Modern Aquarium June 2009

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June 2009 volume XVI number 4

Series III ON THE COVER Our cover photo this month features Rhinogobius duospilus, a small freshwater goby from the hill streams near Hong Kong. For more information on this attractive, but rarely seen fish, see Michael Vulis’s article on page 11.

Photo by Michael Vulis


Dan Radebaugh Mark Soberman Jack Traub Warren Feuer Edward Vukich

Members At Large

Claudia Dickinson Artie Friedman Ben Haus Leonard Ramroop

Pete D’Orio Al Grusell Emma Haus

Committee Chairs

A.C.A. Delegate Bowl Show Breeder Award Early Arrivals F.A.A.S. Delegate Members/Programs N.E.C. Delegate Technology Coordinator

Claudia Dickinson Leonard Ramroop Warren Feuer Mark Soberman Al Grusell Alexander Priest Claudia Dickinson Claudia Dickinson Warren Feuer

MODERN AQUARIUM Editor in Chief Copy Editors Exchange Editors Photo/Layout Editor Advertising Mgr.

In This Issue From the Editor G.C.A.S. 2009 Program Schedule President’s Message In the Eye of the Beholder? by Jannette Ramirez

Board Members

President Vice-President Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary

Vol. XVI, No. 4 June, 2009

Dan Radebaugh Sharon Barnett Susan Priest Alexander A. Priest Stephen Sica Donna Sosna Sica Jason Kerner Mark Soberman

Our Featured Speaker: Jeff Bollbach by Claudia Dickinson

Bermuda Memories by Joseph Ferdenzi

Breeding Rhinogobius duospilus by Michael Vulis

Member Classifieds Really, Betta Fish! by William Amely

Looking Through the Lens Photos from Our Last Meeting by Claudia Dickinson

Wet Leaves by Susan Priest

Cichlidically Speaking by Claudia Dickinson

The Undergravel Reporter G.C.A.S. Happenings Fin Fun (Puzzle Page)

2 3 4 6 7 9 11 14 15 16

18 19 22 23 24

From the Editor by Dan Radebaugh ne of the advertised benefits of fishkeeping is the purported calming effect of watching the fish drifting peacefully along in the water, minding their own business, bothering no one, and generally emitting positive, peaceful “waves.” Likewise the tanks themselves, with their decorations tailored to their owners’ tastes, and chock-full of soothing “water energy,” are famous for being able to relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and generally make us better people. Who writes this stuff? Have they ever kept fish? I don’t know about you, but my daily conversations with my fish don’t usually sound much like “Aummmmm.” Instead, they tend to go something like, “Hmm. What’s that schmutz on your fins? ” Or, “Come on, guys, don’t vandalize the filter intakes!” Or maybe, “Aw, man! These suction cups are worn out again?” Or “What’s that vibration?” You get the picture. Idyllically gazing at my peaceful, contented, lobotomized charges is rarely part of the program. Before you start wondering if I’ve renamed this column “Curmudgeon’s Corner” (Marsha assures me no one will think that, since a curmudgeon is a loveable grouch), I should explain that the inspiration for this line of thought was in fact the aforementioned suction cups. I’m tired of replacing suction cups! With all the technological improvements the hobby has seen over the past fifty or so years, the one standard item that has improved hardly at all is the suction cup. They still suck (or not―or at least not for long enough). I’ve been intrigued lately by advertisements for a “forever” suction cup that really doesn’t depend on suction, but on magnetism―rather like the magnetic algae scrapers (which I find work pretty well). Imagine that―never having to replace suction cups again! Of course they’re not cheap, but neither are the replacement cups for my Eheims, if you count up the number of times I have to replace them. What I wonder about are the long-term effects of that magnetism on my fishes’ health. They’re going to be living for (hopefully) many years in close proximity to the magnetic field produced by these devices. So, on the one hand you have people spending money on magnetic bracelets, shoe implants, and who knows what other kind, who swear that their arthritis, low libido, convulsions, constipation, and body odor have all been miraculously cured by them. Conversely, there have been many reports of the potential health risks of living in close proximity to high-tension



power cables because of the strong magnetic fields they generate. The power companies of course deny there’s any risk, but what else would we expect them to say? Meanwhile, we just don’t seem to have any definitive information on whether living inescapably close to these magnetic fields is healthy, unhealthy, or a dead heat (sorry―unfortunate choice of words). Of course all this overanalysis could just be my internal strategy to avoid shelling out thirty bucks a unit on these possibly excellent inventions. I think we have a good issue this month, and before I run out of space, I’d like to formally welcome a new author to Modern Aquarium. Michael Vulis debuts with an article about, and a cover photo of, Rhinogobius duospilus, an attractive and rarely encountered freshwater goby from the environs of Hong Kong. Welcome, Michael! This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Bermuda Fry-Angle Society, and Joe Ferdenzi offers tribute in a retrospective of his long association with Bermuda, and with the Fry-Angle Society. Other stalwart contributors this month are Jannette Ramirez, Bill Amely, Sue and Al Priest, and Claudia Dickinson. My thanks as always go out for the wonderful contributions made by our memberauthors. They truly make this magazine both possible and excellent!

Remember, if you have an article, photo, or drawing that you’d like to submit for inclusion in, it’s easy to do! You may fax it to me at (877) 299-0522, email it to, or just hand it to me at a meeting. However you get it to me, I’ll be delighted to receive it!

June 2009

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

GCAS Programs


t is our great fortune to have another admirable cast of speakers who have so graciously accepted our invitation to join us throughout the coming season, bringing us their extensive knowledge and experiences. You certainly won’t wish to miss a moment of our prominent guests, not to mention the friends, fish, warmth, and camaraderie that accompanies each meeting. I know I can barely wait to see you here! Claudia



Jeff Bollbach “A Year in the Fish Room”




Silent Auction


Members Night


Tim Nurse Diving Lake Tanganyika


Joseph Ferdenzi History of the GCAS


Holiday Party!

Articles submitted for consideration in Modern Aquarium must be received no later than the 10th day of the month, three months prior to the month of publication. Please fax to (877) 299-0522, or email to Copyright 2008 by the Greater City Aquarium Society Inc., a not-for-profit New York State corporation. All rights reserved. Not-for-profit aquarium societies are hereby granted permission to reproduce articles and illustrations from this publication, unless the article indicates that the copyrights have been retained by the author, and provided reprints indicate source and two copies of the publication are sent to the Exchange Editor of this magazine. Any other reproduction or commercial use of the material in this publication is prohibited without express written prior permission. The Greater City Aquarium Society meets every month, except January and February. Members receive notice of meetings in the mail. For more information, contact: Dan Radebaugh (718) 458-8437. Find out more, or leave us a message, at our Internet Home Page at: http://www. or Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

June 2009


President’s Message

try, and that will be our challenge for another day. But Today VICTORY is SWEET!...... Celebrate today and rest, because tomorrow we must get ready to fight again. Thank you Reptile Nation! Thank you Tom Wolfe. Thank you everyone who did their part. Stay tuned... This fight has only begun! United States Association of Reptile Keepers

by Dan Radebaugh ast month I wrote about the pitfalls of poorlyconsidered legislation, specifically the proposed HR669 bill. Even before that issue was published, HR669 was voted down in committee, largely as the result of strong objections from pet owners. Here is a note forwarded to me by Claudia Dickinson:


WE DID IT FOLKS!!!! Victory over HR669! You can thank yourselves and the Reptile Nation, for a hard fought Victory! Our nearly 50,000 grassroots letters and 1,000s of phone calls to the offices of the subcommittee members clearly prevailed at today’s Insular Affairs Subcommittee hearing on HR 669. HR 669 in it’s current form is finished. For anything to go forward it MUST be re-written from the ground up....and USARK will have a seat at the table along with other stakeholders. Delegate Faleomavega from Samoa said, “The letter and phone campaign hit the subcommittee like a BUZZ SAW”. Harry Burroughs, of the subcommittee staff said, “I haven’t seen a letter writing campaign like this in 30 years! You should be proud of yourselves.” Take heart in the fact that the Reptile Nation stopped HR669 in it’s tracks!! We also need to thank Congressman Henry Brown, SC for helping us to focus our fight on the Subcommittee as opposed to the full House of Representatives. He is the one who instructed us to write real letters to be truly effective. He said emails are fine if that is all you can manage, but they can be filtered and deleted. There is no denying the weight of thousands of paper letters from American citizens. The Reptile Nation was responsible for 49,229 letters delivered to the Subcommittee in less than two weeks. Congressman Brown’s staff made sure they all got in the door. 38,000 of those letters will be entered into the permanent record. Thank you my friends! Credit should also be given to Bill Martin, a witness who testified at the hearing. He is the President of Blue Ridge Aquatics, a large multi-state Tilapia farming operation. They farm Tilapia as a food fish. He had some serious problems with the bill and the ear of much of the committee. His plain talk of how this bill would destroy hundreds of families hit home. What they do and the impact this bill would have on them parallels the plight of the Reptile Nation. Senior Democrat staff from the House Committee on Natural Resources advised Subcommittee Chair Madeleine Bordallo that if she wants something to go forward she will have to go back to square one and draft a new bill. Then have another subcommittee hearing. When and if she does, USARK will be there to represent the interests of the Reptile Nation!! They probably will


A note from Tom Wolfe, of USARK: “The good news is, USARK engineered a significant victory which caught the attention of the entire membership of the Subcommittee and their staffs. The bad news is this is just the first step in the process. Members of the Reptile Nation should be jubilant with this victory. However, our success should be measured, because the proponents of HR 669 will be back soon with another version of the same legislation. They will not rest, so we must not rest either. Take satisfaction in a job well done and a victory well deserved, but know we all must rise up again to fight on because the battle has just begun!” On another subject, an offer recently came to us from, an online pet supplies vendor. They have developed a program targeting societies such as ours, whereby members would receive a small discount on their purchases, and GCAS would receive a donation from PetMountain based on those member purchases. Our Board considered this offer very seriously. Online stores make a valuable contribution to the hobby, and will likely continue to earn a place in our purchasing habits. Most of us probably use them to some extent, and GCAS would certainly welcome whatever the monetary contributions turn out to be. On the other hand, the Board’s feeling is that our local pet shops are too vital to the future of our hobby for us to make life even more difficult for them than it currently is by encouraging our members to shop elsewhere. Think about it. How many of us now in the hobby were early on inspired by fish that we first saw in local pet stores, or were aided by advice we received from knowledgeable proprietors of those stores? As you look through this issue of Modern Aquarium, notice the ads from local merchants. These ads represent contributions to Greater City in money, goods, and more subtly, a “partnership” in our hobby. If young people don’t have these stores available to walk into and be “hooked” by what they see, where will our hobby be a few years down the road? With all this in mind, we decided that, while we congratulate PetMountain for their initiative and wish them success, we could not in good conscience accept their offer.

June 2009

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

June 2009


In the Eye of the Beholder? by Jannette Ramirez


luttonous, oblivious, looters, dashers, frantic, indulgers, seekers, hunters. These descriptive words can be taken in many ways depending on the person reading them. If I told you that these words describe some of my current fish, which happen to be goldfish, then those of you who own or have owned goldfish may be able to relate and even have a few descriptions of your own! When I am in a very good mood I say that my goldfish have very good appetites, and I see them as very curious seekers and busy hunters. In a relaxed state of mind, their swimming is carefree and mesmerizing. Drifting here and there like my pleasant thoughts. On the other hand, if my day has been a trying one and my patience is spent, and I’m trying to feed the other fish in that tank as well, then I might view them as greedy and gluttonous! On a bad day they are oblivious and rude looters. If I am really upset, I call them “the freaking piranhas.” (I don’t curse, so those words are my equivalent to cussing.) If I am feeling tense, I see their swimming as frantic dashing and their actions as deliberately intended to unsettle me further. Any time someone comes over and wants to see my fishes, they are immediately won over by my goldfishes’ personalities and sizes. The goldfish steal the show with their flamboyant movement and bold approach to the top and front of the tank, greeting everyone so enthusiastically! Cautious, hiding, ostracizing, careful, omnivorous, lenient, alert, tolerant, expressive, cave dwelling, introverted, chameleons, habitual, latent, impressionable, dreamy, secretive. These describe my three chocolate cichlids. Their personalities are so different from the goldfishes’ that they live with. The spotlight is hardly ever on these guys. Every move they make seems to be carefully thought out before they actually do it. Even everyday behaviors like swimming from one area to another, eating, hiding or asserting their status. The goldfish actually push them around at times, because they are so still and calm! On rare occasions, depending on the chocolates’ mood (and therefore color) the goldfish know to stay clear to


avoid getting nipped at. It’s like having 3 traffic lights in my tank! Most of the time the light is green and the goldfish have the go-ahead signal, but if they don’t pay attention they may discover that the light has turned red and they must stop or pay the consequences.

When I got these cichlids, I thought they were going to be the main attraction in my tank, and that my goldfish were there just to make the chocolates feel comfortable and outgoing in my tank. Well, it has been almost a year now that I have had my goldfish and my chocolate cichlids, and I’m still waiting to get compliments on my cichlids by friends who have stopped by to check out my fish tank. While my chocolates come out for me whenever I approach the tank, if there is a stranger present they decide to play “peek-a-boo” and peer out curiously from their caves and hidey spots. This surprises me, since they have no problem coming out to greet my Rottweiler Isis! I am hoping that as they get bigger, they will become more outgoing and showy. Meanwhile, the goldfish usually steal the show!

Photo of chocolate cichlids by Linda Konst Photo of goldfish by Jannette Ramirez

June 2009

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)



Proudly Extends a most Warm Welcome to


“A Year in the Fishroom” June 3rd 2009 By Claudia Dickinson Photographs by the author unless noted otherwise eckoned by the water of woodland streams and ponds, Jeff Bollbach spent his inquisitive childhood years balancing on the bank’s edge, peering under rocks, and sporting the muddy sneakers of a budding naturalist. A favorite photograph of his parents depicts their 18-month-old son holding a fishing pole, complete with a fish on the end of the line! Jeff was not the only one in his family with a love of nature and fish. His father bred and raised guppies, selling the offspring to Jeff’s uncle’s remarkable pet shop, the “Golden Guppy.” Jeff recalls the eyecatching, six-foot-long sign on which his father had carved and goldleafed by hand an enormous guppy. The sign hung over the store’s doorway, inviting customers to step inside and enjoy the wide array of fascinating animals. It was during one of his own excursions into the Golden Guppy that Jeff’s eye was caught by the massive and stunning South American mata mata (Chelus fimbriatus) turtles housed in a prominent display. From that time on, turtles remained a part of Jeff’s collection and his passion. The father and son team had their own fishroom where the racks and fittings were built by his father. As a teenager, Jeff maintained around 40 tanks and, from this era in his fishkeeping career, recollects his memorable large pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

gibbosus) and bullhead catfish (family Ictaluridae). He also bred bettas, had a successful spawn of angelfish, and raised numerous fancy swordtails. At the age of 17, Jeff moved out into the world, taking a hiatus from fish. Then, 35 years later, our own Harry Faustmann came into his life. It was in 2001 that Jeff walked into Harry’s fishroom to be mesmerized by a beautiful river tank and all of the inhabitants of the many other aquariums. He found the killifish interesting and was particularly enticed by the idea of breeding fish. Returning home, Jeff went about setting up his own river tank. When the fish began to breed, he was once again captivated by the behavior of the fish and their interactions with one another. He and Harry have remained great buddies ever since, and living 15 minutes apart has made it easy to spend time sharing fish and experiences with one another, not to mention traveling to fish club meetings together. Jeff attributes much of his own knowledge to listening to Harry, as well as the counsel of the celebrated and legendary Rosario LaCorte. Currently, Jeff maintains 65 tanks that range in size from 2 ½ to 90 gallons, with the majority being 15 to 20 gallons, in an 8-foot by 15-foot fishroom off of the house. A wide variety of species inhabit the tanks, as anyone who knows Jeff’s breeding record will attest that no fish is left unchallenged. His lovely wife, June 2009 7

Jeff achieves his second GCAS Breeder of the Year Award in Jeff achieves the GCAS Breeder 2008, presented by Past GCAS of the Year Award in 2007. President Joe Ferdenzi.

The sun’s natural rays bring vitality and brilliance to the summer inhabitants of Jeff’s outdoor ponds. Photo Credit: Jeff Bollbach

Barbara, does not keep fish herself, but is supportive of her husband’s hobby and glad for him to have the friendship of fellow hobbyists and the various clubs that he is active in. In addition to the tanks in the fishroom, three planted show tanks, housing rainbowfish and African cichlids collectively, are kept in the couple’s living quarters where the inhabitants can be readily enjoyed. Livebearers are placed into any one of the three outdoor ponds as soon as the temperatures warm up

Jeff (right) with his mentor, friend, and fellow GCAS member, Harry Faustmann.


in the spring, and his beloved turtles live a superlative lifestyle in the yard, where Jeff ensures that their natural habitats are replicated to perfection. The couple’s Portuguese water dog, Willie (named after the Winnie the Pooh character, Trespassers Will, of course!), has been a treasured member of the family for fifteen years, and is always ready to help Jeff out with fish chores! Renowned for his amazingly numerous breeding successes, Jeff achieved our GCAS Breeder of the Year Award in both 2007 and 2008, and in 2006 and 2007, Nassau County Aquarium Society honored him with the same. His speaking engagements began amongst the close friendships of fellow Long Island Killifish Association members in the informal setting of his own living room, and have since expanded exponentially, his most recent taking him to the prominent Missouri Aquarium Society. Aside from his vast accomplishments as an aquarist, in the ‘real world,’ he is a luthier, specializing in the making and restoring of the double bass viol. Jeff is a strong advocate of joining as many fish clubs, and attending as many meetings, as possible. What great fortune for us that he is a member of the GCAS family, where he altruistically shares not only the many fish that he breeds, but his knowledge and friendship! It is with great warmth and pride that we welcome Jeff tonight as he presents A Year in the Fishroom!

June 2009

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

Bermuda Memories On the Occasion of the Bermuda Fry-Angle

Society’s 20th Anniversary by Joseph Ferdenzi

lthough the Bermuda Fry-Angle Aquarium Society is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2009, my connection to Bermuda goes back even further—thirty years. It was in August of 1979 that I and my new bride Anita decided to make Bermuda our honeymoon destination. I think we chose it because it was exotic, but had a reputation for stability built on British traditions (you should have seen the look on Anita’s face when I mentioned certain exotic but arguably Third-World countries―it just wasn’t going to happen). It was also close to home, being about an hour’s flight from New York City. Now, mind you, I had never been to Bermuda before, and really didn’t do much reading about it or look at any photos (remember, in 1979 almost no one had a home computer or access to the internet). But when we finally landed on Bermuda that August 12, 1979, what I saw really overwhelmed me! I had never seen such a place before. It was all thrillingly new to me―the narrow, curving roads built out of the coral rock, the picturesque homes that were at once a brilliant palette of colors but harmoniously the same style, the abundant and stunning flora all around us. The nearby ocean waters were of azure and turquoise that I never even dreamed could actually exist! I was in love. Oh, and did I mention that my beautiful wife was with me? We spent a magical eleven days on the islands, splitting our stay between the Southampton Princess (now the Fairmont Southampton) and the Sonesta Beach Hotel (which is, sadly, no more). We visited nearly every major tourist attraction there was, including, naturally, the aquarium. We also spent a lot of our time shopping on Front Street―Anita and I loved all the stores there. One of my aunts had given us a substantial gift to purchase dinnerware, and we did just that, buying some extremely beautiful Herend at Bluck’s that is our pride and joy as it sits on display in our dining room. If memory serves me right, the founder of the Bermuda Fry-Angle Society had not even set foot on the island by 1979. But by the time of our second trip to Bermuda, in 1990, he had arrived, and had already started the society. Although the society was a year old, and I was actively involved in the aquarium hobby (having been elected President of the Greater City Aquarium Society of New York in 1986), I confess


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that I did not know of either the Bermuda society or Craig Morfitt. On that second trip in 1990 we brought our children to Bermuda for the first time (Francesca, who was then nine, Marisa seven, and our little Dean a mere two). It was sometime between 1990 and 1994 that I first learned there was an aquarium society in Bermuda. My recollection is that this news was imparted to me by Ginny Eckstein. Ginny was a fellow hobbyist from the New York area who was very much involved in the hobby at that time. She was a nationally recognized authority on catfish and cichlids, and a very gifted speaker. Apparently she had been invited to Bermuda by the society, and she relayed this to me. Well, such news electrified me! What, an aquarium society in Bermuda? My favorite hobby in my favorite vacation destination―it sounded almost too good to be true! As it happened, Anita and I decided to return to Bermuda in 1994, and I was determined to make contact with its aquarium society. We still did not have a home computer in those days (nor did I have one at work), but I did manage to obtain Craig’s home phone number (he was of course the society’s President then). So on one fateful day, I just called him out of the blue. Naturally he didn’t know who I was at the time, and seemed surprised that someone was not only coming to Bermuda for a family vacation, but was offering to give a program free of charge! But it came to pass that in 1994 I made my speaking debut at the Bermuda Fry-Angle Aquarium Society. The program was a beginner’s killifish topic that I had presented on numerous occasions in the USA, so I was quite at ease while I delivered it. I recall that the meeting was held at a small building located across the road from the aquarium. I remember thinking that the number of members in attendance was small (less than twenty) in comparison to the size of audiences in America (usually fifty or more). However, the members were genuinely cordial and interested in my presentation, and for me that made it all worthwhile. I remember Craig presenting me with a T-shirt which had been custom made, that depicted a colorful killifish and bore the inscription: “One good killie deserves another. Thanks Joe. Bermuda Fry-Angle Aquarium Society 1994.” I still own this shirt, and a paper version of it hangs in my fishroom.

June 2009


Craig and I hit it off very well, and we have been good friends ever since. As it turned out, we had a lot in common―we were both avid aquarists of course, but we also shared an interest in aquarium literature, we were both presidents of our respective societies, we were both active as writers (I recall especially 1994, when Craig and I finished number one and two for the Federation of American Aquarium Societies’ Author of the Year Award), we were both born in Europe, our professional lives were in law enforcement, and we both married beautiful women! Well, I have been back to Bermuda many times since then, always with Anita, and usually accompanied by a gaggle of relatives―as Craig knows! I have never experienced anything but kindness and graciousness from my Bermuda friends. I recall with special fondness the bar-b-que party at Chris Roy’s poolside cottage, where among other things I was introduced to Bermudian home-made wine and the notorious Dark & Stormy. (Yes, the Dark & Stormy, a cocktail made from ginger beer and dark rum, has now become the stuff of legend at the American Cichlid Association conventions whenever the Bermuda “delegation” appears!) I also recall the time Craig brought us to the Cup Match in the van that didn’t want to go uphill unless

we got out and pushed it! But most memorable of all was the time the society presented Anita and me with a sunset cruise aboard Captain Leon’s sailboat. That occasion coincided with the first trip Anita and I had made to Bermuda without our children since 1979. So, fittingly, the society’s romantics surprised us with this gift designed to remind us of our honeymoon. It was wonderful! Anita and I never had a better time―not only was Captain Leon enormously entertaining, but the club had flown in Italian delicacies to be enjoyed on our sailing excursion! Is it any wonder that my memories of Bermuda are exceedingly joyful? Without the Bermuda FryAngle Aquarium Society, I and my family would have experienced a lot less of the wonders of Bermuda. Because of all the members and their families, we have learned that the true wonder of Bermuda lies not entirely in its pastel-colored houses, its verdant flora, or its pink beaches, but in the realization that such a small country holds so many wonderful people! Thank you for the memories. Congratulations on your 20th Anniversary!

The author and Craig Morfitt (on right) holding souvenir t-shirt as Bermuda club members and Joe’s wife, Anita (holding son Dean, 6 years old) look on in 1994.

(left to right) Craig Morfitt, Warren Feuer, the author, and Peter Rubin at Peter’s tropical fish business, Atlantis Hatchery, in New York, June 2000.

Joe and Anita aboard Captain Leon’s sailboat in Bermuda, August 2000.


June 2009

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

Breeding Rhinogobius duospilus by Michael Vulis

n September of 2007, I was lucky enough to obtain a small group of Rhinogobius duospilus (known in older literature as Rhinogobuis wui), a small freshwater goby from hill streams in the vicinity of Hong Kong. R. duospilus was long one of my most wanted species. While a true goby, it is freshwater (most gobies are marine or brackish), small (under 2”), has a reasonably long lifespan (3 years or more, compared to only one year for the larger desert goby, C. eremius. I shall use C. eremius for comparisons since it is a more commonly kept goby species), and unusually peaceful for a goby. Finding them was not easy. This species is not usually imported by itself, but more often comes in as contaminants in loach shipments from Hong Kong. My group of eight were exactly such contaminants. While every single loach in the shipment died in transit, the contaminant gobies arrived in great shape. The group included a couple of adults, and juveniles of various sizes. Eventually it became clear that the group contains two males and five females―these seven are still alive. (One of the juveniles died from an internal tumor that had all the indications of being a malignancy. Of all the fish diseases known, this was the one I least expected to see.)


I placed them in a dedicated 10-gallon tank with rocks and a couple of Madagascar lace plants. The gobies sit and sometimes bounce on the plant leaves. The males are distinguished by the red “stitches” under the head that form a kind of scarf. They are also about 20-25% larger than the females. When interested in breeding, the male shows darker, almost black coloration. Getting my colony to breed was always my intent―this is a fish I really like, and I want to avoid losing them to old age and not being able to find replacements. However, until May of 2008, they showed no interest in breeding. What happened in my tank goes contrary to the accounts of others. R. duospilus were reported to spawn on rocks, though this goes contrary to my own prior experience with the species. I previously had had a small group for a couple of weeks that did not survive quarantine. They were kept in an identical setup, and the male dug a spawning cave himself. This current group however, was not satisfied with the quality of rocks offered, and the males showed no inclination toward making their own caves. I offered them a variety of caves and pvc pipes of different diameters, but all were rejected, until finally in May one of the males found an acceptable “cave”―actually an internal filter by RIO―and despite many additional caves offered to the group, to this day it remains the only one they use for spawning.

Here are a couple of adult individuals from the original group: a female (above), and a male (below).

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As with other gobies, protecting and hatching the eggs is the male’s job; the female is expelled right after spawning. The male remained in the cave for the time required for the eggs to develop (about 14 days in my case, both at 78-80°F during the first spawn, and at 72-75°F during the second), and does not accept any June 2009 11

food; even the bloodworms floating right by his cave are ignored. The only times he left the cave were to violently chase away any goby that came close to the cave’s entrance; this was the only case when any real aggression was ever shown. I removed the eggs, along with the entire filter, on day 12, and placed them in a 2.5-gallon tank with an airstone only, filled to about 1.5” with water. By that time the eggs had eyes visible on them, and I could see the embryos forming into little fish; two days later they started hatching. There were only six eggs―quite different from most other gobies, who may lay hundreds―but the eggs were large. Unfortunately, large eggs did not indicate large fry; these turned out to be even smaller than C. eremius fry. The essential difference was that the fry were

born with a huge yolk sac. The sac interfered with the fry mobility; they could not sit the way newborn goby fry of other species can, and they were barely able to move. The birth was accompanied by a burst of energy, propelling them far away (in nature, far away from the father), but this burst consumed most of their energy. For the next few days the fry could barely move, and would have been easily consumed by any adult fish in the tank. Unless it was lucky enough to fall into a crack, the chances of one-week survival in the parents’ tank were non-existent. The activity level of the fry was dropping, and two days after hatching all six were immobile, lying on their sides. While it appeared certain that they had all died, I left the tank running. A day later two of the fry fungused, but the other four successfully consumed most of their yolk sac and became mobile, now fully reminiscent of newborn goby fry of other species. This took about a week in the first spawning (80°F). For the second spawn, in February of 2009, it took ten full days (75°F). Feeding is not needed at this stage, though I put in small amounts of artemia to let the fry get used to them. During the immobile stage the fry grow and fill out noticeably, reaching about 7mm. Once mobile, they are ready for and interested in newly hatched artemia; this appears to be the only food they need until about a month old, when they are ready for bloodworms. The reasons for losing two of the fry are not fully clear, but the likeliest possibility is fungus. That would attack an immobile fry just as readily as it would attack an egg. Ultra-small clutches of four to ten eggs are the 12

norm, so every fry really counts, and understanding these losses would be helpful. During the second breeding, I acted against fungus dangers by adding a small amount of Methylene Blue and using an airstone strong enough to create current in the entire container. This resulted in full survival. Subsequent development was mostly uneventful, and featured rapid growth up to about 20mm within a month. During the first month the fry were mostly

in hiding, preferring to blend into the rocks they were sitting on. At six weeks the fry reached one inch in length, and a few days later they were transferred back to the parents’ tank, rejoining the adults. The photo below shows an adult female and a 50 day old fry. The orange coloration lasts up to three months, and does not seem to be connected to the brine shrimp diet.

Now, six months later, the fry have developed into three males and a female. Growing very slowly; they still can be distinguished from the original group by size alone. Summary Those who would like to breed this species, should be aware of the following:

June 2009

• A variety of caves of different types should be offered, R. duospilus can be really picky about having the right type of spawning cave. (My second breeding also occurred in the RIO filter, despite several seemingly better caves being offered.) • Multiple males in the tank would make spawning unlikely; while the males would not fight, they would expend all their energy on watching each other. Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

• It is necessary to remove the eggs from the parent’s tank, ideally 1-2 days before hatching. • One should check the tank daily for a male hiding in the cave. You may not be able to see the eggs themselves—R. duospilus prefer to place them into the deepest area of the cave, in my case, into the impeller assembly of the filter—but you would know of their presence by the male’s reaction to food. If the male is willing to leave his cave to eat, then no spawning has occurred yet, he is simply manning the cave hoping for a female to visit. • Time the removal of the cave to twelve days after you observed the male guarding. • Precautions should be taken against fungus affecting the eggs and immobile fry. Unlike many other species both the eggs and immobile fry need strong water movement. Use an airstone strong enough that most of the surface of the container is agitated; do not decrease the aeration when the fry hatch.

Thanks R. duospilus were the first fish I’ve bred, and in retrospect, objectively the most difficult. Knowing nothing about this species’ specifics, I was pretty lucky to make some right moves, for example timing the removal of the eggs correctly. I would never have been able to get any fry to survive without very close supervision by Colin T. in Perth, Australia, as well as Jeff Bollbach here at GCAS. While neither had dealt with R. duospilus before, their experience with other goby species proved invaluable in making the right guesses. I am thankful for the chance to meet Jeff and Colin, and I have learned a lot from them.

Photos by Author

• Newly hatched artemia should be sufficient. Live rotifiers and microworms can be used to supplement. Avoid powder and liquid foods, the fry will not touch them anyway.

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June 2009


Member Classifieds Computers available: Used desktops, laptops, a few Macs. Pricing varies by machine. Contact Dan Radebaugh at 718-458-8437 or 212-957-5300 ext 231. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED: Back issues of Modern Aquarium, series III (1994 through the present), are available on a first come, first served basis. Most issues are available. The price is fifty cents per copy. Check your collection for any missing issues, or for anything you might want extra copies of. Also, check your annual indexes to find articles written in the past which discuss your current interests. All proceeds go to the GCAS. E-mail your requests to:


June 2009

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Really, Betta Fish!

by William Amely


ince its discovery in the early 1900s, Betta splendens, the Siamese fighting fish, has become one of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby. Their ability to breathe atmospheric oxygen through their specialized “labyrinth” organ makes them able to tolerate water conditions that many other fish cannot. Bettas, (pronounced “bĕt-a”―not “bāt-a”), fascinate fishkeepers with their bubblenest building and their courtship ritual when breeding. Originally discovered in Siam (now Thailand), their range today is known to include parts of Indo-China, Malaysia, and Indonesia. As might be guessed from their popular name, in their native land the males were used by humans in staged fights for entertainment and wagering (think of the crickets in “Enter the Dragon”). Today they are mostly kept for show. Already strikingly beautiful, they have been selectively bred for a greater variety of colors and fin types that have added to their popularity. There are many local, regional, national, and international Betta shows. Imagine hundreds of Bettas in one place, displaying gloriously in a dazzling array of colors. You’ll feel like the proverbial kid in the candy store! In addition to their beauty, Bettas offer a lot to their owners in terms of behavioral variety. Even when breeding, not all Betta pairs go through their courtship rituals in exactly the same way. Each has a character all its own.

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While Bettas can be kept in small fishbowls, I would instead recommend a two-and-a-half gallon tank. Males should be kept separately, as they will fight. Females can also be aggressive toward one another, but given sufficient space and a variety of hiding places, they can be kept together without much difficulty. I suggest keeping no more than four females in a ten-gallon tank. If you’re considering keeping Bettas in a community tank, you need to choose their tankmates with care. Fin nippers, such as tiger barbs, black tetras, serape tetras, etc, are not recommended. Good tankmates could include neon or cardinal tetras, cherry barbs, Corydoras catfish, various rainbowfish species, dwarf gouramies, and most killifish species. Bettas are available at very reasonable prices – usually from two to six dollars for females, and three to six dollars for males. Some of the fancier males, such as crowntails, double (or scissor) tails, deltatails, and halfmoons range from four dollars to twenty-five dollars, depending on where you purchase them. I hope this information will make your decision on Betta keeping easier. They are well worth the time and effort. Happy Fishkeeping!

June 2009


Looking through the Photos and captions

May brought another Grande Meet the Experts night with the GCAS! The team: Technical Production, Brad Dickinson; GCAS Experts, Ed Vukich, Joseph Graffagnino, and Harry Faustmann; Moderator, Joe Ferdenzi; and Expert Advisor, Warren Feuer.

GCAS President Dan Radebaugh with Bowl Show Third Place winner Rich Levy.

A heartfelt GCAS welcome to Jim Breheny! Jim currently maintains 11 tanks, ranging in size from 5 ½ to 210 gallons, and totaling 800 gallons in volume.


Jannette Ramirez is presented with her Door Prize win by GCAS President Dan Dan with Bowl Show First Place and Second Radebaugh while Temes Mo mans the Place winner Bob Hamje. drawing bucket.

GCAS buddies Warren Feuer, Joe Ferdenzi, and Brad Dickinson share stories and laughs “on the bench” following their participation in the evening’s program.

June 2009

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Lens with the GCAS By Claudia Dickinson

GCAS President Dan Radebaugh presents Frank Fallon with an award from the Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies for one of Frank’s outstanding breeding articles that appeared in the pages of Modern Aquarium.

Adam wins the perfect tank décor in the GCAS raffle!

Elliot Oshins is recognized by the Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies with a welldeserved author award in the category of ‘Humor’ for one of his numerous superb articles published in Modern Aquarium.

A warm welcome to our new GCAS member, Jason Irizarry! Jason’s aquatic interests lie in plants and all freshwater fishes.

Jim Breheny holds the winning ticket for the evening’s Door Prize book, The Proper Care of Malawi Cichlids, presented by GCAS President Dan Radebaugh!

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The arms of GCAS member Richard Waizman are filled with treasures to return home with, from Modern Aquarium to bags of fish and plants from the auction.

GCAS Recording Secretary Ed Vukich never stops at our meetings as he helps out with everything from setting up to ensuring that our auctions run smoothly.

Jeff Bollbach, Harry Faustmann, and LaMonte Brown discuss the advantages of feeding vinegar eels as a first food for particularly small fry.

June 2009


One thing you can do to minimize algae in your aquarium is to vacuum the gravel regularly. This will serve to reduce the buildup of organic material from which algae take their nourishment. The science geeks among you may be interested in such topics as “the ingredients of light,” “how chelates help feeding,” and “sexual by SUSAN PRIEST propagation” (hmmm, you probably don’t need to be a science geek to be interested in that one!). et me get you started with a brain-teaser; what There are lists of plants which do best in low light, do you think is the biggest consumer of medium light, and high light. There is an “index” oxygen in your aquarium? I’ll give you the (my term for it, not our author’s) of aquarium answer in a little while. plants which actually shows up “This compact, richly in the center of the book, and is illustrated guide explores all Today’s Essential Guide to broken down into background, aspects of growing and Growing Aquarium Plants midground, foreground, and displaying plants in a home By Peter Hiscock floating plants. aquarium.” The publisher of this Bowtie Press, 2004 The answer to the brain book has described it in these teaser I started you out with is terms, which pretty much leaves that bacteria are the largest me with nothing left to say about consumers of oxygen in an aquarium. it (only kidding, you can’t shut me up that easily!). As a reviewer, it is part of my job to look at a I want to elaborate on the words “richly book from all angles. One thing became a peeve illustrated.” The combination of artistically for me throughout the rendered drawings, text. In some cases Mr. photographs of the parts Hiscock used common of some plants, all of names, and in other other plants, as well as cases he used Latin detailed techniques for names, but rarely did planting, propagating, he use both when and keeping your plants describing any given healthy barely leaves plant. Maybe I have room for text. Oh, I just read too many almost forgot, there are books on the subject of even a few photos of fish aquariums, but I feel scattered throughout! that in all cases a The author must complete identification have a preference for should include both. eating from a buffet, Themed tanks, because his style of paludariums, and presentation lends itself choosing suitable fish to choosing a little bit of are just a few (more) of this and a little bit of the many topics to be that. Whatever your found within the pages interests are, they can be of this book. Even easily isolated from though it is of small among the 18 chapters. stature (96 pages), it I’m going to offer you a left this reader with the few examples for your impression of having “nibbling” pleasure. read a comprehensive treatment of the Plants of the Echinodoras species have two different subject. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed if you kinds of roots. The fine ones are for collecting give this one a try. nutrients, and the thick ones are for the storage of nutrients. a Series On Books For The Hobbyist


The leaves of Java fern contain a chemical which discourages most herbivorous fish from eating them.

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Cichlidically Speaking Your Link to the American Cichlid Association by Claudia Dickinson Photos by the author unless otherwise noted

Malawi Cichlids at Risk An icon of the cichlid world, Ad Konings has dedicated his life to researching the inhabitants of Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, taking close to 40 cumulative expeditions to the region, and returning with an unrivaled comprehensive understanding of the biodiversity, as well as the needs and political issues, of the lakes and surrounding areas. With an intrinsic desire to share his experience and wisdom with others, Ad spreads the word as a celebrated speaker, bestowing on us an appreciation of the infinite diversity and Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

beauty of the Rift Lakes. He has filled the pages of over 30 books, where his articulate writing offers us the opportunity to discover the seemingly endless array of exquisite cichlids that exist in the environs, accompanied by his extraordinary photographs so that we, too, might see. It is now our turn to give back, and Ad is asking for our help. The cichlids of Lake Malawi are being wiped clean by large seine nets, resulting in a disappearance of their overall population at a shockingly rapid pace, as well as disrupting the natural

June 2009


vegetation that the native fishes rely on for survival. The answer? The production and implementation of Anti-Netting Devices (ANDs). The cost of a single AND is approximately $13 (US) (1800 Malawi kwacha). Whether you help out with one AND, or 100 ANDs, your assistance will make a difference! The Missouri Aquarium Society issued a challenge to all local fish clubs to determine who can raise the most money, in honor of the late Stuart M. Grant, to save Malawi cichlids.

beach seine in Lake Malawi. Over the years, such seines have been wiping out most of the sand-dwelling cichlid populations in the shallow waters and the result of a 1,000-foot net is nowadays absolutely not worth the effort—but what else is there to do to put a meal on the table? Waterlands is helping the beach community by employing more and more of the fishermen who are trying to earn a living by means other than fishing and giving them an alternate form of income. Read all about the “Day at the Races” following this link: Thank you again for your donations, and I’ll keep you posted on new developments. Enjoy your cichlids! Ad

An entertaining and fundraising “Day at the Races” was held in Malawi for the purchase of additional anti-netting devices to protect the cichlids around the Maleri Islands. Photo Courtesy of Ad Konings

Map of the region with protected coastline marked in black. Photo Courtesy of Ad Konings

Anti-netting device (AND) in action. Photo Credit: Ad Konings

A Personal Message From Ad Konings

A warm greeting from ANDS Project Director Alan Pitman (center) on Nakantenga Island to (clockwise from left) Claudia Dickinson, Ad Konings, Steve Lundblad, and Babe In the Cichlid Hobby, Pam Chin. Photo Credit: Mauricio de la Maza Benignos

In the fall of 2008, I had the extraordinary opportunity of visiting Alan Pitman and the ANDs Dear Friends, project at the Maleri Islands along with Ad Konings, We have some great news regarding the fundraising Juan Miguel Artigas Azas, Pam Chin, Steve Lundblad, for the anti-netting devices (ANDs). During the and other fellow cichlidophiles. Immediately upon our American Cichlid Association’s convention in Atlanta, arrival aboard the Lady Louise II, Ad and Alan took an about $4,000 was collected for the Stuart M. Grant ANDs dive to check on the devices. Afterwards, we Cichlid Conservation Fund! The ACA itself donated visited with Alan on his porch overlooking the lake $1,000, and another $1,000 check was received from from Nakantenga Island and discussed the progress the Greater Chicago Cichlid Association. The bulk of and future of the project. The 150 ANDs placed so the donations were raised by the Babes In The Cichlid far are proving a huge success, confirmed by Ad’s Hobby who had permanent collection jars with posters attached. Those jars collected about $800, but during the banquet the ladies raised about $1,200 during a 15 minute fundraising razzmatazz. From the internet donations we have raised about $700, with the bulk from hobbyists in Sweden! The Scandinavian Cichlid Association is preparing for an even grander fundraising event; I’ll keep you posted. Alan Pitman, the man behind the realization of the ANDs around the Maleri Islands, has sent me an update on the sections of the islands’ shorelines that are now protected. Last weekend there was another fundraising event in Malawi: A Day at the Races. I have also received some video clips from Larry Alan Pitman dives for ANDs inspection off of Nakantenga Island. Johnson that show the efforts and results of hauling a 20 June 2009 Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

discovery of large cichlid populations in the area. With much work yet to be done, your generous efforts are the driving force to paving a bright future for these cichlids to become stabilized once again and remain in their natural habitat. For more information on the ANDS Project and how you can help, please Ad Konings prepares to check out visit www.cichlidpress. the ANDs and assess current cichlid com and click on the populations. Stuart M. Grant Cichlid Conservation Fund icon on the top left of the page.

It is critical that Malawi cichlid populations be given the opportunity to rejuvenate in order to ensure their future existence.

ACA CARES Species at Risk Pyxichromis orthostoma (Regan 1922) The dwindling existence of Pyxichromis orthostoma in its native habitat of Lake Nawampassa in the ecologically unstable Kyoga drainage system paints a grave outlook for the future of the species. The claiming of swampland in and around this region for agricultural use stresses a fragile network of flora and fauna. Precise population figures are not available for this ambush predator, but its absence in areas of previous habitation paint a bleak outlook for the future. Maintaining P. orthostoma in our aquariums holds rich rewards for both hobbyist and species alike. With many thanks to Greg Steeves and Dave Hansen. Photo Credit: Dave Hansen

Metriaclima pyrsonotos Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg, and McKaye 1997 Cichlids of Lake Malawi have held the fortunate position of not being on the ACA C.A.R.E.S. Conservation Priority List, but all of this could soon change unless we act now. At Nakantenga Island, Metriaclima pyrsonotos, the redtop zebra, is trapped in utaka nets that are hauled too close to shore. M. pyrsonotos is one example of many species that are being wiped out of Lake Malawi at an alarming rate due to the large nets skimming the lake clean, leaving it void of its cichlid inhabitants. There is hope, with our help, and the leadership of Ad Konings and Alan Pitman through Anti-Netting Devices (ANDs). Photo credit: Ad Konings Paratilapia polleni Bleeker 1868 The genus Paratilapia currently contains three described species, Paratilapia polleni Bleeker 1868, Paratilapia typus (Bleeker 1878), and Paratilapia bleekeri Sauvage 1882 (Loiselle, 2008), along with others yet to be described. Having found a wide popularity within the hobby due to their lovely coloration, interesting character, and production of jelly-like egg masses, uniquely held together by filament, registries of species of Paratilapia in the ACA C.A.R.E.S. Program continue to grow, helping to ensure their place in the future. Photo credit: George Reclos and Marina Parha

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Lake Victoria CARES Package Donated items have begun to arrive at the aquarium facility in Kisumu, Kenya to the great appreciation of Dr. William Ojwang, his staff, and students. Here in the United States, we do not think twice about going down to our local fish store to pick up an airstone, a net, a tank décor, or a Hydro-Sponge. In Kenya, these items simply do not exist. Please know how much your contribution of one airstone, one tank décor/shelter, or one net will truly make a difference!

Donated items from Lance Reyniers of Python Products arrive at the aquarium facility in Kisumu, Kenya. With just one item and a little help from each of us, the remainder of the research center and the outlying schools can be outfitted with needed supplies to make the Lake Victoria CARES effort a success! Photo Credit: Dr. William Ojwang

Until next time… Keep on Enjoying Your Cichlids! Claudia

June 2009


The IRONy Of It All A series by “The Undergravel Reporter” In spite of popular demand to the contrary, this humor and information column continues. As usual, it does NOT necessarily represent the opinions of the Editor, or of the Greater City Aquarium Society.

British scuba divers who set out to break a world record previously held by Australian divers.3 The only thing is that the record in question was for the most number of divers ironing at the same time underwater. Yes, ironing — you know, with an ironing board, iron, and a piece of linen that had to be ironed smooth within a 10-minute time limit. Earlier this year, a record 86 British divers managed to perform this task simultaneously, thereby beating the previous world record of 72 divers set in Melbourne, Australia, last year. (The remainder of the 128 divers were either disqualified for starting too soon, or penalized for overshooting the 10-minute time limit.)

ccording to the daily British tabloid, The Sun1, Sarpa salpa, an exotic fish that, when eaten, can trigger LSD-like hallucinations lasting for several days has been discovered in the English Channel. The species is normally found in the warmer waters of the Mediterranean and South Africa but may now be migrating north due to climate change. The Sun reports that there have only been three previous recordings of Sarpa salpa in British waters, the last being off the Channel Islands in 1983.


Underwater “extreme ironing” Photo: Paul Selwood via DiveOz

Sarpa salpa photo by David Koutsogiannopoulos ©2009 Practical Fishkeeping magazine

Practical Fishkeeping magazine indicates that two men suffered terrifying visual and auditory hallucinations after eating this species, commonly known as the Salema porgy, in local Mediterranean restaurants.2 Sarpa salpa was reportedly consumed as a recreational drug in the Mediterranean during the time of the Roman Empire. I wonder if the number of these “LSD-fish” in Britain, and the number of people who consume them, hasn’t been greatly underestimated. The reason I suggest this is the recent behavior of 128

This took place at the National Diving and Activity Centre in Chepstow, Wales, and was captured on camera by 11 photographers armed with special underwater cameras, as part of a fund raising effort for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Believe it or not, there is a website for the “sport” of “extreme ironing” that declares that this activity is, “the latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt.”4

References 1 2 3 4


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GCAS Happenings


A warm welcome back to renewing GCAS members Frank Fallon, DesirÉe Martin, Elliot Oshins, Ron Pandolfi, and Michael Vulis! A special welcome to new member Herb Walgren!

Last Month’s Bowl Show Winners: 1 Bob Hamje 2 Bob Hamje 3 Rich Levy

Red Half-Moon Betta Copper Ryukin Green Lyretail Sword

Unofficial 2009 Bowl Show totals to date: Robert Hamje 17 Mario Bengcion 8

Richard Levy 1

Richard Waizman 1

Here are meeting times and locations of some aquarium societies in the Metropolitan New York area: Greater City Aquarium Society

East Coast Guppy Association

Next Meeting: July 1, 2009 Speaker: TBA Topic: TBD Meets the first Wednesday of the month (except January & February) at 7:30pm: Queens Botanical Garden 43-50 Main Street - Flushing, NY Contact: Dan Radebaugh (347) 866-1107 E-mail: Website:

Meets: 1st Thursday of each month at at 8:00 pm. Alley Pond Environmental Ctr.: 228-06 Northern Blvd. Contact: Gene Baudier (631) 345-6399

Nassau County Aquarium Society Next Meeting: June 9, 2009 Speaker: Bob Larsen Topic: Guppies Meets: 2nd Tuesday of the month (except July and August) at 7:30 PM Molloy College - Kellenberg Hall ~1000 Hempstead Ave Rockville Centre, NY Contact: Mike Foran (516) 798-6766 Website:

Big Apple Guppy Club Meets: Last Tuesday each month (except Jan & Feb) at 7:30-10:00pm. Alley Pond Environmental Ctr.: 228-06 Northern Blvd. Contact: Donald Curtin (718) 631-0538


Brooklyn Aquarium Society Next Meeting: June 12, 2009 Speaker: None Event: Live Foods & Knowledge Round Table Meets the 2nd Friday of the month (except July and August) at 7:30pm: NY Aquarium - Education Hall, Brooklyn, NY Call: BAS Events Hotline: (718) 837-4455 Website:

Long Island Aquarium Society Next Meeting: June 18, 2009 Speaker: David Boruchowitz Topic: Adventures With Cichlids/The Future of the Hobby Meets: 3rd Fridays (except July and August) 8:00pm. Greenhouse Meeting Room, Holtsville Ecology Center, Buckley Road, Holtsville, NY Email: Margaret Peterson - Website:

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

Next Meeting: June 18, 2009 Speaker: Mark Denaro Topic: The Planted Tank Meets: 7:30 P.M. Lyndhurst Elks Club - 251 Park Ave - Lyndhurst, NJ Contact: NJAS Hotline at (732) 332-1392 e-mail: Website:

Norwalk Aquarium Society Next Meeting: June 16, 2009 Speaker & Topic: TBD Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Thursday of each month at: Earthplace - the Nature Discovery Center - Westport, CT Contact: John Chapkovich (203) 734-7833 Call our toll free number (866) 219-4NAS E-mail: Website:

June 2009


Fin Fun It’s Istanbul, not Constantinople A song from the early '50s titled “Istanbul” poked fun at the renaming of certain places, and included the lyric: “Even old New York was once New Amsterdam.” This is a two-part puzzle. First, draw lines to match up the scientific name with the common name of several species of fish whose common names include or relate to geographic locations. Next, do the same thing to match the current location name and the historical name of those locations. Answers next month. Fish Common name

Fish Scientific name

Ceylon combtail

Synodontis frontosus

Sri Lanka

Persian blenny

Exostoma labiatum



Prior place name Sudanese Republic

Siamese fighting fish

Ecsenius midas



Tanganyika killifish

Hypsopanchax platysternus





Sudan squeaker Burmese bat catfish Zaire lampeye

Belontia signata Betta splendens Lamprichthys tanganicanus

Answer to last month’s Puzzle: AMAZE


Current place name




Democratic Republic of Congo



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