mondo | stadia - Issue 09

Page 94


integrator helped us make the best possible selection for

observers,” Corey added. “This could be a console, PC and

the facility, and TSL continues to deliver.”

even a mobile observer. We even have tally lights for our

TSL’s intuitive control interface enables users to establish

observers. TSL has allowed us to expand our storytelling

seamless broadcast communication on a single, unified

capabilities with its ability to control and interface with

layer. The system was initially built as a tally system and

third-party devices, which in this case is mainly Grass

therefore had to be independent, universal, configurable

Valley cameras and multi-viewers.”

and infinitely scalable. With over 2,000 installations

For eSports applications, it’s important for the observer

worldwide, TSL can now manage complex control tasks,

to have an advanced tally and control system because it

such as router control, studio failover and delegation.

helps to tie in the entire production ecosystem. eSports

With TSL, customers can achieve interoperability between

productions are very similar to traditional sports, but the

equipment routed through analogue, IP or hybrid

potential for exponentially more inputs and sources to

networks, regardless of differing manufacturers and

choose from in the production control room creates an

format specifications. TSL’s Tallyman control system is

even greater need for advanced control. There is also an

a globally trusted and road-tested broadcast production

additional workflow challenge when working with game

control solution that bridges the gap between IP framework

servers and video game consoles acting as inputs. Advanced

components and any broadcast or live presentation

control and tally systems, such as TSL’s solutions, can help

technical equipment.

bridge the gap for production personnel in order to achieve

“In traditional sports, the production has gameplay

a smooth broadcast or live stream.

cameras - our gameplay cameras are our in-game

BRAND: TSL Products | WEBSITES: 094


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