الواجب الرابع

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ZCB Zero Carbon Building / Ronald Lu and Partners

Name : Abdulrahman Hatem Tayeb I.D.: 1010314


Dr : Farooq Mofti ENG : khaled Fallatah

ZCB Zero Carbon Building / Ronald Lu and Partners

Courtesy of Ronald Lu and Partners ZCB is the first zero carbon building in Hong Kong. Energy hierarchy with its priority on energy demand control is adopted. Passive design with climate-responsive built form, orientation, layout and envelope enhance natural ventilation, daylighting and solar shading. The spacious entrance hallway is orientated and fully opened to the prevailing summer breeze, and provides a comfortable setting for gathering and temporary exhibition without the use of airconditioning. An ultra-low OTTV of 11 W/m2 is achieved mainly due to optimized window-towall ratio, deep overhang over the south facade, external shading fins, minimized east and west facades / windows, high performance glazing system, and shaded and insulated roof.



The construction debris savaged from demotion works were used as infill for the gabion planter walls around the berms, and no environmental loading of exporting the waste was resulted. Regionally manufactured eco-pavers would absorb air pollutants by their titanium oxide coating and did not require high embodied energy for transportation of the materials. Reinforced concrete with high PFA content was used to minimize the carbon footprint of the structure. Consideration for embodied carbon of the materials and construction becomes more important in the life cycle carbon footprint assessment in particular when the operational energy demand is reduced.

To evaluate and optimize ZCB’s building environmental performance and operation, a customdeveloped BEPAD (Building Environmental Performance Assessment Dashboard) system is provided. The system acts as a graphical user interface (GUI) for interactive display of real-time data and track records of building environmental performances as monitored by the BMS (Building Management System) using over 2,800 sensing points in the building. Building environmental performances of the following 6 categories are displayed: energy use (EU), site aspects (SA), indoor environmental quality (IEQ), material aspects (MA), water use (WU) and occupancy data (OC). Four outdoor weather stations have been installed within the site to collect microclimatic data that will inform and optimize the performances of building services systems.

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