Unit 3 & 30 research log done

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Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Type of source & details

Description of information obtained

Evaluation of research

Friday 26th April 2013

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audience_measurem ent This source gave me a definition of the meaning.

The information obtained was clearly what is meant by ‘Audience measurement panels’

This gave me another meaning of the definition which I could then record and explain what it meant.

Friday 26th April 2013

http://www.kantarmediauk.com/audiencemeasurement.aspx This source is a media related website/

The information from this is just explaining what the benefits of the advertising panel would do to the product and how it would enhance the advert.

This was useful as it told me the benefits of advertising Panels.

Friday 26th April 2013

http://suite101.com/article/ratings-and-morebasic-tv-ad-terms-a49623 This source is a blog from a contributor that explains what advertising ratings is.

This website just explains to me what is meant by the advertising ratings.

This gave me another meaning of the definition which I could then record and explain what it meant.

Friday 26th April 2013

http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc =s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CDAQ FjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fweb.viu.ca%2Frtri%2FF ace%2520to%2520Face.pdf&ei=5lR6UdSSHsnA0Q XpvYDIDQ&usg=AFQjCNEvyZiNjQGne1eUBQKlRsHRfFVKQ&sig2=A4Ky1x5_ihG5xhP4hw0jIA This pdf tells me what is meant by a face to face interview and it also clearly explains the different types of interviews and the advantage of each one.

The information I obtain by this PDF is the differences between each interview and how they are beneficial.

This was helpful as it allowed d me to look at the differences.

Friday 26th April 2013


This source was helpful as it told me exactly what a focus group is but did not relate to the subject I am looking at which is media advertisements.

This source was helpful as it gave me more information about focus groups.

Friday 26th April 2013


This source gave me a definition of what a focus group is and it was more related to the media side of things which is what I needed.

This gave me further information which helped my understanding.


Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Date

Type of source & details

Description of information obtained

Evaluation of research

Friday 26th April 2013

http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/ structured_questionnaires.htm This information was about what is meant by questions and what they do.

This helped me understand what it meant.

This source was useful because before this my knowledge was not that strong.

Friday 26th April 2013


What a questionnaire can comprise of.

This helped me when having to make my own questionnaire.

Friday 26th April 2013

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_a udience

This source gave me information about the target audience and just a simple definition to understand.

This source was simple and helpful.

Friday 26th April 2013

http://www.thinkbox.tv/server/show /nav.914

Another source I look at for target audience was this source however it did not help with extra information and was not useful for my work.

This source gave me the definition of target audience.

Friday 26th April 2013


The barb website gave me a short brief definition of what they do.

This website gave me valid information that helped me understand me and was real.

Friday 26th April 2013


This was another source complied by Ofcom but I did not find it useful as it did not give me much information about what Ofcom are and what they do.

This gave me more information from barb and helped me when having to look in to the definitions.

29th April 2013

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advertisi ng_agency

Advertising adverts

This gave me the definition of what advertising adverts mean.

29th April 2013

http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/questio n/index?qid=20111009065608AAvK2J D

This was a source I found to find out what is meant by an information pack although it did not help with any information.

This gave me information of what information pack which was helpful.

Unit 3 & 30 Research Log Date

Type of source & details

29th April 2013


29th April 2013

http://www.businessdictionary.com/ definition/psychographics.html

29th April 2013

http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_do es_demographic_mean

Description of information obtained

Evaluation of research

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