Moravian Magazine, December 2013

Page 11

WHY A BEESWAX CANDLE? and hardships to thoughts of Christmas. Just two weeks before Christmas a muchloved minister, Bishop Peter Boehler, returned to Bethlehem, having concluded some business in Europe. The devotions he conducted Christmas Eve in the Old Chapel, then the main church building, were long to be remembered as a bright hour in the midst of a dark time. The town diary has a full account, a free translation of which is: At eight o’clock the children assembled for their Vigils service in the congregation chapel. After the choir sang the old Christmas hymn, “Today we celebrate the birth,” Brother Peter Boehler talked about the birth of the Savior, using as illustration the Christmas Eve painting which was illuminated and surrounded with the Daily Texts from the past two days. The children took part with Christmas verses, singing them with spirit and tenderness. Then each received a gift as a reminder of the greatest and most wonderful gift when the Savior gave himself to us. (continued on page 19)

The candle itself is symbolic of Christ: the Light of the World, sinless and pure, sacrificing his life for sinners. According to Moravian tradition, the candles must be made of beeswax because it is considered the purest of all animal or vegetable waxes. Why a red frill? The red frill, originally a red ribbon, reminds us of the blood that Christ shed for all of us. It is also, as Bishop John de Watteville intended when he introduced the candles to a Christmas service, to remind us of the blood-red flame of love that Jesus lit in every heart through his life and sacrifice. These two elements capture the essence of Jesus in a single image, but it is not until the candle is illuminated that we see the fullness of the love of Christ reflected. The lit candle is symbolic of the birth of Christ, the Light of the world. The candle both celebrates Jesus as our light and Savior and reminds us of the sacrifice that he made for us. The sight of the lit candles all illuminating one space, together driving out darkness, displays the overwhelming love of Christ, as each candle is a singular message to each one of us: I am yours and you are mine. We each receive a candle, just as we each receive Christ’s blessing and salvation, letting Christ’s glory shine within us.

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