Training & Conditioning 18.9

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Use It BEFORE Treatment To Facilitate Your Plan of Action. IT WORKS! Pre-treatment applications of Biofreeze® Pain Reliever can help patients loosen up and become more receptive. The soothing menthol pain relief goes to work immediately so your treatment can be more productive and your patient’s relief more thorough. Start and finish your patients’ adjustments with Biofreeze products. Recommend they use Biofreeze Pain Reliever at home to treat their painful symptoms.

Pre-treatment of Biofreeze Pain Reliever can help: • Improve


Enhance Relief

Increase Mobility

Increase Flexibility

Learn more about Biofreeze Pain Reliever products by visiting or calling 1-800-246-3733.


BIOFREEZE®, PERFORMANCE HEALTH®, THERA-BAND®, the Color Pyramid® Design, and the Associated Colors (TM), and PROSSAGE® are all trademarks of The Hygenic Corporation. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. ©2008 The Hygenic Corporation. All rights reserved. 10/08.

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