Modern Aquarium

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MAY 2006 volume XIII number 3

Greater City Aquarium Society - New York



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Vol. XIII. No. 3

May, 2006

FEATURES Editor's Babblenest


President's Message


Badis ruber. A Small Fish With A BIG Attitude


Melanochromis auratus - "Molded by Malawi" . 5 The Amusing Aquarium (Cartoon)


Inside With The Experts of the GCAS


Fish Bytes


HITH Disease Symptoms, Causes, and Cures



The Seahorse Chronicles: Three Steps To Help A Sick Seahorse . . . 14 Fishkeepers Anonymous


Stoned Fish


G.C.A.S. Happenings


Fin Fun (Puzzle Page)




Articles submitted for consideration in MODERN AQUARIUM must be received no later than the 10th day of the month, three months prior to the month of publication. Copyright 2006 by the Greater City Aquarium Society Inc., a not-for-profit New York State corporation. All rights reserved. Not-for-profit aquarium societies are hereby granted permission to reproduce articles and illustrations from this publication, unless the article indicates that the copyrights have been retained by the author, and provided reprints indicate source and two copies of the publication are sent to the Exchange Editor of this magazine. Any other reproduction or commercial use of the material in this publication is prohibited without express written prior permission. The Greater City Aquarium Society meets every month, except during January and February. Meetings are the first Wednesday of the month and begin at 7:30 P.M. Meetings are at the Queens Botanical Gardens. For more information, contact: Joe Ferdenzi (516)484-0944. You can also leave us a message at our Internet Home Page at: http: / or http: //www.


by ALEXANDER A. PRIEST his month marks the start of a new column. Stephen and Donna Sica are our new Exchange Editors, and "Fish Bytes" is their first column, sharing information they found in reading exchange issues of other clubs. Please let them know how much you appreciate their efforts. To go to my office, I have to take an express bus into Manhattan (I live in the Bronx), and then a subway. This year, on St. Patrick's day, upon entering the subway, I saw two AfricanAmerican men, dressed all in black leather (including black cowboy hats) with electric fiddles, playing Irish tunes, to the great amusement and entertainment of the subway riders (and, by the way, doing a really great job). I thought to myself, "Where else but in New York City? Darn, this is a great town!" On the following page is our monthly "President's Message." In it, our President, Joe Ferdenzi, writes: "The last time I looked at the map, these counties [referring to Brooklyn and Queens] were located on an island named 'Long Island.' Just because Brooklyn and Queens are also part of New York City does not mean that they are located on some separate island." Hold it, Joe! Yes, on a map Queens and Brooklyn are located on the same island as Nassau and Suffolk counties. And, yes, it is a very "long" island, indeed. If simply looking at a map were to provide definitive proof of the jurisdiction one resided, many civil wars around the world could be avoided. (Is Kashmir part of Pakistan or India? Don't fight about it, just let Joe Ferdenzi check the map!) Recently, Joe and I had a discussion about whether Queens and Brooklyn are part of "Long Island," and the very next day there was an article in the New York Daily News, by columnist Clem


Richardson that included the following sentence (describing a couple who manage an animal shelter in Huntington, Long Island): "Chernovsky and her husband, Andy, are real estate agents who joined the facility as volunteers when they moved to Long Island from Queens" (emphasis added). While I am not claiming the Daily News is the ultimate authority in this (or anything else!), I mention the article because it illustrates what many (if not most) people in Nassau and Suffolk counties (and, for that matter, most people in New York City) mean when they say "Long Island," which is to say that Queens (and Brooklyn) are somewhere else (that is, not part of Long Island). I haven't been able to nail down the exact quote and when it was said, but it's generally accepted that Groucho Marx once said (and maybe more than once, which might explain the variations I found): "I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member." To that, I'd add my own thought that "I would not want to be a member of a club that would not consider me, or want me, as a member." Whether you believe Brooklyn and Queens are part of "Long Island" or not, the counties of Nassau and Suffolk are indisputably on Long Island. Let's look at what people in, or claiming to represent, those counties say (or don't say) about the New York City counties bordering one end of their lengthy island. itself as "Long Island's Most Popular Website." Under the "Sports" heading of that website you will find the New York Islanders (hockey), Long Island Ducks (baseball), New York Dragons (football), Strong Island Sound (basketball), and the Long Island Lizards (lacrosse), but no mention of the New York Mets (who happen to play in Queens). Click on "Amusement Parks," and Coney Island (Brooklyn) is conspicuous by its absence. is the website for the Long Island Convention and Visitors Bureau. It has information only on events in Nassau and Suffolk counties. It has no information on events in Brooklyn or Queens. Not to belabor the point any more, if "Long Islanders" do not consider any part of New York City to be part of "Long Island," then I'm perfectly willing to let them have their island for themselves. Why not? I live in the greatest city in the world; let anyone else claim what they will! (And thanks, Joe, for letting me have some fun at your expense—you don' t usually make it this easy forme to do so!)

May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

President's Message

me iuug,csL i umiiiig ctquctiiuiii suuieiy in INCW

State, New York City, and Long Island. As far as I can document, there are only two societies in the entire United States that can lay claim to being longer running, the Boston Aquarium Society and the Pennsylvania Fish Culturist Society. That puts us in rarified company, indeed! Simply because Greater City is 84 years by JOSEPH FERDENZI old, however, does not mean that it is mired in the recently returned from the annual Northeast past. One of the nice things about the NEC Council of Aquarium Societies (NEC) weekend was hearing from members of other clubs convention, which was held in Connecticut. that Greater City has become a role model for They were celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its many. I was complemented on the innovative way founding. That is a splendid achievement, and I Greater City conducts its monthly auction. Some congratulate them. My wife, Anita, and I had a clubs are starting to copy our format. I was told wonderful time seeing old friends and meeting new that many admire and seek to emulate the unique ones. way we produce and distribute Modern Aquarium. Fifty years is wonderful, and, even more Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery? amazingly, Greater City has been around for 84 Well, I was flattered. And it was years — 84 continuous years. I stress that word well-deserved flattery, too. When one hears so because if anyone says they are going to celebrate many complaints about how clubs lack people who an anniversary of such-and-such years, but, in fact, are willing to do the work necessary for running a they were not in existence for an interval of, say, successful club, one begins to appreciate our 20 years or more, it would be akin to a couple who society all the more. We have a cadre of helpful was married in 1932, but divorced in 1942, and members that is unsurpassed. Not only are they then remarried in 1957, saying that they are willing, they are talented! I can't think of a major celebrating 70 years of marriage in 2002. Most aquarium society—one that routinely has upwards people would not regard that to be altogether of 70 people in attendance at every meeting — accurate. Another illustration of this principle where being president is as easy as eating a piece would be if I decided to start a "New York of cake. (I shouldn't be eating cake, though.) Aquarium Society" in 2006. Well, there was an Could we use a little more help? Sure, who actual New York Aquarium Society in existence couldn't? Talk to me — I'll help you get involved. from 1896 to about 1970. In 2006, could I Allow me to let you in on a little secret, proclaim that the New York Aquarium Society was one that is so reflective of how good it is to be in going to celebrate a 110 year anniversary? While Greater City, that when I tell this to my fellow club it might be truthful to say that an organization has presidents, they always express amazement. a history dating back to such-and-such a year, if it Greater City Board meetings last an average of 45 ceased to exist for decades, those missing years minutes! This is not the result of some dictatorial cannot count as anniversary years. policy that does not permit discussion. It is simply Why do I make this point? Because the result of the fact that our Board is made up of Greater City's achievement is a rarity worthy of people with a good deal of sense, who have no recognition. I also wish to point out that Greater desire to express disagreement over trivial points City has always been based in Brooklyn or Queens. for the sake of talking, who treat each other with The last time I looked at the map, these counties respect, and who believe that actions speak louder were located on an island named "Long Island." than words. Just because Brooklyn and Queens are also part of Excelsior! New York City does not mean that they are located on some separate island. This makes Greater City


Coming in June "MEMBERS NIGHT!" A GCAS GALAXY OF *** STARS!!!*** The GCAS will stage a series of mini-programs that will be presented by the membership! A warm thank you to all participants. I can barely wait to see you here!

Claudia Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2006

Badis ruber "A small fish with a BIG attitude!" by ALEXANDER A. PRIEST

he family Badidae is made up of small freshwater fishes that are closely related to the leaffishes (family: Nandidae). Both families are often classified as a "labyrinth fish" (refer to Aqualog: All Labyrinths1), even though their member species lack a labyrinth organ. However, it is generally believed that they share a common evolutionary ancestor with the "true" labyrinth fishes (bettas, gouramis, snakeheads, ctenopomas, etc.). In 2002, Drs. Sven Kullander (Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm) and Ralf Britz (University of Tbingen, Germany) l l l l l l l l ^ revised the family l l | l ! ! ! i ^ Badidae, and added a new genus, Dario2. Since then, more species have been added to each of the genera Badis and Dario. Badis ruber (formerly known as Badis burmanicus, or by the common names "Burmese Badis" and "Burma Chameleon Fish") is native to the slow flowing streams or ditches in southern Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) and the middle Mekong River drainage in Thailand. They are a relatively small fish (both males and females rarely reaching 2.5 inches total length), with a big attitude (in fact, the Badis were originally thought to be cichlids!). They can be very territorial among themselves, with males often fighting to the death. While the Baensch Aquarium Atlas states that this is a "Peaceful fish, it is even less territorial than Badis badis badis"3 this has not been my experience. Of the Badis and Dario species I have kept, I would say that males of this species are among the most aggressive towards other male members of its own species. Because of their small size, they can be kept in relatively small tanks, but it is important that the tank have hiding spaces and enough plants and caves to provide multiple distinct territories. They will stay in hiding most of the time, generally in the lower third of the tank, coming out only to eat.


These fish are cave spawners, and prefer a dimly lit tank. Therefore, I was never able to witness the actual spawning ritual. I only know that spawning did not occur until after the dominant male had disposed of all his rivals. My Badis ruber spawned in a tank having a few small caves, a sponge filter, and without a separate heater. Therefore, the tank water was room temperature, generally ranging from 70 F to 76 F (Baensch recommends a considerably warmer range of 79째F to 82째F). My tap water is soft and neutral, and I slightly lowered the pH in their tank to about 6.5 by the occasional addition of blackwater extract. While I have read accounts of aquarists who have been able to get these fish to eat flakes, I have never been able to get them to accept anything but live food, generally adult brine shrimp and small blackworms. When I noticed fry in the tank, I added microworms and daphnia to the feeding regimen (but I suspect that the fry would have done just fine for quite a while by grazing on the microorganisms that naturally develop on the surface of the sponge filter). For small fish, they are surprisingly tough, requiring little more care than live food, frequent water changes, and spawning caves. I highly recommend them. 'Schafer, Frank, All Labyrinths (Aqualog Reference Books), Verlag AC.S. GmbH, 1997. 2 Kullander, Sven O., and Ralf Britz, 2002. "Revision of the family Badidae (Teleostei: Perciformes), with description of a new genus and ten new species." Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 13:295-372. ( 3Baensch,

Hans A., and Riehl, Dr. Rudiger Aquarium Atlas - 2, Tetra Press, 1993.

May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Melanochromis auratus "Molded by Malawi" by BERNARD HARRIGAN ake Malawi, one of the Rift Valley Lakes in East Africa, is immense. It's the ninth largest lake in the world, and almost 2,000 feet deep. The water temperature is between 75째-78째F, the pH fluctuates between 7.7-8.6, and the water contains dissolved salts of calcium and and magnesium, making the water very hard. Cichlids have adapted to exploit every ecological niche that the lake has to offer. To date, almost 700 different species of cichlids have been identified there. Most of them live in the shallow water along its rocky coast. It's there that the competitive pressures placed on these fish have molded their bodies and behaviors. Case in point: Melanochromis auratus. The auratus has a typical cichlid body shape. Males can grow to almost five inches long. Females can reach four inches. The females are golden yellow with two blackish-brown stripes edged in white travelling horizontally from head to caudal peduncle. A third stripe is found between these two, wrapping around her head from eye to eye. The dorsal fin has a fourth stripe along its


length. Mature males are blackish-brown with two yellow stripes travelling horizontally from head to caudal peduncle. A third yellow stripe is found between these two, wrapping around his head from eye to eye. The yellow in this upper stripe flows up through the dorsal fin. M. auratus is one of the few species whose females are more intensely colored than the males. This intense color and pattern really differentiates her from the male, which for her is a lifesaver. Melanochromis auratus are very territorial, and one of the most, if not the most, aggressive mbuna* Males are violently intolerant of any fish that looks similar. Dominant males are notorious for killing all rival males in a 55 gallon tank, or smaller. The dominant male will attack other tankmates, even one many times his size. He will tolerate females, but only for spawning. If the female isn't ready, he could wind up killing her, too. Females can be just as aggressive. Dominant females have been known to kill their rival females. In Lake Malawi, good feeding and breeding territories are in short supply. The ferocity of the

Melanochromis auratus

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2006

Drawing by Bernard Harrigan

M auratus has evolved because of the competitive pressures placed upon it. Speaking of breeding, they're mouthbrooders. Mouthbrooding is done to help protect the eggs and newly hatched fry. Cichlids like Severums or Heros lay as many as 1,000 eggs on rocks. The eggs and fry are carefully guarded by the parents. That form of spawning wouldn't cut it in Lake Malawi. While the parents could fight off some intruders, others would be feasting on their offspring. Mouthbrooding produces fewer fry per spawning, but it greatly increases their chance to survive. In the case of the M. auratus, the male and female move slowly in circles, head to tail. The female would lay 20-30 eggs, and the male would fertilize them as she rushes to pick them up in her mouth. The female can carry her brood for as long as 26 days. She guards the fry for several days after releasing them. When they sense danger, they rush to the safety of their mother's mouth. Males are polygamous, and take no role in raising the fry. After spawning occurs, they are off looking for their next conquest. That's why it's essential to have a number of females with one male. This isn't a "Noah's Ark" type of fish. With only one male to one female, she will get all of his attention, even when she has a mouthful of eggs and is unable to breed. His frustration will lead to her death. Four females to one male is a good ratio.

Fry can be fed baby brine shrimp, or even crushed flakes. Newly hatched female fry are black and won't turn yellow until about a day after their release. Males begin to change color between 6 and 9 months. A dominant male could delay the color change in other young males. Death, or removal, of the dominant male will cause repressed males to color up. Another interesting element is their ability to change sexes. In a territory with only females, the dominant female will switch genders and become male. I've also heard of males doing the reverse, but I've never witnessed this for myself. M auratus are very hearty eaters. They're omnivorous, and not fussy, happily eating live, flake, pelleted, and freeze-dried foods. In Lake Malawi, their tightly spaced razor-like teeth are utilized to graze on algae-covered rocks called "aufwuchs." Aufwuchs is a local word. Roughly translated from German, it means "grow on." Melanochromis auratus are beautiful fish. Properly maintained in a species tank of 55 gallons or larger, you'll find them to be a lively, fascinating fish. Although they are aggressive, their behavior, breeding, and parenting are truly captivating, and well worth the trouble. *mbuna = a common name derived from the local word for many of the cichlids in Lake Malawi.

Amusing Aquarium

Where have you been all week? Who have you been hanging around with? Is that bubblenest I smell on your breath? May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)


Moderator: Expert Panelists r &

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Technical Pr eduction i by CLAUDIA DICKINSON •hen you are setting up a new tank, feeding yourfish, and doing water changes; or when your are breeding, you are doing your best to hatch the eggs successfully and raise the fry to adulthood, what is theforemost question that enters your mind that you would love to have the answer for? Our annual opportunity that we look forward to with great anticipation has finally arrived! This is our night to ask those questions that are foremost on our minds and we are not quite certain where to turn for the answers. Our expert panelists, Mark Soberman, Carlotti De Jager, and Ed Vukich, are here to share their knowledge gained through years of experience, along with the trials and errors that inevitably accompany that. Mystification will turn to comprehension as we return to our fishrooms with innovative solutions and novel practices. We are most appreciative of the time and the efforts that our panelists, Mark, Carlotti, and Ed, have put into making this a beneficial and Ed Vukich, Carlotti DeJager, and Mark Soberman enjoyable evening! Mark Soberman The gift of a ten gallon aquarium, from a gentleman who resided in an apartment in the same building as ten year old Mark Soberman, would change the young boy's life forever. The tank came with all of the man's equipment, fittings, and even fish! Mark remembers perfectly the one kissing gourami and one blue gourami, as well as an old Supreme piston pump. Mark's youthful interest never waned, and with his parent's full support, grew and prospered. The day that his father took him on an excursion to Brooklyn for the purchase of his first thirty gallon tank was a major and memorable event in Mark's life. This was one of four tanks that he maintained in his bedroom, which housed everything from guppies to discus, and even saltwater fish. Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Currently, Mark maintains 40 aquariums, ranging in size from 10-125 gallons. The aquarium residence are diverse, from catfish to tetras, and killies to cichlids. However, his major interest lies in Corydoras and Synodontis, as well as killifish. Mark's reputation for the ability to condition his fish and provide an appropriate environment for the spawning of the most difficult species travels far and wide. His walls and shelves lined with numerous trophies in recognition of his talents, Mark's achievements include the highest award of the GCAS, the Joseph Ferdenzi Roll of Honor, as well as GCAS Breeder of the Year for two years, GCAS Bowl Show Champion, and GCAS Aquarist of the Year. Along with many aquatic artifacts, Mark has a remarkable collection of antiquarian literature

May 2006

pertaining to the aquarium hobby. This is displayed in special bookcases, with extra space available for his insatiable desire to find another rare book. In 1984, Mark joined the GCAS, and has served on the Board of Governors for many years. He was the Program Chairperson for ten years, and currently serves in the roles of Vice President, CoChair of the Breeders Award Program, and as Advertising Manager on the Modern Aquarium Editorial Staff. Mark holds the distinguished position of a moderator on Planet Catfish,, and is a member of LIKA, AKA, and the ACA, as well as the British Catfish Study Group. Judge, author, and highly sought-after speaker, Mark has given presentations across the country, as well as in Bermuda. A most knowledgeable and respected hobbyist, we are honored to have Mark join us tonight, bringing us his extensive wisdom and experience.

Carlotti De Jager Vividly recalling her first aquarium of the 1950s, Carlotti De Jager lights up with memories of the ten gallon tank, resplendent with neon tetras, that mesmerized her as a young child and was to forever spark her aquatic interest. It was in 1988 that the hobby became serious for Carlotti as she took on a dare that she would not have time to take care of a fish tank. Setting up a lovely community aquarium, Carlotti recalls discovering that not only did she have time, but "it was time well spent." In 1992 an ad for a betta auction at the Brooklyn Aquarium Society caught Carlotti's attention. She returned from the event with a great treasure ~ a beautiful betta, which she had purchased for $35. This prize betta survived for only a week, but his spirit remained with Carlotti (and his body remains in her freezer to this day! I am certain that most of us understand this perfectly, with a few of our cherished aquatic friends in our freezers as well!), and after attending a presentation given by Gene Lucas, her interest and skills with bettas took off. She became renowned throughout the northeast, maintaining 100 betta jars, and twelve two and a half gallon betta tanks. Carlotti's aquatic Horizons eventually expanded into many other species, arriving at her present day collection of 35 tanks, which house cichlids, killiflsh, Corydoras, guppies, wild bettas, and tetras. Two magnificent 45 gallon show tanks are in the living room. One tank is home to discus and one to angelfish, both fully planted and breathtakingly beautiful to all who walk into the room. Her talents at showing and breeding her fish are known far and wide ~ Carlotti counts an accumulation of 40 trophies over a span of 10 years! Certainly a high achiever within the GCAS, Carlotti has been honored as GCAS Aquarist of the Year, GCAS Bowl Show Champion, and with the Victor

Becker Memorial Award for the most outstanding species bred. Carlotti has received awards and is active in the C.A.R.E.S. Preservation Program, with the maintenance and procreation of species at risk. She currently serves on the GCAS Board of Governors. Her friendly and cheerful smile lighting up our meetings, Carlotti is an integral part of the GCAS, and we are most fortunate to have her knowledge and experience brought to our panel tonight.

Edward Vukich With a father who, as a young boy, raised mollies and other fish in bathtubs in the backyard of his Brooklyn home in the 1930s, it was natural for Edward Vukich, at the age of twelve, to follow in his Dad's footsteps with his first 20 gallon tank. Situated in the family den, Ed's tank housed various fish over the years, such as silver dollars, angelfish, and pink convicts. Ed looks back with nostalgia at the aquarium equipment of the time, such as an outside bubble-up filter, and battery-operated syphon with a netted bag that spewed the mulm back into the tank. Years later, Ed's brother, Anton, another celebrated GCAS member dear to our hearts, offered to purchase a tank for Ed to encourage him to return to the hobby. Originally, it was to be a 55 gallon tank, but as a 75 gallon tank has the same dimensions, naturally the brothers went for that. Ed soon had his new tank outfitted and his rejuvenated passion took off as he filled this tank with clown loaches, Corydoras, angelfish, and a red tailed black shark, which he still has to this day. Currently, Ed maintains 13 tanks in his basement. The inhabitants are as varied as his interests, and include Corydoras, Ancistrus sp., livebearers, guppies, Tanganyikan shell dwellers, West African cichlids, and Apistogramma. All of the stands are made by hand, and as Ed is just completing another stand, it looks as if his collection is soon to grow larger. Excelling at inducing his fish to breed, we all know and are most grateful for the bounteous harvest that comes from Ed's fishroom. His tremendous generosity goes a long way in making the monthly GCAS auction table overflow with fabulous finds! Along with any task that comes his way, Ed serves in the role of GCAS Recording Secretary. So special to the GCAS, always ready with a smile to lend a helping hand, we are proud and grateful to have Ed share his expertise with us tonight. It is with great pride and warmth that we welcome Mark, Carlotti, and Ed as our expert panelists, and we thank them for such a very special evening! jL ~"

May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

An occasional column for society exchanges, guest appearances, articles and items of general interest We try not to bite off more than we can swallow. If you wish to offer comments, suggestions or any information that you would like to see in this column, the authors encourage you to contact us or through Greater City or at a monthly meeting.

by Stephen Sica with Donna Sosna Sica reater City's own Mark Soberman will be lecturing on catfish at the June 15th meeting of the North Jersey Aquarium Society... for C.A.R.E.S. preservation enthusiasts there's an article by Ted Coletti in the November 2005 issue of the NJAS Reporter on the spawning of Zoogoneticus tequila, an extinct the same issue, an essay "What to do with a Bad Fish" suggests, with a disclaimer of course, a most extreme recommendation: "You could freeze it." Is capital punishment legal in New Jersey? See page eight of the January 2006 issue of the Central New York Aquarium Society's Reflector for Alexander Priest's "Green Water Soup," an article that he had written for the March 2004 Modern Aquarium. I read a reprinted article in the Brooklyn Aquarium Society's Aquatica December 2005 issue about "Breeding The Beckford Pencilfish." Although Oscars (the awards, not the fish) are over with, I am still waiting to read an article on Penguins.. .by the way, can anyone tell me how to keep my Penguin Tetras alive? I killed so many that my face is on the wall at the Post Office. This issue also contains a brief story on the New York Aquarium's participation in a national Beluga Whale breeding program. The New York Aquarium's three female whales were recently transferred to the new Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta where they will be introduced to two males from a Mexico City amusement park. The New York Aquarium manages a cooperative breeding program among the entire group of thirtytwo beluga whales in accredited North American zoos and aquariums.. .for Plecostomus enthusiasts the September/October issue has a really interesting article about the Bushy Nose Pleco (Ancistrus temminicki) by Joseph Graffagnino. In


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

the same issue, Joe wrote about Callochromis macrops in "A Mouth Brooding Jewel!" His own photography illustrates the article. Speaking of photography, Aqua-Land Fish Tales, the official bulletin of the Aqua-Land Aquatic Society Inc. of Bristol, Connecticut contains a brief reprinted article from on "Photographing Fish." With the increasing popularity of digital cameras, as well as their improved technology and steady price decrease, it seems to me that fish photography is a logical extension of fishkeeping. One company's line of digital cameras uses anti-vibration technology. If the camera moves as the shutter is released the image remains steady. This is really helpful considering the lack of cooperation by most fish and the relatively slow shutter speed of most digital cameras. Photographing fish is ready and waiting for "how to" articles. Did you know that worldwide up to twenty million live reef fish are collected each year for the aquarium trade? This generates revenue in excess of one and one-third billion dollars. Millions of these fish are still caught with cyanide and other poisons which are also killing reefs and their other inhabitants.. .this according to Becky A. Dayhuff in "Swimming in Cyanide" in the November 2005 All At Sea. Take a look at the November 2005 issue of the Nassau County Aquarium Society's Pisces Press for Harry Faustmann's latest article entitled "Grow Your Own Food." It's all about culturing white worms. Your fish will thank you for it but don't let them get loose in the house! A neat article in All Cichlids, the official publication of the Michigan Cichlid Association, recommends to verify proper scientific names for all fresh and saltwater species.

May 2006

Fish Tales, the official publication of the Bermuda Fry-Angle Aquarium Society reprinted a Modern Aquarium article by Bernard Harrigan in its August 2005 issue, "The Why and How of Spawning Mops." In the same issue, Fish Tales also reprinted the article, "Vegetables—Good for You and Your Fish," written by Meghan Towner for The Calquarium. Some good to eat fish bites

are zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, lima beans, peas, sweet corn, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, banana, grape, mango, papaya, plantain, pumpkin, apple, carrot, pear, potato, sweet potato and turnip. Aside from being lengthy, this list is making me hungry. I'm taking a break for lunch now.

2006 AKA Convention May 26th through May 28th, 2006 Wyndham Westshore Hotel Tampa, Florida The AKA convention is the national killifish event of the year, held on Memorial weekend. It is held in different cities each year, depending on which affiliate club successfully bid to host it. This event is attended by killifish enthusiasts from all over the US, Canada and from other countries. It starts on the Friday evening, with talks on Friday and Saturday. There is a show in which many species of killifish, ranging from the common to the very rare, are there for display and for judging. On Sunday, the big auction takes place, with hundreds of pairs of killifish, including all those in the show, for sale. If you want to see and acquire killies, this is the place to do it! But most of all, this is a wonderful opportunity to socialize with fellow killie enthusiasts. Register online at:


Mmk Rubtttww 205 8th Street, Hieksville,, NY 11801 (516) 939-0267 or (516) 646-8699 (beeper) morgansfitt@aol.eQni


May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

HITH Disease Symptoms, Causes and Cures Claudia Dickinson hose of you who keep large, massive waste-producing cichlids, may at some point in time experience Hole in the Head disease, or HITH. Recently I received an e-mail from a hobbyist asking for help, as her oscar was showing symptoms of HITH. In the following correspondences I will share some of the symptoms, causes and cures of HITH disease. Whether surfacing as HITH disease, or another illness, the detrimental effects of stress caused by overcrowding and overfeeding must remain in our sights, be our fish large or small, cichlids or characins.


March 21, 2006 Hi Claudia, I recently started a subscription to "Tropical Fish Hobbyist" and your name and email were in there as a contact for cichlids. I have an issue with my oscar that I would like help with and if you could help me or point me in the right direction it would be muchly appreciated. I was doing maintenance about a month ago and rinsed my filter media in treated water instead of tank water. I killed my bacteria colony and went through a major spike in ammonia, nitrites, etc. My oscar was exposed to this for close to a month. I have not gotten the levels back to safe levels, but in the process my oscar suffered some sort of trauma to his head... It first started when his pH dropped drastically and there was a milky white coating in two spots on his head. They have since shrunk to more concentrated white spots that look like a white scab or salt. BUT even though the white doesn't cover as much of his head, it is now looking like it's eating into his head and spreading out in the two spots. I will attach some pics for you to see. If you could, please, help me, I would be so grateful. Thanks for your time. Sincerely, Kristianne March 21, 2006 Dear Kristianne, I am so glad to hear that you have subscribed to "Tropical Fish Hobbyist" magazine for, in doing so, you have made the first step in the right direction to a long and healthy future for your oscar and other tropical fish! The next thing that I would like for you to do is to give your oscar an 80% water change, replacing the water that is currently in the tank with water of the exact same temperature, and to which a dechlorinator has been added. Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

After you have done the water change, please let me know the following: 1) The size of your oscar's tank. 2) The temperature of your oscar's water. 3) What you feed your oscar, how often, and how much. 4) What filtration you have on your oscar's tank. 5) How often you change your oscar's water. 6) How much water you take out and replace during each water change (10, 20, 30...? %). Thank you Kristianne, and I look forward to hearing! All the Best! Claudia March 22, 2006 Hi Claudia, I have done those large water changes lately. I have been doing water changes of up to 50% every day on top of the initial big ones of almost all the water. I change at least 30-35% of the water every day though now until he gets his bigger tank next month. He is currently in a 29 gallon, waiting for his 90 gallon to arrive, and he is 6 inches head to tail. I have two HOB filters that are 60 gallons each so filtration is up to 120 gallons. The temperature is at 80째 F. I feed him three times a day. He has medium pellets, krill, bloodworms, carnivore sticks, and has had the occasional earthworm. He had a few guppies months ago from my friend's safe tank. He gets 80% of his diet as pellets. He eats everything right away within a minute and still wants more and still scavenges on the bottom for more if he can find it. He was fine until this latest water problem. Any ideas as to what it could be? Thanks for your fast reply, Kristianne

May 2006


March 22, 2006 Dear Kristianne, Your oscar is experiencing a malady that is common to large, massive waste-producing cichlids that is known as HITH (Hole in the Head), or HLLE (Head and Lateral Line Erosion) disease. Under normal conditions, the intestines of oscars, as well as many other species of tropical fish, are host to parasitic flagellates, thought by scientists to be in the genera of Spironucleus, Octomitus, and Hexamita. There is ongoing debate and study as to whether these flagellates actually occur in all 3 genera, but rather in just one. For your purposes, you need to know that these naturally occurring parasitic flagellates are held in control by the immune system of your fish. When your fish undergoes stress, such as a breakdown in water conditions, the immune system is compromised, giving the parasites the opportunity to multiply unchecked, traveling through the fish, oftentimes into other organs, and appearing as the head lesions that you are currently seeing on your oscar. HITH can be cured, or at least arrested, in many cases if caught in time. By the photographs of your oscar, there is a good chance that you will be able to arrest, if not cure, his case of HITH if the proper steps are taken immediately. The 90 gallon tank that you have planned for your oscar is essential for the long-range plan. If you feel that you will be compelled to add another oscar or other tankmate in the future, consider at least a 110 gallon or larger tank now, before you go to the effort and expense. Please remember that once you have acquired your new tank, it will need time to run-in before you are able to transfer your oscar to his new, healthier home, for it is important that the water conditions are optimal and that he not be put through further stress. Therefore, do not delay in obtaining your new tank! Let's take a look at the steps that can be taken to arrest the occurrence of HITH in your oscar. If it becomes necessary, the drug of choice for combating HITH is metronidazole. However, I believe in preventative medicine, and rarely use drugs with my fish. Before you resort to the use of metronidazole, I would recommend the following procedure. Today, do an 80% water change, replacing the water that is currently in the tank with water of exactly the same temperature, and to which a dechlorinator has been added. While you are doing the water change, siphon the gravel down to the floor of the tank in 1/2 of the tank ONLY. This will remove all excess food that has fallen between the crevices of 1/2 of the gravel, while leaving the 'good' bacteria undisturbed in the other half. In one week, next Wednesday, siphon the other 1/2 of the gravel to the bottom. 12

Each day, for two weeks, give your oscar an 80% water change. Do not feed your oscar any more food today, and do not feed him any food at all tomorrow. This may sound harsh, and yes, he will look totally mournful, as he turns his head to the side and looks up at you with those large, pleading eyes, but believe me, he will be just fine! One of the greatest charms of oscars is their manner of communicating with us, winning our emotions, and taking on the qualities of the most devoted and loving of pets! On Friday, you are going to begin to give him two tiny meals each day. Now, let's take a look what your oscar is eating. You have given him a nicely varied diet, which is important to all fish. Let's eliminate the bloodworms, particularly now. Any bloodworm that reaches the gravel will go into the crevices where it will decay, creating havoc with the delicate balance that you need to maintain in the 29 gallon tank. Please, no more feeder guppies. In all deference to your friend, there is no such thing as a safe tank ~ is your oscar's tank a safe tank? Remember, parasites already exist in our fish, and stress is all that they need for an outbreak to occur. You do not need the parasites from another fish with your oscar at a time of stress, or at any time, not to mention the billowing excess of waste created by the devouring of feeder fish. There is evidence that HITH is also affected by diet and nutrition, and can be exacerbated by a lack of Vitamins A and C. If you want to feed him live food, red wrigglers are the best, and in fact have been proclaimed to aid in the cure of HITH due to their high vitamin and mineral content. We need to add vegetable matter to your oscar's diet in the form of a sinking algae wafer. All of my fish, including my oscars, receive a daily dose of vegetable matter. This will add vitamins that may be lacking in you oscar's diet, as well as lending his digestive tract the ability to function at optimum efficiency. Before Friday, stop at your local aquarium shop and pick up sinking algae wafers. These are about 1/4 to 3/8 inch in diameter and are usually packaged in a pouch form (be certain they are not the 'large' algae wafers). Also, see if your local aquarium shop sells red wrigglers. If not, you will find these by mail order in the Classified Ad section at the back of your "Tropical Fish Hobbyist" magazine. On Friday morning, feed your oscar two sinking algae wafers, one at a time, and one red wriggler, in that order, waiting in between each until the previous is totally consumed. That is all! On Friday evening feed your oscar one algae wafer, one medium pellet, and one red wriggler, one at a time, in that order, waiting in between each until the previous is totally consumed. If you

May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

can wait a few minutes between the algae wafer and the red wriggler or the pellet, all the better. Continue this exact feeding for the next two weeks, at night alternating the 'one medium pellet' feeding with your choice of pellet, or substitute (not addition) of a piece of freeze-dried krill. The last thing that I would like to see you do is to place two tubular sponge filters in the tank. We want to start up some extra biological filtration for your new tank. When you do set that up, you should have a good culture going in these sponges

that you can then transfer over to the new tank. In the meantime, your oscar will benefit from the extra filtration! So, for the next two weeks you want to concentrate on your oscar's 80% daily water change, his new feeding regimen, and getting that new tank. Good Luck Kristianne, and please let me know if you have any questions! Your oscar will be fine with your excellent care and dedication! All the Best! Claudia


American Cichlid Association 2006 Convention July 19-23, 2006 Sheraton Chicago Northwest Arlington Heights, IL I The convention for cichlid hobbyists!

List of Speakers: Dr. Jos Snoeks Dr. Uwe Romer Dr. Mark Mitchell Ad Konings Chris Persson Eric Hanneman Randy Carey

Dr. Phil Willink Dr. Wayne Leibel Juan Miguel Artigas Azas Dick Au Rusty Wessel Joe Middleton

For more information, and to register on-line, go to:

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2006



o keep your seahorses healthy, rely on good aquatic husbandry. When not maintained properly, seahorses become stressed. An animal that's stressed long enough, whether it's a fish, a bird, or a human, will become ill. A reduction in water quality, harassment by other tankmates, or even nutritional deficiencies can open the door to disease. A tank with high nitrate levels can cause an outbreak of ick. Treating the fish for ick without lowering the tank's nitrate level will most probably result in the demise of the fish.


Step One: Try to identify what triggered the illness. Test your water. Check the temperature, measure the salinity, check the nitrate level, the phosphate level, calcium, pH, and alkalinity levels. Also check how much dissolved oxygen is in the water. Make sure your test kits aren't too old, and are giving you accurate readings. You can double check your readings by taking a sample of your water to most local fish stores. They'll test your water for you, and you can compare your readings against theirs. Observe your aquarium both with the light on, and when the lights go out. If you use live rock, you might see creatures in your tank at night that you never knew you had. Crabs, sea stars, and maybe even bristleworms, could be aggressive towards seahorses. A yery dominant seahorse could bully another to the point of illness. Do you vary the seahorse's diet? Adult brine shrimp is not a good mainstay for seahorses to survive on. Are your seahorses getting enough HUFAs (highly unsaturated fatty acids)? Has the sick seahorse been getting enough to eat? Try to pinpoint the cause of the stress that brought your seahorse to illness. Sometimes there might be several minor factors that, when combined, weakened your seahorse enough to let disease take hold. Whatever the cause, eliminate it. 14

Step Two: Do a 30% to 50% water change. There are chemicals and elements that build up in our aquarium water that we don't test for, such as heavy metals, fish pheromones (a way by which fish communicate), or airborne chemicals that enter the water, just to name a few. All these can build up over time. In nature, tides and currents would remove them. In the closed system known as an aquarium, the only way to remove them is through water changes. Water changes also replenish trace elements that get used up by the livestock. A deficiency in certain trace elements can have a negative impact on the whole biotope. Some believe that a water change is like a magic elixir. A water change has been known to be enough to stop disease if performed when the disease is in an early stage. Just make sure that the water you're adding to the tank is the right chemistry and temperature, so as not to shock your fish. Step Three: Try to identity the disease. Before you go to war, it's good to know who the enemy is. White cottony growths on your seahorse could be fungus, or it could be a bacterial infection. Fungus infections and bacterial infections have different treatments. One treatment wouldn't work on both, and could have negative side effects. Never indiscriminately use over the counter medications. Do some diagnostics first. Get an inexpensive microscope, some glass slides, slide covers, sharp fine sterile sissors, and a reference book on fish diseases, one with plenty of clear pictures. Clean your hands by running them under tap water for several minutes. Don't use soap. Hold the sick seahorse in your hand while still keeping it submerged. Allow it to hitch its tail around your finger. Lift the seahorse's head out of

May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

the water and quickly but gently get a scraping of the seahorse's skin (behind the pectoral fin is best) with the slide cover. Next, take a small snippet of dorsal fin. Release the seahorse. Place both specimens onto glass slides. With the book by your side, try to match them against the pictures in the book. Is it a fungus, protozoan, or bacteria? If you are having trouble identifying the disease, you could search for a veterinarian who is knowledgeable in ichthyological diseases. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, there are about 1,800 who practice aquatic medicine nationwide, and the numbers are


growing. Hopefully, the AVMA will have their Aquatic Animal Database up and running soon. This is a list of vets who can tend to sick fish, or you might try the New York Aquarium for help. These are three basic first steps when treating a sick seahorse. Later I'll be discussing specific illnesses that strike seahorses, along with their treatments. Never use a shotgun approach when dispensing medication. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, and always lean to the side of safety when dealing with seahorses. When the manufacturer gives you a range of doses, always go with the lowest range.

May 12, 2006 Brooklyn Aquarium Society's

16th Annual SPRING AUCTION St. Brendan's Church East 12th St. & Ave. O 1 block off Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY • Freshwater & Marine fish, donated propagated corals & dry goods auction; including a 55 gal. tank & stand • No bidders cards • Special raffle • Discount Marine books • Door prizes • Free coffee & cake • Hot dogs & soda available • Free parking.

Viewing of lots: 7:30 to 8:30pm Auction starts: 8:30pm For more information visit us on line BROOKLYNAQUARIUMSOCIETY.ORG Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2006


Greater Aqtjarium B'abBsfcfcj 1922


ne of our readers told me "I just love this column. It's the best thing since tea and toast!" This reader hasn't written an anonymous biography yet, but I would be willing to bet that we will all be enjoying it in the very near future. Well, here I go again, breaking one of my own rules. I just want to comment that this month's biographer went to great lengths to keep you all guessing. A careful reading will reveal some subtle clues, but frankly, I think that even this person's own mother might not recognize him or her, even though she is mentioned in the allegory!


Anonymous Fish keeper/May 2006 Please introduce yourself. I began keeping fish when I was in grammar school. I currently have about 40 aquariums. Most are twenty to ten ijiiiiiiiiiK^ gallon tanks. I have a little bit of everything: tetras, barbs, anabantoids, k i 11i f i s h , livebearers, cichlids, catfish and goldfish. I've had almost everything breed for me at one time or another. I'm not into "high-tech" equipment. Most of my tanks are filtered by oldfashioned box filters that run off of one central pump. I do have power filters on my larger aquariums, those of 55 gallons or more. What was your very first fish? My first fish, like so for many others, were goldfish; you know, the kind they give away as prizes at festivals. The great thing about



goldfish is that they can tolerate very cold water. That is a useful trait when you live in a basement railroad flat, and the only place where your mother will let you keep a tank is in the unheated basement hallway. Buy a heater? Not on my allowance! Tell us about your favorite aquarium. I especially like planted and decorated aquariums. I have almost as many kinds of plants as I have fish. I think there are few things as beautiful as a well-planted freshwater aquarium. Describe your most memorable fishkeeping experience. I don't remember the year I acquired my first tropical, but I remember the event vividly. We were shopping in the Gertz department store on Roosevelt Avenue in Flushing. They had a pet department, and I always visited it (along with the toy department!). I spied a beautiful red fish, and I begged my mother to buy me one. I guess it wasn't too expensive, so she did. I went home and put it in a "goldfish" bowl in the hallway. Back then I had no idea what fish it was. Now, of course, I realize perfectly well what it was: a female red S w o r d t a i l (a Xiphophorus heller i crossed with a Platy, Xiphophorus maculatus). To this day, Swordtails are one of my favorite fish. After that, I cannot remember a time that I didn't have fish. With my best friend, I would visit famous pet shops in the New York City area, many of which are no longer in existence. I still use no heaters, but now I have a finished, heated basement for my tanks.

May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

What advice would you give to a beginning fishkeeper? Not just to beginning fishkeepers, but to all fishkeepers, I would suggest that you do a lot of reading. I enjoy reading aquarium books and magazines. On average, I read about four or five magazines a month, along with Modern Aquarium, of course. Also, and again, I would recommend this for all fishkeepers, I belong to various aquarium societies. The one that has given me the most satisfaction over the years is Greater City. I have made many friends here, and it has kept the hobby as vibrant for me as that day my mom bought me my first tropical.

an't you just picture it in your mind; little Jerry O'Farrell fishing for salmon with his dad? Somehow I envision him wading in the water and using a net. It is hard to imagine that he could have been wearing a wider smile than he does at a GCAS meeting, but I'm betting that he was. Those were probably among the most carefree, enjoyable, and memorable days of his life!


When we think of being e d u c a t e d as a fishkeeper, we don't usually picture it actually taking place in schools, or that it might include lion cubs! Jerry, thank you so much for sharing your experiences and adventures with all of April's Anonymous us. Fishkeeper - Jerry O'Farrell In closing, I would like to add one comment. A couple of our authors so far have included a question of their own choosing, so I am adding them to the list. For example, our anonymous fishkeeper this month added: "What was your very first fish?"

North Jersey Aquarium Society presentยง: Super Auction 2006 LIVE AUCTION OF FRESHWATER* TROPICAL FISH AND MORE!

Sunday May 7, 2006 At the Meadowlands Environmental Center 2 De Korte Park Plaza, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

FREE ADMISSION! FREE PARKING! Registration of fish:

9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

(Please read the rules at

Viewing of fish for sale: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Auction starts promptly at: 12:00 NOON Refreshments will be available for sale throughout the day, including Coffee, Cake, Hot Dogs and Soda For more information, please visit us on the web at Call our hotline at 732-541-1392 Or call: Kevin Carr at 201-724-9460 or Bob Larsen at 201-664-0128 * sorry, no marine fish available on this day. Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2006


wa rd I ey




THE PET BAR]S|i FRANKLIN SQUARE'S COMPLETE PET CENTSR 212 FRANKLIN AVE FRANKLIN SQUARE, NY 11010 Cojme see our large Aquarium Plant display and receive J ONE FREE cultivated plant, just for stopping by! EXOTIC FRESHWATER FISH





May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Stoned Fish A series by "The Under gravel Reporter"

recent scientific experiment could possibly have considerable impact on species maintenance programs and on the average aquarist. It turns out a group of second graders were on the right track when they placed Legos on the bottom of a fish tank to make them smarter, said Gabrielle Nevitt, associate professor of neurobiology, physiology and behavior. Nevitt, along with former graduate student Rebecca Kihslinger, discovered that placing stones on the bottom of a fish tank during the early development of steelhead trout can have an effect on the resulting size of the cerebellum. In fish, this part of the brain is involved with movement, body position and orientation. Hatchery-reared steelhead trout show increased growth of some parts of the brain when small stones are scattered on the bottom of their tank. The brains of those young fish were closer to those of salmon reared in the wild, and the fish also showed behavior closer to wild than to hatchery-reared fish. The results of this study were published in the February 2006 issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology. Kihslinger recorded the brain size offish in three different environments. A control group was placed in empty tanks, while one group was raised in tanks with small pebbles added to the bottom. These tank-reared fish were also compared to wild steelhead. The fish reared in natural conditions had larger brains than both tank-reared fish groups, but had a similar cerebellum size relative to the rest of the brain as the fish reared with small pebbles in their tank. Fish reared in the tank with stones had larger cerebellums than fish reared with no stones. There were also behavioral differences between the two groups of tank-reared fish. The fish reared with stones behaved more similarly to the wild fish. This research could be used to improve the conditions for hatchery-reared fish and consequently could help with conservation, according to Nevitt.


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

However, some governmental agencies were not pleased with these findings. This research suggests that hatchery-reared fish and wild fish are very different and could possibly be considered different species, while the government wants to consider them the same species. Earlier work by Nevitt's lab at UC Davis and other labs has shown differences between hatchery-reared and wild fish. But most studies have looked at older fish, and have not distinguished between the effects of selective breeding for "domesticated" fish and of the environment in which the fish live. Kihslinger reared steelhead in regular tanks and in tanks scattered with small stones. She videotaped the fish, and measured the size of their brains after 10 to 12 days, when the fish were emerging as free-swimming fry. She also studied fish reared in natural conditions in rivers. Fish reared in both sets of tanks had brains of similar size, but the cerebellum, a part of the brain that controls movement and body position, was significantly larger in fish reared with stones. Those fish also moved around less, perhaps using their yolk reserves more efficiently. Fish reared in the river had larger brains than either group of fish reared in tanks, but the relative size of the cerebellum compared to the rest of the brain was about the same as in fish reared in tanks with stones. The stones are a form of enrichment, or environmental variability, according to Nevitt, who got the idea to test these environmental effects on brain development in steelhead fry after she and postdoctoral researcher Michael Marchetti, now a professor at CSU Chico, discovered that there was a difference in brain size between hatchery-reared fish and wild fish. Hatchery-reared fish are raised in tanks with no environmental enrichment. "It is a really interesting result how the brain changes in response to the environment," Nevitt said. "Conserving the integrity of a species or individual in captivity is clearly more involved than simply keeping fish alive." Those of us (myself included) who use bare-bottom tanks for fish whose natural environment has a gravel or pebbly substrate might not only be raising "dumber" fish, but possibly developing a new species that has significant physical differences from what we thought was the same species in the wild. And, the inescapable conclusion: "get stoned" (or at least get your fish stoned). s/2006/03/15/ScienceTech/Stones.Can.Make.Trout.Smarter. Say.Ucd.Researchers-1687022.shtml?norewrite20060424172 7&

May 2006


TROPICAL FISH AQUARIUM Specializing in Tropical Fish and Aquarium Supplies Large Selection of Aquatic Plants Knowledgeable Staff Same Location Since 1947. (718) 849-6678

11 5-23 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418

Marine Biologist On Staff Custom Tank Builders for the NY Aquarium Manufacturers of Aquarium & Filter Systems Custom Cabinetry & Lighting Largest Selection of Marine & Freshwater Livestock in NY New York's Largest Custom Aquarium Showroom See Working Systems on Display 2015 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718)258-0653

Open Saturdays and Sundays Amex, Discover, MasterCard, Visa 2 miles off exit 11N of the Belt Parkway


May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

G.C.A.S. HAPPENINGS Last Month's Bowl Show Results: NO Bowl Show last month (annual Silent Auction/Fleamarket meeting) Unofficial 2005-2006 Bowl Show totals to date: Bill Amely-15pts Evelyn Eagan-9pts Rich Levy-8pts

Ed Vukich-3pts

Jerry O'Farrell-Ipt

We extend a thank you to the following renewing member: Angelo Cavallo

Here are meeting times and locations of some § GREATER CITY AQT r ^1 f DCIETY Next meeting: June;:;;f f?f 006 tf J|J| "Mem bers NigHf" ^ ; 11 JPH Mini-progri|pis by GgAS%em8lrs Meets: 1st jftxln^sday lithe*month at 7:30 pm (Except !|iiuary Syfebruary) at: pteens Botanical Garden ^^3-^Aain St. - Flushing, NY jintact: lllPftseph Ferdenzi (516) 484-0944 E-mai Websi /; ://www. ^cS

iji societies in the Metropolitan New York area: B rd o k ! y n A quariumSociety ii » e||i fig: M%. 12, 2006 S t . B r e n ! n l i u r:yh East 12th St. &' A^' , NY tn( n ^xcept Meets t:i>.. . .QaiilJ; ••'..'-•; T 1 1 piif||i %5^f8t) at 7 : 3 ::;:il;i;^lK!''":l;:^:::>^ ~ Educatiq|lilall % wK^yji, at West 8th St./Brooklyn^l|[Y ^^ Events Hotline: (7 1 8|||||^4% Big Apple Guppy Clu

Ellt Coast Guppy Asso* *lt oh |i: 1st Thursday of eg Qij|ej|s Botanical Garden

il|h at the

Contact: Gene Baudier (631)

t- ist Tuesday each month (e::..c|r HI,. i!Ai|gy. Pond EnvironmenJ;aLctr.: ^^5^llat7:30-10:( ^^ (718) 631 S ountyAquarium Slmiit y ^

SpeaJ../.- 1 " [eeJs|E ?5 L ^^

ept July and August) al ..'.^%^:00pm.

May 9, 2006 k Davis pic: n F L o v e / jpii lljponsored by Mari {||1 H n ||r j||iFr jpr 2nd Tuz^^S ' ,:f,: . i ft 5 V i r a n s

H , ) ' • j|F'

: http :


Email: ^r1i||iilbert ^fe^- fi|] I i ^r' -f--I ' - : , North


AquffiLim Society

Next Meeting: Speaker: Rick Borstein Topic: "Ciehlids"

Meets:..,.,..,< j^^MSW1- 3rd Thursday of each llllllMliliilillHllplace - the Nature Discovery Center - Westport, CT

Contact: NJAS Hotline at (732) 332-1392 Website: or e-mail:

Contact: John Chapkovich (203) 734-7833 E-mail: Call our toll free number (866) 219-4NAS Website:

Fin Fun

(KHLID You are about to embark on your collecting trip to the "Big Three" lakes of Africa. Can you correctly place the cichlids from the list below in either Lake Malawi, Lake Victoria, or Lake Tanganyika? Cichlid

Lake Malawi

Lake Victoria

Lake Tanganyika

Striped Goby Cichlid Elephant Nose Cichlid Red Flush Aulonocara Allaundi Cichlid Golden Tropheops Frontosa Cichlid Browns Mouthbrooder Fuelleborn's Cichlid Blue-Gold Aulonocara Blue Goby Cichlid

The solution to last month's puzzle: Natives, everyone! Name of fish

Native home

Brochis splendens


Nandus nandus

India and Thailand

Cyprinodon macularis

U.S.A. (California and Nevada)

Hemichromis bimaculatus


Barney fifeicus mayberrii

U.S.A. (North Carolina)

Bedotia geayi


Jordanella floridae

U.S.A. (Florida)

Channa argu


Melanotaenia splendida splendida


Chaenobryttus gulosus

Eastern U.S.A.


May 2006

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

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