The Monktonian

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Scholars’ concert

Joint Concert

The termly scholars’ concert is a new innovation this year, giving our music award holders a chance to showcase their talents. Our music scholars currently play a wide range of instruments from double bass to french horn so these are always entertaining evenings. Not all of our scholars necessarily perform on their principal instrument, so there is always a wide variety of standard and style. All are encouraged to come along. The first of these concerts saw performances by all of our current award holders, with a particularly memorable rendition of Edward German’s Romance for clarinet by Emily Lloyd-Williams.

The dreadful weather did not stop a capacity audience from pouring into the Assembly Hall for our annual concert given by the joint forces of musicians from Monkton Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior Schools.

The Prep School fielded their own concert band, as well as joining the Senior school concert band for the grand finale, and a couple of real show stoppers – Build me up Buttercup and All that Jazz.

The variety of music which Monkton produces is impressive, and in the space of little over an hour we were treated to everything from the sound of an orchestra (playing The Sound of Music) to our guitar band playing Eye of the Tiger! Mr Lynn presented this number in his own inimitable way, and Mr Scott continued the double act by presenting some of his talented percussionists with their Star Wars medley.

Thanks must go to Mr Sibley and Mr Clark in particular for the huge effort that they have put in to preparing for such a fine evening of music, and also to the numerous other music staff who have spent many hours rehearsing and encouraging their pupils.

Busking by the Abbey In early December four Monktonian trumpeters and their tuba playing Director of Music braved the cold and spent an hour performing Christmas carols outside Bath Abbey, in order to help the Rotary Club to raise funds for their headline charity this year, the South West Children’s Hospice at Charlton Farm.

Between these two giants came the combined Prep and Pre-Prep choirs singing two songs from Mary Poppins. Every single young singer was captivated (and captivating!) and their enthusiasm was completely delightful. The Prep and Senior choirs then performed Lennon & McCartney’s Penny Lane, with equal energy, before the Senior choir’s rendition of The Lord bless you and keep you by John Rutter.

An audience of over 200 pupils, parents and special guests enjoyed a brilliant evening of music at the launch of the Music Centre Project. The highlights of the evening were a moving and inspirational performance by world renowned pianist Bobby Chen; a guest appearance by clarinettist and former pupil Jordan Black, who left Monkton last year and is now studying at the Purcell School, and the hugely popular Monkton Big Band who as ever gave one of their great performances.

We hope we brightened peoples’ morning with our playing - we certainly caught the attention of a group of Australian girls who were very keen to have their photo taken with us!

Bobby Chen and George Bevan Principal Richard Backhouse and Director of Music George Bevan, gave a brief presentation about the vision for music at Monkton and the plans to build a new Music Centre at the Senior School. If you would like to find out more about the music appeal please contact Dr Alan Kerbey The Lent Term saw the re-launch of the Monkton Combe Choral Society, conducted by Director of Music George Bevan. A capacity audience filled the school Chapel on Saturday 20th March to hear a wonderful concert which included J.S.Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, Elgar’s Serenade for Strings and John Rutter’s Requiem. The school choir joined the ranks of the choral society and were joined by an orchestra of local professionals, led by Lorna Osbon, for this inspiring and exciting evening. The Choral Society welcomes all singers of any age and experience. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings – for more information please contact George Bevan

“ At first, we were all nervous but the people were all so friendly, so we were soon all loving it!”

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