Natural Wholesale Silver moldavite jewelry

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A stone of new beginnings & stone connected to the moon. Moonstone enhances intuition and brings innate psychic gifts Moonstone Jewelry. Characteristic White sheen and mesmerizing play of colors in light Healing  Teaches the balance and the rhythm of life  Significant for lovers  Enhances inner vision  Stabilizes emotions and provides calmness  Works like magic for fertility issues  It gives hope and pushes towards new beginnings

Moldavite jewelry The stone from the space Moldavite, the stone formed about 20 million years ago by the meteor shower crashing the earth, is filled with extraterrestrial materials. This olive color stone with the high vibration is the stone for the change and transformation & brings quick spiritual healing.

Benefits 1. Energetic blueprint to the soul Moldavite is a high vibration stone that amplifies spiritual energies. Wearing moldavite jewelry will link the wearer to their sole purpose.

2. Recoding DNA Moldavite alters the cell makeup and removes the underlying stress or illness. They provide ease to the discomfort and helps release the burdens.

3. Stone of personal unity moldavite jewelry being the stone of atonement aligns the mind-body and soul and provides the sense of calm. It clarifies doubts and provides ease.

4. Aligns the heart chakra Moldavite acts as a tool that aligns the heart chakra and opens up a person to new experiences. It helps relieve the fears of the past, leading to better selfexpression.

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