the lab' report Issue 2

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editorial Do you need sexPistols to save the Queen ? Do you need headOrganizers to make you scream ? Of joy and happiness During the session you will be made You will be fed But you will not get paid The truth itself is to be realized The step to freedom needs to be free The media team wants you To express the world that you see And they need sexPistols to remain rebels

This issue was brought to you by: Onur Can Uçarer (TR) Veronika Datzer (DE) Tuusa Eriksson (FI) R. Tamer Ozgen (TR) Peter Pölzleithner (AT) Manon Schürch (CH) Raphael Bek (AT) Olivier Rostang (SE/FR) 2

contents Scientology


the Styrian oak


«Ayşe on vacation»


A Safe Job ?


Unintentional Inventions



Scientology - getting the insights on a dangerous cult Manon Schürch


cientology – a harmless religion or a dangerous cult? What do we know about this new so-called religion and what don’t we? This new community was formed back in 1954 by a science fiction author called L. Ron Hubbard. He wrote several books on that new “religion” and gained lots of followers. Scientologists believe that 75 Million Years ago there existed a planet called Tigiat, with 90 planets surrounding it called the galactic federation. They had elected a fellow by the name of Xenu to the supreme ruler and they were about to make him abdicate when they noticed he was abusing power. He decided to take radical measures to tackle the planets population problems. Beings were captured on other planets and were flown to volcanoes on earth. Once there, so-called H-Bombs were dropped on top of these beings and their physical body vanished, leaving only their spiritual bodies, called Thetans. These Thetans in forms of clusters attach themselves to every newly born being on earth. L. Ron Hubbard says

that the only answer is to do Auditing to achieve the perfect state of “Clear”. In Auditing sessions you hold on to two electrodes, which basically look like two tins, from the so-called electronic device, the “E-Meter”. An electrical energy then flows through these electrodes. There’s also a needle included in this E-Meter which will rapidly start moving and indicating where the true secret issues lie within each person. Different needle movements are supposed to have exact meanings and the auditor must have a complete understanding of all meter reactions. To be clear is to get rid of all negative experiences in your head and you can look at things more rational and with less emotional background. After hours of very expensive Auditing, you apparently can even acquire psychic powers like moving objects with your mind. These realizations result in a higher degree of spiritual awareness. Once you have taken these countless auditing sessions and paid lots of money to the church for such lessons, you have apparently reached the “Clear” state but there’s a chance to

The E-Meter

go even further. Above this state there are other levels you must reach to go beyond a perfect state of clear, meaning that you can achieve a state of enlightenment, and be not just free of unconscious impulses, like suddenly getting mad for no reason, have mood swings and so on, but be free of other things too so that you can operate as a God like human being. These levels are called the Operating Thetan levels. There are 8 OT levels and once you’ve achieved those through countless sessions of Auditing and Dianetics that also includes studying from books written by L.Ron Hubbard you can reach the so called Bridge to complete freedom. The 8 OT levels currently consist of 36 courses, which you have to take. Very important however is to mention that only for achieving the first level you have to pay 2.200 USD – this amount grows excessively if you want to reach higher OT levels. High-class scientologists have maybe paid around 400.000 USD to the church just for courses. Church taxes and donations not included.

The Celebrity Center


Scientology detaches itself strongly from any outer interference. They work very hard on keeping outsiders out of the church, journalists and disloyal members and ex-members are being followed, threatened and can even be persecuted. Scientology makes their members extremely dependent upon the community and do not let them go easily. If a member of Scientology starts questioning the church, they go after him: they investigate him, follow him around with video cameras, threaten and intimidate him. Being a full time scientologist you can’t carry out a normal job anymore, they give you jobs within the community. These jobs are often inhuman, low paid and physical challenging. The member’s circle of friends and family is being limited to members of the church and once becoming disloyal they make sure that you can’t get in contact anymore with these individuals. Many ex-members have lost whole families and friends and that way, they have lost their whole means of existence.

group of people. Scientology depends upon its members who pay for the Dianetics they receive from the church. Next to these fees, the church also highly depends on its celebrities, such as for example Tom Cruise or John Travolta. These members are most precious to the church and treated very well by the executives of Scientology. There are several so called “celebrity-centers” where such people are being treated and looked after accordingly. These consist of luxury hotels, especially established for them. Of course the celebrities pay the church of Scientology handsome sums throughout the year and speak on their behalf. Publicity is everything to the church, it’s very important to maintain a fresh and young dynamic face towards the public. They work very hard on keeping this image. Scientology is a dangerous and cruel cult, which doesn’t shy away from violent confrontation with opponents and critics of Scientology. They try to lure new people into the church by promising them answers to any questions they may have in life and offer them life-fulfilling experiences, so they say.

If however a member starts questioning the church, there are institutions established exactly for these kinds of people. They are called RPF = Rehabilitation Project Force, where members are forced to work like slaves and not earn money. That’s how they can earn their way back into the church after they have fallen from grace. Ex-members who have been to these places describe them as hell, working from the early morning until night, not getting sufficient meals, no pay and no necessary medical treatment.

Children born into Scientology families hardly ever get to see their families, since they are being indoctrinated already with Scientology ideas at an early age in scientology boarding schools. To elude children from their parents is cruel and vicious. Scientology is a vial cult where members are being exploited and the so-called Sea Org, the “high society of Scientology” takes advantage of everybody to gain even more money. It’s all about the money. To quote L. Ron Hubbard: “Make money, make more money.”

How does Scientology get to be so rich and wealthy? If you look at such new churches and interior designs there are no doubt that this has not been financed by a small


The Styrian Oak Peter Pölzleithner

Listen up, ladies and gentlemen; the next few paragraphs will be dedicated to one of the most influential sons of Styria (the province of Austria we are in right now). In spite of what some of you might be thinking at the moment, the article is not about a certain cat-adoring, glitter-wearing, always daring and beauty-admiring VP of EYP Austria, but Arnold Schwarzenegger, no one less than the “governator” himself. Despite the recent negative publicity he received, the career Arnold had in the United States of America is as remarkable as it gets. Mr. Schwarzenegger grew up in a tiny village, about a couple of minutes from Graz. His upbringing was very traditional and the values he was taught were relatively conservative. From an early age on young Arnold developed a strong power of will as well as an internal desire for excellence. Active in athletics and sports throughout his childhood and adolescence, it was Bodybuilding, which eventually became his passion and the outlet for his entire focus and energy aiming to achieve sheer physical perfection. Just like the physique possessed by a certain Austrian journalist. Neither his friends nor his family approved of his controversial hobby, but Arnold refused to let anybody keep him from pursuing his dream, which he quickly defined as becoming the best in his endeavor of choice. This kind of mindset is proof of an extremely strong character and an attribute, which deserves my fullest admiration. After gaining some immediate success on the European scene, Arnold made the decision of migrating to California, as the state was considered to be the Mecca of bodybuilding at that particular time. The rest is basically history. Proving all the doubters of his past wrong, Arnold won just about every title the world of bodybuilding had to offer. Additionally he achieved mainstream fame and is still considered to be legend among the fitness enthusiasts including my very humble self.

When his bodybuilding career came to an end, Arnold quickly set his sight on new challenges. The first one was the movie business. By announcing his desire to go into acting, Arnold earned a lot of criticism. People were quite vocal in doubting his suitability for the silver screen for a variety of reasons, mainly his unconventional accent and his monstrous frame. Nevertheless Arnold pursued his new career anyway, gladly embracing the challenge once again. Although some of his movies failed in truly epic ways, he stared in a respectable number of box office hits and has provided some of the most famous quotes in recent Hollywood history. But Arnold´s huge appetite for success was still far from being satisfied, as in 2003 Mr. Schwarzenegger publicly announced his candidature for the governor of California representing the Republican Party. Making use of his colorful personality and Austrian charm (again attributes commonly associated with a certain Austrian journalist) – Arnold quickly conquered election polls and the media alike. He was elected governor in 2004, thus successfully completing the transition from Terminator to “Governator”. Spending two terms in office, Arnold has made a lot of positive news mainly due to his solid sense of humor in dealing with media representatives, expressed desire to save the environment and his strong support for research and development especially in the area of renewable energy. In this life there are some people, who talk the game - Others, walk it – Arnold has changed it on multiple occasions. He has followed his instincts and pursued his dreams, without listening to the naysayers and the critics trying to take him down. As a matter of fact I can only strongly encourage to follow Mr. Schwarzenegger´s lead, because after all that is what life is all about. And if some random Austrian with a strong accent and a big biceps is able to pull it off, there is a high probability that you can do it as well.

«Ayşe is going on vacation» R. Tamer Ozgen A massive discussion has been going on regarding the situation of the beautiful Mediterranean island, Cyprus, and the Turkish military intervention on Cyprus, in the lobbies of international organisations as the United Nations and the European Union. Although, Cyprus’s membership ins the EU includes the whole island, the Turkish side clearly refuses to be seen as a whole on international level. Both parties don’t make compromises, which ends as the exclusion of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on supranational organs. So what’s the reason behind maintaining a conflict when everybody is uncomfortable with it? The interaction between the Turkish and the island of Cyprus goes back to 16th century, when the Ottoman Empire occupied and took the control of this centre of the Mediterranean Sea from the Venetians. Between the 16th

century and late 1800’s, the island served as the headquarters of the Ottoman Navy Forces and was the key behind its success. With the Ottoman Empire’s losing its power gradually, the island was leased by the United Kingdom and became a British Colony. Later on with World War I, the UK officially invaded the island while justifying this action with the treaty of Lausanne that was signed between the Ottomans and Victorious of the WWI. The treaty provided the chance to give a citizenship from the UK to the Muslim minorities in the island, mentioning their need to immigrate to either Greece or Turkey otherwise. Eventually, the British control on the island caused the birth of a Greek Cypriot Paramilitary group called EOKA-B which organised many bloody actions against both the dictator regime of Island’s president Nikos Sampson and the British colony in the place. After

massive protests in the island, the British left the island leaving a shredded society behind. The creation of an alternative Turkish guerrilla organisation under the name of “Turkish Resistance Organisation” was the breakaway point for two communities living in peace for a long time, later ended up with a non-official civil war in the country. This non-official civil war was the excuse of the Turkish Republic while they were stating the need for a military force from Turkey in order to protect Turkic Cypriots. The Turkish army took the control of three per cent and 40 per cent of the island respectively and the UN had to draw a border later called the green line in order to provide ceasefire in the region. After the political intervention of the United Nations on the issue, no huge occasions happened between the parties however there


is still a smell of hostility floating around the island. If you would ask me, I believe it wouldn’t be wrong to talk about a social intervention, happened in order to separate the Turkish and Greek communities. What lived together for more than 400 years could still continue living peacefully if no foreign effect was sensed and I definitely think this should be the primary thing the parties should focus on so as to solve the conflict. As for the Turkish intervention, I think it lost its justification when Turkey rejected to leave the island, after ceasefire was provided. Moreover, for the further integration of Turkish Side of the island on international committee, both parties should be invited to negotiate and put trust on each other which is going to help the shameless reputation of Greece, Cyprus and Turkey on the issue to evolve into an unblushing one.

Being A Scientist: Still A Safe Jo Being a scientist is always known as a reliable and high-profit job. However, there is a very controversial part of this job as well; things can get very intense if you are a successful scientist working with classified research. Throughout the last fifty years, we have seen lots of examples of mysterious deaths of scientists who have been working with microbiology, nuclear energy or other military science related projects. All of these events can simply be seen as coincidences, but there are some points of these

stories that make you realize something is wrong. The first example is the death of scientists working on the British Government’s research on a new torpedo helicopter back in 1980s. 25 persons who were related to the case of this new defense vehicle all died because of uncertain causes. A professor who was working on this project as a computer engineer, Professor Keith Bowden, died because of a fatal car accident. Another person researching for this pro-

ject, the digital communication expert Jonathan Walsh was found dead because of falling from a hotel room. The head of Work Study Unit disappeared mysteriously and couldn’t be found ever since. The computer consultant of Ministry of Defense was killed in his flat, found lying on the floor with a rope tied around his body, coiling four times around his neck. Four more researchers have died in car accidents, some others drowned or fell from a railway bridge. Lots of ‘coincidental’ accidents, right? The


official statement regarding these unexplained events from the Ministry of Defense of the UK stated that there were no connections between these deaths. There were never any further actions taken. Secondly, Dr. Robert Lull was a nuclear medicine specialist in San Francisco. He had had some success on re-programming viruses to fight cancerous cells and his research was promising for the medical world, however, he was found stabbed in a hallway at his home.

At least ten other doctors were killed while doing research on viruses and DNA sequencing. There have been rumors accusing the drug companies about these incidents, claiming that researchers’ progress could make their expensive medicines unnecessary, but these rumors were never proven to be right. The last example is from Turkey. In November 2007, a plane carrying 50 people crashed while landing; there were no survivors. There were also 6 Turkish nuclear

ob ? physicists on board. Those people were the leading researchers on nuclear power and they were going to take part in the building of the first nuclear power plant of Turkey. The timing of this plane crash is also suspicious. It happened right after the nuclear power plant law passed in the Turkish Parliament. These people had a new project, which would decrease the energy dependency of Turkey using nuclear energy. There have been many discussions about this crash in the Turkish media, concerning the conspiracies, but there were no leads to blame anyone. Three days after, the Turkish Administration of Aviation declared that they

Onur Can Uçarer don’t have any evidence to believe that this flight was sabotaged. As a conclusion, these occurrences are obviously interesting. I personally don’t believe in conspiracy theories but in these multiple cases, it is very hard to believe that these incidences are twists of fate. Some people believe in these controversies and some don’t, but there is one thing that everybody can agree with: the safety of the scientists, especially the ones working on governmental secret researches, must be more aware of their situation, or maintain a status quo.


Of Unintentionals Inventions And Happy Accidents I

t is the human nature to wonder. There are millions of questions about all aspects of the universe that we can’t answer, so we search. Through this research, new inventions are produced every day, some on purpose and some by accident. The microwave oven is just one of the many great things that have been invented by accident as a result of another invention or some other kind of research. It was invented

after World War II from the radar technology developed during the war. Two scientists invented a tube called a magnetron that produces microwaves. Installing magnetrons in Britain’s radar system, the microwaves were able to spot Nazi warplanes on their way to bomb the British Isles.


everal years later it was discovered that microwaves also cook food. A self-taught engineer, Percy Spencer was working on an active radar set, when he noticed that a chocolate bar in his pocket started to melt. The microwaves from the radar had accidentally cooked his chocolate. To verify his finding, Spencer created a high-density electromagnetic field by feeding microwave power from a magnetron into a metal box where it could not escape. When food was placed in the box with the microwave energy, the temperature of the food rose very rapidly. The very first microwave oven to go on the market, called the “Radarange”, was roughly as large and heavy as a refrigerator. The first home-use microwave was introduced in 1955, but it was too large and expensive for general home use. The countertop microwave oven was first introduced in 1967. Nowadays nearly every household has a microwave oven; there are nearly 200 million microwaves in use all over the world. The microwave is a good example of something that actually produces a lot of money and has a lot of demand.


ccidental inventions such as the microwave prove the importance of research in helping us answer not only the questions we’ve asked, but also ones we maybe never even thought of in the first place. Another example of this point is inventions such as Coca-Cola, which initially started out as something very different than what it is to us today.


Travel where you will, anywhere in the world, and you will encounter Coca-Cola – on clothes, in signs, on packaging, in art – everywhere. It is an iconic American brand that is recognized instantly around the globe and sold in more than 200 countries. Coca-Cola is the most famous soft drink in the world and it also represents an intelligent and complex advertisement strategy.

Tuusa Eriksson & Veronika Datzer


o help Pemberton achieve commercial success, advertisement for Coca Cola was set in motion. Frank Robinson designed the infamous logo with flowing letters and the slogan: “The Pause That Refreshes”. After Pemberton’s death, the company was taken over by Asa Griggs Candler. He sold

Coke syrup as medicine to prevent lassitude, depression, headaches and impotence. Later, in 1899, the idea of bottling coke was born. Candler was resistant at first, but nevertheless he allowed the idea, believing that it would fail anyway. Surprisingly, by 1909, there were already 379 bottling plants

established in the USA. As part of advertisement strategies they decided to produce labeled bottles. Terre Haurre, the designer of the Coca-Cola bottle believed cocoa to be the main ingredient, therefore shaping the bottle as a cocoa seed.


hroughout the first decades of the 20th century, the advertisement strategy focused on depicting the American way of life. Even something as big as the image of Santa Clause has been changed immensely through Coca-Cola, when he became featured in advertisement and the image of a round, old man with a beard and red costume was born. Further, with the raising popularity of the soft drink, the six-pack was born before Coca-Cola entered its golden age, the 1950s with TV ads depicting leisure, relaxation and comfort and spreading it all over the world. In 1969, Coca Cola came up with the slogan ‘The Real Thing’, focusing on young people in the advertisements. However, a dark cloud was arising on the red-white sky of Coca-Cola: Pepsi, a new cola entered the market, decreasing the Coca Cola success. Being afraid of decline, the leaders decided to hire a research and development team, which after short time introduced the new coke in 1980. In fact, the new taste was better than the old one. But the problem with the new Coca Cola was the broken tradition, the “lost values” of nostalgic Coke lovers. As a result Coca Cold returned back to its roots in 1985 and has become what it is today.


owadays, Coca-Cola is ranked No. 1 in the list of the richest beverage companies with various types of Coke. Altogether 1.7 billion servings of Coke products are consumed every day. The Coca-Cola brand is worth an estimated $74 billion: more than Budweiser, Pepsi, Starbucks and Red Bull combined. The current slogan is the “Coke Side of Life”, representing a vibrant, global and young outlook. The connection between the Coke of today and its Founding Father Doc is a complex one yet again showing us the vast possibilities of research.


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