Gorgeous Sterling Silver Moonstone Jewelry

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Moonstone Jewelry Like a bright shining orb in the sky, Moonstone is a white color gemstone with healing powers of the moon and the carrier of the yin energy. Moonstone belongs to the family of minerals named feldspar and has an amazing play of light called adularescence.

History of Moonstone Jewelry Moonstone has its special place in history. There are so many different cultures having their own exciting story. The Romans believed that the Moonstone has formed with the moonbeams from the moon, and thus while wearing the Moonstone jewelry can help them see their moon goddess. While, the Greeks believed Moonstone has the power of prophecy. Both Romans and Greek share the similar belief that Moonstone is associated with the lunar deities.

Benefits of Moonstone Jewelry The stone of the moon energies, moonstone, is charming and magical and has many benefits. Since prehistoric times, it is used for its exceptional healing properties and has benefited mankind. The moonstone has a significant number of benefits; here are a few of them to give you an insight: The healing stone Moonstone is helpful as the healing stone. It is widely used for problems related to health. It helps to cleanse the blood and also aids in digestion. It also helps improve the one facing issues related to the spleen, pancreas, or liver.

Rananjay Exports Rananjay Exports was established in 2013 in Jaipur, India, to become the largest and the most trusted wholesale jewelry manufacturer and supplier. Witnessing the struggles that a retail jewelry business faces every day, we were determined to make things easier for them. We didn't want to do it for one or two retail jewelry businesses. Still, We wanted to impact as many as possible worldwide. This gave us the inspiration to have an online presence and serve all those who want to achieve great heights.

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