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Interview with the New YorK based Artist Duo

Location Paris, France

Artist Profile IG @ hownosm

Photography HOWNOSM / Galerie itinerrance


Born in Spain, German in heritage, residing in New York, painted in over 70 countries (thats right 70! it’s not a typo), Graffiti artists, Fine artists, Commercial artists and brothers (identical twins in fact). Sounds complicated right? Well it’s not if your HOW and NOSM. Or as their mum calls them, Raoul and Davide Perré. The twins don’t just make art, they live it. And with the drive and motivation to do it better, they also now live from it. Since the 90’s HOW and NOSM started their ascent up the artistic life path. Starting with the classic tagging and train writing graffiti artist path, trans­ forming to commercial art and ever morph­ ing into fine art and everything in between. Nothing the brothers have ever done was done in halves. How can they, there is two of them.

→ HOW & NOSM »Last Departure«, 60“ × 84“, 2014

Interview HowNOSM IN PARIS

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