L I N E A R E S E A R C H C E LE BR A TE S K ING’ S AWA R D FOR I N N O V A T I O N R E C OGNITION A T SP E CIA L CE R EMON Y Above: In a li g h t-h ea rted m om ent, Da v ey Smalley and Ben V er from Li nea R es ea rc h , along wit h in dus try lea ders P h i l Dudderi dge (Focus r it e P LC) a nd Dom H a rter ( Ma rti n Audio), r ecei v e th e K i ng ’ s A wa rd for Innovat ion from Lord Li euten a n t R ob ert V o s s C BE and Deputy Lord Li eu ten a n t Sa lly Burt o n . FS C adet t e H a rri et Wa de j oi ns th e c eleb ra t i o n . Below: Dave y Sm a lley a n d Ben V er a c c ept t he King ’s Awa rd for I nnov a ti on from Lord Lieut enant Rob ert V os s CBE.
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There was an air of excitement in the Linea Research headquarters last month as the leadership team prepared to accept the prestigious King’s Award. Celebrating the boldest innovators in UK business, the recognition places Linea Research in an elite group of just 148 that received the award this year. The distinguished guests of honour arrived at the company’s Letchworth office and Chairman and founder of Focusrite PLC, Phil Dudderidge, Martin Audio’s Managing Director Dom Harter, alongside Linea Research’s Directors and management team, warmly welcomed Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, Robert Voss CBE, and Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, Sally Burton. After the introductions were made, they embarked on a tour of Linea Research’s production facilities, meeting the rest of the team, which gave them a glimpse into the company’s production processes. Shortly after, during the main award ceremony, Lord Lieutenant Robert Voss CBE delivered his speech, saying: “It is my opinion – and the opinion of many others – that this is probably the top businessrelated award in the world.” Lord Lieutenant Robert Voss CBE and Deputy Lord Lieutenant Sally Burton then presented the King’s Award for Innovation to Linea Research, with Engineering
Director Ben Ver and Commercial Director Davey Smalley accepting the accolade on behalf of the organisation. “We are deeply honoured to receive the King’s Award,” said Ver. “It is a testament to our team’s hard work and passion as they continually strive to push the boundaries of what’s possible.” Smalley echoed the sentiment, adding: “Receiving this prestigious award is a moment of great pride for us. It inspires us to continue delivering high-quality audio solutions that empower professionals and enthusiasts worldwide.” Adding to the celebration, Nicola Hales, Linea Research’s Operations Manager, delivered a speech that paid tribute to the combined effort that had led the company to this moment, stating: “The future is exciting, with significant growth potential, bolstered by the support of the Focusrite group.” With the formalities concluded, Linea Research’s team and guests relaxed and enjoyed the moment, and after a memorable day at the headquarters, the festivities continued as the team headed to Knebworth House for a private staff party. Linea Research looks forward to building on this recognition and continuing its tradition of excellence in audio innovation. www.linea-research.co.uk