March 15, 2021 - Living Guide

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 6 8 13 17 21 25

3 Ways You Might Bee Practicing Self Care Wroong Isabella Diciccio

Process Over Product Isabella Diciccio

5 Quotes to Help Change Your Mindset and Get You Through the Rest of the Year Riley Rassman

Crying is the Human Body’s Superpower Mya Mendola

Learn Positive Ways to Deal with Stress Jianglin Liu

Healthy Meals for a Healthy Body Kristian Masters

Discover your Hobby and Yourself Avni Tripathi


3 Ways You Might Be Practicing Self Care Wrong Isabella DiCicco We need to have a conversation about the way we view self care. It’s a term that has been tossed around more frequently than ever before, but I think people have the wrong idea about what it truly means to practice proper self care. Self care is not a luxury, it’s not a reward, and it’s certainly not only for people who enjoy doing facemasks. American culture has become so focused on keeping busy, stretching ourselves too thin, and never taking a break from the hustle and bustle. Self care is an essential part of proper mental and physical health, that every human has the right to participate in. Here are three ways you’re probably practicing self care wrong, and some thoughts about how to change your habits.

1) You aren’t doing something daily So you do a facemask on a Friday and take a bath on a Monday. That’s great–but it’s not enough. Self care should be a part of your daily routine, the same way we eat every day and take our medication morning and night. Both of these activities are meant to nourish us, fuel our bodies, and keep us energized. Your self care should be incorporated alongside these activities. Every day is different, and it’s okay to adjust your routine to that. If you only have twenty minutes available one day, but an hour the next, you should still be allotting this time for yourself daily. A good way to ensure that you incorporate something each day is to schedule it in ahead of time. 3

2) You’re using it as a reward Say it with me, get it tattooed on your arm, write it fifty times on a chalkboard: Self care is not a reward. You do not have to earn self care. It doesn’t matter if you had a really hard day, or if you spent most of your time in bed. You still deserve to nurture your body and your mind. That’s not to say that some days you shouldn’t do something extra special because you got a promotion at work, or you finally ran that marathon you’ve been working toward. The point is that taking care of yourself isn’t a reward; it’s a basic human need. You have to start prioritizing yourself and rethink the idea that self care is a prize you earn after you’ve pushed yourself extra hard.

3) You aren’t doing something that brings you joy What’s the point of doing something if it doesn’t bring you joy? You don’t have to practice self care the same way other people do. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. If you don’t like to do face masks or take baths, then don’t. You should look forward to this activity every day, so make sure it’s something you enjoy doing. Some examples of things you can do are: go for a walk, FaceTime a friend, put on some music and dance, light your favorite candle and read a book, work out, do yoga, make your favorite food, take a nap, take a hot shower, clean (some people enjoy this!), take a trip to Target, cuddle up next to your furry friend, or make some art. As you can see, there are so many ways to practice self care daily. It doesn’t have to be complicated, it just has to bring you joy. Breaking these habits may not be something that you can achieve overnight, but it’s important to work toward. When you do something for yourself everyday, you’ll start to see improvements in various aspects of your life that you would have never expected. So, what will you do to take care of body, mind, and soul today? 4



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Process Over Product Isabella DiCicco I believe that each and every person should make art. I’ve become that slightly annoying person who tells you everyone is an artist–only because it’s true! Why has it become the standard that you have to paint Starry Night every time you pull out your acrylics? We shouldn’t be putting limits on people before they’ve even painted their first stroke, but rather encouraging them to explore the limitless possibilities that painting–and all art forms–actually offer. Intuitive painting is a form of painting that is focused on the process, not the product. I learned about intuitive painting during my sophomore year of high school when my best friend dragged me to an art non-profit he had recently discovered. The organization was founded on the basis that art can serve as a way to cope with trauma and serve as a form of therapeutic relief. I’ll be the first to tell you that I was skeptical. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I was allowed to create art for the sake of creating, and not in an attempt to become the next Picasso. Despite my hesitation, I quickly fell in love with intuitive painting, and I’m here to tell you why you should too. As I said, intuitive painting is focused on the process of painting rather than worrying about the end result and whether it’s “good.” I was taught to prioritize things like picking a color because it sparked inspiration, or represented a specific emotion I was feeling that day. Sometimes my instructor wouldn’t allow us to paint over something we didn’t like or completely start over because she didn’t want us to become fixated on how the painting looked. In the beginning it certainly wasn’t easy to let 6

go of control. I would often find myself in the midst of painting, planning out my next brush stroke because I needed everything to look a certain way. When my instructor noticed anyone sitting for long periods without painting, she would tell us to put the brush to the paper and just go. Once I removed the restraints from my mind, I felt free. I started to love the little things such as the smooth feeling of the brush gliding across the paper, and the way my mind would become completely absorbed in whatever it was I was doing. Painting became an act of self-love. I enjoyed being able to communicate my emotions in a non-verbal way because sometimes talking was difficult. Sure, some days I made paintings I was proud of, whereas other days I painted circles over and over again because the continuous motion was almost meditative–but that’s not the point. I had more appreciation for the days when I painted 20 circles because I knew afterwards that I had set myself free. I want to leave you, the reader, with a challenge. On a day you’re feeling content and happy, pull out your paintbrush, paints, and whatever it is you want to paint on, and let your emotions direct the painting. Then on another day, when you’re feeling down in the dumps, I want you to do the exact same thing. Don’t think for too long about the colors you choose, or the shapes you paint. Just put your brush to your canvas and let your mind lead the way. Compare the two paintings afterwards and appreciate how wonderful it is that you can create two pieces of art that reflect your emotions in completely different ways.


5 Quotes to Help Change Your Mindset and Get You Through the Rest of the Year Riley Rassman In the summer of 2019, my dad read a self-help book, and right after he finished it, he told me I had to read it. Knowing I’m not much of a reader, he bought me the audiobook version and asked me to give it a listen. To his disappointment, I never really got around to listening to it… until now. The book is titled “You’re a Badass, How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life” by Jen Sincero. It talks about self-sabotaging behaviors that stop you from achieving your full potential, how to identify them, overcome them, and start living the best life possible. I’ve picked out five of my favorite quotes to talk about how they connect to our situation as busy and stressed students who are doing our best to figure it out as we go. “Take care of yourself as if you are the most awesome person you have ever met.”* As busy students, we often forget to take care of ourselves. Self-care, no matter what that means to you, can often get put on the back burner with so many other things to juggle like classes, work, the internship hunt, friendships, and relationships, just to name a few. Self-care is important and should be prioritized, even if it’s everyday activities like getting enough meals each day, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep. Treat yourself how you think the most awesome person in the world should be treated. Buy yourself guac when you go to Chipotle next time. Take that nap when you’re feeling really tired or stressed in the middle of the day. Whatever self-care looks like to you, make sure to practice it, because you deserve it. 8

“Comparison is the fastest way to take all the fun out of life.”* This quote reminds me of the classic quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” In today’s world, with social media allowing us to stay up to date on everything everyone else is doing, it feels impossible to not compare ourselves to others. However, the reality is that nothing good comes from comparing ourselves to others. Everyone is living their own lives and will accomplish different things at different times. There is nothing wrong with that! Comparing yourself to others will only make you feel like you are behind in a race that doesn’t even exist. “The only failure is quitting. Everything else is just gathering information.”* At our stage in life, there are a lot of opportunities that could end in what some would define as “failure.” Whether it is a midterm, a final, a job interview, a new relationship, or even just trying to cook a new recipe on your own, there is a lot out there that could potentially go south. Just because something doesn’t go exactly as planned doesn’t mean it is a failure. Every negative thing that happens in your life is a learning experience in some way, shape, or form. The only way you can really fail is by quitting and not giving yourself the chance to learn valuable lessons for fear of so-called “failure.” “No matter how clueless you may feel right now, pay attention to suggestions and opportunities that suddenly present themselves… Take the first step in the direction toward something that feels right and see where it leads you.”* College is a strange time in our lives when sometimes we feel like we need to have everything together right this second and sometimes we feel like we have unlimited time before we have to face “the real world.” The reality is that we don’t have to have our lives together right now. We are at a fun stage where many of us are still 9

“Comparison is the fastest way to take all the fun out of life.”* This quote reminds me of the classic quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” In today’s world, with social media allowing us to stay up to date on everything everyone else is doing, it feels impossible to not compare ourselves to others. However, the reality is that nothing good comes from comparing ourselves to others. Everyone is living their own lives and will accomplish different things at different times. There is nothing wrong with that! Comparing yourself to others will only make you feel like you are behind in a race that doesn’t even exist. “The only failure is quitting. Everything else is just gathering information.”* At our stage in life, there are a lot of opportunities that could end in what some would define as “failure.” Whether it is a midterm, a final, a job interview, a new relationship, or even just trying to cook a new recipe on your own, there is a lot out there that could potentially go south. Just because something doesn’t go exactly as planned doesn’t mean it is a failure. Every negative thing that happens in your life is a learning experience in some way, shape, or form. The only way you can really fail is by quitting and not giving yourself the chance to learn valuable lessons for fear of so-called “failure.” “No matter how clueless you may feel right now, pay attention to suggestions and opportunities that suddenly present themselves… Take the first step in the direction toward something that feels right and see where it leads you.”* College is a strange time in our lives when sometimes we feel like we need to have everything together right this second and sometimes we feel like we have unlimited time before we have to face “the real world.” The reality is that we don’t have to have our lives together right now. We are at a fun stage where many of us are still 10

exploring what inspires and excites us the most. Pay attention to those things that stimulate your mind, the ones that you are really passionate about. Trust your instincts and follow that passion and excitement, you never know what opportunities and experiences they may lead you to. “You’re on a journey with no defined beginning, middle, or end. There are no wrong twists and turns. There is just being. And your job is to be as you as possible.”* It’s so easy to slip into the mindset that there is only one way to do things in this life. You go to school, graduate, get a good job, settle down, work the rest of your life, retire, and call it a successful life. While there is nothing wrong with that trajectory, there are other ways to live life. There is no right or wrong way to live, so do whatever feels right to you. Frankly, do whatever you want. Make your life as you as possible. If that means following the exact path I mentioned earlier, great! If that means doing something completely different, also great! Whatever you do in this life, make sure it’s what you want to be doing, not what you think you should be doing. If you are interested in hearing more on these quotes, as mentioned previously, the book is “You’re a Badass, How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life” by Jen Sincero. There are a ton of other great quotes in the book; I just found these to be particularly insightful and really got me thinking about how I view life in general and how I may be holding myself back from achieving my full potential. I recognize that while we may have the shared situation of being college students, we all lead very unique lives. I hope that you are able to take these quotes and apply them to your life and the many different aspects of it. *All credit to quotes is given to Jen Sincero as written in her book “You’re a Badass, How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life.” 11


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Motorist Assistance Program: FREE service (lock-outs,


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Bike Racks: situated near most buildings on campus (on a seasonal basis).


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Paratransit Service: free curb-to-curb on-campus transportation for persons with temporary or permanent disabilities. Rides can be scheduled online at or by phone at 612-624-8338.

Crying is the Human Body’s Superpower Mya Mendola Crying is an action that is often looked down upon because it is inherently associated with sadness, breaking down, and weakness. While all of this can be true, there is a lot more to crying than most people think. After looking at the facts, data, and science, crying seems to be the human body’s superpower. Shedding a tear or two has so many benefits that it only seems necessary to schedule a time in your Google Calendar to cry. Don’t let your superpower go to waste. To understand the benefits of crying, it is important to note the three types of tears: reflex tears, basal tears, and emotional tears. Reflex tears are the tears triggered when you cut an onion or get dust in your eye. Basal tears are regulatory tears to lubricate your eyes. Emotional tears are what we understand most commonly. These are the tears resulting from sadness or joy. Basal and reflex tears work just fine at their individual jobs, but emotional tears are the human body’s superpower and where the majority of the health benefits come from.

Detoxifying Stress The most impressive benefit of crying is the detoxification that comes with it. According to Insider, reflex tears are 98% water, but emotional tears contain another component: cortisol, a stress hormone. Thus, when crying emotionally, the human body rids itself of those stressors. This is essentially detoxifying your body of stress. 13

Lower cortisol levels are associated with lower stress, so naturally, a long cry of cortisol-dense tears leads to the detoxification of stress.

Improving Mood Crying also, contradicting what is expected, can improve your mood. The act of crying stimulates the production of endorphins, which are the same chemicals released while exercising. Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body and reduce pain. These chemicals are responsible for things like “the runner’s high” or happiness when eating. According to Psychology Today, they also are triggered while crying. This can lead to an elevated mood post cry, which is kind of the perfect reward after an event emotional enough to stimulate tears.

Losing Weight There are contradicting views on this benefit of crying, but a variety of studies have suggested that crying can actually promote a small amount of weight loss. The reasoning of these studies, specifically from The Science Times, is that crying removes stress hormones, making your body less able to store fat cells. This is most effective between 7 and 10 p.m. Additionally, as indicated by Healthline, you burn approximately an additional 30 calories for every 20 minutes of crying. Clearly, crying won’t majorly affect your weight, but it is a small additional component to be aware of.

Acting on Emotions The health benefits of crying are evident, but it is important to note that crying also has the less measurable benefit of allowing you to act on your emotions. Mentally and physically, this is a noteworthy act of self-care. Especially in the second full semester of a pandemic-altered school year, acknowledging your 14

emotions and acting on them has benefits on its own. Being in touch with your own extreme feelings is accompanied by feeling grounded and in control. In such an uncontrollable time, this may be exceptionally rewarding. Your body enjoys getting to act on extreme sadness or joy when it feels those ways, which crying allows.

Schedule it in your Life Right now, life is unhinged and pretty much a bummer all around. This can lead to some inevitable cry sessions, which you may see as just another bummer. However, these cry sessions are not only expected but also beneficial. Evidently, there are health benefits associated with crying. This shouldn’t be a surprise, considering every function the human body exists to serve a purpose, but too often, crying is shamed and not embraced. Knowing full well that crying detoxifies your body of stress hormones is a noteworthy flex to consider every time you cry. On top of that, it improves your mood, may contribute to weight loss, and allows you to act on your emotions. All things considered, we should be crying regularly to reap the benefits of the human body’s superpower. Crying works better spontaneously, but if you must, schedule a time to cry in your life. (Specifically between 7 and 10 p.m. if weight loss is a benefit you are interested in.) Your physical body and mental health will thank you.


Learn Positive Ways to Deal with Stress Jianglin Liu Whether you are in school or at work, some projects and tasks will inevitably cause you stress. When we encounter these stressful situations, it is important to remember that the causes of stress are mostly internal and depend on the context. Stress is manageable, and we can control and understand it through cognitive evaluation. Take this example as a way to better understand stress. Imagine there is a man at a zoo. When he sees the tiger, he will not feel stress because the tiger is in a cage and will not be able to harm him. However, if he sees an animal in the wild that he has never seen before, he may feel scared because he does not know if it is harmful. So, whether we perceive something as serious, a threat, or just a lot of work, those perceptions directly affect our stress levels. Some other aspects that affect the way we process stress include personality traits, our understanding of ourselves, our ability to cope, self-expectations, and previous experiences. Psychology tells us that we should learn scientific methods to reduce stress and enhance our mental health when facing all kinds of stress. A positive mental attitude is not about looking in the mirror every day and saying, “I am the best.” This is a negative mindset because it’s a form of self-deception. A positive mental attitude is about stability. It’s not a fleeting impulse driven by emotion but is cultivated through practice and exercise. 17

Stress and its symptoms are eliminated not by the things you do, but by the way you think. By growing mentally stronger, you are also reinforcing the ways you can reduce stress.

1. Lower your standards Everyone has different expectations for themselves, and the higher the standards, the more stress they will feel. Standards that are too high will often overwhelm us. So learn to lower the bar, do the best you can, and evaluate your abilities accurately. Be realistic about your expectations and those of others to avoid anxiety.

2. Put yourself in others’ shoes This method mainly applies to interpersonal relationships. When you encounter an unpleasant relationship experience, try to put yourself in the other person’s position and think about it from their perspective. Your feelings will be different. Perspectivetaking means that we recognize and understand the feelings of others. The ability to put ourselves in others’ shoes is important because when our colleagues or family members realize that we understand their perspective and empathize with them, they have confidence that we will treat them fairly and with respect. When communicating with colleagues and family, we can take the following steps to put ourselves in others’ shoes: listen and do not interrupt their train of thought, speak slowly when giving advice, and incorporate other’s ideas.

3. Relax moderately Learn to relax. Take a vacation when you can, talk to a friend, or relax for a few days in a different environment. Learn to be content and happy with what you can achieve. 18

4. Choose your method There is a way to do everything in order of importance. Do not wait until the last minute just because you don’t want to deal with your stress. Do an assignment in advance, prioritize, and choose the right work method for you so that you can be as organized as possible.

5. Apply stress We should view stress correctly and learn to use it. Moderate stress can improve our efficiency, make us more positive, and foster progress. The work environment is full of different opportunities for stress to arise. There is the worry about work that can’t be completed, worry about a public image, and so much more. But the greater the stress, the higher the possibility of health implications This requires people to learn to relax, control life, moderate stress, and maintain physical and mental health. Motivated employees are more likely to use anxiety to help them achieve focus, and employees with higher emotional intelligence can recognize their anxiety and use it to regulate their performance. Moreover, employees who are good at what they do are less likely to let anxiety affect their performance. Stress is nothing to be afraid of. It is your thoughts and opinions that destroy you. So don’t let it get the best of you and find a way to face what you fear.


Healthy Meals for a Healthy Body Kristian Masters An important method of keeping your body and mind healthy is by making sure you have a healthy diet. Sometimes doing this may be difficult because unhealthy foods tend to taste a lot better than healthier foods. In this article, I am going to provide a handful of healthy, easy, and tasty meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Breakfast Eating a good and healthy breakfast helps me get my day going in the right direction. To me, breakfast is the most versatile meal with many different healthy and tasty options. One of my favorite breakfast meals is avocado toast with an egg on top. All you need for this meal is half an avocado, two eggs made however you prefer, and two slices of whole-wheat bread. I like to add Everything But The Bagel seasoning and hot sauce to give it a little more flavor, too. Another great way to start your day is by making a yogurt parfait. There are many ways to do this and can be based on what ingredients you like the best. You’re first going to need Greek yogurt that isn’t very high in sugar. Coconut yogurt is a good alternative if you do not eat dairy products. Add fresh fruits like bananas, strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries and top it off with some granola. If you 21

Lastly, a smoothie is a healthy way to start your day. This can also be done however you prefer, but just make sure you are putting in healthy ingredients. Fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables like kale and spinach are good things to start with when making your smoothie. Skim or two percent milk, healthy juices, or water can be used to help blend the fruits and vegetables. If you can find a cheap pack of whey or plant-based protein powder to mix in, then I recommend doing that as well.

Lunch Usually, lunch can be something small to help you ease your hunger until dinner time. It’s a pretty simple meal but also has healthy options that taste good too! One of my favorite go-to lunch meals is a simple sandwich or wrap. Everyone has been eating sandwiches for as long as they can remember, but sometimes they may not be the most healthy. To start, make sure you get the same whole grain wheat bread you used for your avocado toast or a gluten-free or spinach-based tortilla for your wrap. Look for white meat like chicken or turkey because they tend to be healthier than red meats like ham or salami. If you don’t eat meat, there are many meatless alternatives that are tasty and good for you as well. Find your favorite vegetables like lettuce, tomato, spinach, etc., and add however much you prefer for a good source of vitamins. Rice Chips, veggie chips, or vegetables like carrots and pea pods go great with this as well. Salads usually don’t sound very appetizing, but there are ways to make them healthy and enjoyable. First, you need to find your base. This can be lettuce, mixed greens, spinach, kale, really whatever you prefer. There are also many other vegetables that you can throw in to give it more flavor or a better texture. Add walnuts or grilled chicken to get a good source of protein and top it off with a little bit of low-calorie and low-fat dressing for some more flavor. 22

Dinner Dinner is another meal with a lot of healthy options. I generally like to include a carbohydrate, a protein, and a vegetable which leaves you with a lot of options. You can mix all three of these in any way you like so your meals won’t get too repetitive. Three carbohydrates I make for a typical dinner are rice, pasta, and potatoes. There are many ways to eat all three of these things. Brown rice and chickpea pasta are healthier alternatives if you are looking to reduce your carbohydrate intake. For protein, I typically make chicken or fish. Just like the sandwich and wrap section, try to lean towards white meat instead of red meat like hamburgers and hot dogs. Lastly, green beans, corn, brussel sprouts, and roasted peppers are some of my favorite ways to get my last intake of vitamins for the day. Sprinkle these with your favorite seasoning and they’ll taste wonderful. Your preferred carbohydrate, protein, and source of vitamins like the ones listed above can make a healthy and tasty dinner. Eating healthy while also eating enough is going to be a good step to bettering your physical and mental health. Although this is a simple guide to help with healthier eating habits, this should hopefully give you new creative ideas on other healthy meals to make once you start to get sick of these.


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Discover Your Hobby and Yourself Avni Tripathi

Sometimes a job, perfect grades, or healthy routines might not be enough to make you feel satisfied or fulfilled. You might desire to step out of your comfort zone and search for something more challenging or try something new. Often, it is hard to motivate yourself and dedicate the required amount of time every day to achieve what you want. It’s difficult to find what you’re truly excited about, and what to spend your time on. That is why it is very important to invest your time in different hobbies and do something productive to improve your life every day. It is very important to find a balance of developing skills and hobbies to help you create value in your life. The first step to achieve balance in your life and learn new things is to find what you truly want to invest your time in. If you’re struggling to find your calling, then some of the next steps can help you figure what that hobby or lost passion could be.


Begin with skills: Start with learning skills that are applicable to your career, or even extend beyond basic skills that are taught in your classes. These can include hard or soft skills that you think are necessary for your future or something you’ve been wanting to learn because these will help you bring discipline into your life.

Reclaim your hobbies from childhood: We all are very creative as children, and as young adults, but soon our busy life takes over our hobbies and passions. It is never too late to reconnect with your past hobbies. Make a list of all the things you enjoyed doing, and try and incorporate some of them into your life to see what fits best for you.

Experiment with things that are most accessible to you: The best way to discover a hobby is by discovering what you enjoy and what is also possible in your surroundings. Try something different from time to time to see what you can do and enjoy doing.

Make a wish list: Make a list of things that you enjoy and try to experiment with those based on your lifestyle and your surroundings. Finally, choose from all of those options based on what excites you the most. Once you have found what you enjoy or maybe your calling (if you’re lucky), you need to find a way to practice this hobby and make it sustainable. The best way to do so is by making time for this activity and setting goals for yourself. 26

Begin with tracking your time and activities for a week or two: Find a pattern to see where to allocate your time and then use your free time to work on your hobby, be it learning to play the guitar or reading more often. It is very important to find the time when you’re idle or when you’re least productive and use that to enhance your skills or hobby. After this, set expectations for yourself and make a road map to how you will achieve your goals. The best way is to start small and simple--take the time to discover yourself and your relationship with this new hobby. Motivate yourself by setting small goals, and positively reinforcing yourself to continue achieving little by little every day. It is important to always remember the ultimate goal, which is to discover yourself and perfect the skill, but most importantly you must enjoy what you’re doing. Make a small checklist or guide to follow your passion each day. Try to find positive reinforcements and treat yourself whenever you achieve these small goals till you accomplish your aim. With the right motivation, you will soon be in a place where you will enjoy what you’re doing. It takes very little time for this hobby to become a passion. Soon you will find yourself wanting to make even more time for this passion and one day potentially making a life-altering change because of it. Whether or not it changes your life, you will be better off by any value it adds to your life.



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