February 10, 2020 - Living Guide Volume 6

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Volume 6 February 2020 Created by the Business Division

MN Daily Media Staff An Independent Student Newspaper, Founded in 1900. 2221 University Ave. SE, Suite 450 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Phone: (612) 627-4080 Fax: (612) 435-5865 Copyright 2020 The Minnesota Daily This newspaper, its design and its contents are copyrighted

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Correction on January Living Guide “Sustainable Hacks� article: A previous version of this article misstated that the University had rolled out its organics recycling program in all on-campus facilities. The University has rolled out approximately half of its two-year organics recycling (i.e. compost) program in on-campus facilities.

Issue SIX Table of Contents


Immune System Support


Design your Date Night


Spring Cleaning for your Space & Mind


February: The Warmest Month of the Year


Student Employment

Immune System Support Genevieve Benson

It feels like it is always flu season. Someone around you is sick, tired or rundown, and blames it on the “student lifestyle.� Being a college student is difficult, and on top of that, illnesses create more barriers and negatively impact numerous parts of life. Here are some tips to strengthen your immune system and avoid sick days.


Garlic, Ginger, Repeat: A wise woman (aka my mother) once told me the trick to avoid getting sick is eating a few cloves of raw garlic and drinking hot tea with lemon and ginger. This natural remedy is not the sole solution, as modern medicine has done wonders for society, including creating antibiotics, vaccines, radiation therapy and much more. Above all, I get it, raw garlic seems unappetizing. In tandem with cold and flu remedies, such as Emergen-C vitamin supplements, Nyquil, Tylenol, etc., the ginger and garlic combination soothes the throat and improves the immune system. Why not choose both routes?

R&R - Rest and Relaxation: Sleep is crucial for any individual, but especially for young adults! This may be common knowledge, but most research suggests brains are not fully developed until age 25. Even if you’re 25 and over, downtime and quality sleep are vital for staying healthy and happy. Mood, performance and energy depend on the REM cycle, so positive sleep habits are important to develop at an early age. An all-nighter happens once in a while, but prioritize wellness as well as academics.

Boynton Health: Picture this: an on-campus hospital and wellness service dedicated to students, staff, faculty and the surrounding Twin Cities community. If it sounds too good to be true, it is indeed real, and located on the East Bank and St. Paul campuses. Boynton Health offers a wide variety of services, with clinics dedicated to primary care, dental and optics, STD/STI testing, mental health and therapy, as well as physical therapy. For more information regarding facilities and services, visit the Boynton Health website. If you are feeling under the weather, Boynton Health offers an absence note for students to provide to their professors. The brief form can be found at z.umn.edu/absencenote, and is available to all University students. Cover your cough. Wash your hands. Most importantly, take care of yourself and listen to your body.


Genevieve Benson Can Can Wonderland

Whether you are searching for fun activities to do with friends, family or that special someone, customize your date night to survive winter and make it your wonderland.

Mini golf your heart out solo, with a partner or a group at

Let’s get started.

Can Can Wonderland. Along with its “arts-immersive environment,” there are arcade games and more.

Wonders of Winter

Tube at Theodore Wirth

Skate for free at Central Park in Maple Grove, MN. Bring your own skates or rent a pair for $6. Additionally, there is

The hills are alive at Theodore Wirth Park, with cross-

fireside storytelling, snowshoeing and more available

country skiing, hiking trails and snow tubing. Tubes are

throughout February.

available to rent from $8.50 - $17. Hit the slopes before March 1.

Elsie’s Bowling Center

Game at Left Click Lounge

Every day of the week there is open bowling, and with 16 modern lanes, it’s hard not to resist a few games during

Located in the heart of Dinkytown, Left Click Lounge

the coldest period of the year.

encourages customers to get their game on, whether it be via videogames or arcades.

Como Zoo Conservatory

With all these ideas and countless more available online The Como Zoo and Conservatory gardens are free and

and through Facebook Events, you will not be bored this

open to the public all year long, including some holidays.

February. Enjoy!

The Winter Flower Show will run until March 31.


Caroline Pritchard

On the morning of February 2, Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog did not see his shadow as he stepped outside in Punxsutawney, PA. According to this longstanding tradition, this means we are due for an early spring. Whether you were hoping for a long winter or you’re ready for an early spring, it is now time to start thinking of another tradition, spring cleaning! There are many ways to clean in preparation for the spring season, but this article will highlight cleaning your spaces both physically and mentally.


Physical Space:

Mental Space:

Cleaning your Closet

One method to cleanse your mind is reframing your

Sort through your closet to check for any clothes

mindset. For instance, rather than thinking negative

you can part with. Consider donating these

thoughts such as “I can’t do this task,” think more

items to friends and family, Goodwill, The

positively, such as “how can I accomplish this task?”

Salvation Army, or a local shelter. Organize a

This concept is easier said than done, but here are a

clothing exchange with your friends — out with

few strategies to try:

the old, in with various new styles! Another way to purge your closet is to sell your used clothes

Be Aware

on Poshmark, Depop or Mercari to make some

extra money to use during spring break!

Start jotting down your stressors and thoughts in a diary. When you experience something which

Declutter your Cabinets

causes you stress during the week, write it down.

It might be time to finally get rid of that coffee

This can help you to identify the patterns in your

mug you have had in your cabinet for a while.

daily routine that are causing you to think

The same process can be used for extra dishes,

negatively. If there are common themes, address

silverware and pans that have been collecting

them accordingly and be aware of them.

dust in your kitchen.

Be Rational

Reposition your Furniture •

Unfortunately, many things in life happen outside

Reworking your living spaces by moving your

of our control. We have to accept these outcomes,

furniture is an effective way to clean spaces that

learn from them, and move forward. Dwelling on

have been ignored for far too long. For example,

the past wastes an opportunity to be present in

move the sofa to a new corner of the room. This

the future. Allow yourself to try new things and

will allow you to finally vacuum the dust bunnies

make mistakes.

and dirt!

Refocus •

A great way to clear your mind of negative thoughts is to have no thoughts at all. Even taking 10 minutes out of your day to meditate or focus on deep breathing patterns can help ease your mind. This will then help you to think more productively and calm your nerves.


February: The Warmest Month of the Year Maria Kasel “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like

into something bigger. Offer your friends, significant

wrapping a present and not giving it,” said William

other, roommates, etc. a ride to class, assistance with

Arthur Ward. This February, make sure to express

errands, or simply treat them to ice cream (it is the

your love through actions of gratitude.

warmest month of the year, remember). Small actions like this serve as a constant reminder that you care.

Send cards and small gifts

Listen, and truly listen

You don’t have to go above and beyond to show someone that you care about them. Every year

If one of your loved ones seems stressed, down, or

around Valentine’s Day, my friend sends out a Google

quiet, listen to them and show them that you are

Form to our group and asks us what our favorite

attentive to their wellbeing. Actively listen to what

candy is. Without fail, every year I wake up with my

they have to say. Many just want to talk and let

favorite candy and a card by my door. This simple

everything off their chest without being interrupted.

gesture means the world to me. Try doing something

You don’t have to spend money in order to show love.

similar and you’ll feel great just for doing something

Let your loved ones know you are thinking about

kind for your loved ones.

them by being authentically present for them.

Go out of your way for someone Actions speak louder than words, and nothing speaks louder than effort. Too often, we send a simple text to say thank you. This month, let’s turn those texts


Student Employment Genevieve Benson From the perspective of a student employee at the

As an employee of MN Daily Media, I have

University of Minnesota, I have discovered

the best of both worlds. While working at a

significant benefits while working in an on-campus

non-profit organization, I have the ability

job. Not only have my student employment

to engage in unique and innovative

experiences provided tangible skills and resume/

projects to apply to real-world situations. It

portfolio materials, but it has also introduced me to

is also located adjacent to TCF Bank

valuable peers and life-long friends by expanding my

Stadium, thus, I never have to travel far to

network outside of just my academic courses.

work, and I can seamlessly fit office hours into my busy class and student group

As a freshman, I was an Office Assistant in the

schedule. To avoid being clichĂŠ, I will save

dormitories through Housing and Residential

the details regarding the close friendships I

Life. I had the opportunity to meet other first-year

have made as a staff member of MN Daily

students I would not have met on my floor, as well as


upperclassmen who taught me the necessary skills to succeed in other positions. I gained connections

Student employment understands the

and had access to seemingly endless resources.

competing responsibilities students

Additionally, when I had finished my assigned tasks

have with social and family life, other

and responsibilities, my supervisor encouraged me

job and work positions, volunteer and

to complete career development training courses

student organization commitments. It

through LinkedIn Learning or finish my homework.

accommodates based on the individual student’s needs and desires and offers

After two semesters at the U of M, I transitioned

varied projects and assignments based

to another on-campus internship related to my

on desired interest. If you have a specific

major and areas of interest, communications and

area of employment, the U of M likely offers

marketing. I have yet to leave this position because I

it through one of the countless student

idolize my supervisors, coworkers and fellow interns,

internships or jobs. To learn

and the faculty and staff I work for. If I could stay

more about student employment, visit

there forever, I would, but in the near future, I will

humanresources.umn.edu or GoldPass

have to graduate and venture into the unknown that

powered through Handshake.

is adulthood.


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