Michigan Marine News

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Winter 2010

A Big Thanks to Our Advertisers

“We Support Our Troops Both At Home and Abroad”

2 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

General Amos Message at Change of Command Ceremony

Marines, Sailors, Civilian Marines and Families, s your Commandant, I want to say, first and foremost, thank you … for your willingness to serve our Nation at a critical time in its history … for what I know have been your many sacrifices … for your continued courage in the face of great danger … and finally, thank you for your fidelity to each other, to our mission … and to our Corps. We exist today because Congress and the American people want us to exist, but we are able to exist today because of YOU and your faithfulness! Our performance since September 11, 2001 — at home and abroad, in garrison and in combat — has earned us the right to stand proudly in the long and illustrious line of Marines who have gone before. In Al Anbar Province, we defeated a determined insurgency, proving to the world that Al Qaeda’s violent extremism could be beaten, while contributing to a brighter future for the Iraqi people. We rapidly re-deployed to Afghanistan, where we fight our Nation’s battles today in another tough neighborhood … the Helmand Province. All the while, we continued our role as America’s Expeditionary Force in Readiness, responding to crises around the world. In the past year alone, we have responded to two major natural disasters half a world apart. On board seven amphibious ships, 5,000 Marines deployed immediately to Haiti to provide critical, initial relief and life-sustaining help following a devastating earthquake, and we have been providing similar assistance to flood-ravaged Pakistan. We’ve served during a time of great challenge … and we’ve been equal to every task. Throughout this remarkable period in our history, General Conway and his wife, Annette, have led our Corps with wisdom, strength and grace. Their many initiatives will serve us well as our Corps continues its march into uncertain times. I am grateful for their leadership and, on behalf of the Marine Corps family, Bonnie and I wish them Godspeed. While we remain focused on combat operations in Afghanistan, leaders at all levels must consider the likely challenges of the next two decades and how the Corps will meet them. The future will be different from the world we knew prior to the attacks on 9-11. Through innovation and a willingness to adapt, we will remain the ready and relevant force that America relies on in times of crisis! The pages that follow provide my guidance and priorities for the Marine Corps. In them I speak of who we are, where we will operate, what we will do, and where we are headed. Each of you — from Private to General, civilian Marines, families and those who support our Corps — will contribute to our success. Whether fighting at sea or ashore, Marines have been guided by honor, courage and commitment. These core values have been the compass for every Marine’s service throughout our rich history. Superior leadership, hard training, and a willingness to sacrifice have forged our Corps into one of the most capable fighting forces the world has ever known. Our Marine Corps has remained true to these values for 235 years … and so it will during my service as your Commandant. Semper Fidelis, JAMES F. AMOS General, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant of the Marine Corps




t’s that time of year again when reach out to make sure that no child goes without a toy at Christmas. The Marine Corps kicked off this year’s campaign in Atlanta, Ga. Marines and volunteers throughout the country will be placing boxes at many locations, for folks to drop off a new unwrapped toy. Please make a special effort to be extra generous so we can make sure that each child has a smile on their face on Christmas morning.

Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 3

Table of Contents Calendar of Upcoming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Department Commandant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sr. Vice Commandant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Jr. Vice Commandant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Membership Recruiting Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Detachment Officer Election and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Legislative Chairman for the Commanders Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Lutheran Church Kicks Off Keweenaw Detachment #1016 Toys for Tots Campaign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Capital Detachment #148. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 New Folder Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Macomb County Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Michigan Young Marines Place Flags at the Great Lakes National Cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Young Marines Annual Golf Outing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Modern Day Marine Military Expo 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Marine Corps League National Convention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


The official Publication of The Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Editor— PDC Jim Tuohy Tel: (810) 695-3088 Fax: (810) 579-1026 E-mail: mimarinenews@aol.com The Michigan Marine News is published quarterly by the Department of Michigan, Marine Corps League. The Marine Corps League is a non-profit congressionally chartered veterans organization. The opinions and comments that appear in this magazine are received from a variety of sources and are not necessarily those of the Department of Michigan, Marine Corps League

4 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

Veterans’ Medallion Available for Order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 VSO’s Share Resources and Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 USS New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 No Cola for 2011 – Again. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Marine Needs our Prayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A Note from our National Executive Director, Mike Blum, to the Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Second to None . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 President Nominates Mattis to Lead Central Command. . . . . . . . . . 18 From the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Sgt.Maj .Carleton W. Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Recon Marines Free Cargo Vessel from Somalis Pirates. . . . . . . . . 19 John W. Finn, USN (Ret) Died Thursday, May 27, 2010 in Chula Vista, California/Taps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Flint Dawgs Pound #288 6th Annual Kids Christmas Party . . . . . . . 3 Department of Michigan 2011 Mid-Winter Rally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Calendar of Upcoming Events Birthday Balls

A variety of Birthday Balls will be held around the State. Check the Department website at www.Michigan Marines.org for more information.

Nov 6 FLINT Detachment Birthday Ball Father Bush Parish Center, Grand Blanc, MI. Tickets, $30.00 per person, dinner and open bar. Contact Jack Porn at 810-

Nov 10 235th Birthday of the Corps

Flint Detachment , Open House Cake, Coffee and Libations for a toast to the 235th Birthday of the Corps.

Nov 10 Annual SOS Breakfast Downriver Detachment, Annual SOS Breakfast and all day camaderie. Eureka Rd, Wyandotte, MI.

Dec 11 Wreaths Across America 12:00 Noon, 19th Anniversary of Wreaths Across America. Great Lakes National Cemetery and Fort Custer National Cemetery. For more information, call 877-385-9504.

Dec 18 6th Annual Kids Christmas Party Flint Dawgs 6th Annual Kids Christmas Party, 12:00 – 2:00 PM. Flint Detachment Home, 7377 N. Dort Hwy, Mt. Morris, MI.

Jan 21-22 Department Mid Winter Rally Radisson Hotel, Lansing, MI. (See flyer in this issue.) COPY AND ART DEADLINE FOR THE Spring 2010 ISSUE IS

February 15, 2011 SEND INFORMATION TO JIM TUOHY, EDITOR 12086 RIVERBEND DR. GRAND BLANC, MI 48439-1724 TEL: (810) 695-3088 OR E-MAIL INFORMATION TO Mimarinenews@aol.com

Board of Trustees

Commandant: Felipe G. Zamora gunnyz@ameritech.net Senior Vice-Commandant: Lennie Brooks lenieb65@sbcglobal.net Junior Vice-Commandant: Norman F. Pfaff norjo2@yahoo.com Vice Commandant-Northern Zone: Raymond R. Rayl, jarhead1946@gmail.com Vice Commandant-Central Zone: Wendy L. Zamora, halfpint16@ameritech.net Vice Commandant-Southeast Zone: Scott R. Neff, scott.neff@comcast.net Vice Commandant-Upper Peninsula Zone: Frank R. Bilsky, skip@borderlandnet.net Vice Commandant-Southwest Zone: James E. Kerley, PDC, kbarkerley1@juno.com Vice Commandant-Western Zone: David K. Masunas, masunasfam@gtlakes.com Judge Advocate: Robert L. Hencken bob@stancati-assoc.com (work) legalbob@sbcglobal.net (home) Paymaster: Don L. Lumsden, PDC, dlums54365@aol.com Chaplain: Kenneth J. Aune kjaune2001@yahoo.com Junior Past Commandant: Warren Tracey, PDC, wtracey00@comcast.net

Appointed Department Staff Adjutant: George J. Wittstock, Jr., PDC gwittstock@hotmail.com Chief or Staff: John P. Tuohy, PNC jpt551037@comcast.net Sergeant at Arms: Billy G. Traylor traylorbl@sbcglobal.net Assistant Sergeant at Arms: Donald R. Boak, II, drayboak@verizon.net Legislative Director: Douglas R. Williams willi183@msu.edu Historian: Dale K. Erion eriondale@sbcglobal.net VAVS Director: Norman C. Jewell JewellSemperFi@aol.com Michigan Marine News Editor: James J. Tuohy, PDC, jimt205842@aol.com Webmaster: Mark A. Sutton mm12sutton@yahoo.com Department Emailer: Emil A. Franz, III dutchmaster@charter.net Fort Custer National Cemetery Liaison: Robert L. Cook, bob_cook2008@comcast.net Great Lakes National Cemetery Liaison 1/24th Memorial Liaison: James J. Tuohy, PDC,/Angelo Lema, Jr., atljr@prodigy.net Awards & Citations: Philip S. Smith marret94@aol.com Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 5

Department Commandant

Department Commandant Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Phil Zamora

Fellow Marines, Corpsmen, Associates and our Auxiliary


hope all has been well since the Department Convention back in June. I would like to THANK all of you that have put your trust in me to be your Department Commandant for one more year. I would also like to thank Auxiliary President Peggy Tuohy and all of our Auxiliary members for what you do to ensure the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League and all our detachments continue to thrive and grow. Detachments, if you don’t have an Auxiliary within your units, you should look into having the ladies in your life start an Auxiliary Unit or team up with a detachment that either has a unit already or to start one. Since our Department Convention, I have attended the National Convention in Greensboro, North Carolina. We have a new National Commandant, Vic Voltaggio from Florida. I would also like to congratulate all our Michigan Marines who either have been elected or accepted appointments by the National Commandant. Our highest elected Marine, James Tuohy, is our National Senior Vice Commandant. Our appointed positions are Don Lumsden, National Auditor & Budget and Finance Chairman; Ken Aune, Asst. Chaplain; Lennie Brooks, Asst. Public Relations; PNC John Tuohy, Budget & Finance Committee & Mid-Winter Coordinator; Wendy Zamora, Bylaws Committee; PCDD Gary Chartrand, Homeless Veterans Committee; and, Adrian Cervini, Legislative Committee. If you WERE on a National Committee and your name is not on this list,

then you must revert back to your detachment covers immediately. Do not be caught out of uniform. Next year’s 2011 National Convention will be in Boise, Idaho, and, in 2012, Mobile, Alabama will be the host. In 2013, the Northern Quadrant is up for bid again and we are looking at either putting in a bid for Grand Rapids or elsewhere in this state. If we get the bid and you would like to be on the National Convention Committee, then contact either myself or co-chair Wendy Zamora. We will need 30-40 people or even more on this committee. This year is an election year and we all have our political parties that we belong to, but one thing we all ought to believe in is “will my candidate help veterans?” This is the question that all of us ought to be asking our candidates now and in the future. For those of you that don’t know, our Veterans Service Office is funded by grants from the State of Michigan, and all the veterans groups have had their funding cut considerably by the State. Remember that whichever candidate will help all veterans is our friend. Lastly, we hope to see all detachments in attendance at the Department Mid-Winter Rally in Lansing on January 21 & 22. If you have wanted to join the Military Order of the Devil Dogs, then this is a great time to do just that. The Rally will be in Downtown Lansing at the Radisson Hotel for a room rate of $84 per night. You can call the Radisson at 1-800-333-3333, or call directly to Lansing at 517-4820188 or online at www.radisson.com/lansingmi. Use the promotional code MCLA11 to receive the discounted group rate. Also, I’m sure that the Capital Detachment will be asking all detachments to help out by buying ads from the program book. At the least, buy a business card sized ad to help with the expenses for hosting this important conference of the Department. Take care everyone and hope to see all of you soon.

Marine Corps League Life Membership Dues (as of Jan 1, 2009)

AGE GROUP 0-35 36-50 51-60 61-Over

COST $500 $400 $300 $150

Buy a Life Membership. Submission of the incorrect dues or no birth date may result in the entire transmittal being returned without being processed. To avoid a delay in transmittal turnaround time, please verify the amounts are correct before sending. To become a Life Member, you must already be a member in good standing.

6 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

Department Sr. Vice Commandant

Sr. Vice Commandant Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Lennie Brooks


f you don’t mind, I’m combining my Sr. Vice report with the Belcher-Lane-Williams Det. 146 report. Marines, I have some bad news. I worked hard on retaining Lapeer County Det. 888, to no avail. They talked amongst themselves and came to the conclusion that they couldn’t hold the Det. together. All 14 of them will be transferring to another Det. As of this writing, no decision has been made on where. On the brighter side, the UP Zone Vice and I have been working with the Marines in the Soo area. It looks like we’ll have a Det. there by year’s end. So we’ll lose one Det. and gain another. On Sept. 18, Det. 146, along with the Veterans of St. Clair County, dedicated the Fallen Solider statue in honor of PFC Dewayne T. Williams, Medal of Honor Vietnam. We had a great turn out. I would like to thank our Dept. Commandant, Jr. Vice, Adjutant and SE Zone Vice for attending, along with several members of the Downriver Det., Whiskey/Alpha Chapter Leatherneck M/C, AMVETS riders and Legion Riders. Commandant Zamora presented our name change Charter at our last regular meeting. We are now officially the Belcher-Lane-Williams Det. 146, Marine Corps League. See you all at Mid-Winter. Semper Fi, Lennie Brooks

Department Jr. Vice Commandant

Jr. Vice Commandant Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Norm Pfaff


ARINES, By the time you get to read this article, summer will be just about gone and winter will be right around the corner. Even though we give recognition to individuals for their recruiting efforts, it takes the support of the entire Detachment to sustain and increase the membership levels. No one person can do this alone. The following are our membership statistics from the past 21 months. Date Total Paid Members June 30, 2008 1,946 Sept. 30, 2008 1,937 Dec. 31, 2008 2,008 Mar. 31, 2009 2,013 Sept. 30, 2009 2,087 Dec. 31, 2009 2,127 Mar. 30, 2010 2,132

Unpaid Members 331 331 296 301 277 283 269

We can see that membership has steadily increased by some 8.7% and our unpaid members dropped from 17% in June of 2008 to 12.9% in March of 2010. Let’s make a strong effort in the next 12 months to increase membership to over 2,200 and also to drop our unpaid members to under 10%. This is quite a challenge to myself, our Zone Commandants and Detachment Senior Vice Commandants, as well as all the Marine Corps League members, to attain our goals and make the Marine Corps League, Department of Michigan, stand above the other Departments on a national level. Remember, I am always available to offer my help and assistance in any way I can by either mail, phone or e-mail. Thank you. Semper Fi, Norm Pfaff

Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 7

Department Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Incorporated by Act of Congress www.michiganmarines.org

Board of Trustees P. G. Zamora Commandant L. Brooks Senior Vice Commandant N. F. Pfaff Junior Vice Commandant S. Neff Vice Commandant Southeast Zone

From: To:

Norman F. Pfaff, Junior Vice Commandant Detachment Commandants, Department of Michigan


Membership Recruiting Awards


(A) Department of Michigan, Administrative Procedures, Enclosure (1)

The Department of Michigan will give recognition to the top three Marine Corps Leaguers that recruit the most new members. These awards will be presented at the Department Convention in June. The awards that will be presented are: First Place Second Place Third Place Five or more new members

W. L. Zamora Vice Commandant Central Zone J. Kerley, PDC Vice Commandant Southwest Zone D. Masunas Vice Commandant Western Zone F Bilsky Vice Commandant Upper Peninsula Zone

The form for submitting a nominee by a Detachment is located in Reverence (A). It is located in at the Department Web site – www.michiganmarines.org – and can be accessed by clicking on the ‘S1’ tab and then on ‘Department Bylaws’. The Department’s eligible dates are from the period of 30 April through 1 May of each year. Please feel free to submit all members that have recruited at least five (5) new members. If you do, please submit a separate form for each recruiter. I am requesting you send me the Department form so I will have it no later than 15 May 2011. The Department forms are mailed to me at: 17982 Pointe Court Clinton Township, MI 48033-4840

R. Rayl Vice Commandant Northern Zone R. L. Hencken Judge Advocate D. L. Lumsden, PDC Paymaster K. J. Aune Chaplain W. Tracey, PDC Junior Past Commandant

Department Recruiters Medal – Silver Meritorious Individual Commendation Ribbon Distinguished Service Award – Certificate Certificate of Appreciation

On the Recruitment Program Forms please make sure that the signatures of the Detachment Commandant and the Detachment Adjutant are affixed before forwarding it to me. All forms that do not have the required information will not be accepted. Please insure that the Marines in your Detachment that work hard at recruiting new members are rewarded for their efforts. In addition to submitting their name to the Department, your Detachment should award the Detachment Recruiter Medal – Bronze to the top recruiter in your Detachment. It is suggested that the Detachment Recruiter Medal be awarded to an individual who recruited at least five (5) new members. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

 Norman F. Pfaff (586) 263-3448 norjo5@comcast.net

8 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

Department Detachment Officer Election and Installation The National Bylaws and Administrative Procedures state that each Detachment shall hold an Annual Election of Officers between October 1 and May 15 of each year. Installation must be conducted no later than the last day of the month subsequent to the election. Also, the Report of Officer Installation must be forwarded to the Department Adjutant within fifteen days of the Installation. Forward your completed Detachment Officers Installation Report to me at: 6388 Old Coach Trail Washington, MI 48094-2148 Please use the Marine Corps League Report of Officer Installation (multiple copies). Remove the last copy for your files and send the remainder (white, yellow & pink copies) to me. Ensure that all signatures are affixed and all information requested on the form is complete. The Marine Corps League Report of Officer Installation (multiple copies) is available for your Detachment from our National Headquarters for free. Call them at: (800) 625-1775 and request a couple of sets. All other forms you need may be ordered from National for free at the same telephone number. They include Membership Dues Transmittal Form, Request for Transfer and Notice of Death. Do not use duplicated copies of any Marine Corps League Official Report. Use only the forms available from National Headquarters. If your Detachment wishes to have a Department Officer install your newly elected officers, please take into consideration the time element. Please don’t wait for the last minute to invite a Department Officer for your installation. You should give at least two weeks’ notice of your installation so the installing officer can make arrangements. The Detachment should have its Marine Corps League Report of Officer Installation complete and ready for the installing officer upon his arrival. Ensure that it is signed by the Installing Officer before forwarding it to me. Below is a listing of officers that a Detachment may request for their installation: National Commandant An elected National Officer A Past National Commandant The Department Commandant An elected Department Officer A Past Department Commandant The Detachment Commandant A Past Detachment Commandant Also, there are reports that must be sent to me along with the Report of Officer Installation. They are: • •

The name and address of the person in possession of your charter. The name of the bank or banks and account numbers where the Detachments funds are on deposit. You are not required to list the amount of money in your accounts.

On another note, when sending in your Dues Transmittals with payment and Transfer Requests to the Department, they are sent to: Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Post Office Box 20 Lake Ann, MI 49650-0020 Forward the Notice of Death of a member, it is to: Kenneth J. Aune, Chaplain Department of Michigan Marine Corps League 38850 Pardee Street Harrison Township, MI 48045-2891 When you complete your Detachment’s PLM Audit (it is due prior to 31 December 2010), send it to: Don L. Lumsden, Paymaster Department of Michigan Marine Corps League 7193 Suncrest Road West Bloomfield, MI 48322-4341 If you have any questions on reporting, please feel free to contact me at: (586) 781-5414 or by email at: gwittstock@hotmail.com

 George Wittstock, PDC Adjutant Department of Michigan, Marine Corps League

Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 9


Legislative Chairman for the Commanders Group & Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Doug Williams

Why We Must FIGHT


o my fellow Marines and Veterans, For the past four years I have represented our Marine Corps League Department of Michigan and the Commanders Group in the position of Legislative Director and Chairperson. I now have some very important and historical information I would like to pass on to you in an effort to draw you out of your shells and into the harsh reality of our veteran’s world. Historically, our veteran’s organizations were represented by an office in State government known as the Department of Veterans Affairs. However, this was changed in 1996 by Governor John Engler through his executive order 1995-15. Governor Engler withdrew 10 million dollars from the Michigan Veteran’s Trust Fund and put it into the General Fund. When asked by the Trust Fund Board of Directors to repay the Fund, he informed the board that he had authority as governor and did not have to pay the money back. The board of directors challenged him and the case went before the State Supreme Court who ruled in favor of the board. As a result of this challenge, the governor issued an executive order. Now, because the Veterans on the board had the audacity to challenge him, he transferred the Office of Veterans Affairs into the Department of Military Affairs, with the Adjutant General having authority and control. This effectively silenced our voice in State government and made us subservient to the bureaucracy of the Department of Military Affairs. It is important to note here that we are no longer under the control of the military as we have performed our service and have been discharged. That gives us Veterans status. We do not and are not subject to military orders or rank. Our Veterans organizations exist under charters authorized by the Congress of the United States. Because we have no source of funding, we have been forced to turn to the State of Michigan taxpayer to provide us with the resources needed to finance our Veterans Service Offices and officers. The Legislature, in an effort to serve the Department of Military Affairs, passed Senate Bill 250 that has become Public Act 112 and dictates how we will be forced to administer our services if we want to continue to serve the Veterans who reside in our State. I find it offensive that we were accused by the Department of Military Affairs of failing to provide adequate coverage and service to the State’s Veterans during the fight to pass Senate Bill 250 and it is even more offensive that there were certain individuals in State government who would believe those claims. We know that the primary reason was to take control of the claims filing process and to eventually be able to certify State of Michigan employees to do the work that we have done for over 90 years. Do you trust the leadership in the Department of Military Affairs? If you do, ask yourself this question. Why did they fail to act as directed by appropriations legislation when a certain Veterans organization failed to account for funds approved and granted by the Legislature? More importantly, why has there not been a full investigation of this situation? This occurred, over three years ago and still no action. Why? For your information, this same organization was just awarded another grant

10 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

and did not have to comply with the same rules that all other chartered organizations were obligated to meet. Why? Is it possible that there is a little collusion involved? Where were you when Governor Engler declared war on us for having the nerve to challenge his authority? Are you in the same place now when we are being directed by a bureaucracy, the very thing that has made our Veterans lives so difficult for the past 100 years? A bureaucrat sitting in ivory offices telling us how we are to perform our service work is not only wrong, but it is deplorable and obnoxious. Stroking and patting us on the back is a tactic that has been used by politicians and others over the years and continues today because we like it and they know it. When will we stop letting them do this? The answer is probably never because we need those kudos, just look at what we did. Didn’t we save the world from dictators and tyrants? We are so proud of ourselves that it gets in our way. When are we going to stop allowing them to treat us in a condescending fashion so they can manipulate and control us? Now is the time for us to stand and demand that Public Act 112 be rescinded because it gives total control to them (the Department of Military Affairs) and leaves us with just the pat on the back. I find it interesting to note just how many Veterans tell me to vote Democratic or no, to vote Republican or no, to vote Independent. Instead, they should be voting for those who support Veterans and Veterans’ needs and not give a damn about party affiliation. Our great State of Michigan is broke and those in power continue to tell us they can balance the budget and jump start our recovery by borrowing more money from the Federal Government. Please understand that our grandchildren and great grandchildren will be saddled with the debt load that has occurred in the last 20 years at the federal level. Here is a word of caution: When they call in the debt our State has incurred, we will be unable to pay and you know the next step. I ask all of you to get a copy of Public Act 112 to see how the State of Michigan has effectively silenced us. (When asked during a Senate subcommittee hearing where the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs budget would be cut if the governor wanted it cut further, they answered from the Veterans’ side of the budget and we are told they really care about the needs of our Veterans.) In closing, I would ask each and every one of you to get out in your communities, inform them of our plight and tell them that the State of Michigan allocates and spends over 250 million dollars on the Department of Military Affairs while granting us just 3 million, 26 thousand. Their money is spent supporting a bureaucracy while ours is spent bringing money back into the economy, to the tune of almost 300 million dollars last year. Please support any candidate for the Office of Governor who states publicly that he/she will re-establish the Department of Veterans Affairs within State Government, staffed with qualified and competent Veterans who know and understand our Veteran needs. We do not need another bureaucrat.

Around the League Lutheran Church Kicks Off Keweenaw Detachment #1016 Toys For Tots Campaign


ion Lutheran Church, Skanee, MI, kicked off the local Toys for Tots Campaign in Baraga County, MI, with their 8th annual benefit concert for Toys for Tots on October 24! There were a variety of musicians who performed to a packed sanctuary, including some of the youth who participated in raising $820 by collecting returnable cans and bottles over the last five months. An additional $1,209.74 was donated at the concert by guests for a total of $2,029.74. In addition, 110 toys were brought in and placed on the altar as an offering.

Capital Detachment #148

Macomb County Installation

Members of Capital Detachment #148 present a certificate of appreciation to the Flap Jack restaurant for their continued support of the Marine Corps League Rose Program.

New Folder Machine

On May 20, 2010 PDC Adrian Cervini VAVS Rep and VAVS Rep Aux Clara Rhoades presented to the Grand Rapids Veterans Home a new folder machine! It folds, copies and prints. The machine is a gift from the Marine Corps Auxiliary Department of Michigan.

Flint Detachment WW II Medal Presentation. The WW II Marine receiving the medallion is Eldon E. Haemmerlein. Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 11

Around the League Michigan Young Marines Place Flags at the Great Lakes National Cemetery


oung Marine Units from Lapeer, Flint, Eastern Michigan and Lansing turned out in force to place flags on more than 8,000 Veteran gravesites at the Great Lakes National Cemetery. The Young Marines worked in pairs with one carrying the flags and the other placing them and rendering a salute to each fallen Veteran. When the flags had been placed, Rick Anderson, cemetery Director, presented each Young Marine with a flag and thanked each and every one for their dedication to our fallen heroes. Where we do find such fine young men and women? A special thanks goes out to the adult leaders of this program who spend many hours mentoring these young folks. Their goal is to turn these fine young kids into responsible adults who, in turn, one day will give back to their communities. The Genesee County Young Marines held a pancake breakfast fundraiser at Applebee’s Restaurant in Flint, MI, on Oct. 9. The management and staff at the restaurant were really great and gave the unit 100% of the proceeds. The manager stated that this was the most successful fundraiser they have ever had, served over 100 people in the first 45 minutes, and had to go get more food. The Young Marines looked squared away in their uniforms and were very helpful and polite during the two-hour period. This reflected credit upon themselves as a unit. The unit’s volunteer staff spent a long time planning this event, received awesome raffle gifts and ran it very efficiently. The unit had incredible support from the Marine Corps League (MCL) Flint Detachment #155 for this fundraiser. We also appreciate their regular participation in the Young Marine Unit as there are eight League members that are Registered Adults. Also in attendance were the MCL Senior Vice Commandant, Jim Tuohy; the MCL Auxiliary Senior Vice President, Gerri Tuohy; and, the MCL Past National Commandant, John Tuohy (who is also the Young Marine Unit’s Paymaster). I sincerely appreciate the dedication of the parents, unit volunteers, and Marine Corps League and Marine Corps League Auxiliary members. Their investment in the discipline, leadership and teamwork of our future leaders is priceless. This was truly representative of the relationship between the Marine Corps League and the Young Marines of the Marine Corps League. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Robert Borka, Young Marines National Board of Directors and MCL Life Member

Young Marines Annual Golf Outing, Medal of Honor Course, MCB Quantico


he Young Marines held their Annual Golf Outing again this year at the beautiful Medal of Honor Course at Marine Corps Base, Quantico. On hand were many friends and supporters of this great program. Everyone came out to make it another successful year. General Al Gray, 29th Commandant of the Marine Corps, came out with his dog to kick off the event. Sgt. Major Gene Overstreet was also on board, as were many of the Modern Day Marine Expo Exhibitors. The weather held and the day was a great success. Col. Mike Kessler, executive director of the Young Marines, thanked everyone for their continued support of the Young Marine program.

12 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

Modern Day Marine Military Expo 2010


he Expo was back again at Quantico as it is every year. This is the largest of the three Expos with some 700 exhibitors displaying their products for the Marine Corps and other foreign military organizations to purchase. From socks to troop carriers, to IED detectors, this show has it all and is a must for everyone to see. The Commandant of the Marine Corps is usually on board to present awards to the 13 most outstanding Marines and FMF Navy Corpsmen for their excellence in their respective field. As a highlight, the Marine Corps Silent Drill Team performs for the occasion. If you have never attended an Expo, this is one you will not want to miss. It’s held at the end of September every year. Check the dates on the national website at www.mcleague.org. At the Grand Banquet, held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Crystal City, Retired Lt. Gen Ron Coleman was the Master of Ceremonies. The affair was attended by many active duty Marines to include General Jim Amos, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps. The Dickey Chapelle Award and the Iron Mike Award were also presented this evening. Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 13

Around the League

Marine Corps League National Convention Greensboro, NC – August 2010

14 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 15

Communications Veterans’ Medallion Available for Order New Option for Marking Veterans’ Graves in Private Cemeteries


ASHINGTON (June 29, 2010) - Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki announced today that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is offering bronze medallions to attach to existing, privately purchased headstones or markers, signifying a deceased’s status as a Veteran. “For Veterans not buried in a national or state Veterans cemetery, or those without a government grave marker, VA is pleased to offer this option that highlights their service and sacrifices for our country,” said Secretary Shinseki. The new item can be furnished instead of a traditional government headstone or marker for Veterans whose death occurred on or after Nov. 1, 1990, and whose grave in a private cemetery is marked with a privately purchased headstone or marker. Under federal law, eligible Veterans buried in a private cemetery are entitled to either a government-furnished grave marker or the new medallion, but not both. Veterans buried in a national or state Veterans cemetery will receive a government headstone or marker of the standard design authorized at that cemetery. The medallion is available in three sizes: 5 inches, 3 inches and 1 ½ inches in width. Each bronze medallion features the image of a folded burial flag adorned with laurels and is inscribed with the word “Veteran” at the top and the branch of service at the bottom. Next of kin will receive the medallion, along with a kit that will allow the family or the staff of a private cemetery to affix the medallion to a headstone, grave marker, mausoleum or columbarium niche cover. More information about VA-furnished headstones, markers and medallions can be found at http://www.cem.va.gov/cem/hm/hmtype.asp. VA is currently developing an application form for ordering the medallion. Until it is available, applicants may use the form for ordering government headstones and markers, VA Form 40-1330. Instructions on how to apply for a medallion are found on the VA website at www.cem.va.gov/ hm_hm.asp. Veterans with a discharge issued under conditions other than dishonorable, their spouses and eligible dependent children can be buried in a VA national cemetery. Other burial benefits available for all eligible Veterans, regardless of whether they are buried in a national cemetery or a private cemetery, include a burial flag, a Presidential Memorial Certificate and a government headstone or grave marker. The new medallions will be available only to Veterans buried in private cemeteries without a government headstone or marker. Families of eligible decedents may also order a memorial headstone or marker when remains are not available for interment. VA operates 131 national cemeteries in 39 states and Puerto Rico and 33 soldiers’ lots and monument sites. More than 3 million Americans, including Veterans of every war and conflict, from the Revolutionary War to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, are buried in VA’s national cemeteries on more than 19,000 acres. Information on VA burial benefits can be obtained from national cemetery offices, from the VA website on the Internet at www.cem.va.gov or by calling VA regional offices toll-free at 1-800-827-1000.

VSO’s Share Resources and Support


n response to the recent budget crisis negatively impacting service and outreach to Veterans and their families in the State of Michigan, and in a tremendous display of camaraderie and teamwork, the American Legion (AL), Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Marine Corps League (MCL), Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) developed a statewide teaming agreement with the goal of supporting each other both at the VA Regional Office and in field operations. As a result of this teaming agreement, any Service Officer from one of the organizations previously mentioned may attempt to assist you with your claim. While there still may be some legal restrictions on the level of detail in which they can immediately render service, these highly trained professionals will ensure that someone from the organization you have assigned as your official power of attorney will follow up. “Our Service Officers have a long and storied tradition of completing ‘courtesy claims’ for one another,” said DAV Director Tom Wendel. “We have simply formalized what we have already been doing in practice for so many years in the State of Michigan.” Another benefit of the teaming agreement is that it allows already limited resources to be stretched a little further, thus affording even more Veterans, dependents and survivors the opportunity to apply for benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “This is an unprecedented effort amongst Veterans Service Organizations in this State,” reports VFW Director Dan Crocker. “While it was born out of necessity, I think it can benefit us all in the long run.”

16 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

Marine Needs our Prayers


arines, this is from Dave Masunas, our Western Zone Vice Commandant. Could you please pass on to every one to pray for Bob Thraikil? He is a member of detachment, Oceana Brett Witteveen Det. 1225. He is stationed in Afghanistan and yesterday he was blown up by an IED. So far, all we know is that he lost both legs and took shrapnel to his chest area. They are waiting to fly him to Germany once he is stable enough. Thank you, Dave Masunas Western Zone Commandant Department Of Michigan Marine Corps League

Here SHE is, the USS New York, ... It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center. It is the fifth in a new class of warship designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft. Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite, LA, to cast the ship’s bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003, “those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence,” recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. “It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.’” Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the “hair on my neck stood up. ‘It had a big meaning to it for all of us,” he said. “They knocked us down. They can’t keep us down. We’re going to be back.” The ship’s motto? ‘Never Forget.’

No Cola for 2011 – Again


fficials announced that the 2011 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for military retirees, disabled veterans and social security recipients will be zero for the second year in a row.

A Note from our National Executive Director, Mike Blum, to the Membership


ecently, it has come to our attention that a former shirt vendor of National Headquarters has been contacting our customers directly. As a result of serious questions about the company’s business practices, we have chosen to end our relationship with Executive Apparel of NY. The fact that Executive Apparel hijacked the National Staff Roster off the National website and is using OUR roster to send out e-mails (some of them clearly vicious) is indicative of his thought process. We strongly advise our customers to use circumspection in any dealings with this company and recommend against it. Please feel free to e-mail our Merchandise Department with any further questions. The Semper Fi Store – Merchandise Department

Second to None

A war correspondent in Korea during the war told the following story: In an R & R area, well south of the action, there were two separate camps. The first was a well equipped US Army camp that served high quality, hot food and had warm sleep areas. The other was a somewhat bedraggled collection of secondhand tents, with poor quality services available to the war-weary Marines. The army camp sported a large elaborate sign at their front gate which stated: “WITHIN THESE WALLS RESIDE SOLDIERS WHO ARE SECOND TO NONE.” In front of the shabby Marine camp was hung a poorly hand-painted sign, which simply read: “NONE.” Semper Fi Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 17

Communications President Nominates Mattis to Lead Central Command NORFOLK arine Gen. James N. Mattis has spent the last three years largely out of the spotlight, toiling atop two bureaucracies: NATO’s Supreme Allied Command Transformation and U.S. Joint Forces Command, both headquartered in Norfolk. Last month, when he was passed over for Commandant of the Marine Corps, it seemed as if his 38 years in uniform were coming to an end. Then came Rolling Stone and the domino effect. Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, head of the U.S. effort in Afghanistan, was forced to resign after a magazine profile depicted him and his staff as contemptuous of the Obama administration. Obama tapped Army Gen. David Petraeus, head of U.S. Central Command, to replace him. That opened up a plum position for a four-star general or admiral. Thursday, Mattis got the nod to take over Central Command, pending Senate confirmation. He will oversee Petraeus and the war effort in Afghanistan, as well as the U.S. military effort in Iraq. Mattis brings a blend of realism and intellectual rigor to his work. He speaks with candor and confidence, not cockiness. A speech he made recently to the Navy League of Hampton Roads provided a glimpse into his philosophy of war, and his thoughts about the nation’s enemies. Mattis does not rely on dense military jargon to get his point across. In describing the big picture, he references the “values of the Enlightenment,” battles at Yorktown and Shiloh and the Vietnam War. He uses a good dose of humor at the podium, often joking about his status as “senior bachelor in the U.S. military” or being a Marine. “Sometimes we’re prouder to be part of the naval service than the Navy is to have us, I think, because we’re a little obnoxious, but generally speaking, it’s a wonderful team,” he told about 200 people in a Virginia Beach ballroom. Joking aside, he knows what it’s like to be in the hot seat. Mattis led the Marine offensive to subdue the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004, during the height of the insurgency. He has also been tested in the public eye: Comments he made in 2005 about it being “fun to shoot some people” in Afghanistan irked his bosses but didn’t end his career. Afghanistan, he said, is “going to be a very, very tough fight for some time to come.”


He doesn’t use phrases like “Islamic fundamentalist” or “jihadist” when describing who the military is fighting. He calls them, simply, “the enemy” and sees them as the newest in a long line of foes the nation has faced. “This is an enemy, I want to remind you, who has killed more Muslims than he’s killed Jews or Christians or Hindus. It’s an enemy who knows he cannot win at the ballot box; that’s why they use bombs. They know that nobody is going to vote their medieval message in.” He acknowledged the heartbreaking toll of combat deaths and grievously wounded troops, and the steady drumbeat of news about deadly homemade bombs. Mattis said he returned from a trip to Afghanistan about six weeks ago. “The hardest thing for me to convey,” he said, “is that progress and violence can co-exist … ‘How can there be progress?’ we say. ‘Look at these IED attacks.’ The fact is, there is progress.” The Pakistani army has made strides in eliminating safe havens used by the Pakistani and Afghani Taliban, he said, and there’s been a falling out between the two groups. “That’s all good. As far as I’m concerned, let dog eat dog at this point.” Schools are another sign of progress. Girls who were prohibited from education under the Taliban are now going to class. “This enemy does recognize the danger of education to young people, and what it could do to their message,” he said. He does not see Afghanistan as another Vietnam. “It was understandable that some people in Vietnam, under an unresponsive government, said ‘Well, I have hope that things will get better if Uncle Ho comes in with his Communists.’” Afghanis don’t have that illusion, he said. They have already lived under the Taliban’s rule and know their lives won’t get better if they return to power. He uses the so-called Sunni Awakening in Iraq as an example of how things can turn around. After U.S. forces cleared insurgents from Fallujah, residents in the Anbar province of Iraq began cooperating with U.S. efforts to crack down on terrorists. “It was a bloody awful effort to get there, but it did turn, and that’s a fact that remains—that a skeptical population came over to our side. The reason is, we’re the good guys. I never said we’re the perfect guys; we make mistakes. But we are the good guys, and we won them over.”

From the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Carleton W. Kent


Gallup Poll was recently done on the most prestigious branch of service. I know it is no surprise to you what the American people and the world think of the United States Marine Corps! Marines and Sailors that serve with Marines are continuing the Marine Corps legacy with a warrior mentality and indomitable spirit. I appreciate you pushing this info out to all Marines/Sailors to let them know that the American people are in full support of the Marine Corps. Thanks. Semper Fi.

18 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

Recon Marines free cargo vessel from Somalis pirates


RLINGTON, Va. — Force Reconnaissance Marines demonstrated their ship-boarding skills when they rescued a cargo vessel crew from a group of pirates off the coast of Somalia Sept. 9. The USS Dubuque was “just passing through” while traveling to an exercise in Jordan when a distress call from the German-owned Magellan Star came in, said Lt. Col. J.R Clearfield, the commanding officer of the 1st Battalion Landing Team, 4th Marine Regiment, 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit. Nine Somalis boarded the Magellan Star while it was traveling through the Gulf of Aden on Sept. 8. They were pointing their weapons at the Marines, which made the ship difficult to board, said Staff Sgt. Thomas Hartrick, team leader of the 1st Battalion Landing Team. “They kept telling us, ‘Just give us money and we’ll go away,’” Hartrick added. Once they boarded the ship, the pirates suddenly became compliant and backed down without firing a single shot, said Clearfield, an Albany, N.Y., native. “Imagine walking around the corner and having 50 weapons pointed at your face,” said Navy Capt. Christopher Bolt, commanding officer of the USS Dubuque. “Even though you might have postured that you were pretty brave a few hours earlier, when it comes down to looking down, not just one barrel but a whole bunch at one time, people start thinking about their lives.” The Fairfax, VA, native also said “Marines are like a precision instrument combined with the power of a hammer, so they are like precision hammers.” Detaining the pirates wasn’t the only difficult part of the mission. Since the crew had locked themselves in the engine room, they were unaware that the Marines had regained control of the ship, Clearfield said. For an hour the Marines cut through walls with their breaching equipment until the crew had backed into the last compartment and couldn’t go any further, said Hartrick, a Stevensville, Mont., native. On the last wall the Marines cut a paper-sized hole and inserted an American flag patch. When they realized it was Marines, the crew became very jovial and were extremely happy to see us, Clearfield said.


2009-2010 Deceased Members

John W. Finn, USN (Ret) Died Thursday, May 27, 2010 in Chula Vista, California


r. Finn was the oldest living World War II recipient of the Medal of Honor. The citation reads: “For extraordinary heroism, distinguished service, and devotion above and beyond the call of duty. During the first attack by Japanese airplanes on the Naval Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, on 7 December 1941, Lt. Finn promptly secured and manned a .50-caliber machine gun mounted on an instruction stand in a completely exposed section of the parking ramp, which was under heavy enemy machinegun strafing fire. Although painfully wounded many times, he continued to man this gun and to return the enemy’s fire vigorously and with telling effect throughout the enemy strafing and bombing attacks and with complete disregard for his own personal safety. It was only by specific orders that he was persuaded to leave his post to seek medical attention. Following first aid treatment, although obviously suffering much pain and moving with great difficulty, he returned to the squadron area and actively supervised the rearming of returning planes. His extraordinary heroism and conduct in this action were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.”

Marco Adragna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George F. Latendress Keith E. Allen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob Lehr George Andrzjewski. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry E. Lynch William H. Arksey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Lyon Sr. Graham Barton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harry L. Mc Kinley Edward T. Bashaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daniel J. Miller Robert Cataline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard E. Nowak Frederick A. Cosgro Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Clarence Randall Russell Cummer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clarence E. Reisig Edward Dec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dennis A. Robinson Leroy Defoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russell P. Robinson Frank A. Denbrock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawrence Rygiel Harold Devold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otha L. Sanderlin Daniel R. Duggan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur V. Shelstad Michael J. Dupie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Souva Stanley Fillion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph L. Thomas Edwin F. Gibbons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toth, John R. Everett J. Golden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Travis Duane Hager Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert Varga Richard Isbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Wenzell Wayne Jewett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Westgate Raymond E. Kania Sr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gerald Woodruff E.D. Keith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eugene Wroblewski

Active Duty Cpl Jeffrey R. Standfest L/Cpl Anthony Dilisio Cpl Jacob Turbet

Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 19

Events Department of Michigan 2011 Mid-Winter Rally

January 21 & 22, 2011 Lansing, MI … Radisson Hotel Downtown

Room Rate $84 call 1-800-333-3333 or 1-517-482-0188 Or register on the web at www.radisson.com/lansingmi. Use code MCLA11 Reservation cutoff December 21, 2010. After that it will be on space available. Rooms are subject to applicable state, and local taxes

. Name: __________________________Title___________________________________ Address:_________________________Tel#___________________________________ MCL Detachment or MCLA Unit____________________________________________ Name: __________________________Title___________________________________ Address:_________________________Tel#___________________________________ MCL Detachment or MCLA Unit____________________________________________ Strip Ticket: $47.00 Registration: $7.00 #Attending______$___________ Hospitality: $9.00 #Attending______$___________

Banquet $31.00 #Attending______$___________ Banquet Meal is Buffet Style : Meats – Grilled Boneless Breast of Chicken ~ Sliced Roasted Pork Loin Redskin Potato Salad ~ Creamy Cole Slaw ~ Fresh Fruit Display ~ Crisp Vegetable Crudite ~ Fresh Garden Salad with Choice of Dressing ~ Fresh Green Beans ~ Red Skin Potatoes ~ Rolls and Butter ~ Chef’s Selection of Desserts Includes Fresh Brewed Starbucks Coffee and Decaf Coffee, and Iced Tea

Banquet selection needs to be in by January 15, 2011 . Program ad book rates: Size of Ad Full Page - 8 ½” x 11” Half Page - 8 ½” x 5 ½” Quarter Page – 4 ¼” x 5 ½” Business Card – 2” x 3 ½” Patron – (1 Line) ¾” x 8 ½” Back cover - 8 ½” x 11” Inside Front & Back -8 ½” x 11”

Customer Supplied copy $100.00 $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $150.00 $125.00

The Capital Detachment is selling ads to our 2011 Mid-Winter Rally Program Book, to help defray some of the expenses incurred with hosting the 2011 Mid-Winter Rally. All Detachments and units are invited to purchase an ad, as are all Department and Auxiliary Officers. Candidates seeking advancement in the Department line are also encouraged to purchase an ad. Make checks payable to: Capital Detachment #148 MCL Mail to: Capital Detachment #148 Wendy Zamora – Paymaster http://www.capitalmcl.com for more packets

412 W. Harris gunnyz@ameritech.net Charlotte, Michigan 48813 DEADLINE FOR COPY ~ Jan 5, 2011

20 • Michigan Marine News • Winter 2010

A Big Thanks to Our Advertisers

Winter 2010 • Michigan MARINE NEWS • 23



Active, Reserve, Retired or Former Marines and FMF- Navy Corpsmen are eligible for membership in the

Marine Corps League

For further information call the Marine Corps League at


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