Modern Aquarium

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JANUARY 1998 volume V number 1

Greater City Aquarium Society - New York

President's Message VINCENT SILEO ineteen Ninety EIGHT already! The time sure does fly when you're having fun! As you may have noticed this previous Fall, I was not at many meetings on time. I have to admit that this was partially my fault; not because I have, what my wife would term, "The Sileo trait for being late," but because I was taking a class to advance my career. I could have dropped the class and dedicated all my energies to the Greater City Aquarium Society, but let's face it, GCAS is my hobby, not my livelihood. At our December meeting, Jason Ransdell of Marineland put on a very entertaining and enlightening program featuring Marineland filters and products. I must admit that, like many of you, I had imagined filters to be a "dry" subject (no pun intended), but his program really grabbed my attention. I hope it was enjoyable for all of our members as well. I was also somewhat surprised when Jason asked the audience if anyone was in the retail pet trade, that there was not one single person at our meeting who was. So like myself, most, if not all of our members are strictly hobbyists. And there is nothing wrong with that. But it may clear up a misconception that people who are active in the hobby are usually active in the trade as well. During all of my previous years as a hobbyist and employee of the aquarium trade, it has been my experience that only 10% or less of those people who were actively participating in the hobby were also in the trade. I can attribute this to the sad fact that the trade takes the fun out of the hobby. To be successful in the aquarium trade, as in just about any business, you must look at everything in terms of numbers or worth. It was a hard lesson to learn. I'll never forget one time while I was working as an assistant manager in a retail pet store, when a customer was moving and donated all his fish to us. He really had an impressive collection of large cichlids - Oscars, Pacus, Green and Gold Severums, Jack Dempseys, etc. The smallest fish had to be six inches in length. What a catch! Or so I had thought.


It seems that, since this customer knew he wasn't going to be keeping the beauties any longer, he had started to neglect them. Large fish give off a lot of waste and once maintenance falls off, disease is not far behind. Hole in the head was so rampant on one poor Green Severum that you could have played 18 holes of miniature golf! When I showed my new found catch to the manager he just looked down and shook his head. Could we sell those fish as they were? Of course not. What would be the cost of medicine, time and sales space to cure them? How much could we possibly sell them for, once cured? Even at wholesale prices medicine isn't cheap and we had to tie up two forty gallon display tanks for two months before they were completely cured, costing us lost sales on other fish that could have occupied that space. Luckily for me and the fish, my manager was as "soft" as I was and couldn't bring himself to filleting those fish for dinner! So perhaps it is not so surprising that we don't see more aquarium trade professionals in our ranks. I know that I now find the hobby much more enjoyable since I can just look at a fish and appreciate it's aesthetic value and not immediately place a price tag on it. Another misconception I'd like to dispel is that being active in the Society will take up all of your time. As a matter of fact, it can take very little of your time. It's up to you. I served on the board of directors while working two jobs in the aquarium trade, while unemployed, looking for work and running a delivery route for a local wholesaler and in my current position (my first nine to five job! — O.K., eight-thirty to five-thirty) and I can honestly say that the Society never interfered with my professional life until this past year. I'll let you in on another not so secret fact: I didn't want to be President. I thought for sure that it would be too much responsibility while starting a new career. But the truth is that it really isn't taking up much more of my time at all, in fact I'm really starting to enjoy it. We have a terrific board of governors and volunteers who all lend a hand and make everything appear to run smoothly. I say "appear" to run smoothly, because just as in life in general, things seldom happen as planned. In fact I'm happily surprised each month that the whole thing hasn't fallen apart. One of the most enjoyable aspects of being involved is watching a simple idea blossom into a real project. Perhaps you've seen something done somewhere else, another type of club, religious group or professional organization. You think that our members might enjoy it or

benefit from it, but you have no idea how to get off the ground. So you mention it to one of the members of the board of governors. They might not even like the idea personally or may believe that it has been brought up already; but you stick to your guns and ask them to bring it up at the next board meeting. Now it is being discussed by a number of people with different backgrounds and views on life. Maybe it flies, and maybe it doesn't. If the board does vote to give it a shot they will probably expect you to give it some direction. It was your idea after all. But they will be there every step of the way to make it a success. Each person adding their own personal experience to the mix. Very often exceeding your expectations.

If the board doesn't vote for it, you might want to do a little more research and put together a more comprehensive presentation. People are very often afraid to try something new because they have no reason to believe it will be a success. Sometimes you need to spell it out for them. Other times an idea may be voted down merely due to poor timing. Too many pokers in the fire already and no one is willing to risk any more. So don't be so willing to take "No" for an answer the first time if you truly believe that your idea will benefit the Society. Regroup and try again. No one expects you to make the Greater City Aquarium Society into your own personal crusade, but we would like you to participate and help form the next 75 years.

YES, Even Yen*Can Keep Fish Successfully! VINCENT SILEO ow many times have you heard... "I can't keep fish alive. I've tried, and it was a complete disaster."? Many of you know that there is no mystery to keeping fish alive, happy, and healthy. But many first time aquarists believe that it is more complex than it really is. I will try to point out some of the common mistakes we all make so you can see how easy it really is. This article will cover some of the basics. It is not intended to cover all aspects and all situations. If you have further questions, please see me at one of our meetings or email me at


Gadgets and Gizmos Aquarium products manufacturers have contributed to this problem by producing more items for use in the aquarium than anyone really "needs". They compound this by advertising the item claiming that you can't live without it. Many first time aquarists believe this and will inquire at their local pet store about the product. Now, the staff of the local pet store may not believe that it is necessary to use this new product, but a new product on the market is like a new fish in the hobby. The staff is excited to

see something new. They probably know something about it, but don't have much first hand experience with it. They may not even recommend it to the first time aquarist, but the excitement that comes across when discussing it may be all that is necessary to prompt the first time aquarist to give it a try, thereby further complicating a simple hobby.

The Quick Fix Another common problem is the "Quick Fix." Our society is always looking for the quick fix, the magic pill that will cure what ails us, make us lose weight, and make our hair grow back. Well, it doesn't stop at the aquarium. The minute we run into a problem, we are back at the pet store where they are happy to sell us a quick fix remedy. Most of the remedies are effective to some extent WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Very often the problem is that we want to cure it in just one dose and don't follow through. Other times we don't do the "homework." Sure, we medicate according to schedule, but did we remove the carbon from the filter? Did we perform a water change between doses of medication? Very often, laziness is the culprit that caused us to fail.

"Everything in moderation." Just like humans, fish that are overfed will live shorter lives. Keep them hungry for more. In addition any food that goes uneaten will become a breeding ground for disease. That is why it is recommended to keep some "bottom feeders" in your aquarium. They don't eat dirt, they prevent it!

Do I have to? YES YOU DO! Let's talk about routine maintenance. As with anything worthwhile, there is some work involved, but this can be kept to a minimum if you stick to a routine. Do water changes every week or two, and clean your filters once a month. Filters can only do so much to maintain the quality of the water in the aquarium. They cannot replace trace elements that are used by fish and plants. And their capacity to remove deadly toxins from the aquarium is limited. So water changes are necessary. Have you ever been in a bar or pool hall with one of those "Smoke Eaters"? It is just a big air filter. Notice how, even when no one is smoking, you can still smell a trace of smoke? Well, imagine having to breath that kind of air constantly; it is going to affect your health. You will notice that the fish are more active after a water change. I will be the first to admit that I am terrible about keeping up with water changes, so I will make very large water changes to try to compensate. I have a pair of angels who lay eggs right after every big water change. Is this because it simulates a large rain storm, or do they feel the world is now safe to bring children into it? Who knows? But they certainly appear to be happier. I have heard and tried a lot of different schedules, amounts and methods for doing water changes over my 10+ years in the hobby, and here is my recommendation. Smaller changes more frequently will put less stress on the fish. Just 25-30% once a week should be satisfactory. I recommend using a gravel cleaner. This is nothing more than a rigid plastic tube with a wide diameter and a tapered end that attaches to a flexible hose of a smaller diameter. Once the siphon is started, place the gravel cleaner into the gravel for a few seconds and watch the dirt come up. Once it is reasonably clear, move it to another spot. If you are doing this once a week, it is not necessary to do the entire tank. Just move onto another section next week. There are three things to be concerned with when refilling the aquarium. First, use a

thermometer to make certain that the water you are using is at the same temperature as that of the aquarium. Don't trust your skin to accurately measure water temperature. Ever notice how cold the tap water feels in the summer and yet that same water can feel pretty warm right after a snowball fight? Your body temperature is not as constant as you may think it is, and it is not a good measure of water temperature. Next, use a water conditioner. Even if you have let the water stand overnight to allow the chlorine to dissipate, there are still trace amounts of it in the water and other toxic metals which the water conditioner will either dissipate further or bind it so that it becomes inert and cannot cause any problems. Finally, add the water to the aquarium slowly. This will put less stress on the fish, the aquarium walls, and it will prevent your ornaments from being washed out of place. As I mentioned before, filters only have a limited capacity to remove dirt and unwanted materials from the water. Once the filter media has reached its limit, the only benefit to running the filter is to circulate the water in the tank, which increases the gas exchange and to provide a breeding ground for helpful bacteria involved in the nitrogen cycle (don't worry about these, they go on with you and without you). It is important to change this material on a regular basis. People have been successfully keeping aquarium fish for years; there is no reason YOU can't be successful also! The quote was from: Exotic Aquarium Fishes (nineteenth Edition) by William T. Innes. Published by Innes Publishing Company, Philadelphia, USA. Copyright 1956.

SUPER 50/50 :Rernember to buy your "Super: 50/50 Raffle" ticket for a chance to win up toii$25{b Buy; ass many as you like for $5; pach, until they're gone. :: :(On)y 100 tickets will be sold.) Tickets are "only sold; at meets ngs. Anyone {no^mem bers Included) may buy-them. There is only ione J prize, wh ich > is equa I to ha If the; i proceeds of the sales of these tickets j |Th is can be as much as i: $250.00. ; The idrawing for the prize will i be held at our ii^pril "Silent Auction" meeting, fcut not heed to be presentisat the ;time:;bf drawing to win: Rosie Sileo willbe selling the tickets at our•;;meetings until March (or, until all 100 chances are sold).



They were placed in the aquarium and he caption for this article is obviously fed well (tubifex worms, newly hatched brine derived from that popular series of howshrimp, fresh flake food). Follow these complex to books with titles such as "PCs For steps and, within a month, you will see little fry Dummies" or "[Anything To Do With swimming about. They will eat newly hatched Computers] For Dummies." I will try to adapt brine shrimp and finely crushed flake food. You that concept to fish breeding, with a Dummy like can remove the adults if you want to, but it is not myself in mind. The concept will be explained necessary. White Clouds are very lovely and by using the illustration of three species of peaceful. They do well egglayers that have outdoors in N.Y.C. from spawned for me. Key factors to remember: late Spring to early Incidentally, I should Use the largest aquarium you can Autumn. explain that the concept The aquarium that I have in mind is accommodate. for the Cherry Barbs not intended for the Stick with small, peaceful fish. was established and general run of Cichlids Keep only one species per tank, maintained in much the or Catfish (aren't you Make sure you have bath males and same way as for the tired of reading articles


White Clouds. There about them anyway?), were only two and is certainly not • Use three or more pairs. differences worth intended for fish with • Load the tankwith Java Moss. mentioning. The first is "wierd" mating habits • If possible, use float ing plants. that the temperature was such as the Splashing 4 Keep the tank covered. maintained a little Tetra (Copeina arnoldi), • Feed the fish well, but don't overdo it. higher, in the 78°F which likes to jump out range. The second is of the water in order to • Make partial water changes. that it seemed necessary lay its eggs somewhere to remove the parents after a couple of months; above the water line. (Imagine if foot-long otherwise the fry were not to be seen. Even Arrowanas spawned this way; wouldn't you have though the tank is seemingly empty after the a lot of cracked tanks?) The three species of fish adults are removed, it may be wise to squirt that I will use as examples are: the White Cloud some newly hatched brine shrimp or add fine Minnow (Tanichthys albonubcs). the Cherry Barb powdered food every now and then. However, (Barbus tittayus), and the Orange Lyretail bear in mind that Java Moss has a double duty. Killifish (Aphyosemion australe). It not only is the repository for eggs and refuge The aquarium for the White Clouds was for fry; it harbors microscopic food. a 10 gallon tank filled with New York City Three pairs bought at a local shop were tapwater(PH=7.0, neutral). A 1/2 to 1" layer of used for breeding (the females are brown and the gravel was added, along with a clump of Java males are red). A tank of Cherry Barbs is a Moss (Versiculara dubiand) big enough to almost beautiful sight to behold. By the way, did you fill the tank. Two box filters filled with gravel know that Cherry Barbs are originally from Sri and floss were used in opposite corners. The Lanka (formerly known as Ceylon), but are now temperature was maintained at around 75°F. extinct in the wild? One more caution; they Eight minnows, evenly divided between males generally do not do well outdoors here in NYC and females, were purchased at a local pet shop. (too chilly most days, except in high Summer). (The females are the ones with the more rounded The last aquarium to be described was belly.) set up for one of my all-time personal favorites:

the Orange Lyretail Killifish. This fish has a truly exceptional color combination for a freshwater fish. It is orange with purple dots on the body, and purple and white markings on the fins. (Can you name another orange and purple freshwater fish that isn't the product of chemicals or tortured gene manipulation?) The tank selected was a 20 gallon long. It too had a thin layer of gravel and two box filters. In addition to a tank-length sized clump of Java Moss, the tank was also furnished with floating Water Sprite (Thalicedoris cornutus). Floating Salvinia would also suffice. The breeding stock was obtained from other hobbyists. Three pairs were used (the males have all the color and fancy finnage; the females are beige with short clear fins). In this set-up there is no real need to remove the adults. The fry find plenty of places to hide while they eat baby brine shrimp and finely crushed flake food. A planted aquarium with assorted sizes of Orange Lyretail Killies swimming around is one of the true pleasures of the hobby. As you can tell from the above descriptions, breeding fish can be very easy. Basically, the fish do all the work. The Dummy just has to feed them.

There are several key factors that the aquarist must remember. Use the largest aquarium you can accommodate. Stick with small, peaceful fish. Keep only one species per tank. Make sure you have both males and females; you would be surprised how many people overlook this point. Use three or more pairs. Load the tank with Java Moss; a unique plant which grows in low light and just about any water. If possible, use floating plants like Water Sprite or Salvinia; two durable plants that will grow well with any standard aquarium light. Keep the tank covered. Feed the fish well, but don't overdo it. Remember to make partial water changes. I have discussed only three species (representative of minnows, barbs, and killifish). The method described should work equally well with many species of egglayers, such as tetras and rainbowfish, as well as livebearers like platies and guppies, most of which are usually available in your local aquarium shops. By the way, some of you may be asking yourselves, "Sure, I can get the fish, but where do I buy the Java Moss and the floating plants?" That is an excellent question. The answer is: an aquarium society. I belong to several. I'm not that big of a Dummy!

'The surefire way of sexing fish that are NOT sexually dimorphic is the one that lays the eggs is the female • at least at the time."

Greater City Aquarium Society 1996 - 1997 Awarded January 7, 1998







VICTOR BECKER MEMORIAL AWARD CARLOTTI DEJAGER [breeding Betta simplex] MARK SOBERMAN [breeding Corydoras duplicareus]



ADVANCED (100 points)


BREEDER (50 points) .


The Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies presents their


the 23rd Annual Convention March 13-15,1998 Hartford Marriott Hotel, Farmington, CT Exit 37 off 1-84, Farm Springs Park


Al Castro, California Lee Finley, Rhode Island Dave Grzanka, Michigan Harro Heironimus, Germany Mike Hellweg, Missouri Ginny Eckstein as our Banquet Speaker and 4 more speakers still to come! Please join us for this fun filled educational weekend where hobbyists of all levels congregate. There will be a top lineup of speakers on a variety of aquarium topics, and catfish enthusiasts will be pleasantly surprised at the expert catfish speakers presented this year. There's the pet store tour and the North American Catfish Society meeting Friday, and, as always, don't miss the finest auction of tropical fish and plants in the Northeast starting Sunday at 11:00am. It is open to everyone and all starts Friday afternoon; come join in on the fun! For more information contact: David and Janine Banks Al and Penny Paul Aline Finley Sue and Wally Bush

802-482-3616 617-371-0593 401-568-0371 860-276-9475

Please visit our web site at 12

Modem AQUARIUM 1997 Magazine Index BOOK REVIEWS: "WET LEAVES" Column — Susan Priest The Cichlid Aquarium (Loiselle) The Fascination of Breeding Aquarium Fish (Axelrod & Sweeney) "My Summer Vacation" (reflections on the Jare Sausaman collection) Livebearing Fishes (Dawes) "WET LEAVES" Column — Other Reviewers Confessions of a Tropical Fish Addict (Socolof) - Joseph Ferdenzi

3/97 5/97 9/97 11/97 2/97

CARTOONS: "THE AMUSING AQUARIUM" Series — Bernard Harrigan "Ancestors of the Neon Tetra" "Flowerpots and Daffodils" "An Experiment Gone Awry" "The Mermaid Tank" "Conandoras the Barbarious" "Aggression Therapy" "Don't Eat That" "Ghoulie Loaches" "Fish Lineup" "Algae Magnets"

1/97 2/97 3/97 4/97 5/97 6/97 9/97 10/97 11/97 12/97

CATFISH "CATFISH CHRONICLES" Column — Charley Sabatino "It's A Hobby Isn't It?" "The Oddball Files: The Bocourti Cat" "What's In A Name?" "The Oddball Files: The 'Other' Shovelnoses" "What To Do When It All Goes Wrong" "An Overview and a Farewell"

1/97 2/97 3/97 4/97 5/97 10/97

CICHLIDS "The Basic Rift Lake Aquarium" - Joseph Ferdenzi "Breeding African Rift Lake Cichlids By a Complete Divider Method" - Joseph Ferdenzi

2/97 2/97

COMMUNITY "Barbs And the Community Tank" - Chuck Davis "Welcome To Our Community - Part I" - Susan Priest "Welcome To Our Community - Part II" - Susan Priest "Welcome To Our Community - Part III" - Susan Priest "Welcome To Our Community - Part IV" - Susan Priest

3/97 4/97 6/97 10/97 12/97

EXCHANGES: "SURFING THE PUBS" Column — Alexander A. Priest Fish Talk (Atlanta Area Aquarium Society) In Depth (Tropical Fish Club of Burlington) Reporter (North Jersey Aquarium Society) All Cichlids (Michigan Cichlid Association) I'A O HAWAl'I (Honolulu Aquarium Society)

2/97 4/97 6/97 10/97 12/97


OPINION AND/OR HUMOR "UNDERGRAVEL REPORTER" Column "Awards I'd Really Like To See" "I Just KNEW It Would Happen" "Henry Ford and My Fish Tanks" "What NOT To Do For A Show" "Auction Mania" "Filter Magic" "Rated Triple X" "Fishy Tech" "It's How You Make It Hot" "Sub, and Other Straits"

1/97 2/97 3/97 4/97 5/97 6/97 9/97 10/97 11/97 12/97

PHOTOS (Front Cover) Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) - Photo by Charlie Rose 1/97 "Daffodil" (Neolamprologus brichardi} - Photo by Joe Lozito 2/97 Barbus tetrazona - Photo courtesy of Tetra, Inc 3/97 Shovelnose catfish (Brachyplatistomajuruensis) - Photo by Joseph Ferdenzi 4/97 Stained glass (Epiplatys annulatus & Anubias nana) Patricia McDonald & Horst Gerber . 5/97 Swordtail (Xiphophorus montezumae) - Photo by Joe Lozito 6/97 Threadfin Rainbowfish(/r;'i7//;erwa werneri) - Photo by Jeff George 9/97 Pseudotropheus zebra (albino) - Photo by Joe Lozito 10/97 Lamprologus cylindricus - Photo by Joe Lozito 11/97 Giant Danio and Albino Buenos Aires Tetras - Photo by Alexander A Priest 12/97 Puzzle ("FIN FUN") "Itchy Fish" [Identify various fishes known as "Mosquito Fish]" "Geography 101" [Geography of the Rift Lakes of Africa] "A Jumble of Barbs" [Unscramble common names of Barbs species] "Topping Off Your Tank" [Floating plants] "Nine Lives" [Match common and scientific names of catfishes] "CLASSification" [Identify the correct show class] "The Gang's All Here" [Find GCAS show participants] "Fish That Go Bump In The Night" [Halloween Fish] "South Of The Border" [Identify Mexican Livebearers] "Anniversary Trivia" [Test your knowledge of GCAS]

1/97 2/97 3/97 4/97 5/97 6/97 9/97 10/97 11/97 12/97

REPRINTS (From Series I or II of Modern Aquarium, unless otherwise noted) "I Raise Tropical Fish In My Bathtub" - Jack J. Oliva "Tetra Part I" - Guenther Horstmann "Tetra Part II" - Guenther Horstmann "Coconuts" - Guenther Horstmann "The spawning of the Aequidens portalegrensis" - Marcia & Nick Repanes "Water Hyacinth" - Michael Fogal "Catfishes" - Gian Padovani "Hobby Builder: Gian Padovani" - Herb Fogal & Jay Fryhover "Happiness is Sharing a Room Full of Fish" - Dan Carson "Fish Hobbyists Behind Walls" - Edward Tromanhauser "The New Latin In Manhattan" - Ronald Perrine

1/97 2/97 3/97 3/97 4/97 4/97 5/97 6/97 9/97 10/97 11/97

SPAWNING/BREEDING "Breeding African Rift Lake Cichlids By a Complete Divider Method" - Joseph Ferdenzi 1995-1996 Breeders Award Report


2/97 2/97



THE PET FRANKLIN SQUARE'S COMPLETE PET CElsfTER 212 FRANKLIN AVE FRANKLIN SQUARE, NY 11010 Come see our large Aquarium Plant display and receive jl ONE FREE cultivated plant, just for stopping by! EXOTIC FRESHWATER FISH AFRICAN CICHLIDS IMPORTED GOLDFISH AND KOI

CORAL AQUARIUM 75-05 Roosevelt Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 718-429-3934 Open Mon.-Fri. 10AM-8:OOPM Sat. 10AM-7:OOPM Sun. 12PM- 5:OOPM SALTWATER FISH

















All Major Credit Cards Accepted


You Could Be AGCAS Member If. . . A series by "The LJndergravel Reporter"

jn spite of popular dernand to the; contrary, this humor iand jnforrnation column continues/As usual, it does \T opinions of the Editor; or of the; Greater City Aquafium Society.


11) You always pack some leak-free plastic bags in your suitcase when you go on vacation or business trips, "just in case." 12) You get lost five blocks from your home, but can find every pet store within a 10 mile radius within 30 minutes of arriving in a city you've never visited before. 13) You find yourself dreaming in Latin, and understanding every word. 14) You look at rocks, slabs of wood, and pieces of discarded plastic pipe and wonder how they necessarily the would look inrepresent your aquarium. 15) You schedule your vacations around fish shows. 16) Your children are named after the Rift Lakes of Africa.

ou could be a GCAS member IF ...

1) You can't sleep without the sound of bubbling water. 2) Your spouse can't sleep with the sound of bubbling water.

17) You not only have a fish on your coffee mug, you often have one IN the mug, as well. 18) You not only talk to your fish, you hold debates, which you most often lose.

3) Burnt toast reminds you that you need to clean your filters.

19) You renew your aquarium magazine subscriptions at every show you visit, and are subscribed until the middle of the next millennium.

4) You keep a bottle of Stress Coat and a bag of filter floss under your bathroom sink.

20) You ask your health food store to stock spirulina tablets. JL

5) You keep a toothbrush and a package of dental floss in the cabinet under your aquarium. 6) You put cotton swabs on the shopping list because you used them up cleaning your impeller wells.

Exchange Issues and Exchange Issues

7) You can't answer the phone because you are in the middle of "tearing up your 55." 8) You have one bucket labeled "floor" and three buckets labeled "fish." 9) When someone asks to see your Python, instead of taking them to your HERP tank, you show them your gravel cleaner. 10) You use more kosher salt than the kosher deli on the corner.


should be mailed to: Alexander Priest 1558 McDonald St.; Bronx, NY 10461 Correspondence to Modern Aquarium should be mailed to: Warren Feuer 68-61 Yellowstone Blvd, apt. 406 Forest Hills, NY 11375




TROPICAL FISH AQUARIUM Specializing in Tropical Fish and Aquarium Supplies Large Selection of Aquatic Plants Knowledgeable Staff Same Location Since 1947. (718) 849-6678

115-23 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418



2890 Nostrand Avenue Bet Kings Hwy & Avenue P Brooklyn, NY 11229








Visit "LUCILLE",

Our Pond& Falls In Our Backyard! You Can Build A Pond Too.


G.C.A.S. HAPPENINGS Let's extend a warm welcome to our newest member: Al Grusell Last meeting's BOWL SHOW Winners: lsjt:sMike Loweth 2nd: Steve Sagona - Lemgjpli&Bidochromis 3rd: Claudia DickmSbn.:- Pseudotropheus demasoni ;;;; ; Sept !9^ — June : jj Bo^llhow- Standings to dale: I,$f9 points: .Stfve Sa|ona; 2: 8 points; Francis;Lee|||:!3: 5 Jwts: Mike Loweth; ,.;;;$: 4 poirijs: Kei^ Hooper; 5: (tie) 1 point: Claudia Dickinson and Eilen Halligan ..J**I^oclli: Collecting of Exotic JVLariire

A talk by Joe Yaiullo BROOKLYN AQUAOTM SOCIETY January 9 - 8PM - St. Paul's Lu%r|0^ Church::|j^Vest 8th Street & Avenue, Brooklyn — one block;*3$<3|i of the Aiqitarium). Non BAS rnefrtbers Admission: $5. ,,,:;;:;;;ll:^ "'^/l/y/Mii :For

information call:::B^S1 Information Hotline at^718)837-4455


Here are meeting times and locations of aquarium societies in the Metropolitan New York area; GREATER CITY AQUARIIJM SOCIETY

February 4 - N(e^t:;:^eetih| ; ;:p li ;• : Meets: 8 :QO ;f iMT - sl^stJtfednesday o| Gardefi mpnth ||;H dotitact: Mr. yineent Sileo 846-6984 East Coast Guppy Association


, sjBrooklyh Aquarium Society Next;;Meei:;pg: January 9 at 8PM ;Joe Yaitiip: "Local Marine Collecting****!! :;St. PaulsfLutheran Church - W 8th St. & Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY •Contact: BS|:i:pyents Hotline :2:* Telephone: (fIff 837-4455'::' jj^™^ ;

Big Apple Guppy Club

Meets:":8:00 Thursday of each :rnoTith:;at the Queens Bofcajiical Garden Contacts ;?JM George / Glr^sSiaiidjej ::Telephoriei::^:i8)428-719l::/ (516)3lB-6§W

Meets: 8:00^:^1?- 3rd T|i|rsd4y::of eipi month at xthfe Queens Botahiclii (garden Contact: Mr. Donal(|:<:>tiftiri •::? ; S Telephone: (718)::63l^0538 Jp

Long Island Aquarium Society

Nassau ppuhty Aquarium Society

Meets: S8i:QO P.M. - 3rd*::Fridays:of each month at ?lf:d|tsville Park and Zoo, 249 Buckley Rd. Holtsville, NY 11801 Contact: Mr. Vinny Kreylirtgf Witilmm Telephone: (516) 938-4066

Meets: 8^00 P.M. - 2fl|lfuesday of each month at the Willianfit. Grouse Post 3211 y.F.^,, Rte. 107i?Hicksville, NY Contact: Mf; Ken Smith Telephone: (516)589-0913

North Jersey Aquarium Society

Norwalk Aquarium Society

Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Thursday of each month at the American Legion Post Hall, Nutley, NJ Contact: Mr. Dore Carlo Telephone: (201) 332-4415

Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Thursday of each month at the Nature Center for Environmental Activities, Westport, CT Contact: Mrs. Anne Stone Broadmeyer Telephone: (203) 834-2253



Fin Fun


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This begins the fifth year of Series III of Modern Aquarium. During our past four years, many original pieces of artwork enhanced our excellent articles. Can you identify the drawings below, taken from the pages of Modern Aquarium, and do so using the scientific (Latin) name of each fish?

c_ I5*I Make your selections from these fish: Lamprologus multifasciatus; Synodontis angelicus; Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps; Otocinclus qffinis; Poecilia reticulata; Farlowella sp.; Pterophyllum scalare; Betta splendens; Ancistrus temminckii Solution to Last Month's Puzzle: 1) Marcia Repanes, Jack Oliva, Gene Baiocco 2) Neon Tetra 3) Gian Padovani 4) Dan Carson 5) Aquatic Life 6) Joseph Ferdenzi 7) Jratherina werneri, Mark Soberman 8) The "Peoples' Choice Award," "Sparkle" a Gold Pearlscale Angelfish 9) 1950s 10) 1979 BONUS) "To A New Generation"


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