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It has been our experience

that by stepping out the front door, we face the possibility of the greatest joy and the deepest pain. We can deny neither the beauty nor the brokenness that we have seen and felt in our world. And yet, in both, we have encountered the living and working God. We have felt redemption and accepted grace, and it is this truth which informs our response to the aforementioned experiences. The Riverside Worship Project is that response. Worship is not a skill bestowed upon a special few, but the natural response of those who have encountered Christ.

While The Riverside Worship Project is an experiment in engaging life and God through music, we believe that our whole lives should be consumed by the pursuit of worship. It is our hope that God would use our songs and the corporate worship experience to inspire the church to be his healing and redemptive element in the world. We pray that when we gather and sing we are teaching the world something about hope. That we are showing the world what it is to be redeemed. We pray that our lives would do the same. By living in response to what he has done, we are singing a song to him and before the world.

NEWS 11.11.2009 We shipped the final copy of the CD and our album artwork to be duplicated 11.15.2009 We will be releasing a song from our upcoming album

EVENTS 11.13.2009 Canterbury United Methodist Church retreat

Birmingham, Ala.

12.7.2009 The Riverside Worship Project (So Sing) CD is released

Auburn, Ala.

“There is hope, so sing� -TRWP

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(so SING) Our new album (So Sing) is coming being released Dec. 7, 2009. We are sharing the album with our closes friends and family. The album release will take place in the New Student Center at Auburn University. We have put in a lot of thought and hard work into this album and couldn’t be more proud of the way it turned out. We hope to see you Dec. 7, 2009, in the New Student Center. If you have any questions please visit our Web site at

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