The Scientific Journal of the Modern Education & Research Institute, 15 September 2018

Page 24

scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium

EXPERIENCE OF USING ELEMENTS OF REASONING IN THE READING ASSIGNMENT In most of the cases, it was noticed that many of my students were not ready for reading tasks, especially when they were given texts to analyze. When I discussed the issue with them they reply that they had difficulties in reading the tasks, because the vocabulary and content of texts were complicated for them to digest. Students were used to describe and to comment on the text in junior years of the study. When I was given new group it was not easy for me to explain students new task and to make them comprehend the text. Then I decided to use simple texts for reading and asked them first to read and then give the main idea of the text. It was seen that some students learnt by heart some words of the text and used to speak, however, if I asked questions they cannot answer at all. To fulfill the purpose of doing the experiment I used the action research. Fundamental aim of action research is to improve practice rather than to produce the knowledge. [Elliot, p49] Elliot discusses whether teaching process influences the development of students’ intellectual powers then it must manifest such qualities openness to their questions, ideas and ways of thinking. Elliot also indicates that the quality of learning depends on the teaching, [Elliot, 50] Taking account students’ feelings about the task I used the following 2 quite distinct patterns of information that Elliot gives for using in the classroom. 1. Read – understand – discuss 2. Read-discuss – understand. [ 2. p19] When I used these two patterns, some students testified the first and some found right second pattern. It is a natural that each student’s perception of information is different. Action research is defined as ‘the study of social situation with a view to improving the quality of action within it. It is indicated through practice. Kurt Lewin first coined the term «action research». He involves a «spiral of cycles»[ 2, 68]p

Analyzing the logic of an article I used the following template below for the 4th year students for analyzing the reading assignment text entitled «Ragtime» [1,118]p For analyzing the text the following questions were given. After reading the text students have to answer the given questions. The main purpose of the task was to comprehend the text through analyzing. For making students learning outcomes objective I use tables of Appendix A and B. I gave criteria how to get each mark. So it was clear for them what to do . Actually, it worked well. Students could see their own achievements and drawbacks at the end of the lesson. The idea was welcomed well by the students. Purpose:

What I trying to accomplish through reading the text? What is my purpose of reading the text?


What question am I raise while I read? Am I considering the complexities in the question?


What information am I using in coming to that conclusion? What experiences have I had to support this claim? What information do I need to settle the question?


How did I reach to conclusion?


Is there another way to interpret information?


What is the main idea here? Can I explain this idea?

Assumptions: What am I taking granted? What assumption has led me to that conclusion? 24

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