Final survey doc

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Table of Contents Executive Summary………………………………………………………. 1 Review of Relevant Information………………………………………….. 2 Methods…………………………………………………………………… 3 Question Analysis……………………………………………………......... 5 Results…………………………………………………………………….. 8 •

Purpose, Design, Participants and Procedure………….…….…… 8

Qualitative and Quantitative Results…………………………….. 9

Discussion Analysis……………………………………………………... 10 Appendices………………………………………………………………. 13 •

Copy of Survey………………………………………………….. 13

Answers and Results………….…………………………………. 18

Cross Tabulations……….……………………………………….. 68

References…………….…………………………………………. 72

Executive Summary To begin the process of creating this survey, we conducted our research by meeting with Auburn Athletics to find out what subjects they were interested in and what survey topics might be beneficial to them. They presented the idea to conduct the survey on the ESPN SEC Network. The SEC Network is not yet included in the Nielson ratings; therefore, we created a survey for Auburn Athletics to gain feedback about the SEC Network. The goal was to acquire feedback on what their followers thought about Auburn University’s content on the SEC Network. Since the SEC Network is not included in the Nielson ratings, this motivated us to conduct a survey to determine what Auburn is and is not doing well on the SEC Network. In the survey you will find questions such as what sports participants enjoy watching, what else they would like to see, how they access the SEC Network and their affiliation to Auburn. In our results, we found that the majority of our participants have watched and have access to the SEC Network. We also determined that most of our participants gain access through television instead of other digital mediums such as computers and cell phones. The participants are more passionate about watching a variety of sports rather than the SEC Network scheduling news and talk shows. Almost three quarters of our feedback showed that participants were not aware that Auburn University students produced content on the SEC Network. Over half of our participants were 50 years of age or older. This is just a small overview of the results of our survey. Throughout this report, we provide an analysis of the major findings of our survey as well as the detailed responses. We would like to thank the Auburn University Athletics Department for providing us the opportunity to create this survey.


Review of Relevant Information The SEC Network was developed by ESPN and the Southeastern Conference and was launched in August of 2014. The SEC Network is a live, 24-hour television network that was developed by ESPN and the Southeastern Conference. Any events not broadcast on television are streamed online on SEC Network’s website and the WatchESPN app. This network airs SEC content 24 hours a day and is available to subscribers of AT&T Uverse, Charter, Comcast, Dish and more. One can also watch the SEC Network on and on iOS and Android devices. Content is also available on Apple TV and Roku devices via the WatchESPN app. Original content on the network includes studio and analysis programs. These studio and analysis programs are SEC Now, The Paul Finebaum Show, SEC Storied, Booger and Burns, Beyond the Lights and SEC Nation. Annually, the network broadcasts multiple sporting events with 45 football games, 100 men’s basketball games, 60 women’s basketball games, 75 baseball games, 50 softball games and more.

Current Study The purpose of our survey is to provide the Auburn University Athletic Department with feedback on the ESPN SEC Network. We created this survey to acquire information about who is watching the network, what they are watching and how they are watching. The SEC Network is not yet included in Nielson ratings and our results will be able to provide Auburn University’s Athletic Department with valuable information.

Methods This survey was produced for a class project assigned in Jane Teel’s Survey Research Methods course. We were assigned Auburn Athletics as a client and were told to produce a survey that would then be distributed to the Auburn Athletics listserv. Our survey was sent out to roughly 125,000 people. Some of these people included students, faculty, alumni, scholarship donors, fans and many more. There was no set demographic for this survey; it was distributed to anyone that has provided an email to Auburn’s athletic department at any point in time. The first step in the process was to meet with our client to discuss what exactly she wanted to takeaway from this survey. She was able to provide us with some ideas for questions that we may want to ask in our survey. After learning the types of questions that are appropriate for a survey and the types of things to avoid, we then began to produce our questions on paper. Our group had to ensure that no question was bias or persuading in anyway. We wanted the questions to be as clear and concise as possible so that we would receive honest and meaningful responses. Next in assembling this survey was physically entering the questions into the computer. To do this we used an online program called Qualtrics. This online survey generator makes it easy to produce a survey and make it live for people to participate. Qualtrics has different tools that are extremely useful and beneficial when creating a survey as well as when analyzing the results of a survey. After we made our survey live on October 29, the Auburn Athletics Department then distributed the link to their database via email. Within the first 10 minutes, we received over 200 responses. In total, after closing our survey on November 10, we had 3,315 people begin our survey and 2,739 people fully complete our survey.


This was a fun learning experience for us, and we each dedicated hard work and time to creating this survey! We hope you enjoy the results.

Question Analysis 1. Have you watched the ESPN SEC Network for any reason in the past three months? We asked this question to establish any association the participants may have with the ESPN SEC Network in the last few months. This question also serves to screen out people who are not applicable to complete the entire survey. 2. Do you have access to the SEC Network from your television? We asked this question to gain knowledge on if the participant has access to SEC Network. 3. If you watch the SEC Network from your television, which is your cable or satellite television provider? This question was asked to determine which cable providers are most common among SEC followers. 4. What device(s) do you use to watch the SEC Network? Check all that apply This question was asked to determine the most common way people view the SEC Network. 5. Have you heard of and the WatchESPN app? We asked this question to familiarize the participant of the WatchESPN app and to see how many were already aware of it. 6. Do you follow the SEC Network on any form of social media? We wanted to ask this question to determine how many participants follow SEC Network on social media. 7. Are you aware that you can buy sporting event tickets through the SEC Network? This question was asked to let participants know that they can purchase sporting event tickets on SEC Network’s website and to see how many were aware of this. 8. Do you know about the SEC Network alternate channel? This question was included to see if participants knew about this channel and its purpose. 9. What do you primarily watch on the SEC Network? Check all that apply. We wanted to know the viewing statistics of each program on SEC Network.


10. Do you have a favorite among SEC Network’s original programming? We wanted to know the statistics of how the programs ranked among favorites. 11. Which of the following sport(s) do you enjoy watching? Check all that apply. We wanted to know the favorite sports among the participants. 12. Which sport(s) would you like to see more of on the SEC Network? Check all that apply. This question was asked to determine what sports are not shown often and according to participants should be. 13. Drag the options below to rank the SEC schools in order from 1 to 14 based on how likely you are to watch their teams and content on the SEC Network, with 1 being very likely and 14 being very unlikely. We asked this question to determine which SEC schools were the most popular among the participants. 14. Did you know that Auburn University students produce the content that Auburn puts on the SEC Network? This question was that of a tactic to inform the overwhelming group of participants that did not know this is the case, that it is. 15. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve Auburn's content on the SEC Network? This question was asked for us to receive any feedback from the participants that may help better Auburn’s content on the SEC Network. 16. Which best describes you? Check all that apply. This question was asked to determine what connection the participant has with Auburn or the SEC Network. 17. Are you a Tigers Unlimited member? We asked this question to determine how many of our participants are Tigers Unlimited members. 18. What is your gender? This question was asked to determine the participant’s gender.

19. What is your age? This question was asked to determine the participant’s age. 20. What region do you live in? This question was asked to determine region in which the participants live in.


Results Purpose: The purpose of our survey is to provide the Auburn University Athletic Department with feedback on the ESPN SEC Network. We created this survey to acquire information about who is watching the network, what they are watching and how they are watching. The SEC Network is not yet included in Nielson ratings and our results will be able to provide Auburn University’s Athletic Department with valuable information.

Design: The style of this survey is an online survey that was produced using a program called Qualtrics. Qualtrics is a website that generates surveys based on data and questions that are entered. Nineteen of our questions were multiple-choice questions, and we had one open-ended question. Most of our multiple-choice questions allowed for an “other” choice so that participants could fill in any responses that we neglected to list. We listed demographics questions towards the end of our survey so that we could have a better idea and understanding of the types of people taking our survey as well as the location they reside in.

Participants: A huge range of demographics participated in our survey. The survey was sent out to anyone that is affiliated with Auburn Athletics in any way. The listserv it was distributed to consists of around 125,000 people.


The procedure used in this survey consisted of working closely as a group to create, distribute and analyze the results of a survey. For more information on our strategy and our use of Qualtrics, see the “Methods” section of our report on pages 3 and 4.

Qualitative Results: For a major survey such as this one that is distributed to thousands of people, open-ended questions are not easy to work with. Fortunately for us, we only had one open-ended question in our survey. Our open ended questions was number 15. The question read: “ Do you have any suggestions of how we can improve Auburn’s content on the SEC Network?” The results we received in response to this question were outrageous. We acquired 1,364 answers to this question. The major themes that we recognized from the responses were as follows: •

Remove Paul Finebaum from the SEC Network

Schedule less 11:00 a.m. games

Show more minor sports

Provide more human interests stories on athletes, coaches and athletes in history.

Air more behind the scenes footage We also found 388 No’s, and around 90 participants stated that they were satisfied with

the content produced. For more in-depth responses, please refer to the Appendix section on pages 42-61.

Quantitative Results: Below is a summary of a portion of the quantitative results we received. For more in-depth details on our quantitative results, please refer to the Appendix section on pages 18-41 and 6267.


98% of the people who took our survey have watched the SEC Network in the past three months.

Only 38% of the survey participants are Tigers Unlimited members.

42% of participants have heard of the WatchESPN app and use it.

69% of our respondents do not follow the SEC Network on any form of social media.

73% of the overall count did not know that Auburn students produce content for the SEC Network, but they do now.

An outstanding 61% of the participants in this survey were ages 50

Discussion Analysis After analyzing the results of this survey, we have found that most of the participants want to see more Auburn content on SEC Network. They were passionate about seeing their school on TV as much as possible. The participants who showed their interest for Auburn are the ones we believe took the survey seriously. We also received plenty of positive feedback about the SEC Network saying the channel is doing well and that the production is great. Some participants who made outrageous, vulgar comments used the survey as a way to vent their frustrations about Auburn and certain aspects of the SEC Network. There were responses that had nothing to do with SEC Network and that were mainly centered on Auburn’s mediocre football season. Other negative feedback included frustration towards Paul Finebaum and the 11:00 a.m. time-slot for football games. Participants attacked Finebaum’s bias towards other SEC schools and were tired of seeing Auburn kick-off at 11:00 a.m. almost every Saturday. The majority of the results found were positive in requesting more content from Auburn and providing encouraging feedback to the SEC Network. The recommendations we have gathered through our results are for SEC Network to look into airing more minor sports and historical content. Minor sports that do not receive enough media attention like equestrian, fishing and golf deserve to have at least a little air time. The SEC Network is restricted to one conference, so we hope the channel can turn their focus towards more minor sports. We have found that people would like the SEC Network to produce more stories on former SEC legends and what they are doing with their life right now. It will educate the audience on who were the best when the SEC was just beginning. In general, more humaninterest stories had a huge response rate. Fans would like to see personal profiles on coaches and


players. Overall, we believe that this survey was beneficial in learning about how fans perceive the SEC Network.

Appendices Copy of Survey: The purpose of this survey is to provide the Auburn University Athletic Department with feedback on the ESPN SEC Network. The SEC Network is not yet included in Nielsen ratings, so we will use this survey to acquire information about who is watching the network, what they are watching and how they are watching. The sponsor of this research is the public relations department of Auburn Athletics. This is being administered by five students in Auburn University’s survey research methods course: Steven Benton, Abby Broom, Lindsay Mackey, Rylee Parsons and Mohsina Yusuf. If you have any questions, please contact Mohsina Yusuf at Please select the answer that best fits you. The answers you provide will remain anonymous and confidential.

1. Have you watched the ESPN SEC Network for any reason in the past three months? If no, please skip to #16. Yes o No o 2. Do you have access to the SEC Network from your television? If no, please skip to #4. Yes, I have access to the SEC Network. o No, I do not have access to the SEC Network. o 3. If you watch the SEC Network from your television, which is your cable or satellite television provider? AT&T o Auburn University Campus Cable o Charter o Comcast o DirecTV o Dish Network o 15

o o o •


Opelika Power Service Time Warner WOW Other (please specify)

4. What device(s) do you use to watch the SEC Network? Check all that apply. Desktop  Laptop  Mobile  Tablet  Television  Other  5. Have you heard of and the WatchESPN app? Yes, I have heard of it, and I use it. o Yes, I have heard of it, but I do not use it. o No, I have not heard of it. o

6. Do you follow the SEC Network on any form of social media? Yes o No o 7. Are you aware that you can buy sporting event tickets through the SEC Network? Yes o No o 8. Do you know about the SEC Network alternate channel? Yes, this channel is for overlapping sports events o No, I am unaware this channel exists o I have heard of this channel but did not know its purpose o 9. What do you primarily watch on the SEC Network? Check all that apply. All sports and teams 

       

Auburn teams Beyond the Lights Booger and Barnes The Paul Finebaum Show SEC Nation SEC Now SEC Storied Other (please specify): _____________________

10. Do you have a favorite among SEC Network’s original programming? Beyond the Lights o Booger and Barnes o The Paul Finebaum Show o SEC Nation o SEC Now o SEC Storied o None of the above o Other (please specify): _____________________ o 11. Which of the following sport(s) do you enjoy watching? Check all that apply. Baseball  Basketball  Equestrian  Football  Golf 


       

Gymnastics Softball Swimming and Diving Tennis Track and Field Women's Soccer Women's Volleyball Other

(please specify):


• 12. Which sport(s) would you like to see more of on the SEC Network? Check all that apply. Baseball  Basketball  Equestrian  Football  Golf  Gymnastics  Softball  Swimming and Diving  Tennis  Track and Field  Women's Soccer  Women's Volleyball  Other _____________________  (please specify): •

• • •

13. Rank the SEC schools in order from 1 to 14 based on how likely you are to watch their teams and content on the SEC Network, with 1 being very likely and 14 being very unlikely. ___ Alabama ___ Arkansas ___ Auburn

• • • • • • • • • • • •

___ Florida ___ Georgia ___ Kentucky ___ LSU ___ Mississippi State ___ Missouri ___ Ole Miss ___ South Carolina ___ Tennessee ___ Texas A&M ___ Vanderbilt 14. Did you know that Auburn University students produce the content that Auburn puts on the SEC Network? Yes o No, but I do now o 15. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve Auburn's content on the SEC Network? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 16. Which best describes you? Check all that apply. Season Ticket Holder  Alumni  Student  Faculty  Other (please specify): _____________________ 

17. Are you a Tigers Unlimited member? Yes o No o 18. What is your gender? Male o Female o I prefer not to answer o 19

• •

• •

19. What is your age? 15 or below o 16-25 o 26-40 o 41-49 o 50+ o 20. What region do you live in? West o Midwest o Northeast o Southeast o Southwest o Other _____________________ o (please specify): Thank you for your time! We appreciate you completing this survey.

Answers and Results * DISCLAIMER: The answers provided were copied verbatim and are not a representation of our feelings about the SEC Network. Some vulgarity and unnecessary comments are included.


Other: 1. Cable one: 17 2. Cable TV of East Alabama: 13

3. Sling TV: 21 4. Mediacom: 44 5. Verizon Fios: 51 6. Cox: 48 7. Brighthouse: 70 8. EPBFL: 3 9. Charter: 4 10. Suddenlink: 5 11. Century Link: 3 12. Troy Cable: 6 13. EPB Chattanooga: 3 14. Pavlov Media: 5 15. Scottsboro: 4 16. Riviera Cable: 4 17. Farmers: 3 18. AT&T & The U-verse: 2 19. Comporium Cable: 2 20. Nulink: 7 21. Metrocast: 2 22. Loca: 3 23. Optilink: 3 24. WOW: 2 25. Apple TV: 2


26. TDS Telecom: 2 27. Andy Cable: 2 28. CATV: 2 29. AT&T & Direct TV 30. AT&T & Charter 31. Charter & Dish 32. Charter, Dish & Direct 33. Oceaic Time Warner 34. Grande 35. Metronet 36. Cincinnati Bell Zoomtown 37. Community Cablevision 38. Would rather not answer 39. ComSouth 40. Don’t know 41. Opelika Fiber Optic cable 42. EATEL 43. Dish & TWC 44. CTV 45. VYVE 46. Local Broadband from Utility company 47. Creekside 48. Verizon in FL and Direct TV at Ga Farm

49. Dish and TWC 50. Roku 51. Conway Corp 52. Liberty Cablevision Puerto Rico 53. Hargray 54. Plantation Cable & Comcast 55. Plant Tiftnet 56. Valparaiso Cable 57. Local Cable company 58. Comcast Xfinity 59. Truvista 60. Pinebelt 61. ESPN APP 62. West AL. TV Cable, Inc. 63. CNS 64. New Wave 65. Exede 66. AT&T & WOW 67. Knology




Other: 1. UGA teams: 3 2. Only televised games 3. SEC football: 30 4. Never watching Finebaum: 9 5. Anything on Ole Miss 6. SEC in 60: 3 7. Alabama teams: 3 8. Some other teams as well: 2 9. Good match-ups of other SEC schools 10. Other SEC football games: 3 11. Florida teams 12. SEC Football and Basketball: 3

13. Game day 14. Replays of various teams: 4 15. Tennessee teams: 3 16. Shows about Alabama 17. Film room: 7 18. Auburn football games: 2 19. South Carolina teams 20. Auburn Soccer 21. Bammer football 22. AU and various SEC FB and Men’s BB 23. Gymnastics: 3 24. Live Football 25. Alabama football and gymnastics 26. Auburn and some other SEC teams but not all 27. Auburn football games. Other SEC football games, usually on Saturday night 28. SEC games: 4 29. ESPN is a VERY biased network 30. **** 11:00 am home games 31. I’ll watch other shows, but those are only occasionally 32. Texas A&M teams: 3 33. 30 for 30 and special programming: 1 34. 30 for 30: 2 35. Kentucky games: 2


36. I think "Booger" is an awful name for an adult and would never watch a program with a man named "Booger" simply out of principle. 37. Football season 38. Auburn shows 39. Florida Teams; Sotball games 40. Football, Baseball, softball 41. Games 42. All teams. Football only 43. I do watch Paul Finebaum's show, although not all of it every day. I am irritated by his obvious joy in Auburn's difficulties this football season. 44. Any stories involving Auburn 45. Auburn football, some AU basketball 46. SEC Ratings 47. Other SEC teams/football 48. UK Basketball 49. Maybe AU story if nothing else is on TV 50. Live football, basketball and baseball 51. Volleyball 52. Basketball, baseball, softball, gymnastics 53. Some Florida, Georgia events 54. Softball and football 55. Soccer 56. Many football teams; some basketball teams, always Auburn; some Auburn baseball 57. SEC games that I missed

58. Toooooo much Finebaum! 59. Auburn gymnastics 60. Live football and basketball games 61. Live events ONLY NO PROPAGANDA 62. Auburn and Alabama Football





Other: 1. Lacrosse: 12 2. No preference: 7 3. None: 53 4. Shooting: 2 5. Women’s basketball: 2 6. Auburn football review: 2 7. Hockey: 2 8. Fishing: 5 9. Cross-country: 2

10. Rugby: 5 11. Wrestling: 2 12. Men’s soccer: 5 13. Soccer: 3 14. Already adequate: 5 15. Auburn athletics: 2 16. Already a good balance 17. Universities bands at halftime 18. Football that finishes prior to 9pm CT 19. Happy with programming 20. Rodeo 21. It’s a pretty good mix 22. Satisfied 23. Happy with football 24. All 25. BAMA....MORE BAMA PLEASE!!!!! 26. Marching bands 27. Auburn football being night games 28. don't know 29. Hawg callin 30. Primary interest is football 31. Live Spring Football Games 32. Old football and basketball games from the 1970's and 1980's


33. Soccer, rugby 34. I think the selection of sports are very well rounded. 35. Submarine races 36. Golf 37. FULL football replays without the hideous "due to time constraints" 38. Fuck 11 am home games 39. I am pleased 40. Cheer competition 41. Happy the way it is 42. Curling 43. Same as above 44. Cheerleading 45. A Winnining Team. I am a donor 46. Water skiing 47. Satisfied with current coverage 48. No opinion 49. AUBURN FOOTBALL 50. They do a good job, but maybe more away basketball(AU) 51. AU and UA basketball 52. auburn at 6pm 53. Auburn sports 54. Anything AUBURN 55. No more

56. Alpine 57. Do people really sit around and watch that stuff? 58. Do not like the Finebaum show 59. Unsure 60. cycling sports, mountain biking etc. 61. I think it is ok as is 62. The mix is good. 63. none too many commercials 64. Coverage is good 65. 68 and still working full time. When I retire...😀 66. Good content, don't change 67. Pleased with the sports currently shown 68. Beach Volleyball 69. e-sports 70. like them all Auburn 71. No more 72. no comment 73. Auburn classic football 74. Coaches press conference live 75. Don't know 76. Stop giving Auburn terrible kickoff times 77. I dont care 78. Ok as is


79. All is fine


1. Less Feinbaum: 139 2. 11 o’clock games: 80 3. No: 388 4. Behind the scene footage: 14 5. Personal profiles/stories on athletes and there accomplishments both academic and Athletic (human interest): 40 6. Get rid of Brent Musburger: 4 7. More minor Auburn sports: 34 8. Win: 21 9. More Cole Cubelic: 7 10. Raptor Center content 2 11. Offer more history & traditions/ documentaries on AU stars: 16 12. Get rid of/bias announcers: 21 13. Auburn Alumni needed as announcers: 5 14. Better technology (cameras, microphones): 2 15. Tactical- Put Jonathan Wallace’s story on SEC. 2 16. More use of the song “war eagle”. Bands play a big part in sports. Recognize the great ones: 2 17. Satisfied: 90 18. Put more Auburn on the SEC Network: 82 19. Inconvenient Replay times: 4


20. Give ESPN less power: 2 21. More auburn less Bama: 2 22. Advertise: 5 23. Aubie: 5 24. Improve professional quality and content: 4 25. Show more campus and surrounds so folks that watch can get to better know the school: 2 26. Weekly email schedule from auburn athletics: 3 27. We need more apps: 2 28. More SEC Storied contributions from AU: 4 29. Less bama: 3 30. Academic Content: 2 31. To watch the coaches interviews after the game 2 32. Include academic content: 7 33. Fire Jay Jacobs: 2 34. More specials on different aspects of Auburn: 2 35. More where are they now on the past auburn greats: 3 36. Start winning games. More girls sports and golf 37. Leave out the female sports if at all possible 38. Free iron bowl tickets 39. Cover auburn more in depth vs only bashing the school and coaches: 40. I love the game replay's but have not seen coach's shows or team preview shows...I hate that content from these shows is aired on other networks is always messed up and the background music is too loud.

41. Stories on women contributions to sports 42. Provide second showing of ESPN specials such as on the plains 43. Positive things happening at Auburn 44. Stop using the content that is shown on SEC Network as stuff showed in the stadium. 45. It's ruining the gameday experience 46. Do not stichcomb (sp) call Auburn football Games. Way too biasis about Auburn 47. Make a subscription app 48. Yes get away ESPN controlling college football 49. Replace Finebaum with someone that can talk about football . AU Everyday would be great. Get app for brighthouse customers 50. More stories about good deeds and charitable things student athletes do in their spare time 51. Never show Alabama sports again as they are the worst thing to ever happen to this great nation 52. More talk with coach malzahn and coach pearl 53. Less human interest; more film breakdown 54. More auburn women’s sports practice and training highlights 55. More about athletic academic accomplishments, more about the school's research, and how athletics is helping that research. 56. More content of the life of a student athlete when they are not on the field - show us when they are in school, studying, tutors and particiapting in other campus activities 57. Put some Auburn alumni on the shows instead of those Alabama and LSU goofballs 58. I love the SEC Network!!!!!!!! 59. Produce more of it. The “30 for 30” and “SEC Storied” programs have all been intriguing


60. Keep Auburn on TV 61. Less Alabama guys. And the name Booger is disgusting. It's hard to take him seriously. 62. Show more about football 63. Maybe some highlights of auburn’s memorable seasons/games 64. Auburn has a rich athletic history, but we never seem to hear about anything that happened before 1982. 65. Show the marching band half time show 66. I think the information currently displayed places a great emphasis on the auburn family/values of the university. I have noticed that viewers seem to be more drawn to those commercials than the generalized university advertisements that try to focus on too many themes at one time. By "general university advertisements" I mean ads where I feel like I am watching a recruitment video. 67. Keep Paul Finebaum, and I would like to see more of Marcus Spears 68. Would like to see all of the coaches shows on the network and also more with each schools radio broadcast teams 69. More branding so we know it's coming from Auburn. Maybe also a tie-in to text messages, Twitter and email if you're not already doing that. 70. More Booger, he’s rad 71. I'm from Connecticut and the Sec network doesn't exist there so if you could try to get that on optimum in CT that would be awesome! Also these 11am games are terrible, I'd rather see it not televised than at 11am!!!! 72. Have kick 6 show all the time when AU has space

73. Live stream coaches’ (FB) press conference (SECNet+); sometimes audio mix from 74. Arena has too much ambient (crowd noise, PA) during stoppages 75. Send out info via social media and/or emails on original programs about Auburn and the air times 76. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN PAUL PICKING GAMES ON SATURDAY...TO MUCH COPY CAT OF ESPN 77. I would like to see Auburn everyday and the Auburn Football Review 78. No improvements that you all could make! Unless having the SEC Network partner with ANYBODY other than ESPN/Disney,(I do not like their PC attitudes),but that is just me!! 79. More female sports: 1 80. More live games, less studio and feature shows 81. Show more games using the alternate channel if funding is available. More basketball games would be awesome! 82. Tell ESPN that it's the SEC Network and not the Bama Network 83. Use all of the channels for more sporting events! Other camera angles, radio broadcasts, box scores 84. More suggestions from students and fans 85. Ask for David Housel's opinion. 86. Play the entire game. Don't put on a block of commercials that lasts 15 minutes because a game was supposed to end at a predetermined time. They usually don't. 87. I love the talk about “This is Auburn and we love it!” 88. Decrease number of times football games are repeated during week; increase other sports or original new content


89. Less ads 90. Keep sports separate. Don't care for how some broadcasts (maybe sec now) will mostly cover football but then mix in women's sports. 91. More auburn-baseball replays 92. More live sporting events rather than replays 93. Love it so far! Give away tickets to events!! 94. Have former auburn players become broadcasters 95. I would like to see more of the Auburn Fan's interaction with the content; truly show the Auburn Spirit and what Auburn Family means. 96. Take Booger McFarland off the air. Maria Taylor is awesome. 97. What is there to do in Auburn on Campus that is open to the public that is geared toward the university? i.e. Locker room tour, Museum, Raptor Center Shows, etc... 1 just make sure it stays fair and honest - the main thing is to check out the truth of the content first before airing it - whatever it is. 98. I would love it if Auburn could get an alum (Kendall Simmons, Ronnie Brown, Stan White, there are many others we could use) as a main host on one of the SEC shows. The hosts are fine but I want to hear the opinion of someone I know (well know their history). 99. More original shows, for example, show a day in the life of a student athlete & include a variety of different athletes 100. There needs to be someone more involved with Auburn sports making commentary on the channel. It is toooooo heavily University of Alabama. For Auburn, please focus more on the AU Softball ladies. You could do s great job by interviewing the student athletes from football,

softball, BBall, and baseball. I would love to know about them from a personal perspective. Just little tidbits. 100. No but would appreciate a stronger radio presence in Bham. The stations disappear after 5 p.m. reception sucks 101. Would be nice to have more auburn sports broadcast in the market surrounding the auburn/Opelika area 102. Why can’t an auburn student watch for free? 103. Just tell the story 104. Highlight the vet school more 105. Put a lot more of our good highlights on 106. It was be awesome if ALL SPORTING EVENTS were at least streamed! Also, a weekly "Auburn Update" type show would be great. 107. Stay from Paul F. and Booger McF. in anything Auburn. Show more of our beautiful campus. Involve more alumni. 108. More football! anything football! 109. Beat Alabama 110. Expand "Auburn Everyday" to a weekly, year round look at what's happening in Auburn sports. Also, move it from SportSouth to the SEC Network. 111. Fan point of views 112. No auburn representation among on-screen personalities. instead inundated with our rival's former players. 113. Stop doing a brochure for the u of al. 114. Get rid of Dari Noka


115. Make it free 116. Get colors right, looks like FLA. 117. Not as many reruns 118. Run fire gus malhzan ads 119. More coaches shows. ESPN platforms are overrun with football content. A weekly wrap-up show for each school, showing highlights, player/coach interviews, features, etc. from nonfootball sports would be great. More live events: it seems to me that if it is good enough quality for WatchESPN app, then it is good enough for live TV. Push more live content to the channel instead of so many re-runs: 120. Rather see replay of games than the talking heads; they are starting to drive me crazy; can't switch channel fast enough 121. Don't let Jesse Palmer comment on Auburn games 122. I don't really care for the syrupy soft stuff. I like passion and spirit, even with the Auburn Creed (which I love). I don't want to people reading or reciting stuff like robots. 123. I would love to see some of Auburn’s football practice 124. Put the live content on after lunch 125. Ditch ESPN, and offer it Streaming only via the internet 126. Lower the overall hype and let the kids play stand on its own: 127. Spotlight the new scoreboard , tailgating , campus -- sell like we are recuiting students / athletes 128. Show upcoming on campus events for Auburn 129. Auburn was playing Alabama last year in Womens softball and you "cut away" to replay the BAMMER spring football game, what a stupid thing to do

130. Yes, get our own network like Texas 131. Allow access without a cable subscription - I'd gladly pay directly to ESPN/SEC Network if this was an option so I could drop cable 132. More programs about former AU football players 133. Auburn content is usually not during afternoon, evening, or weekend viewing hours. Even replay events are typically not scheduled at reasonable viewing times. It would be of little use if it were not for the anytime, on demand feature. Overall, It's value is not up to what I had expected. 134. I really liked the "Auburn takeover", especially the feature on Bo, Barkley and Frank Thomas (maybe it didn't premiere then but that's when I saw it). I would like to see them do school "takeovers" at least once or twice a year 135. The sound quality is awful 136. Maybe add alternate channels for each school so that all sports have much greater coverage 137. Arrange for local newspapers to list SEC network programing in their program guide 138. Have a HBO Hard Knocks version for every football team. Have each school have their own 30 min show 139. I would like for the Auburn brodcasts to have an alternate channel where our announcers( I guess Rod Bramblett and Co.) are the voices we hear. The guys that ESPN use are dumber than a pile of rocks and their speech is borderline hate speech/verbal rape/nonsense, I'm looking at you Andre Ware and other morons that your names escape me 140. Make Auburn announcers available as an option instead of ESPN personnel for all broadcasts, especially football 141. Too many Alabama commentators


142. Allow a drop down menu to select games from the past when airing classic games let us choose our own game to watch 143. Andy and his crew do a fantastic job 144. It's good but we are way behind the coverage bammer and the UGA get on the network. Nd all the announcers from those two schools are EXTREMELY biased against AU. But what's new 145. More of Auburn and less of Paul Finebaum 146. Continue with excellence in programming, current and historical legacy stories, classic football games are great, but also what makes Auburn so great like Toomer's Corner, the store, J&M bookstore, etc. It's more than AU that makes Auburn what it is 147. Play replays of 2010 season 148. MORE TEBOW!!!! 149. MAKE IT LESS OF AN UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA NETWORK 150. Improve "brand recognition" 151. Include more engagement with conference and how we fit into the conference 152. Background on Takeo Spikes 153. Your question about how you watch was restrictive, I watch on Direct Tv at Birmingham home and Comporium cable in North Carolina home. 154. No hype just real Auburn Sports information 155. Don`t scheldule at the same time as Alabama 156. Keep it positive 157. More teams covered more often 158. Get an AU person on the talk shows. This would allow the University to have a voice 159. More off the field programs

160. Maybe include things that go on in other departments, especially if they could possibly bring more students to Auburn. Agriculture started this university, and it should be promoted also! 161. I obviously don't care about the SECNetwork. I think it is ridiculous that the SEC has sold out to ESPN/SECNetwork and now they tell us when to play. 8:00 kickoffs and 8:30 home basketball games are silly. Losing me as a fan and ticket holder. Why should I order tickets when I know every single game will be on TV? I could care less about all these secondary sports. That's for family and friends to go watch and support 162. Make sure the TV providrs get the times right for scheduled programming. Or make sure the get the scheduled programming properly scheduled to plan in advance for 163. Include the ROTC units in the programming video 164. Emphasize the Auburn spirit: 1 165. Don't name the Basketball Arena after Bruce Pearl just yet !! However he is new blood the rest of the Athletic Department is recycled, been here failed, left, come back failed, we are being known as the re-run school under Mr. Jacobs! 166. (This may be outside your control but...) Shows and games should show less of the commentators and more of the sports themselves. Certainly it is ok to see them in the studio during the "welcome" but after that it is the athletes who make the show interesting. Even when there is a break in the action, the interaction between the team members and the coaches adds to the enjoyment of the game. Our commentators bring a wealth of knowledge and insight but they are not the stars of the show.


167. Involve students more; add diversity which includes different backgrounds, beliefs, etc.; often it is good to see the average student that attends a University vs the elite; add more of the area of Auburn and the community lifestyle that exists 168.Stop promoting Alabama 169. Would like to see if there is a way maybe on the alternate channel to show your team with radio network providing the play by play ( example AU Network) 170. I really dislike that we are a part of it, honestly. I feel the network is detrimental to our image. 171. Coach interviews, especially bruce pearl 172.Broadcast in the New York metropolitan area 173. Yes, hire some good Auburn people to put on the shows. Auburn doesn't get built up as much on the network. 174. Get more time and stories over other SEC Schools. 175. Would like to see more Olympic Sports Coverage (Track & Field/Swimming/Tennis) 176. Hire a new offensive coordinator immediately 177. Reduce the price by including it with the basic ESPN package. Also, offer an on-line only subscription. 178. Need to have more shows highlighting Auburn 179. Live streaming with out a cable TV contract to unlock content. I cut cable years ago. 180. An app that would allow currently enrolled Auburn students to have access to SEC Network. 181. Tweet when AU content is playing or via email. 182. The main SEC commercial that runs now shows clips all of the SEC teams EXCEPT Auburn...can we change that? I makes me mad and not want to watch this channel: 1

183. More SEC storied 184. Expand Auburn Tigers this Week (the AU athletics program) to one hour. 185. Get Auburn teams competitive enough to watch more of on this network 186. Give honest assessments of our teams capabilities. 187. Don’t show the same games over and over 188. Play up our loyalty there is none like it anywhere 189. More classic SEC Football games. 190. Still sucks 191. Continue with the professional commercials, promotional segments, and shorts. 192. They are obviously of a higher caliber 193. SEC storied did not air the 2013 special on Nov 1 at 130. There was a football game on instead and they did not reschedule 194. Have really enjoyed stories about great athletics past & present. 195. Get rid of it and give me something that I can watch football games without needing to subscribe to yet another tv channel 196. More player interviews of greats from the past. Someone besides bama people to narate and call Auburn games. Sick of bama people (McElroy, Finebaum) dominating SEC Network. 197. Less talking, more marching bands 198. Extend service to more cable providers. I had to buy a portable satellite dish in order to see the SEC network 199. Where are they now series for those that have gone on to something other than professional sports. Give some examples or success in other than sports post grad. 200. More student announcers


201. Make the SEC game week posts clearer. It is a little blurry and hard to read on Facebook and Twitter. 202. Keep emphasizing 'Auburn Family' ... All In ... "I believe in Auburn,and Love it!" 203. I haven't been able to find an SEC alternate network on Comcast in Seattle. Is there one? 204. More golf 205. Doing a great job. War eagle 206. Can you do anything to silence Greg McElroy or make him disappear? 207. Just have more about teams preparation 208. Give detail on the progams that are showing 209. More diverse SEC network workers. Internship for minorities that lead to possible job opportunities. 210. Back in the 70's Both Alabama & Auburn had 30 min. shows with the coaches and their review of the games. I would love to see something like this again. 211. Weekly show about each schools sports 212. Better commercials 213. More Auburn Soccer instead of it being on SEC 214. I mostly watch football games but have accidentally seen Finebaum, SEC Now, etc. once or twice by accident - surfing channels. All I've seen so far looks good. War Eagle! 215. MGF History of AU. Tourist sites. Student activities 216. Have a lot of positive stories and human interest ones. Showca lot more of the Auburn band, tailgate experiences and fans 217. More creative, less conservative.

218. Show some of the people who are at the game and on the BIG BOARD in lieu of so many commecials!!! Truly magnificent. 219. Sho sum nekkid barners! 220. Keep updating 221. Utilize the the SEC Alt. channel more often - it seems very rare that it's used. 222. Please replace Greg on the show. Paul, Tebow, and Booger do a great job. Greg looks and sounds like a clown!!! That checked sport coat just confirmed my thinking!!!! UGH!! 223. More live games and less tape 224. Move Auburn into the East where we belong and Missouri to the West. 225. Please do a program on Coach Jordan, Pat Sullivan and Terry Beasley, and the 1972 team. Also fire Finebaum. 226. Work on getting some "announcers" with Auburn backgrounds... 227. Keep the good announcers that the SEC network uses now. 228. I enjoy the coaches shows ((Auburn Coaches) 229. Develop more stories about how attending Auburn is changing lives for students and their communities 230. Have some former AU athletes as commentators on Sports Nation and other programs. 231. Do a show about "where are they now". Stories about former athletes from all sports and are they still a part of Auburn. 232. If time, add interesting info about the campus and students. 233. Lame at first. Have not viewed it in months 234. Some announcers seem biased against AU ! SEC ads are great. More shows like, Bo, Barkley, & The Big Hurt. Less time on V'ball.


235. Yes have some Auburn commentators 236. A recruiting show 237. Quit salivating over Alabama all of the time. 238. It would be nice if the annoucers for the sporting events did not seem to favor Auburn's opponent when it is an away game for Auburn and it would appear the majority of the people watching are most likely Auburn people 239. More original programming, in place of game repeats 240. Less studio shows more events 241. I feel that their should be more Auburn. I would like to see more about the history of Auburn such as the True Story of the War Eagle, how we got our brilliant fight song (War Eagle), things we created such as the ,Tiger Walk, that other schools have borrowed from, SEC Storied The Amazings, A documentary such as Bo, Barkley and the Big Hurt based on the Three Heisman's Pat Sullivan, Bo Jackson and Cam Newton. Bruce Pearl's Arrival and Impact on Basketball. A story about Tim Hudson. If it it about Auburn I will watch it. 242. More stories about former stars 243. Remove Jesse Palmer 244. At times, present a more comprehensive view of Auburn. 245. Need to update the stats quicker during live games. 246. Would like to see if there is a way maybe on the alternate channel to show your team with radio network providing the play by play ( example AU Network) 247. MORE AUBURN FOOTBALL, LESS VOLLEYBALL AND OTHER SPORTS!!!!!!!!! AUBURN FOOTBALL ALL YEAR LONG!!!!!!! 248. Replace all of the bad talking head shows with well produced Auburn shows.

249. SEC Nation needs representation from Auburn. As it stands, FL, LSU, and Alabama all have their reps, why can't Auburn? 250. I think that it is really good. Would enjoy more stories about our athletes. Focus on more live content of the smaller sports such as swimming or equestrian. Replays are not fun to watch when you have already read the outcome in the sports section 251. More of it - and without Paul Finebaum! More Bo, Charles B, Coach Dye, Gus, Coach Pearl, Rod Bramblett, etc. 252. Talk ESPN into letting A U have control of half time production. 253. Give ESPN less power. The individual schools have more power than you think. 254. Growing up in the 1970's and 80's, I would enjoy interviews and game highlights with football and basketball players from that era. 255. Eagle flight... Tiger walk... Jumbotron... Tailgating 256. Don't bring the bus on campus 257. Auburn's midnight madness 258. Show more and less talk of the studio guys (they think they are experts) also need some Auburn people-instead of so many georgia and Alabama 259. Show more storied on football 1969-1972 and basketball 1968-1987 260. Show Quiet Courage 261. Devote one week to each SEC team before football and basketball seasons and cover the past, present, and future 262. Get Auburn football back on the winning track!!! 263. List atl channel number


264. Gather more historical information, interview or get clips of interviews of what happened in the 70s and before, for production 265. I would like more "behind the scenes" stories about the athletes and coaches and other extra curricular programs at Auburn. 266. More Crowd panning during game downtime. 267. Get some former Auburn players on. Right now it is mostly former Alabama, LSU, and Georgia players commentating. Where is Takeo Spikes or Ronnie Brown? 268. Show even more of the students themselves 269. I would like to see Coach's shows or interviews with coaches from all sports. . Meet the assistant coaches. Current Star atheletes and students. 270. Provide and support championship athletic teams ! Improve the "We Are Auburn" 271. "This is Auburn" campaign advertisements to include more average, long-term fans and not just students, administrators, and boosters. 272. Add more Auburn traditions and info on the town 273. Fewer emails 274. Student athlete of week. Include classroom, community and prep for sport they are in. 275. Develop some analysts and announcers so we will not have to listen to bama homers 276. Improve the Finnbaum format. Make it less of a radio talk show and more of a coaches and players show. More informative 277. The "gameday" setup is terrible, stop doing it, fire the black woman that is the anchor, she is also terrible 278. Newer digital cameras for football games 279. I really enjoyed in the trenches that to air on other networks

280. Talk less 281. More personalities on its telecast 282. No, you do a FINE job. It's the commentators that are not so fine... They are flat 283. Highlight some of the former auburn players that are NFL players or successful business men or professionals. 284. Make the channel easier to get when I am out of town or don't have access to my AT&T account. 285. Maybe a little more pre-game 286. Auburn needs a voice on all the SEC programs. Too many uat/sabin lovers as hosts. Pawl fineScum being the head cheerleader. 287. Ya fewer commercial 288. Have an ex-Auburn player.i.e. Cole Cubelic as a commentator. too many Ala and LSU homers. 289. BTS 290. Don't know, but it bothers me that such a prime piece of the network is Alabama spin with Finebaum, who I love to hate. Maybe we should succeed like Texas and form our own playground. 291. I see Cam a bit which is great. Show Bo, Barkley and other swimming, track, etc. greats periodically just to promote the service to an older generation. I think the content is great overall. Great job! 292. Can we get some Auburn Grads hosting the shows? Especially the football shows! 293. Make sure to include Auburn in your commericals. I've noticed we were left out of a couple this season.


294. Too may "homers" on the sports panels. 295. Why not run something - anything - on the alternate channel rather than a screen-saver? 296. Merge the Auburn radio program with the TV content 297. I would love to see more about what older players are doing now. I would love to see programming on Auburn kids that are making a difference in areas other than sports. I think that more historical events that are updated to be shown with current technology would be great (i.e. old coaches and personalities (Petrie, Jordan, Eves, Tommy Joe Eagles, Hare, Heisman, Dye, Housell, Fredickson, Bo, Barkley...) ; buildings (Jordan Hare, the Barn, arena, Samford Hall, Score Board), special events (Toomers, Pisyol Pete in Auburn, traveling by train, homecomming decorations, Burning of the barn, Swimming Dominance, ...) . I would love to have some of Jerimy Hendersos' War Eagle Reader stuff. I would like someone to look at Auburn and the Internet (Bulletin Boards, paid sites, recruiting sites, ticket sales, social media). It would be fun to get an inside look at recruiting (not kids, but how the system works). 298. More diversity 299. Just more Auburn events, all the Olympic sport programming seems to never involve Auburn, we should at least be on in 1 out of every 7 broadcasts and it doesn't seem like we are. 300. More to the TV culture in general. The length of and total time of commericals is the main reason I am considering not continuing my season tickets this coming year. In other words, I pay thousands of dollars to watch football, not to watch a guy with a red hat stop the game's natural flow more and more each year. It has passed irritating to the point of seriously considering terminating my season tickets. I would caution the athletic department not to forget the effect of growing commerical time on the "fan experience" that have you promise to protect or improve.

Other: 1. Parent: 196 2. Staff: 46 3. Fan: 316 4. Spouse: 8 5. Past/current ticket holder: 16 6. Retiree: 4 7. Friend:1 8. Event goer: 2 9. AU affiliate: 1 10. Parent/ticket holder: 1 11. Child of alumni: 1 12. Former coach: 3 13. Local: 9 14. Alumni: 4 15. Georgia alumni:1 16. AU drop out: 1 67

17. Sibling: 1 18. A guy/girl: 4 19. Soon to be student: 1 20. SEC fan: 1 21. Scholarship donor: 5 22. Tennessee alumni: 1 23. Former athlete: 2 24. (JSU graduate) fan: 1 25. All 4 choices: 1 26. Parent/fan: 1 27. Alumni/fan:1 28. Donor/advisory council: 3 29. Child/parent of alumni: 4 30. Grandparents: 4 31. Relative of alumni: 10 32. Business owner: 1 33. Considering season tickets:1



Cross Tabulations



References Our references for this survey research are the Auburn University Athletics Department, fans in the Auburn Athletics database, students, alumni, parents, faculty and the Southeastern Conference official website.


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