March 2, 2020 - Living Guide Volume 7

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Issue Seven Table of Contents


Tips for Traveling over Spring Break


March Clothing Sales and Being Sustainable


National Awkward Moments Day


How to Enjoy a Spring Break in Minnesota (Staycation Tips)

Tips for Traveling over Spring Break Mackenzie Roberts

As the first gloomy months have been passing by, spring break is just around the corner. Regardless of whether you are traveling outside of the Twin Cities or staying on campus, you are probably counting down the days until spring break. Here are a few spring break tips to keep you smart and safe while you’re having fun away from school.

Get Your Homework Done First Imagine, you’re on the beach relaxing with your friends and soaking up the sun. Everything seems to be perfect, but then you remember you still have a three-page essay and calculus assignment due the

It is also important to keep in mind that it may take

first day classes start. Completing most, if not all, of

up to six weeks to obtain a first-time passport, but

your homework before jetting off to your spring break

individuals can expedite that process for a fee. In

destination will make the dreaded return back to

addition, if the passport is needed in less than two

classes less painful.

weeks, you can visit the Minneapolis Passport Agency to submit your application in person.

Bring Proper Identification

Students who are traveling via cruise ship typically need only a birth certificate and valid driver’s license

If you are choosing to travel outside of the United

when venturing to and from a U.S. port. However,

States, it will be beneficial for you to verify what

you should always check with the specific location

identification is required before it is too late. For

you are planning on traveling to, as requirements

students who are traveling internationally by plane,

may vary from place to place.

you will need a valid passport booklet and/or visa.


Stay In Groups

Trust Your Instincts

As the saying goes, there is safety in numbers. If you

If you feel unsafe about a certain situation, don’t

are planning on going out alone at night, or even

do it. If you feel uncomfortable around a specific

during the day, it is important to go with friends or

individual, leave. It is better to be safe than

at least notify them of your whereabouts. However,

sorry, especially when you are in an unfamiliar

staying in groups can save you from unwanted

environment. You ultimately know what is best for

or unsolicited attention from strangers. Tourist

you and it is important to acknowledge your own

destinations are prime locations for pickpockets

emotions to ensure your safety during spring break.

and scam artists who specifically target college kids because of their increased vulnerability.

Following a few tricks and safety tips can help make your spring break trip an unforgettable experience,

Protect Your Drink

regardless of where your destination may be.

If you are over 21 or if you are traveling to a location where you can legally drink, make sure to watch you and your friends’ drinks 24/7. As college students, I am sure most of us are hyper-aware of our surroundings when, and if, we choose to drink. Alcohol is known to lower an individual’s inhibitions, thus making them easier targets for thieves and predators. In turn, leaving your drink unattended makes it much easier for predators to slip something dangerous into it.


March Clothing Sales and Being Sustainable Mari Fogel

It’s March, which means spring is almost here! This

to via the city bus! My local favorites include Buffalo

also means shedding the jackets and sweaters, and

Exchange, (6 bus), and Steeple People (2 bus).

opting for lighter pieces. With the end of winter coming, there are a lot of sales from retailers hoping

If you feel like thrifting from the comfort of your

to get rid of the last of their winter stock. This is a

warm bed, there are great online thrift shops as well.

great time to stock up on a great coat or a warm

My favorites are Depop, Mercari, letgo, thredUP and

sweater for the random cold days in March, or for

of course Poshmark.

next winter! There are many ways to obtain great pieces this month from eco-friendly options to

Pro Tip: Think of an influencer whose style you can’t


get enough of, most of the time they have a link to one of these sites where they sell their old clothes on!

Shopping sustainably is a great place to start your hunt for clothes, not only is it better on the

Also, Instagram vintage stores are a thing! Some that

environment, but it can be better on your wallet as

I follow are @nanivintage @sundaypostvintage

well. Some ways to shop sustainably would be to have

@thirdsistervintage @ladylvintageco @thriftedtee

a clothing swap with friends, which my friend tries to

@hanmadecompany @coleworldthrift and

do every few months. It’s a great way to recycle your

@thirtyfoureleven. You can shop directly on their

old items and find something new your friend is tired

sites, and occasionally, small shops do pop-up

of wearing!

events around Minneapolis. A big pop up event is @mplsvintagemkt where numerous small shops get

Another outlet is thrift stores. Gina & Will is an

together to sell items.

awesome thrift store that is in Dinkytown and has clothes tailored for college students. They also have

I would urge you to check all these options out

discounts every Tuesday if you show your U-Card at

before you decide to buy new clothes. Think about

checkout. While there is a lack of thrift stores around

how many times you are planning to wear the item.

campus, there are some great ones that you can get

Complete the 30-wears-test by asking yourself, will


I wear this at least 30 times? If not, then it’s a pretty

EastDane - Save up to 80% off sale items. ShopBop’s

good chance you don’t need it. Pick more versatile

male line.

pieces that you know you can wear again and again. Columbia - Save up to 50% winter gear and footwear. Since we are students, buying new brands can get expensive. Here are some sales coming up in March

Backcountry - up to 60% on outdoor clothing, gear,

to snag some great pieces for inexpensive prices.

and accessories during the winter clearance.

Dicks Outerwear - you can get 40-50% off brands like

ShopBop - Save up to 40% off on sale styles.

The North Face and Columbia when you shop. •

Tommy Hilfiger - Save up to 50% on sale items.

Pro Tip: Dick’s will price match identical items from major retailers like Nike, Macy’s, Nordstrom, Amazon, etc. you can ask for a price match if you see anything online somewhere cheaper!

Gap - probably the biggest sale is an extra 50% off clearance sales, which is all winter gear! Patagonia - Save up to 50% on past season styles. •

Pro Tip: Check out Patagonia’s worn wear section online. It is an online shop where you can basically thrift Patagonia! It’s part of their sustainability mission and you can rest easy because the quality is unmatched!

The NorthFace - Save up to 30% on past season styles. MooseJaw - Save up to 25% on climbing gear, save up to 40% off on The North Face, and shop the winter clearance at up to 40% off. Huckberry - Save up to 55% on outerwear, boots, gloves and other winter apparel.


Caroline Pritchard

Wednesday, March 18 is recognized as National

“It was snowing outside so everyone’s shoes were

Awkward Moments Day. We all have experiences

bringing the elements in from the outdoors. This

we would rather erase from our memories. Still,

caused the staircase in Bruininks Hall to become very

some moments are unfortunately ingrained into our

slippery. I witnessed this poor guy slip down nearly

minds forever. Here are some awkward moments

the entire staircase onto the first floor. No one really

students have experienced while on the University

knew how to react to his misfortune. It’s okay bro,

of Minnesota campus. I hope some of these stories

we’ve all been there.” - Anonymous

will make you feel better about any embarrassing “Everybody remembers their first day — a freshman

moments you have had yourself.

on a campus full of thousands of people, some of “I work as a cashier at the dining hall. People say hi

them in the same shoes, most of them working

to me a lot when I swipe their cards, and I say, ‘thank

towards vastly different degrees. It’s a terrifying

you, enjoy your meal.’ I do this about 2000 times a

feeling, but an exciting one. I was busy thinking

day. Well, I got conditioned, and when a friend from

about what came next, what to do, and where to go.

an old class saw me near Coffman and said hi, I

What should I wear? I hardly knew what I was doing.

immediately blurted, ‘thanks, enjoy your meal.’ I was

On my first day at the U, I just had two classes in the

so embarrassed that I just kept walking.” - Reebhu

morning, and by 10 a.m., I had conquered the beast — my first day of college was done. After six hours of

“I didn’t realize I was sitting next to a guy who I had

quiet celebration and catching up with new friends in

matched with on Tinder. He knew who I was, and on

the dorm (Middlebrook hall and proud), it was time

the third day into the class, he messaged me again on

for my first regular-season marching band rehearsal.

the app. We’re about to go out on our first date soon.”

I’m a big proponent of biking — especially when the

- Anonymous

route is from West Bank to the stadium. I started the journey on two wheels, making a pit stop at Sanford pick up a friend. The rest of the day, however, is completely lost for me as my helmet-less freshman


body went flying. My bike wheel lodged itself in

my surprise, she wasn’t there. I walked in on her

a sewage grate, concussing my otherwise perfect

roommate who had no idea who I was, or why I was

first day.

there.” - Anonymous

I do remember zoning out in the emergency room,

“I was at the light-rail station, and a man walked

listening to some music, and feeling pretty loopy.

up to me, trying to give me a pop tart (in the silver

Then, I realized I was extremely hungry, and I indeed

packaging, but still a little suspicious). I politely

totaled not only my bike, but also my forehead,

declined numerous times, but he grabbed my hand,

eyebrow, and upper lip. Five stitches and a delicious

opened it, and put the package in it, and walked

sandwich from a sympathetic stranger later, my

away. He left without a single word.” - Anonymous

week-old friends came to visit me and help me out of the hospital back to my room. They did this

“I was so excited to start my first day of college.

as if we’d known each other for years. A few, ‘you

I had been dreaming of attending the University

should’ve seen the other guy,’ remarks about my

of Minnesota since I was an eighth-grader. I had

stitches and bruises later, I turned in for the night

just finished my first class of the day so I went to

after what ended up being the most freshman day of

buy lunch at the Union. After I paid for my salad, I

all. Awkwardness and soreness aside, it was a pretty

grabbed the container to walk outside and enjoy my

sweet way to ring in the next few years at the U. All I

lunch. Unfortunately, the container slipped right

can say is, wear your helmet, Gophers.” - Drew

out of my hands and covered the Union floor. I was mortified. It was lunchtime, and the marketplace

“I had to get off of the bus one stop early because

was completely packed with students. To make

someone I matched with on Tinder was on the same

things even worse, a guy I went to high school with

bus and recognized me.” - Anonymous

saw the whole thing happen from across the room. Fortunately, they let me pick out another salad for

“I went home to Wisconsin for the weekend. On

no extra charge. My apologies to the worker’s day I

Sunday, I drove back to school. What I didn’t realize

ruined by having to clean up my mess!” - Anonymous

was that it had been lightly raining, and all the sidewalks were like a sheet of glass… long story short,

“Sometimes, this school is just too small for me. I had

I ended up falling flat on my butt outside of Frontier

just downloaded Tinder after a recent heartbreak,

Hall! I don’t remember if anyone was watching, but if

and I was excited to see what all of the hype was

anyone was, I’m sure they were laughing as hard as I

about. There were two guys that I immediately hit

was.” - Nate

it off with. One night I went over to one of their apartments to watch a movie. Little did I know what

“I was going over to my cousin’s dorm to help her

I was about to walk in on. The other guy I had been

with homework. She didn’t specify where we were

talking to on Tinder was one of his roommates…

meeting so I just assumed she was in her dorm. To

awkward.” - Anonymous


How to Enjoy a Spring Break in Minnesota (Staycation Tips) Elizabeth Roubik Coffee Shops

By March in Minnesota, people begin to resent the cold and snow. Everyone is leaping at the opportunity to escape the winter for a week-long vacation.

As college students, I am sure that most of us are

However, what if a trip is not possible for you during

very familiar with coffee shop study sessions, but do

spring break? Lucky for you, there are many fun

you ever just go to relax? There are hundreds of

things to do in the great state of Minnesota, and there

local coffee shops in and around the city, and spring

are lots of activities that will help you take advantage

break is the best time to go and find your favorite.

of all that Minnesota has to offer. Here are a few ideas

While Bordertown Coffee and Surdyk’s Cafe are

that will make spring break in Minnesota still feel like

classic options at the U of M, spring break is the

a vacation.

time to broaden your horizons and find the best coffee in town.

Museums Whether you are interested in art, history, science, or SPAM, there is a museum for you. All over the state, there are museums dedicated to certain interest areas. Some of the most well known locally are the Science Museum, Minnesota History Center, Minneapolis Institute of Art, and of course, the Bell Museum on campus. However, if you are looking for a more unique museum experience, there are plenty of other museums that satisfy nearly any interest.


Parks While March weather in the state is unpredictable, parks in Minnesota never disappoint. Even when there are snow-covered trees and all the water is frozen, the parks are a sight to see. One of the most well known in the city is Minnehaha Park, home to Minnehaha Falls. This park radiates beauty in the winter, and the frozen falls are always a hit among locals and tourists. Mill Ruins Park, while less known, is still worthy of a visit. This park lies along the Mississippi River and showcases the abandoned flour mills that used to stand in its place. It is a great opportunity to take a nice walk in the spring. Nicollet Island Park is another great area to enjoy a stroll in the springtime. This island showcases amazing views of the city while still separated from the urban environment.



Did you know that The Replacement’s “Skyway” was

Even though shopping in Minnesota is not a very

written as an ode to Minneapolis’ indoor above-

unique experience, spring break is the best time to

ground tunnel system? There is lots of music history

treat yourself, and many places make that possible.

around the city that you can learn about in tours of

There are a plethora of malls in the state, but there is

historical music landmarks. For Prince fans, take

one that stands out. The Mall of America, the most

a tour of Paisley Park to see first-hand how Prince

well-known mall in the country, has lots of shopping

created, produced and performed in this private

options and activities. It houses nearly any store you

estate. If you love Bob Dylan, visit the Bob Dylan

could ever want to visit, as well as the theme park and

mural in central Minneapolis for some great photos.

sea world that make it unique. While there are many

Additionally, there is a wide variety of live music

malls to visit, there are also lots of thrift stores if you

in the Twin Cities. For you indie music fans, there

are looking for something one of a kind.

are plenty of open mic nights and local artists that perform at various cafes or restaurants, so make sure

With all the activities that Minnesota has to offer, I

to check out the local music scene.

can promise you will not be bored this spring break!



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