Third Issue of the Menden Media Team

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The article that no one reads

Feeling exhausted? You might experience this because we are just one day, one issue and one episode away from the end of this amazing event and very soon the Menden bubble will burst when we will all go back to reality. Fortunately, we spent five amazing days together full of great food, awesome parties and high-quality academic programme. Yes, this is the part where I praise the o-some organisers. And I think you all agree with me when I say that these deserve the warmest ‘thank you’s for bringing innovation to this EYP session and turning it into reality. The RegioTalks and the GlobalTalks, the two elements that probably made most of the participants to apply to this session, were a huge success among delegates since even me (the one that leaves the Media Cave only for food, which is that delicious that is worth mentioning twice) noticed that. Not only did they organise the perfect session, but they also managed (with little help from the President and the Editor) to put together the most o-some Chairs’ Team and Media Team. We are not only good looking; we are smart, dedicated, hard-working and humble EYPers and we did our best to make this session unforgettable for you. We hope we managed to do that so far. If not, we still have one day left to amaze you.

ISSUE #3 | Editorial | page 2

News about the RegioTalks

The ISF in Menden is special for many reasons and undoubtedly the RegioTalks are one of them. They made an unique opportunity for the delegates to meet members of the community, entrepreneurship and institutions of Menden and discuss their committee topics. “I loved it” says Oskar from ITRE. “We spent two extra hours at the Stadtwerke Menden because we wanted to ask so many questions”. “The speakers were very well prepared so we could really learn a lot” adds Jakob. Delegates from LIBE, Paraskevi and Kristina share their enthusiasm: “We went to visit the Muslim community in Menden and it was brilliant! We learnt a lot about their culture and beliefs but it was also an example of how integration can work at the local level”. Philippa, ENVI I, says that it gave the committee a chance to see how environmental protection is beneficial for page 2 | Local News | ISSUE #3

both business and the local community. Delegates of EMPL visited a retirement home in Menden and broadened their horizons through talks with volunteers and managers. “It helped us to understand the older generation’s view on our topic” Klara reveals. AGRI went to a local farm and debated the importance of quality and impact of EU subsidies on the market. INTA visited ECO-Schulte company and got an insight into the obstacles a company has to face entering international market and moving to Asia. ECON met representatives of the Mendener Bank eG.“It was very interesting to see the local point of view and ask questions” Eva declares. Every committee visited a different place, but they all have one thing in common – they unanimously agree that it was an amazing experience.

ENVI II Committee Work

The dullest part of EYP is definitely the committee work. The most tiring part of EYP is definitely the committee work. The funniest part of EYP is definitely the committee work. Few would agree to all three of these statements, but it is evident that the CW is by far the most essential part of an EYP- session. Something that all delegates learn very quickly is that it is the hardest part, and this session is no exception. The committee work is where the ideas take their final form and are transformed into concrete proposals that then eventually become a finished resolution. There is no general way of doing the committee work. Just like the teambuilding, the process is different for each committee. The traditional ways of doing the CW is by brainstorming for ideas and then try to work from that.

DAM, what a tour!

That is the case for the most of the committees here, but in one committee they have brainstormed three different perspectives, one by one, and then they have made a circular chart of their results. Right now, all committees are struggling to find solutions, enduring hours of seemingly endless discussions until they have nightmares about postit notes. Hopefully, the result will be eight resolutions that everyone can agree on during the general assembly. Hoping for that might prove out to be too much, but at least everyone involved will feel an unequivocal satisfaction of seeing the end product of your work in the form of a resolution.

Last night the ISF Menden went on a tour. It had all the characteristics a typical EYPtrip entails; a long bus ride, some awesome picture opportunities and an epic (mandatory) sing-along on the way back. We went to the lake Sorpesee and went right into the heart of the DAM itself. The barbeque then followed along with another chance for the session participants to show off their moves. And there was a swing! It was a night to remember. The DAM may have seemed underwhelming at first. Although the supercool retro 90‘s video did bring back memories of the disco the night before, it is my view that people were anxious to get out and view the dam itself. We were not disappointed. Led into narrow corridors, we were told at one point that the wind going through the tunnels would have the same effect as if you opened a door on an aeroplane. It was a unique experience, for sure. There are also unconfirmed rumours of delegates “shifting”* in the tunnels.

Sadly, not many were excited to climb 280 steps to the top of the DAM. Next time perhaps… After that of course there was the barbeque. It was a long and arduous walk there but was it not worth it? The view, when not distorted by the rain, was amazing. The lake did look like a paradise. After some much, much-needed food, the nightly disco began and overall the whole last night, I have to say, was fantastic. From Euphoria to Starships, the fun was just radiating from the room. Dancing on the balcony with the organisers, I saw the thing that drew me into EYP the most; people who have never met before just having the best fun and being the greatest of friends. I hope the night of the DAM will be remembered, I really do. *an Irish term for French Kissing/making out/etc.

ISSUE #3 | Local News | page 3

Deep down in the Atlantic Ocean, under the blue waves, there stands the Kingdom of ENVI. The flamboyant underwater plants covering the region first awe a visitor. Then come the golden walls surrounding the mag nif icent city. However, in the middle of the city, there stands a castle that leaves everything under its shadow. It’s the most glamorous building a merman has ever done; shining with reds, blues, yellows and greens. Yet again, inside the castle stands an unparalleled treasure: The queen of the Kingdom, Queen Kerstin. Her techniques of governing are famous all about the globe and the importance she gives to her community is celebrated. One day, inside the enchanting castle, Queen Kerstin was deep down in her thoughts. Her city’s drinking water resources, as even the merman requires filtered clean water, were getting scarce. The city’s filtration and sewage treatment lacked the recent developments and the economy might not be able to bear myriad changes. After long hours of thinking, she understood this problem was beyond a single mind to sort out, and thus she gave the order for her royal scholars’ team to get together. They were educated in the best schools and are known for their supreme intelligence. Alone, each was intelligent; together they were exceptional. There was nothing they could not resolve. Thus came the minds, one by one. Lina, Sipage 4 | Committee | ISSUE #3

mon, Can, Dilge, Gamze, Dean, Charikleia, Katrin and Lucie took their seats around the shining round table that was ornamented with the symbols of their union: a small clown fish, a frog and three ducks. Queen Kerstin greeted them and explained the huge problem that threatened their kingdom. Afterwards, she waited for them to start their discussions, as they had the habit of warming up before the session. Teambuilding, they called these special exercises, which strengthened the bounds that held them together. Then, when it came to the time, they started approaching the issue in hand in their prudent way: specifying the problems first and moving on to the possible solutions. As the debate got fiercer, they started to understand that the problem was much more serious than what they had thought earlier. This was not a surprise, as they were dealing with water, which was considered vital especially in their society. It was the source of life and they had to protect it in all the possible ways. Therefore, they decided to gather public’s views on the matter before coming to ultimate decision. In order to achieve this goal they called the managers of major water related companies and gained novel information from their experts. After gathering all the information needed, they started to make their List of Orders. This was the ultimate report proposing the solutions to the prodigious issue in hand. When the paper was offered to the Council of Mermen, it passed with the whole council in favor, as always. Thanks to them, now, Kingdom of ENVI holds the highest amount of best quality water that has been ever seen.

ENVI I The purpose of Teambuilding is the establishment of a team spirit. It is enormously important for both fruitful discussions during the committee work and for a successful GA. But the building of a team usually takes some time. Getting to know each other, finding one‘s role in the group and eventually gaining trust in each other are not easy tasks, especially when time is limited. Attending the committee on Environment and Public Health I faced even further challenges: delayed trains and thus four missing delegates at the beginning of teambuilding were not a pleasant kick-off. But ENVI I is not an average committee, nothing could prevent them from flying as chicken pilots, going bananas and becoming ninjas. Having this in mind it is not surprising that they set a new (number) crush record. With thus already proving ENVI I to be an incredibly well working team, they were also keen to get started with the committee work. The following debates revealed how passionate the committee members feel about their topic. Although it was a highly complex and complicated one, they could not wait for the discussion to start. The fear mentioned earlier of not being able to share ideas with the committee members was proven wrong during the following hours of debating. In contrast, the wish for an open- minded discussion, to which everyone could take part to, came true. Dear Theresia, Ella, Fransesco, Filippa, Fifo, Anna, Martha, Juliette and Audrey,

during the last days I could see a group of nine strangers becoming friends. I am very thankful and happy that you let me be a part of this amazing process. One could call that the magic of EYP! I really enjoyed seeing you guys spending great time together, not only during teambuilding or committee work but also during the evening programs and coffee breaks. These are the adjectives that were mentioned when being asked to describe your committee in one word: awesome, diverse, indescribable, singing, interesting, fun, respectful, supportive and unique. I think you just hit the bull‘s eye! From my point of view you missed only one word: endurance. Even when facing some problems during the committee w o r k you did not lose your head, but rather stayed calm and looked for solutions. I am sure your performance at the General Assembly will be coined by your passion to actively debate and your open-mindeness towards other opinions just alike. I hope that when arriving back home you will just sit down for a while, close your eyes and think of all the memories and experiences you have collected throughout the session. If this makes you suffer from a deep PED, just remember: EYP- session does not end with a „good bye“, but with a „see you soon! “. ISSUE #3 | Committee | page 5

We asked

You answered

As the delegates mingled after the evening activity, the Eco Schulte, there was a perfect opportunity to find out what they think about the session. And not just what they think, but what they really think. As we mingled with the delegates, with a notepad at hand, we learned more about the delegates’ views than we had expected. One question that lingered in everyone’s minds was why the delegates would want to go to Menden for a week during the summer. “I want to develop a greater understanding for other cultures.” It became clear that many were striving to meet new people and learn about other cultures. But as one delegate put it: “I want to meet Ukrainian girls”, it soon became clear that learning about other cultures could have an ambiguous meaning. Sadly (or obviously), it was unanimously agreed that the Swedish are the hottest delegates at the session and your President and Andreia our Editor (bad choice) are tied for the second hottest official. But the hottest official at the session without a doubt is Hammu, the chair of AGRI. Congrats Hammu, but beware of the delegates. The Macerena, surprisingly, proved to be the most popular choice of 90’s song. Which is ridiculous! Come on delegates, pick up your socks. The 90’s was the decade of BRITNEY SPEARS, Radiohead, and the Backstreet Boys! Anyway, the dares introduced in the session proved to be very popular with the delegates. One even mentioned that they were too easy, which means that they will be much, much harder next session. Be advised! The delegates’ view of Menden was overall positive. Many agreed that the city of Menden was not only a “cool town” but also a cute one. Many had been positively surprised by it. As one French delegate put it “Menden is bigger than I thought.” The only real consensus among the delegates was reached when they were asked about what they would like to say to Head-organiser Maximillian Kiehn and President Mari-Liis Orav, who have made this session possible. “Thank you for this opportunity” was a very common answer. One delegate even wanted to go further, but still respected the Golden Rule by saying “I want to give them a psychological French kiss.” When the delegates feel such gratefulness, psychological or not, you know that you have succeeded. So these were the delegate questions. Thanks to all who answered anonymously (even you Love).

page 6 | Interview | ISSUE #3

Western Europe Besides the Olympic Games in London, the European Football Championship in Poland and Ukraine is the major sport event of 2012. It fascinated football fans all over the Globe; the TV- ratings exceeded the 100 million viewers limit by far. Of course, some games traditionally evoke more emotions than others, as we are speaking of „sporting rivalry“: France vs. England, the Netherlands vs. Germany or Germany vs. England just to give you a few examples. What is at the bottom of this rivalry? Generally the answer might be simply just „ambition“, because that is what sports and competitions are all about. But if we take a closer look, we can find other reasons: history, for instance. Throughout history there has been traditionally a long-lasting enmity between the countries mentioned above. Especially the countries of Western Europe used to be previously united in mutual hostility rather than diversity. The World War II marked a tragic peak in the long story of war and violence. Taking this background into consideration it is quite surprising that almost all of the EU founding members are located in the Western parts of the continent. In 1951, only six years after World War II had come to an end, the hereditary enemies France and Germany were the goading nations promoting the establishment of the „European Coal and Steel Community“. Together with Belgium, the Dutch Kingdom, Luxembourg and Italy they took the first

step towards a united and thus peaceful Europe. And still at the present days the French-German relationship is considered to be the engine accelerating European integration. The election of Mr. Hollande as the new president of the Republic of France is considered to have slowed down this engine, even observers from other continents have warned about the possible consequences a slump in the French German relation would have in Europe. This fear underlines the extreme importance of Western Europe, which can be seen as a precursor of a common European internal market. Additionally, West Europe is the most powerful and richest part of Europe. With the United Kingdom and France having the veto power in the UN Security Council, Germany being the third most successful trading nation and London being one of the most important financial centres of the world, Europe without Western Europe would not be able to compete with the US, China or India. Nevertheless the West European economic wealth increasingly correlates with East Europe´s economic development. But West Europe is not exclusively about history, politics and economy. It is also meant to be a community of common values. Until the fall of the Iron curtain that divided Europe into two different worlds, Western Europe was meant to be a community based on democratic and liberal values, always threatened by the communism. ISSUE #3 | The Regions | page 7

Many Western Europeans intellectuals fancy themeselves as heirs of the ideas of Enlightenment. This makes up the core of a common West European identity. In times of the Euro crises and a strengthening anti-European course among the public, many pro-European politicians like to remind us of this common value system. Besides certain shared values West Europe is a place of a wide array of cultures and traditions. It consists of Anglo, Romanic, and Germanic traditions. There are still plenty of stereotypes buzzing around among West Europeans´ about each other. The UK sometimes acts like USA’s little brother, the French are considered to be passionate lovers, the main

Dutch food is cheese, the Irish drink nothing but beer and the Germans are narrow minded and always seeking a way to rule over the rest of Europe. Luckily, these hackneyed clichés are nowadays mostly used for jokes and not taken seriously, but they still reveal a great cultural diversity. It has proven to be both a risk and a chance. Whereas the cultural variety has caused numerous tensions in the past, the recent story of West Europe has turned variety into an advantage that has been successfully united in diversity. If in the past the relations between West European nations were dominated by rivalry, nowadays they are the engine of European integration. A surprising change.

page 8 | The Regions | ISSUE #3

Session Crosswords

13.)Maximilian 14.)Andreia 15.)Nuns

16.)Mari-Liis 17.)Resolution 18.)Coffee

19.)Meow 20.)Lover 21.)Florence

page 9 | FUN | ISSUE #3

keeping refreshing your Facebook page. You’re suffering from _ _ _ 13.) The name of the king of Menden you should all respect. 14.) The queen that never sees the daylight. 15.) Are _ _ _ allowed to drink beer? 16.) Our famous It-girl! 17.) Be proud of this document that you are working on the whole time! 18.)You have to learn to love that drink because you might need it to survive! 19.)Don’t be scared if the journalists will make that sound, cats always do. 20.) “If you wanna be my _ _ _ _ _ you have got to give!” 21.) Don’t be sad for the rest of the session because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ couldn’t perform last night!

10.) One 11.)Gossip 12.)PED

Do not forget to keep us posted trough our inbox on the mezzanine! You know you love us, XOXO

1.) You are not experiencing the true EYP session if you don’t suffer from the lack of _ _ _ _ _. 2.) The name of the company providing 5 000 000 inhabitants of the Ruhrgebiet with drinking water. 3.) What eventually didn’t spoil the Barbeque? ( 4.) What rule do (or at least should) we all obey? 5.) Do we really want to call her _ _ _ _ _ ? 6.) The Anglo-saxon demigod is _ _ _ _ _ . 7.) Please, don’t _ _ _ _ your nose at the GA! 8.) Bribing the board during the GA will get you _______ 9.) Do _ _ _ take Converse shoes for the GA! (not) 10.) The bed can hold just _ _ _ , please remember that. 11.) We all love _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! 12.) Back home, 24 hours in front of your laptop,

7.)Blow 8.)Nowhere 9.)Not

Hi kittens, PAPACAZZI here again- your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Menden’s Delegates. Apparently a lot has changed since the last time we spoke. After spending your first days in Menden you got rid of your timidity. Unluckily for you, traitors live within these walls. Beware, since there seems to be a contagious love infection among you delegates. The first symptoms appeared last evening. Was it the alcohol? Or was it a sudden adrenaline rush? One thing is for sure- you can only blame yourselves. To our strongest regret, we bumped into what might be the most famous couple of this session while they we are behaving inappropriately in an obviously way too hot shower. We know that the beds are not so comfortable but there are better places, for instance the patio in the garden, the chapel... Moreover some of your colleagues were not that smart either and ended up spending their night in the gym. However we are delighted to see that our brand-new gossip girl inbox is so popular. ‘A journalist has(h) a crush on a delegate but is dating another orga journalist.’ ‘Rumour has it - a representative of the official’s team was giving a lap dance to a handsome orga.’ Watch out press team, I’m afraid that a romance might distract you from your work- you’re still my favourite publishers! To conclude we are very happy with your improving gossip skills. The reason for this high level of attraction, are of course your fashionable ways. We are truly impressed by your good taste! Especially last night at the party, you proved you are truly a part of Menden’s high society.

1.)Sleep 4.)Golden Rule 2.)Ruhrverband 5.)Maybe 3.)Rain 6.)Jamie


ISSUE #3 | FUN | page 10

The seven deadly sins with

Lady Di Rarely such an enthusiastic, eupeptic woman took place in our confession chair. Diana, the Princess of Wales is one of the most famous princesses in Europe. She was the first wife of the British crown Prince Charles. Her indestructible humour is not a pose that everyone who’s ever had the chance to enjoy her company knows. Her optimism is contagious. She claims that her positive attitude is a way of living. She is also famous for her charity projects against AIDS and landmines. Today she is going to talk about one of the seven deadly sins: haughtiness. HAUGHTINESS Lady Di: I hate people who think they are better than everyone else. I do not even get it, we are all the same. If you look at us from a bird perspective, you see a swarming mass of people, who are just like ants, looking for a way to get through the day. And that doesn’t particularly mean one ant is better than another. Mews: How did you handle your increasing popularity, the transition from Lady Di to the most photographed person in the world? Lady Di: At first I had a really hard time to understand what people found so interesting in me. Mews: Have you ever had the tendency to be too big for one’s shoes? You kind of seem to enjoy the attention. Lady Di: I have always tried to stay the same even with all the media-attention. I am not very vain, I hate it when they are doing my hair or make up. Sometimes I do not even recognize myself. Many women think that it is fantastic, but I always get very nervous when I see a hairdresser. Mews: How ambitious are you? Lady Di: Charles teaches me to put things in perspective, the advantage of being married with a 13 years-older man: without him I would probably be much more ambitious and restless. He knows that youthful ambitious usually does not mean too much. But he would never tell it to me in person; he wants to give me the freedom to let me make my own mistakes. Mews: What is your opinion on EYP? Lady Di: It is a great initiative- if it was not for the fact that I am abroad that week, I would have loved to come to the event and get to know more about your initiative. But I do wish you a very successful session!

page 11 | Interview | ISSUE #3

The basics of EU- regulations The EU- legislation is divided into two categories: “primary” and “secondary” legislation. The basis of the primary legislation are the treaties (Treaty on the EU, Treaty on the Functioning of the EU and the Charter of Fundamental Rights). Every action is based on these treaties that have been voluntarily and democratically approved by all of the EU member states. The aims set out in these treaties are achieved by several types of legal act. These legislative acts include regulations, directives, recommendations and opinions. Some are binding, others are not. Some apply to all EU countries, others to just a few. Charasteristics




Obligatory Optional General Individual Enforcable/ challengable by member states Enforcable by individuals Complete regulation Incomplete regulation Directly applicable Indirectly applied




















Regulation- a self- executing act that does not require implementation measures. Those are equivalent to the “Acts of Parliament”, a law that is not needed to be mediated into national law by means of implementing measures. They are binding in their entirety and directly applicable in all member states, which means that they do not require national implementing legislation.

ISSUE #3 | EU Facts | page 12


Directive- a legislative act of the European Parliament that is binding on the member states as to the result to be achieved. Leaves some freedom to the member states as the choice of implementation is left to the national governments- however, directives are not challengeable by individuals unless enacted in national law. A variety of legislative processes, depending on the subject matter, can be applied in order to adopt the directives. In theory they are not directly applicable expect for some cases if certain conditions are met.

Primacy of the EC- law The treaties guarantee direct effect and supremacy: the EC law cannot be overridden by domestic legal provisions, regardless if the provision was introduced earlier than the EC law. In addition, the member states must repel the conflicting legislation. There is a duty of cooperation for the member states: they have to help to enforce the EUregulations instead of fighting against them.

All the good things about the ‘80s & the ‘90s The 90s are the butt of a joke since we outgrew our crop tops and ripped jeans. Seeing pictures from this period puts an uncomfortable smile on our faces – the kind of smile that shows that we have no idea why we would have ever wanted to look like this. Neon windbreakers – even the fiercest hipsters fear for a direct confrontation with these abandoned apparels. Bleached hair – remember Justin Timberlake at the time he dated Britney? But no wonder we loved him and we still do – we do understand the charm of the ‘90s because that is when we grew up. It is no use denying it – we do get sentimental while reminiscing about the ‘90s. There are a lot of things we’ve already forgotten such as floppy discs and walkmans but without any doubt there are even more that we want to retain. The ‘90s were unique not only in their attitude to beauty and chic – it differed from the present also in terms of technological progress. Devices we found fashionable when we were kids are nowadays a thing of the past or at least archaic. The new generation doesn’t understand our affection for old TV- series and bands they’ve never heard about. So, ready for a roundup? Floppy discs Floppy discs were difficult to store and they had little memory. What about the sound of floppy discs insertion? Irreplaceable. Video tapes Remember how you used to record your favourite

shows on video tapes or how your parents made you record the films they missed? Now you can get it ALL on the Internet. Too much is never enough, right? Walkmans and discmans Walking around with your favourite music on a tape or on a disc, wearing your headphones as a status symbol was the coolest thing ever. Not until 2010 had Sony stopped producing Walkman – apparently they had their ears to the ground. Nintendo New video game console by Nintendo brought hope to the video game industry severely damaged at the beginning of the 80s. But it also gave us hours of adventure and fun. Super Mario Brothers, Bomberman, Legend of Zelda, do I really have to go on? Pokemon

I want to be the very best, like no one ever was To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause.

Not only did we watch the anime TV- series. We used to collect stickers and caps and trade them. If we ever ended up in our own business or as a sales representative, Pokemon would be one of the reasons. Besides, we might have got addicted to the video game along the way. Macarena We still know the advanced choreography and can teach the younger generation so they never get lost in the complicated art of dance. Or just to enjoy the spirit of eeeh macarena. page 13 | The Decades | ISSUE #3

Power Rangers Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Green, even Silver. Superhuman strength, unusual abilities such as telepathy and super speed used to fight the evil. Everyone wanted to demorph into a Power Ranger! Spice Girls Victoria ended up with David Beckham and Geri’s Union Jack dress was sold for $59,000. Not too bad for Wannabies, right? The ‘90s are famous not only for all those things. They also marked the transition of many European countries from communism to democracy. The European Union was created in the form we know it now and the ‘90s represent the beginning of the accession process for many European countries. If you think that the ‘90s were a crazy decade, let us take a look at the previous one. The 80s were a turbulent period not only in terms of fashion and music. The weaknesses of communist regimes became increasingly visible for its citizens and the outside world. The rise of an independent trade union in Poland, Solidarity led by Lech Wałęsa, and escalating civil resistance resulted in the Fall of Communism in 1989. The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th 1989 marked the end of an era of Europe divided by the Iron Curtain. In the years that followed partly free and fully democratic elections were held in in all former Communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe. West and East Germany were unified and formed the Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin became a reunited city. The USSR was officially dissolved. ISSUE #3 | The Decades | page 14

European Community faced many challenges at that time and a revision of the Treaty of Rome which established the European Economic Community (ECC) was decided on. The bumpy path to closer economic and political cooperation led the European countries to the Single European Act (SEA) which set objectives for the European Communities to create the Single Market by the end of 1992. As a result of this decision, the Treaty of Maastricht came into effect in 1993. The European Union was formed from the European Communities - European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and ECC. The treaty led to creation of the currency we use nowadays, Euro, and established criteria a country has to meet in order to join the euro zone called the Maastricht criteria. It also gave Europeans the right to vote in elections in any EU country and started cooperation of EU countries in foreign affairs and immigration. In 1995 the Schengen Agreement was implemented by seven European countries and in 1997 Amsterdam Treaty was signed. It assigned increasing powers to the European Parliament as the EU began to prepare for enlargement. More emphasis was given at the legislation on employment, discrimination and social policy. The end of the 90s saw the beginning of the accession talks with countries such as the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Lithuania. For us, the 90s will always be the era of turtlenecks, baggy jeans and sweaters tied around the waist. We would fear Brad Pitt deciding to have long hair again and Fashionista wearing tartan miniskirts and knee-high socks. But some classics of the 90s we never grew too old – Titanic, The Lion King, Home Alone and Toy Story just to mention a few. As they say, you’re never too old for a ‘90s nostalgia.

AGRI I first met AGRI on Monday, between the sundrenched trees of the school grounds. Sadly, the first reaction AGRI receives is this: It’s an all-girl committee! It is most definitely not. Poor Marco, alone with all that oestrogen. He doesn’t seem to mind though, just take a peek at the eternal smile on his face (a feature he shares with Alyona). I wond e r what that is about. It is true that AGRI is not quite gender-equal. Although Marco, Hammu as their chair and their awesome journo are all male, we have an overwhelming number of females in the committee. Hammu said that a typical feature of female-dominated committees is that the committee is excellent at listening to one another. I witnessed this during the teambuilding. Take for example their excellent handling of the swamp (or Nuncraft, as it was called). There was, nearly always, only one voice talking. I could feel the co-operation, even at an early stage. Sitting here in the committee room, the brilliant delegates breaking down their motion while Izel takes notes, I am struck by how quiet it is. There is a team here; one that I am certain will succeed. But you don’t want to know what I think. You want to know gossip about these delegates. Well, prepare yourselves. Again on Monday, AGRI exclusively revealed some facts about themselves to MEWS. Lorenza slept in a bed with a boy (as in, ac-


tual sleeping, clean your minds!). Lena is not actually Irish, despite her desire to try whiskey. Laura has a Mexican boyfriend. Oh wait, that may have been her lie. Boys, you are lucky. So here they are, sitting in the committee room, ready to put on their thinking CAPs and tackle their topic. It is here that I notice that Hammu is excellently handling the committee, trying to make everyone talk. We have been to a potato farm on Wednesday, perhaps the only committee ever in the history of EYP to do so. We had an expert talk on Thursday also. I am struck by the quality of the questions asked, such as Felicia’s question about the environment. If I was to sum up the committee in one word (apart from female) I would say clever, respectful, a team… but yeah, it’d probably still be female. I will meet AGRI for the last time on Saturday. That’s a little sad really. Sessions are quite short. The consolation that I can give is that we live in the age of Facebook. Friendships in EYP circles tend to last forever. So guys, I hope you remember your week. You were brilliant, despite leaving me alone on a bus and struggling with the orange game (you managed it Alexandra). I hope you achieved the goals you mentioned to me like being innovative with the topic. You would better remember this chant the next time I see you, hopefully in sunny times again: WE ARE AGRI WE LIKE FARMS E-I-E-I-O. OWNING FARMS IS PART OF OUR CHARM. E-I-E-I-O.

page 15 | Committee | ISSUE #3

What do you get if you put a Belgian, three Germans, a Turk, a Lithuanian, an Italian, a Greek and a Swede in the same room? Answer: the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. I have seen many committees on Employm e n t and Social Affairs. In fact my first ever committee was EMPL III at the Swedish Nationals last year. However, this EMPL has something extra. This is a committee that would never back down from a challenge, which they have proven repeatedly. They completed all the tasks that come up their way, no matter whether it is getting a number with a silly chat-up line or by singing: “Call me maybe” during a coffee break. Even though they did not win the Eurovillage game, they showed through their enthusiasm that whatever they do they do it with 100%. I was swamped with questions of when they were going to start, and less than a minute after Eurovillage had started the task was accomplished. Too bad the actual challenge started later. Their efforts and creativity never ceases to amaze me. One delegate even asked me if the “Pranking a Chair”-dare meant that they could turn over an ordinary chair and call it a prank, just to earn some extra points. The committee is a diverse group of people. From those who happily dance naked in their homes to those who want to become police officers, the comISSUE #3 | Committee | page 16

mittee members all have their story to tell and can offer different perspectives. Whatever challenge they have faced, they have managed to accomplish it and excel. Not all the committees get through the spider’s web. Not all of the committees manage tasks without being allowed to speak. But this committee got through the spider’s web without speaking. Now that if what is impressing. This committee is not afraid of anything. Demonstrating the true meaning of “EYP spirit” they were prepared to, without any hesitation whatsoever, play ‘Big Fat Pony’ in central Menden, even trying to involve passers-by (with mixed results). EMPL-topics are not always the most exciting, but the discussions in the committee room have so far surprised me, as they never seemed to stop. They are always actively discussing some aspect of their resolution. After having seen many EMPL-committees, I know that this is not unusual. But when you hear them chant “E-M-P-L” in manner that would have made Village People jealous you know that they are special. It has been a pleasure to follow them so far and I am looking forward with excitement to seeing them excel during the General Assembly like they have done so far.

page 17 | Global News | ISSUE #3

News around the

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The next Industrial revolution Search your pockets, check the labels on your clothes and try to find something that was manufactured in your homeland. Any success? By introducing the market system throughout the world, the exchange of goods became much simpler. And as the trade always goes hand in hand with globalization, the signs of interconnection in our world became part of our everyday lives. None of that would be possible without the Industrial revolution back in the 18th century. The revolution has its name for a reason, it was the large industries which formed the solid ground for the future growth, generating capital for the state and providing jobs for its citizens. When describing the industry at high-school, the teacher always draws a pyramid scheme of the sector so the students can easily understand that without the primary sector there will be no tertiary one. During the past forty years however, lured

by a cheap workforce and therefore bigger profit, the “big businesses” migrated to the east. Consequently Europe, the heart and motor of the Industrial revolution, became a business’s address for clerks and travel agents. As unemployment rises, some economists are starting to call for the big enterprises to return to Europe. The US companies are already retreating from China and other eastern states, mainly because the conditions there are no longer as favorable as they were forty years ago. One of the ingredients in the “way out of the crisis”- recipe is without any doubt at least a partial return of manufacturing back to Europe. One does not simply argue with the economics textbook for the first grade of high school.

A House In The Box With the exponential increase in the human population, construction rates are growing immensely. This creates a pressure on the sector and makes it hard to satisfy the demand. There is a novel and eco-friendly technique that might be the perfect solution: Eco-Pak. The founders of the project, Matthew Coates, an American architect and James Green, a British aircraft structural engineer, came together to bring the new idea alive. It is a very simple, yet practical one. A ship container is used to carry all the required material for the construction of the house, diminishing the extra time and money spent on bringing them. What is even better is that the ship container itself becomes the basis of the house and integrates to strengthen the whole design; increasing the efficiency even higher. The design is still under evaluation and is being

improved by the designers, but apart from its efficacy, there are two specialties that make it promising. Firstly, it is very easy to transfer the container to anywhere around the globe in a great pace. As Coates mentioned, this means “the containers could be shipped to a site in large quantities, set down and assembled very quickly”. Secondly and for some even more importantly, these houses are aesthetically pleasing and professionally designed. They range in size from a small two-story house to a large three story structures, and for an even better note, the price stays relatively affordable. Eco-Pak is a new perception for green housing by using an unprecedented technique. If its sustainability and adaptability can be proven, it might become the primary preference of the generations to come. page 18 | SPONSORS | ISSUE #3





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