Moravian Magazine, June 2014

Page 17

of ministry is changing and that not all of our ministry partnerships look the same. New and emerging ministries Growth in ministry partnerships is not limited to our congregations. We are discovering that there are new and emerging ministries in our communities that do not fit within the current models and categories that we have known. In addition to several new beginnings in the Northern Province, two communities have begun to reach out in Winston-Salem. With PEC approval, staff members of the Board of World Mission, the Board of Christian Education, and the Board of Evangelism and Home Mission began a new outreach worship ministry in 2008. Now called Come and Worship, this unique worship experience for those interested in varied expressions of church beyond current customs and practices, has grown to the point that it averages a combined worship attendance of 60 for the two services it offers at Chelsee’s, a coffee shop in downtown Winston-Salem. Anthony’s Plot is a Moravian intentional community of faith that combines residency, community development work, and a socially relevant and spiritually hopeful outreach to bring the good news of Jesus to visible reality. Anthony’s Plot works to bring about reconciliation among those of different classes, cultures and races by organizing neighborhood meals, worship and events, and advocating for and working with the homeless population in Winston-Salem. These Moravian-led ministries are making a positive difference in the Winston-Salem community, reaching out to our neighbors to share the good news of Jesus Christ. They have also developed meaningful partnerships (continued on next page) June 2014

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