs. 3000 cash prize and he took the first place, Mongshai Shiu got Rs. 2000 and he took sec-

ond place , the third place was taken by Sashinungla Longchar and won Rs. 1000. The winners of Group B (class 4 to 6) are Kepelhuvi Vüprü got first and won Rs. 3000, Keretsolie Vüprü won Rs. 2000 took the second place and Neiphrezo Livi won Rs. 1000 and took the third place. The winners of Group C (class 7 to 9) are Nükmen got first and walked away with Rs. 3000, Seyiekhri-

etuo took second place and won Rs. 2000 and Viketounuo Linyü took third place and won Rs. 1000 Rs 500 consolation prizes were given to five participants in each group. The prizes were sponsored by Nagaland state Disaster Management Authority. The Hornbill Kids carnival is organized by Synergy Group Enterprise in collaboration with Nagaland Tourism Department.

moKoKchuNg, December 8 (DiPr): Mokokchung District Planning and Development Board took up discussions with concern on unscientific way of coal mining in the district particularly in water catchments areas under Mangkolemba sub-division. The discussion commenced with a slide presentation made by DC and Vice Chairman of the DPDB, Sushil Kumar Patel who personally visited the coal mining areas in Mangkolemba sub-division recently. While presenting the power point, Patel said coal mining, if it is done in a scientific way, would help generate revenue to the govern-

ment, employment to the people but doing it randomly lead to jeopardize the environment as well as threaten the very existence of human live. The Vice Chairman informed the members that there is a need to arrest the unscientific way of coal mining activities to save the fragile environment. The members who took part in the discussions suggested that awareness about negative impacts on environment should be created among the people. The meeting also felt that Geology and Mining department should implement the Mining Act in its entirety. Executive Engineer, PHED, N. Yanger Pongen

also shared his concern over contamination of ground and surface waters due to mining activities in the areas of Mangkolemba sub-division. S P Mo k o k c hu n g , Aotemsu shared his concern on scarcity of drinking water in Mokokchung town and need to have water tanker to mitigate the problem. After discussion, the house decided to urge the PHED department through E.E PHED Mokokchung to consider water tanker for Mokokchung town. The meeting also recommended opening up a government Primary School at newly recognized Satsu village under Ongpangkong range.


Glitz Winter Carnival start off in Mon Morung Express News Mon | December 8

It is the start of winter but the temperature here in Mon is rising. The Second Edition of the Glitz Winter Carnival began tonight at Local Ground, Mon, to beautiful fireworks and this year promises to be Bigger, Better. The Gliztz Fashion and Entertainment Group, comprising of 13 young men and women from Mon Town, first came up with the concept of a Winter Carnival. Prior to the Carnival, Glitz is also credited with organizing the Miss. Mon Beauty Pageant of 2011 and 2012, after a gap of 5 years which was then taken up by the KNSK. The organizers hoped that such events would help create a platform for young people to interact, be entertained and to also showcase their talents among peers. Thus the first carnival in Mon Town was organized last

year for a period of 3 days, receiving raving reviews and appreciation from everyone. After last year’s success, Glitz have taken up the challenge with the Winter Carnival being extended to 7 days, i.e. 8th to 14 December 2014. In addition to the Scary House, Disco, Poker Tournament and Food and Clothing Stores of Last Year, this year’s carnival has added Gaming Palour, Karaoke and Paint Ball. There is also an open stage for performers of any Art, to showcase their talent and of course, the Finale on the December 14, 2014, which will be the Dance Competition for participants from all over the district. President of the Glitz Fashion and Entertainment Group, Ethiel Konyak says that the entire project has been taken up solely for the benefit of young people of the district while also hoping for future par-

ticipation from other districts. She believes that this event can serve as a place for cultural exchange and interaction, especially for the isolated Eastern Naga Districts. To this end, the President of ENSF, Shahsha Phom has been invited as Chief Guest of the Dance Competition and invitations to all the Eastern Naga Students’ Presidents have been issued. Ethiel also shared that the entire financial burden of such a huge event has been borne by the 13 members with no major contribution from any organization. A handful of individual well wishers have come forward however these Carnivals had been organized with money out of the organisers’ pocket. “But we have not given up hope,” Ethiel says adding that if nothing else, she hopes that the young people of the District will take away something good from this event.

Honoured guest, Chief passport Commissioner (CPC) GOI, Mukdesh Pardesi (center) with Ajungla Jamir, RPO, Guwahati (left) and Commissioner & Secretary Tourism, Himato Zhimomi at Kisama on December 8. (DIPR Photo)

Kelavoyi Ringa wins Traditional Spear Target Throw Competition


eminiscing the past era of our fore fathers who were well known for use of spear for defense and hunting animals, the Naga heritage Kisama came alive with the Traditional Spear Target Throw competition which was held on day 8th of the ongoing Hornbill Festival at Kisama. Almost all the tribes from Nagaland took part in the competition. Kelavoyi Ringa Chakhesang from Phek district scored 30 pts and stood in the 1st position. Kisheto Sumi from Dimapur district, Thsipise Sangtam from Kiphire dis-

trict stood 2nd and 3rd position scoring 18 pts and 14 pts respectively. Parliamentary Secretary, Youth Resources & Sports E.E Pangteang distributed the prizes for the winners. Many excited tourists also tried throwing the spear on the target, organized by the department of Youth Resources & Sports as part of the Hornbill Festival 2014. Parwej Aktar wins Hornbill Photo Fest Contest The Hornbill International Photo Fest 2014 competition was held at Kisama under the theme, “Colours of Nagaland”.

Parwej Aktar from Uttar Pradesh, Biju Borp, Ulubari Assam and G. Nagasrinivasu from Trivandrum, Kerela bagged the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position and will receive a cash prize award of Rs. 25000, 15,000, 10,000 respectively. Yilobemo Kikon from Dimapur and Mireuyi Herie from D.C court Dimapur also will be awarded consolation prizes of Rs. 2500 each. The winners are inform to claim their prizes money from the organizers at Kisama, for further necessary information one may contact 9436005669. (DIPR News)


Shahanur Alam admits to involvement in Burdwan blast Guwahati, December 8 (Pti): Interrogations by the Assam police have established prime accused Shahanur Alam's involvement in the October 2 Burdwan blast and his links with the Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangaldesh (JMB) which has set up a network in West Bengal, a top police official said on Monday. "Sahanur's involvement in the Burdwan case has come out during interrogation. He was in contact with the terror group Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) in Burdwan," Additional Director General of Police-Special Branch Pallab Bhattacharjee told PTI here. "Subsequently he was motivated to join the JMB. He also informed that as the JMB was working against the Bangladesh

Seven tested positive for Dengue in Pasighat itaNaGar, December 8 (Pti): Seven persons have been tested positive for dengue at Pasighat in East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, an official said today. The cases have been detected through ELISA test at the District Priority Laboratory (DPL) of General Hospital, state epidemiologist Dr L Jampa said. The report was provided by the District Surveillance Unit of IDSP (Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme), Pasighat, to the state surveillance unit, Jampa said in a statement here. To combat the situation, the Director of Health Services has immediately instructed the NVBDCP (National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme) division to send a team to investigate the situation and to prevent further spread of the disease, he said. Outbreak of Dengue was reported from Pasighat for the first time during 2012 and subsequently it had been also detected in East Siang, Papum Pare, West Siang and Upper Siang districts where a total of 346 cases were detected. There is no dengue death reported in the state so far, Jampa said.

Shahanur Alam

government it was under tremendous pressure and was trying to take shelter in neighbouring West Bengal. There its network came up", he said. Asked if Shahanur has given information about the network or presence of JMB leaders in Assam, the police officer said, "We don't think the JMB operations are very important in

Assam. Some of them who were here are on the run and we are on their trail. The situation is not serious in Assam." The JMB leaders tried to motivate impressionable youths to join their outfit. Shahanur had not undergone any operational military training in terms of use of arms or weapons but is an expert in motivational

Guwahati, December 8 (tNN): The muchawaited meeting between Union minister of state for power Piyush Goyal and anti-dam organizations in the state is expected to be held on Thursday (December 11) to clear the impasse over construction of the 2,000 MW Lower Subansiri hydroelectric project in Arunachal Pradesh's Gerukamukh. Work for construction of the hydro-electric project has almost been brought to a standstill for the last three years by anti-dam organizations in Assam, which is in the downstream of the dam. The groups are opposed to construction of

the dam, as they say Assam would bear the brunt of the environmental impact. The meeting has been called following Goyal's earlier assurance that the Centre would not go for resuming construction before holding dialogue with the agitating groups. The meeting initially was planned to be held in September, but had to be postponed because of byelections in Assam. The Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) and All Assam Students Union (AASU) among other organizations will take part in the meeting. Only 50 per cent of the project being built by NHPC Limited was completed be-

fore work at the site came to a halt in 2011 because of opposition in Assam. As on 2002, the project was planned at an estimated cost of Rs 6,285.33 crore. But because of the delay, the cost has escalated to Rs 10,667.09 crore. NHPC CMD R S T Sai last month said here that the project has been incurring a loss of an estimated Rs 1 crore per day and suffered an idling cost of around Rs 500 crore since the work stopped three years ago. "Had the works been on, by now we would have been earning to the tune of Rs 3000 Crore per year," Sai said.

aizawl, December 8 (eNs): Glass containers used to preserve a pile of more than 360-year-old human bones in a cave likely used as a tomb centuries ago in eastern Mizoram have been broken open and some bones, including skulls, scattered in the cave. Villagers of Farkawn, under whose territory the cave is located, said they are trying to ascertain if any of the bones have been stolen and will be filing a FIR soon. The site, known as Lamsial

Puk, or Lamsial Cave, is being preserved with the help of the state’s Art and Culture Department. “The department had sanctioned several glass cases to put the bones in, but when we visited the cave on December 5 we found that someone had broken the glass and strewn the bones on top of the case and elsewhere,” said K Lalmuankima, secretary of the Farkawn Heritage Preservation Society, which looks after the handful of historic sites in

ment to obtain a clear cut order from it on the high court's deadline of Dec 31." A division bench of the high court, comprising Chief Justice Deepak Gupta and Justice Swapan Chandra Das, passed an order May 7 terminating the jobs of 10,323 school teachers after Dec 31, citing irregularities in recruitment. The law department official said the Supreme Court would hear Jan 9 the three separate Special Leave Petitions (SLPs) filed against the high court judgment ordering the termination of the jobs. The SLPs were filed by the Tripura government and the teachers affected by the high court order. The high court also asked the state government to start a fresh recruitment process by December 2014 and frame a new employment

policy within two months. The high court, after hearing the state government and the complainants, passed the order on a batch of 58 petitions filed by those who had failed to secure jobs as government teachers. Tripura's Left Front government recruited 1,100 post-graduate and 4,617 graduate teachers in 2010 and 4,606 undergraduate teachers in December 2013. Tripura Education Minister Tapan Chakraborty said the state government is hopeful that the fate of the 10,323 teachers would be protected after the final judgment of the Supreme Court. The main opposition parties, including the Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party and the Trinamool Congress, earlier welcomed the high court's verdict and sought fresh recruitment.

though less than 20% of such patients survive, the sexagenarian has not only survived after a critical surgery but has recovered sufficiently to resume normal activities. Just five to 30 cases per million a year are reported. The patient took seven days to recover after a stent cover graft was implanted at the base of his left carotid artery to protect the brain. Aortic dissection with thoracic aortic aneurysm was

extremely rare but it remains a major cause of death all over the world, said Monotosh Panja, interventional cardiologist at the BM Birla Heart Research Centre, who conducted the surgery. Lawkina, who has returned to his home in Aizawl said: "I am grateful to the doctors for saving my life. I realize that my condition was critical and few patients like me survive. I guess I am lucky," said Lawkina.

the vicinity of the village. According to the society, the human bones at Lamsial Puk – located about 10 kms from Farkawn on a vertical rock-face of a forested hill – have been scientifically dated to be from the mid17th century. It is believed the bones are the remains of members of a community that inhabited present-day Mizoram before the current population moved in from Myanmar after having migrated south from China’s southern regions.


9 December 2014

New Delhi, December 8 (the asiaN aGe): Increase in crime against the people of Northeast origin in the city has reportedly forced the Delhi police to revive an old policing method. The force, which earlier used to involve locals as “special police officers” for patrolling in their neighbourhoods, has restarted the exercise. This time, the locals involved in policing would be known as “representative officers.” More than 40 such officers belonging to the Northeast have been issued identity cards and assigned different responsibilities by the police. Statistics reveal that from mere 27 crime cases against residents of Northeast origin living in Delhi in 2011, the number went up to 73 in 2013 and as many as 145 cases were registered till November this year. This

Regd.No: 631/2014

Mizoram: Containers of preserved bones broken

Mizo patient survives enlarged aorta threat

KOlKata, December 8 (tNN): When 68-yearold Mizoram University employee F Lawkina was brought to a hospital in Kolkata last month, he was gasping for breath and on the verge of losing consciousness. It took him nearly 12 hours to reach the city from Aizawl, which further worsened his condition. Lawkina had Type B Aortic dissection with thoracic aortic aneurysm. Even

training, the ADGP said. "Shahanur's training has been in motivating youths for the JMB. Our strategy now is to deradicalise Sahanur", the ADGP said. The key suspect of Burdwan blast case, Shahanur Alam, carrying a award of Rs 5 lakh award on his head announced by the National Investigation Agency (NIA), was arrested by Assam Police's Special Operation Unit from his relative's house in Nalbari district on December 5 and remanded to 14 days police custody by a local court here. So far 10 persons, including Alam, his wife Suzena Begum and brother Zakaria Ali, have been arrested in Assam in connection with the Burdwan blast case, the ADGP said.

Anti-Dam groups to meet Union Minister

Tripura: SC stays order to end 10,323 teachers jobs aGartala, December 8 (iaNs): The Supreme Court Monday stayed a Tripura High Court order to terminate the jobs of 10,323 government teachers and allowed them to continue beyond Dec 31 and until the final disposal of the case. "A division bench of the Supreme Court comprising Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar and Justice Arun Mishra passed an order allowing the continuation in service of all the 10,323 teachers till the final disposal of the case or until further orders," said a Tripura law department official, refusing to disclose his identity. He said: "The Supreme Court has stayed the Tripura High Court order and passed its direction following an interlocutory application filed before the apex court by the state govern-

3 Delhi cops revive ‘neighbourhood policing’ to check racial crimes


The Morung Express

year, the police received more than 850 calls and of these about 650 calls were related to criminal incidents and cases were registered in as many as 150-odd cases. The police this year registered about 60 cases of eveteasing and 10 rape cases. Of the 40-odd “representative officers,” seven each are from Manipur and Mizoram, five each from Tripura and Assam, four from Meghalaya, three from West Bengal and two from Nagaland. They report to joint commissioner of police (training) Robin Hibu. The “representative officers” are working class people and their job is to help the members of their communities, who are in distress. “The ROs, along with the police officers, visit the victims and try to help them find solutions




INAUGURAL PROGRAMME FOR WORKSHOP –CUM – SEMINAR Conference Hall Urban Haat, Dimapur 10th December, 2014 11:00 A.M Shri. L. Hangsing Chief Manager, Rural, State Bank of India, Dimapur. INAUGURAL SESSION 1. Inauguration of workshop/Seminar : Chief Guest 2.Wel Come address : T. Wati Ao Managing Director, NHHDC Ltd.Dimapur 3.Speech by Chief guest : Importance of Financial facilities available for the weavers & artisans from the Bank. i.e, Weavers Credit Card, Kishan Credit card, Artisan credit card, Adhaar cards etc. LUNCH BREAK 4. Credit capital Subsidy linked @ 15% of MSME: Shri. Tali Longchar Scheme for micro small enterprises (SME) & other Deputy Director (I/C) Activities related to Weavers & Artisans MSME,Dimapur. Shri. Tokugha Achumi General Manager, D.I.C. Dimapur, Nagaland.

6. Export potential for Handloom fabrics of Nagaland and implementation of Handloom Mark and its importance & 12th 5 year scheme Under Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. : Shri.Sandeep P.Thubrikar Assistant Director (Weaving) Officer-in- Charge, Weaver’s Service Centre, Imphal, Manipur 7. Vote of Thanks:


FRCS renowned Endourosurgeon from Guwahati will be available for consultation on 10th December 2014 (Wednesday). Patients requiring Consultation/Operation for Urinary problems, Prostate, Kidney & Bladder Stone may contact the Reception for Registration.

NEURO-PSYCHIATRTST FOR CONSULTATION Dr. PAKHA TESIA MD (NIMHANS) Bangalore will be available for consultation on 13th December 2014 (Saturday).


Dr. GANESH DAS MBBS, MS (PGIMER) Trained Cancer Surgeon from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai will be available for consultation on 20th December 2014 (Saturday). For Registration, please contact:

Date: 08/12/2014

Notary Public, Dimapur: Nagaland

5. Registration of EMI I & II and other releated: activities for weavers and artisans through Dept. of Industries & Commerce


 03862- 231864, 227337, 224117

Solemnly sworn and signed by the deponent.

: : : :

they were even called by the police to attend meetings on law and order. However, the police started phasing out the SPOs after reports of corruption against them in 1998. With an increase in the attacks on the members of the Northeast community in the past few years, the police was increasingly been facing the problem of communication and coordination.

For more information, visit our website:

By this Deed, I the undersigned TALIMEREN LONGKUMER (New name) previously called TALIMEREN (Old Name), and resident of H.No: 41, Medical Ward, Changtongya, in the district of Mokokchung, Nagaland solemnly declare that for and on behalf of myself and my wife, children and remitter issue, I wholly renounce/ relinquish and abandon the use of my former Name/Surname of TALIMEREN and in place thereof I do assume from this date the name/surname TALIMEREN LONGKUMER, so that I and my wife, children and remitter issues may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name/surname, but assumed name/surname of TALIMEREN LONGKUMER.

Venue Dated Time Chief Guest

to their problems,” a senior officer said. The officer said that the scheme aimed to bridge the gap between the police and city residents. Earlier, the “special police officers” were appointed by the deputy commissioners of police on the recommendation of their station house officers. All the SPOs were provided with identity cards and


Shri. Shikaho Jimo Manager (Project), NHHDC Ltd. Dimapur



Cultural performances

by different Naga Tribes 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Top Spining Competition (YSRD) (12:00 noon)

Naga Cultural performances 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Great Hornbill Adventure Trail (GHAT) by Nagaland Adventure Club culminates at Kisama at 3:00 p.m.

Grand Finale oF Hornbill Festival 2014 With Bon-Fire lighting

by Miss Nagaland 2014 and other dignitaries And Unity Dance by Cultural Troupes and visitors 4:00 p.m. onwards At Naga Heritage Village, Kisama.

Prize for Hornbill Shopping Festival.

Prize for Great Hornbill Adventure Trail (GHAT).

Festival 2014

with a Mosaic of North Eastern Musicians. Hockey Ground, Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima 5:00 p.m. onwards

Naga Fusion Music Concert by Purple Fusion - 5:00 pm at Kisama, Heritage Village.

Hornbill Night Carnival 

BHARAT sANCHAR NigAM liMiTED (A govt. of india Enterprise)

NOTICE (No.31-1/2013-Rectt.)

RECRUITMENT OF JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (JAO) IN BSNL BSNL propose to recruit 962 JAOs in the IDA payscale of Rs.16400-40500/-. The closing date for receipt of application online is 31-12-2014. For details, candidates may log on to website:

CAREER OPPORTUNiTY The Nagaland State Entrepreneurs Associates Thrift & Credit Cooperatives Federation Ltd. (EATACOL) is looking for smart , dynamic, positive and hardworking young people who will take up leadership responsibilities for the following posts: 1. One post- Office Assistant for EATACOL, Pfutsero Office ●Graduate in any discipline● Basic computer knowledge● Starting salary from Rs. 8,000/onwards with added incentives● 2. One Post – An experienced Accountant to handle EATACOL Thrift & Credit Operations at Kohima Office ●B.COM Graduatesonly● Knowledge of Tally ● Starting salary from Rs. 12,000/- onwards with added incentives● Please submit your Resume by the 15th December 2014.Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview on on17th December 2014. Contact: 242665(0370)/8974053804 Address: EATACOL office, PWD Junction, Near Traffic Police Point, Kohima , Nagaland 797001

DAY NiNE Highlights Guest of Honour:

M.P. BEZ BARUAH, Member NEC, Shillong

Cultural performances by different Naga Tribes 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.

Traditional Fire Making Competition

(12:00 noon) (YRSD) Naga Cultural performances 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. NAGA CHEF CONTINUES…

Evening Highlights : “Runaway - Revisited” - Bon Giovi from England, the official tribute band of Bon Jovi will belt out the greatest rock ballads and hits of Bon Jovi at

Hockey Ground, Indira Gandhi Stadium (5:00 p.m).

Shillong chamber choir performs at Regional Centre of Excellence for Music and Performing Arts (RCEMPA) (5:00 p.m.) Hornbill Night Carnival continues......



public discoursE

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Morung Express

A Glimpse At The Naga National Movement


he Naga National Movement began under the aegis of A.Z.Phizo, the 4th President of the Naga National Council (NNC) which culminated from the then Naga Hills District Council (NHDC) formed in 1918 that later on changed to Naga Club. Starting to voice the rights and aspirations of the Nagas a memorandum was submitted to the Simon Commission of the then British India on the 10th January, 1929 stating that the Naga National shall remain sovereign and independent when the British leave India. When the British were about to leave India, the 10th point agreement or Akbar Hyderi agreement was signed in June 1947. But failing to implement the agreement by India, the Nagas formally declared its independence to the outside world on the 14th August, 1947 one day ahead of Indian Independence declaration on the 15th August, 1947. The same was cabled to the United Nations. To ward off the containment and forced occupation policy of other countries and

nations, the historic Voluntary Plebiscite of the Nagas was conducted on the 16th May 1951 reaffirming that the Nagas will be a free and independent people and a Nation whatever the circumstances may be in the fast changing world. Following this historic event, the Nagas did not participated and rejected in the first and second General Election of free India in 1952 and 1957. Mockingly three (3) Nagas who were fourth grade govt. employees in Assam Government were made to be MLAs in the Assam Legislative Assembly, namely; (1) Ao, Chubatemsu, Independent representing Mokokchung S/T having 28,056 voters, (2) Sema, Khelhoshe representing Naga Hills Central S/T having 20,351 voters, (3) Angami, Satsuo representing Kohima S/T having 38,920 voters. Indeed, it is not a surprise that the Election records revealed 0 (zero) voting in all the three Assembly seats. This exposed how India exercised her manipulative policy to contain Nagaland within the Indian Union and forcefully deprive

the Nagas of the inalienable sovereignty and freedom of our people. However, Naga movement for freedom was becoming stronger day by day carrying on the Plebiscite process in the un-administered areas of Nagaland called NEFA (North East Frontier Agency) then Honking government was set up at the initiative of A.Z.Phizo and Thungti Chang the first Chief of Naga Safe Guard for self defense. Later on, Naga Safe Guard was changed to Naga Home Guard and became a full fledged Naga National Army in 1962. Through the plans and efforts of the NNC under A.Z.Phizo, the Eastern Nagas under NEFA and the Western sectors were brought together under one identity to be a Popular Republic under the banner of the Federal Government of Nagaland on the historic 22nd March, 1956 (at Pheshunyu/ Sendenyu in Rengma Region). Naga National Movement took a dramatic turn when the 16 point agreement was signed with the Government of India by the Naga People Convention in 1960. They were to play mediatory roles, the Federal Gov-



ber of free financial and non-financial transactions have been reduced to three per month at six metros of Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad, after which the customer will have to pay Rs 20 for a financial transaction and Rs 8.50 per non-financial transaction. In case of usage in nonmetro areas, a customer can enjoy five free transactions per month at non-ICICI Bank ATMs, after which the same charges apply, it said. The issue of ATM usage has been a very contentious one due to the inter-connect charges a bank has to pay to the other. Additionally, the operating costs have also gone up, following a spate of incidents at the ATMs like the robbery at Bengaluru last year, which started the debate on transaction charges. After consultations, the

RBI last month started a system under which it allowed banks to charge from the fourth transaction onwards at other banks’ ATMs in metros, and also gave the liberty to banks to charge customers for the sixth transaction onwards at own machines. “The ATM transaction is free to you but not free to the bank. It costs the bank Rs 75 to Rs 100 for those five transactions. The bank has to collect that amount from somewhere and it has to be from customers. But there are two distortions that it creates. First, not everybody is doing the same amount of transactions and (also) are we subsidising using of cash by freeing up ATMs ?” RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan had said, in defence of the new move. Many banks have already announced reviews in their ATM charges following the announcement.

Government of India (GOI) to accommodate the surrendered cadres. Let the Nagas judge the gains and losses out of that misadventure. Regrettably, in aftermath too, Nagas are to face further splits which we are experiencing to this day. However, unable to crush the spirits of the freedom loving Nagas, the Government of India signed the historic BiLateral Cease Fire Agreement with the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) on the 6th September, 1964. Practically and legally these very episodes demean the existence of Nagaland Statehood under India but which thrives on to this day. Due to the manipulative policy of India and her agents thereof after the failure of the 6 (six) Round Peace Talks in 1968 at Delhi was followed by the unilateral abrogation of the agreement by India on the 31st August, 1972 and another chapter of terror and nightmare was unleashed on the Nagas. With the imposition of Indian National Emergency in 1975 and the traumatic terrorism that was unleashed on the Nagas, we thank God in purity of our hearts for enabling our peo-

ple to brace the situation of that time, the controversial Shillong Accord of 11th November 1975 was signed under the capacity of the Underground Organization of Nagaland with the Government of India. This accord had more or less brought a respite to suffering Nagas who were mercilessly left to be butchered in the atrocious hands of India as silent lambs. In the aftermath, this accord became the main factor in the split up of Naga family into different identities. The emergence of NSCN in 1980 followed by further split to become NSCN(IM) and NSCN(K) in 1988 shall remain a standing testimony to this harsh reality. Yet the Nagas can never evade the Plebiscite of 1951. The historical and political of Nagas shall ever remain. Clause 1 of the Shillong Accord specifically recorded that on our own volition we accept the Constitution of India. Unacceptable as the Nagas, the then President of FGN, late Zasheyi Huire disowned the Accord on 6th May, 1996 but under the wave of controversy internal conflict and fratricidal killings engulfed our land since 1980 till

the intervention of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) in 2008 after Peace Convention at Dimapur. The aftermath shall ever remain to reveal the truth, like it or not, we need to honor what history says because we can create but not change our history. By God’s given grace and the guidance of Shisha Hoho, Nagas had travelled much and resulted into the signing of the Covenant of Reconciliation in 2009 and Naga Concordant in 2011. Let us look forward to the materialization of one Naga National Government for the people by the people and of the people, wherein lies the liberation of the Nagas. Human history, unfortunately fail to solve issues and problems so let us repose our faith and look unto divinity and providence of the Almighty God for self assertion and upholding our identity and freedom. KUKNALIM T.S. Keyho Vice President Naga National Council

Wives can curb corruption at home

e know that house is built by husband, but it is wife who builds the home. A husband is the one who earns and provides and wife that manages this, so is the owner at home is wife whom we also may refer to as mistress or lord. Wife steward whatever in kind, materially or monetary that has brought at home. She has knowledge of a source of income of husband, if not, yet she may need to know the route of both known and unknown sources that usually gathered home— maybe a safe and honest source of earning or unwise that must be discerned being a wife. There are incomes which cannot be used at home is acquired through unacceptable means popularly known as corrupt terms. And there are incomes which can be used at home are one that acquired honestly. It’s a responsibility of wife to have/keep kitchen-gate at home wherein the honest sources/incomes can pass through it for use of their families. She must refuse the other incomes gained in misappropriated terms. If she does this, her husband will not in-

ICICI Bank to hike ATM charges from Jan 1

MuMbai, DeceMber 8 (PTi): Country’s largest private sector lender ICICI Bank has announced a hike in its ATM charges for saving account holders from January 1 next year. Under the new method, the number of free transactions in a month is fixed at five using own ATMs, while it has been capped at three for other banks’ machines. Customers can enjoy only five free transactions, including financial and nonfinancial, at the bank’s own automated teller machines (ATM), it said in a post on its website. After exceeding the free transaction limits, customers will have to pay Rs 20 per financial transaction excluding service tax and Rs 8.50 for every non-financial transaction, it said. For transactions at nonICICI Bank ATMs, the num-

ernment of Nagaland and the Government of India to solve the Indo-Naga issue but the signatories took upon themselves the authority to crush the will and aspiration of the Nagas and bring about the present Statehood of Nagaland under the Union of India which rocks the Naga nation to this day. This proved to be hijacking the authority of the NNC by the signatories and a step on their part for convenience of facilities and a compromise to sell of the freedom and liberty of the Nagas. During this period of confusion and uncertainty, the Revolutionary Government of Nagaland was formed in 1967 under the Presidentship of Mr.Scato Swu who was a former President of the Federal Government of Nagaland. That was the first split in the Naga National movement which was the result of mistrust, tribalism and differences in opinion and approach among senior leaders to liberate our people. It was a big setback to the Naga National movement. The Revolutionary Government surrendered in 1973 and the 111th BN of Border Security Force (BSF) with Headquarters at Chedema was raised by the

dulge in corrupt practices when he knows nowhere to place/use/ keep this foul income. We often talks about corruption. Who does this and where? The answer to me is, “Unscrupulous giants at public-based offices/agencies misused his/her power, manipulatively channelized some share at their kitchen, there their wives enjoy handling in it”. There could have been corruptfree state, if all wives of politicians, bureaucrats, officials, businessmen who are party-cronies, public leaders—down to VDB Secretaries, VCCs or the likes refuse to receive money brought in illegally by their husbands! There would have no such state of messy affair happening with rampant corruption as were/are in the earlier/present day. Men who earn little are often looked down upon for not sufficiently providing to their families. The credit/fame is one who successfully provides much more income than the other as it considered as able person so often goes under enormous pressure to be successful providers for the material/financial needs of their

families and to be a successful in the business of living. For some the lure of money becomes overwhelming. Wife often not fill her eyes if a basket is not overflow which turn pressurizes her husband for more. The result is that husband instead to look for hard work, indulges in foul means to accumulate numerous income in short time. Wife does not regard the honest income that generate by her husband if a kind/money is small but contentment is that on huge, takes as model husband irrespective on the meant violation of own conscience. She feel pleased only when he amassed wealth or returned back with full basket along, but forgot to praise him for bringing from an honest source. Our simplicity and austerity seems lost. With time pace, wives often contribute in generating income in one way or the other for livelihood. While doing so to help in producing economy, do not neglect to take care of their husbands from embezzlement. This can be convinced when there is harmony at home in the absence of conflict between husband and

wife. Wife and husband are incohabitants living under same roof must honor an honest living income whether more or less, but wife maybe obliged to encourage going for fair rather than a profit of improbity. If a wife doubt on the sources fetched home—unknown to her, may be queried thoroughly before use it. Wife who occupied in certain position/rank are also to be accountable and transparency before taking care for husband. However, by abetting husband or otherwise if she commits offence, theirs will be disgraced. By the time wife accomplished her own mission holy-kitchen refraining receiving ill gotten money—and at time avoid graft, the anti-corruption agencies on that may no longer be necessary in the country. Now we spend money to investigate or find out the ullaged wealth. There might have few honest wives, and perhaps, they are not the wives of politicians, bureaucrats, leaders etc. Bausha Pauwung Buchem Nyengching, Longleng

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


LEISURE SUDOKU Game Number # 3078

Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”



Answer Number # 3077

DIMAPuR Civil Hospital:

STD CoDE: 03862 232224; Emergency229529, 229474

Metro Hospital:

227930, 231081

Faith Hospital:


Shamrock Hospital


Zion Hospital:

231864, 224117, 227337

Police Control Room


Police Traffic Control


East Police Station West Police Station

227607 232181

CIHSR (Referral Hospital)

242555/ 242533

Dimapur hospital

224041, 248011

Apollo Hospital Info Centre:

230695/ 9402435652



Indian Airlines


Nagaland Multispe- 248302, cialty Health & 09856006026 Research Centre


O Amusement









H ACROSS 1. Pals 6. Kittens’ cries 10. Russian emperor 14. Not urban 15. Wings 16. Bygone era 17. Sporting venue 18. A musical pause 19. Regrets 20. Dramatist 22. Against 23. Bristle 24. Basswood 26. Deception 30. Indian bread 31. Many millennia 32. Hubs 33. Countertenor 35. Leg bone 39. In general 41. Poster 43. Foot lever 44. Abominable Snowman 46. Desiccated 47. Consumer Price Index 49. 14 in Roman numerals 50. Not more 51. Migratory grasshoppers 54. Ends a prayer 56. Iridescent gem

57. Esteem 63. Novice 64. Cuts off 65. Symbol of authority 66. Two-toed sloth 67. Doing nothing 68. A drama set to music 69. Collections 70. College girl 71. Assail

DOWN 1. Poop 2. Throw 3. Component of mammalian urine 4. Numerous 5. Dishes of shredded cabbage 6. Matrimonially 7. Chic 8. Clean 9. Homestead 10. Despotic 11. Noise 12. Mountain crest 13. Varnish ingredient 21. Kidney-related 25. Greek letter 26. Dud 27. Great affection 28. Breezed through

29. Heaven-sent 34. Made more efficient (British spelling) 36. Exposed 37. Colored part of an eye 38. Contributes 40. Austrian peaks 42. An organ of the body 45. Ideal 48. Slanted font 51. Water lily 52. Express a thought 53. unit of weight for gems 55. Wealthy man 58. Extinct flightless bird 59. Adhesive strip 60. Midmonth date 61. Monster 62. Tidy Ans to CrossWord 3085

Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home: Northeast Shuttles

STD CoDE: 0370 100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923

CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862 282777/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC)

MOKOKCHUNG: 0369 2226225/ 101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) PHEK: 8414853765 (O) 9862130954(OC) ZUNHEBOTO: 03867 280304/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC)

MON: 03869 251222/ 101 (O) 9436208480 (OC) KipHire: 8414853767 (O) 8974304572 (OC)

Toll free No. 1098 childline

Police Station 1:

DIMAPUR: 03862 232201/ 101 (O) 9436017479 (OC)

TUENSANG: 8414853766 (O) 8414853519



KOHIMA: 0370 2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC)

WOKHA: 03860 242215/101 (O) 9862039399 (OC)

Chumukedima Fire 282777 Brigade Nikos Hospital and 232032, 231031 Research Centre



STD CoDE: 0369


Police Station 2 :


Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home:

2226216 2226263

Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):


TAHAMZAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade


222246 222491



US Dollars Sterling Pound Hong Kong Dollar Australian Dollar Singapore Dollar Canadian Dollar Japanese Yen

61.62 95.65 7.93 50.78 46.46 53.72 50.58

62.05 96.72 8.02 51.52 47.01 54.38 51.20




Danish Krone



Norwegian Krone New Zealand Dollar Swedish Krona








The Morung Express

ThoughTS afTer eaSTer:

easterine Kire’s new book released KOHIMA, DECEMBER 8 (MExN): A new book by Dr. Easterine Kire entitled, “Thoughts after Easter” has been released. The release was informally done at Hornbill Festival, Kisama. Releasing the book, Member of Parliament Rajeev Chandrashekhar said he was impressed by the manner in which Kire had been able to present Naga history in several novels that depicted the lives of real people, informed a press release received here. ‘Thoughts after Eas-

Author Easterine Kire (left) with MP Rajeev Chandrashekhar during the release of her book, Thoughts after Easter.

ter’ is a collection of articles and essays on varying themes. Divided into four sections, there are literary and academic es-

says as well as articles on what Prof. AJ Sebastian describes as ‘stimulating reflections on world events replete with truth, mystery,

humour and irony of life.’ The essays range from articles of social and environmental concern to the deeply personal and the meditative. All articles have been published before either in the English original or in Spanish, German and Italian translation, the release added. The book is available at Cornerstone, Belho Complex, PR Hill, Education Connection, ACLS, Crossword, Porter lane, and other leading bookstores in Kohima and Dimapur.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

KCCI requests military personnel KOHIMA, DECEMBER 8 (MExN): The Kohima Chamber of Commerce & Industries (KCCI) has requested all military personnel, especially from the army and paramilitary, not to enter the ongoing Night Carnival at Kohima if it is not a matter of extreme security related issues. It has been observed that high ranking officers are being accompanied by their body guards in full combat uniform, carrying sophisticated arms, and moving about the carnival stretch “negatively” affecting the carnival atmosphere, said KCCI. The night carnival is being visited by children and families, as such, KCCI urged all military personnel and officers to kindly take note and cooperate with KCCI.



MEx FILE Beef to cost Rs. 140 per kg in Dimapur DIMAPuR, DECEMBER 8 (MExN): The Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) has increased the rate of beef to Rs. 140 per kg, and its offal (head, hoof, intestine) to Rs. 100 per kg with immediate effect. The rate fixation committee reviewed the price following a joint representation submitted to DMC for enhancement of the rate of beef, informed DMC Executive Officer H Atokhe Aye in a press release. Stating that the above prescribed rate is the maximum amount fixed by the DMC, the Executive Officer directed the butchers to provide quality and hygienic meat to the customers. The butchers have also been directed to install electronic weighing scale to avoid further complication and to keep their stalls dust free and fly proof. No increase of price will be allowed without substantiated by genuine documents, he added. Failing to comply with this order, the officer cautioned that he will be bound to take appropriate action.

GPRN/NSCN discharges one

DIMAPuR, DECEMBER 8 (MExN): The GPRN/NSCN has discharged Sergeant Major Atsase, bearing Naga Army No.15203 on health ground. The discharge letter dated November 21, 2014 was signed by Major General Vihoto Chophi, General Staff Officer (GSO-1 Administration), Naga Army GHQ, informed a press release from MIP (Ministry of Information & Publicity), GPRN/NSCN. The GSO-1 acknowledged the “selfless service/s” rendered by Atsase and wished him success in his future endeavor and further stated Hayithung Bill Lotha, on behalf that the order comes into immediate effect, the release added. of BJYM national office bearers, have also extended condo- NEPS 12th anniversary in Kohima lences to the bereaved family of Arhoni Ngullie. In a condolence KOHIMA, DECEMBER 8 (NEPS): The 12th anniversary of NEPS message, the two expressed grief news service will take place on December 12, 11:00 am at Hotel and sense of loss for “loving and Japfu in Kohima. Minister for social welfare Kiyanilie Peseyie will good-natured mother, strong, grace the occasion as chief guest. The function will be chaired by loyal and dedicated Mahila lead- Alice Yhoshu, General Secretary, Kohima Press Club. Welcome address will be delivered by Kopelo (Kops) Krome, consulting editor, er for around 20 years.” NEPS news service. KPC president Xavier Rutsa will also exhort the gathering. Background of NEPS journey will be given by Oken Jeet Sandham, editor-in-chief, while vote of thanks will be proposed by N. Dominic Ezung, member, NEPS Board of Director.

‘Head Hunters’ song released BJP Nagaland and BJYM extend condolences DIMAPuR, DECEMBER 8 (MExN): The BJP Nagaland State unit has condoled the demise of Arhoni Ngullie, a senior vice president of BJP Mahila Morcha. In a message, Dr M Chuba Ao described Late Arhoni Ngullie as a “woman of substance,” who had great interest in the growth of the BJP Nagaland. The BJP Nagaland

State Unit while conveying condolence to the bereaved family members asked God to comfort the family members at the time of pain and sorrow. The national president of Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) and Lok Sabha MP, Anurag Thankur and North East In-charge/ Convenor of BJYM,

Parliamentary Secretary S Chuba along with the team of “Head Hunters” song during the release event.

DIMAPuR, DECEMBER 8 (MExN): A song titled “Head Hunters” was released in commemoration of Hornbill Festival by S Chuba, Parliamentary Secretary for Labour and Employment. Senti Longchar (DK) “Desert King” wrote the song, which was composed along with John Pfokrelo (MM), Clef Ensemble Studio, and Lichen, Lead Guitarist, Divine Connection. S Chuba said, “The song is in fact an outcome of the Hornbill Festival and carries a message about the

rich Naga culture and tradition.” It speaks about the colourful Naga tribesmen and their history, he added. “It is a meaningful song, which is first of its kind produced in Nagaland.” He wished that all listeners would definitely enjoy and benefit through the song. A press release has informed that interested people may log on to, YouTube and Facebook for DK’s song and lyrics. Dr. Moa Walling, Anik and Temsu Longkumer coordinated the programme.

Senior Graduate Teachers’ meeting DIMAPuR, DECEMBER 8 (MExN): The Senior Graduate Teachers who were regularized on January 16, 2004 are now in promotion zone, said a press release received here. However, many of the teachers concerned are going to miss promotion opportunity due to presence of anomalies in the seniority list. In this connection, a meeting has been convened on December 10 at CANSSEA Office Kohima at 11:00 am to discuses matter relating to streamlining of the GTs Seniority list. All the GTs, whose service seniority had been counted from January 16, 2004 are mandatory to attend the meeting, informed the release issued by Convenor Kekuolhouthie and Secretary Temjenyapang. For further details, call 9436650749/ The Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) is organising a workshop on Organisational 9436215297/ 9436814444. Strengthening with special emphasis on identification of core values and principles of an organisation, identification of missing elements and gaps, addressing threats and challenges and capacity building. The workshop began on December 6 and will conclude on December 10, Human Rights Day. Craig Benjamin, Amnesty International, Canada; Dr. Colin Nicholas, Center for Orang Asli Concerns, Malaysia; and Christina Nillson, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs are also participating in the programme.

Methaneilie’s ‘stage comeback’ concert KOHIMA, DECEMBER 8 (MExN): Tsütuonuomia Youth Organization (TYO) is organising a ‘Stage Comeback’ concert for renowned local artist Methaneilie Solo on December 20 at Kohima Local Ground. The concert themed “Old Flames of Local Music” – Methaneilie Jütakhrie – The Minstrel, will start from 5:00 pm. The concert, organised coinciding with Christmas season, will be “single-handedly” led by

Methaneilie, informed a release from Kevisevolie Solo, TYO general secretary. Methaneilie will be accompanied by Aren Imsong (Guitar), John Jamir (Bass Guitar), Kekhrie (Drums) and Neiu Zumvü (Keyboard). The concert tickets are classified as General Ticket (Rs. 100/- Admit One) and Donor Ticket (Rs. 2000- Admit Two). Nagaland Post is the Media Partner for the

concert. In Kohima, tickets are available at Western Book Depot, Charry Store (Old NST), Sportsworld (Taxi Stand), Love Pharmacy (Phoolbari), WTF Hotel (near Catholic Cathedral), Popular Bakery (PR Hill), Plaza Bakery (Razhü Point), Car Liner (New Sectt.), Solo Enterprise & Phrenuo Hotel (High School Junction), and in Dimapur, at The Gardens (Super Market).

Again, the reply to Nagaland BJP


e it Nagaland BJP or any political party, it is expected to be well informed about the antecedents of whom it attacks. Informing Nagaland BJP that I am never a preacher, and yet, it does not disqualify me from asserting my religious rights and from being proud of what I believe. Not worth to be called politician, and yet, yes I am by profession. My political life is an open book and I never ever thought of myself to be of good integrity. I am cock sure whoever prepared BJP’s rejoinder must have unquestionable personality and must have won more Assembly elections than what I have achieved. In this respect, I dare not argue except that I, knowing myself, never attempted to be at national level as assumed by BJP. There is also no argument on the political track records of mine. It is also indicative that Nagaland BJP members are political virgins right from Ram or Shiva and not defectors like me from other political parties. I am not aware indeed that my association with NTC as one of the Advisors and my periodical participation in ACAUT activities used to irritate Nagaland BJP. It is also a new culture of Nagaland BJP, which is alien too, that a member of a political party is debarred from voicing social issues. Yes, much to the discomfort of many, I will continue

to associate with NTC and ACAUT in their activities as these organisations have been shouldering responsibilities for the suffering common man which political parties including Nagaland BJP dared to tread. Therefore, will it not be better to let NTC and ACAUT give its judgement on my performance and Nagaland BJP can follow it up? I did not talk about persecution of Christians by Hindus in Nagaland. Such persecution will not happen directly or easily in Nagaland except the psychological, educational and linguistic treatments. What I said about Christian persecution by BJP’s pillar organisations as RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, etc. is as NBCC, Catholic and other Christian leaders mentioned those to PM Modi this time in Nagaland. Better not sidetrack. Will I be scared to spell out what I am convinced when BJP is promoting Hinduism through its political power at the cost of Unity in Diversity? Is BJP mandated with unbridled powers to harass and persecute Christians in India? Are religious minorities like Christians banned from speaking the truth? Does Nagaland BJP consider persecutions of Christians by Hindu organisations in the country do not hurt or Christians should not feel hurt by such communal acts, and whereas my assertion hurts. The

Christian majority in Nagaland never persecutes Hindu minority and thus we have the peaceful coexistence for decades together. Hurting or not I continue to say that my God Jehovah is Superior to Hindu gods. What does Nagaland BJP say when Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj insisted to officially accept Bhagavad Gita as the national scripture? Once Hindu book Gita is made the national scripture, it implies one religion one nation. On the strength of the official declaration, more persecutions may follow. Why BJP PM Modi and his colleagues take more interest in the spread of Hinduism more than the Hindu religious leaders? Congress is comprised of people from all religious backgrounds, but none talks about religion apart from politics. In Nagaland, roles for Church leaders and politicians are drawn and there is no confusion. Constitutionally speaking, India is a secular nation, but BJP is now giving a theocratic treatment practically. When I said BJP plays two games at a time. It promotes its politics though Hinduism and promotes its Hinduism through politics. This is how BJP becomes communal. This is true and it has hit the jack pot. All what I have said are my personal observations and not on behalf of anybody. Z. Lohe

Parliamentary Affairs allocated to Kiyanilie

KOHIMA, DECEMBER 8 (NEPS): Minister for Social Welfare, Kiyanilie Peseyie, has been allocated additional portfolio of Parliamentary Affairs which was earlier held by Roads & Bridges Minister Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu. In a notification issued by the Cabinet Secretary on December 2, the Governor of Nagaland, on the advice of the chief minister, has allocated the Department of Parlia-

mentary Affairs to Kiyanilie Peseyie, Minister, in addition to his existing portfolio of the department of Social Welfare under the provision of Rules 5(1) of the Rules of executive Business of the Government of Nagaland. It may be mentioned that Peseyie has also been appointed as Chief Whip of the Naga People’s T Amenla, Associate Professor and HoD, Dept. of Education, DimaFront legislature with effect from pur Government College, delivering parting message at her farewell November 14. function organised by the college on December 6.

Public SPace

Silent Nagaland and Modi factor F Oken Jeet Sandham

or quite some time, the citizens particularly the youth seemed to be pregnant with angers ready to explode any time against the menace of corruption and Governor PB Acharya, since his assuming office in Nagaland, has been vocal to get rid of corruption from the soil of the state. The other day the governor while attending 24th Anniversary of the Nagaland Post on November 3, 2014 at Dimapur openly attacked the state politicians for the present state of affairs in the state. He said the rampant corruption in the state of affairs had derailed the economic plan, while also pointed out that the Naga people’s greed for easy money was the main reason that had emboldened rulers to indulge in corrupt activities. After two days of his unusually strong worded criticism against the state politicians for the rampant corruption in the state, state vigilance sleuths conducted raids on the residences of agriculture minister Dr Benjongliba Aier on November 5. The raids hit across the political spectrum and created insecure environment among the political circles in the state. The raids were reportedly carried out without the knowledge of state chief minister TR Zeliang. Soon after the raids were

over, a senior minister, who did not want to be named, disclosed that any ministers could be raided any time and none of them felt secure under the present Zeliang regime. Although the CBI cannot directly investigate into scams in any state without the sanction of that state government, there are reports that CBI might also probe against the oil exploration and state lottery issues in the state by next month. It is believed that under the new regime at the Center, it may not follow the mandatory procedure of seeking sanction from the state to investigate into any scams or ministers or officials. Modi may even overrule the existing mandatory procedures to get hold of those people responsible for the scams. According to sources, the Center is unhappy with at least the oil exploration and state lottery issues. One of the reasons the Center might be offended was the state government’s going ahead with framing of its own laws for oil exploration works and inviting companies to execute oil explorations in the state. The steps taken by the state have already brought controversial questions to the fore that whether the Center is the only competent one to frame laws for such activities, because at least for the state of Nagaland with re-

gard to land and its resources, it continues to argue that it is empowered to frame its own laws as per the Article 371 A (1) of the Indian Constitution that says: Notwithstanding anything in the Constitution- (a) no Act of parliament in respect of – (i) religious or social practices of the Nagas; (ii) Naga customary law and procedure; (iii) Administration of civil and Criminal justice involving decisions according to Naga Customary law; (iv) Ownership and transfer of land and its resources, shall apply to the State of Nagaland unless the Legislative Assembly by a resolution so decides. Soon after the news of the raids on the agriculture minister’s residences spread, social media users took their turn continuing intense debates and wanted more such raids on other ministers too. Today the citizens have steadily come out against the state of affairs in the state and they are more concerned for their future and wellbeing, and not bothered who rules the state. Even before Modi’s high profile two-day visit to Nagaland, large number of citizens in the state particularly the educated youth had some doubts he would give any “economic packages” to the state. The biggest question mark is “Why they had doubts on the Prime Minister with regard to granting economic

packages to Nagaland?” The simple answer is they knew what was going on in their state. Some concerned citizens and intellectuals were even against the grant of any economic packages to the state government. They demanded the government to come out with proper financial statements of past records before such grants happening. The Prime Minister, in spite of his reported desire to see the positive result of the Naga peace process within six months, has surprised the people by not uttering a single word on the Naga issue during his two-day stay in Nagaland. His silence on the Naga issue became a symbol of huge suspicion that he may bury Naga the issue forever, which his all predecessors had been nurturing to reach a logical conclusion. The state cabinet was also surprised as Modi did not have an audience with them when he was here for two days. He, however, gave 45 minutes to Nagaland BJP office bearers, functionaries and their legislators. While he was at Chumukedima Police Complex on November 30, he did not have even official dinner with the state council of ministers. He reportedly had his dinner alone. Even at Kisama, there was official grand lunch was arranged for him after the Hornbill Inaugu-

ral Function. But Modi skipped the official grand lunch soon after his Inaugural Function of the Hornbill Festival was over. It was reported that he had his lunch inside his chopper. Bottom Line: Buoyed by the visible growth of BJP in Nagaland where nearly 95% are Christian, Prime Minister Modi, while interacting with the state BJP legislators and workers at Chumukedima, told that the next Government in Nagaland would be BJP’s. His not uttering a single word on the state’s precarious financial positions during his two-day visit to Nagaland from November 30 to December 1, 2014 is only making state’s already dismal financial position more compounded. At the same time, the Center’s announcement that it would no more entertain providing any grants to any states will only push a state like ours to a “financial crisis.” Many citizens are imagining what type of destiny holds for them under the Modi regime and what can he deliver for them or whether their lives will improve at par with the rest of the country and the world. These are some of the questions to be asked and answers are yet to be seen. Till such time, the Nagas will continue to hope in silence as we have been doing for decades.

The Morung Express is introducing “Public Space” as part of our intention to provide deliberate space for the opinions of the people to be expressed and heard through this newspaper. Nonetheless, The Morung Express points out that the opinions expressed in the contents published in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper or the editor.



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express TuEsDAy 9 DEcEmbEr 2014 volumE IX IssuE 339

Austerity and the Land of Festivals


hat does ‘austerity’ mean in the ‘Land of Festivals’ where the state is already in deep financial shambles? While festivals are an important means of celebrating a people’s culture, the manner in which they are organized and take place needs to be consistent with its ethos and resources. It is well known that Nagaland state is in an acute financial deficit, and, yet we are also in the midst of the annual ten-day Hornbill Festival being organized with the same extravagance, pomp and gaiety. This seems rather ironic because just on the eve of the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Nagaland, a number of state political leaders were virtually on their knees pleading for a much needed ‘financial package’ to erase the deficit. Over the years the Hornbill Festival has become an important cultural annual event on the government’s calendar. While the festival’s glamorous aspects have received mostly enthusiastic reviews, its economics remain a critical concern. In the absence of an independent study, one cannot realistically evaluate whether the government’s spending of ‘public money’ on the Hornbill Festival has been recovered through its profits. Put another way, does it break even? Furthermore, there is a strong public perception that only a select few actually benefit from the ‘Festival of Festivals.’ So what does the festival actually mean to the ordinary majority? After all, public perception is important to a democratic process. Keeping in mind the deplorable financial conditions, the 2014 Hornbill Festival needed to be sensitive to this situation. Strategically, the festival should have been incorporated into a broader strategy to address, or at a minimum be respectful to the current unstable economic conditions. For example, the 2014 Hornbill festival could have been shortened by several days from the present 10-day schedule which would have expended fewer government resources. Also community participation (for example, giving teaching lessons for Naga cuisine, Naga weaving and other artisans’ skills such as carving, etc.) needs to increase so that the people benefit directly from it. Finally, rather than investing resources to bring international artists, they could have been used to promote and market our own Naga talents and products. The idea of ‘Buying in Nagaland’ makes little sense if we do not promote local capacity and indigenous products. While the Hornbill Festival as a brand name has been quite successful, its contents and the purpose seem to lack clarity. An independent study needs to be commissioned to evaluate whether the Hornbill Festival has had any impact on Nagaland state’s overall social, cultural and economic conditions. Such a study could help in providing recommendations to ensure that the festival has a meaningful and sustainable impact. At a time such as this, it is necessary to reflect on the relevance of the Hornbill Festival. The present dual conditions – a multi-crore festival on one hand while sections of government employees have not received their salaries for months, on the other - reveals the vast irony and contradictory reality that exists in Nagaland. So, what does austerity really mean in the Land of Festivals where majority are already directly experiencing austerity as reflected in their daily living?

lEfT wiNg |

Vishal Gulati IANS

minimise human -animal conflict


lusive, shy leopards avoid encountering humans, despite depending on their domestic animals for food and in fact can live close to their habitations, but in such a surreptitious way that most people do not even know they are near, leave alone getting harmed. In order to minimize human-leopard conflicts, it is important to understand more about how these big cats live among people, indicates a year-long study conducted by Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra wildlife departments and experts on five fully-grown leopards, including three female, by tagging radio collars. The habitat of these leopards was mainly the inhabited areas on the outskirts of Shimla and Akole town in Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra. The study, published recently in the journal PLoS One, said the leopards in human areas are not always "stray" or "conflict" animals but the policy makers need to rethink India's leopard-management strategies to minimise man-animal conflict."Leopards in human areas have been seen as stray or conflict animals. What we commonly see is a frenzied reaction to these sightings, mostly ending in disasters for people and the animals," Vidya Athreya of Wildlife Conservation Society, associated with the study, told IANS. She said this study has now proven that leopards are in fact resident animals and may require the country to revise management strategies to deal with wildlife in human areas. Sandeep Rattan, a veterinary surgeon with the Himachal wildlife wing, said rather than rejecting the leopards, people in mananimal conflict zone should be sensitized to accept them. "They (leopards) generally come near to human habitats in search of easy prey and dogs attract the leopards from far away because the predators have good hearing," Rattan told IANS. He said the focus should on minimising the population of stray dogs. "If the number of stray dogs are reduced, leopards' visits to villages and towns would automatically reduce. The way to reduce the stray dogs is by reducing their food source which is garbage." The studied leopards perceived as "problem animals" were captured from human-dominated areas. Two were later translocated and released more than 50 km away, while the remaining three were released near the site of capture. The scientists monitored the animals' activities from the time of release, recording their behaviour, including strategies they adopt to avoid direct contact with people. According to the study, immediately after release, the two translocated animals moved away 89 km and 45 km respectively from the release sites. "This indicated futility of translocation as a management strategy; this could have in fact aggravated the conflict as these animals passed through highly-human dominated (even industrial) areas," said the study. However, the leopard applied tactics to avoid encountering people, despite dependence on their resources. Firstly, the animals mostly moved at night, which timed perfectly with low human activity. They also spent more time closer to people's homes at night than during the day. "This gave them an access to people's livestock, and yet kept them safe from people," Athreya said. The two translocated animals occupied bigger home ranges, from 42 km and 65 km, including one on the outskirts of Mumbai. The other three lived in areas with highest human densities, but occupied smallest home ranges (8 to 15 sq km) ever recorded for leopards anywhere. Despite living in close proximity to humans and even being dependent on their resources, none of the leopards were involved in human deaths during capture or following release, said the study. There is a need for more studies on ecology of wildlife that share space with humans in India, so that better understanding can feed into better policy, it added. Though the leopard is protected under Schedule 1 of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, they are occasionally poached for their skin. Sometimes they are also killed by farmers to protect livestock.



Dan Perry Associated Press

4 years on, something of an “Arab Winter” I

t began with a spark, four years ago: An itinerant fruit seller, despairing of life in authoritarian Tunisia, set himself on fire and burned to death. It provoked a revolution, and the flames caught swiftly across a region that had known little but despotism since the day colonial rulers went home. The world celebrated the "Arab Spring" as evidence that the people of the Middle East, like those everywhere, yearn to be free. But time has not been kind to the optimists. After some hiccups, Tunisia is the one bright light today, with a free presidential election planned later this month. But across the Middle East, bloodshed, chaos and dashed dreams were far more often the result. Hundreds of thousands have died, most in a ferocious and seemingly unwinnable Syrian civil war that has displaced millions, spilled over into Iraq, and threatens to destabilize other neighboring countries. Libya is an ungovernable and dangerous mess. And Islamic radicals have seized the discourse to a great extent; a US-led coalition fights them now, in Syria and Iraq. "We can expect democratic transitions to be messy, chaotic and sometimes bloody, but this is worse than even the worst expectations," said Shadi Hamid, a Mideast expert at the Brookings Institution. The biggest and most unfortunate lesson people learned, he said, is that peaceful protest does not necessarily lead to a peaceful way forward or toward democratic transition. Increasingly, people in the region are asking whether democracy is even a good idea in the Arab world. The question seems unfit for polite society, but it was already on the table in January 2011, as a panel of Arab finance figures considered events back home from the comfort of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, its members clearly none too pleased. One recommended strong but "benevolent" leaders for the region. Another said democracy was alien to a region where patriarchal traditions dominate. A third said the public needs education lest it simply vote along tribal lines. Others saw radical Islamists swiftly bamboozling the masses. Among the mostly Western audience, there was a palpable sense that these were the well-fed, predictably disinterested in sharing the pie. Within days, a cheering world community was riveted to screens as Egypt's long-submissive people thronged to Cairo's Tahrir Square, braving bullets and refusing to leave until veteran ruler Hosni Mubarak stepped down. The military forced him out in the end. But in the narrative of revolution, it was articulate young activists like Google executive Wael Ghonim who got the credit. They are not much to be seen these days in Egypt. Instead of the liberals, an Islamist party won four elections. It badly misruled and was overthrown by the military and banned, its leaders now in jail and being handed death sentences en masse that are not likely to be carried out. Many hundreds have been killed in the suppression of street protests. Military chief Abdel Fattah el-Sissi was elected president almost without challenge, but domestic criticism is muted now and liberal activists sit in jail. Angry jihadis blow things up and kill what soldiers they can catch. Bringing things nearly full circle, a court last weekend acquitted Mubarak — who has been in detention since stepping down — of corruption and dropped charges of complicity in the deaths of hundreds during the revolt. It went over quietly; the people, most of all, are yearning to be free of turmoil, and to have enough to eat. It seems likely that Mubarak, 86, will soon walk free. Four years after the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia, here are some lessons to be learned:

In this September 22, 2014, file photo, Hawthi Shiite rebels chant slogans at the compound of the army's First Armored Division, after they took it over, in Sanaa, Yemen. The world celebrated the "Arab Spring" as evidence that the huddled masses of the Middle East, like people everywhere, are simply yearning to be free. But time has not been kind to the optimists. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed/File)

keep their distance from the masses in different ways almost everywhere. But in the Arab world it has long been rather extreme, and the past three years have made it worse. The Egyptian revolution enjoyed very broad support from the largely secular elites, except for people who had economic ties to the regime. Free and fair elections were the focus, much like in Eastern Europe two decades before. But the early elections of the Arab Spring tended to elevate political Islamists, who were the only force that effectively organized politically under the authoritarian regimes. The Muslim Brotherhood won a succession of parliamentary, presidential and constitutional votes in Egypt — to the horror of most of the elites — before the military threw its leaders into jail. By now, educated Egyptians tend to have developed more complex ideas about democracy that sound like ways to keep it at bay: The people are not quite ready, as perhaps a third are illiterate; Western ideas of extreme freedom of speech are dangerous here for now; a steady building of the institutions of a civil society must come first, even if decades are required to do it right. The subtext: If the masses will elect Islamists, then democracy can wait. Jihadis Are No Joke The jihadis who want to export Islam by force through the region and the world were a threat before, but the past four years took it to a new level. Libya's conflict sent heavy weapons scattering across the Mideast and war in Syria generated a new jihadi cause. Then came the banning of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt — and the support that move received in the Gulf, except for in Qatar. The Brotherhood denies any connection to terrorism but some supporters have likely given up on the ballot box. So jihadis are at war with secular governments and moderate Muslims everywhere. It is not just the Islamic State group, imposing an extremist form of Islam in parts of Syria and Iraq; it's also the Nusra Front and other Syrian factions with radical ideologies. Jihadis terrorize much of Libya and in Egypt's Sinai are in rebellion. They fight the government and the Americans in Yemen. So brutal are these radicals — massacring opponents, enslaving women, and beheading captives — that they are widely seen as a greater threat than anything as tame as a corrupt and authoritarian military regime.

Monarchies Survived Every one of the countries whose leader was toppled — Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen — had The Elites Distrust The Masses Most of the world has seen a growth in inequal- been run by authoritarian civilians backed by military ity in recent decades, and the educated and wealthy power. So is Syria, where war rages still. The monar-


appiness is a human right. It’s neither a luxury nor a triviality. It’s given to you at birth, but you must recognize its existence. It’s as important as the breath of air in your lungs. If people aren’t happy, the world is not right. Most people think that once they have found “it” — whatever that “it” may be for them — then they will have attained “perfect” happiness. But happiness always comes from within, and many unfortunately take it for granted, or feel guilty about it or suppress happiness instead of setting it free. It’s not possible to experience constant euphoria, but if you’re grateful, you can find happiness in everything. While I’ve expressed gratitude many times for what my song “Happy” did for me personally, I will never stop saying thank you. I’m thankful for all the people behind the song’s success, and how I was constantly pushed to do more — my song submissions for this scene in “Despicable Me 2” were rejected nine times. I’m thankful that people now know my name where they hadn’t before. But what has moved me the most is that people from all over the world, in places like Poland, Japan, Mexico, Korea, Brazil, Senegal and Jordan, took this song — one that I was lucky enough to create — and made it their own. I didn’t create this phenomenon. Everybody else did. Moved by the spirit of “Happy,” people young and old, from the most remote corners of the globe to the most polarized, began recording homemade videos of themselves dancing and singing along to the song. People expressed joy to the track in the tsunami-ravaged Philippines, the Gaza Strip, Vatican City, the Ukraine and beyond. And in the spring, just days after Iran’s president had denounced Internet censor-

chies, from Morocco to Jordan and Saudi Arabia and the neighboring United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait, were barely touched. In Bahrain Sunni rulers did have to stamp out an attempted rebellion by majority Shiites. But in the booming Emirates, life went on for a minority of privileged citizens and an army of Westerners living fantastically well for the most part. The others, Asian itinerants mostly, went on building their towers and cleaning their streets, largely unseen and rarely heard. "You really can buy your way out of an uprising," said Ayham Kamel, director of Middle East and North Africa with the Eurasia group in London, speaking of the Gulf monarchies. Sunnis And Shiites, Dysfunctional Together The current map of the central part of the Middle East — the Levant — is in good part the result of colonial powers dividing up the spoils of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I. Minimal attention was given to the region's intra-Arab group animosities that have existed since the 7th century. This created states that are mixed between Sunnis, Shiites and other groups. To outsiders, Sunnis and Shiites differ little: the language, appearance, basic religion, social mores, and even most customs are the same. But history has shown that where one group dominates the others are often trampled; this is the case in Sunni Saudi Arabia. Where there is some parity a chaotic struggle for primacy has generally followed: this happened in Lebanon, whose 15-year civil war ended in 1990; it is the case in Syria and Iraq today. If Islamic State's goal was not extremist Islam but merely the creation of a Sunni zone spanning the Sunni part of Syria and Iraq, that aspect would have some support among the population. No Palestine Spring The Arab revolts did not spread to Palestine, but they are having a big effect. Events in Iraq and Syria make it seem not unreasonable that the Islamic State group could attack Jordan and in the future also make inroads in a Palestinian state composed almost entirely of Sunni Muslims. Palestinians tend to dismiss such fears. But Israelis listen when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu argues it would be folly, at such a time of chaos, to pull out of territory that sits on the cusp of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. So the occupation grinds on, and with it continues the Jewish settlement of the West Bank and east Jerusalem, each day bringing the sides closer to a single binational entity whose component pieces can no longer be ripped apart. That would be the end of the Jewish state — perhaps the most ironic potential outcome of the events sparked by a Tunisian street vendor on Dec. 17, 2010.

Happiness Matters Pharrell Williams IHT ship, a group of young Iranian men and women were arrested after posting their own version, “Happy in Tehran,” and were forced to publicly apologize before they were released on bail. It’s those people, inspired and brave, making their own videos and sharing them on YouTube, who showed me how happiness can connect us all. This reminded me of how music can break down barriers, transcending language, religion and even geography. Music can be political: Harmony can penetrate the walls where attitudes can’t, and a melody can get your attention more quickly than a shout. Music can send you in a different and unexpected direction. In my own life, “Bonita Applebum” by A Tribe Called Quest set me on a new path. Its creativity made me curious, which helped me to start to chisel away at what I wanted to know. It got my mind going, got me asking questions — it was the first song that ever did that for me. And music is universal. It’s easy to forget how the power of music can prove how similar we are as human beings by taking us all to a common place, a shared feeling, an emotion or an understanding of something that is often inexplicable. It can make us all smile — and few things on this earth are as beautiful. It’s humbling to know that something I touched helped to inspire mil-

lions of smiling faces, reaching disparate people across far-flung places. There are really no words to explain that feeling. Humbled seems inadequate. People often ask me why I think so many connected with the song. And that’s just it — the connectivity. We’re more connected than ever now, and this phenomenon would not have happened without a channel like YouTube or the ability to easily create and share videos, but it’s the emotion that really drove it. Happiness is the truth, and it’s contagious. How can you not smile when you see someone who is happy? It’s such a simple thing, and we need so much more of it as we face the challenges that threaten peace all over the world. That’s why I participated in the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness on March 20, which every year celebrates unity and says that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal that should be recognized in public policy objectives. Building on the organic response to, we created and inspired people to submit their own “Happy” videos. We received responses from more than 140 countries and the result was a 24-hour celebration and a wave of happiness worldwide. People came together in cities to sing, dance and celebrate happiness. A flash mob


gathered in Croatia; “Happy” played on Jumbotrons in Tokyo, Japan; and there was a #HappyDay video contest in Indonesia. I plan to take this turning point into the next year. In 2015, I will use the song to bring attention to the United Nations Global Education First initiative, which aims to put every child in school and foster global citizenship. Happiness should not just be a temporary phenomenon, and it should not be limited to just one moment in 2014. If we can connect on this level, we can connect on others, like accepting each other’s individuality and working toward a greater sense of well-being. We all need to recalibrate our self-awareness based on happiness, or we won’t know who we are or what we stand for. Only then will we realize that there’s always a reason to smile, we can make social progress and we can truly become a global nation. With almost a billion views combined, I hope the “Happy” video continues to inspire humanity and the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is not found over the rainbow or in some mythical place. It’s around the corner, dancing down the street with no cares in the world. Our time on this earth is not infinite. We need to welcome any opportunity to smile and can’t afford to waste one second. There’s real purpose in our desire for happiness — it’s not silly or even selfish to pursue it. So yes, it might sound crazy what I’m about to say, but it’s my responsibility to repeat it. Go ahead, feel like a room without a roof. No boundaries, no limits, no restrictions. Dance like no one’s watching, smile like love and believe that happiness can change the world. Pharrell Williams is a Grammy Award-winning musician, designer and entrepreneur

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7 The Global Slavery Index: seduction and obfuscation TuEsday


9 December 2014



n the twenty years I have been working in this field, human trafficking (now popularly referred to as ‘slavery’ or ‘modern-day slavery’) has moved from the margins to the mainstream of international political attention. New laws have been adopted; new institutions have been established and hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to support prosecutions, victim protection and prevention. While concern about exploitation has provided some impetus for action, other inducements have helped enormously. Chief among these is the annual US State Department “Trafficking in persons” (TIP) report, which assesses and grades each country’s response. Failure to meet stipulated standards renders the country concerned liable to a range of economic sanctions. The impact of these reports is difficult to calculate but impossible to ignore. No country likes to be publicly identified as a failure and many have proved willing to take significant steps to avoid or repair a negative assessment. Striking changes have also taken place in the civil society response. Until very recently, ‘trafficking’ survived, just barely, as a niche issue within women’s and human rights groups. Today it is the focus of a major social movement that, according to the publicity of its self-proclaimed leaders, is uniting millions of individuals against the scourge of ‘modern slavery’. A major game-changer has been the emergence of the philanthropist- founded NGO, of which Walk Free, established by Australian mining billionaire Andrew Forrest in late 2012, is the most prominent example. At the time of its creation, Walk Free’s explicit mandate was to ‘eliminate slavery in [Forrest’s] lifetime. As the Economist reports, Forrest consulted with Bill Gates, the original founderfunder, who advised that he needed to find a way to quantify the problem because (in a phrase that speaks volumes about how development and human progress is currently understood and managed), “if you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist”. This led directly to the Global Slavery Index, which ranks most countries in the world on the basis of the prevalence of ‘slavery’. The first Index was released in 2013 and the second (which, in addition to prevalence also measures vulnerability to slavery and government responses) in November 2014. The Global Slavery Index did not emerge in a vacuum. Contemporary governance has come to rely heavily on rankings and indicators. Particularly in complex areas such as human development, corruption and the rule of law, these Indexes provide (or are treated as providing) the otherwise elusive ‘evidence base’ that helps to secure support for particular responses and rationalize decision making. One of the great frustrations of the anti-trafficking / anti-slavery movement has been the absence of hard data. We know – instinctively and anecdotally - that millions of people in all parts of the world are trapped in situations of exploitation from which they cannot escape. But human exploitation takes on many different forms, occurs largely among hidden populations and is notoriously difficult to find, let alone quantify in any meaningful way. That is a problem for those working to address such exploitation because, as Bill Gates pointed out, things that can’t be measured don’t really exist. If they don’t exist then pushing for change becomes difficult, if not impossible. This creates an almost irresistible temptation to make a silk purse out of a very tattered sow’s ear: to harness the power of statistics and numbers in order to create an illusion of concreteness that masks the slipperiness of what we are counting and how. It is understandable that Walk Free, a new player, seeking to make its mark in a highly competitive environment, has succumbed to that temptation. Less forgivable are the weaknesses that mar the substance of the Index and compromise its findings: a mysterious, inconsistently applied methodology, a raft of unverified / unverifiable assumptions and multiple, critical errors of fact and logic. Even the basic unit of measurement “modern slavery” is flawed: the definition is self-created and, bi-


t is now a journalistic cliché to remark that George Orwell’s “1984” was “prophetic.” The novel was so prophetic that its prophecies have become modern-day prosaisms. Reading it now is a tedious experience. Against the omniscient marvels of today’s surveillance state, Big Brother’s fixtures — the watchful televisions and hidden microphones — seem quaint, even reassuring. Everything about the world Orwell envisioned has become so obvious that one keeps running up against the novel’s narrative shortcomings. I am more impressed with another of his oracles: the 1945 essay “You and the Atomic Bomb,” in which Orwell more or less anticipates the geopolitical shape of the world for the next half-century. “Ages in which the dominant weapon is expensive or difficult to make,” he explains, “will tend to be ages of despotism, whereas when the dominant weapon is cheap and simple, the common people have a chance ... A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon — so long as there is no answer to it — gives claws to the weak.” Describing the atomic bomb (which had only two months before been used to flatten Hiroshima and Nagasaki) as an “inherently tyrannical weapon,” he predicts that it will concentrate power in the hands of the “two or three monstrous super-states” that have the advanced industrial and research bases necessary to produce it. Suppose, he asks, “that the surviving great nations make a tacit agreement never to use the atomic bomb against one another? Suppose they only use it, or the threat of it, against people who are unable to retaliate?” The likely result, he concludes, will be

anne Gallagher OpenDemocracy

The Global Slavery Index is critically flawed: compromised by a weak methodology, unverified assumptions and multiple errors of fact and logic. Why the silence? zarrely, changes from one year to the next. The methodology used in the first Index to establish prevalence of slavery was extremely crude: based on four studies, dealing with seven countries, that was then extrapolated across to countries considered to be in a similar situation. In other words, on the basis of an interpretation of data sources relating to the UK, the US and Eastern European countries, the Index blithely declared the number of slaves in Germany at the time of writing to be 10,646. The 2014 Index sought to improve on this by conducting its own random sample surveys in seven countries (then applied to three more) and utilizing existing survey data from a further nine. The instability of the resulting data is reflected in lower and upper estimates. The lower estimate of slave numbers in Brazil (one of the formally surveyed countries) is 45,006. The upper estimate is almost one million and the final, unexplained figure is 155,300. Questions can also be asked about the quality of existing survey data used. For example, the Index borrows heavily from material previously published by two of its authors in a human rights journal. But even here, application is indecisive and inconsistent: the 2014 Index rejects that material in relation to three countries (the United Kingdom, Italy and Poland) after the figures it first produced in 2013 were rightly challenged. Even the very well informed reader will struggle to understand how the fragile sample data from 19 countries was so confidently extrapolated across to the remaining 148. The division of surveyed countries into six ‘clusters’ for extrapolation purposes looks impressive at first but one starts to worry when this results in Egypt being classified as “high income” and Hong Kong falling behind China on the same measure. At some points application of the extrapolation “protocol” verges on the ludicrous. For example, Thailand and Brunei are claimed to have the same proportion of their populations enslaved – a risible assertion to anyone with even cursory knowledge of the situation in those two countries. In calculating the number of slaves in Singapore, the Index identifies that country as being half like Japan (whose figure is calculated on the basis of it being just like South Korea, whose figure is calculated on the basis of it being somewhere in between Cyprus and Western Europe) and half like Sweden. Incredibly, the number of slaves in South Africa is calculated on the basis that this country is 70% like Western Europe (because: “[h]istorically, South Africa has been culturally similar to western, democratic nations”) and 30% like Africa. After noting that almost no reliable information exists on slavery in China, the Index’s authors cheerfully proceed to declare that they are comfortable with China being considered pretty much the same as other East Asian nations like South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. Despite these and many other egregious flaws, including those related to how both vulnerability and government response are assessed, critical examination of the Slavery Index has been oddly muted, especially when compared to the strong attacks (many of them amply justified) that have been launched against the US’s ‘name and shame’ TIP report. The most benign explanation is that those most affected – governments – simply don’t care. We might also wonder whether the avalanche of statistical and quantitative research jargon is deliberately intended to have an intimidating and silencing effect. Other possible explanations for the lack of critical engagement with the Index are even more wor-

rying because they concern the rather grubby realities of power and funding. The leadership of Walk Free appears to have virtually unfettered access to the global elite; securing glowing endorsements of the Index from a stable of international figures from Clinton to Blair, from Bono to Branson. For the mainstream media and pretty much everyone else, this was more than good enough. With only marginal exceptions, coverage of the Index has been uniformly fawning and superficial. One may have expected prominent and respected members of the anti-trafficking / anti-slavery community to be falling over themselves to critically engage with the Index. The resounding silence from this quarter is disquieting and deserves scrutiny. Walk Free, along with its various subsidiaries, has come to the big table with a seductive promise of abundant funding at a time when previously generous government donors are flagging. A number of international organizations and individual experts who would seem to be in a strong position to critically evaluate the Index have been effectively co-opted through partnerships and advisory roles. For example, the International Labour Organization has spent decades trying to refine its global estimates of forced labour and certainly possesses the expertise and authority to thoroughly discredit the methodology used in the Index. But the ILO is a partner in Walk Free’s recently launched Global Fund to End Slavery. In fact the public 'launch' of the Fund was held at ILO Headquarters in Geneva with the participation of senior ILO officials. Cashstrapped, like all UN agencies, and with an understandable desire to maintain its place as a key player on this issue, the ILO is hardly in a position to bite the hand that feeds so generously. Why does all of this matter? The most immediate problem is one that has faced the US TIP Report: poor information, presented as fact, contributes to poor decision-making and sometimes even highly damaging, unintended outcomes. It is ironic that this was the asserted rationale for producing the Index in the first place. But we don’t make things better by pretending to know much more than we do. For me, the main worry, the one that has compelled me to speak out, lies in the distorting effect that organizations like Walk Free and tools like the Global Slavery Index are having on how we understand and respond to human exploitation. Put simply: the Index embodies and perpetuates a comforting belief that slavery is all about bad individuals doing bad things to good people. At the root of this belief is an unshakeable faith in us being able to eliminate slavery without fundamentally changing how our societies and economies are organized; without a radical shift in the distribution and exercise of political and economic power. At no point does the Index or its parent organization challenge – or even gently interrogate – the underlying structures that perpetuate and reward exploitation, including a global economy that relies heavily on exploitation of poor people’s labor to maintain growth and a global migration system that entrenches vulnerability and contributes directly to trafficking. In the words of Peter Buffett, this is not much more than “philanthropic colonialism”, the advocacy and giving that “just keeps the existing structure of inequality in place.” Only the shortsighted would oppose an injection of energy, commitment and resources into the battle against ‘slavery’. If Walk Free proves capable of producing reliable and replicable data through the consistent application of high quality methodology, then this will be a valuable contribution to improving our understanding of how exploitation happens and why. But that is not happening yet. And, even while it collectively obsesses over numbers and data points, the anti-slavery community as a whole would do well to consider just how far it is really willing to go in attacking the structures that preserve and nourish a world built solidly on the foundations of human exploitation. This is an extended version of an article published in The Guardian on November29, 2014

“Arena of mind” portrays a space for idea germination, a field where ideas from multi-disciplinary viewpoints fertilize the world of intelligence. The writers aspire to envision a new future by exploring the mind, discovering new seeds of insights and unleashing them to enlightenment.

Grow Green and Go Green sr. Nancy, a.C. Department of botany, St. Joseph’s college, Jakhama


his is a matter a great concern not only for us humans but for the nature as well. The mother earth is reeling under great pressure that global warming, new outbreaks of epidemics and other social havocs that affect us today. The need to identify, understand, protect and promote ecological balance is the priority that each of us has to be actively involved. Ecology is the branch of biological science concerned with the relationships and interactions between living organisms and their surroundings or environment. Peaceful maintenance of the ecological balance has to do with the manner of our living and interacting creatively in the world that doesn’t harm or deplete our environment, but rather gives back to and even helps to naturally regenerate the ecosystems of the Earth. An Ecosystem is a given area where the biotic assemblage of all organisms, plants as well animals interact with their physical environment in such a manner that there is a flow of energy leading to clearly defined tropic structure, biotic diversity and material cycles within a system. Such an Ecosystem may be natural as a pond, a lake, a river, an ocean or it may be artificial such as dam, and garden or it could be even a tiny drop of water or an ocean. The world today is economically richer and environmentally poorer than ever. Humanity today more than ever before is passing through a perilous eco-crisis created by the utter degradation of the environment. Humans have been responsible for most of the ecological imbalances. Humans have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 25% compared with any other period when humans were on this planet. Most of that has taken place in the last 50 years. What has been happening in the world under the guise of economic growth is exploitation of natural resources without due consideration of sustainability. As per the World Health Organization, air pollution is the fifth largest killer in India, and the country has the world’s highest death rate because of chronic respiratory problems. Several studies show that the impact is the worst on the city’s children, whose immune systems are less developed than that of adults. An uninterrupted deforestation is destroying the earth’s ozone layer which is the earth’s precious natural filter that saves us from the dangerous ultra violet radiations from the sun. It is made known that the mindless and irresponsible emission of green gas and carbon dioxide, air, water and noise pollution et al lead to climate change that like in other countries change the very map of India. The adverse effects of climate change are being felt on more than a fourth of India’s landmass over the last four decades. While some parts of the country have turned arid, others have witnessed more rainfall. All the world religions teach to save nature which protects and provides for us. The Bible right from its very first Book of Genesis where the whole story of Creation by God is narrated to the last Book of Revelation is a live depiction of God’s Saving intervention in the history of the erred humanity. In the context of a global ecological crisis, we can no more continue to be in a taken-for-granted relationship with nature. Human greed and the use of technology not just for ‘more or better production’ but for mindless destruction of bio-diversity are the root causes of environment degradation with its alarming consequences of the ozone depletion, climate change, global warming and a dying ecosystem. The ecological imperative today calls the inhabitants of the earth to restrain from being facilitators of an ecocide, and develop an eco-world view based on human fellowship with the entire cosmic community including the biotic. The call of nature urges us to relate to nature not as an object of utility but a subject to be loved and cared for, to be nurtured and respected. It is our bounden duty to protect the mother earth and all its resources that God has made for us and for our wellbeing. The time has come to educate people on the need to protect and promote eco friendly life in all spheres of life. The need to cultivate good habits among the students and enabling the students to plant trees and take care of the flora and fauna of the state has to be the priority that needs impetus from the educationists. Let us be grateful to the creator for making this land a beautiful paradise on earth and let us make sure that we promote and protect it. So let us grow green to go green to protect our mother earth from all calamities.

Who Should Own the Internet?

On Living in a Surveillance Society “an epoch as horribly stable as the slave empires of antiquity.” Inventing the term, he predicts “a permanent state of ‘cold war,"’ a “peace that is no peace,” in which “the outlook for subject peoples and oppressed classes is still more hopeless.” There are parallels between Orwell’s time and ours. For one, there has been a lot of talk about the importance of “protecting privacy” in recent months, but little about why it is important. It is not, as we are asked to believe, that privacy is inherently valuable. It is not. The real reason lies in the calculus of power: the destruction of privacy widens the existing power imbalance between the ruling factions and everyone else, leaving “the outlook for subject peoples and oppressed classes,” as Orwell wrote, “still more hopeless.” The second parallel is even more serious, and even less well understood. At present even those leading the charge against the surveillance state continue to treat the issue as if it were a political scandal that can be blamed on the corrupt policies of a few bad men who must be held accountable. It is widely hoped that all our societies need to do to fix our problems is to pass a few laws. The cancer is much deeper than this. We live not only in a surveillance state, but in a surveillance society. Totalitarian surveillance is not only embodied in our govern-

Julian assange IHT

Turning Point: The top E.U. court orders Google to grant the “right to be forgotten.'’ ments; it is embedded in our economy, in our mundane uses of technology and in our everyday interactions. The very concept of the Internet — a single, global, homogenous network that enmeshes the world — is the essence of a surveillance state. The Internet was built in a surveillance-friendly way because governments and serious players in the commercial Internet wanted it that way. There were alternatives at every step of the way. They were ignored. At their core, companies like Google and Facebook are in the same business as the U.S. government’s National Security Agency. They collect a vast amount of information about people, store it, integrate it and use it to predict individual and group behavior, which they then sell to advertisers and others. This similarity made them natural partners for the NSA, and that’s why they

were approached to be part of PRISM, the secret Internet surveillance program. Unlike intelligence agencies, which eavesdrop on international telecommunications lines, the commercial surveillance complex lures billions of human beings with the promise of “free services.” Their business model is the industrial destruction of privacy. And yet even the more strident critics of NSA surveillance do not appear to be calling for an end to Google and Facebook. Recalling Orwell’s remarks, there is an undeniable “tyrannical” side to the Internet. But the Internet is too complex to be unequivocally categorized as a “tyrannical” or a “democratic” phenomenon. When people first gathered in cities, they were able to coordinate in large groups for the first time, and to exchange ideas quickly, at scale. The consequent technical and technological advances brought about the dawn of human civilization. Something similar has been happening in our epoch. It is possible for more people to communicate and trade with others in more places in a single instant than it ever has been in history. The same developments that make our civilization easier to surveil make it harder to predict. They have made it easier for the larger part of humanity to educate itself, to race to consensus, and to compete with entrenched power groups. This is encouraging, but unless it is nur-

tured, it may be short-lived. If there is a modern analogue to Orwell’s “simple” and “democratic weapon,” which “gives claws to the weak” it is cryptography, the basis for the mathematics behind Bitcoin and the best secure communications programs. It is cheap to produce: cryptographic software can be written on a home computer. It is even cheaper to spread: software can be copied in a way that physical objects cannot. But it is also insuperable — the mathematics at the heart of modern cryptography are sound, and can withstand the might of a superpower. The same technologies that allowed the Allies to encrypt their radio communications against Axis intercepts can now be downloaded over a dial-up Internet connection and deployed with a cheap laptop. Whereas in 1945, much of the world faced a half-century of tyranny as a result of the atomic bomb, in 2015, we face the inexorable spread of invasive mass surveillance and the attendant transfer of power to those connected to its superstructures. It is too early to say whether the “democratizing” or the “tyrannical” side of the Internet will eventually win out. But acknowledging them — and perceiving them as the field of struggle — is the first step toward acting effectively. Humanity cannot now reject the Internet, but clearly we cannot surrender it either. Instead, we have to fight for it. Just as the dawn of atomic weapons inaugurated the Cold War, the manifold logic of the Internet is the key to understanding the approaching war for the intellectual center of our civilization. Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks and the author of the recently published “When Google Met WikiLeaks.”




Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Morung Express

Soldiers in Kashmir guarding democracy: Modi ‘Get rid of family rule, corruption’

Indian policemen frisk an elderly Kashmiri man outside Sheri Kashmir cricket stadium where Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to address a campaign rally ahead of local elections in Srinagar on Monday, December 8. Separatists called for a strike as authorities imposed a daytime curfew Monday across the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, barring residents from leaving their homes. Main roads leading into Srinagar were lined with razor wire to contain traffic, and police and paramilitary soldiers were patrolling on foot and in armored vehicles. (AP Photo)

Srinagar, December 8 (aP): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday defended India’s decades-long military presence in the disputed Kashmir region, saying troops were there to safeguard the country’s democracy against separatist rebels. He deplored a series of rebel attacks on Friday that killed 21 people, including eight Indian soldiers and three police officers. “Our soldiers have sacrificed their lives to safeguard democracy,” he told a campaign rally in Samba town in the disputed Himalayan territory, which

is holding local elections this month. “Now you must vote to safeguard their sacrifices.” Modi was in Kashmir for the third time in a month, hoping to help his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party win a first-ever majority in India’s only Muslim-majority state, where rebels have been fighting against Indian rule since 1989. Pro-India Kashmiri parties promise to boost development and infrastructure if they win, while separatists say the polls are an illegitimate exercise under a military occupation that dates back to India’s indepen-

dence in 1947. Modi traveled later Monday to Kashmir’s main city of Srinagar, visiting the Indian army headquarters for a wreath-laying ceremony to honor the soldiers killed in Friday’s attacks before speaking at another election rally. Wearing a traditional Kashmiri tunic, Modi said the army had admitted it made a mistake in gunning down two teenagers on Srinagar’s outskirts last month. The army’s admission “is the proof of my intention. I’ve come to get you justice,” he told

Srinagar, December 8 (ianS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday exhorted voters to get rid of family rule and corruption and promised to bring development to Kashmir. “You have seen governments by the Congress, by father and son (National Conference) and by father and daughter (Peoples Democratic Party). Get rid of this family rule and corruption. Give us an opportunity to end corruption in Kashmir,” Modi said at a BJP rally here. Wearing the ‘Pheran’, a traditional Kashmiri over garment, Modi said he has come to Kashmir to share the grief of the local people and wipe tears from their eyes. “I came here in July, in August, in September, in October, in November and now in December. I came in 2014 and will come in 2015 to fulfil the dream of ‘Insaniyat, Joomhuriyat and Kashmiriyat’ seen by (former prime minister) Atal Bihari Vajpayee. “Army soldiers, jawans of the state police have laid down their lives fighting terrorism in Kashmir, but the people here have also died and suffered. I have come to share that grief with you today,” said Modi at a rally that was

several thousand people who gathered at a sports stadium. The incumbent chief minister, Omar Abdullah, complained that the rally was being packed with residents from Hindu majority areas of the state such as Jammu. “Why not just have the rally there?” he said on his official Twitter feed. Abdullah, from Kashmir’s largest pro-India regional party, has been the region’s top elected official since 2008. Voter Abdul Jabbar, 50, said he hoped the prime minister would help the mountainous region tackle rampant corrup-

held amidst unprecedented security. The prime minister, who was addressing his second rally of the day in the state, said: “Kashmir needs development and prosperity and this is a right nobody can deny you. World’s fastest growing industry is tourism and India does not have any place better than Kashmir to show to the world.” “Days have to be brought back when our Dal Lake would again be full of tourists. I have come here during days when I was not even a chief minister...,” said Modi a day ahead of the third phase of the assembly election. Modi said Kashmir has places where a little infrastructure development would open new vistas for tourism. “Kashmir has hydro power development potential that can give electricity to the entire country. There is a saying that the beauty of mountains and the water of mountains does not help the people living there. “I will change that perception so that no youth from here has to go outside to seek employment but gets employment in his own state,” said Modi. He asked the people to snap the shackles of poverty and under development binding the state for the

tion and unemployment — promises Modi has repeatedly made at the national level. “He is the prime minister of India, and has the power to tackle our issues,” Jabbar said. Modi promised that his government would help the region by repairing towns devastated by extreme flooding in September, building tourism, launching hydroelectricity projects and tackling endemic graft. “I’ll steer you out of these miseries,” he said. The region was on high alert Monday with paramilitary snipers on rooftops, road barricades and sniffer dogs near

last 30 years. “Now we must work for development of the local people and the time has come for you to help me bring that development to Kashmir.” He blamed the state government for doing little during the floods this year. “I came and announced Rs.1,000 crore relief for the flood victims. I did that because I have seen tragedies. I have seen the earthquake in Kutch and I know what people need during natural calamities,” he said. He said he had told the SAARC summit in Kathmandu that the real war in the region has to be against poverty and unemployment. “Since independence of the country 33,000 policemen have sacrificed their lives for the safety of our people. Soldiers have been making sacrifices. Our soldiers lost lives while saving lives of people during the recent floods,” he said. “First time, soldiers responsible for killing of two youths were identified and punished in such a short time because I had taken over as the prime minister,” said Modi referring to 9 soldiers who have been indicted for killing 2 youth in Budgam district Nov 3 and now face court martial.

rally sites. A daytime curfew was imposed in some parts of Srinagar barring residents from leaving their homes. Officials said they were taking no risks with Modi in the fractious region before a third day of voting is held on Tuesday. The elections are being held in five stages to allow government forces to better guard against any violence or anti-India protests. Results are due Dec. 23. On Sunday night, a suspected rebel hurled a grenade that injured one soldier at a paramilitary post in the southern town of Tral, police said.

Authorities have detained hundreds of separatist leaders and activists in recent days who had called for an election boycott. Shops, schools and other businesses were shuttered Monday after the separatist umbrella group All Parties Hurriyat Conference called for a general strike to “send a clear message to Indian leadership that Kashmiris have never accepted the dominance and hegemony of Indian union and they would decide their political future only through right to self-determination.”

Four men convicted for 1975 murder of L.N. Mishra Union minister requested to protect Churches in India

new Delhi, December 8 (ianS): A court here Monday held four men guilty in the 1975 murder of then railway minister Lalit Narayan Mishra. District Judge Vinod Goel held four followers of Hindu sect Anand Marg guilty of killing Mishra 39 years back. Gopalji, Ranjan Dwivedi, Santoshanand Avadhuta and Sudevananda Avadhuta were facing trial. The court ordered to take them

in custody and fixed Dec 15 for arguments on the quantum of sentence. Mishra had gone to Samastipur Jan 2, 1975, to declare open the Samastipur-Muzaffarpur broadgauge railway line. A bomb explosion on the dais seriously injured him. He was rushed to the railway hospital at Danapur where he died the following day. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has alleged that

Parliament passes bill for amending SC list

new Delhi, December 8 (ianS): Parliament Monday passed a constitutional amendment bill to add more communities to the existing list of Scheduled Castes (SC) in many states. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Bill, 2014, whichwasearlierapprovedbytheLokSabha, was passed by the Rajya Sabha Monday. The bill removes the Majhi community from the list in Sikkim. Urging the members to pass the bill, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Thawar Chand Gehlot said the amendment was necessary for betterment of lives of many people belonging to SC. The minister also said the government was not in favour of reservation for Dalit Christians and Muslims.

Anand Margis had carried out the attack on Mishra to put pressure on the government for releasing one of the group’s leaders. The Supreme Court transferred the case to Delhi in 1979. The charges against accused were framed in 1981. On the direction of the apex court, the lower court here began hearing the final arguments in 39-year-old case on a daily basis since September 2012. The apex

court in August 2012 dismissed the accused’s plea to terminate the proceedings, ruling that this could not be done merely because the proceedings had not been concluded in the past 37 years. The apex court directed the trial court not to entertain any plea for unwarranted adjournment. Over 160 prosecution witnesses, five court witness and around 40 defence witnesses were examined in this case.

MDMK exits BJP-led NDA

chennai, December 8 (ianS): The MDMK party led by Vaiko Monday announced its decision to quit the BJP-led alliance to protest against the government’s stand on Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu’s water row with Kerala and Karnataka. A high level committee of the Tamil Nadu-based party passed a resolution to this effect at a meeting here. The MDMK said that when it joined the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the party made it clear that the BJP-led government should not support Sri Lanka and its President Mahinda Rajapaksa. But Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government had gone against

the earlier promise and started supporting the Rajapaksa government, it said. The MDMK, which has no member in parliament, also found fault with the central government’s language policy, saying it was trying to impose Hindi and pursuing “Sanskritisation”. Similarly, the party said the central government was betraying the interests of Tamil Nadu over the Mullaperiyar dam row with Kerala and on the sharing of Cauvery river water with Karnataka. Although the MDMK’s exit will in no way affect the central government, it becomes the first party to quit the BJP-led alliance since Modi took power in May this year.

Delhi, December 8 (mexn): The Rashtriya Isai Mahasangh (RIM) has requested the Union Minister of Minority Affairs for the protection of Churches in India. In a representation dated December 6, the RIM has drawn the attention of the minister to recent incidents of burning of churches, arson, sabotage, atrocities and violence against Pastors, Christian Evangelists, members of churches and Christian families, which has “inflicted terror, fear and sense of insecurity” amongst the Christian community across the nation. The representation, signed by Peter Prem, general secretary of RIM, called for the “urgent intervention” of the Government of India to provide “State protection to all the Worship Places of Christians, Christian Institutions, residential places of Pastors, Bishops and Christian leaders.” It was given to the minister, Dr. Najma A Heptulla, at the swearing-in ceremony of the RIM Delhi State and NCR Level Committee

Indian Christians hold a candle light vigil, suspecting foul play behind a Dec.1 fire that destroyed the St. Sebastian’s Church in New Delhi on Sunday, December 7. Though the cause of the blaze is not known, the Delhi Catholic Archdiocese said that “mischief” was suspected. (AP Photo)

members on December 6. Listing the incidents of recent violence, it brought to notice that “in this great nation where the Constitution promises practicing Christian faith without fear and intimidation, such freedom is being jeopardised by certain sections of the society averse to Christianity.” “Necessary instructions may also be given to

the Govt. administrative machinery to extend all possible help to the victims of such incidents so as to send message of goodwill and peace in the community at large,” the representation stated. The RIM was formed on April 19, 2008, to “prepare the Church” to face various challenges. It is a federation of various Church Forums in the country and

is the “unified public face of the Church with active participation of laities and religious leaders from all denominations in India,” informed a press release from the organisation. The role of the Federation, it stated, is “to facilitate them to work more effectively, help identify efficient Christian leaders, train them and help them to get into public life.”

Uber driver accused of rape previously arrested for assault

new Delhi, December 8 (reuterS): An Uber taxi driver will appear in court on Monday accused of raping a young female passenger, as the popular U.S. online ridehailing service came under fire for hiring a man who was arrested for a sexual assault three years ago. The police said they were considering legal action against the online taxi service for failing to run background checks. The company said therewerenodefinedrulesin India on background checks for commercial transport licences and it was working with the government to address the issue. “What happened over the weekend in New Delhi is horrific,” Travis Kalanick, Uber’s chief executive officer, said in a statement. “We will do everything, I repeat, everything to help bring this perpetrator to justice.” The attack is the latest to draw attention to the dangers faced by women in the world’s second-most populous nation. Even after

cord or had a satellite location device in his car. The sexual assault happened two years after the fatal gang rape of another young woman taking public transport in New Delhi. That case led to nationwide protests and forced the government to address demands for heavier sentences for rape. In a chilling reminder of the 2012 bus attack, the 26-year-old victim of Friday night’s assault told police the driver threatened to insert a rod in her genitals, Indian media reported.

Uber taxi company banned in Delhi new Delhi, December 8 (ianS): The Delhi government Monday banned “all activities” by Uber taxi company after one of its drivers was arrested on charges of raping a woman. The Delhi government’s transport department also blacklisted the international cab booking company from providing any transport service in the national capital in future, an official statement said. The action came a day after the accused driver, Shiv Kumar Yadav, who allegedly raped the woman here Friday night, was arrested from Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. The government said that in response to “the unfortunate and heinous crime”, it had cancelled the taxi’s permit and registration certificate as well as the driver’s license. The statement accused

Uber of misleading the commuter who was raped about the nature of the taxi service offered by “Uber App”. Uber was also faulted for violating the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 by providing the commuter for local journey a taxi with an all-India permit. “Keeping in view the above violation and the horrific crime committed by the driver, the transport department has banned all activities related to providing any transport service by Uber with immediate effect. “The transport department has also blacklisted the company from providing any transport service in the National Capital Territory of Delhi in future.” According to the Uber web site, the company, started in 2009, operates in over 200 cities globally “by seamlessly connecting riders to drivers through our App”.

32-yr-old Shiv Kumar Yadav, center, a driver from the international taxi-booking service Uber, is surrounded by police as he is brought out after being produced in a court in New Delhi on Monday, December 8. The court ordered Yadav be held for three days for police questioning over allegations that he raped a finance company employee after being hired to ferry her home from a dinner engagement on Friday night. (AP Photo)

the enactment of new laws imposing stricter penalties and establishing fast-track courts, India is struggling to tame attitudes that leave women vulnerable to ha-

rassment and rape. The arrested driver, Shiv Kumar Yadav, is expected to appear in court on Monday afternoon. He was arrested for raping a woman three

years ago but was later acquitted, police said. “Every violation by Uber will be evaluated and we will go for legal recourse,” said Madhur Verma, deputy commission-

er with the Delhi police. Police said the 32-yearold driver dropped the woman home after attacking her and warned her not to inform the authorities.

She managed to note the driver’s number and take a photograph of his car, they said. Police accuse Uber of failing to check whether the driver had a clean police re-

Night Time Danger India is the fourth most dangerous place for a woman to take public transport, according to a poll published in October by the Thomson Reuters Foundation. It was ranked secondworst on safety at night and for verbal harassment. On an average, 40 cases of crimes against women are registered daily by Delhi Police. This includes at least four cases of rape every day, the Minister of State

for Home Affairs Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary told parliament last week. Monica Kumar, a clinical psychologist, who heads the Delhi-based Manas Foundation, said many taxi drivers are often migrants from less-developed areas where patriarchal attitudes remain prevalent and were not accustomed to seeing women out alone late at night or dressed differently. “No one talks to them, no one engages with them,” said Kumar, which runs gender-sensitisation classes for rickshaw drivers. “The conversations about the changing scenario in cities like Delhi where women are becoming more empowered are just not happening.” The criticism of Uber comes at a time when the company has faced critical news coverage over its driver screening in the United States, and has apologised for comments by an executive who suggested “digging up dirt” on journalists investigating the firm.


the Morung express

Sticky issues re-emerge at UN climate talks

LIMA, DEcEMbEr 8 (AP): The momentum from a historic U.S.-China pact to resist global warming is showing signs of fading at U.N. climate talks as the familiar rich-poor conflict persists over who should do what to keep the planet from overheating. Last month’s joint emissions pledges by Presidents Xi Jinping and Barack Obama spurred hopes for a global climate deal a year from now in Paris. But heading into the second half of the Dec. 1-12 Lima talks, China and the U.S. remain on opposing sides on a series of vital issues. Time remains to work things out; environment ministers are just starting to arrive. The conference’s high-level phase begins Tuesday. Some main areas of discord: The Rulebook Governments must agree on what information they should be obliged to provide in the greenhouse gas-reduction pledges they make for the Paris agreement. The end of March is the U.N.-set deadline for submitting pledges, though many countries including China have said they may need more time. The U.S. and other developed countries want contributions to be focused on slashing or curbing emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases. They are resisting demands from developing countries including China and India — the world’s No. 1 and No. 3 greenhouse gas polluters — to add financial commitments to help poorer countries tackle climate change. A fight also has also erupted over whether to establish a review process so emissions targets can be analyzed and compared ahead of Paris. The U.S. and the European Union want a review but China, which has never before been required to take any climate action in the U.N. talks, has opposed that in Lima. Give me five. Or ten? The Paris agreement would take effect in 2020 but it’s not clear what period the initial emissions-reduction pledges would cover. The U.S. is pushing for a fiveyear commitment period and has already set its target for 2025. The European Union favors a 10-year span and has set its target for 2030. China also backs a 10-year period. Brazil has proposed a hybrid: Countries give firm five-year targets and “indicative” 10-year targets. Unless countries agree on a common commitment period they will be out of step with one another and comparing their targets will be more complicated. Show Me The Money As usual, much time in Lima has been spent arguing about money. Rich countries long ago pledged to help poor countries limit emissions and cope with rising sea levels, droughts, floods and other impacts of climate change. In 2009 they agreed to commit $100 billion annually by 2020. But the financing so far isn’t close to that level and poor countries say they need the money now. A new Green Climate Fund reached $10 billion in pledges this week — including $3 billion from the U.S. Developing countries including China, which is not a contributor, say that is far too little given the urgent need for immediate action. Some scientific models say greenhouse emissions need to halt by mid-century or damage from climate change could be irreversible. The Blame Game The Paris agreement is supposed to be “applicable to all,” unlike the 1997 Kyoto emissions treaty, which required only developed countries to take action to fight climate change. For everyone else, it was voluntary. The U.S., EU and other rich countries want to tear down a 1992 firewall that divides the world into developed and developing countries. The latter, from oilrich Gulf states to the poorest of Africa, are in no hurry to remove the firewall because it makes clear that developed countries are more responsible than they for climate change. The issue is among the most difficult in the U.N. talks and not likely to be resolved in Lima.

‘Die in,’ other protests continue over police

NEW YOrK, DEcEMbEr 8 (AP): Protesters staged a “die in” in one city, blocking traffic with their bodies, while mostly peaceful demonstrations continued across the United States against police killings of unarmed black men. The recent deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner in New York City led to “two of the worst weeks” in modern American history, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, a black man himself, told NBC on Sunday. He called for a review of police training. In both cases, grand juries decided not to charge the white police officers involved, leading to days of protests in major cities. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told ABC there has to be “an honest conversation” about the history of racism in the U.S. to help bring together police and the community. He has spoken openly about his concerns for his teenage son. The mayor’s wife is black. De Blasio declined to answer specifically when pressed about whether he respected the grand jury’s decision last week. Garner, caught in a chokehold that isn’t authorized by New York police, repeatedly gasped “I can’t breathe!” while he was being arrested for selling loose, untaxed cigarettes. The arrest was captured on video. His widow, Esaw Garner, told NBC that he may have had a history of encounters with police, but he never resisted arrest. New York City’s police commissioner said an internal investigation into Garner’s death could take “upwards of 3 to 4 months.” William Bratton told CBS that interviews of officers had already started. Protests in New York continued, and in Philadelphia about 200 people staged a silent “die in.” They lay in the street for four minutes and 30 seconds to symbolize the 4 hours and 30 minutes that the body of Brown lay on the street after he was shot by an officer. In Berkeley, California, some demonstrators smashed windows and walked onto a highway, blocking traffic. Activist Al Sharpton announced plans for a march in Washington, D.C., next Saturday to protest the killings of Garner, Brown and others and to press for change at the federal level. Politicians have been calling for calm. “In our country today, there’s too much division, too much polarization — black, white; rich, poor; Democrat, Republican. America does best when we’re united,” Ohio’s Republican governor, John Kasich, said on ABC. The president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Cornell William Brooks, called for outfitting police with body-worn cameras, something President Barack Obama has recommended, and changing law enforcement policy.

Tuesday 9 December 2014



Six Guantanamo prisoners sent to Uruguay as refugees MONTEVIDEO, DEcEMbEr 8 (AP): Six prisoners held for 12 years at Guantanamo Bay began their new lives in Uruguay after the United States flew them to the South American country as refugees amid a renewed push by President Barack Obama to close the prison. Uruguayan President Jose Mujica agreed to accept the men as a humanitarian gesture and said they would be given help getting established in a country of 3.3 million with a total Muslim population of perhaps 300 people. The six men — four Syrians, a Tunisian and a Palestinian — were detained as suspected militants with ties to al-Qaeda in 2002 but were never charged. They had been cleared for release since 2009 but could not be sent home and the U.S. struggled to find countries willing to take them. Among those transferred was Abu Wa’el Dhiab, a 43-year-old Syrian on a long-term hunger strike protesting his confinement who was at the center of a legal battle in U.S. courts over the military’s use of force-feeding. A lawyer for Dhiab, Cori Crider of the human rights group Reprieve, said on Sunday that her client was taken to a hospital in Uruguay for a medical checkup and has his wife’s telephone number to talk to his family for the first time as a free man. “Despite years of suffering, Mr. Dhiab is focused on building a positive future for himself in Uruguay,” said Crider, who traveled to Montevideo to meet with him. “He looks forward to being reunited with his family and beginning his life again.”

In this file photo taken Tuesday May 12, 2009 and reviewed by the US military, a soldier stands guard at the front gate entrance to Guantanamo’s Camp 6 maximum-security detention facility, at Guantanamo Bay US Naval Base, Cuba. The US government said Sunday December 7, six men who have been held more than 12 years at Guantanamo Bay have been sent to Uruguay to be resettled as refugees. (AP File Photo)

Crider said that Dhiab was eating. “He is obviously tired and he is not 100 percent healthy just yet but there was a sound, that kind of indescribable sound of hope in his voice in a way that just hadn’t been there at all.” The Pentagon identified the other Syrians sent to Uruguay on Saturday as Ali Husain Shaaban, 32; Ahmed Adnan Ajuri, 37; and Abdelahdi Faraj, 33. Also released were Palestinian prisoner Mohammed Abdullah Taha Mattan, 35, and 49-year-old Adel bin Muhammad El Ouerghi of Tunisia. “We are very grateful to Uruguay for this important humanitarian action, and to President

Mujica for his strong leadership in providing a home for individuals who cannot return to their own countries,” U.S. State Department envoy Clifford Sloan said. Uruguay’s government issued a statement confirming the arrival, but officials gave no other details on the transfers. Ramzi Kassem, a lawyer for Faraj, said he was “deeply grateful” to Uruguay for accepting the prisoner. “By welcoming our client and the others as refugees and free men, not as prisoners, Uruguay has shown that it truly possesses the courage of its convictions,” Kassem, a law professor at the

City University of New York, said in an interview from Panama. Uruguay already has taken in 42 Syrian civil war refugees, who arrived in October, and has said it will take about 80 more. They are coming to what may be the only country in the Americas without an Islamic mosque, said Tamar Chaky, director of the Islamic Cultural Organization of Uruguay. He promised that the local Muslim community would welcome them, but said there had been no contact with the government. The U.S. has now transferred 19 prisoners out of Guantanamo this year, all but one of them

within the last 30 days, and 136 remain, the lowest number since shortly after the prison opened in January 2002. Officials say several more releases are expected by the end of the year. Obama administration officials had been frustrated that the transfer took so long, blaming outgoing Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel for not approving the move sooner. They said after Mujica agreed to take the men in January, the deal sat for months on Hagel’s desk, awaiting his signature as required by law. The Pentagon didn’t send the notification of the transfer to Congress until July. By then, the transfer had become an issue in Uruguay’s presidential election and officials there decided to postpone it until after the vote. Tabare Vazquez, a member of Mujica’s ruling coalition, won a runoff election on Nov. 30. Upon taking office, Obama had pledged to close the prison but was blocked by Congress, which banned sending prisoners to the U.S. for any reason, including trial, and placed restrictions on sending them abroad. The U.S. now holds 67 men at Guantanamo who have been cleared for release or transfer but, like the six sent to Uruguay, can’t go home because they might face persecution, a lack of security or some other reason. Prisoners from Guantanamo have been sent around the world but this weekend’s transfer was the largest group sent to the Western Hemisphere. Four Guantanamo prisoners were sent to Bermuda in 2009 and two were sent to El Salvador in 2012 but have since left.

Thirteen killed in failed US hostage rescue bid SANAA/ADEN, DEcEMbEr 8 (rEuTErS): A woman, a 10-year-old boy and a local al Qaeda leader were among at least 11 people killed alongside two Western hostages when U.S.-led forces fought Islamist militants in a failed rescue mission in Yemen, residents said on Sunday. U.S. special forces raided the village of Dafaar in Shabwa province, a militant stronghold in southern Yemen, shortly after midnight on Saturday, killing several members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). American journalist Luke Somers, 33, and South African teacher Pierre Korkie, 56, were shot and killed by their captors during the raid intended to free them, U.S. officials said. AQAP, formed in 2006 by the merger of the Yemeni and Saudi branches of the network, has for years been seen by Washington

as one of the movement’s most dangerous branches. Western governments fear advances by Shi’ite Muslim Houthi fighters with links to Iran have bolstered support among Yemeni Sunnis for AQAP, which has established itself in parts of Yemen, including Shabwa where the raid took place. However, since Islamic State in Syria and Iraq began distributing films of its militants beheading Western hostages, the focus on AQAP, which has traditionally used hostage-taking as a way to raise funds, had diminished until now. At least two more hostages are being held by the group. The Yemen-based group, loyal to the wider al Qaeda organisation founded by Osama bin Laden, has denounced Islamic State, but Western and Gulf sources say there may be operational connections

between the two. “AQAP and Daesh (Islamic State) are essentially the same organisation but have different methods of execution and tactics,” a senior Yemeni intelligence official said. Freedom Attempt South Africa does not want to assign blame for Korkie’s death, government spokesman Nelson Kgwete said on local television, when asked if Pretoria blamed the United States. Korkie’s wife, Yolande, who was released in January after being held with her husband, spoke of forgiveness. “So today we choose to forgive. We choose to love. We choose to rejoice in the memories of Pierre and keep him alive in our hearts,” she said in a statement. No ransom was paid for Korkie as his kidnappers eventually relented on an

earlier demand for $3 million, Gift of the Givers, the relief group that had tried to secure his release, said. The group had expected Korkie to be freed on Sunday. The South African government said Korkie’s body was expected in South Africa on Monday. Apart from the woman and the boy, reports on social media feeds of known militants said an AQAP commander and two members of the group were killed. Six other members of the same tribe also died, the reports said, although they could not be immediately verified. The commander, identified as Jamal Mubarak alHard al-Daghari al-Awlaki, appeared to be the same person as Mubarak al-Harad, named by the Yemen Defence Ministry on Saturday as the leader of an AQAP group. Several of those said

by militants to have died were from the Daghari and Awlaki families, important tribes in Shabwa province. Yemen’s government said on Saturday the hostages were being held in the house of a man named Saeed al-Daghari. As special forces battled al Qaeda militants in the house, kidnappers in another building nearby shot the two hostages, a local man who identified himself as Jamal said. U.S. officials have said the raid was carried out by U.S. forces alone, but Yemen’s government and local residents said Yemeni forces also participated. “Before the gunshots were heard, very strong floodlights turned the night into daylight, and then we heard loud explosions,” Jamal told Reuters. “The soldiers were calling on the house’s inhabitants to surrender and the speaker was clearly a Ye-

meni soldier,” he added. Another w itness, named Abdullah, said the Yemeni army had blocked access to the area before the raid began. “When the forces withdrew, we found lots of bloodstains, but did not know if those were of the soldiers or the hostages,” Abdullah said. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the operation, the second attempt to free Somers in 10 days, had only been approved because of information that the American’s life was in imminent danger. Abdel-Razaq al-Jamal, a Yemeni journalist who specialises in covering Islamist militants, said AQAP may have originally intended to ransom Somers as well, but appeared to have been angered by the earlier rescue attempt on Nov. 25. “I don’t think this marks a change in position by al Qaeda,” Jamal told Reuters.

Manila braces for storm, Hagupit leaves 27 dead

DOLOrES, DEcEMbEr 8 (rEuTErS): Typhoon Hagupit weakened to a tropical storm as it churned close to the Philippine capital on Monday, after killing 27 people on the eastern island of Samar island where it flattened homes, toppled trees and cut power and communications. Manila shut down as Hagupit, which means “lash” in Filipino, took aim at the tip of the main island Luzon, just south of the capital city of 12 million people. “We now have a total of 27 dead, most of them in Borongan, Eastern Samar,” said Richard Gordon, chairman of the Philippine Red Cross, adding most of the dead drowned in floodwaters. He said around 2,500 houses were totally or partially destroyed in Borongan, a town of 64,000 people. But despite the rising death toll, there was relief that Hagupit had not brought destruction on the scale of super typhoon Haiyan, which last year killed thousands of people in the same areas of the central Philippines. Hagupit roared in from the Pacific as a Category 3 typhoon on Saturday night, churning across Samar island and on to the smaller island of Masbate. Its effects were felt across the central Philippines,

including Leyte island and southern Luzon. “Our kitchen was wrecked. Around us, our neighbours’ homes were flattened like folded paper,” Arnalyn Bula, a 27-yearold bank employee, said from Dolores town in Eastern Samar, where Hagupit first made landfall. Howling winds had pounded the walls of her aunt’s home where her family sought shelter, she said. Learning lessons from Haiyan, which left more than 7,000 dead or missing, the authorities had launched a massive evacuation operation ahead of the storm, emptying whole towns and villages in coastal and landslide prone areas. “We saw that with preparation and being alert we prevented tragedy and harm, we took our countrymen away from harm,” Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas told a televised government disaster meeting in Samar. “It is sad to hear news of deaths, but this is very low, way below what the potential was.” Orla Fagan, spokeswoman and advocacy officer for Asia-Pacific at the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) praised the authorities efforts to alert remote communi-

ties to the approaching danger. “They’re on the game this time,” Fagan said. “They have taken all of the lessons from Haiyan.”

Clear-Up Operation The Philippine weather bureau downgraded Hagupit to a tropical storm after it made three landfalls, now packing winds of 85 kph (53 mph) with gusts of up to 100 kph (62 mph). It was on course to hit Batangas province, around 90 km (55 miles) south of Manila, on Monday evening, and would later cross Manila Bay about 50 km west of the city. Financial markets, schools and most public offices in the capital were closed and people in low-lying areas and near waterways were moved to shelters. Soldiers and emergency workers were put on standby to respond to any contingency. Despite the relief that Hagupit had not been as devastating as was feared, a major operation remained to clear debris and get supplies to people left homeless or without power. “People are now returning to their homes and cleaning up,” Dolores town resident Bula said. “But water is scarce, potable drinking water. We received relief goods which included rice,

A woman stays with others at an evacuation center as Typhoon Hagupit hits San Juan town, Batangas province, eastern Philippines on Monday, December 8. (AP Photo)

but no water.” Proceso Alcala, the farm minister, said initial reports put crop and farm infrastructure damage at 1 billion pesos ($22 million). Rice crops were most affected, with little damage to corn. Alcala said the state grains agency was considering buying an additional 600,000 tonnes of rice to boost buffer stocks after

damage to 48,000 tonnes of unmilled rice. Dolores Mayor Emiliana Villacarillo said almost 100 percent of ricelands in the town were submerged by floodwaters. “Our farmers will have to go back to square one and plant again. We will need new seedlings,” she said.




Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Morung Express

araang League promotes Veterans missing young footballers of manipur from india team

ADELAIDE, DEcEmbEr 8 (AP): Already missing Sachin Tendulkar from a tour of Australia for the first time in more than 20 years, India will go into the first test against Australia on Tuesday with a new test captain. M.S. Dohni failed to recover from a broken left thumb and will be replaced by 26-year-old Virat Kohli, who captained India on a limited-overs tour of Zimbabwe last year but who has never led his country into a test match. He'll be India's 32nd test skipper. India hasn't toured Australia without Tendulkar — who retired last year — since 1991. Rahul Dravid and fellow veteran V.V.S. Laxman have also retired, while international stalwart Virender Sehwag is experiencing a form slump and wasn't named in India's 30-man World Cup squad last week. Dhoni tried vainly to take part in the first test, but the thumb injury was too severe to allow him to play. Wriddhiman Saha will be wicketkeeper in Dhoni's place. Kohli said having Dhoni, who is expected to play in the second test beginning Dec. 17 in Brisbane, brought invaluable help to him and the team. "M.S. coming in is always a help for the younger guys on the team and his input is so important," Kohli said Monday. "Just discussing plans

FILE - In this April 6, 2014 file photo, India's Virat Kohli celebrates taking the catch to dismiss Sri Lanka's batsman Tillakaratne Dilshan during their ICC Twenty20 Cricket World Cup final match in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Already missing Sachin Tendulkar from a tour of Australia for the first time in more than 20 years, India will go into the first test against Australia on Tuesday with a new test captain. M.S. Dohni failed to recover from a broken left thumb and will be replaced by 26-year-old Kohli, who captained India on a limited-overs tour of Zimbabwe last year but who has never led his country into a test match. He'll be India's 32nd test skipper. (AP Photo)

with him, taking a few tips as to what we are thinking of doing and what he feels about them, because he's been there, done that, seen possibly every situation in cricket." Kohli said his group of pace bowlers

could cause Australia some trouble. "This one of the best bowling attacks we've had in a while," Kohli said. "Guys who are bowling with pace and they're fit." Varun Aaron, the fastest of the Indian pace bowlers

and who would be playing in his fourth test, is likely to spearhead the visitors' attack with Ishant Sharma. Indian swing bowler Bhuvneshwar Kumar is a question mark because of soreness in his left ankle. Kumar took 19 wickets at 26.63 on India's recent tour of England, and was later named India's player of the year. Sharma, 26, is on his third tour of Australia and has offered some advice to his teammates — expect some verbal abuse from the crowds. "Australia is a really amazing country to play cricket in," Sharma said. "What I know from my past experience ... I think you will get a hard time from the crowd as well and you have to be prepared for all these things. "Obviously it's mentally challenging for you when the people are saying all these things to you, and at the same time you're handling the pressure in the center as well." Sharma's two previous tours Down Under haven't gone well. In 2007-08, he took six wickets at an average of 59.66 and four years later just five wickets at 90.20. Kohli indicated Monday that his side will be aggressive and perhaps return some of Australia's expected sledging on the field. "I don't mind a fight," he said, smiling. "I don't mind a bit of chat on the field. A bit of banter. It probably makes me more determined."

Players in action during the Araang League in Ukhrul. Themthingchon YR Ukhrul | December 8

The first edition of Araang League recently kicked off at Hundung Bakshi ground in Ukhrul district of Manipur under the theme “For the Good of All”. The 10-day Championship is being organized by the Araang league with the partnership of Assam Rifles and several private sponsors. Five time women's World Boxing Champion M

C Mary Kom inaugurated the tournament and called upon the youths of the district to show more interest in sports besides education. “Expose your talent to the outside world,” Mary Kom said while addressing the inaugural function. A large number of locals thronged the venue to witness the matches. The tournament is being organized with an aim to tap the potential of young football players from the North East and

provide a platform to them to showcase their skills. The Araang League has been affiliated with Ukhrul District Sports Association (UDSA). The Assam Rifles has had a major contribution in making this ongoing championship possible by providing 30 footballs and net and helping in improving the playground. Altogether, 14 teams from Manipur are competing for the title. The winner of the tournament will

receive cash prize of Rs.1 lakh along with trophy and certificate while the first and second runnersup will get Rs.60000 and Rs.30000 respectively. The Best team, best goal keeper and top scorer will be given Rs. 10,000, Rs. 2,500 and Rs. 2500 respectively. Ukhrul MLA Samuel Risom will grace the closing ceremony which is scheduled for December 15 at the Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL) Ground.

Back to cricket: everyone's G.H.A.T reaches Mezoma Village Sainik School’s sports day held unsure how it will go

ADELAIDE, DEcEmbEr 8 (AP): Attempting to judge the effect that Phillip Hughes' death from a shortpitched delivery has had on cricket might be best illustrated by the disparate reactions of Australian teammates Mitchell Johnson and Shane Watson. Not surprisingly, paceman Johnson says he'll bowl as aggressively as he always has in the first test against India beginning Tuesday at the Adelaide Oval. Allrounder Watson, meanwhile, said he had to face some inner demons" when he returned to the nets following Hughes' death on Nov. 27, two days after being hit by a bouncer during a domestic match at the Sydney Cricket Ground. A planned video tribute to the 25-year-old Hughes before the start of Tuesday's match might also bring back some emotional — and painful — memories for players on both sides. "It'll be tough at first on Tuesday morning," Johnson said Monday. "But we have to try to not let our emotions get in the way." And that translates to playing the same aggressive style he's known for — often throwing down

deliveries approaching 160 kilometers an hour (100 mph)., "That's the way I have always played the game," Johnson says. "If that's bowling the short ball like we have been, then that's what we'll do. You have to assess the conditions, but we're not going to change a thing." And if one of his deliveries hits an Indian player in the head? "It might be different this time but I don't know how I'm going to feel," Johnson said. Watson, who was on the field for New South Wales when Hughes, playing for South Australia, suffered his fatal injuries at the SCG, admitted to some trepidation when he faced his first deliveries in the nets. "There's a lot of inner demons we've had to find our way through," Watson said. "It's been the most challenging, mentally, couple of days I've had to go through in my career. A few things flooded into my head as soon as I went out to bat. I thought I'd processed quite well over the previous week, but the memories I've got are very much in the front of my mind." Time has healed some of Watson's concerns. "Every day I've gone out

there to bat I have got more comfortable with it, more comfortable just reacting to what I see ," Watson said. "Trusting my skill. That is really the simplest thing. "Because I know at any stage if you get a ball and you get unlucky and it hits you in the wrong spot, it's always going to cause some serious damage, that's a part of the game." India opener Shikhar Dhawan is not expecting anything but a firedup Australian team led by Johnson, and Dhawan hopes to react to that approach in the same way. "I feel that you need an aggressive opener in today's cricket which can turn things around," Dhawan said Sunday. "So that will be a very good thing for us. And I would love to play that role." Former Australia captain Ricky Ponting wants to see some immediate closure on Tuesday. "I would love to see a bouncer bowled as the first ball in Adelaide," Ponting wrote in a newspaper column last weekend. "It would clear the air, announce that the game is on, and if that's done I think it might have a healing effect on everybody."

KoHImA, DEcEmbEr 8 (mExN): Following a night's rest at Tesophenyu Village yesterday, participants of the Great Hornbill Adventure Trail, were today accorded a warm welcome by the villagers of Mezoma Village. The 5-day adventure event will culminate on December 10 at the Naga Heritage Village, Kisama. Day 2 of the trail at Tesophenyu Village saw villagers showcase the cul-

ture of the Rengma tribe to the participants of the Trail in the form of folkdances, songs and indigenous games. The participants themselves took part in the indigenous games namely Thyupha Kensü (High kick), Kehung (pushing) and the Warrior Cry. At Mezoma village on Day 3, participants of the event were showcased folk song and games of the Angami Naga Tribe like

the Mhayie Mhato, Tati pfhe, ketsü kekhou, Cie va, Thasü pru, Kevü no meli kecü-u. Participants competed in the Thashü pru, Ketsü kekhou and catapult shooting. After a night stay at Mezoma village, the convoy will head to Benreu via KhonomaDzülakie and hold for a night. The participants will take part in the various games of Benreu village and also witness their rich culture.

DImAPur, DEcEmbEr 8 (mExN): The 7th Annual Sports Day of Sainik School Punglwa was held on December 6 with Khriehu Leizietsu, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth Resource & Sports as Chief Guest. The week long sports meet of various track and field events which showed a stiff competition among the six houses ended with Melak House lifting the overall athletic championship trophy while Patkai House was adjudged first runners-up. In addition to the competition within the school, two Inter School Events 100m dash and 4 x 100m Relay Race, were conducted in which JNV Jalukie, SFS Medziphema and 37 Assam Rifle School Medziphema participated. Capt (IN) Kanchan Mukherjee, the school principal, welcomed the august gathering. The Chief Guest in his address asserted that games and sports are important aspect of disciplining oneself and inculcating spirit of competition. He further exhorted the cadets to utilize the time judiciously in the school and not to lose sight of the primary aim of school. Old Boys Association (OBA) of Nagaland, dignitaries, parents and village elders were present for the annual event. Mass PT display, Tableau , Aerobics, Gymnastic Display and Band Display by cadets and 18 Assam Rifle drew applause and admiration from the gathering. Inter House Drill Competition was also conducted.

Champions League set for group-stage climax

mANcHESTEr, DEcEmbEr 8 (AP): Five-time winner Liverpool and the champions of England and Italy are among the 11 teams competing for five remaining spots in the knockout stage of the Champions League going into the final round of group games. Liverpool has been a letdown on its return to Europe's top competition after a five-year absence, but can still qualify as runner-up behind Real Madrid in Group B by beating FC Basel at Anfield on Tuesday. That is one of three direct deciders for places in the last 16, with the most high-profile coming in the Italian capital where Roma hosts English champion Manchester City for second place in Group E on Wednesday. Italian champion Juventus needs a point against alreadyqualified Atletico Madrid to advance in Group A, Sporting Lisbon or Schalke will join Chelsea in progressing from Group G, while Monaco and Zenit St. Petersburg meet for the right to go Juventus' Paul Pogba eyes the ball during a Serie A soccer through from Group C. First place — and a possibly match at the Artemio Franchi stadium in Florence, Italy , Friday December 5. (AP Photo) easier last-16 game — is up for

grabs in four of the eight groups ture of Luis Suarez to Barcelona while eight teams will drop into and an injury to fellow striker the Europa League by finishing in Daniel Sturridge. third place. A disappointing ninth in the Premier League, Liverpool's only Liverpool's Challenge points in the Champions League Given its record against English this season have come against Bulclubs in the Champions League, garian team Ludogorets Razgrad. Basel is one of the last teams Liver- Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard pool would have wanted to face in was rested for the 0-0 draw against a must-win game. Sunderland on Saturday, with the Basel has won its last four Basel game in mind. games against Premier League opposition in the competition City's Problems — against Liverpool in their Manchester City could be second group game in October, without arguably its best four home and away against Chelsea players as it goes to Rome in last season and at home to Man- search of a win the team requires chester United in 2011 to knock to qualify. out the then-English champion. Star midfielder Yaya Toure Basel has lost just once in nine is suspended, top scorer Sergames against teams from Eng- gio Aguero is out with a seriousland in the Champions League. looking knee injury sustained on Anfield is famous for its atmo- Saturday, while playmaker David sphere on big European nights Silva and captain Vincent Kombut a trip to Liverpool shouldn't pany are major injury doubts. be daunting for the Swiss team. City is back in form, winning Liverpool produced a string its last five matches in all compeof great performances at home titions, but has never won in Italy. last season on its way to a secRoma is level on points with ond-place finish in the Premier City and CSKA Moscow, which League, but its attacking spark plays first-place Bayern Munich has disappeared with the depar- away. Roma will qualify with a win.

Repeat For Juventus Just like last season, Juventus finds itself needing a point to qualify in its final group game. It will be hoping for a different outcome this time. A goal by Wesley Sneijder for Galatasaray eliminated Juventus last year but, 12 months on, Massimiliano Allegri's team is at home, where it is unbeaten in nine matches in European competition. The Bianconeri could even snatch first place by winning by a margin of two goals or more. Lose, and Olympiakos will finish second with a win at Malmo due to its head-to-head record against Juve. "Wednesday's match against Atletico Madrid is a very important match for the whole Juventus world," captain and goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon said. "It's like a final."

Schalke Or Sporting Schalke coach Roberto Di Matteo needs his team to win and a favor from his former club Chelsea if Germany is to have four representatives in the last 16 for the second straight season.

Schalke heads to eliminated Maribor lying two points behind Sporting, which travels to already-qualified Chelsea. Di Matteo, who guided Chelsea to its first Champions League title in 2012, has changed Schalke's formation and the new 3-52 system has proved effective. The team's last three matches were all big-scoring wins — 3-2 (Wolfsburg), 4-1 (Mainz), 4-0 (Stuttgart). "We are investing a lot of time in the new system," defender Jan Kirchhoff said, "and it's beginning to pay off," Winner Takes All It is winner takes all when Monaco hosts Zenit — with first place in Group C on offer for either club if Bayer Leverkusen loses at Benfica. Monaco will also qualify with a draw. Real Madrid is the only team with five wins from five games ahead of its home match against Ludogorets in Group B while Barcelona needs to beat Paris Saint-Germain to overhaul the French champions at the top of Group F.


The Morung Express C M Y K

Tuesday 9 December 2014



ADAm’s ApplE is winner of Bon Giovi, Europe’s top Bon Jovi Hornbill Int’l Rock Contest 2014 tribute band live on December 9


hey look alike and sound alike to the point that they have their own legion of fans across the world. The only difference is that they are not biologically the New Jersey glam rockers. Bon Giovi, considered the world’s top (and official) tribute band of Bon Jovi will be playing a live concert on December 9 at the Indira Gandhi Stadium in Kohima. They are incredibly authentic in their sound, musical artistry, and performance – not to men-

tion looks! The rock group is not the New Jersey stars’ number-one tribute band for nothing. For more than 13 years now, they have rocked stadia across the entire UK. On December 8, they will be belting out some of the biggest hits of Bon Jovi. The official tribute band has performed for Bon Jovi fans in the Middle East all the way to Austria, The Netherlands to Germany, Belgium to Spain, and now, India, too! Now, they will be turning up the heat in chilly Kohima on December 9 at

5:00 PM. Organizers of the Hornbill Music Festival, Nagaland Outdoors Club & Sky Entertainment, have expressed excitement in bringing Bon Giovi. The rock group, with touring experience of more than a decade now, will be travelling all the way from the UK to perform for Bon Jovi rock fans in the region as part of the ongoing Hornbill Music festival. To call Bon Giovi ‘authentic’ would be an understatement. In fact, they were the only UK tribute


act to that made an appearance on Bon Jovi’s New Jersey tribute album “Garden State of Mind Vol. 1.” Bon Giovi is Andrea Ojano as Jon Bon Jovi, Dean Harris as Ritchie Sambora, Wayne Harris as Davis Bryan, James Wright as Tico Torres, and Tony Clark as Hugh McDonald. They are loud, loud and hard rocking and the organizers have no doubt that their live concert will be a no frills, just-hard-rock fun. Tickets are priced from Rs. 200 onwards and can be had at the venue itself.

Even more, Mumbai’s fiery rock group, Koniac Net, will be opening for Bon Giovi. Koniac Net has been touring and working on original works since 2012. They released their EP in February this year that was quickly lapped up by more than 100 radio stations across 31 countries. Their indi output has found rave reviews in Europe. Koniac Net is David Abraham on the vocals, Jason D'Souza on guitars and vocals, Aaron Dmello on guitars, Adil Kurwa on bass guitars, and Karun Kannampilly on the drums.


Adam’s Apple (top), winner of the Hornbill International Rock Contest 2014 and members of the other competiting bands perform during the grand finale of the contest on December 7. (Manen Aier Photos)


'Roadies...' ake udition message leads to chaos in Delhi


housands of youngsters who went for auditions of reality TV show 'Roadies X2' here Saturday morning were in for a rude shock when they got to know that they had been tricked. A message with wrong details giving false information and claiming that the auditions have been

organised at Delhi Film Institute Saturday, was being circulated on all platforms-be it Facebook, Twitter or personal message. As the people began reaching the venue, the channel learnt about what was going on. The channel maintains that it is not aware who was behind it.

Aditya Swamy, EVP Viacom18 and Business Head - India, said: “We have come across several rumours mentioning incorrect dates and venues of 'Roadies' auditions. Please don't believe any messages or Facebook posts, tweets or communication other than that sent from official '

ROADIES' Facebook page, Twitter handle or website.” “We just kicked off with Pune yesterday where we held our first auditions and we will be coming to Delhi Dec 13,” he added. The reality show, which is immensely popular among the younger generation, has gone through a major

Barack and michelle Obama's romance made into movie



movie about the US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama is being developed. 'Southside with You' will focus on the couple's romance, particularly the summer 1989 afternoon when he wooed her into a first date across Chicago's South Side, reported Deadline. The Homegrown Pictures production already cast 'Get on Up' actress Tika Sumpter to play young Michelle while search is still on to find an actor to play young Barack. The film highlights the day Michelle agreed to visit Chicago's Art Institute, took a stroll and watched a showing of Spike Lee's 'Do the Right Thing' with Barack. In 1989, Michelle was working at a law firm as an adviser to a summer associate from Harvard Law, Barack. He

fell for her and braved himself to ask her out on a date. "We clicked right away ...By the end of the date it was over...I was sold," Michelle recalled. The couple got married on October 3, 1992 after three years of dating. Richard Tanne will be directing the indie flick using the screenplay that he wrote. Tracey Bing and Stephanie Allain are producing. "Stephanie and I are excited to produce this smart and timeless film that sheds light on one of the great love stories of our time," said Bing. "Richard really captures the essence of that romantic connection between Barack and Michelle that is so evident in the way that they look at each other. We are looking forward to finding the perfect Barack." Filming is scheduled to begin in July on location in Chicago.

revamp this season. Instead of Raghu Ram and Rajiv Laxman, the season will be judged by actress Esha Deol, TV actor Karan Kundra, boxer Vijender Singh and Rannvijay Singh, who has found fame through the reality show. The show is expected to go on air early next year.


fter months of hard-necked auditions, sleepless nights of practice, big hopes, and Kohima’s biting cold, Adam’s Apple from Darjeeling emerged winner of the Hornbill International Rock Contest 2014 on Sunday. They walked away with grand prize of one million rupees. Nightmares from Sikkim ran up close second to pocket Rs. 5 lakhs, while Muses of Authority from Siliguri secured third spot to go home Rs. 3 lakhs richer. The grand finale of the biggest competitive platform for rock musicians in India, the Hornbill International Rock Contest, on Sunday saw one of the biggest crowds the ongoing Hornbill Music Festival had seen, informed Al Ngullie, Media Manager, NOC & Sky Entertainment. Just four days earlier, British legends Smokie had played to a packed stadium, part of an event organized by the

Nagaland Outdoors’ Club and Sky Entertainment. The Sunday evening event at the Indira Gandhi Stadium in Kohima saw rousing performances from finalists Hidden Truth (Kolkata), Silver (Pune), Nightmares (Sikkim), Muses of Authority (Siliguri), Technicolors (Nagaland), Chrome O Soul (Chennai), The Family Cheese (Mumbai), Adam's Apple (Darjeeling), and The Doppler Effect (Delhi). The contest was judged by a panel comprising American guitar hero Vinnie Moore, and Indian masters Sanjay Divicha, Thejove Medeo and Wati Imchen. Individual prizes In the individual category, Tengchu Marak of Restless Heart (Tura) was adjudged the best vocalist. Sanjay Kumar of Final Surrender (Bangalore) was declared the best guitarist, while Akshay Dwivedi of

The Doppler Effect (Delhi) was declared the best bass guitarist. Jared sandy of Final Surrender of Bangalore was adjudged the best drummer, while Jerard Felix of Chrome O Soul (Chennai) was declared the best keyboardist. The individual prize winners pocketed Rs. 30, 000 each and various musical equipment and instruments from sponsors. The prize for the most promising band from Nagaland went to Paper Sky. Another highlight of the grand finale was a set from none other than Vinnie Moore. The American guitar god played several blistering numbers from his classic albums much to the thrill of the packed stadium. Playing for the first time in India, Moore left the crowd grumbling as he wound up his performance to make way for the competing bands. It was a night to remember, according to the release.











IPTL rules can be improved for next season: Marin Cilic

Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, left, shares a lighter moment with Roger Federer during a fun match in the sidelines of the International Premier Tennis League, in New Delhi, Monday, December 8. (AP Photo)

NEw DELhi, DECEmBER 8 (PTi): He is enjoying the International Premier Tennis League experience so far but reigning US Open champion and world number nine Marin Cilic on Monday said that the star-studded event can improve some of its rules for the next edition. The IPTL, a franchise-based league covering six cities all over the world, has drawn criticism from none other than Roger Federer, who signed up to play for two days in the event for Indian Aces. The multiple Grand Slam winner labelled it an exhibition tournament and criticised the rules saying some of them were not necessary at all. IPTL uses a time-restricted format. It has no ad-scoring, all matches are played on best of five format and each set played to six games with a five-minute shoot-out at 5-5. The most talked innovation is the ‘Shot Clock’, requiring a player to play a service point within 20 seconds of each other. Federer was not particularly pleased by the time rules. Cilic, without elaborating too much, felt the rules can be tweaked next season. “Basically, this tournament is about

breaking the regular rules. My point of view is that it can be better next year. Maybe we can have more time between points and get involved with the crowd. Right now, it’s very fast. It is good and I am enjoying but there can be more time to interact with fans. I think it’s more fun on TV,” Cilic, who plays for the UAE Royals, told reporters here in a promotional event launch travel ‘’. Cilic’s IPTL teammate and former Wimbledon champion Goran Ivanisevic echoed the sentiment. “It’s quick, it’s fun but it’s serious at the same time. There were players who were skeptical about it when it started. I thought I will have fun but I realised players are very serious here. I don’t get the time to joke around and have to be focussed all the time,” he joked. “It is not easy for me but I am surviving,” he said, breaking into laughter. Ivanisevic also spoke about his famous rivalry with American legend Pete Sampras, against whom he would be seen in action at the IPTL. Ivanisevic has a 7-12 career head-to-head record against Sampras. “That guy took a lot of years of my life. I would be happy if he lost to me,” he said.

Messi scores 3 as Barca beats Espanyol

BARCELONA, DECEmBER 8 (AP): Lionel Messi scored another hat trick to reach the 400-goal mark for Barcelona and spark his team's 5-1 comeback victory over Espanyol in the Catalan capital derby on Sunday, keeping the winners second in the Spanish league. Messi matched Cristiano Ronaldo's threegoal performance in Real Madrid's win the day before to ensure Barcelona stayed within two points of its fierce rivals at the top of the table. It was Messi's third hat trick in two weeks, having also netted three goals against Sevilla in the league and at APOEL in the Champions League. Sergio Garcia put Espanyol in front in the 13th minute in a good first half for the visitors at Camp Nou, but Messi curled home the equalizer in injury time before the break and Barcelona never looked back. Messi fired in his second in the 50th and added a third after Gerard Pique and substitute Pedro Rodriguez had scored in a second half completely dominated by Barcelona. "Messi is a football legend," said Espanyol coach Sergio Gonzalez. "We were the better side in the first half but Leo's goal was a tough blow. We couldn't forget it and 15 bad minutes cost us the game." Already the club's alltime top scorer, Messi's 29th career treble for Barcelona was his 400th, 401st and 402nd goals for the club, including friendlies. They took his league tally for this season to 13 goals, behind Ronaldo's runaway total of 23. Elsewhere, David Moyes endured his first loss in charge of Real Sociedad, a stinging 4-0 defeat at Villarreal. Carlos Bacca

FC Barcelona's Lionel Messi, from Argentina, top left, duels for the ball against Espanyol's Sergio Garcia during a Spanish La Liga soccer match against Espanyol at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Sunday, Dec. 7. (AP Photo)

netted early to help secure Sevilla's 1-0 win at Rayo Vallecano and tighten its hold on fourth place, while Alvaro Negredo scored his first goal for Valencia before it conceded a late equalizer to slip 1-1 at Granada. After a start to the season when Messi stood out for his playmaking, he is again scoring goals in bunches, and last month became both the leading scorer in the history of both the Spanish league and the Champions League. His scoring burst comes with Ronaldo also in spectacular form and both star forwards are again among the finalists for the Ballon d'Or award, which Ronaldo won last year. The winner will be announced on Jan.

12. "Leo's first goal was the key," said Barcelona coach Luis Enrique. "I don't know if he and Cristiano feed off one another. Our interest is that he gives us all he can and is involved in every facet, scoring, assisting and even in defense." Felipe Caicedo's pressure led to Espanyol's goal when the striker stole the ball from Sergio Busquets, dribbled forward pulled away from Pique before firing under goalkeeper Claudio Bravo. Barcelona turned to Messi to spark its comeback. Having already hit the crossbar with a free kick, Messi received Xavi Hernandez's pass and used two quick touches before threading a left-footed shot through the crowd and just

inside the upright. He got his second after halftime when Barcelona was on the break. Neymar led the way before Luis Suarez crossed for Messi, who poked the ball under defender Juan Fuentes and drilled it home with his right boot. Pique quickly ended Espanyol's hopes in the 53rd by heading in Ivan Rakitic's corner kick. Espanyol was then caught off balance when Pedro scored in the 77th before Messi worked a onetwo with the forward to get his hat trick in the 81st. Moyes had yet to lose in three previous matches since arriving at Sociedad, but Villarreal turned an evenly matched contest into a rout with a flurry of

goals in the final half hour. Bruno Soriano started with a free kick that hit ricocheted off the bar, the ground, and goalie Enaut Zubikarai's back before finally landing in the net in the 64th. Denis Cheryshev struck in the 73rd and Moi Gomez netted in the 80th and 86th, while teammate Luciano Vietto hit the post twice. Villarreal rose into sixth place. Sociedad was left in 14th, just ahead of Granada, three points above the drop. Negredo seemed to have snatched fifth-place Valencia the win at Granada with a goal in the 83rd, but Valencia lost Paco Alcacer to a direct red card for hitting an opponent before Granada's Isaac Success leveled in the 89th.

Difficult to accept there was no conflict of interest: SC to Srinivasan

NEw DELhi, DECEmBER 8 (iANS): The Supreme Court Monday grilled step-aside BCCI president N. Srinivasan on conflict of interest and said it was difficult for it to accept that the involvement of his son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan - a team official of Chennai Super Kings - in betting during the IPL 2013 did not result in conflict of interest. "Srinivasan is the vice chairman and managing director of India Cement Limited, an owner of IPL franchise Chennai Super Kings, your son-in-law is a team official and he is involved in betting. It is very difficult to accept the proposition that there is no conflict of interest," said the bench of Justice T.S. Thakur and Justice Fakkir Mohamed Ibrahim Kalifulla. "You are a contractor, and also the head of the contracting party. Is there no conflict," the court asked of counsel Kapil Sibal who appeared for Srinivasan. "Your

35th National Games from January 31


DimAPuR, DECEmBER 8 (mExN): The 35th National Games is scheduled to be held from January 31 to February 15, 2015. The National Games in Kerala will have competition events in 31 sports disciplines to be conducted in 29 venues spread over 7 districts in the state and is expected to witness 1200 sports persons and officials participating in the event. The opening and closing ceremonies shall be held at Trivandrum. The Organizing Committee has given December 15 as the cut off date for registration of players. A press release from T. Meren Paul, Secretary General, Nagaland Olympic Association, informing this directed all qualified teams/associations to submit the list of qualified players along with complete address, mobile No. with a recent passport size photographs to the Secretary General, Nagaland Olympic Association on or before December 14.

duty as BCCI head and the owner of CSK is pulling in different directions," it added. The court's remark came as Sibal said only the acts committed by Srinivasan would result in action against Chennai Super Kings and the adverse consequences of betting activities of Meiyappan would not impact the IPL franchise. "If he (Meiyappan) is a team official who is betting, would it not affect the team? Would not, in this situation, your team get disqualified," the court asked, following which Sibal said: "No, no. only if owner is involved (the team would get disqualified)." In answer to another poser by the court whether Srinivasan's interest as BCCI head to act against CSK was not at variance with his interest as owner of the IPL franchise, Sibal said that in that situation "I (Srinivasan) will step aside and that is what had happened

when Jagmohan Dalmiya stepped in after I had stepped aside in the wake of allegations against Meiyappan". "You will keep away," the court asked as Sibal in an attempt to reassure the court said: "Yes, that is what had happened. The taste of the pudding is in eating." In response to another query by the bench that "If the court were to come to the conclusion that some part of your son-in-law's activities affects you, then what will happen," Sibal said: "BCCI will not stand in the way of anyone who has been accused of wrong-doing." At the outset of the hearing, Sibal sought to impress upon the court that the conflict of interest was something that has been accepted globally as everyone was in some kind of conflict of interest and the test was "Have you at any given point of time perpetrated your interest?" Apparently unpersuaded, the

court said: "That (actual perpetration) is not the test. Likelihood of conflict of interest is the test. Likelihood of bias is the test. The conflict of interest that we are dealing with is the duty you (as the head of the BCCI) have to discharge and your personal interest (as owner of the CSK)." Sibal sought to defend Srinivasan, saying a large number of other eminent people like Sunil Gavaskar, Sachin Tandulkar, Saurav Ganguly and Anil Kumble were similarly placed in conflict of interest situation but he (Srinivasan) was being targeted as some people want to keep him outside the apex cricketing body. Making distinction between commercial interest and what a professional gets paid for rendering professional services, the court said: "Those who invest money to earn money and those who give professional advice and get money (for it) are two different things."

3rd Annual Hornbill Cycle Rally


Governor P.B. Acharya with participants of the Hornbill Cycle rally in Kohima on December 7.

KOhimA, DECEmBER 8 (mExN): The 3rd Annual Hornbill Cycle rally was held on December 7 with Himato Zhimomi, Commissioner & Secretary, Department of Tourism, Art & Culture, flagging off the event from Kisama Heritage Village, Kohima. 80 participants – both male and female – from

different walks of life participated in the rally. The youngest among the lot was 12-year old Vemele Hiese Vadeo. Nagaland Governor, P.B. Acharya, waved the chequered flag at Old DC Bungalow. The Governor also gave out a Firefox cycle to the winner of a lucky draw, Sentienla Ababe, and interacted

with participants over lunch. The rally was organized by Alaphra Tourism, a division of Alaphra Group in order to create awareness about the environment under the theme “Bike the Drive” – for a sustainable environment. The rally was sponsored by the Department of

Tourism, Government of Nagaland in collaboration with the Department of Forest, Environment, Ecology & Wildlife, Government of Nagaland along with State Bank of India, Aircel, Big Bazaar (Future Retail), Firefox and Nagaland Manpower & Project Consultancy Services.

Published, Printed and Edited by Aküm Longchari on behalf of Morung for Indigenous Affairs and JustPeace from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Telecommunications, Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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